Sweet Boy

By Jamie R.

Published on Dec 4, 2004


Before you get to read the story, I would like to say a few words. This story is fictional and is a fantasy. I try to cover many things in my stories, but one thing that I have not covered in this story is safe sex. At this point in the story, it would be hard to incorporate. However, I want everyone to remember that this is fiction, and if it were real life then the characters not only should, but also would be wearing condoms.

Standard warnings apply.

The story is copyrighted to me James Ramsey 2003.

Sweet Boy

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I wasn't very happy about moving into the city, but my mom had gotten herself a job there so we had to move. She could have commuted of course, which I pointed out; but my mom wasn't a big fan of commuting for several reasons. On the one hand, she wasn't that great of a driver, traffic between where we use to live and her new job could be hell, and the final reason was that it would simply cost too much in gas to commute. She did try for a week or so to commute, but she hated it and we ended up moving to an apartment building in the city.

My dad wasn't part of the decision of course. He had long since run off with some pretty young thing, when I was little, which left mom to raise me by herself. I didn't have any brother's or sisters either. I rarely saw my dad. He would come by on my birthday and Christmas to bring me presents or cash, but for the most part, we never saw each other. Of course, mom received child support checks from him and he would call me every now and again, but for the most part, he didn't play any major role in my life.

Mom had found the apartment through one of her new friends, a nice black woman named Monica that she worked with. Monica was one of those heavyset motherly type women that everyone like and who could cook like there was no tomorrow. She had three sons; Tyrone was sixteen going on seventeen, but looked older, Jerome was nineteen going on twenty and away at college, and finally little Joey was thirteen going on fourteen.

One of the first things I noticed about the new neighborhood was that there weren't many white folks to be seen. I would come to find out that, instead of be a majority, whites were considered a minority in the new neighborhood. My old school and neighborhood, in the suburbs, were predominately white. Here I was a short, five foot six inches tall, white boy with shoulder length blond hair, baby blue eyes, and skin as white as snow living in an area filled with blacks and latinos. To say I stuck out would be an understatement.

Our new apartment, not surprisingly, was in the same building as Monica's. Joey, Tyrone, and Monica helped us move. We must have looked somewhat strange moving into the apartment. Mom was as fair-haired and skinned as I was and there we were with a big old black woman and her two equally dark skinned kids. They were nice to me of course, though Monica had the habit of treating me like a little kid, not that I can blame her since I look a little younger than I really am. I looked especially young next to Joey and Tyrone.

Joey was about five foot eight inches tall with dark brown skin, jet-black hair, and deep brown eyes. He had a pretty face and great muscle definition for his age. He also looked older than he really was. Tyrone was a taller more masculine looking version of Joey. He stood six foot two inches tall and his body was covered in lanky cut muscles that rippled and shift as he moved. They both had their heads shaved practically bald. They wore wife beaters and baggy shorts that made them look thuggish.

I tried my best to watch them without being seen, but I think Tyrone saw me checking him out. When he did he got this weird cocky little smirk on his face as if he was thinking I know you want a piece of this. Both boys were naturally cocky and liked to strut as they walked. I got a little excited seeing those two boy's hauling our stuff up to the apartment.

"Be careful with that Joey. It's my computer," I said as Joey picked up one of the heavier boxes.

"No problem," Joey replied. I watched his arms flex as he easily lifted of box and began carrying it inside.

"I can't wait to get back online," I told my mom, as she was handing Monica things to carry.

"Don't worry, honey, we will get you hooked up as soon as they turn on the phone,"

"Good," I said as I took one of the lighter boxes and made my way upstairs. I wasn't far behind Joey and I watched as his tight muscular round ass flex beneath his shorts.

"So you're getting the internet?" Joey asked. "Yeah, I love it," I told him.

"Cool, maybe you can let me do a bit of surfing sometime," Joey replied.

"Sure," I replied while thinking I would have to hide some things on my computer if I ever let him get on it. My mom didn't touch the computer so I kept a lot of things on there that she would be rather shocked to see.

It took the better part of the afternoon to our stuff moved in and part of the night to get it unloaded. Joey and Tyrone were nice to me if a bit rough and crude compared to most guys I had known. I didn't talk a lot since I have always been a tad on the shy side.

Mom and Monica both had to work in the morning. Since it was still summer I was hoping to sleep in, but mom wouldn't let me. She dragged me over to Monica's so that I could stay with Tyrone and Joey while they drove to work together. She has always been a bit protective of me and didn't want me spending all day alone in the new apartment. I don't know why, but I guessed it had something to do with the neighborhood being rougher than back in the suburbs.

When I walked into Monica's apartment the first thing I saw was Tyrone sitting on the couch in a pair of basketball shorts watching TV. I was nervous to be left alone with him. He intimidated me a little, but at the same time, I found him very attractive. I sat down in one of the armchairs and tried to focus on the TV. I glanced over to see Tyrone scratching at his crotch. I could have sworn I saw the outline of his dick as he adjusted his package. Tyrone of course caught me looking again. He smirked like he had before and looked me directly in the eye like he was challenging me. I looked away and back at the TV.

"So tell me something Tommy are you one of those `sweet' boys?" Tyrone asked.

"What is a 'sweet boy`," I replied.

"Come on now, you know what I am talking about. Are you a faggot?" He asked. He didn't say it as an insult really, but there was still that challenge in his voice.

"No way; why on earth would you think that?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah right, I think you're a real 'sweet boy'. I mean hell you're as pretty as some girls I know and I have caught you checking me out twice already. So fess up," Tyrone replied with that smirk of his.

"So, I'm not a rough type of guy. That doesn't make me gay!" I exclaimed.

"Listen to that voice all soft like a girls. Don't lie to me," Tyrone said. He was standing in front of me looking down at me with his crotch thrust out slightly smirking the entire time. I couldn't help, but glance at his crotch and that caused his smirk to get bigger.

"I'm not lying. You must be messed up in the head," I told him.

"Tommy I know you're a fag. Trust me no one will find out if you just admit it," He said softly while locking his dark brown confident eyes with my nervous baby blues. His smirk was gone and he was more serious looking now.

"Where's Joey?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"He ain't here. He's at a friend's. Now admit that you're a fucking fag before I hurt you," Tyrone order. I didn't know how serious he was, but I was scared of him already so I decided to give in.

I was shaking as I said "Ok."

"Ok what?" Tyrone asked

"Ok, fine I'm gay are you happy?" I asked shakily.

"I knew you were a 'sweet' boy Tommy," Tyrone replied.

"Will you leave me alone now?" I asked nervously.

"Naw, I have a better idea. Why don't you pull these shorts down and wrap those pretty white boy lips around my dick," Tyrone replied. I looked at him in shock.

"You're joking right?" I asked in surprise.

"Nope, I could use a good blow job and I bet those pretty pink lips will feel damn fine on my cock right about now," Tyrone replied. I could see his cock swinging beneath his shorts. I thought to myself that he must have not been wearing underwear.

"No way," I whispered.

"Yes way. Come on come sit by me," he said as he grabbed my hand and forcibly pulled me from my seat.

He made me sit on the couch and he sat down beside me. He put his arm around me and I could smell his natural scent mixed with cologne and deodorant. My cock was half-hard and I thought his might be to.

"Now listen to me. I know you like dick and I got a big one. So why don't you suck it. I have saw you watching me. So what is the problem?" Tyrone asked.

"I don't know," I replied timidly.

"Here," he grabbed my hand and placed it in his crotch. "Play with it a little," Tyrone order.

I cautiously began kneading his cock through his shorts. It was very thick. I went from half hard to fully hard as I played with his cock. He moved my hand long enough to push his shorts down his hips to his ankles were he kicked them into the floor. I looked at him with his hard six-pack, his huge black uncut cock, and those cocky bedroom eyes. He smirked at me and gripped the back of my head. I reached for his cock with my hand and my lips kissed it tenderly.

"Yeah, that's it I knew you were a cocksucker. Oh hell yeah, I'm going to make you my little bitch. Now wet those lips and show me if you can suck cock or not," Tyrone said as he pressed hard on the back of my head. I felt his fat bloated cock head slide between my lips. I licked at the taunt flesh and I was rewarded with a drop of sweet precum.

Tyrone kept his strong rough hand on the back of my head holding me down, but no longer pressing. I slowly began to work more of his nine-inch monster into my mouth. The head was large and tapped the back of my throat before I was even halfway down his dick. He tasted great with just a hint of sweat, but I didn't mind. I had wanted to suck his dick the first time I saw him and I couldn't believe I was actually getting to do it.

"Suck that big dick bitch. Damn that tongue is hot," Tyrone said as he smirked down at me. "Strip boy, I want to see what that white ass of yours looks like," Tyrone ordered. I was nervous about this new turn of events. I didn't expect him to want me to get naked. "I said strip bitch," Tyrone demand as I hesitated.

I nodded and did as he was told. I wasn't what anyone would call fit. I wasn't skinny, but just average you might say. I pulled my shirt off over my head and kicked my shoes off my feet. I nervously undone the buttons to my shorts and let them slip to the floor. My boxers were tented by my six-inch cock. I hesitated at my shorts and looked at Tyrone. His cock smirk turned me on as he waved for me to take off the boxers.

"Turn around bitch and drop those drawers," he told me in his deep husky voice.

I turned around, pushed my boxer shorts down to my ankles, and slipped them off. The entire time my butt was turned to Tyrone.

"Sweet fucking ass, I bet you're fucking tight as hell," he said as his large black hand reached up and began kneading my ass. God it felt so good having this black boys hand's on my ass. My cock was twitching from all of the sexual tension Tyrone was emitting.

"Get on your knee bitch and suck my big black dick," Tyrone said after he had kneaded my ass for a few minutes.

I obeyed readily now. I was horny and really wanted to please him. I loved how macho he seemed, how confident he was, and how he was so demanding. He wasn't being mean really and I think he would have stopped if I really wasn`t into it, but he knew as well as I did that I was definitely into it.

"Yeah, you're into this shit ain't you? Look at that hard little white dick," Tyrone said with a laugh.

I knelled before him I reached out, gripped his dick in one hand, and kissed the head. I then proceeded to lick around the head and foreskin, which caused Tyrone to moan "Hell yeah". I wrapped my lips around his cock head and bobbed up and down a few times when I felt Tyrone's hands on the back of my head. I loved how he took control and started to fuck his cock head in and out of my mouth. He plunged it deeper and deeper into my eager mouth. I could feel his cockhead tapping the back of my throat and this seemed to turn him on even more.

He began to force my head up and down on his cock. "Damn boy, you have one hell of a mouth. Better than a lot of the bitches, I know here abouts. Tongue that fucking dick bitch. Oh hell yeah, play with my balls," he moaned.

I continued sucking his dick, I had one hand at the base of his dick and I moved my other hand to his balls and began to knead them gently. Tyrone was slowly trying to force more of his cock into my mouth, but stopped when he hi my throat. I tried to relax to let his cock enter me more fully and it wasn't long until I felt his cock head pop into my throat. God he moaned like crazy. He let it pop back out of my throat and let me catch my breath with only the head of his dick in my mouth before he pushed my head down once more. Once again, he forced his dick into my throat. I could feel my throat contracting around the invader trying to force it out, but this only seemed to turn him on more.

After a while of popping his cock head in and out of my throat, he let me work on his dick on my own, but he kept his hand on the back of my head. He would stroke my hair as I licked his shaft. I even got bold enough to suck on his nuts and this seemed to rile him up. He forced me to start bobbing on his huge cock again and I really got into it. My head was flying up and down. My lips glided up and down his shaft rapidly and my tongue flicked and tongued him the entire time.

"Oh fuck, you are one damn fine cocksucker Tommy," Tyrone said. The way he said it made it into a compliment and I practically glowed from the praise. "God, I am going to nut in your mouth soon bitch so get ready," Tyrone said.

I tried to say ok, but with his cock in my mouth, it came out all garbled. I was using my hands and mouth to bring this big black to orgasm and I loved every second of it. "Oh fuck, damn oh shit here it cums!" He moaned out loud, as his balls drew up into a hard knot at the base of his cock and his shaft to expand. His cock head seemed to get bigger before the first powerful blast hit the back of my throat. The first shot was followed by at least four more that filled my mouth with cum. I had to swallow twice to get it all down. I licked and sucked his cock clean with my tongue and lips before looking up at him.

He released my head. His chest was heaving and sweat stood out on his brow. He reached down and ruffled my hair before telling me to come set by him. I sat down on the couch and he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into his side. I was surprised when he reached over and wrapped his hand around my cock and shocked when he leaned over and our lips met. He had delicious lips, big and thick, I sucked on his bottom lip as he jerked me off hard and fast. It didn't take long at all for me to cum.

My first shot hit my chin and the rest dribbled down my chest and stomach. Tyrone squeezed the last few drops from my cock before leaning back into the couch with his arm still wrapped around me.

"I knew you were as sweet boy the first time I saw you. You're my bitch now do you understand?" Tyrone told me in this voice that was both gentle and rough at the same time. I nodded my head and this seemed to satisfy him. I don't know how long we set like that, but I know I didn't mind moving anymore.

Next: Chapter 2

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