Swimmer Boy Randy

By moc.oohay@0211ttemme

Published on Jun 5, 2014


AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is work of fiction involving consensual gay sex between a mid-30's adult and a college-aged boy over 18 years of age, and involves oral and anal sex. The characters are fictional, except for myself. If this sort of material offends you, is illegal where you live, or you are under 18 years of age, PLEASE LEAVE THIS SITE NOW!

This story is copyrighted by The Author. It can ONLY be downloaded for personal enjoyment, NOT for republication or sale and distribution. If you wish to provide feedback, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact me, using the story title as the subject line, at emmett1120@yahoo.com

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Swimmer Boy Randy, Part 1

I was in my mid 30's, living alone, and decided to start attending the church that I used to go just to have some kind of a "life". One of my first weekends there I met a family, a nice family that had a teenage son, and a mid-20's daughter, who was very cute. I really decided to go after her, so I befriended the family. Soon, though, I found that I was getting close to the 18 year old high school brother, Randy, who I found to be a nice kid, and interested in photography. He was a good looking kid, too. A swimmer, toned, smooth and perpetually tan. Funny thing was he didn't have too many buddies his age, and he tended to hang out with me a lot. We'd go on photo shoots, sometimes local ones, or weekend shoots. Or he'd come to my parent's and work with me in my dad's darkroom. And sometimes he'd just come over to my place and hang out, and then stay overnight in my extra bedroom. Even his parents encouraged our friendship, commenting a few times that they saw me as an uncle, even encouraging he spend time with me. More than once they commented that they saw me as an "uncle", and appreciated how I treated him. They told me that, even though he was involved in swimming and diving, he really didn't have buddies his age, and they were always concerned about his lack of social interaction. That struck me as odd, considering how good looking he was, and how athletic he was. I knew girls liked him, but he rarely shared about any dates he had. We did talk about his sister, but he made her sound remote and cold, and even suggested she was actually a lesbian.

The year went on, and we spent a lot of time together. We crashed in my living room watching movies for his 19th birthday, eating pizza and drinking beer. I started to attend his swim meets and competitions when they were at the local pool, and found myself constantly staring at not just the girls in their swimsuits, but the guys in their Speedos. I'd see guys like Randy, toned, smooth, tan, in those small Speedos, with their packages showing nicely, and I'd go home and fantasize about them. I never brought a camera, afraid that I'd get busted if I took photos of the guys. Then one Saturday, Randy called and asked if I could take him to the meet he had. His sister was in San Diego, and his parents were gone until about 7 PM. He did drive, but didn't have a car. At first I wondered why he didn't just get a ride from one of his teammates, but then I thought about the sights I'd see if I went, and agreed to take him.

I got to his house, and took him the mile or so to the pool. It was crowded with kids of all ages, from junior-highers all the way to college aged kids. And the girls in their tight suits, and the guys in their Speedos, just looked wonderful. Then I saw Randy strip to his Speedos, and I just stared. They seemed to be a smaller, tighter pair than he usually wore. And I could see that he'd shaved everything - there was no leg hair, no chest hair and from the way it hugged his package, I could swear that the pubes were trimmed off as well. He showed, and you could tell he was cut. I found it tough NOT to stare at him, and I noticed that occasionally he'd turn and look at me as if to acknowledge that he knew I was checking him out.

After the meet ended, we met by the pool, and he wrapped a towel around his waist. He picked up his shorts and shirt, slipped on his flip-flops, and motioned for us to go. We walked to my Jeep Cherokee, and got in. I started up the Jeep and slipped out of the parking space, starting to head to his house. I glanced down as he reached under his towel, and in a swift move, pulled off his Speedos. The towel spread open, revealing the inner side of his right thigh, and there it was - the head of his cock, resting against his thigh. I looked at it briefly, trying not to stare. He shifted a little bit, which hid his dick, but revealed all of his right leg, toned and totally smooth. I think I almost ran a red light, I was so distracted.

We reached his house, and went up to his room. It was a typical teen guy's room: clothes all over the place, bed unmade, curtains drawn. His desk was covered in papers, and the bookcases that lined one wall full of National Geographics and photography books. He motioned for me to sit on his bed, and said he was going to take a quick shower. I sat on his unmade bed, smelling that typical teen guy smell. Musty and damp from sweat. I'd been in his room only once before. I sat and looked at the stuff he had, skateboarding magazines, surfing magazines and books on photography. I got up and walked to the bookcase, seeing all the books about darkroom work and famous photographers. There were some framed photos of shots he'd taken, and an old Nikon camera that belonged to his grandpa.

He was in the shower for a while - almost 20 minutes. I was getting hungry, and had looked at every surfing and photography magazine he had in his room. Finally, he came back out. I could see the steamed up mirrors in the bathroom. He walked into his room, and for some reason, closed the door, even though no one was home. I figured it had to be habit. I sat back on the bed, and then turned to see him dropping his towel to the floor, and then reach to his OP shorts, and pull them on. For a few brief seconds I saw him naked. He was totally trimmed/shaved down there - no pubes at all. He looked like a 10 year old. His dick even limp looked like it was maybe 4" long, and he was cut. His balls hung down fairly low, which I now realized made him show so well in Speedos. Again it was all I could do to NOT stare. He pulled up his shorts quickly, and buttoned them up, and turned his face to me, acknowledging the fact that he knew I was looking.

Randy then asked me if I'd like to see some pictures he'd taken a few years back. I shrugged my shoulders and agreed. He went over to his desk, and pulled out the bottom drawer. It was packed with school papers and black & white 8 x 10" photos, many of which he'd printed in my dad's darkroom. He dug way down to the bottom - it was a deep drawer - until he pulled out a large brown envelope. He walked over to me and handed it to me, but he cautioned me that they were nudes. My mind raced - nudes of who? His sister? Some girl he dated or knew? A model? One of the girls from the swim team?

So, I opened up the envelope, and my jaw dropped as I saw they were nudes - but of a guy. They were mixed with shots of the guy in Speedos with a boner, or naked and his boner hanging out. He was totally smooth, and had a swimmer's body. I asked Randy who the guy was, and he told me it was one of his swim teammates. I looked at the photos and noticed that they had been taken in Randy's backyard, by the pool. I asked when he took these and he responded back when he was 16. I asked how old the guy was, and he told me 18, he thought. I continued to look at the photos, getting aroused by the perfection of the guys' body and the beauty of his rock hard cock. Randy came over to the bed where I was sitting and sat next to me, leaning in close so that his shoulder was behind mine, and his hand, placed behind me for his support, was touching my butt. I could feel the warmth of his body, and smell the shampoo he used to wash his hair clean of the chlorine. I asked him how he got the guy to model nude for him.

Randy began to share a quick story about how he'd been teammates with this guy since Randy was 14 and the guy was 16, and how the guy had befriended him and had hit on him. So, finally, when Randy got his camera, he asked the guy to model nude for him, and offered to give the guy a blowjob if he would. I looked at Randy, a bit shocked, and asked if he really HAD offered a BJ to the guy. Randy then shuffled the pics a bit, and pulled out a photo showing him going down on the guy, obviously taken by the guy with Randy's camera. I couldn't believe it. Now I became very aroused, and felt something tickle my butt. Seconds passed before I realized it was Randy tickling my butt. Randy then told me to continue looking at the pics, and as I shuffled I found shots of him - first in Speedos with a full bulge, and then naked, and then pics of the other guy blowing him. I was dying now, looking at these hot nude shots of a good looking guy, AND of Randy. And all this time Randy sat close to me, rubbing shoulders, touching my butt. I was really getting all horned up, almost ready to blow a load! Randy then asked if I wanted any of the photos, and after a couple of seconds, I responded that I did, and I wanted the photos of him. He got up and went to his desk, pulling out another big envelope. He came back and took the photos from me, and put all the photos of him in the envelope, handing it to me. He then commented that he was hungry and suggested a Del Taco run. I agreed, and he grabbed a tshirt from the pile of clothes on the floor, pulled it on and slipped into his flip-flops.

We headed over to the local Del Taco, the one we went to regularly by the college. We went in there, and it was quiet for a Saturday afternoon. Randy hit the counter first, and got his usual burritos and a taco. I got the burger combo. As soon as he got his food, Randy headed around the corner, out of sight. I had to walk around the corner to find him. He had ended up in a booth in the far corner of the restaurant, with his back to the rest of the restaurant. I sat across from him, and watched as he pulled the burrito out his wrapping. I watched as he took the burrito and inserted in his mouth, but obviously in a way that mimicked a blowjob. He took it in, pulled it out, and repeated this a couple of times as I watched. As he did this I felt a tickle on my leg (I was in shorts), and looked under the table to see him touching my leg with his toes. I found myself getting aroused again, and wondering if Randy was trying to tease me, or hit on me. He finished his burritos and taco before I'd finished my burger, and excused himself to go to the bathroom. I sat there in silence, watching the customers walk in and out and thinking of what had happened since Randy's house, and seeing those photos. I finished my burger by the time Randy came back out. He sat across from me, smiling, and soon began to tickle my leg again with his toes. I suggested we head on out - it was late afternoon by now. He suggested we take in a movie, and I agreed. We drove up to the local Edwards theater and found a movie that he'd seen, but I hadn't. We got our tickets and went in. He picked the last row to the farthest left in that row, which I thought was interesting since the theater was almost empty. The theater darkened, and we sat there through the previews. The movie started, and I crossed my left leg over my right. My knee stuck out towards Randy. I was comfortable - relaxed. About 30 minutes into the movie I felt a tickle on the underside of my leg. I shifted my leg. A couple of minutes later I felt it again. Again, I shifted a bit. Then a 3rd time I felt a tickle, and I began to realize it was Randy tickling me. So, I made a move. I dropped my hand to my knee, and after a few seconds there, dropped my hand onto his leg, and found his hand there. He caught my hand and laced his fingers through mine. Now it all came together: the touching and closeness at his house; the mini show in my Jeep and at his house; the touching at the Del Taco, along with his simulating a blowjob on his burrito - Randy had the hots for me. And all of a sudden, all the interest in guys that I'd had since I was a teen, but kept closely closeted, came out and I squeezed his hand gently in affirmation that I had the hots for him too. I also got a nice large boner, which didn't limp down at all during the movie. I tried to peek and see if Randy had one too, but the theater was too dark and even if there'd been more light, the bagginess of his OP shorts may have concealed his boner.

So, we sat there through the rest of the movie, holding hands. Nothing else happened, we just held hands. The movie ended and the credits started to roll as the lights came up. We quickly released our hands, noticing that there were maybe 6 people in the theater. Even though we were in the back on the left side, and the exit in the back on the right side, we played it safe. Randy suggested we just stay for a couple of minutes, which I took to mean he needed to limp down too. We sat there through all the credits and then looked at each other with that "OK, we can go now" look. We got up, and both of us shoved our hands in our pockets, since we both were still a bit stiff. As we got to the lobby, Randy excused himself to hit the bathroom. He came back out a couple of minutes later, still with hands in the pockets of his shorts.

We went outside the theater. It was a comfortable summer evening, although the coastal air had come in and it had cooled a bit. Randy asked what time it was and I checked my watch - only 8 PM. I asked Randy if he wanted me to take him home, and he asked if we could to to my place. I casually said OK, but wondered if that was a request to do stuff - stuff I'd only fantasized about. We hopped into my Jeep, and started to drive to my place. I took a shot and reached over to Randy's leg, placing my hand on his thigh. He responded by dropping his left hand on top of mine, and again, we interlaced fingers. I felt the instant rise in my briefs again as my cock swelled, thinking of what was happening, or what COULD happen.

By the time we got to my condo it was dark. I unlocked the front door and walked in, switching on the track lights that I had, but keeping them dim. Randy asked if he could use the phone and I said it was OK. He wanted to call his parents. I went and closed the living room blinds, and turned on another light. By then, Randy had connected with his parents and was telling them that he was with me. He made a few sounds, obviously answering some questions. I realized that I had left the envelope of pics in my Jeep, so I went out to retrieve them. When I came back in, Randy was still on the phone, and he looked up at me, saying his mom wanted to know if he was staying here tonight. Not wanting to act any different, or assume that something would happen between us, I casually gave my consent, and he told his mom. He hung up the phone, and I excused myself to change. I wanted to get out of what I was wearing and into more comfortable and loose fitting clothes. I went to my room and stripped down to my briefs, and slipped on my old pair of high school gym shorts, which were very baggy. I thought of wearing just them, but didn't want to push it in case I was wrong about Randy's flirting. I walked back into the living room and noticed that the blinds in the kitchen were also closed, and Randy had removed his shirt. He also had a beer and handed me one. We clinked bottles together and both took swigs. I then asked if he wanted to watch some TV, and he agreed. I went to sit in my favorite chair, and he went to the couch. We channel surfed a bit until we got to a movie on TBS that we liked. One of those kind of mindless movies you can watch and not pay attention to. After several minutes, Randy got up and asked if I wanted another beer. His was empty, and mine was almost gone. He went to the fridge and grabbed a couple of beers, pulling the tops off and walking back to me, handing me my beer. As I took my cold one he took a swing from his, and then sat down on the floor in front of me, leaning back against me legs. I liked that...it was comfortable. After a few swigs on my beer, I put it down, then leaned forward, under the act of grabbing the remote, and placed my hand on Randy's shoulder. He reached his hand up to mine and took it briefly. I then placed my other hand on his other shoulder, and began to give him a neck rub. He let go of my other hand as I started to rub his neck, then moved on to his shoulders. He let his chin drop to his chest as I began to rub and massage him more. Soon, I was giving him a full neck and shoulder massage, and he was moaning softly as I did. I then leaned close to his ear and whispered if he'd like a full body massage, and he nodded that he did. So, he moved to the floor, and placed himself fully on his belly, legs out, arms out from his sides. In the dim light of the room I could see his perfectly toned body. I got out of my chair, and got down next to him on my knees. I started again with his shoulders and moved down each arm, feeling the toned muscle of his toned arms. I moved back up each arm to each shoulder, feeling how firm his shoulder muscles were from the swimming. I then moved down his back, slowly, down to his waist. I then shifted down to his feet, and massaged them, and continued working up his firm calf muscles to his thighs, which were under the baggy openings of his OP shorts. I then moved back up to his back, working it from his neck back down to the lower part of his back, ending up at the waistband of his shorts. I slipped my fingers under the waistband, reaching as far into his shorts as I could. Randy then told me to hold on for a second, and as he said this he arched up his hips, reached underneath him, and undid the fly of his shorts. He then pulled them down, revealing the whole top half of his ass, then he laid back down on the floor. There it was, his perfect ass. I reached down and started to massage the top of his ass, reaching into his shorts and fully massaging his entire ass. He then softly suggested to me that I could pull his shorts off if I wanted to, if it'd be easier. So, I took the legs of his shorts in my hands, and slowly pulled them down his toned legs, past his feet, and then I tossed them on the couch.

He was naked.

Next: Chapter 2

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