Swim Jock and Econ Nerd

By Ryan Smith

Published on Sep 10, 2023


This is just a semi-autobiographical and about 75% truthful account of an experience I had in college. Some names have been changed to protect the horny. Comments and questions are always welcome to ryanswim83@gmail.com. And of course, please consider a donation to Nifty to help keep this archive and resource going.

And thanks to everyone who wrote in and told me how much they enjoyed the first part -- please keep the comments coming! It certainly helps inspire me to keep writing!

Hope you enjoy!

The silence was deafening. It was a new sensation for Ryan, a new experience. In his past encounters with women none of them had just sat there silently in front of him once he stripped off his clothes and revealed his entire flawless body to them. But that was exactly what Eugene was doing now. With the myriad of women he had fucked in his life, it was almost routine to hear them gasp in amazement once his dick was revealed, to hear them tell him how big it was, how hot he looked, how eager they were to get a chance to service the hung jock stud who stood before them. Hell, a few of them were so enthusiastic to service the captain of the swim team that they just took his flaccid cock in their mouths without saying a word, eager to pleasure and satisfy the hunk, eager to see just how big his cock would get before having their wet pussies fucked by the muscle jock.

But that was certainly not the case with Eugene.

The still fully-clothed nerd just sat there on the edge of the bed while Ryan stood there naked before him, almost unsure of what to say or do, so novel was the reaction he was getting from his nerd study partner. A moment passed. Two. A long third. Ryan finally spoke, just to break the awkward silence.

"You like what you see?" He had uttered these words countless times before to his conquests. And every time it had been nothing more than a rhetorical question, spoken with a sharp and arrogant edge in his voice. Of course his partners liked what they saw, he was a jock, a stud; muscles defined and ample cock all on display. But this time was different. The normally cocky tone he took when asking his partners this question were overlaid with a hint of doubt and his words were akin to sincerity; Ryan was legitimately unsure if Eugene was liking what he saw.

While still maintaining eye contact, the nerd pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose. Ryan's confusion at the nerd's reaction was confounded by the look he saw in Eugene's eyes. It wasn't lust or desire, he had seen those plenty of times and knew the look. The glimmer he saw in Eugene's eyes was a new one, almost cold and calculating. The look reminded Ryan of a farmer or rancher taking stock of a horse or steer, scanning their bodies and looking for defects or flaws, examining the animal as closely as possible before investing the time and money into owning the beast of burden.

The nerd broke eye contact with Ryan as his eyes began to drift lower, beginning to study the jock body that was now on full display. Ryan felt like every inch of him was being inspected and scrutinized by Eugene. The nerd's eyes would linger on a part of Ryan's body for a moment or two before moving on to examine the next part, Ryan could almost see Eugene's mind processing what he was seeing, almost as if he was working through a cost benefit analysis study to see if Ryan was worth it. The sensation was unsettling to the jock.

"Turn around" It was not a request but a command that came out of Eugene's mouth.

"Excuse me?" Ryan said, wondering if what he had heard was correct, the cockiness in his own voice still present but not as pronounced. A certain uneasiness had crept in, betraying him.

"I said turn around!" Eugene repeated, doubling down on his demand, making sure it was clearly heard.

Ryan had been a jock most of his life, since his days back in middle school. Whether it was on the sports field or the swimming pool, he had coaches and trainers that demanded the best out of their athletes, that got the best out of them. And sometimes coach had to push, had to be a hard-ass, had to be stern in order to exact the best performance possible out of a jock. The tone that Eugene had just used on him was exactly the same one his coaches used on him and his fellow jocks when getting them to push for a new best time in the pool or on the track. When they wanted them to push past their perceived physical limits and reach a new pinnacle of performance. And something in Ryan just clicked into that mode, falling into the familiar and comfortable jock and coach dynamic, not questioning but only doing and performing as he turned around and showed his backside to Eugene.

Although he couldn't see it, he could feel the nerd's eyes burning into his backside as they raked up and down taking an accounting of what they were seeing. He felt the eyes linger on his defined and pronounced lats and traps that gave his back size and definition, but as Ryan stood there like a piece of meat being examined, he couldn't help but feel like the nerd's eyes were most interested in his ass.

Ryan's ass was smooth and unblemished. Though he was required to shave his body hair to cut down on drag when propelling himself through the water, his ass was naturally hairless. His butt was round and plump, his buns high and tight. Every kick in the pool had only served to develop Ryan's glutes and his dedication to his sport showed in his buttocks.

"Turn around and face me" Ryan's uneasiness with the silence in the room while being inspected quickly replaced with a new sense, one that felt almost like intimidation. The voice Eugene used was once again that of a coach speaking to his jock; harsh, unapologetic and unyielding. A voice that made Ryan instinctually respond, perform, act. Not only because the coach demanded it but because he relished the challenge, the task, the call to perform. Knowing that if he did what his coach wanted, he would improve, he would be able to beat his competitors, he would gain the respect and admiration of others for his prowess in the pool.

But this wasn't his coach. Fuck, it wasn't even another jock. It was Eugene. Eugene! A fucking nerd.

Ryan completed his 180 degree turn to once again face the seated nerd. He shook his head, the physical act working to dislodge Eugene's disorienting words from his head. His body had responded instinctually to the tone and words that Eugene had used. Muscle memory had taken over and his body had reacted as if a coach was commanding him to go faster and harder. But this was not Coach Jones. And as Ryan once again locked eyes with his nerd conquest, his resolve to use this nerd as a toy to help him drain his nuts was restored and the cocky, proud jock was once again in control of his voice and actions.

"Alright nerd, enough of this shit. Get on your fucking knees and open up your mouth. It's crazy that a fucking pervert like yourself will spend a whole semester checking me out so you can go back to your shitty dorm room to jerk your little dick under your covers while thinking of me and hoping your roommate doesn't catch you and yet you won't obey me when I'm giving you the opportunity to actually suck my dick. So stop fucking around and blow me" Ryan spat, his voice dripping with renewed authority and supremacy.

A spark flashed in Eugene's eyes. It unsettled Ryan but wasn't enough to diminish his cocky attitude. He puffed up his chest and flexed his muscles, the same way an animal in the wild would to show dominance and intimidate the weaker members of their pack.

Taking a deep breath and letting out a long exhale, Eugene finally stood up. Ryan backed up a step or two to allow the nerd some space to drop to his knees before him. But he didn't drop to his knees, he just gave Ryan an almost sympathetic look.

"Be careful with your words, Ryan. You might regret them." Eugene muttered as his hands began to undo the belt that wrapped around his trim waist.

In the time it took Ryan to grow ever more frustrated that once again this nerd was not complying with his clear directions, Eugene had his belt undone and the buttons of his shorts unfastened and with one swift movement pulled his shorts and boxers down to around his feet.

Ryan blinked. Blinked again. He was having trouble processing the images his eyes were sending to his brain. It just wasn't possible. But as he blinked again the impossibility of the situation slowly dissolved only to be replaced by the brutal realization that Eugene was hung. And not just kinda hung. The nerd was BIG.

Ryan had seen plenty of dick in the locker room, and he was well acquainted with his own ample piece...but the dick that was hanging between the nerd's two legs was easily the biggest cock he had ever seen. Even though it was still hanging limp and flaccid, Ryan estimated that the nerd's junk was hanging at around 7". Shit, even if this guy was a shower and not a grower that still meant...it took Ryan another couple of seconds to process the fact that even when soft, Eugene's cock was bigger than his own jock cock...bigger than his own erect jock cock.

Ryan would never know if he stood there looking at Eugene's big dick for seconds or minutes, so lost in a daze and haze of disbelief as his jock brain began to process what he was seeing. This wasn't how things were supposed to go! He was the jock, the masculine alpha stud with the big dick who used twink nerd's for his pleasure. That's how it worked out in all the jock/nerd porn movies he watched. Hell, that's how it worked out in every Hollywood movie and television sitcom! It was a classic trope where the nerd would lose out to the jock, where the jock would get the girl, would get to bully the nerd, would get the last laugh. Classic dominance and submission.

A grin broke out on Eugene's smug face as he watched the visible confusion on Ryan's face as the jock struggled to comprehend what he was seeing. "You like what you see?"

Those same words that Ryan had uttered only minutes before now used against him. While Ryan's utterance of those words had been tainted by self-doubt, Eugene's words were hard as iron. He knew the answer before he asked it. He knew the jock in front of him was stunned by what he was seeing, his brain in a fog as he was coming to terms with his new reality.

As Ryan reeled from the sight of Eugene's cock, Eugene took the opportunity to fully undress, taking off his polo shirt and tossing it into the same hamper Ryan had earlier thrown his own clothes. With the two of them now standing nude and only a few feet away from each other, the juxtaposition between the jock and nerd had never been clearer.

Eugene had been around plenty of musclebound jocks like Ryan in the past. And while the muscles and pretty-boy faces were pleasant enough to look at and enjoy, it didn't really mean much to Eugene. Building muscles was just science -- just an equation of calories, force, and time that resulted in cells fusing to other cells to increase the muscle mass in one's body. There was no magic about it. There was nothing unique about it. Anyone could do it. If you put in the time and effort, anyone could walk around with washboard abs and bulging biceps. It meant nothing. It was the cock that meant everything. Eugene learned in his art history classes that some of the first works of art were little more than phallic symbols. And the fascination and preoccupation with the male size continued from the dawn of human civilization to the present day. It was the ultimate symbol of power and masculinity, of dominance and strength. And while Ryan stood tall and muscular, handsome with dark hair and bronzed skin, flawless like something carved from marble, it was Eugene, Eugene who was shorter and pale, skinny and scrawny with a slight paunch protruding from his abdomen, glasses resting on his face who was the real man, who was the real alpha, who was the real dominant. He had something you couldn't get from the gym or eating right. Something you couldn't get from swimming laps or lifting weights. Nature itself had given him a fucking huge cock. A cock that was bigger than the jock's who stood there looking at him. And it was only right that he used it as nature intended, to dominate those who were weaker and smaller than him.

"Alright jock, enough of this shit. Get on your fucking knees and open up your mouth." The words hitting the still catatonic jock like a ton of bricks, the irony of having his own words used against him able to penetrate the haze he was still in. And again, the words were uttered with authority and confidence. It was not a request, it was an order, a mandate for the jock to obey. And shouldn't he obey? Wasn't it always the guy with the bigger dick who took control in the porn movies? Wasn't this how things played out?

When he found some private time to enjoy watching his jock/nerd porn, Ryan freely admitted that he enjoyed the jocks' muscles, cocky attitudes and big dicks. Loved seeing their big dicks get blown and fucking a tight hole. But if Ryan was being truly honest with himself, he would admit that more time than not, it was usually the subservient nerd that really captured his attention. Wasn't it watching the nerd jerking a big cock, watching them suck a big cock, watching them take a big cock that truly got him hard. He had always explained his curiosity and fascination with the nerd in these movies as a passing fancy, merely a vehicle through which the jock could explore his masculinity and dominant side, something for the jock to use for his own fun, nothing more than curiosity in the role the nerd played in the scene. But maybe there was always something in him that saw the nerd and wondered what it would feel like, what would it be like if the roles were reversed and it was the jock on his knees...

No! NO! Ryan wasn't going to succumb to this. Who cares that the nerd was packing a huge dick? Ryan was the alpha, the stud, the jock. The one with the muscles who could easily overpower the smaller Eugene. He had fucked dozens of girls this last semester, each one begging for his dick. He had turned some of his fellow swimmers into his regular cocksuckers, each one eager to get a chance to pleasure the captain of the team. He didn't give a damn about Eugene's gargantuan prick. He was the true man in the room and he was going to prove it.

Eugene could see Ryan's internal struggle play out on the jock's face and in his eyes and quickly moved to snuff it out. He took two steps forward until he was so close to Ryan that their two cocks brushed against each other. Reaching up and placing his hands on the jock's broad shoulders, he began to apply pressure to push the jock down and onto the ground. His grin was gone, replaced with a look of determination. Locking eyes with the jock's through his glasses he repeated "I said. Get. On. Your. Fucking. Knees. And. Open. Your. Mouth" each word spoken clear and distinctly, in an almost staccato pattern, with purpose and authority. The resolve that had so recently been rekindled in Ryan was quickly snuffed out. The way Eugene had just spoken to him was the way a coach would speak to an athlete; how a top would speak to a bottom; how a dominant would speak to a submissive.

Even though he could easily overpower the nerd in front of him, whatever fight Ryan had in him quickly dissipated. Feeling the nerd's cock brush his own had caused a shiver to run up his spine and reminded him how the unspoken dynamics between the two of them changed merely because of the size of their cocks; the words of authority so familiar to him that he wanted to obey, reminding him once again of the role a coach has on an athlete in reconditioning their body and mind -- to push the jock's body to limits they didn't know possible, to convince the jock's mind that anything was possible. His ability to resist evaporated as he found himself slowly sinking to his knees in front of Eugene. In a matter of seconds, it was Ryan who was looking up at Eugene from a kneeling position and the nerd finally knew that he had the jock exactly where he wanted him.

"Now that's a good jock, finally listening to orders, finally where he ought to be, at the feet of his superior" Eugene remarked, a grin once again spreading across his face. As he spoke, Eugene took hold of his mighty cock in one hand and began to slap it against his other hand, the heavy thud the thick flaccid cock made enough to draw Ryan's attention away from Eugene's eyes and instead to the dick Eugene was playing with only inches from his face.

"You like that? You like seeing me smack my dick on my hand? Like seeing what a real cock looks like up close?" Eugene said, not expecting a response from the still reeling jock but loving getting to taunt and tease the captain of the swim team in such an intimate way. As he spoke and played with himself, his flaccid cock begun to swell and plump up, giving the nerd a semi-erection in a matter of moments.

If Eugene's cock had been big flaccid, it was even more impressive in its semi erect state. Thick and cut, the cock was topped with a prominent mushroom head, the ridges of which were flared and pronounced. A noticeable vein ran down the underside of the shaft, ending in two plum-sized balls that hung low and heavy in their sacks. All of this framed by an unkempt bush of pubic hair, fair and flaxen matching Eugene's blond hair.

The sight of the nerd's large cock only inches from his face mesmerized Ryan. Each heavy "thunk" of the nerd's dick against the hand reverberated and rattled around in Ryan's head. He had seen dicks; even seen erect dicks on some of the other swimmers he had allowed to blow him, but he had never returned the favor before, had never even touched a dick that hadn't been his own. But the dick that Eugene was swinging had an almost spellbinding effect on Ryan. Would it feel the same as his dick? Would it feel heavy? Firmer? The rhythmic slapping of the dick had the same effect as a hypnotist's pocket watch has on his patients as Ryan seemed to fall into some sort of trance watching the dick methodically fall across the nerd's hand. Is this what the nerd's in his gay scenes felt? Is this what the guys who had given him blowjobs felt?

Sensing the jock was falling ever deeper under his spell, the nerd uttered "Go ahead, you can touch it"

Ryan looked up at the nerd. Eugene could see the internal struggle going on within the jock. As much as the jock was fighting it, Eugene could see that somewhere deep inside there was a part of Ryan who was genuinely curious about the position he found himself in now, clearly struggling to come to grips with the stereotype that the jock should be the one in control while clearly intrigued with the thought of surrendering to another, larger man.

Sensing they were at a tipping point, where the sexual encounter with Ryan could go one way or another, Eugene took matters into his own hands, literally. Taking a firm hold of the base of his semi-erect cock, he bounced and jiggled it in his hands before slapping Ryan across the face with it.

The heavy cock slapping across his face momentarily stunned the jock. It was only when the nerd slapped him across his face again from the other direction that he was brought out of his stupor. A third slap across his face bringing him fully back to reality. "Fuck that's hot." The nerd mumbled as he watched his heavy cock once again smack Ryan in his face, a small smear of precum across the jock's left cheek marking where his blow had just landed. As Ryan endured a fury of blows from Eugene's cock that were falling across his face, the last shred of resistance dissipated. As he heard the nerd giggle and literally spew smack talk as he used his cock to slap the jock across his face, Ryan's need and desire to know what it felt like to be used like one of the nerds in his porn movies became too great to dismiss. As he felt his own hand begin to rise up and reach for the cock that was taunting and teasing his face, he knew what he had to do.

Wrapping his big hand around the nerd's cock, Ryan felt an almost primal heat spread across his skin. Taking a firm hold around the shaft, the sensation was in one sense familiar and yet altogether different. True, the cock he now held in his hand had the same heat, the same texture and feel as his own, but it also felt novel and undiscovered. His own brain and hand had mapped out every ridge and vein of his own dick worked out over countless jerk sessions, but the cock he held in his hand now was unfamiliar -- the thick vein and swelling cock both unaccustomed and strange, unknown. But not unpleasant. As he heard the nerd hiss his approval with the jock taking hold of his cock, Ryan couldn't help but notice the heft and thickness of the cock he now grasped, marveling at its size and bulk as he began to jerk the nerd's dick.

Now, to be clear, Ryan was never quite certain if he had begun stroking the nerd's cock because he wanted to bring pleasure to the nerd, or merely because of instinct. The feeling of a cock in his hand was so associated with jerking himself off and bringing himself pleasure that part of him wondered if it was once again his muscle memory taking over, his brain telling his hand to stroke the cock it now felt so as to bring his own self-gratification and release. But jerking the cock he was holding brought him no pleasure, at least none of the familiar physical pleasure as evidenced by his own dick still hanging flaccid but as he watched the cock in his hand begin to grow even larger under his touch, to hear the sounds of pleasure issuing forth from Eugene, to feel the nerd lightly humping his hand so as to elicit more pleasure, perhaps a new form of pleasure was taking root in Ryan's mind; not one based on his own gratification but on making sure others experience pleasure.

"Oh fuck Ryan, yeah, jerk my cock, fucking stroke it" Eugene mumbled as he watched the jock's hand slide up and down his lengthening cock. Eugene loved how Ryan's large jock hand looked uncharacteristically small gripping his cock, the jock's fingers just able to touch as they wrapped around the thick cock. Loved how his lengthening cock grew harder and firmer under Ryan's touch and how the jock's hand tightened around the dick as the fleshy appendage turned from semi-erect to rock hard erection under his touch. Soon the nerd's cock reached its full length of 9", a length that Ryan had only seen on porn stars and certainly never imagined seeing on a nerd. But as his hand continued to glide up and down the nerd's cock, Ryan felt himself growing ever more desirous, ever more curious, unsatisfied with merely holding it and touching it with his hand.

As a bead of precum formed on the tip of Eugene's cock, the nerd grew greedy, no longer satisfied with just having his jock crush jerk him off. No, the night had proceeded even better than he had expected and Ryan had turned out to be much more malleable than he ever would have hoped. No, if Eugene was going to make tonight as memorable as he wanted it to be, he was going to have to take it further, to really see if he could push the jock's limits.

Extracting his cock from Ryan's hand, he once again proceeded to smack his cock on his own hand, words flowing from his mouth that even he hadn't thought himself capable of saying.

"Not so little now, am I? Looks like I'm packing bigger than you!" Eugene's foot brushing against Ryan's dangling cock. "Fuck, you have everyone fooled, don't you? Walking around campus like some fucking stud when you're just some below-average jock with a couple muscles who probably can't even get the girls off. Fuck dude, you're such a disappointment, so pathetic. Well, I told you to be careful what you wished for, so I'm going to show you what you're really good for, show you just how useless and worthless those muscles and little prick are. Open up that pretty mouth and show me just how much you like my big cock"

A momentary shimmer of his old self flashed in Ryan's mind, telling him to stop this insanity and to get himself out of the trouble he found himself in. But the stronger part of him, the newly discovered and previously untapped portion was firmly in control. Recalling the porn he had watched, the curiosity he felt, the pull of the nerd's order, Ryan found himself giving in and his jaw slowly lowering.

"Good. But you're going to have to open wider than that. This is a big fucking dick after all" Eugene smugly said as he approached Ryan, placing one hand in the jock's mussed dark hair and the other taking a firm grip at the base of his own cock, guiding it to the slowly opening mouth.

Hope you enjoyed the second chapter. I know, again with the Sorry for the cliffhanger! I promise we'll see more action in chapter 3. Did you love it and want to see a third action-packed chapter? Did you hate it and are upset you wasted yet another 15 minutes of your life reading this story?

Write me at ryanswim83@gmail.com and let me know. I'd love to hear what you think and what you'd like to see.

Next: Chapter 3

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