
By moc.loa@imasammihole

Published on May 31, 2008


Character Bio

Name: Kei Yoshikawa

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Blonde

Height: 5'6

Weight: 125 lbs

Profile: Lives with adopted parents Kano & Rita Yoshikawa in Tokyo, Japan. Loves to Bake and Paint. Listens to J-Pop and American R&B. Always being mistaken for a girl by everyone he meets.

Name: Ryu Sano

Age: 23

Sex: Male

Ethnicity: Japanese

Eye Color: Honey Brown

Hair Color: Black

Height: 6'0

Weight: 195lbs (muscle)

Profile: Confident, Arrogant, Sure of himself. Has a daughter from him ex-girlfriend, Lives with parents in a mansion. Rich and successful, A jerk at times even though he doesn't mean to be. A womenizer but finds himself falling for Kei. He listens to R&B, K-Pop, Classical Music.

Name: Izumi Nakamura


Sex: Male

Ethnicity: Japanese

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Black

Height: 5'11

Weight: 153 lbs (Muscle)

Profile: He was Kei's boyfriend but was busted cheating on him. Been miserable and is trying to win Kei back. Plays soccer and love's Rap and funk.

Name: Koga Sano


Sex: Male

Ethnicity: Japanese

Eye Color: Honey Brown

Hair Color: Black

Height: 6'0

Weight: 197 lbs (Muscle)

Profile: He's Ryu's little brother that went to America to study abroad. Not much is known about him yet.


Ryu's POV

After Kei left I stuck around the bench a bit, do I really want to get involved with this kid. My heads already messed up because of him, I shrugged of the feeling and walked to my next class of the day.

After that I had no class left for the day so I decided to go home, I got in to my car and drove off. I was looking around as I drove and saw Kei walking home with a bunch of flowers, (Wonder if its for his mom) I though to myself.

I pulled over to check him out, When I got out he didn't look happy to see me. He asked me what I wanted now, The nerve of this kid. Dose he know who I am, at how many people would kill just to date me.

I asked him who gave him the flowers, He said his boyfriend did. For some god knows what reason I got pissed, (What the hell did he say some guy gave him flower and it wasn't me) I thought to myself.

I looked at him for a minute and grabbed the flowers and threw them away, He yelled something about me being a jerk and some other mambo jumbo. I really wasn't paying to much attention to him.

I threw him into the car and drove off, I was going to have to move fast before he was picked up by someone. So I told him were going to meet my parents tonight, I told him he would need something to wear and he said to drive him home.

Once we got there he got out and went upstairs to change, I took this time to visit his parents little bakery shop. I walked inside and saw a couple minding the store, the women was putting in some amazing looking cakes and the man was bringing fresh baked bread into the store.

"Good day sir, How may we help you?" The women asked, "I was just admiring this lovely cakes, Could you be the one that made them?" I pored out the charm. "Oh my, Why yes I am." The women said blushing.

"I am truly in envy of you sir, is this lovely women your wife?" I asked the man, "That she is young man" said the man with pride in his lovely wife. "You are truly a luck man to find such a gem in this world sir." I went on.

"I sure am, I have never meet a women that was more beautiful in my life." said the man, "Nor have I sir, Would you by any chance have a twin sister miss." I asked making the women giggle and blush even more.

"Umm...Ryu what are you doing?" Said a voice behind us, I wasn't prepared for what I was about to see. In a Red Long Sleeve buttoned shirt and Black jean and Black boots with a Cross chocker stood a beauty I have never before seen.

I could feel my heart beat faster and my breath seemed to be taken away by him. I shook myself from this state when I heard his mother say something about him looking lovely and I couldn't agree more.

He introduced me as a friend from school, but I quickly changed that by telling them I was his boyfriend. He looked like he saw a ghost and his parents we just as shocked, They asked if he and some guy named Izumi broke up and he said yes because he found him fooling around.

We said our good-byes and were off to my place, He was impressed by my crib but hide it well. We walked in and I introduced him to Go our butler, the shook hands and I was about to ask if my daughter was here when we heard it.

"Daddy!" Screamed my little girl running down the stairs and jumping into my arms. I introduced him to Kei and she said "She so pretty" Kei blushed at the comment and I corrected my little girl.

She was shocked to find out She was a He, I watched them as I asked Go if my parents were home. She seemed to be fond of him, she usually isn't nice to any of the girls I brought home with me.

My little princess pulled him along into the garden and yelled for my mother, when my parents came out I introduced them to Kei as my new boyfriend. My father passed out and my mother panicked.

Kei went over to him to make sure he was ok, and My mother yelled at me for saying something like that to my father. Kei took charge and told me to help bring him inside, I yelled for go to help me take him upstairs.

Once in his bedroom he came out of it and said "Are you out of your mind boy, How could you be with another man?" He yelled at me. "I don't know, I just can't help but want to be with him." I said to my father.

He got off the bed yelling that he won't allow us to see each other, I told him I was in love with Kei which only made him madder. My mother clamed him down and he said we would talk about his later, because they had a flight to Hong Kong this evening.

My mother seemed to know Kei for some reason and they talked like they were old friends. When they left Kei, My daughter and I went to have dinner, Sakura asked if Kei would tuck her in. I was shocked because she wouldn't even let anyone but my mother and me tuck her in.

They went up stairs and I went to my study, I looked over some paper work I had and Checked to make sure everything was going well with my father. I heard the door close upstairs and Kei came down soon after.

He told me that wasn't the best way to handle the situation, I told him I didn't know my father would react that way. He asked me to drive him home so I did, We drove in silence until we were nearly there.

I asked him what he was doing tomorrow and he said he would be busy with his parents shop because they would be at a party. I asked if I could come over and he said nothing, When we arrived he quickly got out.

I got out and asked again if I could come over, He said it would probably be a bad idea since he would be to busy with the bakery to spend time with me. I didn't have a chance to say anything else because he ran up and into the house.

I shook my head and got back into my car and headed home, When I got there I went up to my room. As I passed my little girls room I went in to check on her, She looked peaceful in her sleep.

I kissed her head and went back out, Once inside my room I took a quick shower and slipped on a pair of silk boxers and slipped into bed. I couldn't get how Kei looked out of my head, He looked stunning tonight.

I made up my mind to stop by the bakery tomorrow, weather he liked it or not.

Kei's POV

After a hard night of trying to sleep I woke up at 7 and took a quick shower before heading down stairs to the bakery. I wore a tight light blue shirt with its sleeves cut off and a pair of light brown jeans along with my brown boots.

"Good morning, Are you guy's ready to go?" I asked my parents, They had huge smiles on there faces because of the party they were going to go to all day into later that night. "All set and ready to go" My dad said to me.

They said there good-byes and were out the door so fast to even say good bye back, I smiled thinking that they behaved like teenagers more then adults. I brought out the cakes and pastries we were going to sell today as well as the bread.

After making sure everything was ready I flipped the sign to Open, the early morning customers came in and ordered there usual and a few new faces came in to buy some pastries near lunch time.

I went to the back to bring out the cream puffs and when I came back out I saw someone that I didn't really want to see today. "Well good morning beautiful" Ryu said to me, I sighed and shook my head.

"what are you doing here? I told you I didn't have time to play your game's today." I said to him a little annoyed. "Yes you did, but I though hey what the hell you could use the help so why not it be me." he said with a smug look on his face.

I shook my head and said "Ryu, this isn't some game here. My parents are trusting me with there shop so please just go and I'll talk to you tomorrow." He ignored me and came over to the other side of the counter.

"Sorry honey but I can do that, Just deal with it ok." was all he said, I was about to give him hell when a customer came in. "Oh I'll be right with you Miss." I said to the young lady and put away the cream puffs.

"How can I help you today?" I asked with a smile, she blushed and said she needed a gift for a friends birthday. I suggested a cake and she choose which one she liked best, I wrapped it up and she paid and left.

"You know your really good at this, must be hard to work around all this sweets" When I turned to say something, I was shocked to see him stuffing his face with the cream puffs I brought out.

"What the Hell!" I yelled, "What the hell are you doing? Those are for sale you idiot!" I yelled at him even more. I pushed him out of the counter and then out the door, "Just go home and don't come back!" I yelled and slammed the door.

I went back to work and soon time flew by and it was closing time, I cleaned the shop and went up stairs to take a quick shower. I came back out and slipped on a white long sleeve shirt and black jeans.

I pulled on my black boots and walked out, I walked to the near by movie theater. I was in line to see "The Forbidden Kingdom" when I felt someone grab my shoulder. I turned to see Ryu smiling down at me.

I frowned up at him and said "Just when I though it was safe to come out" I sighed and shook my head. "Hey come on, you can't still be mad at me for what I did. Those cream puff's were amazing by the way".

"What do you want Ryu?" I asked, "well since you're here and I'm here why not see a movie together?" He asked. I though about it and since I was kind of mean to him earlier I said yes.

We got our tickets and popcorn and headed in to see the movie, We took a seat near the back and just hung out. When it was done he asked what I was going to do now, I looked at my watch and it was only 7:30 so I said "Don't know, Maybe I'll head home."

"You want to have dinner with me?" He asked sincerely, I though about it and he said "Come on, You got to be hungry. I promise no funny stuff and its my treat" he went on. I looked at him and said "alright since you asked nicely".

He smiled and we walked to his car, He opened the door for me and I shook my head. Once inside we went to an Italian place near by. We ate and talked about things we like and things that we didn't like.

"So I was thinking since your going to be my pretend boyfriend I should do something to pay you for the trouble, Here's the deal I'll pay you 2,000 every two weeks. I know its got to be hard getting money and going to Tokyo U."

I looked at him and though I wanted to slap his face with my slice of pizza, I began to think. It was true that money was a problem for me and my family. The money my birth parents gave me was only enough for my first two semesters.

"Alright make it 5,000 and you could do have a deal." I said to him, he smirked and said "you play a hard game but done" he raised his glass and said "Two mutual benefits." we tossed our glasses.

After dinner we went for a little drive to the beach, "Can I ask you something, Something personal?" He asked, I nodded my head and he said "Your American aren't you, so why are your parents Japanese?"

"My birth parents were American, My dad was a Captain in the U.S Marines and my mom was a home maker. My mom's parents were well off but they were stuck up, so when mom got pregnant with me they disowned her."

"Man that harsh" He said to me, I nodded my head and continued "Dad's only living relative was his Great grand father so he took mom and dad in. Dad joined the Marines and soon made Captain."

"We moved to Japan when I was 3 ½, Mom and dad meet my adopted parents soon after we moved to the neighbor hood. I was 4 and they went to a party at the base, they got into a car crash and they both didn't make it."

I looked out over the waves as the crashed on to the beach, It was a full moon tonight and the sky was so clear you could see every star. I felt his strong muscular arms circle me around my waist and pull me close to him.

His head came to rest on my shoulder and he whispered "I'm sorry for what happened to your parents.", I went on with my story. "My dad's lawyer came that night with a police officer and told us the bad news, I was to young to know what they were talking about."

"The lawyer said that my dad's will stated that they would be my parents and they signed the adoption papers after the funeral. They showed me how to bake and all kinds of things, I love them just as much as my real parents."

Tears were falling from my eye's and my body began to shake, I felt him turn me around and brought my chin up. He looked at me with his Honey Brown eyes, My breath seem to be leaving me as his face came closer to mine.

His soft lips pressed against mine, the kiss was soft yet passionate. His arms held me tight against him and my arms circled around his neck. For a while nothing in the world mattered but us, right here on this beach bathed in moonlight.

But 10,000 feet in the air a young man was coming home for the 1st time in 4 years, He looked out at the clear night sky at the moon and stars that seem to paint the blank canvas of the world.

To Be Continued...

Wow, they finally kissed and it didn't take them long. I hope you guy's enjoyed it, Comments and suggestions are always welcomed. Just email me at elohimmasami@aol.com.

Author's List:

My Story's

-The Snow Prince (Fantasy)

-Code Name: Shadow Cat (Interracial, Adult-Youth)

-Sweets (Beginnings)

Mouudy's Story's

-Alexander The Newest X-Men (Celebrity)

-Charmed Sons (Celebrity)

-Heir Of The Amazon (Celebrity)

-The Batman (Celebrity)

Blake's Story

-The Next Charmed Line (Celebrity)

Joey's Story

-Charmed Once Again (Celebrity)

P.G.'s Story

-Mutation (Celebrity)

Teague Story

-Werewolf and Son (Fantasy)

Silvenfox's Story

-The Chosen (Fantasy)

This are some of the authors that I love on Nifty, If you want check there story's out for yourself.

Next: Chapter 4

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