
By Kevin Thompson

Published on Aug 9, 2003


I didn't know what I had been missing.

Things really started out slow and carefully between Greg and me. His pool and wearing nothing but a swimsuit contributed to easing into the play and discovery we did. Hormones sure did more, we stayed in a constant state of horniness, our boners demonstrating that through the day. The interest that the girls Missy and Kathy paid us, actually lead Greg and I to more play between just us. It was a process that took years to develop, little steps along the way, many of them awkward, many embarrassing, but it was all good.

Summer was getting close to being over, school would be starting soon. Football two-a-days had already started. Even if one practice in the cool of the morning, the running, the banging, the hitting, the heat, and all other physical workout just wore us out. It was an hour and a half of intense effort then a break, just long enough to allow sore muscles to get even stiffer, bruises to become more defined and then another beating or giving a beating for another hour and a half. The little benefits like 50 boys in jocks and community showers were appreciated just not talked about at that time.

The showers did start with a ritual. As soon as I pulled off my jock, I would pull a little on my dick, to get it back to a proper length. I started looking and noticed almost every other boy would do the same thing. You just couldn't walk into the shower all puckered up and small. You had to shake it a little to get some blood down in. But it would have even been worse to walk around with a boner.

But it was after the late afternoon practice that this story begins. I had been doing other things in the week or so before two-a-days began and then they had kept me away from Greg's pool. But I really wanted to go jump in and get cooled off. Even after my shower, I was still hot and sweating. I had a coke in one hand and huge glass of water in the other. I leaned on a locker near Greg's as he threw on his t-shirt. I wasn't much of a manipulator but I quickly and easily talked my way into an invitation to come to Greg's house and swim a little while. It was a short ride to his house and then I didn't even bother changing out of my gym short as I walked right out into the pool. No jumping, no diving, no easing in, just walked until the deck gave way to water. I sat motionless on the bottom, enjoying the cool, relishing the quiet, and so grateful that I didn't have to move a single sore muscle. I stayed down as long as I could before pushing to the surface. Then spent the rest of the evening just floating around or laying in the lounges next to the pool.

It got late, Greg and I devoured the massive burgers that his father had cooked on the backyard grill, and I was too tired to go home. So once again, I got to sleep over. As we prepared to go to sleep, I was expecting at least a quick jack off session. It had become extremely rare that we didn't do something. We had come from watching each other jack, to a little touchy-feely, and then to jacking each other. I really enjoyed that, able to lay back and have my boner stroked. I couldn't last as long as Greg but when he was jacking me, I could concentrate and last longer. It would make my orgasms just that much better. I also felt like a prince, having such an intimate thing done to me.

I pulled off my still damp shorts and underwear and hung them on a hook in the bathroom. I pulled and shook my dick, out of habit, just to get some length to it. It was a little hard to start with, a little chubby, so a little shaking got me started toward a good hard boner. I started to sit on the bed, we would sit on the bed to jack if not in the shower. But Greg slid into the bed, his dick was limp and just flopping around. I wanted the relief of jacking but I think I also needed to just lay down and enjoy a long sleep before the next day's practice. I was so tired, I could have passed out sitting straight up in the bed.

I laid down, got the pillow all set, snuggling into the bed. Then Greg slid over toward me, he used his knee to push my knee up. He scooted over a little more, a little more of him making contact with me. My dick was already responding, getting harder with each heartbeat. Our bodies started to entwine, legs over legs and arms flopped over each other. We had never really done this, we had moved around in sleep and touched each other, sometimes playing with the other while in sleep. Greg pulled me up even closer. I could feel that he had boned up to, his erection was pressing hard into my belly. My leg went between his legs, I could feel his soft scrotum on my upper leg. It felt hot and soft, like the best tanned leather. The hairs on his sack tickled me and drew my attention to that feeling.

Greg and I were touching from chest to toe. I moaned because it felt so good and Greg asked me if I was sore. I was and told him that my legs and back were the worst. Greg reached down and massaged my thigh and butt. It was a little painful as his fingers dug into my sore muscles but as he went along, I began to relax and the rubbing did feel good.

His massages caused our bodies to hump a little. Just enough that our dicks would touch each other's. Pressed between our bellies but close enough that a little movement brought them together. Each touch would send a bolt of electricity through me, my dick would jump, my balls would rise a little and my butt would squeeze together. I started to exaggerate the humping of my hips, the more I did, the more my dick would rub all over Greg's. The more I humped the less Greg massaged me. I knew if I kept it up, I would be shooting over our bellies. I could feel the slick from precum and sweat. I wanted to slow down and not cum as quick as I could, I wanted to stay like that for much longer.

I let my hand slide up to Greg's shoulders. I slid it all the down his back, over his butt and down to as low as I could. I felt the tougher skin on his shoulder, tanned and toughened by the summer sun. His back was firm with strong muscles and his skin was clear and smooth. His butt still had some baby fat, at least it felt soft with a firmer layer just below that baby fat. His legs were muscular, lean and long. I was so amazed at how long he felt, I let my hands go all the way up, even going under his hair and then sliding it so smoothly down his back and legs. He really did seem to go on forever. It was also a great way to soothe Greg to sleep. He was completely out, dead to the world, but still wrapped up with me.

I drift off to sleep, but I recall the scent of Greg filling me up. I couldn't detect any chlorine from the pool, and there were no deodorants, colognes, shampoos, or anything else to mask his smell. I would have known it anywhere, I could tell his scent from others. It rose up from the bed and filled my nose. It was a great musky smell, hot and meaty. It was nothing but a clean pleasant scent to me. It came stronger than the sheets and clothes that contacted his body. I was breathing deeply as I fell deep into sleep.

I woke up, feeling the heat from Greg's body. The air conditioner was pumping in cold air but the heat from our bodies touching was hotter than it could handle. I felt his breath on my cheek, really on my lips, we shared the same breath. In our sleep, we had gotten even closer, I could stick out my lip and feel his. They were soft and dry. I let my lips explore as much of his lips as they could. I shifted my head to get as much contact with his lips as I could. I pressed them together in a kiss, never kissed Greg before and it was so great, even with it only coming from me. I didn't want to wake him up but my hand began again to slide from his shoulders to butt, loving the smooth skin. My hips just couldn't help but start to hump, and slide my boner between us.

I even let my tongue reach out and wetten Greg's lips. In his sleep, Greg began to return my kisses. The touching and movement in the bed woke him up, just a little. Then, the almost involuntary kisses grew warmer, wetter, and very searching.

Hand and legs started to move more and more as the kissing and tongue play increased. Without really waking up, we got into love making hot and heavy.

My hands could grab his back and butt and pull him close. Our lips pressed hard into each other. Legs twisting and sliding around. I pressed against his scrotum still on my leg and felt its softness spread across me. I had been hard for just too long, I was really getting into the humping and the sliding between our bellies. I found the perfect position where the bottom of our dicks rubbed the underside of each other's. I was hot and sweaty, I felt the soreness of my muscles reminding me of what was waiting me at tomorrow's practice.

I thrust my hips hard, still locked in kisses, going faster as I neared cumming. I was going to shoot before Greg once again but I could tell it wasn't going to be that much earlier. And when I spewed cum all between us, I felt his hot cum hit my dick and then belly. I could feel his cum cover our bellies.

We kept locked together, slowed to easy rocking. I heard my heartbeat and could feel his pulse on my neck and chest. This was so much different than what we had done before, and I felt so good, not even minding how sore I was. My heartbeat eased, and it wasn't long before I was sound asleep again.

I woke up later, it was still dark, very early in the morning. My eyes only saw darkness, but I recognized the sound of the toilet. I was flat on my back, the entire front of me was wet and starting to chill in the cool air. I reached down and felt my very limp but cummy dick. It did take me a second to remember where I was. I stayed motionless as Greg came back into the bedroom. I wondered if he was going to snuggle back in, or if he had enough and stay on his side of the bed. Greg crawled back in bed, stayed on his knees at my side. His hand reached over and touched me on my belly, he moved it through the cum and sweat that had been captured between us. Then he took a clean washclothe and began to clean me up.

He did is gently and slow. He washed me in long slow easy strokes. His clean hand followed the washclothe, making sure he has removed the mess. It felt so good to be cool like that, and I felt cool from the neck down. Greg had cleaned my chest and belly then started on my pubes. He removed all the cum from the bush I had grown, he spent a lot of time on my pubes. My dick responded, it grew with each touch. Greg did encourage it a little, a little shake, a little light slap, and little stroke. When fully hard, Greg found a clean place on the washclothe and clean my dick, so very nicely. He didn't stroke me or try to get me to cum, he just washed me and held my dick in his hand. He got up to get a towel and softly dried me off. I was wide awake but didn't let on. Instead, as Greg got back into bed, he got us back in a tangle of legs, arms, boners, and balls.

The next thing I knew, it was early morning and time to get up and head for the lockerroom. Those practices the next few days were a little bit different for me, the tackling just seemed a little more exciting. It was also the hardest time I had trying to get my boner to disappear so I could go take a shower.

I hope I wrote good enough to convey how good it felt deep down inside of me. I loved the closeness.


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