Swinging Bats

By Skylar Williams

Published on May 4, 2024



Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction; any resemblance to real persons living or dead is entirely coincidental. If you're not old enough to read this, go away. This story is fantasy. It didn't happen.

Copyright Notice - Copyright February 2, 2024 by the author.

This story is copyrighted by the author and the author retains all rights. This work may not be duplicated in any form, physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise without the author's expressed permission. All applicable copyright laws apply worldwide.

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Swinging Bats

Cole Johnson stood in the middle of his dorm room, scanning the space. The white walls were adorned with posters of legendary players, sports equipment neatly tucked in the corner, scattered college textbooks, and the unmistakable scent of fresh paint mixed with an underlying musk. Two narrow beds lined opposite walls, leaving just enough space to squeeze between them with a shoulder check to avoid collision. It wasn't exactly the Hilton, but it was home for the next few years as Cole navigated life at college. The midwestern boy never imagined ending up in Utah; his mind was settled on New York, but his baseball scholarship led him to a much more conservative city.

The door to the dorm room swung open, and Cole turned towards it just as Mike Thompson entered, arms laden with boxes of personal belongings and a lazy grin spread across his face. "Hey, I'm Mike. It looks like we're roommates, huh?" Arizona's warmth draped on Mike as he took in his new surroundings. His easy-going energy filled the space, a perfect counterbalance to Cole's restrained demeanor.

Cole managed a soft nod, "Cole." He shuffled towards his bed, mentally noting where to stow his things. Suddenly, the reality of sharing such close quarters with a stranger weighed heavy on his shoulders.

Mike set his boxes down and extended his hand, his green eyes meeting Cole's hazel ones. "Nice to meet you, Cole. I guess this is our home for the next few years," Mike announced, appraising the space with a glance before settling on Cole. He shucked off his backpack and let it hit the floor with a thud. "Where are you from?"

Cole kept his roommate's gaze as he responded, "Omaha. I just got here yesterday."

Nodding, Mike unpacked his clothes and spread them across one of the dresser drawers. "First time living in Utah?"

Cole cleared his throat, folding his hands in front of him. "Yeah, the first time. I heard it's a pretty cool place if you're into sports and outdoor stuff. You?"

Mike shrugged, continuing to put his things away. "I'm from Safford, Arizona, so it's a bit of a change, but I'm excited for something new." Something about Mike Thompson left Cole intrigued. Maybe it was his devil-may-care attitude in contrast to their restricted environment or the thrill of discovering a new friend so far from home.

Mike glanced up and caught Cole gauging him, eyes sweeping over Cole's well-built physique. Self-conscious, Cole diverted his attention to his unopened boxes as his new roommate settled into an awkward silence.

Clearing his throat, Cole resumed their conversation, eyes fixed on the bedsheets he unfolded with fervor. "Do you play baseball too?" Mike finished arranging his personal belongings before answering, locking his gaze on Cole. "Are you kidding? I practically eat, sleep, and breathe baseball," Mike confessed as he plopped onto his bed. The air between them crackled with competitive energy.

Cole allowed a small smile to grace his lips. "Cool, so I guess we'll be teammates as well." Cole tucked the fitted sheet roughly under the twin mattress in one swift motion.

"Yeah, I'm a pitcher. What position do you play," Mike smirked, sliding his hands behind his head and leaning back, giving Cole a glimpse of his taut muscles underneath the thin fabric of his T-shirt.

Cole cleared his throat, tearing his gaze away from Mike's toned form. "I play second." He continued to arrange his bedding, a flush creeping up his neck. Sharing a room with someone, let alone practicing and playing sports together at such intimate proximity, brought about a whole host of new questions.

"So, you played baseball back in Nebraska?" Mike asked as he sat forward, elbows resting on his bent knees, eyes shining with curiosity and unmistakably genuine interest.

Mike's enthusiasm quickly diffused Cole's anxiety. "Yeah, I did," Cole admitted, nostalgia tightening his chest as he reminisced about playing for his high school team. He shook off the distant memories and offered a shy smile.

"That's cool. I've always wanted to travel more for baseball, meet new people, and see new places - that's why I jumped at the chance to come here when they offered me a scholarship," Mike shared, unbridled excitement coloring his words.

Cole nodded, intrigued by this new roommate-to-be's openness. "Baseball is all I've played since I was a kid. My dad and I would watch the Royals every year," he said, continuing to make his bed.

As they spoke, a sense of camaraderie began to form. The words flowed freely between them, and it quickly became apparent that their connection ran deeper than just a shared love for baseball.

"So you have a girlfriend?" Mike asked, a lopsided grin playing at the corner of his mouth. "No, I didn't have a lot of time for girls. It's all about baseball," Cole responded with a slight chuckle, shaking his head. I haven't really had time for anything else. I've been, uh, too busy," he added, trying to hide the slight red tinge in his cheeks.

Mike nodded, and a knowing look came over his face. "Understandable - keeping your eye on the ball." He joked and looked at Cole intently.

"What about you? Do you have a girlfriend?" Cole asked, glancing at Mike.

"Yeah, Sara. We've been dating since our Sophomore year of high school," Mike smiled. "She's attending Smith College back east, though." With a bittersweet smile, Mike's words conveyed a dual sense of relief. "We're still going to try the long-distance thing for now."

Cole raised an eyebrow, skeptical of long-distance relationships. "Sounds like a plan. I've heard it can be rough." The doubt was subtle in his voice.

They bonded over their high school stories as they continued to chat and make their new room home. They spoke about baseball drills and practice, shared inside jokes from bus rides to games, and reminisced about their high school years.

Despite feeling miles apart from the comfort of home, Cole experienced an ease knowing that Mike was in the same position. Night fell as Cole sat cross-legged on his bed, baseball cap tucked behind his head, an eager expression painted on his face as Mike shared stories about his high school teammates.

Over the following days, Cole and Mike's friendship deepened, a bond cultivated from shared experiences, spending hours in their dorm room, talking and laughing. The palpable connection between them grew stronger, and with it, Cole's confused attraction to Mike. They have been able to give each other space while sharing the bathroom privately. Still, now that baseball practice has started, that shared space would cause anxiety in Cole.

After returning to their dorm from a grueling baseball practice, their bodies glistened with sweat, and their faces flushed from fatigue and adrenaline.

"Fuck, I need a shower," Mike groaned, collapsing onto his bed, his chest heaving as he sucked in deep breaths.

Cole blushed as he thought of Mike in the dorm shower. Feeling guilty for staring at Mike's toned body. "Same here. I wish we had two showers," Cole lamented, staring at the closed door of their shower stall. His chest felt unbearably tight, and he couldn't shake the urge to watch Mike undress. He glanced back at his roommate, watching as Mike tugged his damp shirt up over his hard, muscular abs, revealing the tantalizing lines of his obliques and the tautness of his lower belly.

"Yeah, me too," Mike laughed. "We're lucky enough to share this shoebox together. An extra shower stall would just seem like a design flaw."

Cole laughed, his gaze darting around the room to avoid gawking at Mike removing his sweat-drenched clothes. "I've shared enough cramped quarters in the dugout."

As if realizing his apparel lay discarded at his side, Mike quickly yanked his baseball pants off and kicked them aside before striding, in just his jockstrap, toward the bathroom. Cole tried to look away, to give him the illusion of privacy, but couldn't tear his eyes from how Mike's muscles rippled as he moved. 'Get a fucking grip,' he had scolded himself, but the sight of Mike had already made him hard, confining his erection in his own jockstrap.

But his thoughts drifted toward the mental image of Mike naked in the shower. Soaping his body and running his fingers across those tight muscles. He waited an eternity for Mike to come back out of the bathroom. The lock clicked, and Mike emerged wearing his tight white underwear, toweling himself off with a knowing smirk. Was it obvious how much Cole was turned on by him? Fear coursed through Cole's system as Mike crossed their tiny dorm room back to his bed, leaving an unmistakable trail of moisture on the floor from his damp feet.

"Bathroom is all yours. You should shower before the hot water runs out again." Mike mentioned, bending over and looking for clothes to put on. Cole swallowed hard as he caught a glimpse of Mike's tight, perfect ass cheeks. The mere sight made him dizzy with anticipation. He cleared his throat, averted his gaze, and started walking towards the bathroom, trying to sort out the messy feelings raging inside his head.

Cole entered the tiny, brightly lit bathroom, closing the door firmly behind him. The shower stall was cramped but functional. Steam had already fogged up the shower door, a testament to Mike's long, hot shower.

Cole noticed Mike's sweaty jockstrap on the floor. As he picked it up, an irrational thought crossed his mind, the material still warm to the touch. He hesitated momentarily, feeling the weight of indecision in his hands, before bringing it to his face and taking a deep, lungful breath. The scent of Mike's sweat and muskiness hit him full force and sent an unwanted surge of desire burning through his veins. Inhaling again, he closed his eyes and pictured Mike's wet, naked body in the shower.

His cock throbbed. Cole wrapped his hand around his shaft, squeezing hard as a torrent of images washed over him. His hands lowered the white fabric of his own jockstrap, springing his cock to attention as he undressed and stepped into the shower, tossing Mike's musky jock on the sink.

Cole shook his head, trying to snap out of it as he leaned against the shower wall, panting. He knew this was insane, but he couldn't stop himself. Squeezing drops of shampoo over his palm, he slowly rubbed his hand up and down his thick cock.

The sensation of his tight fist was intoxicating, especially with the added potency of knowing that Mike's scent had set him off. He closed his eyes, imagining it was Mike's hand wrapped around his cock instead. He wanted to feel Mike's touch with every fiber of his being. The image fueled him further, and he couldn't hold back. "Fuck, Mike," he groaned under his breath as he stroked himself faster and harder, on the brink of release. His mind raced with fantasies of his roommate's body under the streaming water. The mental image was almost enough to undo him.

Instantly, Cole was ripped from his fever dream when he heard Mike knocking on the bathroom door. "Hey, Cole. I forgot to put on deodorant. Can I come in?" Mike's voice traveled through the wooden door.

Cole caught his breath and quickly washed off the soap suds around his cock as he realized that Mike could have heard him through the thin wall separating them. "Yeah, that's fine," Cole shouted, hoping he wouldn't be able to see his erection through the fogged shower door.

Mike let himself in, grabbed his deodorant, and gazed at the mirror while he applied it. Looking down at the sink, Mike noticed his worn jock was no longer on the floor where he left it. His brow furrowed in confusion, "Sorry, I left my dirty jockstrap on the floor. Thanks for picking it up for me." Mike laughed curiously, wondering why Cole would even touch it.

"Um, sure, no problem," Cole uttered back. As he looked at Mike through the glass shower door, he could see Mike glance down at the silhouette of his erection through the fogged door. A flash of curiosity crossed Mike's face. The tension between the two men thickened, neither knowing exactly what to say or do.

Mike finally spoke up, his voice strained as he tried to act nonchalantly. "Enjoying your shower?" he asked.

Cole's heart raced as he stammered, "Y-yeah, it feels good after practice." Trying to stifle his embarrassment. Mike smiled at him through the steam and held his gaze for a beat longer than necessary before leaving the bathroom.

Cole finished washing himself, even meticulously shaving his face in an attempt to regain some semblance of composure. He turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. Grabbing a towel and drying his body, Cole noticed he hadn't brought any clothes. Wrapping his towel around his waist, he entered their room, where Mike was lying on his bed, still in his white briefs.

"Fuck, that was a hot shower," Cole said, trying to cover the nervousness he felt after Mike noticed his erection in the shower. He tried to focus on their conversation, but sexual tension hung heavy between them.

Mike's gaze flicked over Cole, taking in the muscular lines of his body and lingering on the firmness of his towel-wrapped waistline. "Yeah, it looked pretty steamy," Mike leaned back on his elbows with a cocky smile. The obvious double entendre made Cole smile shyly without anything to say.

Mike broke the silence, asking Cole, "So, you've never had a girlfriend?" Cole blushed and nervously played with the edge of the towel. "Nope, never have," he admitted, suddenly looking vulnerable. Cole turned around and started to dig in his drawers for some underwear to put on.

As he leaned down, he felt Mike's gaze, a palpable weight on his skin. He couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious as he dropped his towel, exposing his firm young ass to Mike. Slipping on a pair of clean boxers briefs, he turned back around; Mike was still looking at him, his eyes flared with an unmistakable desire.

"I have another question for you," Mike said, his voice low and husky. "Have you ever messed around with anyone before?" Mike asked bluntly, his gaze never leaving Cole.

"No, I haven't," Cole whispered, his voice trembling slightly from embarrassment. "I've never even kissed anyone before."

Mike swallowed hard; he could sense Cole's nervousness. He felt terrible for putting him on the spot like that. "You know, it's not a big deal if you haven't been with anyone before," Mike said, trying to put Cole at ease. "We're still young. You don't have to be worried about it. Sara and I have only kissed. She never even let me feel her tits."

Cole smiled at Mike's admission. Dropping back down on his bed and feeling more at ease, Cole asked, "Have you ever done anything else with anyone?"

Mike's eyes glanced over Cole's near-naked body, "No. Sara's the first girl I have dated. The closest I've come to seeing a naked girl in real life have been my teammates in the showers," Mike joked.

Cole howled at Mike's quip. "Yeah, same here. I guess we both have some catching up to do."

Cole could feel his cock growing in his underwear as Mike stared at him. There was nowhere to hide it as Mike glanced down at Cole's growing bulge.

"Looks like your body is catching up to. . . other things," Mike teased, nodding his head towards Cole's semi-erect cock.

Cole's face reddened, and he let out a nervous chuckle. "Um, y-yeah, damn thing has a mind of its own," he replied, trying to mask his growing excitement with lightheartedness.

Mike bit his lower lip, eyes shining with an intensity that suggested he was no longer just joking around. "You know, sometimes it helps to have someone to relieve that tension with," he said quietly, almost whispering.

It was like he was testing the waters, seeing how Cole would react to their suggestion of intimacy.

The strain in the room spiked at his words. Neither Mike nor Cole blinked for what felt like an eternity. Cole's breath seemed to catch in his chest as he struggled to comprehend Mike's words. Was he suggesting what Cole thought he was suggesting?

"What do you mean, exactly?" Cole whispered back, trying to play it coy. But inside, his heart raced with anticipation and excitement, an intoxicating mixture of fear and lust. Cole's gaze dropped from Mike's eyes, and he took in the impressive sight of his friend's defined abs. He then followed the trail of golden hair down to his waistband.

The sheer physicality of Mike's build made Cole's groin ache. Cole asked again, licking his lips nervously. His heart pounded in his chest, and he couldn't help but feel like he was on the verge of doing something dangerous yet exhilarating.

"Well," Mike replied, his voice gravelly and low. But before he could finish his thought, a bell rang through their dorm halls, signaling the last call for dinner in the cafeteria.

"Fuck, we'll be late," Mike muttered, jumping from his bed and pulling on a pair of shorts. He threw on a hoodie. Disappointed that Mike didn't finish his sentence, Cole grabbed a pair of jeans and a shirt. Grabbing Cole's arm, Mike rushed them both out of the room and to the dining hall.

Their sudden exit dissolved the sexual tension between them, but it didn't fade away completely. The clanging of cutlery against plates and chatter of other students barely registered as they made their way to the food line. Both had thoughts of where their conversation was heading. Surrounded by other students and teammates, they ensconced themselves into conversations around baseball and their classes. But through it all, neither could erase the burning memory of their almost heated conversation back in their room. Each glance sent shivers down their spine, filled with unspoken desire and newfound sexual tension.

After dinner, Cole and Mike hung out with some of their teammates in the dorm's rec center. They spent hours playing pool, laughing, and swapping stories about their home lives. However, as the night passed, Cole's thoughts drifted back to their room and quiet intimacy.

A few of the guys thought it would be funny to strip down to their underwear and jump in the pool just outside. Mike and Cole sat back and laughed as some teammates took turns diving into the pool and splashing about. Getting caught up in the fun, Mike looked at Cole and nodded toward the pool. "Feel like getting wet?" Mike asked Cole with a sly smile.

"Nah, man. I'm good," Cole responded with a chuckle. He couldn't help but feel a little nervous at the thought of being in just his underwear with everyone else. Mike stripped down to his briefs and grinned mischievously.

"Chicken," Mike said teasingly.

Cole snorted. "Whatever. I'll stick to my dry jeans, thank you."

Mike pleaded, "Come on. You don't want the rest of the team to throw you in, do you?" Mike persisted, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief as he tugged at Cole's shirt sleeve.

Cole's heart galloped, and sweat gathered in his palms. "You wouldn't dare."

Mike shrugged nonchalantly. "Try me," he retorted, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

With a sigh, Cole looked over at the pool and stripped down to his tighty-whities. Before he could step toward the water, Mike lifted him off his feet and over his shoulder. The rest of the team hollered and cheered as Mike dove into the water with Cole. The cold water shocked their bodies and left them gasping for breath. "You son of a bitch," Cole spluttered, grinning wildly as he wiped the water from his eyes.

"Ah, come on. You love it." Mike swam over to Cole, standing chest-high in the water.

The cold water seemed to calm Cole's fiery need just seconds ago. Now, he gazed into his roommate's eyes, the laughter slowly fading. They stared at each other intensely as silence fell between them.

Moments passed, the spell only broken when someone cannonballed into the pool, sending a spray of water hurtling toward them.

Mike and Cole laughed, chasing each other around like the kids they had been before the pressures of their small-town upbringings and college responsibilities became their lives.

Cole and Mike seemed to relax and have fun with their new friends. Telling jokes and talking about areas of Utah they wanted to explore. As the night went on, the roommates seemed to drift away from the rest of the group, focusing more on each other and less on swimming. They sat at the shallow end steps, leaning in to whisper and share secrets from their younger years. The gentle rocking of the pool and the intimacy of the conversation made Cole's heart race once more. His thoughts, however, never strayed far from the dorm room, and the memory of Mike standing nearly naked before him, the image branded into his mind.

"Sometimes I feel like we're surrounded by all these walls, you know?" Mike confessed as they floated together, staring at the starry night sky. "Like we're trapped and unable to be ourselves."

Cole's gaze drifted to Mike, studying the tension lines along his jaw. "Yeah, I know what you mean. Everywhere you turn, there are expectations and rules," Cole agreed, watching the waves of water ebb and flow against Mike's chest. He felt the same as Mike. The connection they shared made him feel safe. Cole always knew he was different from other guys but never wanted to admit that he may be gay. He never had close friendships with other guys, so Mike was a bit of an anomaly for him. The thought of exploring his sexuality with someone he barely knew and trusted scared him, yet the temptation drew him deeper. Thoughts of being intimate with Mike began to take over Cole's mind.

"Cole, you have that 1000-mile stare in your eyes. What's on your mind?" Mike asked before placing his hand on Cole's thigh. "You seem distant."

The warmth of Mike's palm sent a jolt through Cole's body, but he did his best to maintain composure. He hesitated for a moment, gathering his thoughts. "It's nothing, really," Cole began nonchalantly. "College life isn't exactly how I imagined it, you know? It still feels like living in a small town."

Mike nodded in understanding, giving Cole's leg a reassuring squeeze. "I get it. Living in Safford, everyone knew everyone else's business. I couldn't shit without the whole town knowing about it."

This drew laughter from Cole as he looked in the water, seeing Mike's hand still on his thigh. Glancing over to Mike's lap, he eyed what looked like a bulge in Mike's white briefs.

"Hey, eyes up here, buddy," Mike laughed, catching Cole's stare.

Cole quickly averted his gaze, pretending he hadn't noticed. His heart hammered as he stammered, "S-sorry, man. I didn't mean to stare."

Mike simply smiled, squeezing Cole's thigh one last time before pulling his hand away. "No worries. It must have been the chlorine messing with your eyesight. Besides, this is college, time for new adventures, right?" He winked and splashed water in Cole's direction as he stood, revealing just a hint of the growing bulge beneath his soaked, see-through, white briefs. "Let's get out of here; my hands are getting wrinkly."

Cole nodded and jumped out of the pool, following Mike towards their clothes.

"Um, there's no towels here," Mike observed, scanning the pool area. "Just grab your clothes, hold them in front of your crotch, and we can run upstairs, hoping no one stares at our asses." Mike giggled.

"Sounds like a solid plan you've got there." Sarcasm dripped from Cole's tone.

"Race you to the room!" Mike shouted before grabbing his clothes and bolting toward the stairs.

Cole grabbed his clothes and hurried toward the stairs, water dripping from every inch of their nearly naked bodies. The cool air caressed their soaked skin, tightening their nipples and causing goosebumps to break out along their arms. Their still-wet feet slapped against the cold linoleum stairs with each step.

Bursting through their door as they entered their room, they dropped their clothing. Breathing heavily for the three flights of stairs, they just raced up. Mike slapped Cole's wet ass, "Damn, you're fast. Didn't think you'd catch up," Mike let out, still trying to catch his breath.

"I would have passed you, but your big ass was in the way," Cole replied. As the giggling died down, both boys became aware that they were standing in their room alone, their underwear nearly see-through from the pool.

Water droplets glistened on their bodies, and the cool air caused goose bumps to form. Catching his breath, Mike playfully gripped Cole's shoulder, squeezing it in a brotherly way before turning to fumble through drawers for dry clothing. Their laughter and teasing slowly dissipated as they tried to avoid each other's glances.

An awkward silence hung in the air, filling the space between them with tension that no one else could ever truly understand.

Mike finally broke the quiet while pulling a dry pair of underwear from his drawers. "You know Cole, you don't have to put up any fronts with me. I get it."

"Get what?" Cole questioned, trying to make light of the situation even though his heart beat erratically. He grabbed a towel from the floor to cover his sopping-wet underwear and wrapped a towel around his waist, turning away from Mike as he did so.

"You're gay, right?" Mike asked softly as he pulled out a pair of dry boxer briefs.

Cole stiffened, his breath hitching in his throat. He turned to meet Mike's gaze, searching the other boy's face for any hint of judgment or disgust. But what Cole saw was understanding. Those simple words lifted an invisible weight off Cole's shoulders, allowing him to admit something he had long kept hidden.

"Yeah, I think I am," Cole responded in a barely audible whisper as if saying it too loudly might shatter their newfound trust. "I think I've known for some time, but it's not exactly something you can just come out and say in a town like mine." Cole continued

Mike nodded, his expression sympathetic. "I know what you mean. It took me a while to accept my bi-sexuality; even though my family is a little more open-minded than yours, I still haven't told them." He paused, his gaze intense as he looked Cole straight into his eyes. "I'm not judging you if you're worried about that."

Cole nodded his head softly. Still reeling from what he had just admitted and now knowing Mike's secret. He stared back at Mike, unsure of what to do next. The awkward tension had shifted into something heavier, a new understanding between the two teammates. As the air in the room seemed to solidify, Mike mustered a smile and nodded again.

"Well, now that we got that out of the way," Mike smirked before peeling off his wet underwear and stepping into a dry pair of red boxer briefs. Cole's head raced at catching a glimpse of Mike's flaccid dick. Although brief, Cole could tell Mike was more endowed than he was. His mind kept replaying the sight over and over before Mike spoke again.

Looking up, Mike noticed Cole's stare. " I'm sorry. I figured since there weren't any more secrets between us, stripping down in front of you would be okay."

Blushing profusely, Cole nodded in agreement, "I guess, but it's kind of different outside of the locker room." Cole unwrapped his towel, exposing his semi-rigid dick covered by his wet briefs. "Guess you won't mind if I get changed, too?" he asked with a slight smile.

"Not at all," Mike answered, his gaze lingering on Cole's body momentarily before averting his eyes.

As Cole slipped off his damp underwear, the cool air sent a shiver down his spine. His cock dropped free, already half-hard from the thrill of exposing himself to another man for the first time. He slid off his wet underwear and quickly yanked on a pair of black boxer briefs, hiding his growing excitement from view.

But as he turned to face Mike, he saw that his roommate's gaze was locked on the bulge that strained against the fabric of his own underwear.

Mike's lips parted in surprise, and he quickly placed his hands over his own boxer briefs, concealing his own arousal. "Shit," he muttered, dragging a hand through his damp hair. "I didn't mean to; It just popped up." Glancing down to his hard cock.

"It's okay," Cole interjected, his voice barely above a whisper. "I get it." Cole laughed, gesturing down to his own fully erect bulge.

Mike chuckled as he patted the space next to him on his bed. "Have a seat."

A shiver raced down Cole's spine as he walked towards Mike's bed, heat pooling in his core. His heart pounded like a drum with every step. As he sat next to Mike, Cole stared at the floor. "So you haven't kissed anyone before?" Mike quizzed as he positioned himself to face Cole, their knees brushing against each other. "Nope," Cole replied, his voice barely above a whisper as he met Mike's gaze.

Mike exhaled a slow breath, the atmosphere between them charged with tension. "Can I be your first kiss?"

Cole swallowed hard before whispering in agreement as his heart drummed violently in his chest, waiting for Mike to make the move. Mike slowly leaned in, his breath warm against Cole's lips. He closed his eyes, anticipation building as Mike's lips brushed gently against his. A jolt of electricity shot through Cole. Mike's soft lips were intoxicating, and he instinctively deepened the kiss. Mike's tongue pried open Cole's lips, exploring every inch of his mouth. Their tongues danced together as Mike slowly rubbed his hand down his roommate's neck. Their kiss lingered as they lay back on the bed.

Mike's hand continued traveling along Cole's neck and down his chest. His fingertips traced the lines of Cole's defined muscles and teased at his nipples, sending waves of pleasure coursing through him. Moans escaped from deep within Cole's throat as Mike's hands explored his body.

Mike's lips left Cole's mouth and began to blaze a trail of fire down his neck. Each kiss felt like a spark. He arched his back, moaning as Mike's lips teased his nipples and then continued their descent down the length of his athletic build. Pausing briefly at his navel, as Cole leaned back on his elbows. Mike's tongue dipped into the indentation before continuing on its path toward Cole's straining erection.

His hands were on Cole's waistband as he looked up at him for approval to release his strained cock.

Cole nodded, biting his lip in anticipation. The sight of his friend eagerly awaiting the pleasure to come made Mike's own dick stir. He slowly pulled the waistband of Cole's boxer briefs, revealing the stiff uncut dick and trimmed pubic hair. Gently grabbing all 6 inches of Cole's shaft, Mike took a moment to admire the perfect specimen that was inches from his face. The veiny flesh twitched in response to his touch while the fat, hooded pink head glistened with precum.

"Fuck, Cole," Mike muttered, appreciating the beauty that lay before him. "You're fucking gorgeous." He admired Cole's cock as soft gasps, and sighs came from Cole. Without another word, he leaned forward, pulled Cole's foreskin back, and wrapped his lips around Cole's dripping cockhead.

The taste of precum and the smell of musk sent his senses into overdrive. Cole gasped, his back arching as he grabbed handfuls of Mike's hair.

Mike swirled his tongue around the tip of Cole's cock, teasing him before diving down deeper. He hollowed his cheeks, working the shaft with his lips and tongue in rhythmic motions. Cole's breathing came out in ragged breaths, each punctuated by a soft moan or gasp. He couldn't believe what was happening but never wanted it to stop. Mike's mouth felt like pure heaven, from the soft flicks of his tongue to the tightness of his lips. He continued to thrust his hips upwards, meeting Mike's hungry mouth with eager thrusts of his own. Mike gripped Cole's base, pumping roughly in time with his determined sucks. He looked up again at Cole, eyes sparkling mischievously, daring him to keep going.

Gently, Cole tugged on Mike's hair, urging him to pick up the pace. The sight of Mike now on his knees with his hand wrapped around Cole's cock was too hot to resist. In one swift motion, Cole thrust forward, hitting the back of Mike's throat and causing him to gag.

"Sorry," Cole muttered, even as his hips jerked forward again, fucking Mike's mouth. Mike continued to gag as he tried to take all of Cole.

It was a new sensation for both of them. The sound of Mike choking on Cole's throbbing cock only served to heighten their pleasure. The taste of precum filled Mike's mouth as his roommate's dick moved in and out, leaving a trail of wetness on his lips and chin.

Cole's breathing became more audible as he could feel his balls tightening. His mind was consumed with lust, and the thought of cumming in Mike's mouth nearly pushed him over the edge. But Cole fought it off, wanting this night to last as long as possible.

Pulling Mike's head from his groin, Cole begged, "Stop. I don't want to cum yet!"

Mike came off with a loud "pop" and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Gasping for air, Cole smiled wickedly. "Stand up," Cole instructed. Mike obeyed the command positioning his tented dick in Cole's face. Cole looking up at Mike with a sly smile, pulled the red boxer briefs down, exposing the hard cock. A thick vein pulsed along its length, leading from the dark base at Mike's groin to the sensitive head now wet with pre-cum. Cole couldn't help but stare in awe at the beauty before him.

Mike's cock, now freed from its confines, was massive. Cole rubbed the precum from the considerable tip, "You're circumcised? I didn't notice that before," Cole stated while examining Mike's 8-inch cock. "It looks so damn good."

Mike smirked, flattered by Cole's compliments. "It's all yours," he replied, still catching his breath from the blowjob.

Cole grinned mischievously. "This is my first time, so tell me if I'm doing something wrong, okay?" Cole said nervously as he clumsily gripped Mike's cock, his hand barely able to wrap around the girth. Mike chuckled, placing his hand over Cole's. "Relax, just do whatever feels natural."

Cole took a deep breath before starting to stroke Mike's stiff dick. He marveled at the feeling of it in his hand: the warmth, the silkiness of the skin, and the vein that pulsed along its length. The slick precum that made its head glisten made it even more enticing to touch. Cole began experimenting, squeezing tighter and twisting his hand as he moved it up and down. Mike closed his eyes, savoring the feeling of Cole's soft hand wrapped around his dick. Gaining confidence in his performance, Cole leaned forward and tasted the precum leaking from the slit. As his tongue swirled around Mike's throbbing erection, his other hand massaged his heavy balls. Mike moaned above him, hips bucking towards Cole's eager mouth. The taste of sweat and musk flooded Cole's senses, intensifying his own arousal. Mike's fingers combed through Cole's short brown hair, gripping tightly as he struggled to control the rising pleasure.

"Fuck, Cole," he groaned, his hips bucking forward to meet Cole's eager mouth. With each stroke of his tongue and twist of his hand, Cole felt more confident in his newfound talents. His own dick throbbed in response, precum leaking from the tip as he worshipped Mike's cock. His free hand drifted down to his own shaft, stroking himself in time with the rhythm he set for Mike.

Mike's breath came out in uneven gasps, sweat beading on his forehead as pleasure built within him. Cole's hand worked his shaft with expert precision, swirling his tongue around the sensitive head, sending shivers down Mike's spine.

"Cole, I'm getting close," Mike warned through gritted teeth. His grip on Cole's hair tightened as he fought to hold back the wave of ecstasy threatening to crash over him. Cole hummed in response, encouraging Mike to give in to the pleasure building between them. He sucked harder, running his tongue along the underside of Mike's cock as he continued to jerk him off. Mike's warmth jetted out with a loud groan, and the salty seed filled Cole's mouth. Unable to pull off of the engorged tip Cole had no choice but to swallow rope after rope of Mike's cum. His jaw stretched wide as Mike unloaded, and cum spilled out onto his chin. Cole pulled off of Mike's cock, still hard and pulsing. A mix of his own saliva and Mike's seed dribbled from Cole's chin onto the thickly veined shaft.

"Fuck, you are so good at that," Mike sighed, pushing his hips forward, begging for more. Cole leaned back on the bed, still grasping his own cock, stroking harder as he watched his roommate catch his breath.

Mike's chest rose and fell quickly, sweat glistening on his toned stomach. He looked down at Cole, who was still grasping his own steel-hard dick. "Are you going to cum?" Mike asked, his voice soft and breathy. Cole nodded silently, his grip tightening on his cock as his orgasm built within him. He wanted this moment to last forever, but the fire within him was uncontrollable. "I wanna see you cum, Cole," Mike urged, kneeling to see his new lover reach his peak.

Hearing that, Cole's body convulsed; Mike leaned in, wanting to catch the orgasm in his gaping mouth. Cole's jizz tore from him in uncontrollable bursts. He cried out, his back arching as ropes of cum shot from his pulsing cock. The first jet of cum landed directly on Mike's outstretched tongue. He moaned at the taste, swallowing it down eagerly as more semen began to paint his face. Cole thrust upwards, his cock painting streaks of white on Mike's cheek and forehead as he came harder than ever before.

With a final gasp, Cole's orgasm subsided, his body collapsing onto the bed in exhaustion. Mike slowly sat back on his heels, cum dripping from his face and chin as he moved to wipe away the sticky evidence of their first sexual experience together. His hand moved carelessly, smearing it across his cheek instead of cleansing it. Cole looked down at his own body, still recovering from the intense orgasm that had just rocked through him.

"Oh SHIT! I got it all over you," Cole exclaimed in a panic. He'd never been with anyone before and was worried about embarrassing his teammate and friend.

Mike laughed softly, wiping at his face again, still managing to miss the dripping remains of Cole's seed on his forehead. "I wanted you too, don't worry," he reassured his teammate.

"Let me help you clean up."

Mike leaned in and gently kissed Cole on the lips. The taste of his own cum still lingered on Cole's tongue as Mike's lips claimed him. It was a strange sensation that Cole found himself unexpectedly drawn to. The kiss deepened, their tongues exploring each other's mouths once again. Mike's hand reached down between them and grasped Cole's now-soft cock, stroking it lightly.

"Let me take care of this for you," he murmured against Cole's lips. With a delicate touch, Mike cleaned the remaining cum from Cole's still-twitching cock. Afterward, he leaned in and placed a playful kiss on the tip of Cole's dick, grinning up at him with a mischievous glint in his bright blue eyes.

"I should get cleaned up," Mike laughed as he stood and headed to the restroom.

"Yeah, me too," Cole agreed, grabbing his towel and following his friend.

Cole stepped into the shower, letting the steaming hot water cascade down his still-sensitive body. Mike joined him moments later, pressing his strong, muscular frame against Cole's back. He wrapped his arms around Cole's waist and pulled him close, nuzzling his neck as he placed soft, wet kisses along the delicate skin. Mike's hands slid down Cole's body, soaping him up before slowly making their way back up to his chest.

"Maybe I could get used to this college life," Cole joked, accepting Mike's embrace. They continued washing each other's bodies, talking optimistically about college. The conversation felt normal and natural, as if they had been doing this every day instead of it being their first time. The physical intimacy was new but felt right. Both of the boys felt the safety they were always looking for.

Thanks for reading. Feel free to provide any feedback to stories.genx@gmail.com

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