Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Nov 6, 2023


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 28. Preparing for the first outing together

From Brandon:

He had me stand and He held me tight and tongued my neck above the jeweled collar He had locked tightly around it, the collar which would signal to those who were in the know what it is that I am: owned. The collar is locked and sealed and I will never be able to take it off. To some it will simply look a bit odd. To others, however, it gives away my secret: I am someone who must obey; I am someone who is directed by some Master's lash; I am the bearer of the pain and it fills my mind and heart with the humbling reality that I must often kneel and bow to the ground and obey One Who is Superior to me, the One I am meant to serve in every way whatever He demands. And this has always been my destiny, ever since I had found myself wishing that my friend Gary would give me a good spanking some day.

"Today I am bringing you out into public," He tells me. "Simple free folk will be present, and you may blend in with them freely. Some, however, will know what you are the moment they see what is around your neck. Those men will look at you with a particular gleam in their eyes. They will know that you are ruled and that mostly likely disciplined. The most perceptive among them will realize that you have recently been crying like a punished brat, and they will try to imagine what marks you bear on your body. Perhaps I will bring you into a private room and have you drop your pants so that they can see just how much you are being taught how to behave by your Master. Be conscious of this at all times, and the pain you feel should remind you that even more is to come when we get back home." I fear that strap. Just two lashes has caused so much pain. Master has told me that there are no safewords when I am being punished, but I'm wondering whether or not I could just call a safeword on the use of the strap? Dare I ask? Or maybe instead, I should just realize that this is how Master chooses to punish His slave and I have no other option but to take it and surrender to the pain. I hate to admit it, but this last thought really turns me on. Wow! I have a Master. Master punishes me when I displease Him. Master's punishments are very painful. I am a painfully punished slave.

He chooses what I am to wear and dresses me Himself, briefs and jeans and a simple shirt and sandals. Frequently He kisses me or bids me open my mouth so He can spit into it and have me drink what He gives me. I have permission to drink at the gathering, but only water. If He allows me to eat anything, He will give it to me Himself: "here, try this, boy." He will say.

The Host of the gathering is married to a slave and if possible, He tells me, I will help the slave serve the guests, for I am a slave as well and slaves are only at peace when they are serving Superiors. Everyone there will be gay, and I might be surprised at whom I meet, and I am not to stare. There will be several rooms for guests to explore and roam, and you may do so freely; however, you are not allowed to sit anywhere (although He assumes I would rather not sit since it would be painful). The strap He has tied around my balls is capable of sending a very light electrical current through them; if Master requires me to be with Him, He will activate the current and that will be my signal to find Him immediately and stand by Him with my eyes lowered. He intends to keep me fed, for it is the last meal I will be allowed with Him today, so He will require my presence frequently, a constant reminder that I am not a free boi but am being kept on an electrical leash. If anyone asks who owns me, I am to answer, "Master Justin," and not worry about who might overhear that. Word will quickly get around so it won't take long before everyone knows my status. There will be no sexual activity during the gathering, but, like Master told me, I might be sent into a private room to be inspected by a curious guest, but only with Master's permission and with Him present.

We will stay until most of the guests have departed and I will assist the host's slave to clean up afterwards while Master will enjoy sitting and speaking with the host. After everyone has left, I will be stripped naked along with the host's slave and the two of us will come and kneel before our Masters and do their bidding.

When it is time to leave, I will put on my underpants only and carry the rest of my clothing, neatly folded, to the car and we will come back home where I will receive the remaining lashes of my punishment and then service Master's needs once again before being allowed to return back to the dorm, fully dressed only to strip when I get back to my room. I am to send Master an email this very night before I go to sleep, and reveal to Him the thoughts I had over the weekend. Master will want to know about Michael and how he is doing after his adventures over the weekend.

After telling me all these things, Master embraces me again and kisses me, flooding my mouth with His saliva and I am beginning to feel that when I drink from Master's mouth, I am taking in important nourishment that helps me be the best slave I can possibly be at this stage in our relationship.

All that being said, we leave for the gathering. It is indeed painful for me to sit in the seat in Master's car, but He pays no attention to my discomfort. Master reminds me that the only reason I am sore is because I had to be punished sooner than Master had expected.

From Justin:

I've never brought a slave to one of these get-togethers before, but I texted the host and let Him know that I will be bringing one with Me this time and He is looking forward to meeting the boi who has merited My trust enough for Me to bring it out into public so that others who understand will know that a boi slave has finally conquered My heart this way. I know the slave is going to be surprised to find out the host's identity and that this is going to have repercussions for the rest of the school year.

I've given careful instructions; I've often thought of how I would want a slave to behave if ever I decided to bring one with Me, so My wishes were well thought-out and it was easy to tell brandon what was expected of it and how it was to behave. This is new to me, to be bringing a slave out in public like this, and so I am curious about what it will be like. I know it is very important to Me for this slave to be able to realize at every moment what it is, and I think that the restrictions and requirements I put in place concerning its behavior will insure that will happen. To be honest, I really hope that brandon does nothing to warrant further punishment; the three lashes it will get before heading back to the dorm will be more than enough to keep it sore for most of the coming week. I am thinking that I will use My large wooden spoon on the slave's body next time and save the strap for formal punishment. That is more than enough for now in the slave's development and I wouldn't be surprised if that is as far as we go for a good long time before this slave is ready for any more severe implements. I am surprising myself: this situation is fine with me; I don't seem to need to get any more severe with this boi. I am getting more satisfaction out of lashing its body and hearing its sincere cries and seeing its tears than I ever got flogging the daylights out of a pain pig who could take it all without making a sound. There was no satisfaction at all in that and I had begun to be very tired of it. When I beat brandon, it is the expression of a relationship and I find that I am able to have a sense of the pain I'm giving this boi in relation to what it has experienced previously; therefore, I know that this is true punishment and I don't have to be a total sadist any more.

Once again, I realize that the rules are changing and that this is a totally new kind of experience for Me, and that is fine. Just the fact that I actually want to have this slave be in public with Me indicates that this is really a different kind of relationship for me. I am looking forward to seeing how things develop if this boi can stick with Me for a while. So far I am not experiencing any need to seek something more mainstream as far as corporal punishment goes, and I am content to wait at least another week before I take the slave anally and train it that way.

Much to my delightful surprise, I find that I am acutely sensitive to this boi's reactions to things, and I am sensing that the boi's inner slave is thrilled with what is going on right now. At least, I hope that is what I am experiencing and it is not must a figment of my imagination. I suspect that at this moment, the boi is dreading the punishment to come later on today, but if my hunch is correct, by the time we leave the get-together to come home the boi will actually be craving from Me what it now fears; it will be almost ready to beg Me for it. Maybe not; but if it happens, I will be very pleased. Only time will tell.

Andy is coming to the get-together as well but is taking a separate car since He most likely will leave the gathering earlier than we will, and hopefully with an eager sub in tow, or even a vanilla trick if that is all he can find. Apparently he's been speaking to brandon about what to expect at the brunch and that is helping the slave feel less nervous. He's becoming a good type of "friend" to the boi, as far as it is possible for there to be a friendship between a slave and another Dom. What I mean, I guess, is that Andy is a calming gentle presence in brandon's life here at the house, and He tells the slave things that are helpful, and I suspect He is also becoming a confidant for the slave. I hope so anyway, because I don't think I would trust the boi to anyone other than Andy. I certainly appreciated the way Andy jumped to help the boi out when we had to get him away from a homophobic roommate.

Andy leaves before we do. When we get into the car, I note with satisfaction that My slave really has a good sore ass and will be feeling it for quite a while. I decide to initiate a brief time of "free conversation" while driving part of the way to the brunch.

"May I ask a question, Master?"

"Sure. This is free space, boi. I told you."

"thank You, Master . . . . " the boi hesitates and is obviously nervous about what it is going to ask.

"Come one, boi, out with it . . . . you will not incur punishment for what you say during free space."

"Well, Master, Your slave was just wondering whether or not it would be permitted for the slave to call a safe word concerning the strap? It hurts awfully. I'm afraid I'm not tough enough to endure it."

Justin takes time to think things over.

"I know how much it hurts compared to the little whip I was using before, but this is how a Master trains His slave how to take pain. It is necessary. And besides that, I've already told you that when it comes to punishment, there are no safe words permitted. Nonetheless, this what I have decided: I will only use the strap for punishment, for now. And I will only increase lashes by two or three rather than by five. Tonight, you will receive two lashes instead of three. That is what will happen."

"Oh, thank You so much, Master. If the strap is only used for punishment Your slave can surrender to it as such, and bear the pain it deserves."

"And some day it might even be possible that you will only be punished only once a week or even less."

"A good goal for the slave to have, Master."

Justin laughs. "We'll see, boi, we'll see. You are just beginning to learn to behave and think like a true slave, and I know that punishment is one of the things that helps break you of your proud free boi spirit and get you to accept what it is that you are and that what you will continue to be. The slave has only a little freedom about this, and you have tasted that freedom. Other than that, the only thing the slave can possibly do is give up all hopes of being owned as a slave forever."

"Master is so wise, and Your slave understands what You are saying because it has already begun happening, to tell the truth. Your slave has been thinking that if it wants to be Your slave it must surrender to Your discipline and punishments."

"And what did it decide?"

"It decided its destiny is to be a slave, hopefully Your slave, Master."

"Good boi. Okay, we are getting near. Free space is over. You will remain silent unless spoken to by a free man."

brandon is always about to say "yes, Master," but then realizes that it has been told to remain silent.

The house is large and beautiful and there is a field behind the house where the cars are being parked. Justin parks the car. Before getting out, He demonstrates to the slave what it will feel like when He summons it using the electrified ball strap. It is not painful, simply obvious. "thank You, Master, for demonstrating it, and thank You, Master, for guiding Your slave and helping it get ready and know how to behave in public with You for the first time."

"You are welcome. Silence now, sweet boy." He kisses its cheek and gets out of the car and comes to the other side to help brandon get out without too much pain.

They walk around to the front of the house, Justin walking with one hand on the slave's collar.

Next: Chapter 29

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