Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Nov 26, 2023


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 51. Alan's touch

"Wow. This room is really nice and clean. I expected a freshman dorm room to be like a junk yard."

"brandon and I like things to be neat so we take good care of our room."

"and which one is your bed, Michael? No, let me guess." He looks around the room and then goes and sniffs each pillow. "Ah, this is the one. This is your bed."

"How could you tell, Alan?"

"This pillow has your scent on it. Such a sexy scent. Come here and let me bury my face in your neck, dude. I want to eat up your scent."

Michael goes to him and Alan buries his face in the boi's neck and begins to kiss and lick all over him until Michael tries to get away from him, giggling.

"No, dude, don't try to get away from me. Let me take what I want from you. bit by bit. I won't hurt you. Not yet, anyway."

"Okay, Alan." Michael raises his head and gives Alan total access to his neck and Alan licks and sucks on it and then reaches down and raises the boi's t-shirt over his head then stands back and looks him over.

"Damn, I like what I'm seeing, boi. Do you mind if I sit on your nicely-made bed?

"Sure. Make yourself comfortable."

"Michael, do you know what I would really like to hear?"

"No. What, Alan?"

"You saying `yes, Sir.'"

There's a lengthy pause but Alan is amazingly patient.

Finally, Michael clears his throat and says, "Yes. Sir."

"Please look into my eyes when you say that, boi."

Michael looks into Alan's eyes and sees nothing but kindness in them. "Yes, Sir," he says, sounding as if he means it.

"Now please look down and say that."

Michael lowers his eyes and even his head a little as if in a bow and says, more quietly, "Yes, Sir."

"Good boi. Now I want you to tell me something and makes me sure you're being honest with yourself and with me. I want you to tell me which felt better, eyes up or eyes down."

Again, a pause. (author's note: just thought this would take an incredible actor if this ever becomes a film)

Eyes lowered, Michael says "eyes down, Sir."

"I'm pleased with that. I hope you've come to realize that you might well be a true sub, boi, and I'm hoping that I get a chance to find out it that is true."

"Been trying to figure that out, Sir. Haven't had a lot of good experiences yet with Doms, to be honest, Sir."

"Always be honest with me, Michael. I'm sorry things haven't gone well. Unfortunately that's often the case for some subs who put up with things they shouldn't have to, just because there's so much competition. They settle. And porn doesn't help that either."

"Understand completely, Sir, but if I'm really a sub I'm learning to draw a line. There's a big difference between discipline and abuse, Sir."

"I'm glad you understand that, Michael. Do me a favor, will you, and start playing with your nipples while we're talking. Both hands, please."

It doesn't take a long pause this time. Michael stands there in front of a seated Alan, and his fingers are toying with his nipples.

"Yes. And of course there is always a question of limits and expectations. And that demands communication. You look so hot doing that for me."

"My roommate has a Master that he only sees on weekends, but the two of them are emailing each other back and forth sometimes several times a day.

"Now I'd like you to put your hands behind your head so I can get a good look at your armpits. Oh, I've heard of them. Is your roommate a slave to one of the students here named Justin?"

"Yes, Sir, brandon, my roommate, is a wonderful guy and awestruck by Justin, in love even."

"Oh yes, Justin has really begun something that looks very good for the both of them. Has anyone ever shaved your hair? Do you have pubic hair? Some say brandon is far too young and too new at this to know what he really needs."

"With all due respects to those who doubt him, brandon is an amazing young man and knows himself very well. He tells me that he's found what he came here to look for. Never been shaved, Sir, and yes, full pubes."

"I'm looking forward to meeting them then, tomorrow. A special event for gay Master/slave couples. Please lower your pants enough so that I can see your pubic hair, boi."

Michael exposes himself as asked. "Come up closer to me now, boi."

Michael steps right at Alan's knees. Alan reaches up, grabs a handful of pubes and lightly pulls on them a few times. Michael closes his eyes and breathes deeply.

"Although the event is only for M/s couples, because I'm relatively young (I'm 23) I'm allowed to attend with a sub. I have to honest with you, boi: either you will shave them off yourself or I will do it the next time we get together, if there is a next time."

"Yes, Sir, if we meet again. I'm afraid to do it myself, though, or I would have already done it."

"Well that's perfect, then. I'll shave you bare, boi, and that includes those armpits as well."

"thank You, Sir."

"Not now, though. You can take off your pants and underpants and stand here naked before me. And remember to keep those eyes lowered like a good sub. It's too soon for punishments. . . . . . . . . very good. Stripping naked for me got you hard already? Interesting." He holds out the palm of his right hand. "Put it on my hand. So tell me how it feels to be living with an owned slave."

"Sometimes, I'm a little jealous, Sir, but need more time before ever . . committing to anyone. I need to find out lots of things." Michael is finding it a little harder to get the words out. Alan moves his hand down to hold on to Michael's balls and holds them tightly.

"I have a few things I'd like to help you find out right now, boy." Michael's cock has a drop on its end. Alan takes his other hand and swipes the drop with a finger and then puts his finger to Michael's lips. "Taste yourself." Michael sucks the tip of Alan's finger.

"Tomorrow night's event would be very interesting for you, indeed. Very, let us say, educational. This wouldn't count as getting together, but would you perhaps like to attend?"

"That would be possible, Sir?"

"Well, you would have to attend as my sub? I haven't made any commitment yet."

"What would that entail, Sir?"

"Subs must be naked. Subs must not speak unless given permission by their Doms. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, your roommate will be talking about something."

"Do subs have to perform sexually, Sir?"

"You wouldn't. Don't forget, the other subs are all slaves in committed relationships and will do what their Masters command them to do. They'd have no jurisdiction over you. Only I would and I promise not to ask you to do anything."

"Okay, Sir. I'll do it. And would it be possible for you to shave me tomorrow, Sir? I'm free all day."

"Yes, but it will have to be at my place. I could see you at 4. I'll give you a light supper and we'll take off for the event from there. You'll need to walk there. It's only two blocks off campus and it's in a safe area. Besides it's daytime."

"Okay, Sir. I want to make you proud to show off the sub you just shaved, Sir."

"Of course, that all depends . . . suck my finger, boi. Show me how you would suck my cock."

Michael goes to town on it. Alan inserts a second finger. And then a third. Michael struggles a bit with three fingers in his mouth. Alan withdraws. "You did real well, boy, even being willing to struggle until I decided for you to stop. Like I said, you're a natural, boi. Some subs have to be taught all this stuff and sometimes it isn't easy on the sub to have to be disciplined over something so basic. Back up a bit now so I can stand up. I want you to undress me. Get me naked like you."

Michael starts with Alan's shirt. Alan keeps speaking. "I'm confident that you will convince everyone there that you truly are my sub just by the way you behave with me. That means your physical bearing, your eyes, the fact that most of your attention is fixed on me, that you're not looking around like a child at a circus, quickly comply with any orders I give you---orders, not requests---Michael has his pants off and his socks. He is wearing a pair of black briefs.---Kneel upright before me now, boi. Don't take these off. Put your mouth to the material and get my cock hard by sucking through my briefs. , , , That's right, boi. You can be all the slut you want to be on me, boi. yeah. get me hard that way. nice. there you go, boi! victory. Now take them off me."

Michael pulls them down and loves the look of Alan's 7 inches and he rushes in to lick it, but Alan pulls back and slaps him across the face, not too hard. "manners, sub, manners."

"Sorry, Sir. Forgot myself."

"that's understandable, boi, for a new sub just learning its way. It's easy to forget what you need to learn. Tell me, can you handle spit, boi?"

"Yes, Sir." Michael thinks of all he had to take from Gregor.

"Well then open your mouth. I want to lubricate you with my own spit before you put your mouth on my cock, sub."

Michael leans his head back and opens his mouth wide. Alan leans over his mouth and lets several globs of spit fall into the boi's mouth. "Now don't swallow. Quickly. Get my dick in your mouth, sub. There. let it slide in with my spit as lube. Make sure you are aware of just how much I am humiliating you. Suck me nicely, boi, all the way down sometimes. Tonight and tomorrow, sub, you are my personal cocksucker, naked and shaved in front of my friends who learn there is a new sub in town. I bet they would really enjoy seeing the new boi sucking his Dom's cock almost like a slaveboy, but don't worry, you're not ready for something like that yet and I promised I would not ask for anything sexual. Fuck, you are making me feel so good, boi. Tighten your mouth a bit more as you suck up and down. Maybe you need more lube. Head off my cock, boi. Open your mouth again. And once again, Alan gets a lot of his spit into Michael's mouth and then quickly fucks his mouth with his hard cock. Michael chokes a bit but quickly gets back into the rhythm Alan likes.

Michael ends up learning a number of things that night and the cheeks of his ass were nice and pink before he finally fell asleep in Alan's arms.

We've got to get back to the other guys. We'll see Alan and Michael again a bit farther on, at the Master/slave gathering being held at the Professor's house in the evening.

Next: Chapter 52

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