Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Dec 8, 2023


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 59. Morning: an interesting solution

Justin woke up before brandon and they were face to face. Justin notices how long and beautiful the boi's eyelashes and is surprised at Himself because He's never really paid a lot of attention to the subs He's played with in the past. "Damn, I am so hooked!" He says to himself, and is trying not to think of the worries He has about this boi's well-being, especially after last night. Always the same question when He looks back over recent things that have transpired: "Did I do the right thing?" Only this time the question doesn't have to with pushing the boi too hard, but rather about holding the boi back from the self-destructiveness that masochists have to learn to deal with. Actually, it's His own damn fault, the piss. It set the boi off and it really frightens Justin because this is the first time His main concern is what's good for His kinky little subboi, and He's not just taking the slave at its word when it starts wanting to get much more wild than would be safe. He shudders to think what would happen to the boi if anyone else ever had the boi and heard what it was asking for. He knows that He's always taken a sub at its word, and most others probably do the same thing. But what stopped Him last night?

Love. That damn thing again. He wouldn't do anything the slave was asking for because He realized that it wasn't thinking rationally and was asking for what would better have been just a really hot masturbation fantasy. Damn! That's what it was! A masturbation fantasy. He think of some of He own favorite themes and scenarios and how they are always far beyond anything He ever would try out for real. Why did brandon get hooked into that mentality? Was it what He'd made Brandon do before supper? Did He push too hard? Did He do the right thing? Oh no, here we go again! And now the question arises, what kind of tone and pace should He set now, especially since they're about to begin a very special week in the boy's life, and the longest extended time that they've ever been together as a couple. And how He wonders whether not all that's coming has also added to the pressure in the boi's mind and just placed too much stress on him.

Suddenly brandon's eyes are open and Justin drinks them in, all their luscious brown liquidity, all the façade of innocence that Justin finds endearing even though it's just a mask the boi wears a lot of the time. He winks at brandon to see if He'll get a reaction. He doesn't get the reaction He suspected, that's for sure.

"thank You, Justin, for protecting me from myself last night. don't know what got over me."

"I was puzzled Myself, boi, and it's a good thing I had a clear head about Me and didn't just go and do everything you were fantasizing about."


"Yes. I thought you were spouting one very big very hot very extreme fantasy, the type of thing you usually think about when you used to masturbate."

Brandon winks at Justin. "Maybe You should let me. Maybe the pressure's just built up too much. I mean me jerk myself off, not You, Master. Don't mean to be disrespectful, but . . . ."

"But you might very well be right, and we're going to test it out. Hold on a minute." He gets up and goes into His dresser drawer and takes out a key on a long piece of string, takes it to the bed, and unlocks the boi from its cage.

"You mean right now?"

"Yes. Right now. You want poppers? Lube? What was usual for you?"

"Both, please, Sir?"

"Hold on, then. But dammit, don't touch yourself until I give you permission, brat!"

brandon winces at the word but knows it's a warning not to go too far. Quickly he lets go.

Justin come back with the stuff. "I'm staying right here with you but I won't interfere unless you start talking to me. Would that ruin things?"

"No! Told You, Master, that this slave can't cum anymore without You, without hearing Your voice."

"Okay, then, but make sure you understand that whatever we say is all just a fantasy to get you off, not something that we're actually going to do." He hands brandon the lube and puts the popper to the boi's nostrils while it lubes itself up and starts to stroke. Quickly, the popper hits.

"I want to be tougher for You, Master. I want to be the one You've whipped the most in Your life. I want You to cover me with welts and scratches and make me cry and scream like the slut I am, bring me all the way down into sub space. Please, Justin."

"Please what?"

"Please fucking own this slut, Master. Please tie it to the whipping post and send it beyond itself into the kind of agony that real slaves would feel when getting whipped. Slavery is real and legal and You own me, Master and You can be as sadistic cruel as You've ever been."

"that would be pretty wild, slave, and get Me off too, owning you like a real legal slave who's been enslaved because of some crimes you commited and were stripped and collared and condemned to be a slave for all your life and in order to make you realize what you are, slave, your Master is going to whip you until you're bloody, till the blood is flowing down your back and your ass and your front and you can't scream any more because you've lost your voice and all you can do is sob. You're going to be punished like the criminal you are. This isn't a game here, slave. I'm gonna fucking break you."

"Yeah, dude. please break this slave so it has no mind of its own anymore and all it can think of is how to please You and how much it deserves to be hurt and punished like the worst slave ever, and invite your friends to see it too, and let them have a crack at me too, And then all of you fuck me and get my blood all over yourselves and then make me clean your shitty dicks with my mouth and You order me to drink Your piss, to drink all their pisses and you start slapping me across the face after I clean off Your dick with my mouth."

"this is what it's going to be from now on in your life, slave. and once you heal from your wounds I'm going to whip you all over again, every single time and if you ever disobey even the slightest command from Me I will find other ways to torture you as well. I'll fucking brand your ass now that you belong to me, slave. And get you a heavy metal collar that I'm gonna have welded on to you so you can never escape..

`I'M CUMMING. HOLY FUCKING SHIT. OH HOT. AND IT JUST KEEPS CUMMING AND CUMMING! Oh fuck. Kiss me, Master, please, kiss me and tell me You love me. Please?"

Justin gets right to it and as they're kissing He puts His hand to brandon's cock and rubs the cum all over him and kisses him and pours all His juices into him and revels in hearing the boy groaning even though it breath is still short and slowing down. And brandon folds himself into his Master and slides He gooey self all over the Master's hot body, and he pulls his mouth back from Justin and looks into His eyes and says, "I never realized what it would be like to love someone as much as I love you, Justin. Thank you so very very much for helping me do this!"

"That's what I'm here for: helping My boi be better and not as stressed and behave better for Me because it realizes how much it loves its Master. But now, boi, showers and piss! All at once. Come on!" And he jumps out of the bed and lifts brandon with him and they are soon standing together beneath all the flowing warm water and bathing each other gently with the soap that smells like honey and vanilla as they let their piss flow down the drain.

"It feels so strange to piss out of my full cock," says the boi. "Well, you're not going to have much a chance to get used to it because that cage is going right back on you when we're done here, boi."

"Yes, Master, please lock up Your boi so it can feel safe again. It feels weird not caged."

"How quickly you learned!" says Justin as He gets out of the shower to dry Himself and then hand the slave one of its towels as well.

Then time to brush teeth and deodorant and try to dry all that hair on the slave's head. But then Justin takes a good look a brandons groin and decides it would be a good idea to give the slave a clean shave all over again, but this time He's not going to chain up the boi's hands. It will have to learn to be still.

He puts the slave back in the shower and orders it to put its hands behind its head, and as it obeys He notices that the armpits could use a good shaving as well.

All the time He's doing this, brandon gets hard and Justin chuckles as He slaps the boi's hard dick down and the boi grunts. "That what you'll get if you fucking move, slave," Justin says, back in His Stern Master voice.

brandon stands as still as He possible can except when Justin raps his dick again.

Finally, Justin is pleased that the boi is a bare as a two-year-old, hoses it off and then dries it with one of His own towels as a treat for being good. They go back into the bedroom and the boi is still hard.

"Okay, boi, this is going to call for drastic measures. Get your ass upstairs and bring down some ice cubes. You know the drill."

brandon groans but runs right upstairs, hoping no one else is in the kitchen to see him uncaged and hard. Quickly He comes back down hold the ice cubes in a couple of paper towels. He's not completely hard any longer, but Justin wants him shrunken before putting on the cage—a new cage, by the way, a bit smaller than what the boi's been used to. He had this planned anyway.

brandon howls while Justin gives him the ice treatment until he's shrunk way more than usual and Justine quickly snaps the new cage on it and it is very snug and brandon looks down and groans.

"It's time, boi, it's time. You've been swimming around in that cage for a while and you know it."

"You own Me, Sir. Do what You think best. Your slave surrenders to Your will."

Justin locks the cage and then kisses the boy in the nose. "So now I have a question for you, slave."

"What is it, Master?"

"Do you still want Me to get the cane and cane you all over the place while you writhe on the floor?"

"Did I ask for that last night?"

"Pretty much. So I'll be happy to do it now if you really want."

"Um, could You maybe hand spank Your slave instead, Master."

Justin chuckles. "That can be arranged. This is punishment for groaning when you saw the new cage I was putting on you. For a moment you forget that that cock I'm locking up doesn't belong to you. It belongs to Me and I can do anything with it I want to."

"Yes, You can, Master. Please punish Your slave so it stops resisting things."

Justin takes the boy by hand into the living room and sits on the couch and puts the boy over His lap and starts spanking, gently at first, but picking up the pace until the boi is groaning and starting to move around trying to get away from the Master's punishing hands. Quickly He stops and starts caressing the boi's bright red cheeks, and the boi purrs like a kitten while still inhaling through its teeth because of the soreness.

"What are you, boi?"

"Your slave, Master."

"Who owns you, boi?"

"You do, Master, totally. And this slave is the luckiest slave in the world to have a Master who knows so much about how to subjugate it."

"Glad you realize that, boi, because you are the luckiest slave in the world. Anyone else would really have beaten you bloody when you were getting carried away."

"Thank You, Master, for protecting this boi from itself."

"All good Masters need to do that, boi."

"Well You, Master, are the very best."

Next: Chapter 60

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