Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Jan 7, 2023


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 84 Bunkhouse Frolics and other nasty stuff.

In the afternoon, the one named bobble and I were lucky enough to get indoor work out of the sun. Clean the bunkhouse bathrooms (yuck), make the beds, sweep up. The rooms weren't too bad and the beds were queen-size and there was lots of hot art on the walls, mostly gay. There were 40 rooms, so that was a lot of beds to make—bobble showed me how, and it was pretty easy---10 rooms had stars on them and I asked bobble what they were for. "For us," he whispered. "We get chained to the beds. They draw straws and the winners get their pick of which one of us they want for the night. But some of the guys share so it can get very wild. But a lot of the guys are nice and don't hurt us." This took a long time for him to say because we had to be sneaky about it so we didn't get caught.

It was getting dark when we finished our work and we were taken to the main house and were put in a room that didn't have anything in it and were told to kneel. Then one of the dudes came in carrying a plastic pan. "Supper, slaves. Don't fight over it!" he says, chuckling and leaves the room and there we are all looking at each other realizing that we're supposed to eat like a bunch of animals at the trough. Then one of the dudes comes in with a little whip in His hand. "Go at it, pigs. Don't be shy!" And he starts using the whip on us unless we're at the pan trying to get the food. It's just some mush that had no flavor at all, not like the stuff the Professor gave henry and me, but we were all hungry and went at it trying not to mess with each other. Meanwhile the dude would use the whip on anyone who didn't have his face buried in the food. What a freaking mess by the time we were mostly over, except the dude ordered us to eat the mush off each other's faces and bodies until there wasn't anything left. Yuck Yuck.

When the dude was satisfied, he picked up the pan and took it out of the room. Next five dudes led us by the leashes to the bunkhouse and, wow, they took off our collars and we were in the shower room and the water was warm and there was soap that smelled nice. "Sure," I thought, "Fixing us up for whoever gets us tonight." But it was nice and we were left in there for a long time. WE were given towels to dry ourselves and then brought into a room that smelled a lot from leather. Collars came back on and also manacles for both wrists and ankles, and then each of us was put in a room that had all sorts of paddles and straps and things like that hanging on the walls. We were bound to the bed and hooded. And then . . . . wait . . . . And I was thinking it might be good to not to be able to see the guy who's using us. But I guess that depends on what each guy is into.

Before long a dude comes into my room and shuts the door. He comes to the side of the bed and runs his hand up and down my torso and his touch is gentle and it makes me feel really good. He gets on the bed alongside me. He still has clothes on but doesn't smell. One of his hands goes to my left nipple and he toys with it until I start making a sound. "Good," he says. "I like to hear slaves sing for me." He keeps it up, moving to the other nipple as well while nibbling on the skin where the hood leaves off. Just little bites, and for sure I yelp a bit. Then he reaches down to my balls and pulls on the sac then holds the balls and pulls them away from my body. He gets up and goes to get something and when he comes back he grabs my balls again and wraps a leather extender on so my balls are sticking out and bound tight. It hurt a little, but I knew the pain was only just beginning. Then he did something which surprised the hell out of me. He took off my hood.

The room was dimly lit. He was exactly the type of guy I would really get off serving, and he smiles at me. "Justin sent me to you. I'm not a ranch hand. He sent a message. He didn't want to risk you to one of the hands here so He sent me to use and enjoy you tonight and He knows you'll be a good boi." And He kisses me and starts to explore me. Everywhere. He has a small crop He uses that stings but not too much and as He works it in all my most tender places I realize that He really intends to consume me every bit as much as my Master does.

The Balls. The Balls. Shit. He likes poking around there. A lot. Just my luck. And He starts to hear me really sing for Him. "All of me is Yours, Sir." "Yes. Justin gave all of you to me. And do not speak again without permission," He replies and then uses the crop on my face to punish me. "Now strip Me and then start licking from my toes on up."

Nice body, not too much hair. All of him smells pretty good except for His feet and His pits, so that much have been planned. And I get to taste all of it along with carefully placed blows from a strap He's now using. At one point He binds my hands to the sides of the bed with me on my back and He starts using the strap on My nipples and I'm sobbing at the pain which is the worst ever, and then He takes the strap to the area above my cage and then to my balls until I pass out.

When I come to, I'm not bound but I'm lying alone and a hood is on again with a hole for my mouth and I realize that somehow my mouth is being held wide open by these wires. "Ah, you're back." He grabs me and pulls me so that my head is hanging off the bed and next I know I can feel His fingers exploring the inside of my mouth until they actually make me gag. Then He pulls them out and begins spitting into my open mouth. "Good lube," He says. Next my mouth is invaded by His hard cock and it is a very strange experience because my lips aren't being used, just my tongue and open throat. And He fucks my throat violently and His cock keeps bringing up spit and phlegm from inside and it is so incredibly humiliating that once again I feel myself slipping more deeply into the pit of my slavery.

Fortunately, He doesn't do this for long. He puts my head back up on the bed and gets those clamps off my mouth and pulls off the hood again. "This won't do. Those lips are far too pretty. I want to watch them pleasuring me. and keep your eyes on mine too, brandon. Suck Me good and I'll let you sleep for a while."

And so I do. And when I've swallowed Him deep inside me and cleaned Him off, He takes me in His arms and cuddles me almost the same way Justin does. And I sleep and dream of Justin kissing me.

When I awaken, it's light out and I'm alone, the door is open, and two dudes are yelling for us to get our lazy slave asses out of bed. I hear straps hitting flesh and a couple bois yelping so I get up quickly and stand in the doorway. Corn-bread guy sees me and puts a leash to my collar and leads me out of the bunkhouse, so I escape without getting hit. He brings me this area that has about a dozen `stocks' in it, like the ones they used to use in the wild west to humiliate crooks and other criminals. Right away I'm bend over and my head and wrists are locked into the stocks. Then he stands before me and takes out his cock and says, "Do it nice and slow. Take as long as you can. Almost all the hands are planning to get sucked off this morning and there are only five of you, so the longer you take the fewer bj's you'll have to give. And after you suck a guy off, he is allowed to whip your ass if he wasn't satisfied. So show my hog here just how much you appreciate me protecting you."

Fair enough, and he has a really nice cock, well-formed and not too big, so I slobber all over it and make sweet love to it. It's always nice to service a nice guy, so I'm having a pretty good time. Meanwhile, I hear guys yelling and cursing out some of the slaves and whipping their asses, so I count myself pretty lucky and to exactly what he told me to do: I take my time and make it real sweet for him. He plays with my hair while I'm blowing him and finally, he can't hold off any longer and shoots a nice load down my throat and then pats me on the cheek. Right away another guy is shoving his dick in my mouth and because of the way I'm bend over and locked in the stock I can't see who it is. This guy just fucks my mouth and I gag a lot cause he's pretty big. "Come on, faggot, open that fucking throat for me. I want all the way in you, bitch. He fucks my face fast and furious and when he finally cums, it's less than a teaspoonful, so he probably jerked off as soon as he woke up. When he's done with me he takes his strap out of his pants and lays a few lashes across my aching ass, but not really all the hard. The next guy slaps my face and orders me to open my mouth and he spits in it a few times then sticks his dick in my mouth and says, "Show me how much a faggot loves dick and I won't hit you. Lots of tongue action around the crown of my cock and take it deep inside." He's not as big as the last one, and I'm glad he wants tongue action, that's my favorite part of it. When he's done, just as he promised, he doesn't hit me at all. The next dick I have to service is kind of small so it's just a sweet little morsel for me to enjoy, and I must admit that this is actually a fun way to begin the morning. Unfortunately, I thought too soon, because as soon as he unloads into my mouth he takes his strap and whips the shit out of me and I open my mouth to scream but quickly find it filled with another dick which smells horrible and tastes even worse. Yuck. This guy works me hard and I have to keep reminding myself that this is supposed to be punishment and I'm a slave who always deserves punishment so I take it as if it's coming from my Master. Because of the smell I think this is an ATM (ass to mouth) situation and I'm blowing some guy who fucked someone else last night and never bothered to wash his dick clean. I gag on his dick because of the smell and he chuckles and says something about how he's so big he always makes faggots gag. I'd like to explain why I'm gagging but of course, there's no room for that. Fortunately he's the last one and I'm hoping to get something to wash my mouth out but I don't know what's worse, the way my ass hurts or the taste in my mouth.

Finally I'm let out of the stocks and a leash is attached and I'm rushed into the room we were in last night for "supper" and made to kneel before the trough again and it's the same mush we were fed last night and there are two guys there with thin whips making sure we all get in there and eat like pigs then lick each other's faces clean like we did last night. If nothing else, however, the mush helps me get rid of that awful taste in my mouth so I consider this a win, and the whips don't hurt all that much anyway.

So what's next? Running? You've got to be kidding. Nope, we're herded around this huge field, driven on by whips and canes running around and around the field until I'm ready to collapse and have a stitch in my side from breathing so hard. Finally I just fucking give up and fall to the ground. Bad idea. Some dude who likes to kick balls has his fun with me for a while, and then we're all just left there, exhausted and dirty and sweating out in the morning sun for a good long time until dried off by the sun.

Cornbread guy finds me again and connects his leash to me and tells me we're going for a walk in the woods and on the way he explains to me that what's going on this weekend takes place about once every six weeks with a different group of slaves and it's always the same routine. Except for mucking out stables and milking cows, not much other work is done this weekend by the hands because the slaves do all the work. I don't say anything at all because I'm not sure I'm allowed to speak; this guy is nice enough so this is a good deal, I guess. He starts to ask me questions and tells me it's okay to answer. How old, how long a slave, what's my Master like . . . stuff like that. He knows it's my first time here and he asks me if my Master plans to send me up here often now and I answer honestly that I never have any idea what Master is planning for me, so I have no idea whether or not this will be a regular part of my life. I also tell him that this weekend was planned to be a punishment and hopefully will not be a regular thing.

Cornbread guy is really nice. He brings me to a pond and takes off the leash and tells me to get into the water and try to clean myself off a bit. The water is cool in the hot sun and I enjoy my time there. He lets me enjoy the pond for a good long while and I notice that two other slaves have also been led here as well, so we frolic in the water like little boys and make the best of it. I'm called out of the water along with another slave, slurp is his name, and we're ordered to lie on the grass and make out like lovers. Not bad and slurp is a great kisser so this is a nice part of the day as well. The next part isn't as nice, however. Straps are fastened around our balls---slurp is also caged---and connected by a chain and dudes get behind us and wrap their arms around us and start a kind of "tug-of-war" which is a whole new form of torture and I swear my balls are going to get ripped right off of me. It stops when both of us are crying and the chains are taken off, but the straps remain wrapped around our sacs and they hurt like hell.

One dude comes over and puts another chain connecting our balls and then attaches a leash to the chain and he leads us out of the woods pulling us by our balls. Needless to say, we move as quickly as we can.

Funny thing: I haven't seen Henry since early this morning when we were in the stocks. Don't know what happened to him. I found out later that he was taken from the stocks and given to Master Leroy who enjoys using him whenever he's here. Is that good or bad? I'm afraid I don't know.

The bell rings for lunch and this time we're fed real food: mac and cheese. We're each given our own bowls and made to eat doggy style, as usual, but a least we're not at a trough and the stuff really tastes good after eating nothing but mush all weekend. Again we have to lick each other's faces clean, the four of us. Henry is still with Master Leroy and God only knows what he's going through. I hope it's not too hard on him. But Henry is a veteran of this place. Cornbread guy told me that he's here almost every time they schedule one of these weekends. Good grief! I hope that doesn't happen to me, but then I remember that I'm a slave and shouldn't be making wishes like that, but dammit, I'm tired and it's been a rough couple of days and I can't wait to get out of here and I miss Justin so much it almost makes me cry.

Finally, after lunch we're taking to the bunkhouse and allowed to take nice warm showers but have to dry off in the sun as we wait for the various Masters to come by to pick us up. The weekend is over. Thank God!

The Professor arrives and tells brandon to sit in the front seat of the car. Master Leroy brings henry out to the car and brandon is shocked to see that henry has been beaten black and blue, has two black eyes and multiple bruises up and down his torso, his arms and its groin. brandon can't help but take a shocked breath at the site. The Professor puts his hand on brandon's arm and tells him that henry has obviously had a very good time because it craves this type of treatment and only gets it when it comes to the ranch because the Professor is not willing to give the slave what it needs on his own. He also explains that Master Leroy doesn't beat the slave but likes to watch Master Bret take out his frustrations and his hatred of faggots on henry's body. "It might sound extreme, but I assure you, boi, that it is a win-win-win situation for the three involved, Master Bret, Master Leroy and henry. And I get to give henry the aftercare it needs after such visits to the ranch, so I, too, get something good out of this situation."

Master Leroy helps henry into the back seat of the car, and comes around to speak with the Professor for a bit and give him the date of the next "slave gathering." After He says good-bye, the Professor drives off. "Master Bret apparently was in good form today. I just wish He wouldn't send you home with black eyes. Now I hope you'll be satisfied for a while, boi." "Definitely, Master and thank You for allowing this to happen." The Professor tells brandon that several Masters send their slaves to the ranch weekends to be punished, but if He needs to punish henry, He keeps him home when a weekend is happening, and He chuckles at the irony.

"I'm bringing you right back to campus," He tells brandon, "because your Master is planning to Skype you at 6 pm and it's already after 5. He's told me that He often drops you off at the dorm naked and that is what I'll be doing. Some time this week, I'd like you to speak with me after class and tell me how you are feeling about the weekend after several days have passed. You stay silent now and wait for your Master's call to talk about how you're doing and what you're feeling."

Brandon is glad he doesn't have to say anything now because he's obviously overwhelmed, and he's sure he'll soon be sobbing to see Master's face and hear Master's voice. He has many mixed emotions after all that happened, and that is to be expected, but above all, he has been pressed deeply into sub space and hopes that Master is pleased with the punishments he endured this weekend. In the most secret corner of his being, he realizes that he hopes he'll never have to return here, despite the fact that he knows a slave should not be thinking that way. He guesses he hasn't been fully broken yet because of the way he's thinking.

The Professor drops him off and brandon hurries into the dorm and to his room. Michael is there with another young guy and the two of them look happy to be together. brandon can't wait to hear about what's going on. Michael looks so wonderful and has his clothes on. This would usually be humiliating for brandon, but after all he's undergone the past two days it doesn't affect him at all. He, after all, is meant to be a naked slave in all circumstances when possible.

Next: Chapter 85

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