Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Dec 1, 2023


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 54. The Professor's Club Meeting

On the way to the meeting, Justin gives a bit of information to the slave. "This is a lovely affair, not too long and quite relaxed even though there are certain rules."

"Permission to ask a question, Master?"

"Yes. You want to know the rules." brandon shakes his head. "All slaves are naked or in gear, and collared and leashed. Masters usually let slaves roam free during the social time before things begin. The couples are there strictly as couples and there is no interplay, although some Members do make arrangements for outside the meeting. The Professor manages the guest list. Sometimes slaves are restricted for particular reasons. He told Me that one slave will be completely hooded and unable to see for the entire Meeting. Some slaves are forbidden to speak. These things happen in situations where members might know each other outside the club and that would be very uncomfortable for them both. I also have to tell you a surprise: Michael will be there."

"Michael!!!!! I guess that date worked out really well for him."

"Apparently it did. You'll both have time to talk, but don't monopolize each other or you'll both be restricted. And the Professor wishes to speak to the two of you privately before things begin. What else? Oh, no alcohol or drugs, not even poppers. Some slaves are used in demonstrations. I've volunteered you for one of them."

brandon is aching to ask but he's keeping quiet, hoping Justin will just give in and tell him.

"Glad you're not asking. If I told you now you'd spend the entire time there worrying about it, and it's not any big thing, not worth worrying about. Just trust Me."

"Always trust You, Master. Well, almost always."

"You're getting better. My strap is a great teaching tool."

"So is the flogger, Master. Just a different kind of pain."

"Yes. Every instrument sings its own tune. And I have a lot of instruments, boi."

"And You own this slave, Master and can try them all it You wish."

"that's about all I have to tell you. Oh wait: Masters have chairs to sit in, slaves are on the ground between their legs or in some other position. Slaves speak only when addressed; raise your hand at other times. All may partake of drinks and little refreshments. You will drink only from My mouth as usual. I will hand you things I want you to eat but don't expect much. I don't want you eating. I want you paying close attention to everything."

When they get there, brandon's clothing is put in a locker. Seven couples have arrived. All of the slaves are "off the leash," so to speak, and are mingling with one another. Justin tells brandon to go have a good time. The one slave who is leashed is also hooded, so brandon knows who that is. It crouches on the ground so its Master can move around and guide it with the leash and a crop. Its body is drawing much attention because of how severely this slave has been whipped, probably last night because the marks are reasonably fresh. Since its mouth is covered by the hood as well, they all know it may not speak, so no one speaks to it. It's somewhat comical watching it sort of "hop" from place to place in that crouched position, but it's a good solution for getting it around and apparently Lou doesn't want to simply deposit it somewhere.

brandon is shy but two of the slaves are speaking with him. they are both older, probably mid twenties. One of them says it's been owned by its Master since it was a freshman in college and brandon's particularly interested in talking with him. His name is Cutter and his Master's name is Gabriel, so they agree to ask their Masters to get in touch about letting Cutter and brandon have some time to spend together. Maybe even tonight if they get permission to speak to their Masters.

Ah! Alan walks in with a very naked and very shaved Michael and unleashes him immediately. The two roommates hug one another and immediately Alan indicates that the Professor wishes to see them in His office, so off they go. They enter the office and immediately the Professor orders them to kneel and hold hands. Strange, but He must have His reasons. The Professor speaks, "I welcome you both here and hope you have a nice time and learn a lot. I want you to know that this is the very first time I have ever allowed U students to attend one of these Meetings, but I have kept My eye on you both and know you are trustworthy. I know you are aware of how strict a code of behavior I follow at the U, and have never had any contact whatsoever with current U students. Yet here you are, both of you naked, at a very exclusive and quite kinky gathering. Please don't give Me any reason to regret My decision to allow you to be here. Squeeze your hands together and promise Me absolute confidentiality. No other U students must ever learn of this.

They both make their promises, the Professor allows them to stand and to go join the others.

Master Chuck and 17 are the last to arrive. 17 has a black eye and a number of bruises on its arms and torso. It is happy to see brandon and the two get a chance to chat; brandon introduces him to Michael. It says that this is its first time here with this Master. brandon asks if 17 is doing okay but it doesn't answer because Master Chuck just snapped His fingers calling the slave back and leashes it. 17 stands next to Him with its head bowed. It's limping a bit; Michael whispers to brandon that 17 had several marks the look like cane welts on the back of its legs. brandon whispers to him, "Can you believe it? Master told me that He used to be rough as Master Churck." "Hard to believe, the way He coddles you, honey." "I suspect you were coddled yourself last night although your ass does look a little pink."

"I was, brandon. It's like night and day what I got from Craig and the way this Man is treating me. Oh, I'm only here as a sub. Observing only, Alan told me." "so that's his name." "Yes. You wouldn't believe this, but he's a friend of Gregor's. But not Russian." "Has he ever been to that place Gregor took you to?"

"can't say. We didn't talk about it except for him to tell me that he's not at all like Gregor, and then prove it to me."

"Good, sweets. I'm happy for you." They both hear a chime. The Masters take their seats and each slave gets down next to them. Justin is allowing brandon to sit back on his heels in a kneeling position facing outward. He plays with brandon's shoulders a bit.

It turns out that Andy is the Host for the evening. After introductory remarks, He throws out the first question for discussion:

"To those of You who own your bois, at what moment in your situation did You decide You owned the slave with You here tonight? And if You do not at present own this slave, what would it take for that to happen?

Lou answered first: "I am not interested in owning this or any slave. It would tie Me down too much."

The Professor spoke next: "We are all aware, of course, that true ownership of one man by another is not legal, and yet many us still like to use the word, especially because it gives the slave the reassurance of being considered permanently under the control, rule and discipline of its Owner, while at the same time it give the Master the reassurance that the slave will not stray or seek assignations with other Doms without the Master's permission My slave has been with Me for over twelve years now. It had been "owned," so the speak by another Master Who was quite ill and near death and Who asked Me to take the slave as My own. I willingly took it, ordering it it to tend to its previous Master until that Master passed away and then I took pity on it and helped it through the grieving process. As time passed the slave was able to settle in well with Me and began to fear that I would keep it only temporarily. I reassured it by claiming "ownership" and it has gratefully served Me ever since. Once same-sex marriage became possible we were married, which now places a legal bound between us."

Another Master named Julius answered that He does not believe in ownership but this slave is begging for it so He is in the process of considering it. "What would it take?" Andy asked. "When and if I decide to keep it permanently to the exclusion of three other promising relationships, then I will reexamine My feelings about ownership and perhaps lay permanent claim to it. However, I have now forbidden this slave to ever mention it again. To me, ownership would mean 24/7 and although it is with me four days a week now, that would be a big step for Me and I've never considered it before. Sorry for the length of my answer, but obviously things are somewhat complicated."

Master Justin speaks up next. "My slave was the first to use the word because it needs the sense of permanence it suggests. I agreed since I realized I did not want it to serve anyone else. This is also new for Me. When I say I own this slave even though it does not live with Me, what I mean is that I am exerting control over most of the details of its life when it is not with me but is living in a dorm on campus. Again, despite the legal prohibitions, I do feel that this slave belongs to Me and will be in this situation for a long time to come."

Master Brian says that He will not consider anything permanent unless until the slave with Him this evening has begun being trained as His urinal.

Master Robert says that the slave with Him is a prostitute and so He would never be interested in owning it until the time when it willingly turns all its assets and income over to Him but will continue as a prostitute as long as it is desirable to others.

Two other Masters also indicate that they have used Master Robert's slave themselves and wish to continue to do so. They both refuse to consider ownership but encourage the slave to surrender to Master Robert's control and demands.

Master Chuck reports that He has decided to claim "ownership" of the slave with Him because this slave is capable of being treated as severely as He wishes and has already surrendered all assets.

No one else has anything to say.

At this point, Andy asks the second of the four questions on the agenda for this meeting:

"Does the slave You have brought here tonight have employment outside of this relationship?"

Master Justin is the first to speak. "My slave is still a college student, but I have already decided what kind of career it will have after graduation." brandon is so humiliated by this answer that he turns around and grovels before Justin and Justin allows it.

Several of the slaves have careers and their Masters indicate that they will continue in these careers, owned or not. Three of the Masters indicate that their slaves turn in all wages to their Masters.

One Master, Master Leroy, owns a ranch and His slave works the ranch alongside regular ranchhands and is sometimes required to serve them as well. It is kept under careful control at all times and is subject to discipline by the ranch manager as well. Hard labor is its lot and when not laboring or serving it is kept locked in solitary confinement by its own request. This is the first time in over five years that Leroy has allowed this slave off the ranch and brought it here so it could be further humiliated and disciplined.

After a few other Masters have commented on the question, Andy raises the third question:

"What arrangements, if any, have you made to ensure the slave's financial well-being should anything happen to you?"

The Professor explains again that He has married His slave so all assets would go to him. He also mentions to those who do not know it that His slave is a lawyer and He offers it to the others whenever any legal arrangements need to be made between the Masters and their slaves.

Five other Masters have either married their slaves or are considering it. Two Masters have made provisions for the slave in their wills.

Master Chuck replies that should anything happen to Him, arrangements have already been made for this slave to be turned over to Master Leroy as a permanent ranch slave.

Master Leroy indicates that in the event of His demise, His slave will become the property of one of His ranchhand supervisors under the same arrangement.

Master Justin doesn't answer this question.

One Master named Sylvester, quite wealthy, explains that He has set up a substantial trust fund for His slave which will be turned over to him in the event of the Master's death or incapacity.

Two Masters indicate that since their slaves are not owned and do not live with them, they would simply revert to their usual way of life.

Lou asserts that this slave with Him tonight only submits to Him rarely and that He has no interest in what happens with this slave when they are not together.

Once that discussion ends, Andy raises the fourth and final question for the evening, concerning the issue of what is being called "emotional bondage."

Three Masters object to the term itself and say they don't understand what it might mean.

Five Masters say that they simply aren't interested in anything other than the usual BDSM dynamic devoid of emotional content.

Three of the married Masters admit that their marriage is the result of a love affair in which they each have their respective role to play. Brandon is particularly interested in this because it is something he might see happening in his relationship with Justin.

Justin admits that there is a strong emotional connection between Him and the slave already and He expects that to continue unless the slave for some reason claims its freedom. Brandon can't imagine this happening.

One Master who hasn't spoken up all evening says that He is aware that His slave is in love with Him but the feeling isn't mutual, so therefore it is true emotional bondage, and He takes full advantage of His slave's feelings and that gives Him even greater power over this slave than He has ever enjoyed. Nonetheless, He refuses to consider this as a permanent situation.

This ends the discussion part of the evening. On to the demonstrations.

Master Chuck gives a brief presentation on cutting and uses His slave to demonstrate how it can be done safely. The slave knew this was going to happen and willingly submits. This is the first time that this slave has ever been cut and it is tied down tightly as a precaution. While the cuttings are made, the slave weeps copiously but doesn't beg for it to stop. Brandon is completely grossed out by the entire thing and is glad He is groveling and cannot see any of it.

Master Ollie, who hasn't spoken before, gives a beautiful demonstration of the shibari technique of rope play and Master Leroy offers His slave as the subject for the bondage technique and asks how long a slave can be kept in this type of bondage. He and Master Ollie agree to meet at another time to explore any possibilities for long-term bondage with this method. Justin orders Brandon to sit up and observe.

Master Leroy demonstrates the use of the bullwhip with His own slave as the victim. After the demonstration, he brings the slave to a different room in the house to provide the necessary first aid. Interestingly enough, the slave remains silent while being whipped. Brandon starts to tremble and Justin has him turn around again and rest his head in His lap so He can comfort the boy.

Finally, it is Andy's turn to demonstrate three different thicknesses of canes. He planned to use brandon for the demonstration but Justin shook His head "no," and another slave was selected for the demonstration. Andy whispers to the slave that this will not hurt much and then peppers the boi's ass and upper back and the slave is amazed at how erotic it feels and how light the degree of pain.

Next He demonstrates a thickness that can be used for punishment and a blindfolded man in his twenties who frequently stars in spanking and punishment videos. He is made to be on all fours on top of a platform and Andy goes to town on him. The fellow loves to cry out and scream and has a high pain tolerance. Andy goes to town on him and by the time He is finished, the boi has a bloody ass and is helped off the table and is brought to the room where Master Leroy will take care of him.

The final cane, very thick, is the kind used in countries where judicial caning is still utilized. Master Chuck's brute slave is bound and receives "six of the best" and the Masters are invited to come up close to see the results of this type of beating.

And with that, the demonstrations are completed for the evening. The last thing that happens is that those Masters who wish sexual satisfaction after what turned out to be an arousing set of demonstrations make use of their slaves in full view of everyone else. But before this begins, the Professor asks Justin and Alan to leave with their young charges. He does not want them present for any sexual activity.'

Brandon is very quiet in the car on the way home and Justin gives the boi his space. There was a lot to process. After they arrive back at the house and brandon is once again stripped and lying in his Master's arms, Justin asks him if he would like to attend future meetings of this group. Brandon asks if he could spend some time thinking about it and Justin agrees and then proceeds to make tender love to the boi after cleaning out its butt before fucking it. Brandon cries while Justin is fucking him. Afterwards, Justin plugs the boi's hole once again and puts it in a diaper. He asks brandon why he had been crying and brandon can't really explain why. It was just an accumulation of the entire evening, he says, and also of how lucky he feels that he belongs to Justin and not to any of the others at the meeting.

They fall asleep in each other's arms once again, so brandon goes to sleep wrapped in a love which helped comfort the boi after what turned out to be an upsetting and confusing evening.

Next: Chapter 55

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