Sweet Boy

By Jamie R.

Published on Jan 1, 2005


Before you get to read the story, I would like to say a few words. This story is fictional and is a fantasy. I try to cover many things in my stories, but one thing that I have not covered in this story is safe sex. At this point in the story, it would be hard to incorporate. However, I want everyone to remember that this is fiction, and if it were real life then the characters not only should, but also would be wearing condoms.

Btw, anyone wanting to edit for me should have a good English background, plenty of free time, and preferably yahoo messenger. Until I find someone that fit's the bill everyone will just have to bare with the mistakes I don't notice J

Standard warnings apply.

The story is copyrighted to me James Ramsey 2003-2005.

Sweet Boy V

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It was Friday and Jerome was due home tomorrow. I was kind of anxious about meeting him. From the way that Joey and Tyrone spoke of their older brother he was a real tough guy and jock. Tyrone and I were home alone at Monica's. Joey was spending the night at a friend's and wasn't due back until Saturday. We were using this time to just enjoy each others company. I was sitting with Tyrone's arm around me on the couch watching TV.

"So are you excited about getting to see your brother? I haven't met him yet and I have been living here for weeks now," I said to Tyrone.

"Yes and no. I mean yeah he's my bro and all, but I hate having to go back on guard with him in the house. It is bad enough how careful we have to be around Joey, but with Jerome it will be worse," Tyrone responded.

"Why will it be worse with Jerome?" I asked.

"Jerome is a real hard ass at times. He took care of me and Joey when we were younger and has always acted like a substitute dad for us. He takes it too seriously at times," Tyrone replied.

"So, should I stay at the house while he is here?" I asked.

"That might be a good idea. I don't want Jerome getting any ideas about me. We have to keep our shit on the down low ya hear?" Tyrone replied.

"Yeah, I hear you. Why do we have to hide from Joey though? I mean he fucks me too," I said.

"Shit, I ain't ready for anyone to know I like guys. I just don't need that shit to get out even with my brothers," Tyrone said.

"I was wondering when you would ever admit that you liked guys. So what does that make us? Boyfriends?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah, we're boyfriends, but don't go getting all excited. I might be dating you, but I am going to have to date girls just to keep my rep," Tyrone replied.

"So I am your boyfriend as long as no one finds out right?" I asked.

"Yeah, you've got to understand, baby, that we have to keep these things on the down low," Tyrone replied.

"Yeah, I get it, but I don't have to like it," I said.

"So are we cool boo?" Tyrone asked.

"Yeah, we're cool," I replied.

"So, we have the house to ourselves. What do you want to do?" Tyrone asked.

"Why don't we go to your bedroom?" I asked response.

"Yeah, we can do that," Tyrone said. I noticed that his cock jumped slightly beneath his basketball shorts.

We stood up together and he held my hand as he guided me into the hall and from there to his bedroom. Tyrone wasn't wearing a shirt and looked sexy with his rippling muscles. I had on a white t shirt and baby blue shorts. My wavy hair hung loosely around my face. We left the door open and Tyrone guided me to his bed. I crawled into his bed and he crawled in with me. He wrapped his arms around me and our lips met in a slow kiss. I felt his tongue lick my lips and I parted them. Tyrone's tongue slipped into my mouth and his hands slid down my back. He slowly worked his hands beneath my shirt. My hands were roaming across his strong back.

Tyrone rolled me over on top of him. I moved around so that I was practically lying on his chest with my legs straddling him. My cock was hard and pressed into his belly. Our lips wrestled and he slowly worked my shirt up. I raised up long enough for him to pull my shirt off me before I returned to sucking on his big fat black lips.

His breath tasted hot and sweet from his toothpaste. His smell: a strange mix of body odor, deodorant, and cologne; filled my nostrils. I breathed his scent in deeply and licked his lips. Tyrone's strong rough hands massaged my back and butt as we continued to make out.

He shift again and rolled me over onto my back. I looked up at that strong black man boy and smiled. He smiled back at me before devouring my lips once more. I could feel his fat heavy cock lying across my left leg as he lay half on top of me and half off of me. Our chests rubbed together and my nipples got hard. I knew he could feel them. The heat rolling off his body was wonderful. His scent, his taste, and his body heat surrounded me. I felt like I was being bathed in Tyrone.

I shuddered when I felt Tyrone's left hand move down my chest. He paused briefly to tweak my right nipple before continuing to move lower. I was slightly ticklish and I shuddered as his hand grazed my stomach. His hand found my hard cock and squeezed it through my shorts. I began to breathe harder and shuddered again from his touch. Tyrone's fingers found the button to my shorts and undid it. He then proceeded to slowly lower my zipper. His hand reached beneath my shorts and boxers to rub my naked cock.

"I want to taste you," Tyrone whispered into my ear as he flicked his tongue across my lobe.

"God, you are so good," I said as Tyrone kissed and sucked on my right ear.

"Yeah, tell me how much you like me, baby," Tyrone said.

"Your mouth his so hot. God, you have such a great body. I love how you feel, how you taste, how you smell. You are terrific!" I gushed.

"Yeah, I know you're into this shit," Tyrone responded.

Tyrone slowly, almost excruciatingly so, jacked me off beneath my shorts. His mouth slid from my ear to my neck. His tongue flicked back and forth across my neck and his hand moved to begin tugging at my shorts. I decided to help him out and I raised my ass up and pushed my shorts down. With his help I managed to wiggle out of my remaining clothes.

I lay there naked as Tyrone continued kissing my neck. He was turning me on so much, that I felt as if I could burst at any minute. Pre-cum began to leak from my cock and he used his thumb to spread it around my cock head, which caused me to shudder beneath him once more. I was panting as Tyrone's big thick lips began to make their way down my neck to my chest. I shivered when his mouth found my erect right nipple. He bit it and held it between his teeth as he sucked on it. His tongue flicked across my nipple and I jerked.

Tyrone continued his journey even lower. I figured he would stop eventually, but he kissed his way down my stomach, which clenched tight. I giggled slightly as he licked my belly button. I groaned out loud as I felt the first kiss on my swollen dick. I was shocked. I never expected him to go that far. I guessed that he was trying to prove that he really did care even though he had trouble showing it. He took me into his mouth and slide up and down on my cock.

I was nearly to the boiling point when I heard a noise. My eyes popped open wide and I looked up to see a muscular black man standing in the doorway with his eyes wide and a shocked look on his face. Jerome was home early. Jerome looked speechless. I couldn't blame him. I was as shocked as he was. I was frozen in fear. Tyrone still hadn't noticed Jerome, but he knew something was up because of how still I had become.

"What's wrong boo?" Tyrone asked as he looked up at my fear stricken face. I swallowed hard and tried to find my voice, but words failed me.

"I will tell you what the fuck is wrong; my fucking brother is a goddamn faggot!" Jerome exclaimed. Tyrone's face paled, which was shocking on someone with his dark skin. His head slowly turned just enough for him to see his brother's angry face. His whole body shuddered and he jumped up off the bed.

"Oh shit, I can explain," Tyrone practically whimpered.

"Explain? Explain!? Explain what? That my brother is a fucking cock sucker? How are you going to explain that shit to me?" Jerome blurted out.

I was scared. Jerome was an inch or so taller than his brother. He was also rougher, more masculine, and more muscular. His anger only made him more intimidating. I didn't know what to do. I covered my wilted cock with my hands and sat there like a deer caught in the headlights. Jerome wasn't looking at me, though; he was looking at his brother. The look he gave him was a sight to see. Tyrone looked like he was going to be sick. Of all the things that Jerome could have walked in on, this had to be the worse.

"It ain't what it looks like. I swear!" Tyrone pleaded.

"What it looks like is that you were just giving this little white boy a fucking blowjob. How the hell is that not what it looks like? Huh Tyrone? How is that not what it looks like?" Jerome asked menacingly.

Tyrone stood with his head hung low. He was staring at his feet looking devastated. I regained enough of my composer to get up and to start to gather my clothes. Jerome was still not paying any attention to me. He was only watching his brother. I was about to bolt, but Jerome was blocking my exit. I dressed quietly and quickly. I stood in the corner and watched the two brothers carefully.

"Tell me you're not some fucking faggot Tyrone. Tell me!" Jerome shouted.

Tyrone flinched and I flinched with him. Tyrone didn't speak. There was really nothing he could say. He was caught. I knew it, he knew it, and Jerome definitely knew it. Jerome finally noticed me. He glared at me. I expected to see hate in his eyes, but all I saw was anger and confusion.

"Who the fuck are you? Why the hell are you here and why the hell is my brother fucking blowing you?" Jerome asked angrily.

"I'm^ÅI'm^ÅI'm Tommy. Our mom's work^Åwork^Åwork together," I managed to get out.

"Why was my brother fucking sucking your dick?" Jerome asked.

"I^Å I^Å I don't know," I said as I shuddered.

"You weren't fucking forcing this little white boy to let you suck his dick were you Tyrone!? I can't believe my own brother would sink so low!" Jerome asked in disbelief.

"No," Tyrone and I said as once.

"What? So he wasn't forcing you?" Jerome asked me. I couldn't believe this. "No, he wasn't forcing me," I said without stuttering.

"I can't deal with this shit. Someone had better start explaining this to me before I start busting heads until I get some goddamn answers," Jerome threatened. I didn't know what to say and neither did Tyrone it seemed. "So what is going on?" Jerome asked.

"We thought we would be alone for a while," Tyrone managed to get out in a soft submissive voice I had never heard him use before.

"Well you're fucking not alone god damn it," Jerome growled.

"It's not Tyrone's fault really it isn't. I^Å I seduced him," I said. I could tell Tyrone was scared of his brother.

"You seduced him? Then why the fuck was he sucking your dick?" Jerome growled at me.

"Uhm, we were^Å" I trailed off. I didn't know what to say.

"Ok, let me get this shit straight. You seduced Tyrone, but Tyrone was sucking your dick? That doesn't make any god damn sense," Jerome said in a slightly softer, but still angry voice.

"Well, it is like this," I decided to be as honest as I could be. "My mom and your mom are friends and we just moved into this apartment building a few weeks ago. Mom doesn't like me being by myself so she has Joey or Tyrone stay with me here or at my house while she works." I told Jerome.

"That doesn't explain why Tyrone was sucking your dick," Jerome said.

"Well, it's like this. Tyrone caught me staring at him when we first moved in and well he figured I was hot for him," I said.

"So what you're a faggot to?" Jerome asked.

"Yeah, I mean yes I'm gay," I replied.

"So what? Are you two fucking together or something?" Jerome asked in exasperation.

"So what if we are?" Tyrone blurted out angrily. I could see tears in his eyes. Jerome looked at his brother as if he had grown a second head. I guessed that Tyrone didn't normally raise his voice to his brother.

"So what!? So what!? I can't believe my own brother is a faggot!" Jerome exclaimed.

"Well I am! Are you happy!? I am a fucking faggot and Tommy over there is my goddamn boyfriend!" Tyrone shouted.

Jerome looked at Tyrone blankly before turning around and walking out the door. I heard the front door slam shut and knew that we were alone. I moved over to Tyrone and wrapped my arms around him. We sat down on the edge of the bed and I watched as angry tears rolled down his cheeks. I didn't know what to think or what to do. All I knew was that keeping things on the down low just got a lot harder.

It was several hours before Jerome returned. Me and Tyrone had used the time to talk and calm down. I convinced him that being honest was a good thing, but neither of us knew how Jerome would react. Jerome came home slightly drunk, but completely at himself. He found us sitting on the couch with Tyrone's arm around me.

"Ok, start explaining guys." Was all Jerome said as he sat down in one of the living room chairs.

Tyrone seemed to be having trouble speaking now that he wasn't angry. I looked from one brother to the other before I spoke.

"It's like this: I'm gay and Tyrone caught me checking him out. He confronted me and asked me to suck him off. I said I would and that's how things started," I told Jerome.

"Ok, I can see that, but how did that lead to what I saw in the bedroom?" Jerome asked me.

"Well, I don't know. How do these things normally happen? I liked him, he liked me, and we started fooling around more. One thing led to another and we started making out. Today was the first time things had gone that far. Tyrone's never done anything to me besides give me a hand job. I never expected him to suck my dick," I said. My voice cracked slightly on a few words, but I was proud of how calmly I managed to say all that.

"So tell me bro are you sweet on this `sweet' boy?" Jerome asked seriously.

"What if I am? Are you going to hate me now?" Tyrone ask bitterly.

"Why would I hate you? You're my bro. You can't help if you're hot for guys. Hell, one of my best friends at college is gay," Jerome admittedly softly.

"Then why did you fucking blow up at me?" Tyrone asked angrily.

"Shit, what would you have done if you caught me or Joey going down on a guy?" Jerome asked in return.

"I guess I would have freaked," Tyrone replied

"Damn right you would've freaked," Jerome said.

"So are you cool with me and Tyrone fooling around?" I asked.

"Yeah, shit, I was just freaked. I'll get over it. I wish you could have told me about this shit Tyrone. Catching you going down on a guy and a little white guy at that is not how I would have chosen to find out my brother was gay,," Jerome replied.

"You won't tell mom or Joey will you?" Tyrone asked Jerome.

"Nah, I'll keep it secret," Jerome replied.

"Cool," Tyrone said in relief.

I smiled at Jerome and I couldn't help but check him out. I really didn't mean to, but he looked so hot slouched down in the arm chair all relaxed and muscular. As my eyes traveled up his body our eyes locked and I knew I had been caught again. I cursed silently in my head.

"So, you two are like dating or some shit like that?" Jerome asked.

"Yeah, are you cool with that?" Tyrone asked in reply.

"Yeah," Jerome said while looking at me. "So how old are you Tommy?" Jerome asked.

"Fourteen," I replied.

"So how long have you two been fooling around?" Jerome asked.

"Since the first day mom made me stay over here," I replied.

I looked at Tyrone, but he wasn't really paying attention to me or Jerome. He seemed to be in shock. I couldn't blame him really. It isn't everyday that you get outed so roughly. I began to look at Jerome more closely. He had a great body, that I could see even beneath his baggy clothes. He was a football player and it showed. He was thickly muscled and well defined.

"So are you Tyrone's bitch or is he yours?" Jerome asked me.

"I'm his," I replied simply. Tyrone nodded in agreement and smiled slightly.

"I see," Jerome said. I could tell he was starting to feel a little drunker and I could see a smirk forming around his lips. I knew that smirk well. It was the same smirk Tyrone gave me. I couldn't help but think that these brothers must be about the horniest guys I have ever met. Jerome scratched his balls and I glanced at his crotch.

"So are you two an exclusive thing or do you still fool around with other people?" Jerome asked.

"Well, I have, but I don't know if Tyrone has," I replied.

"Does Joey or Mom know anything about this?" Jerome asked.

"Not really, no. I mean Joey kind of knows, but not really," I replied.

"What do you mean not really?" Jerome asked.

"Mean he knows that I suck Tyrone off and stuff like that, but he doesn't know that me and Tyrone are like together," I replied.

"How did he find out? Did he catch you too?" Jerome asked.

"Uhm, no," I replied.

"So how does Joey know about this shit and home come I didn't?" Jerome asked.

"Well, I don't think I should say," I replied.

"I'll keep it secret. Just tell me," Jerome order in a confidential sort of tone.

"Well, ok. It's like this. I have the internet at my apartment and Joey came over to use it. Well he got to looking at porn and accidentally got onto some gay sites I thought I had deleted. Well he was horny from the straight porn and figured out that I was gay because of the gay porn and well. One thing lead to another and Joey had me suck his dick and ended up fucking me. Well, Tyrone walked in right about the time that Joey was getting off," I told him.

"So how did Joey find out about you and Tyrone? Is Joey gay too?" Jerome asked curiously.

"Well, Tyrone sort of made it clear to Joey that I was his, well, bitch and that it was ok to use me as long as it was ok with me. And no Joey is straight as far as I know. He just likes getting off," I replied.

"So you go down on horny straight boys?" Jerome asked as he groped his crotch while Tyrone wasn't paying attention.

"Yeah," I replied.

"So if I asked you to you would suck my cock?" Jerome asked.

"If you wanted me to and Tyrone didn't mind, yeah," I replied.

"So what do you say to that bro? Are you going to let your bitch suck my cock?" Jerome asked.

"What? Are you kidding me?" Tyrone asked. He seemed to be coming out of his shocked state.

"Hell no, I ain't kidding," Jerome replied.

"Hell, go for it if you want Tommy. I don't care. You can use my bitch any time you want as long as you don`t tell anyone about us," Tyrone said.

I looked at Jerome and unconsciously licked me lips. Jerome smirked at me.

"So why don't we go back into Tyrone's bedroom, Tommy?" Jerome asked.

"Seriously?" I asked in response. I was freaking out. I couldn't believe Jerome had went from angry older brother to horny older brother in such a relatively short period of time. The thought that these had to be some of the horniest guys on the planet ran through my head once more.

"Yeah, I've never had a 'sweet' boy swing on my joint before," Jerome replied.

"Ok," I said as I stood up. Jerome looked at me and then at Tyrone, who nodded, before he stood up. I began walking towards the hall and Jerome followed me. Tyrone remained sitting in the living room.

"You are in for a real treat, bitch," Jerome whispered as he moved in front of me to go through the open door to Tyrone's bedroom. Jerome shut and locked the door behind us. He sat on the edge of Tyrone's bed and pulled off his shirt. I looked at his torso in awe. He was really well built. His body looked a lot like Tyrone's, but simply more muscular. His muscles were hard and his skin was stretched taunt across them. I looked him in the eye and he looked down at his crotch. I followed his eyes and could see a slight rise in his blue jean shorts.

I kneeled before him and he smirked. He held up a foot and I began undoing his laces. I pulled his shoe off and then his sock before he lifted up the other foot. With his shoes and socks gone Jerome leaned back on his hands and thrust his legs out. I reached for the button to his shorts and undid it. I groped his crotch and slowly unzipped his shorts. He wasn't wearing any underwear. I gasped in surprise when I saw his cock first appear. Like the rest of him it was a bigger thicker version of Tyrone's.

I pulled his shorts off him and watched in awe as his long ten inch uncut monster rose to attention. I gripped his hefty cock in one hand and his balls in the other. I leaned forward and kissed his cock head. He sighed and laid down on his back. I licked around round the foreskin and I sucked on his bloated purplish cock head. I could taste his sweet pre-cum. I held his foreskin down and bobbed up and down on his cock head.

I simply couldn't believe I was getting to suck Jerome's dick after having already sucked Joey's and Tyrone`s dicks. I couldn't get more than the first four or five inches of Jerome's cock into my mouth at first. I would later learn that was more than most girls could. I sucked on him for a long time. I used my hand to jack him off in time to my bobbing head and I rolled his fat balls around in my other hand. I drooled all over that big black cock and felt his strong masculine hands rubbing my head.

Jerome stood up and gripped my head in both hands. He began to slowly fuck his cock in and out of my mouth. I loved how he was taking charge and making me suck his dick. I loved how his thick shaft slid back and forth through my hand. I could feel his fat bloated purple cock head tapping against the back of my throat. I knew what he wanted and shocked him when I opened my throat just enough so that his cock head could pop in.

He gasped and looked at me in surprise as I managed to deep throat nearly seven inches of his ten inch shaft. He began a slow fucking motion and I slowly managed to work more and more of his cock into my throat.

"God, deep throat that big black dick you little bitch. Oh yeah, suck my big dick, bitch," Jerome moaned out loud as he fucked my face. He was really getting hot and horny. He shuddered as he pulled his cock from my clutching throat and his cock head rubbed against my tongue.

I drove my tongue into his piss slit before sliding back down his cock. We worked up a good rhythm of deep throating and knob polishing. I loved how he was using my mouth and throat. I gripped both of his butt cheeks and began bobbing rapidly up and down on his cock. Jerome moaned and began shuddering after a short period of my rapid cock sucking treatment.

I felt the first blast of his massive load splattering against my tonsils and pulled back trying not to gag. His nut filled my mouth to the brim and I had to swallow several times to get it all down. Jerome's legs nearly gave out and he had to sit down before he collapsed. I sucked his cock clean and he lay there panting.

"I see why Tyrone made you his bitch now. Damn that was one fucking terrific blow job," Jerome managed after a short breather.

"Thanks," I said and smiled. I was definitely going to like hanging around these three brothers.

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