Swim Jock and Econ Nerd

By Ryan Smith

Published on Sep 15, 2023


This is just a semi-autobiographical and about 75% truthful account of an experience I had in college. Some names have been changed to protect the horny. Comments and questions are always welcome to ryanswim83@gmail.com. And of course, please consider a donation to Nifty to help keep this archive and resource going.

And thanks to everyone who wrote in and told me how much they are enjoying my story. Hearing from readers is a great pleasure so please keep the comments coming! It certainly helps inspire me to keep writing!

Hope you enjoy!

Eugene's cock had never felt harder than it did right now. Fortune had smiled on him tonight, probably more than he deserved. At first, he was delirious just to have the opportunity to be in the same room and talking to his jock crush from whom he had received the invite to tonight's study group session. He had become even more excited when Ryan had asked him to stick around after the rest of the group had broken up, leaving just him and the muscle hunk alone in the jock's deserted apartment. Sure, Eugene had fantasized about messing around with the swimming jock countless times but he never actually allowed himself to imagine it would happen. He almost fainted when the jock made a pass at him...

And now, here he was, standing tall above a kneeling Ryan, guiding the tip of his heavy cock in and out of the jock's wide-open mouth. Though Eugene's physique and rather ordinary looks had never garnered him much attention, his dick was a different story. He had learned rather early on that he was hung and larger than any of the other guys he saw in the locker room. He also quickly discovered that being different in middle and high school, for any reason, was grounds for being teased and bullied. In response, he did everything he could to conceal and hide his monstrous penis from his fellow classmates, afraid that his cock would betray him as different or, god-forbid, gay should it grow at the sight of one of his male classmates. It wasn't until coming to college that he discovered the advantages of being hung.

Within the first week of his first semester, his roommate had accidently walked in on him changing. Though he tried to quickly pull up his boxers and hide his dick, it had been too late and the roommate had seen Eugene's package and quickly remarked on the size of Eugene's cock. But instead of calling him a freak or teasing him, his roommate lavished praise on him, telling him that he looked like a fucking horse down there, saying the ladies must love him, lamenting the fact he wasn't going to get any pussy if the girls found out what his roommate was packing. By the following week, specifics about Eugene's dick were known by everyone is his freshman dorm. It only took another couple of weeks for his roommate to come back to the room late one night, clearly tipsy, while Eugene was studying. His roommate's inhibitions were tempered by the alcohol running through his system and Eugene quickly found himself being peppered with intimate questions about his dick and past sexual experiences. Eugene tried to dismiss the line of questioning, tried to get his roommate to get in bed and sleep off his drunken state but his roommate persisted. It was only when his roommate asked if he had ever had a guy give him a blowjob before that Eugene's interest was piqued. By the next morning, Eugene had a dedicated cocksucker living with him and he discovered the perks of possessing a large dick.

Since that night, Eugene found himself discreetly hooking up and messing around with a number of guys who were curious about the freshman with the huge cock; some who were openly gay and wanted nothing more than to be fucked silly by his huge dick, while others who were deeply closeted approached him subtly to see if the rumors about his penis were true. And as the notches on Eugene's belt grew in number, so did his confidence. His cock was no longer a source of shame or worry, but something to be proud of, something that others desired.

So when Ryan had come on to him, had approached him with his macho-jock attitude, had tried to intimidate him with his own big cock, Eugene had to take his shot, had to see if the experiences and confidence he had gained in the past few months since coming to college were enough to bend the jock to his will. And sure enough, just like all the other guys before him, once seeing what Eugene was packing, all the swaggering and self-righteousness quickly disappeared and the conceited jock was on his knees, eager to take his first throat fucking.

"Oh fuck!" Eugene exclaimed as he felt the tip of his heavy dick slide past Ryan's full lips and into the jock's wide-open mouth. Still having a firm grasp of his shaft with one hand, Eugene extracted the tip of his dick from the hungry mouth and began to rub it along Ryan's lips, the droplet of precum that had formed on his slit acting almost like lip gloss, painting the jock's pouty lips with a sheen before proceeding to plunge back into the gaping mouth. It didn't take Eugene long to figure out that Ryan was a novice at sucking cock, a fact that both frustrated and excited the nerd. He would just have to be a little more patient and gentler with Ryan than he liked, especially when compared to some of the more experienced cocksuckers he had broken in over the past semester.

"Mmmm, that's good. That's fucking hot. Now stick your tongue out. C'mon, really stick your tongue out." Eugene muttered as he pulled his cockhead from Ryan's swollen lips. As Ryan extended his tongue like he was about to have his throat examined at the doctor's office, Eugene began to slap his cock against the protruding tongue, loving the sight of the cock hungry jock so eager to taste and experience his cock, imagining the vibrations his dick was sending through Ryan's tongue were travelling up and into the jock's head, shaking loose any lingering thoughts of being a proud alpha jock.

"Now get back to sucking my dick." Eugene said as he settled into a gentle rhythm with Ryan, rocking the tip of his cock in and out of the genuflecting jock. To Ryan's credit, and to his own surprise, the feeling of a dick in his mouth excited the jock, feeling the spongy firmness sliding past his lips and into his mouth. The quick reversal of his fortune from cocky jock to cock-sucker so sudden and unexpected that the jock's mind was still reeling. Sure, he had thought about and been curious about what it might be like to suck a dick, and he certainly felt the call to achieve, to compete, felt that familiar pull that a coach has with an athlete when Eugene had come on strong and domineering. But to be in the position he was now in still blew his mind. All his life he had lived with the expectations that come with being a tall, good-looking, muscular jock. The expectations of being a ladies' man, a stud, an alpha. But every time his jock tendencies had a slight resurgence, every time he thought about those expectations and the role he always thought he was meant to play, the dick in his mouth would remind him of where he was, where he found himself, and his will would once again bend and surrender to the nerd and his big cock.

Ryan had enough experience having his own cock sucked to know what he liked, what felt good when one of the hot college co-eds or fellow swimmers were worshipping his impressive dick. Coupled with his still whirling psyche and jock desire to please Eugene, to please the figure that had ordered him to his knees, Ryan used this knowledge to attempt to recreate some of his favorite techniques that his partners had used on him and that had always pleased him. Using his tongue, he engaged in a game of tag with the pistoning cockhead as it slid in and out of his mouth. His tongue wildly and erratically trying to engage with the intruder, though his efforts were clumsy and awkward they were still enough to coax out as a reward the salty and yet subtlety sweet taste of Eugene's precum against his taste buds.

It didn't take long for Eugene to grow weary of the gentle approach he was taking with Ryan. As he looked down at the kneeling jock whose mouth was performing oral on his nerd cock, he couldn't help but sigh. These jocks were always the same. They succumbed to the allure and power of his dick easy enough, eagerly taking to their knees to suck a dick, but then proceeded to give the most lackluster and lifeless blowjob. And the worst part is they had no idea! Jocks always think they excel at everything they do; a byproduct of their easy prowess in the pool and on the field. And they just assume that prowess and ability extend to every aspect of themselves, including in the bedroom. But just like Eugene had discovered when he had spent a night feeding the football team's safety his cock, it was a falsehood, a lie. Jocks were no better than anyone else when first learning to suck cock...hell, they were probably worse. And though it looked like Ryan was trying to make up for his lack of experience with enthusiasm, flicking his tongue at the thrusting dick, the jock technique could undoubtedly use some improvement.

"C'mon, you can do better than that. Suck my cock! Don't just fucking tease it. You have sucked a cock before, haven't you?" Eugene questioned. The slight hesitancy and uncertainty Eugene felt in response from Ryan's floundering technique provided him his answer.

"Oh shit, you've never sucked dick before have you? Never even sucked off one of those little dicks all you swimmers seem to have? Oh fuck dude" Eugene said, having to admit to himself there was a thrill knowing that his big dick was going to be the entry point for Ryan to experience sucking dick, the first one to penetrate his haughty jock throat.

As Ryan's tongue returned to eagerly bathing the thrusting cock, he felt a hand run through his dark cropped hair. Eugene quickly clenched a handful of the soft locks, making sure he had a firm grip, pulling ever so slightly and watching Ryan's head move along with the tug he had just administered, confirming that he had control over the movements of the jock's head. Holding Ryan's head in place, Eugene began to exert a little more pressure on his cock sucking apprentice.

No longer satisfied with just the tip of his cock getting to enjoy the warm confines of Ryan's mouth, and turned on by the thought of Ryan's heretofore virgin mouth, the nerd began to thrust deeper, forcing the first few inches of his shaft past Ryan's grasping lips and into his receiving mouth. In seconds he heard and felt Ryan begin to sputter and snort as his gag reflex was engaged, Eugene took a mental note of how far his cock had entered Ryan's mouth before causing him to begin to gag. Tightening his grasp on Ryan's head, Eugene began to fall into a see-saw motion, his cock gliding in and out of Ryan's mouth

Looking down at his jock prey, the nerd saw the jock's eyes dart up to lock with his own, a slight look of panic as Ryan struggled to take the large cock that was now forcibly entering his mouth. Ryan's eyes reminded Eugene of a begging puppy, the whites of his brown eyes giving the impression of a dog begging for a treat from their master. As Ryan's hands rose from his sides and onto Eugene's thighs, the nerd instinctually knew they were the jock's feeble attempt to stop his actions. Ryan tried to voice his concern, tried to enunciate his objections to the increased ferocity the nerd was using on his throat but his words were silenced and garbled by the cock filling his mouth.

"Ha. Don't try to talk pretty boy. Your job is to listen, to obey, and to suck. That's it. Even someone pulling a C in Econ should be able to understand those directions"

Like so many before him, Ryan's brain and dick were in direct competition. As the jock's brain began to send signals of worry and distress over the increased aggressiveness coming from Eugene, his dick had other ideas. The verbal assault that Ryan was being subjected to, the lewd and demeaning comments that he was being berated with seemed to arose the kneeling jock as evidenced by the response of his own dick. The tone and words Eugene were using felt like they came right out of one of Ryan's porn movies, words that had always excited and thrilled him and his engorging dick when they were coming from the alpha jock to the sub nerd. And though he now found himself in a reversal of roles, the words were no less potent, no less intoxicating. If anything, Ryan found the words to be even more compelling and exciting, knowing that he was on the receiving end of the verbal beat down. And his cock responded in kind, plumping up between his bent legs. The fact that Ryan's cock was beginning to show signs of life were not lost on Eugene. "Well fuck. Is your dick getting hard? Are you getting a boner? Fuck man, you're not even playing with yourself and you're getting a fucking erection" Eugene said elatedly, genuinely pleased with himself for seeing the growing dick that Ryan was sporting, the jock not even trying to conceal his rising member.

Even if Ryan wanted to deny it, to play it cool, his body had betrayed him, providing irrefutable and undeniable physical evidence of his arousal from taking the nerd's cock in his mouth.

"Fuck. I wanna see you jerk that dick. I wanna see you play with yourself while your sucking my big cock. Go on little jock. Go on and play with your little dick. I wanna see you get hard for me" Eugene said, sincerely turned on by the horny jock beneath him.

As Eugene began to drive his dick in and out of the jock's mouth. He smiled to see that his patronizing words coupled with Ryan's jerking of his own cock had the desired effect. Soon Ryan was pumping his own 7" erection, his hand working like a metronome and falling into the same rhythm as the fucking his mouth was taking from the nerd.

"Is that it? That's the cock that you're so fucking proud of? That's the cock that gets all the girls horny? Fuck dude. The guys I play D and D with have bigger cocks than you. Maybe we should get you to show up at one of our upcoming game nights so you can actually see what real cocks look like. Maybe have my buddies roll for initiative to see who you get to suck off first" Eugene paused "Would you like that you pathetic jock? Would you like to suck off a whole bunch of nerds and their big cocks?"

Ryan's erection answered for him as an involuntary splurge of precum flowed out from his piss slit, dangling there like a pendulum for a few moments before dropping to the floor.

Eugene smiled. "That excites you, doesn't it you horny little jock slut? The idea of being a cock sucker for a bunch of nerds, doesn't it? Fuck you're a horny one. Well, if you're going to let your mouth be used as a fuck toy, you're going to have to learn how to suck some dick." Eugene explained.

"Now Relax your throat. Just relax, don't fight it. Just watch your teeth and let your jaw go slack." No sooner did the words leave his lips then Eugene physically felt the change in Ryan's cock sucking, felt the jaw unclench ever so slightly, felt the mouth relax. To the jock's credit, he knew how to take direction well.

"That's a good jock! You listen so well. Must be because you're eager for my dick. Is that it Ryan, you hungry for my nerd cock?" Momentarily forgetting his mouth was stuffed with dick, Ryan attempted to respond in the affirmative but instead what came out was a once again a garbled mess; the jock's response causing Eugene to laugh.

Eugene hissed "Fuck, what did I say about teeth? Now don't try to speak. I already told you that dummy. Try to remember. Now use that tongue for something else. I want to feel your tongue press against my piss slit...mmm, yeah...really dig in there, mmmm, you taste the precum I'm making for you? Fuck yeah. Now rub that tongue around my cock head, around the ridges.... yeah, that's good, feels good...flick your tongue. Yeah. Just like that. Rub that tongue under my shaft, find that vein. Yeah, now run your tongue up and down that vein, trace it. In and out. In and out. Yeah jock...fuck...Now wrap those lips around my dick, fucking suck, fucking use that tongue the way I taught you and fucking suck my dick as I fuck your mouth...damn, that's it. Fuck. You're a natural."

And Eugene wasn't lying, Ryan was a natural, his tongue dancing over the sensitive cockhead and running along the ridges of the flared head. Tracing the length of the pronounced vein that ran along the underside of Eugene's dick, his mouth tightly wrapped around the thick shaft, his lips bouncing along every ridge and undulation of the nerd's cock as it methodically slid in and out of his sucking mouth, his cheeks slightly concave as he sucked, creating a vacuum around the cock.

Yanking on the hair he was gripping, Eugene felt the jock below him tense up. "Keep your eyes up here, keep them looking up at me" his voice calm but clear, composed but sharp. As Eugene continued to monitor and guide the cock sucking education of his jock protégé, he was pleased with the result, pleased to hear the jock gurgle, gag and garble as he took his cock, happy to see the drool beginning to collect and dribble down out of the corner of Ryan's mouth, content to feel his dick become slick with Ryan's dribble and saliva.

"Now use your hand, jerk me while I fuck your mouth. Yeah, grab the base of my cock and jerk me off" Ryan's hand wrapped around the lower portion of the nerd's cock, stimulating it as his mouth continued to work the top third; mouth and hand working in tandem to provide pleasure to the nerd humping his face.

They continued like this for a little bit, Eugene critiquing Ryan's technique, directing him on how to suck a dick, on how to please another man. And Ryan excelled. The truth was that both were falling into the roles they felt comfortable with. Eugene; the tutor, providing direction and encouragement to a struggling student. Ryan; the athlete, taking and hearing direction from a coach and turning it to action, learning to take orders and executing on those commands to the best of his ability. The act of learning to suck cock not all that different from when he had learned the breaststroke or butterfly -- he merely had to take and follow direction, not ask questions but perform as was demanded of him. And he was certainly performing.

Eugene's head went back and he let out a long and satisfied sigh. He smirked at the sight of the eager jock beneath him, head bobbing up and down, one hand wrapped around the base of his thick shaft, the other jerking off his own jock prick. Gurgling and slurping as he worked the nerd's cock, as he took so naturally to his new role of cock sucker.

But it wasn't enough. While Ryan's technique had already improved under Eugene's brief tutelage, Ryan's inexperience was still showing. He was eager enough to suck cock but his physical limitations wouldn't allow Eugene the pleasure of truly having the jock deep throat his cock.

"When the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" thought Eugene "you sometimes have to try a different tactic."

Eugene took a firm hold of Ryan's head, placing a hand on each side of the jock's handsome head, immobilizing him. Pushing his head back against the mattress, Ryan neck snapped back almost 45 degrees, effectively aligning his mouth and throat, providing Eugene with a much better point of entry to go past the jock's gag reflex and slide down into the throat. Clearly alarmed, Ryan's eyes grew wide as Eugene shimmed up, almost mounting the jock's face, beginning to administer a face fucking in a downward motion which allowed Eugene's thrusts to became even faster and deeper, eliciting coughing and gagging from Ryan as the cock penetrated deeper into his throat. Mucus began to collect and drool profusely from the jock's gaping mouth. Eugene couldn't help but watch as the besieged and clearly panicked jock's eyes began to well with tears as his airflow became ever more compromised. Eugene's heavy balls swung like pendulums in time with his thrusts; god he so wanted to feel those heavy balls smacking Ryan in the chin as he forced the jock to deepthroat his cock, feel the dribble and drool that was now flowing out of Ryan's yawning mouth coating his heavy balls, feel the jock's nose twitch and wiggle as it was buried in the nerd's thicket of pubes as he ground his crotch against Ryan's face.

But the jock just wasn't able to handle it. As he continued to face fuck the now clearly panicking jock, Eugene was only able to get about 6" of his cock down the inexperienced gullet of his novice cock sucker. Eugene grunted in pleasure as the jock's throat convulsed around his cock, the gagging fit Ryan was experiencing serving to only enhance Eugene's pleasure as the muscles in Ryan's throat contracted resulting in an unintentional massage on Eugene's dick. Even as he continued to use Ryan's throat as a fuck sleeve for his impressive cock, even as he bounced the jock's head like it was on a swivel on his cock, using his mouth as a masturbation tool, he knew it wouldn't be enough, wouldn't make him truly satisfied to know that he face-fucked his jock crush with just half of what he was equipped with.

A spark of an idea germinated in his head. In a moment that spark ignited and spread through Eugene's mind like wildfire. Did he dare? Would Ryan, the cocky and arrogant jock be willing to go that far? Be willing to abandon whatever little pretense he still carried of being a brash and egotistical muscle stud, and allow himself to fully surrender to the cock he was so clearly wanting to worship even as his own mouth and throat betrayed him?

Feeling Ryan's hands grab and grip Eugene's thighs, signaling surrender, Eugene released his grip on the struggling jock and backed off, pulling his dick from the wheezing jock, strands of saliva and phlegm momentarily connecting cock to mouth before breaking.

Ryan was a fucking mess. Thick globs of white phlegm coated the jock's face as rivulets of saliva and drool ran down his chin, more being added as the jock coughed and sputtered, trying to catch his breath after being denied by the thick cock lodged in his airway. Snot leaked from his right nostril, already drying against his bronze skin. Tears streamed down his face, his eyes watering and wet from a lack of oxygen. His flawless skin was now red and flushed as the grip Eugene had taken to control his head showed marks of the unexpected strength that the nerd exerted to control and manipulate the head as he fucked the gaping mouth. Ryan's usually perfectly quaffed and styled hair now tousled and matted from Eugene's firm grasp.

As Ryan panted and gasped, Eugene just looked down at the kneeling stud, almost disgusted by what he saw. "I thought you swimmers were built for endurance? What the fuck man? Can't even handle my dick?"

A winded Ryan looked up, ashamed and embarrassed to be berated by the standing nerd. As Eugene wiped away the thick white phlegm that had accumulated on his dick, Ryan couldn't help but feel overwhelmed; he didn't take defeat easily when it came to physical challenges, didn't give up in the face of adversity. When he struggled with reaching a milestone in the pool, he pushed himself, he listened to his coach, and would grind until he became strong and skilled enough to meet and overcome the trial. There had never been a challenge too great that he hadn't been able to overcome. Until now. Ryan knew he had failed. Knew he hadn't met the challenge.

His body slumped down, taking on a position of defeat. "I'm sorry....too...big...your dick...too fucking...big...sorry" Ryan gasped out between breaths, his lungs burning with the same sensation he sometimes experienced in the pool when he held his breath for too long in an attempt to win a heat, his hand rubbing his sore jaw, tender and almost unhinged as the cock had pumped in and out, forcing him to open wide to accept the thick appendage.

"Let me try...Let me try again....I can do better....will do better..." the jock stated in a staccato cadence. The look of disappointment on Eugene's face akin to the look Coach Jones would give him when he knew he could do better, when he knew Ryan was slacking in his commitment to honing his skill and craft at swimming. And while the call to overcome the physical challenge of handling the nerd's dick was certainly rolling around Ryan's brain, underlying all of this was something that scared him...the unexpected fact that he was incredibly turned on and horny at being the nerd's cock-sucker. The surrendering of the power to Eugene and being reduced to nothing but a toy for the nerd's pleasure was unanticipated but the sexual enjoyment he was experiencing was undeniable. It certainly made him question his rapidly evolving sexuality, his own preferences, his own role in the sexual hierarchy...but these were questions for later. He still had to prove himself tonight.

Ryan collected himself and once again raised himself up on his knees, wiping the drool and dribble off his chin with the back of his hand, while his other hand reached out, stretching to take hold of Eugene's bobbing dick, to guide it back to his mouth so he could redeem himself and prove that he could meet the challenge.

Ryan was momentarily stunned as Eugene slapped his reaching hand away from his own pulsating nerd dick. "Fuck off, man. Don't even think I'm going to waste my time again. You can't even handle my dick."

Ryan looked dejected, almost disappointed that Eugene was threatening to deny him the opportunity to redeem himself, to prove to himself that he could meet and beat the challenge, to indulge his own lusts.

Ryan almost pleaded with the nerd "C'mon man. Please. I can do better. Will do better. Just give me a chance. I'll do anything. Just let me try."

Eugene smirked. "You really do have a fucking problem listening, don't you Ryan. Anything? I already told you once to be careful with your words, that you might regret them"

Grabbing Ryan once again by the hair, Eugene sharply tugged upwards and began to pull. Ryan was forced to stand up, to rise up off his knees and onto his feet as the force Eugene exerted turned him into a puppet, forced to bend and move at the nerd's will. Eugene pushed Ryan onto the bed, the jock landing on his ass in a seated position while the nerd once again stood over him.

Eugene repeated "Anything? We'll see if you mean that."

Well, that's it for chapter 3! Did you love it and want to see the conclusion of this encounter? Did you hate it and are upset you wasted yet another 15 minutes of your life reading this story?

Write me at ryanswim83@gmail.com and let me know. I'd love to hear what you think and what you'd like to see.

Next: Chapter 4

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