Surreal Uprising

By J.J

Published on Mar 8, 2008


Disclaimer: Yeah a Disclaimer, I know they suck but its the rules. First of all if you are under the legal age or viewing illegal content according to your country's laws than I suggest you do not read the next sentence of this disclaimer let alone the story. I do not know the sexualities of any of the celebrities mentioned and it is pure coinsidence to any recognition of anyone that may resemble any character. This story is purely fictional and contains sexual content and some coarse language. If you do not prefer same sex relationships or anything else that has to do with homosexuality then I suggest you don't read this story. So if you qualify or are brave enough to read this and not get caught then sit back, relax, and enjoy.......... Author's Tid-bit: This story involves a relationship between a teenaged boy and an adult. There will be sexual content and some imaginary nudity but this story is definately not pornographic (sorry to spoil that). Feedback is always welcome but junk will be ignored. I do respond to most of the readers but if you don't hear from me then that means I am swamped with comments or ideas....This story is my own and copywrited by me and any purgery will be dealt with accordingly.....Oh screw the rest just enjoy......

Last Time.................

"I'm ready" was all I managed to squeeze out.

"Okay" he said letting go of me shoulder and heading back into the control room.

I walked over to the mic and headphones and got myself ready. I seen the recording light come on, took in a deep breath......

The Surreal Uprising Chapter 4

by J.J

Its been a while since I have seen Justin. Actually its been over a month now. I guess when you are as famous as someone like him you don't really have to time to have a personal life. Sure I talk to him daily but its just not the same. Since I dropped my first song of my demo album sales have been great, across the U.S and Canada, and I myself, have been extremely busy. All of these promotions and little concerts here and there have really helped out alot but I feel like I have been seen in the wrong light.

The thing is to be honest. On my first song, titled "Young" Justin was a duet. And the thing that I have been noticing lately is that the public has come up with the concept that I have been created by Justin or something. Regardless I basically have been living in his shadow and every move I make has been compared to him. Don't get me wrong he is a great guy and I am happy that I know him, but seriously things have got to change.

I scooted over on to the couch of the hotel that I was staying in and picked up the phone to call Chelsea.

"Hello?" she answered

"Hey hows it going?"

"Oh good, everything is great, other then the fact that I rarely get to talk to you much anymore" she said

"Yeah I wish I could so something about that" I sighed

"Be careful what you wish for" she giggled

"Oh shut up your the one who started all this" I countered.

''Yeah I know, and I regret it" she laughed again.

"Anyways, but I have something serious I need to discuss" I said

"Oh whats this? Finally got a sex life? So how was he?" she asked all to quickly

''Holy crap would you just calm down, thats not it at all. Actually its more of the opposite"

"Oooh lack of, okay so whats happening cobweb collector" she laughed

"Okay that was funny, but I need to drop Justin somehow" I said quickly


"Chelsea?" I asked


"You still there?" I asked again

"Of course I am still here. Are you an idiot?"She yelled

"Ouch my ear! What? whats the huge deal?"I asked

"Uhm lets see you are signed on his record label, uhm he basically made everything easy for you overnight, and you guys are, well......kinda sorta together" she said

"I know, but.......sighs It just isn't working for me" I said

"What isn't working?" she asked

"Everything! Well lets see. I feel pressre that I have to stay in the hip hop or pop genre, uhm since I am turning seventeen in a couple of weeks I also feel that I have to keep this squeeky clean image and its driving me up the wall. Then I never get to see Justin, and I do get to talk to him on the phone but each and every new day that comes makes us seem more so like strangers, and that spark. That freaking spark is gone Chelsea" I said

"Wow" she said

"What?" I asked

"Thats it?" she asked sarcastically

"Yeah thats it" I said sighing again

"You know what?" she asked

"What?" I asked

"If it weren't for me you probably wouldn't be there. At least not as fast. But since I have this authority.....''

I laughed

"Okay, no seriously, here's what you do. On a major event do something really dramatic like the Britney and Madonna kiss thing" she said

"Haha yeah I know because that will go over so well" I said

"No you don't have to do the kiss thing, but do something that tells people that you are serious" she said

''Holy shit!!!!!" I yelled

"What?" she asked in a louder tone

"A lightbulb just went off in my head!!!" I yelled again

"What do you have in mind?" she asked

"I have no idea!, but don't worry I will be fine" I said

call waiting beep

"Oh Chelse I have a call on the other line can I let you go?" I asked

'' Call me whenever you can" she said

"Okay love you!" I said

"You to bye"


Transfers call


"Hey hows it going?" Justin asked

"Oh hey its great how about you?" I asked

"Same old same old" he said

"I see" I said

"So anyways quick subject change" he said

"Wow random" I said sounding kind of disappointed

"So tomorrow there is a big event that you have been invited to" he said

"Oh what would this be?" I asked

"Well seeing as Christina has had her baby, I was planning on throwing her a party. Actually its a big event, and there are going to be alot of people there" he said

"Whats the catch?" I asked

"Well......uhm anyways this is all being recorded and its going to be broadcasted. Its a tribute to her and a congratulations to her having her first child and I kinda told her....actually she requested that you perform" Justin said

"Wait a second. Christina Aguleria wants me to perform for a tribute to her?" I asked

"Thats right" Justin said

"Hold on one second"

I put the phone down and did a couple of circles around in one spot and then........well lets just say I couldn't contain myself anymore. I screamed. Actually to be technical about it I screamed really loud. I fan myself off with my hands and shakily picked the phone back up.

"You okay?" Justin asked laughing

"Uhm.....God......who, what, how?" I mumbled

"Well she knows what you sang, actually she heard what you sang at the Cafe and she said she would really like to meet you" he said

"Oh my God! This is crazy, how did this happen" I asked

"Well shes my buddy, and I know how much you love her so I thought I would make worlds collide" he said

"Oh you rock" I said

"Yeah, I try. Anyways, I really really hate to let you go but I have something important that I have to attend to in about two minutes okay?" he asked

"Yeah thats fine" I said sounding diappointed

"Are you sure?" he asked

"Well what can I say?" I asked

"I know we haven't seen each other in a while, and its hard. But I promise I will make things up to you" he said

"There is nothing to make up, don't worry about it. I am fine" I said

"You sure?" he asked

"Yes I am sure, now I am going to go to bed" I said

"Okay" he said

"Goodnight" I said and hung up

I felt really bad about seeming like a major bitch to Justin after that conversation, but I knew I needed to make a change for the better. As much as I cared about him, he was holding me down. Aware of it or not it was hurting my career, And considering I have to do a show tomorrow, for none other then the person that inspired me to sing, I knew then and there that it was going to be my chance.

I looked over at the clock and it was nine at night. I knew it was a bit early but there was no harm in curling up in bed, well the temporary hotel bed, and catching a good nights sleep.......................

The Next Morning

When I woke up I was energized . Now sitting in the back of the limo I was exhausted and not really looking forward to the days events. Even though the windows in the limo were tinted I still wore my sunglasses and stared out the window. The thoughts from yesterday kept pouring into my head on how I was being bitchy to Justin, and he didn't deserve any of it. A part of me felt justified, no pun intended, and another part of me felt really really horrible for being so blind.

That was at least until I opened the newspaper in the back of the limo and seen what was in the first section.

"Justin Timberlake and Jessica Beil are now an item"

When I seen that and then the pictures of the two of them kissing, I went furious. I can tell when someones affection is fake towards another but in this case they were both really happy. Just as I was about to close the paper another part had caught my eye.

"The couple have been seing each other for weeks and keeping things very hush hush"

That was it. I was mad, I was going to lose it. I pulled my cellphone out of my pocket and dialed Justin's number before I could even think about anything else.

"Hello?" he answered

"Yeah" I was saying before he cut me off

"Hey I...." I cut him off this time

"What the fuck is your problem huh?" I asked

"What are you talking about?" he asked

"Oh don't play dumb, so how were you going to make things up to me huh? by breaking up with me for a movie star?" I yelled

"Wait just let me explain, you need to calm down" he said

"No don't tell me to calm down, okay? I know already, I am not stupid, and yeah should have seen it coming, ya know young kid who obviously was a bit confused, and then you on the other should have seen that one coming, you know what I will see you tonight and if you so much as bring up anything other then business so help me god. I am done with your record label and I am done with you, don't even communicate with me when I get there'' I said and hung up.

I looked out the window and thank god I was wearing sunglasses. I know limos are hard to see into but I felt like I was going to cry and it made me feel really insecure. My whole world was seeming to crush before me. I could picture my career going kaputz and just everything going down the drain. And that suddenly made me scared, really scared.

The limo had arrived at the concert hall and I pulled myself together so I didn't look like a train wreck for when I got in there. I pulled the mirror over and fixed my hair and took off my shades. Luckily for me my eyes weren't red at all. Then with one deep breathe in I opened the limo door to a bunch of flashing lights. I could barely see where I was walking and there were a bunch of people screaming my name and I, of course, was looking in every direction. That was my first real paparazzi arrival moment, and to be honest I wasn't suprised at all. A head ache but not suprising.

A man came up and grabbed my arm, gently, and directed me down this red carpet or a mini one I should say. Just by the styling the whole place reaked of Christina, but it was a good thing. I had to stop in one spot and do a pose I guess for the paparazzi and the other media reporters and then that was it. Wisked away yet again but this time into the building into a really nice lounging area that was packed full of people with food and drinks, and the whole works.

I didn't recognize alot of people from the start but as I got to areas with more lighting I could see some familiar faces. I looked over to my left, and there was Lil Kim and Missy Elliot. That right there had me floored. I didn't know why but for me of all people I was beginning to get star struck. I went to turn back around and head for a couch when Lil Kim seen me and waved me over. I put on my best game face and walked over confidently without acting like a little kid. When I got up to her I reached my hand out and she shook it and so did Missy Elliot.

"Its really nice to finally meet you guys" I said

"And the same to you" Missy said

"So how are you liking the lifestyle so far?" Kim asked laughing a bit

"Its different, and it takes some getting use to" I said

"Great answer" Missy said

"Yeah you don't wanna get caught up in the celebrity and think you are king shit or something" Kim said

"Yeah then I would be in rehab" I said

"Oh that was good" Missy said laughing a bit "So what exactly is on your agenda for this event?" she asked

"You know what I have no idea. Justin...." I cringed for a second there "told me that Christina wanted me to perform, but I don't know what I am going to do" I said

"Well you know, I've been listening to your single and I gots to say man, that you are very talented" Missy said

"Thank You" I said

"But" Kim said

"But" Missy said

"What?" I asked

"You need to step it up a notch man. Listen you can put your all into it, but if you want to be taken seriously as an artist you need to act older" Kim said

"Not saying you don't already" Missy said

"And, heres the deal. We already talked to Christina and she has some plans for you" Kim said

"What kind of plans?" I asked

"Well, she isn't here yet, but she said she could see that you were going into a struggle laughs actually she said she could see that you and Justin have this ora circling around, and to be honest she's got a feeling that with you amd him, well its gonna turn into a situation like her and Britney, with the public" Missy said

''So here is your song for tonight" Kim said handing me a piece of paper

I opened the paper and there was a list of three songs, and Hurt was at the top of the list, then there was Dirrty, and the last one was kind of a shocker. It took a second for me to read it but it said Pink Panther, Fever, and Big spender with a big star next to it. I looked up at Kim and Missy and they both had smiles on their faces.

"Don't worry you will do just fine, When she gave us songs right off the bat she said she wanted you to have these three" Kim said

"Pink Panther, Fever, and Big Spender?" I asked

"Oh you wont be doing those ones alone" Missy said

"Who am I going to be doing those songs with?" I asked

Kim smiled then she pointed over to a far corner of the room and I could see a bunch of younger people standing there and socializing and to me they looked extremely familar but at that distance I couldn't quite make them out. I looked back at Kim and she still had the smile plastered on her face. Seeing as she wasn't telling me much Missy came straight out and told me

"You are going to do Pink Panther, Fever, and Big Spender with Jesse Mccartney and Zac Efron" she said

As soon as I heard that one my stomach must have fallen to my toes. For me to work with two of Hollywood's hottest young idols sent my mind into over drive. I didn't know what to say. Both Kim and Missy were looking at me like they were waiting for me to say something but I was at a loss for words. Thats when they both grabbed and arm of mine and began to walk us over to them. We had to squeeze our way through a bunch of people who said the occasional 'hello's' and shook hands and we got there. Jesse was standing there with Ashley Tisdale and a couple of other girls and they recognized us right away.

I never had that many girls trying to hug me at once and as for Jesse I shook his hand and he flashed his million dollar smile at me and I almost melted right there. Kim decided to break the wierd silence.

"So I am going to leave him with you guys, Take care of him okay" she said

"No problem, hes good as gold" Ashley said

"Aight talk to you guys later" Kim said walking off with Missy to a group of a bunch of different artists.

"So are you excited?" Ashley asked me

"Yeah I am, its just a little unbelievable'' I said

"No worries" she said

"Yeah and hey you get to work with me and Zac" He said flashing another grin

"Oh Jesus talk about a walking orgasm" Ashley said

"Your too much" Jesse said to her

"I try" she said

"By the way, were is Zac?" Jesse asked

"I don't know he said he was going to get a drink before rehersals" Ashley said

"Rehersals?" I asked

"Yeah the show doesn't start for another two hours" Ashley

"This is just like pre party" Jesse said

"Yeah I am new to all of this" I said

"Yeah we know" Jesse said putting an arm around my shoulder and playfully punching me

Just before I could say anything else we could here a major applause coming from the entrance area. It was actually more like loud loud screaming, and it kind of aggrevated me to here it that loud, and of course the cause of it all came walking right into the front doors. Justin all in his glory, acting like he was god. It made me chuckle because to me I could see how lame he looked, actually it was really sad that he was a major phony.

"Hey Justin is here" Ashley said

"Awesome man, oh he is looking over here" Jesse said

"Oh dear god hide me" I said laughing

"What why? You guys work together, well he is your boss" Ashley said

"Uhm not anymore" I said

"As of when?" Jesse asked

"As of a couple of hours ago" I said

I looked over and seen that Justin was slowly making his way over to our area

"What are you talking about?" Ashley asked

"Well I quit" I said

Two priceless looks of shock and horror.

"No its not that bad, its for the better" I said

"Explain" Ashley said

"Well, lets just say I was in his shadow and anytime my name gets mentioned everything gets turned around to be about him, and I'm sick of working for someone who has such a huge ego" I purposely said loud enough for Justin to hear as I knew he was within hearing distance. And I got one gasp from Ashley and a puzzled look from Jesse. I turned around to see Justin with such a hurt expression on his face, and I didn't feel guilty at all. Actually I wanted to rip him a new one but I knew not to push buttons with someone that could take me out of the business easily.

"Oh you were there?'' I asked sarcastically "At least I have the balls to say it to your face. So whats your excuse?" I said getting even more puzzling looks. He just sat there for a second and looked like he was going to say something, but he didn't. He turned and started to walk away. "Good Justin, you do what you are best at" I said again turning back to my new found friends for the evening. For me though there expressions changed dramatically

"Dude, that was pro!" Jesse said

"Yeah, but what did he do to you?" Ashley asked

"Long story" I said

"You know what, you are my new best friend" Jesse said drapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Thanks.....I guess" I said

"Oh don't guess, you stood your ground regardless of who he was, and that takes courage......Now, lets go find Zac" he said walking me off in a random direction

We said goodbyes to Ashley and the couple of her girlfriends who were silent throughout the whole ordeal. We walked past a few familiar faces, waved and said hellos and when we went to go over to the "juice bar" Jesse spotted Vanessa a.k.a Zac's girlfriend. She did a double take and then a huge smile went on her face as she came running over towards us.

"Hey you guys" she said

"Hey Vanessa" Jesse said

"Hello" I said politely

"Hi, I'm Vanessa" she said giving me a hug

"I'm...." she cut me off by squeezing me harder

"J.J right? As if I don't know, Mr record time celebrity" she said

"Haha well luck has its ways" I said

"Amen to that" she said

"Anyways" Jesse cut in. "Where's Zac?"

"Oh he's here, he's off moping around, being all lonely and stuff. I swear that boy really needs to hook up with someone soon before he has a breakdown" she said

"Yeah your right" Jesse said

It took a second for me to clue in but I soon got the picture.

"Wait, aren't you guys dating?" I asked

"Oh, no" Jesse said

"You have alot to learn my friend" she said to me

"I am so lost right now" I said honeslty confused

"We were never dating. It was all about publicity" She said

"Oh, well it looked like you guys were" I said

"That means I did a good job" she said laughing and then she pulled out her blackberry and read a text message

"Zac said that if I see you guys he is in the second stage and ready to do rehersals" she said smiling

"Great timing as usual" Jesse said

"Okay well see you guys later" she said

"Yeah see ya" Jesse said

"Bye" I said

Jesse ,once again drapping his arm over my shoulder, walked me towards the second stage area, which just turned out to be a really big room. When we walked in Zac was sitting on a chair not facing us and he was reading over some papers. I presumed they were lyrics. Jesse, finally letting go of me walked over and tapped his shoulder, and they seemed to have done some sort of secret hand shake. I on the other hand stood there for a second until Jesse waved me over.

"Zac this is J.J, and J.J this is Zac'' Jesse said

And then it happened. Zac turned his head and looked at me. But let me get one thing straight. I was definately not like one of those stupid teenaged girls who world revolved around Zac Efron, actually I wasn't really much of a fan at all. He was just a pretty face, and that pretty face was staring right at me not saying anything but more so hardcore daydreaming. I stood there too not knowing what to say or do that was until Jesse, being the clown that he seemed to be smacked the backs of both our heads at the same time.

"Ouch" Zac said rubbing the back of his head

I on the other hand punched Jesse in the side and he began laughing at me. I looked back at Zac and said "Hi"

"Huh...h.....Hi" he said and he blushed

"Anyways, uhm coughs when is the rehearsing starting" Jesse asked

"Uhm, yeah. That whenever" Zac said still looking at me occasionally flashing small smiles

"How about we get started now seeing as the show starts soon" I said

"Good idea'' Zac said answering that really quickly

"Okay" Jesse said.

So Zac got up and walked over to the boom box that was on the stage and put a c.d in. Then he walked over to me and Jesse before he hit play and had a confused look on his face.

"What?" Jesse asked

"How are we going to do this?" Zac asked

"Uhm good question" Jesse said

"Okay vocal ranges?" I asked

"Huh?" Jesse said looking at me

"What are your guys vocal ranges?" I asked

"Uhm well mines a little lower" Zac said

"And mine is uhm in the middle sort of" Jesse said

"Okay so the lower range should definately be done in Big Spender and the beginning of Fever" I said

"Kind like this....."

"(Never knew how much I loved you)" I sang in a deeper voice " and then.......(The minute you walked in the joint)" I sang again

"Sweet that works for me" Zac said

"And Jesse since you are in the middle......(Romeo loved Juliet and Juliet she felt the same)" I sang in a mid ranged voice

"That works perfect" Jesse said all happy and excited

"Cool, but there are going to be some lyric changes here" I said

"Yeah we don't want to be singing it all about guys" Jesse said

"Right okay then from the top"...............................

The show was starting and I was more then excited. That was an understatement. I was pumped. This was going to be my first big stage performance. I've done all the small stages before and they were starting to really get old. Plus its not like people where wanting to hear me that much anyways. Where as here, well people we chanting the names of all the performers and it was making me more and more pumped. I was behind the stage area ready to perform and seeing as I was opening I was even more pumped. I heard applause and some lights come on and out walked Lil Kim who was hosting the whole ordeal.

"Good evening everyone, are y'all ready to get this party started?" she asked

'crowd applause'

'"Good so in case you aren't aware we are celebrating a great performer and a dear friend of mine. Christina Aguleria so with that lets get this party started" she says

'crowd screams'

I looked above kim where a huge projection screen came down and showed a clip with various other clips of Christina and her music zooming through it. I then looked up to the top of the crowd area where Christina was sitting with her husband Jordan and she was smiling and clapping, that was when a stage crew guy told me I had to go out on stage. I got up on the side and waited for my invite.

"So ladies and gentlemen, here to perform our first song of the night is Jesse Jordan other wise known as J.J. Please give J.J a warm welcome" she said

With that I walked out on stage and the crowd went nuts and started screaming. There were lots of camera's following my every move but I didn't get nervous. I stood right up where Kim was and she gave me a kiss on the cheek and slowly walked off the stage. Before I was supposed to perform I was supposed to give a small speech so I did.

"Hello everyone"

'crowd screams again'

''I want to thank everyone for having me tonight. Now I don't know Christina personally but I want to thank her for being my inspiration, and if it wasn't for her talent I would have never went to this small place called the Hard Rock Cafe"

'crowd screams'

"So to honor her tonight I am going to perfom Hurt, the song that started it all for me"

'crowd applause and quiet'

The lights dimmed down and there was a low blue light that was focused on me and the sky view camera began to hover infront of me. The director signalled from three to one and the music started. I quietly cleared my throat away from the mic and then started.

(Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face

You told me how proud you were, but I walked away

If only I knew what I know today

Ooh, ooh

I would hold you in my arms

I would take the pain away

Thank you for all you've done

Forgive all your mistakes

There's nothing I wouldn't do

To hear your voice again

Sometimes I wanna call you

But I know you won't be there

Ohh I'm sorry for blaming you

For everything I just couldn't do

And I've hurt myself by hurting you

Some days I feel broke inside but I won't admit

Sometimes I just wanna hide 'cause it's you I miss

And it's so hard to say goodbye

When it comes to this, oooh

Would you tell me I was wrong?

Would you help me understand?

Are you looking down upon me?

Are you proud of who I am?

There's nothing I wouldn't do

To have just one more chance

To look into your eyes

And see you looking back

Ohh I'm sorry for blaming you

For everything I just couldn't do

And I've hurt myself, ohh

If I had just one more day

I would tell you how much that I've missed you

Since you've been away

Ooh, it's dangerous

It's so out of line

To try and turn back time

I'm sorry for blaming you

For everything I just couldn't do

And I've hurt myself by hurting you)

"Thank You" I said and the crowd went nuts.

I walked off the stage and the crowd was still going nuts. When I got to the back I got alot of high fives and congrats from the other performers that were there. I went straight to the food and drink table and grabbed a bottle of water and downed it quickly. I went over my performance with Jesse and Zac quickly to make sure we had it all synrocnized and thank god we did because three young guys doing the songs we were doing may have been awkard if not done right. After our little rehersal and hearing others perform I got changed and it was now time for me to go up and do Dirrty.

This for sure was either going to be a career booster or a killer. Either way I was going to do my best.

"Please welcome J.J back everybody"

'crowd screams'

The lights were already dimmed thus I could go on stage without being seen. Then again the outfit was a little extreme if you ask me. I had a wife beater on that I took off and a pair of jeans. I heard the music start and the light came on to my top half.

Ah, dirrty (dirrty)

Filthy (filthy)

Nasty (ho), J.J you nasty? (yeah)

Too dirrty to clean my act up (ha ha ha ha)

If you ain't dirrty

You ain't here to party (woo!)

Ladies (move)

Gentlemen (move)

Somebody ring the alarm

A fire on the roof

Ring the alarm (and I'm throwin' elbows) x7

Ooh, I'm overdue

Gimme some room

I'm coming through

Paid my dues

In the mood

Me and my boys gonna shake the room

DJ's spinning (show your hands)

Let's get dirrty (that's my jam)

I need that, uh, to get me off

Sweat'n til my clothes come off

It's explosive, speakers are pumpin' (oh)

Still jumping, six in the morning

Table dancing, glasses are crashin' (oh)

No question, time for some action

Temperature's up (can you feel it)

'bout to erupt

Gonna get my boys

Get your girls

Gonna make some noise

Wanna get rowdy

Gonna get a little unruly

Get it fired up in a hurry

Wanna get dirrty

It's about time that I came to start the party

Sweat dripping over my body

Dancing getting just a little naughty

Wanna get dirrty

It's about time for my arrival

Ah, heat is up

So ladies, fellas

Drop your cups

Body's hot

Front to back

Now move your ass (ha)

I like that

Tight hip huggers (low for ho)

Shake a little somethin' (on the floor)

I need that, uh, to get me off

Sweat'n til my clothes come off

Let's get open, cause a commotion (ooh oh)

We're still going, eight in the morning

There's no stopping, we keep it popping (oh)

hot rockin', everyone's talking

Give all you got (give it to me)

Just hit the spot

Gonna get my boys

Get your girls

Gonna make some noise


Gonna get a little unruly

Get it fired up in a hurry

Wanna get dirrty

It's about time that I came to start the party

Ooh sweat dripping over my body

dancin' getting just a little naughty

Wanna get dirrty (oh, oh)

It's about time for my arrival

Here it comes, it's the one

You've been wait'n on

Get up get it rough

Yup, that's what's up

Giving just what you love

To the maximum

Uh oh, here we go (here we go)

what to do when the music

Starts to drop

That's when we take it

To the parking lot

And I betcha somebody's

Gonna call the cops

Uh oh's, here we go's (here we go)

Ohh ooh ohh, yeah yeah...

To my shock and suprise when it came to Redman's part in the original song, off all people to come out it was Justin. I was shocked but I hid it and did my dance with a bunch of dancers while he rapped


Yo, hot damn, Doc a jam like a summer show

I keep my car looking like a crash dummy drove

My gear look like the bank got my money froze

For dead presidents I pimp like Huddy roll

Doc the one that excite ya divas (ow!)

If the media shine

I'm shining with both of the sleeves up

Yo J.J (Wut), better hop in here

My block live and in color, like Rodman hair (yeah)

The club is packed, the bar is filled

I'm waiting for sister to act, like Lauryn Hill

Frankly, it's a rap, no bargain deals

I drive a four wheel ride with foreign wheels

Throw it up

Baby it's brick city, you heard of that

We blessed, and hung low, like Bernie Mac

Dogs, let 'em out, women, let 'em in

It's like I'm ODB, the way I'm freaking


Wanna get rowdy (rowdy, yeah)

Gonna get a little unruly (ruly)

Get it fired up in a hurry (hurry)

Wanna get dirrty

It's about time that I came to start the party (party)

Sweat dripping over my body (body)

dancin getting just a little naughty

Wanna get dirrty

It's about time for my arrival


Gonna get a little unruly

(Ooh oh)

Get it fired up in a hurry

(Ooh oh)

Wanna get dirrty

It's about time that I came to start the party

Ooh sweat dripping over my body

dancin' getting just a little naughty

Wanna get dirrty

It's about time for my arrival


(Let's get dirrty)

Gonna get a little unruly

(I wanna get dirrty)

Get it fired up in a hurry

(Let's get dirrty)

Wanna get dirrty

It's about time that I came to start the party

(Ooh yeah)

Sweat dripping over my body

(Let's get dirrty)

dancin getting just a little naughty

(Wanna get dirrty)

Wanna get dirrty

(Ooh yeah)

It's about time for my arrival

Uh, what?

Me and the dancers stopped and did the final pose and some fire displays shot up in the back of the stage. The crowd was screaming and Christina was out of her seat and clapping away. I walked off the stage with the dancers and ran to the back. Without thinking I bumped into Justin and he gave me a hug as I jumped up and down from being all pumped up. I quickly let go of him though and ran over to Jesse and Zac and gave them high fives as they were jumping up and down. Justin though walked off to another area.

After watching final performances and clips it was now time for Jesse, Zac, and I to do our bit. We got our outfits put on which were like oldschool classical suits. Underneath the suits were these tight black wife beaters with some fishnet sections on the sides, and some low hanging shorts underneath the pants.

The lights dimmed down once again and we were up on stage, the three of us behind this horizontal pole. There were a bunch of girls dressed up like the live Pussycat dolls sitting on steps infront of our performance area and the were shouting and whistling.

A spotlight came on and it followed the next presenter. Carmen Electra.

"Hey everybody" she said as the crowd applauded

"Now Christina here has worked with the live Pussycat dolls and I remember when she did her skit she mentioned how neat it would be if guys were to do it" she said

'crowd screams'

"So Christina has put together young hollywoods hottest stars to create the show you are about to see. Without further ordeal, her is Zac Efron, Jesse Mccartney, and Jesse Jordan perfoming Pink Panther, Fever, and Big Spender" she said and the crowd went insane.

The opening Pink Panther theme song came on and Zac, Jesse, and I did our best to do guy dances without looking extremely gay or girly in anyway. If I had it my way though.....well thats another story. But anyways our dances where different until the main beat started and thats when we did our syncronized dance together. After Pink Panther there were these man beats that opened for fever and to each beat we took off a piece of clothing until we were in the wife beaters and shorts. I never heard a crowd scream so loud before in my life. It was insane.

Then to follow with the song we took our positions on stage. Zac was up by the pole where we started and Jesse was off to the side on a funky couch and I was sat dead center on the stairs between all of the girls. The girls were touching my body as I moved in sort of an erotic way. Jesse was on the couch not doing too much dancing other then occasionally lifting up his shirt and Zac had the mic in his hand and........


"Never knew how much I loved you, Never knew how much I cared.

When you put your arms around me, I get a fever thats so hard to bare.

Fever! When you kiss me, Fever when you hold me tight

Fever! In the morning, Fever all through the night"

(JESSE)(Taking off his shirt)

"Romeo loved Juliet, and Juliet she felt the same.

When he put his arms around her, he said,

July baby your my flame, now give me fever oh yeah

When you kiss me, fever when you hold me tight

Fever! Ya ya, fever all through the night"

(ZAC)(Big vocal)

Fever, oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah......yeah yeah yeah yeah

(ME) as girls feel me up and down)

Summer time or daytime. Moon lights up the night

I light up when you call my name, (big vocal) you know I'm gonna treat you right, You give me fever, baby

When you kiss me, fever when you hold me tight

Fever, now fever, now fever,

All through the night, Ya give me fever all through the night

(huge vocal) Your giving me Fever, oh ooh oh oh oh oh

Fever all through the night ya ya

The crowd was now going insane for sure. The Big Spender started


The minute you walked in the joint, I could see you were a chic of distinction

a real big spender.....good looking, so refined

Wouldn't you like to know what going on in my mind, so let me get right to the point

I dont pop my cork every chick I see.

(big vocal) Hey Big Spender! Spend a lil time with me


Wouldnt you like to have fun (Zac& Jesse...Fun, Fun Fun)

I can show you a (Zac&Jesse Good time!)

I can show you a (Zac&Jesse Good time!)

So let me get right to the point,

I dont pop my cork for every gurl I see

(big vocal) hey big spender

(Zac&Jesse Hey big spender)


Spend a lil time with me


That was it. We closed the show, and after that, I knew my life was going to be different from there on


Thats it!. Sorry guys for taking so long to continue but life has its demands.

So tell me what you thought. Feel free to express you opinions, good or bad.

Sincerely J.J

Next: Chapter 5

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