Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Oct 28, 2023


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 22. interlude: While they're sleeping . . .

Gregor and Michael are at dinner in a Russian-themed dinner club. Michael is slightly overwhelmed by the fact that there is very little English being spoken. He's never been in such a situation. Gregor stares at Michael, and his intensity both excites and frightens Michael.

"Nothing to be afraid of, boi. And I hope you don't mind me calling you boi, but that's the message I keep getting from you."

"You're quite intuitive, Gregor."

"So, boi, I find out something about you now. This is good. I want to know many things about you."

"Then you'll have to peel me like an onion. One layer at a time, Gregor."

"And if I strip off all your layers, what is left of you, boy?"

"Not sure, Sir, No one's ever tried before."

"What did it do for you, that you called me Sir?"

"It's hard to explain. I guess it's just a response to your intensity."

"That's a good response. It pleases me, boy."

"Happy to please you, Sir. Everyone here seems so intense, so self-possessed, so menacing in a way."

"No one will harm you, boi. I have you. They know that. They can see it."

"How can they see it, Sir?"

"by the look in your eyes, boi. dying to submit but don't quite know how."

"Good description, Gregor."

"You no longer have the right to use my name. If you slip and use it again I am going to slap your face right in front of everyone here, and they'll know you're a faggot."

"that's a hot word for me, Sir. I've heard that Russians really hate gay people."

"Mostly true, but not here. One has to be open-minded to get a membership to this club."

"And Russian, I imagine."

"Not only Russian. Slavic for sure. Ukrainians, Czech, Slovak. All men who escaped to this country to be free of so much hatred at home. So no judgments here. But we're getting off track."

"What track do you want to be on, Sir?"

"My track, boi."

"And what is on Your track, Sir? Where does it lead?"

"It leads to things you've often thought of late at night when your hand is on your prick, boi. All those dirty things you're ashamed to mention to anyone, even to your roommate who has a lot more experience than you."

"That's because he met the right person, Sir."

"And who is the right person for you, boi?"

Michael thinks for a while; Gregor fills his glass with more Vodka.

Michael take a little sip and coughs.

"You'll get used to it, boi. I prefer you drink what I give you. Basic etiquette for someone like you."

"Someone like me? What do you mean?"

"A virgin boi who needs some fortification so he can be opened up, peeled, so to speak."

Michael takes another sip and this time he doesn't cough. He considers Gregor's remark.

"What do I need to be peeled of?"

"the fear you have that I would turn away in disgust if you told me a truth about yourself."

"You might, Sir."

"I won't. Otherwise I wouldn't have brought you here among my own people, some of whom are watching our table very carefully."

"what are they watching for?"

"gestures of submission from you. they know what you're made of, faggot."

"how do they know I'm what you just said?"

"Are you afraid of the word?"

"no Sir."

"than say it. Say what you are. that will please me. that will help you relax."

Michael sips the vodka again. "I am a ...long hesitation . . . "

"Come on, boi. Speak your truth. What are you?"

Michael lowers his eyes and mumbles. "I am a faggot."

"Look me in the eyes and say that, boi, and don't mumble like a frightened little girl."

Michael looks up. "I am a faggot."

"Good boi. And so a layer gets peeled off the onion."

"May I ask a question?"

"Go ahead, faggot. What is your question?"

"Are Russians circumcised?"

"Most are not. I am. Is that important to you?"

"Not sure, Sir. Never touched one that isn't."

"I can arrange that for you right here and now, boi. Do you want me to call someone over to show you?"

"Right here?"

"Well not at this table. But if you go kneel down in the bathroom you'll surely get a close look at a Russian foreskin if you would like."

"I'll pass on that. At least this time."

"what makes you think I'll bring you back here again?"

"if I agree to kneel before you, you will, sir."

"what else will you agree to? Come on, kitten, tell Gregor a secret to make him happy."

"A secret? Okay. um . . . . . boots." Michael goes bright red as he blushes and sweat breaks out on his forehead.

"Really? that's convenient. Look behind you in the far corner but don't be too obvious about it."

Michael drops his napkin on the floor which causes him to turn around to pick it up and what he sees blows his mind.

"I can't believe it. Is he?"

"Cleaning his boss's boots? Yes. Just with a cloth. Not with his mouth. Not here."

"Why is he doing that?"

"Because he's been told to do it by a man who has good reason to rule him. don't ask what it is."

"Is he a . . . um . . ."

"Faggot? Perhaps. Maybe not. Maybe he hates what he's being made to do. Would you hate it if I ordered you to clean my boots?"

"Not here."

"But where?"

"Um, back home?"

"would you need a cloth, or do you have what it takes to clean my boots with your mouth?"

Michael blushes again. "what you said, Sir. but my mouth gets dry quickly."

"then I would spit in your mouth to lubricate it."

Michael inhales quickly.

Gregor smiles at him. "I see. I'm learning so much about you. But before I let you clean my boots, I'll want to see you naked."

"okay, Sir."

Gregor leans across the table and gets his face close to Michael's, and then he spits right in the boi's face. "Don't touch that. Let it slide down your pretty face, kitten."

Michael looks around himself in a panic.

"Don't panic, boi. No one cares that you're my faggot."

Gregor starts to lean in again and Michael sits there frozen, unable to move or react.

"Open your mouth, Michael."

Michael opens his mouth and Gregor spits right into it.

"Wash my spit down with the vodka, boy."

Michael quickly takes a sip, and then another.

Gregor smiles, satisfied.

"And if I slap your face, boi, would your cock stay hard the way it is right now?"

Michael, embarrassed, adjusts himself. Gregor reaches across the table and slaps him right across the face, making a large crack and for just a couple seconds, the room goes quiet. then people start speaking again. One of the men, a tall blond Nordic-looking god, comes over to their table and says something to Gregor in Russian. Gregor quickly replies.

"Mikhail wants to know when I'll display you in the bar."

"display me? What do you mean?"

"We have a stockade-type fence in the bar, and sometimes a naked boi is bound to it and interesting things happen to him."

"I don't think I want to hear about that right now, Gregor."

He immediately realizes his mistake and, sure enough, Gregor is quick to punish him with an even louder slap.

"Sorry, Sir."

"It's time to take you out of here, boi, before you end up on that fence. Stand up and follow me outside. Take one more sip of your drink and then we're leaving."

"yes, Sir."

Michael doesn't understand what's happening to him, but oddly enough, he's eager to find out what happens next.

Gregor gets up and walks out of the building. A few men slap his hand on his way out, smiling at him.

when they finally get into Gregor's truck, Michael has to ask, "What was that all about, those hand slaps and smiles?"

"Congratulating me."

"For what, Sir."

"For making you follow me while my spit is still on your face."

Michael immediately reaches up and wipes his face with his hand.

"Here is a rule for you to follow, boy: never touch my spit no matter where it lands."

"and if I do?"

"You ever been belt whipped, boy?"

"No, Sir. Not my thing."

"then never touch my spit."

"I guess I have a lot to learn."

"Indeed you do."

"but will I get to suck your cock tonight?"

"That goes without saying. Once you're naked and kneeling, you'll get it good, boi. You told me your roommate won't be home tonight, right?"

"that's right, Sir."

"Well then let's go back to your room and you can get naked the way you're supposed to in that room. Then I can teach you a few things, Michael. Just things you're ready for."

"Sir, I'm not sure what those things are."

"Understood. I'll figure it out for both of us, and we'll both have a very good time tonight. Promise."

"Sounds good, Sir. I still can't use your name?"

"I'll let you use it again after you've swallowed my Russian cum from my Russian prick, like a good faggot, boy."

"Yes, Sir."

Michael isn't really sure that he'll want to tell Brandon anything at all about this, but he has two days yet to make up his mind. Or Craig. What's he getting himself into? He sits back quietly and stares at Gregor's hands that are both on the wheel of his truck. They're big, just the way he likes them, he discovers. He's discovering a lot tonight.

Next: Chapter 23

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