Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Dec 30, 2022


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 77. The Wedding Day

Unknown to Barry, brandon's Mom made arrangements to fly in both his brother Kurt and Kurt's husband Larry so they could be there for the wedding Saturday afternoon. She booked them into the same hotel where Justin and brandon are staying, and also let Justin know, and then she also made arrangements for them to have a special brunch so they could all meet. She figured this would be a special gift to all three men in her life. As we are learning, Sheila leaves no stone unturned, not when it comes to "her men," which is phrase she made up that she's quite fond of, and uses it frequently. Sometimes Barry jokingly reminds her that she can only marry one of them, and that's him.

"But you have to admit, my love, that in a sense, our marriage is uniting all four of us." (And to herself, she's thinking "all six of us," counting on Kurt and Larry.)

"That's one of the many things I love about you," answers Barry. "You so often think in a way that is mystical and poetic at the same time. I never would have realized that if you hadn't told me. Thank you, Sheila. It's so true." Then he adds, "But I get the best part!" and she gently pats his face and gives him a quick kiss where she patted him. "consider that a slap!" she warns him with what Barry calls "her Mom eyes." And they both crack up!

And even as you're reading this, Kurt and Larry are in Justin's room and they're all chattering away, and the conclusion of it all is that Mom's a saint, and Barry is going to be out of his mind when he sees them sitting in the pew right next to Mom and brandon. And then Kurt and Justin go off into one corner to chat while the "bois" –brandon and larry are standing in the bathroom and larry is trying to do something with brandon's hair (Kurt shaves larry's head bald regularly). brandon giggles and says to larry "girl, you're really getting off on my hair! It that because you're not allowed to have any?" "Partly, but I really like working on hair. I've never told Kurt that. Wow." "You should," encourages brandon. "Justin knows I'm a good writer so He's encouraging that and helping me take the right courses for next semester. He wants me to succeed, to be able to." "I'm really glad we're getting this chance to talk, brandon," says larry as he puts one final touch to brandon's hair.

Meanwhile, in the other room . . .

"We started Master/slave about 8 years ago and have been living it. Got married three years ago. This way I can make sure My boi is taken care of legally. I encourage all my friends to consider it. It's made so many things a whole lot easier."

"Kurt, I never even gave that a thought. I'm so glad to hear what you're saying. And the implications for how can I do the same for brandon, at least even temporarily"

"He's so young. Do you see a future to this, I'm wondering, especially since you used the word Temporarily."

"God's honest truth, Kurt. I do. I want there to be. He is what I want. I say temporarily because I can't be completely sure of how he'll evolve, because it's having an effect on Me as well."

"that's really good to hear, Justin, and I wish you all the best."

"thanks, Kurt. appreciate it." Justin looks at his watch. "We should be getting downstairs now." And they both go to collect their "partners."

And down they go. The ceremony was scheduled for 1 pm, making it easier for guests who had to travel.

And just to have a little "marriage custom" fun, Barry is at his own house and spent last night there, and won't see Sheila again until she walks down the aisle in her son's arm. Sometimes I can't get over how cute they are being! And Barry still doesn't know his brother is in town.

Meanwhile, at the brunch, there's a lot of fun among the four. "Hey guys, larry really wants to become a hairdresser for both men and women." Kurt looks shocked. "Why haven't you ever told me that? All these years you've wanted that?" brandon knudges larry. "I . . I didn't want it to feel like a sub running the scene." Kurt replies "Communication is a two-way street, boi. If I knew that was something you wanted, you would already be doing it! A happy slave is a good slave." brandon starts to blush.

"Now larry, you made him blush," Justin points out. And then to Kurt He says, "he's so easy to read. has no control whatsoever over that blush instinct. It gives him away every single time." So he blushed after you said "a happy slave is a good slave." "So tell me, Justin, what does that mean? What did that blush tell you?" "It told me that . . . here's a couple possibilities. (1) He's pretending to himself that he's not a slave since we decided not to observe all that. But what you said just reminded him that he is stiil a slave and will still be a slave, or (2) He is really embarrassed that someone might have heard that, especially since we agreed we weren't going to relate that way."

"wow, Justin. That's pretty good. And, of course, you can always ask him why he's blushing." "Sometimes I just file away the information for another time. And I often don't even ask. It's good to just let things be without having to have a two hour conversation about something trivial." Kurt laughs his head off, and so does larry. "Happened last week," he says to brandon and the four of them get caught up in laughter again. "And it is not an exact science," brandon announces to the group with mock pomposity. "And so, can you make yourself blush or is it totally involuntary?" asks Kurt. brandon blushes. "There's your answer," Justin says to Kurt. Kurt mutters to himself "totally useless, but cute as hell." "Make sure you eat a lot of bread," Kurt says to larry, and, taken by surprise, Justin can't stop grinning, because He knows exactly what that means.

Kurt raises a question. "Imagine this: you are in a group of 50 gay guys just milling around, saying hi to each other, stuff like that. How can you pick out who might be a sub?

"It's easy for a Dom. Just Dom it up and watch how a person responds to you." is Justin's answer.

"It's easy for a sub too. Sometimes we share the same brain wave. Other times it's obvious if you just observe how guys react to the ones who seem the most like Doms." says brandon.

"Or maybe he's the one on the other side of the glory hole," adds Justin and brandon blushes like crazy.

He turns to larry and says, "that's how we met. I was blowing Him through the hole in the library bathroom. He stopped me from doing it, then locked the door, then told me to open my stall door and take off my shirt, and now here we are."

"Wow. That's great story. You should write it as the start of a novel." says Kurt, and Justin rolls his eyes.

"Larry, thanks for whatever you did for brandon's hair. I think his mother will be thrilled. And it looks completely natural." Kurt looks at larry with pride and love in his eyes.

And again they start talking about brandon's mother and how cool she is. So, of course, now Justin has a tale to tell. Oh wait, he doesn't want to broadcast what brandon was doing for Gary for two years. No, that story won't work. brandon figures it out. "I've got one. There was this school mate who was always taking advantage of me, telling me what to do, and it aggravated the heck out of Mom. Well one day he came over and I wasn't home yet. And that was when Mom told him everything she noticed about him and he'd better change his behavior or just get out of the picture entirely." "What happened," asks larry. "He grew up overnight and we're still good friends to this day," answers brandon. Justin gives him a nod of approval."

Before heading back to their respective rooms to get dressed for the wedding, they exchange contact information and Kurt urges them to come out to Frisco this year. And how about Christmas?


brandon quickly strips and puts the clothes away. When he turns around, Justin is standing there, his arms folded, and looks down to a spot between his legs. brandon immediately kneels there. "I need to piss. Take it out of my pants and put it in your mouth."

"Yes, Master," says brandon, bracing himself and doing what Justin ordered him to do. And the slave puts Justin's dick in its mouth and stays completely still until it needs to swallow for the first time, and every time after that for nine times. "Clean it. I don't want to have to keep telling you to do this. From now on, make sure you do it without being told. You're not stupid. Just do it." and brandon slides a few grades lower in the humiliation scale, lick Justin's slit clean and puts Him back away.

Justin pats the slave on its head. "If you ever feel like you need to vomit, just run to the bowl as fast as you can. Don't worry about asking for permission. Just go!"

Justin gets undressed and leads brandon to the shower and then decides that brandon won't shower. He doesn't want its hair messed up. "I don't want your hair messed up. Wash what you need to at the sink," He orders brandon and then gets into take His own shower. Brandon takes a quick sponge bath with scented soap and then sprays its cage and puts on deodorant. When Justin gets out of the shower, the slave holds up a large towel and wraps its Master in it and then proceeds to dry Him from His feet up. (He also loves to lick between Justin's legs right after He gets out of a shower.)

They leave the bathroom. As promised, Justin take His key and unlocks brandon's cage but doesn't allow brandon to touch himself before putting on his boxer briefs. "Don't' pick at it either," He admonishes the slave. "Six lashes coming so far. You shouldn't want to increase them," reminding the slave that it is still a slave when suddenly it is getting a lot of attention and praise. "Look at me from time to time and remember that you drank all My piss shortly before getting dressed for the ceremony."

Justin goes to His dresser and takes out a shirt which still has its pins in it.

"I bought this undershirt for you. It's special. Put it on and find out." So brandon takes the shirt and has to struggle a bit to get into it, and then He looks a Justin and lowers his eyes. "Nice shirt," says Justin. "Form Fitting. Tight. and a bit abrasive on the inside. A constant reminder for you that you have a Master." brandon takes a few deep breaths. "Thank You, Master."

Slowly they get dressed together. Justin has to tie brandon's tie which comes as no surprise at all. Larry knocks on the door and when he comes in he goes right to brandon to do some last minute repairs. "Your mother is gonna flip when she sees how adorable you are!" he says to brandon.

Limos are waiting outside the hotel. One to take brandon to Mom's. They will be together until she walks down the aisle. Justin brings in Kurt and larry and shows them where to sit. They will be with brandon. Justin goes inside to be with Barry, and He decides to let Barry know right away that His brother is here so He doesn't fall apart right before the ceremony begins. He brings him out to the sanctuary and he jumps up and runs to hug the hell out of his brother, and then larry, and Kurt takes out a handkerchief to wipe Barry's eyes. They stand there talking until Justin takes hold of Barry's hand and leads him back behind where he's supposed to stand.

The Ceremony Happens. Flawless. Brief.

40 guests all told. Some of them know brandon and make a fuss over him. Barry visits with his guests and Mom visits with hers, right there in the church. The Minister and Mom are good friends so that's made things a lot easier and more cordial, and she also knows brandon well and has watched him grow up and she gives him a heartwarming hug, so brandon's pretty happy with everything that's going on except for this fucking shirt that Justin cooked up for him to wear and he hopes he doesn't start bleeding. (He's being overly dramatic about the shirt.)

Off to a beautiful reception hall. brandon sits with Justin at the head table. Mom's friend Helen (maid of honor) joins them. Barry has his brother and larry. And that's the head table. larry is squirming uncomfortably in his seat and so Justin and brandon have a good idea about what they were doing before the ceremony. Justin thinks to whisper to brandon, "so as you can see, as the years go by, the punishments don't stop. You'll always be My whipping boy. And My urinal." brandon is trying to be resentful about the toilet humor but, if truth be told, he is getting more turned on than he ever expected by Justin humiliating him by constantly bringing that up. It's like he keeps slipping farther down that scale. And there doesn't seem to be any end to it.

Lovely dinner. Lovely music. And a special treat, a set by a well-known gay comedian very popular at weddings, and let's face it: this wedding is giving him a great amount of material to work with. He's fantastic. They all have a ball. Thankfully, no reference to BDSM.

It's all done by 5 pm. Mom invites Kurt and larry back to the house and has arranged for a limo to take them to the airport first thing in the morning. Barry is so very happy by all the wonderful things that have been happening in his life since he first met Sheila. Sheila is loving being able to play the "mom" again, and very excited about their trip to Paris the next day. Meanwhile, BACK AT THE HOTEL

When Brandon tries to strip off the shirt, Justin has to help him. Then He takes a close look at the slave's torso and back to see what effect the shirt had, but except for a few tender spots there's not much of anything except for the slave's nipples which are really nice and raw. Brandon decides to call code RED on the shirt so Justin puts it in the trash and then, as soon as He gets the slave's clothes off, throws it onto the bed and gives it a superb blow job and brandon really has a good reason to celebrate. Of course, the cage goes back on before they go to bed.

brandon returns the favor but before long Justin flips him over and gently enters the slave and makes love to it before screwing the daylights out of it before finally expiring within the slave's body. After suitable foot service, Justin brings the slave up alongside Him in the bed and they watch brandon's favorite Harry Potter movie. As usual he falls asleep before the move ends and Justin falls asleep while trying to figure out how soon they can get married too.

Next: Chapter 78

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