Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Dec 28, 2022


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 75. Friday. The Hot Tub. The Wedding Rehearsal. Gary.

Justin is the first to wake up. First He goes to get the hot tub started; then He goes to make coffee. The smell of the coffee wakes the slave, who immediately groans, realizing what it did last night to show its complete surrender to its Master.

"Go, and I give you permission to use the toilet," Justin says, kissing the slave on its forehead. The slave attempts a tentative smile as Justin helps it out of bed.

The slave comes crawling back into the room after using the bathroom, and Justin is pleased to see that it still knows its place and acts accordingly. "Let's soak in the hot tub for a while. It will do you good Trust me," He says, leading the boi over to the tub and helping it get in.

"Your slave always trusts You, Master," says brandon, demonstrating in its own way that the Master has the trust and the power over its life and that is not to be disputed.

brandon has settled into the water and has closed his eyes and it is obvious that he is enjoying the soothing effect of being in the tub.

"You need to remain conscious, sweetheart," Justin says after a while. "I don't want you drowning."

"Yes, Master. Feeling very very drowsy now, but it feels so good to be in this water."

"We can come back later. Let's get you up and dry and back into bed for a while longer."

Justin stands and reaches out His hand to the slave, and He helps it out of the tub, dries it Himself and then tucks it back into bed.

"Please, stay, Justin, please. Hold me," brandon asks in a plaintive voice. Justin gets right back into the bed himself and cradles brandon as he snuggles as close to Justin's body as he possibly can. "Master, please don't give up on me?"

"I won't give up on you, boi. But you are going to be punished when we get home."

"Yes, Master. Your slave deserves to be punished for its bad attitude."

Justin is overcome with the need to care for this precious `possession' of His, and before long joins the boi in sleep.

Justin's phone rings. "Barry" appears as the caller so Justin picks up.

"Justin, Gary stopped by not too long ago to have a chat with Mom. He wanted to know how to get in touch with brandon. She told him he would have to get in touch with You first, but she needed to make sure it was okay to give Your phone number, that she would text him if You gave permission to call. It seems that Mom had a chance to say a lot of things to Gary that she'd been keeping to herself over the years, and it gave Gary a lot to think about. She insisted that if there was any hope for a friendship between the two of them to survive this, Gary had to make major changes in his attitude towards brandon because the old way of relating to her son would no longer be allowed, neither by her nor by You. This looks promising, especially since he's begging for a chance to apologize to brandon for what had been going on for the past two years."

"This does sound promising, but brandon is in no shape to talk at the moment. I'll tell you what: please text him the number but not to use it until, let's say 2 pm. I'll make sure brandon is ready to think about what transpired between them and to have an honest conversation with his old friend."

"You got it, buddy, and once again I have to say that I'm really impressed at how much you care for the boy and are willing to protect him."

"Always, Barry, always. You can count on that."

The call ends and brandon stirs a bit. Justin kisses the side of the boi's head and holds him until he slips under the surface again and gets some more sleep.

He mumbles before slumbering again. "I love You, Justin. I love You, Master. I'll be a good slave. I promise." Justin kisses his forehead again and brandon seems to purr as he falls back asleep.

12:15 Justin can sleep no longer and gets out of bed and showers, then orders two bb pancake breakfasts with bacon butter and fresh coffee. The sound of the words "blueberry pancake" seem to wake brandon up and he quickly gets out of bed and crawls to Justin and curls up at His feet. Justin sends word to the concierge to have either Robby or Eddie deliver the food and to bring keys to open the door of their room.

12:40 Justin hears the key in the door and tells Brandon, "Stay like that. Breakfast is coming in and I have a treat for you since you worked so hard yesterday."

Eddie is the one to bring in the food and he does a double-take when he sees the slave curled up naked at its Master's feet. "Come closer, Eddie, it's okay to look. This is what a real sub feels like doing sometimes. And I'm feeling the way Doms feel when their subs are this submissive. For most people this would look strange or even sick. But for people into the D/s scene, it's a lovely sight. That's the way you can tell what will make you happiest." Eddie thanks Justin for the advice, and Justin signs the check. Eddie leaves.

"That was beautiful what You said to him," says brandon. And it is what is making me happiest. I have to remember that when I go through rough times along the way."

"Good idea, pup. But get up now, your treat is here and you can even sit at the table."

Justin helps him up and they are seated and brandon has bright and happy eyes as he sees what his Master has ordered for him to eat. "Thank You, Master. This is a real treat."

They quietly eat their breakfasts. Justin wants to tell him the news about Gary but He decided to wait until after eating so the new couldn't spoil the treat He wanted the boi to have. Now is the time, as they sip coffee.

"Barry called while you were asleep. It turns out that Gary went to your house last night, hoping you were there, to apologize. So he apologized to Mom and apparently Mom told him many of the things that she'd been thinking about him over the years and that he had to grow up if he ever hoped to have anything to do with you again."

"Wow. Good for her. She spent the last two years really holding back. I'm glad she finally got it out and that he heard what she was thinking. I hope it makes a difference for him."

"Well, he asked how he could get to speak to you. Mom told him he had to speak to Me first and that she would text him the number if I said it was okay. He's supposed to call here at 2:15. I want to hear what he has to say for himself before I decide whether or not to let him speak to you any more."

brandon chuckles

"What are you chuckling about, boi?"

"How turned on Your slave just got realizing that You would make the decision, that it doesn't have to handle anything You'd think would be toxic."

"That's being protective. But it's also being a Master. This is what Masters do."

"I'm praying things will work out with Gary and me, that this wasn't just about the blow jobs."

"Well, boi, considering that He's going to all this trouble, knowing full well that it's never going to happen again, he must have real feelings towards you as a friend and he doesn't want to lose it just because he got selfish. That's what I'm hoping. That would be enough."

"Oh please, God," says brandon. "But if not, I'm getting lots of friends now, friends who really do care for me."

"I'm glad you can see it that way. It's almost 2:15 now. Go and take a nice shower so I can take the call in private. Stay in there until I say you can come back here."

"Yes, Master," brandon says, and goes into the bathroom.

At precisely 2:15, the phone rings.

"Hello, this is Justin."

"Hello, Justin, this is Gary calling at the time You specified."

"Yes, Gary. Nice and obedient. Maybe you're a sub too, like you-know-who."

"Nah, don't think so, thanks anyway."

Justin chuckles. "so, let's cut to the chase: tell me what you learned from all this and what you're thinking now."

"Wow. Right to the bottom line. Well, I learned that I'd been so selfish the last couple of years ever since brandon came out to me. I started looking down on him and told myself I'd keep him around just so I could get him to suck me off all the time, and I forgot about all the other good stuff. That's why I reacted the way I did on Wednesday night: no bj, no friendship. But that was so cruel and uncaring, like all he was in my sick mind was a mouth to fuck and to do whatever I told him to do the rest of the time. And part of me felt that way. But then the better part of me started shining through and I realized how sad it would be if he wasn't in my life any more, that our friendship would never have a chance to evolve."

"Are you reading from a script, Gary?"

"Um... yyes, yes, Sir. Was afraid I'd get too nervous to remember it all and didn't want to leave anything out."

"And you are willing to, as you just read, "let your friendship evolve," without any promise of sexual favors?"

"Yes, Sir. Promise, Sir."

"Well then I'll allow him to talk to you. But don't read a script out to him. Speak to him from the heart. You don't need to say everything. Just make sure he knows that you value his friendship and don't want to lose it."

"Yes, Sir, I will."

Justin hears that the shower is over. He calls out, "brandon, come in here, please. Gary is on the phone and I've given him permission to speak to you to apologize."

Brandon comes out and Justin hands him His phone. He points to the bed and brandon goes over there and sits on the bed so he can have a more private conversation. Meanwhile, Justin gathers up the things from their meal and rolls the cart out into the hallway. And then goes into the bathroom for His own shower.

"Hello, Gary," says brandon in the voice he always used when he was annoyed at Gary.

"brandon, I'm so sorry, so fucking sorry. I acted like a ten-year-old Wednesday night, sulking off because I wasn't gonna get my dick sucked. I'm really frustrated, dude. Haven't had anything at all since the last time I was with you. That's the God's honest truth."

"It made me feel like that's all I am to you now, a cocksucking faggot."

"damn, bran, I am so damn sorry. Sex isn't the only thing in life, and you and I have always had so much going for us. But when you came out to me, I didn't know nothing but the stuff my parents would tell me and my brain flipped and thought that since you're the fag, I'm the one benefiting from your desires so it doesn't make me gay, just you."

"Really? Gary, tell me the truth: are you gay?"

"Damn, bran, I don't know. I just don't know. College is blowing my mind and I'm all over the place with that. I even know gay people who are cool, like you. You can bet I have to be very careful about what I tell my parents, or what books I bring home with me. So now I hate myself because I was just treating you like some slut I had no feelings for, no sense of friendship, and that was all a lie. I was being run by my dick! I can admit it. And I can't apologize enough."

"well stop. There's another way to look at it, you know: I was using you! First of all, it kept me safe because I never went off on my own looking for action. I could have gotten hurt or worse. You know what our town is like. And secondly, I was using your cock so I could train myself how to give good blow jobs before I got to college. So it wasn't really a completely bad thing, Gary.

"So we were both using one another?"

"That's the way I see it. The problem was that we both got so much into that that we forgot all the other good stuff we always enjoyed. Just two horny teenagers getting each other off, just like almost everybody else in our school."

"So do you think we can get the other stuff back and forget about the sex?"

"That would be cool. I'm willing to try if you are."

"You bet, buddy. So now I have another question: This weekend is jammed with stuff. When could we possibly get together? I know you have to ask JJJ—your Master. Would you?"

"of course. Hold for a second."

brandon goes to where Justin is sitting. "Master, would it be possible for Your slave and Gary to spend some time together before we both go back to school?"

"You had a good conversation, I gather." brandon nods his head. "There are only two possibilities: either tonight after the rehearsal—that should be over long before 7, or you both get up early on Sunday and go to a diner for breakfast." Give him both possibilities and let him make the decision. slaves don't plan their own lives, not My slave anyway."

"yes, Master." brandon returns to the call and explains the options. Gary wants to do it tonight.

Master approves and arrangements are made. Gary will come by the church and pick him up after the rehearsal and bring him back to the hotel when they're done.

Justin says they should wait until He's able to speak to Barry because He has an idea. "Tell Gary you'll call him back in just a couple minutes." brandon obeys and hands the phone back to Justin. Justin calls Gary and suggests that they go out after the rehearsal for a couple beers if Mom doesn't object.

It all works out perfectly. Mom wants time with her best friend who flew in for the wedding. Barry makes arrangements to pick up Justin at the hotel.

As soon as He finds this out, Justin tells brandon to call Gary again and put the call on speaker.

Once they connect, Justin tells them both, "This is what I have decided My boi can do: I am going out with Barry for a couple beers tonight after the rehearsal; Gary, you and brandon can just meet here and I'll give brandon permission to order up anything you guys want. Safer, save you money, better food, complete privacy, not having to put up with others hearing them talk. You'll have until 11 pm. I'll be back shortly after that so brandon will have to strip by about 11 to play it safe. No big deal. You've seen the boi naked for years now."

The guys giggle. "Wow. Thank You so much, Sir. This will be perfect."

"You're welcome, Gary. But from now on you can call Me Justin. You've proven yourself to Me this week. brandon, you may take the call off speaker now. Oh, and no alcohol or other substances."

"That's not a problem, SS um, Justin."

"brandon will see you later. Enjoy yourselves. Goodbye for now." Justin

brandon quickly finishes saying good-bye to Gary and ends the call. Quickly he gets down on the ground and crawls over to Justin to lick His feet. "Thank You, Master," he says.

"No none of that right now. Let's go over to the sofa. I want you to lie on your back with your head in My lap so we can have a free chat."

brandon is spilling over with joy at this point, especially when he feels Justin's hands in his hair. Justin says, "So now I want to know from you what you've learned from what happened this week from the time we left the Center. Strip your mind naked for me, slave. Just like the rest of you."

"You're fucking my head, Master, and not in a bad sense. It's like Your power and Your control are reaching into my brain and working with the way I think, the way I feel. That's what it all was about. You could tell the way I was feeling and thinking and decided that You had the responsibility to put a stop to it and to punish Your slave so it would begin to modify its behavior. You are forming . . . controlling how I think. It sounds really freaky."

"No it doesn't. It happens all over the place in the modern world. Every religion, every corporation, every sports team, every college education, all these are trying to control the way their adherents think. The media are doing the same thing. And the same thing goes for Masters and slaves. The Master must be able to have at least some control over the slave's mind or nothing will ever work out."

"It's like You're the Army and I'm just a recruit, so you now have to form my body and my mind as well. Or the Marines, or the Navy, or almost anywhere else."

"Except I'm not allowing you to get hurt except for being punished. I guess you'll have to have a desk job."

They both giggle.

"I learned something else, too."

"What is that?"

"I learned that I've surrendered to You to the point where I know I have to be punished at times, and I give You the right to decide when and how and why and how hard, and I just have to take it. This is when it gets very real and very intense. I have no freedom. I'm no longer free to walk away from this. I am less than a grown man. I've become Your urinal, too, and I never thought something like that would ever happen. I never wanted it to happen. But, all of a sudden I realized that I had to surrender to You that way to prove to You how much I want to be Your slave in all things. It isn't easy for me to do that, but I realize I have to in order to be a true slave for You since it is something that You want so much. That's all that matters."

"Keep on thinking that way. But for now, I want you on the floor between My legs sucking My cock by the time I count to ten: 1 . 2, etc.

"Oh wow," brandon thinks to himself. "what I said . . . wow . . . suck Justin's cock. toy with it with your tongue, brandon no more thinking. suck. lick, tingle..." and he sucks differently than before. Can't describe the difference except to say that Justin is being serviced by the one who truly belongs to Him, all of it. It's complete.

Next: Chapter 76

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