Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Dec 14, 2023


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 63. Adventures on the road.

Justin opens the door for brandon to get in the car and gets pleasure watching the slave trying to maneuver itself in as painless a way as possible, but there is no way it can be done. A tear comes to its eye as it finally sinks down into the seat and Justin reaches in and pats it on the face before walking around the car to get into He own seat.

"Take down your pants," Justin orders, and enjoys the discomfort it takes for the slave to obey. "That's good, boy. Now take off your shirt and then put it over your lap." Justin smiles as He sees the slave obeying him. "There. that's good. Nearly naked. A good way for you to ride in My car, slave. And your Master has pretty free access to most of your body, slave, just as it should be. Now put the seat all the way back and lie down on it and see if you can get some more sleep while I drive us out of the area."

brandon is grateful for the time to sleep because this slaveboi is really tired after the weekend they both had, and is happy its Master has made it strip for the long car ride. It's just about to close its eyes when its Master asks a question.

"When did you first realize that you needed to be naked in front of others, boi?"

"Junior High, maybe, Sir. That was the first time we ever really stripped down and took showers together, when we were probably about 12 years old, Sir. This boi really wasn't interested in peeking at the other boys' bodies, not really, but it began feeling something inside when it was able to walk around the gym naked and get into the showers. The other boys teased me a lot because I still had a little boy dick and no hair while most of them had started sprouting something over their cocks. A couple times Gary would get behind me and grab onto my arms and make me thrust out my little junk for the other boys to see and they'd make fun of me and call me "hairless henry" and "Gary's little brother" and stuff like that. Gary used to make me stand next to him as he and the other boys got dressed and I was always the only boy still naked in the gym and sometimes they'd stand around me and watch me get dressed, and I always had to put my shirt on first so I would stay bare down below the longest."

"Were you embarrassed?"

"at first, sure, Master, and really upset when word got around school that my nickname was "hairless henry," and even the girls knew, but Gary and Phil, our other friend, told me to "suck it up" and to feel special because I got so much attention from it, and besides, Gary would always take me for ice cream after school and tell me he was proud of me for taking all the teasing without crying like a little girl. And when I started jerking off, that same year, I would think about being naked while all the other boys were dressed, and I started getting turned on by them making me stay naked longer than everyone else. A couple times I got hard when the guys were making fun of me and that gave them even more reason to tease me and they changed my name to "hairless henry with the hard little prick" and a couple of the guys would make me get myself hard sometimes and then laugh at me because I only had about 3 inches back then. Late bloomer."

Justin starts to chuckle. "That's kind of funny, boi, because now you're hairless again and your dick is kept little by the cage, just the way I like it. Move the shirt over, boi, so I can look at your bare crotch and the cage. . . . that's a good boy . . . . and I bet you really get off on having to be naked in the dorm, don't you, you little faggot pig?"

"Yes, Sir, this faggot likes it when it's the only one naked in the dorm and most of the guys don't stare at me anymore like they did at first. But some of them like to give me a pat or a slap on my bare ass, and that makes me happy, Sir, because You're the one Who is making this boi stay naked all the time."

"I'll bet it feels natural now for you to be naked in front of all the guys who have their clothes on, doesn't it, sweet boi?"

"That's the way it should be, Master. Your slave used to read a story on line about a farm that had slave bois and they had to be naked all the time, even when there were women around. The slaves never had clothes to wear; it was the custom in that society. All slaves were naked."

"Women too?"

"No, Master. Women were always dressed. It was only guys who could be enslaved in that land. This boi used to jerk off when reading the story and wished it could be naked all the time like in the story."

"I wish I could keep you naked for the wedding, boi. Would that get you hot?"

"don't think so, Sir. Not with my Mom there and all the other women. And Barry. Wouldn't want to be naked in front of Barry."

"Why not?"

"Not sure, Sir. Maybe it's just because Barry is going to be like a step-dad for this boi now."

"But Barry knows all about kinky guys. Probably sees a lot of naked slaves when he visits his brother. He told me that his brother has a slave."

"Really, Sir?"

"Yes, indeed, so if we ever take a trip to San Francisco, which I would love to do, I could make you strip at Barry's brother's place and then Barry will see you naked, just like his brother's slaveboi."

"Master, Your slave apologizes for being reluctant to being naked around Barry. All that is up to You, Master, Your slave doesn't really have the right any more to say who can see it or not."

"Good for you for realizing that, boi. I was wondering when you would make the proper connections. In fact, I'm going to find a reason for Barry to visit us in our hotel room, and you will be stripped the way I want you to be in our room. So get used to the idea, slave."

"Yes, Master."

"Enough talk now, boy. Close your mouth and your eyes and get some rest."

"Yes, Master, thank You, Sir."

and brandon snoozes while Justin drives.

And while He's driving, Justin thinks over the protocols He's already put in place for brandon on this trip and sees if there is anything else He wants to add to the list. He wishes He could keep the slave shirtless when they make stops along the way, but that probably won't be possible, especially not when they are indoors, but wait: He could have the slave pump the gas in shorts and flip-flops. Sure. And it's so fucking adorable when shirtless with that collar around its neck. And of course, He can keep the slave naked when they visit Cousin Pete later on today. ETA is about 4 this afternoon.

He spoke to Pete on the phone this past week so He could get the "lay of the land," so to speak. Pete told him that His place is remote and very private so He keeps flip (His slave's name) naked outdoors as well as indoors, so that's convenient. Pete also told Him that He could enjoy flip's body if He wished but Justin explained that it was too soon in His relationship with brandon to return the favor, although it might be fun to have each of the slaves blow the other Master, so they agreed this would be on the playlist for the evening. He also explained to Pete the protocols He's put in place for this week's trip and the reasons for doing so, and Pete understood completely and even praised Him for making good decisions to help eliminate stress for brandon considering the circumstances. In fact, Pete agreed that both slaves will eat and drink from bowls on the floor. Pete doesn't usually do this with flip except when it's being punished, but He'll simply tell the slave that this is the way things will be during the guys' visit. That will be no problem at all.

Pete told Justin that flip has a big dick and He enjoys looking at it, so He rarely keeps the slave caged but He will if it will make Justin more comfortable, but Justin didn't think that necessary. Besides, it will be an extra measure of humiliation that brandon will be caged but the other slave's dick will be swinging free in the air. Justin asked Pete about His practice of corporal punishment and discipline. Pete explained that flip is flogged once a week but isn't due for several days. He had an idea and suggested that they tie the two slaves face-to-face and work them over with riding crops while they are making out and Justin readily agreed provided each of them whips its own slave, and so they agreed that would make for an enjoyable entertainment for all of them. Justin explained to Pete that although still a beginner, brandon is definitely a masochist and Pete said the same was true of flip. In fact, He sometimes punishes flip by not giving it its weekly flogging! Justin laughed at that and admitted to Pete that brandon was probably disappointed when Justin told it that He wasn't bringing much to use on the slave when they were away, but that one of the things He likes so much about having this slave was that it is exceptionally good at surrendering to its Master's will, especially when Master makes decisions that are unexpected or even disappointing.

Pete is impressed and is looking forward to meeting them both and enjoying examples of brandon's subservience and that will be good for flip as well because sometimes His slave has trouble adjusting to things that are out of the ordinary and often needs punishment in such cases. Justin was curious about how Pete punishes His slave. Pete has several odious ways of punishing the slave from keeping it imprisoned in heavy chains for a couple days at a time to giving it to another Master Who has a heavy hand and Whom Pete doesn't care for serving. Sometimes Pete puts the slave in a registry for male prostitutes in a nearby city and forces it to be used that way with the understanding that corporal punishment is definitely permitted if the slave doesn't meet with the client's expectations. A few "outings" like that can be very effective ways of improving the slave's attitude when serving its own Master.

He explains to Justin that flip has just turned thirty years old and sometimes gets moody, thinking it is wasting its youth as a slave and so that issue has to be addressed from time to time. Pete has even gone so far as to rent an apartment and getting the slave a job as an office temp and allowing it to live and work as a free man for a few weeks, and it doesn't take long before the slave realizes that life as a free man isn't all it's cracked up to be and quickly ends up begging to be placed in bondage again, understanding just how much it needs to live as an owned slave. Very interesting conversation, indeed, and Justin is really looking forward to meeting the pair and spending time with them. It should be noted that one thing that wasn't discussed is the question of emotional attachment and Justin plans to tell brandon to observe the relationship between Pete and flip and then to act accordingly, and if necessary to act as if they are nothing more than BDSM Master and slave.

It's time to stop for gas. Justin reaches out and pinches one of brandon's nipples to wake the boi up. "It's yours!" shouts brandon as he shakes himself awake and Justin is pleased at how the boi responded, revealing that it thinks often of just how much of its body is under Justin's jurisdiction. "Put your seat back up, boi, and pull your shorts and put on the flip-flops. I want you to pump gas for us."

brandon is still a little dazed but manages to get out of the car and immediately looks around because he is embarrassed about being shirtless. There is an older man across the island who stands there and stares at him—well, actually, leers at him, making brandon feel very weird. Justin hands him the credit care through the open window. "Notice that creep looking at you like he wants to eat you up?" Justin asks. "Yes, Sir. Feels weird."

"Give him a show. While the gas is pumping scratch your crotch and look right at him while you're doing it. Go on, boi. Do it. Act like the slut your Master wants you to be."

The man's eyes are bugging out of his head now. Justin has another idea. "Turn around and scratch your ass, brandon. . . .yeah, that's good."

The car's filled with gas and the pump stops. brandon puts the nozzle away and then walks to the front of the car as if he's approaching the man who is practically drooling. Justin gets another idea and calls brandon back to the window. "Walk right up to him and tell him that if he wants a closer look he should come to the car and watch while you pull your pants down."


"Go on, slave. I want to see the look on the creep's face when he sees that you're caged. I want you humiliated in front of him. It will be good for you. Go on, or I'll be beating you all the way down the highway."

"Yes, Master."

"Look into his face while you walk towards him, slave. Do it. Go please Me."

"Yes, Master." brandon walks towards the man and the man's eyes grow wide and it almost looks like he's drooling. All of a sudden, brandon really gets into it; after all, he's pretty safe. He actually struts towards the fellow and when he gets right up to him, he says, "If you want a closer look, Sir, just come over to my car window," and turns around and goes back to the car and gets in. The man looks around; no one is watching. He walks right up to the car; Justin rolls down brandon's window. the guy walks over and leans in and Justin orders brandon do pull down his pants and give the guy a show. He does so and the man does a double-take when he sees the boi's caged dick. Justin leans over and calls out to the guy, "Ever see one of those before? I make my little brother wear it so he can't jerk off all the time." The poor guy looks completely flustered and just turns around and walks away talking to himself. Justin rolls up the windows and laughs His head off. Finally, brandon joins in the laughter as they drive away.

"You were a good boi. You pleased me very much. And that guy will never get over it. I bet He'll jerk off as soon as he can."

"I can't believe You made me do that, Sir."

"What don't you believe? Don't you believe that I get off on having you humiliated, on having people know you're under My control? Showing people that you don't have any rights over your little dick? don't I fucking own you, slave?"

"Yes, Master, You own this slave. Does it turn You on to see this boi so uncomfortable?"

"Sure does, faggot! As long as you're safe, and you were completely safe there. And it was so fucking hot watching you strut up to that guy and don't tell Me you didn't get into it because I could tell you did."

brandon starts to laugh. "I did, Master."

"think of this, boi. When we're at the hotel I'll be keeping you naked in the room so any hotel staff who come into the room, like for room service, will see what you are. You'll be the talk of the staff by the time we leave to come back home. And as soon as I can get us to a private place I'm gonna punish you a bit for hesitating to obey your Master."

"Yes, Master, please punish Your slave for hesitating."

As Justin continues driving, from time to time he lands a hard slap on brandon's nearly nude body. Inner thighs especially. Over the nipples as well. "Guess what I brought with me, boi."

"What, Sir?"

"Two of those shoelaces. Gonna do a number up and down your back and front as soon as I have a chance, slave."

"Please, Master. So hot!"

"Ah! So now you're beginning to realize it can be hot for your Master to whip you a bit.! Very fucking nice, kid!"

brandon just stays silent wishing so much that he could just stroke his cock.

A little way down the road there's a slight parking area. Justin pulls the car in there and takes His key ring, leans over, and unlocks the slave's cage. brandon looks shocked!

"Stroke that dick, slave. I know you want to."

"Oh man. Oh wow!" brandon gets himself hard right away and starts stroking and while he's stroking, he talks to Justin. "You own this cock, Master. Your slave is so happy that You own it and Your slave thanks You for letting it jerk off, Master. Oh man, this feels so so good!"

Justin lets the boi continue jerking itself until it looks like it's just about to cum and Justin yells out, LET GO OF IT!" brandon groans like mad. "Hands behind your fucking head, bitch! Did you think I was gonna let you cum?"

"Oh, please, Master, please . . "

"Shut up. I own that dick. I decide when it gets loose and when it gets stroked. I decide when and if you ever get to cum. Your role in this relationship is getting your Master to cum, not yourself. Don't be so fucking selfish."

"I'm sorry, Master, for wanting to cum. greedy slave."

"I want you to recite the alphabet backwards with your eyes closed, slave."

The slave closes its eyes and starts reciting. It takes a lot of thought. Before it's finished its cock gets soft and as soon as this happens Justin quickly puts the cage on it and locks it up again. brandon moans. "I fucking own you, faggot. I fucking own that little boi dick you have. I take away from you your right to cum. I decide when and IF you ever get to cum again. Feel your dick locked away. Remember what you are. Let it help you feel even more submissive than you ever have been before. you are My slave, My faggot cocksucking slave. you have no right to the kind of pleasure that Superior Men enjoy. Now lie there with the blindfold on and think over what just happened. Not a single word out of you until I give you permission to speak again, and when I do, I want you to offer yourself to Me as a total slave all over again. Think of what alex would have said to Billy." He pulls the car out of the little rest area and drives off, putting on some music from His phone which is connected to the car's sound system.

brandon lies there thinking things over. tears come from its eyes and start to flow down its cheeks.

Justin really enjoys the sight of His slaveboi weeping from humiliation and guilt. This has been a wonderful time ever since they got to the gas station. He's quite pleased with Himself and, although He's not going to admit it right now, He's quite pleased with His adorable slaveboi as well. Maybe He'll tell the boi that when they're cuddling tonight at Pete's.

Next: Chapter 64

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