Sword of Aendil

By Jason Finigan

Published on Dec 14, 2008


Sword of Aendil, Chapter 2

Sword of Aendil By Jason Finigan

This story is completely fictional. Any similarities to any persons or events, past or present are purely coincidental. This story may contain scenes which involve sexual situations. If this type of material is offensive to you, or it is not legal for you to be reading this type of material, please do not read any further. This story is copyright © 2007 by Jason. Please do not copy this story for distribution or post on any online server without the author's permission. Please send all your comments to: jasonfinigan@yahoo.com You can also visit my site at: www.jasonfinigan.net. Thanks and enjoy the story.

From the last chapter:

We were almost finished eating when all of a sudden there was a loud banging on the front door. At first I thought it might have been something crashing into the door from the storm outside knocking it over, but it sounded too regular.

"Who in the name of the Gods can that be?" my father demanded to know, getting up from the table and walking over to the front door. When he reached it, we all felt the cold wind rush into the house, almost blowing out the numerous candles.

The door was flung open before he could turn the nob, and we all gasped out in shock, for standing in the doorway, cloaked all in black, the hood drawn up and over the head, stood the tallest person any of us had ever seen. Whoever it was appeared to scan the room, and then took a giant step into the house. My father, still in shock, could do nothing but watch as this figure entered his home without permission.

The figure almost seemed to glide over to the table where we were sitting. Making no sound whatsoever, the figure looked us over one by one.

"Who are you? What is the meaning of this intrusion?" my father demanded, finally able to find his voice.

The cloaked figure at first made no move, but then I could see it reach up to its hood and slowly pull it back, revealing the face of a man. But not just any man, for the person standing before us was in fact an elf. To me the elf looked like a warrior, but his clothing suggested otherwise. I had never seen and elf before, and yet here was one now, standing in my father's home, and starting at me, as if I was the only thing of importance in the room.

In a booming voice the figure said, "I am Dínendal Cúthalion, and I have come for Taey Elanessë."

Chapter 2

I have never been so frightened in all my life. Not even when that creature flew out of the forest at Weiss and me. The man standing before us was tall and imposing. One look at his face and you knew that he was a man that was not to be trifled with.

"I have come for you Taey Elanessë," he repeated.

"W-What do you want of me?" I stammered. Weiss was standing beside me, his normal jovial demeanor now replaced with a seriousness I had never before seen. The air in the home had gone suddenly cold, with not even the heat from the fire where my mother had cooked our meal being able to penetrate it.

"I am Dínendal Cúthalion, last of the druids of Adreanor. I must speak with you. Alone Taey, for we have many things to discuss, all of which concerns you and the fate of the Kingdom of Aendil."

"With me? Why me? What do have to do with anything?" I asked, completely overwhelmed.

"We have no time for this!" Dinendal hissed, his face scowling in frustration. "The rest of you will leave us," he said, facing my parents and Weiss.

"No," Weiss spoke up. "I shall not leave my friend. Wherever Taey goes, so too, shall I."

"Brave boy," Dinendal said, a wicked smile spreading across his lean face. "This does not concern you."

"Anything that concerns Taey, concerns me as well. I stand by his side," Weiss said, resolutely, though I could tell he was as frightened as I. It was in his eyes.

"So be it. But be warned that the days ahead may be much more than you can handle. They will test you like you have never been tested before."

"Enough with the riddles, Druid," Weiss said. "If you are here to speak, then speak or be on your way."

"You will be glad for my warnings in the future, boy," Dinendal said. "Very well. The choice is yours."

"Now see here, you can not come in my home and order us about!" my father protested.

"I do as I must, and you would be wise not to test my patience. Time is of the essence and Taey and I have much to discuss. Your son is not who you know him to be."

'What in the name of the Gods are you talking about, Druid?" my father demanded.

"Enough!" Dinendal thundered, his very presence suddenly casting a dark shadow about the room as if smothering all light in the room. "You will leave us immediately!" he said, motioning for my parents to leave. I could see fear in my father's eyes, a fear I had never seen in him before. He never looked back on me, instead he retreated up the stairs as quickly as he could, trying to get away from this druid. My mother followed after, slower than my father, but leaving all the same. Before she too made her way up the stairs, she turned back to look at me, tears in her eyes. Then bowing her head, followed my father, leaving the three of us standing alone.

"Have a seat Taey," Dinendal said, his voice becoming more gentle as he too took a seat at the table. "Grab us something to drink, boy," he told Weiss, looking over at him.

"I have a name druid, it is Weiss, and I would thank you to use it." At first I thought Dinendal was going to erupt in rage, but instead did something I did not expect; he began to laugh.

"You have picked your friends well, Taey. That is good. You are going to need them in the coming days. Very well Weiss. Grab us something to drink, and join us. I have much to tell and time is dwindling swiftly."

"I still don't know why you have come for me," I told him. Weiss returned with three mugs filled with steaming coffee and set them in front of the druid and myself, holding onto the last one as he took a seat for himself.

"I will explain Taey, and you will know. But first, I must ask if you have seen something today. Something which you have never before seen and which unnerved you such as never before."

I looked at Weiss, for we both knew to what he was referring. Even the mere memory of that creature was enough to send a chill down my spine.

"I see that you have," Dinendal said, sitting back in his chair. "Explain what you have seen."

"We only saw it for a brief moment. I'm not sure what it was," I told him. "It came at us from out of the woods, advancing on us with a speed I cannot fathom. I do not know how we were able to avoid being seen, or even if we did at all. At first, I felt something, something that wasn't right just before we entered the woods. There was a blackness that was spreading out towards us. I saw movement within, and pushed us over to the side of the road, only seconds before a massive black shape flew out."

"And what did this shape look like to you Taey?" Dinendal asked.

"I could not be certain what I was seeing. It kept shifting, as if parts of it were real, and others not. I could only see it as it flew past something, so black that I could only see it's shape. There are stories of dragons from long ago, but I thought them just that; stories. And yet, the way it flew it reminded me of the great birds along the cliffs of Aendil. It circled above us, and let out this terrible shriek before flying off to the North. I can remember the sound it made, piercing my very being, no matter how hard I tried to block out the sound with my hands. Only when it had gone did we dare get up. The forest had returned to normal, but I still was glad when we had left it."

"That is the fourth time I have heard of such a creature these past few weeks," Dinendal said, taking a sip from his mug.

"What was it?" Weiss asked, slightly unnerved by the mere memory of the experience.

"There is no proper name for what you saw this night," Dinendal said. "Though it has been given many names by those who have seen it; dragon being chief among them. It was no dragon however, those stories of magnificent creatures of old are just that, stories."

"Then what was it?" I asked again.

"To the elves, they are known as sholaer shar," he said. "Loosely translated, winged wraiths."

"Wraiths?" I asked, confused.

"Yes. Creatures born of the darkest magic, conjured by one with powers so dark that it threatens the whole of Aendil. They are neither living nor dead. Their only purpose for being is to carry out the will of their master, the wielder of the magic."

"But who could summon such horrible creatures?" I asked him.

"There is one who can, and I fear that he has returned, despite my order's best efforts."

"Fine, it was a wraith, or whatever you want to call it, but what was it doing here?" Weiss asked, his patience growing thin.

"It was looking for you, Taey," Dinendal said, pointedly ignoring Weiss.

"Me?" I gasped. "Why was it looking for me?"

Dinendal leaned back in his chair. "For you to understand that, it is necessary that I tell you of some of the history of Aendil," he said.

"I know all of what I need to know of Aendil's history. I was taught it well by the scholars in Icelea," I proudly told him.

"Bah, human history. Twisted, and corrupted, it is. Even elvish scholars embellish the past, twist the importance of events, and even change the outcomes. No, young Taey, your history is flawed. Only the history as recorded by the Druids through the many ages can be trusted, for we record history as it happens, without the interference of those in power.

"Tell me young Taey, what do you know of the history of Aendil."

"That the land was formed many years ago after the Great wars, and that the first druid council joined the many peoples together in peace. There were some, however, who wanted power for themselves, including a druid by the name of Serin who broke from the order, along with several of his followers. Against the orders of the council, he began to dabble in magic. As his powers grew, the druids became wary of his goals, and pushed for him to cease his efforts. He refused to do so and left the order along with a dozen or so druids who shared his beliefs, and his goals. He returned some years later with an army of Trolls and Orcs, and they met on the plains surrounding Adreanor where the druids had brought together the elves, dwarves and humans. A great battle ensured, which is known as the Battle of Adreanor, in which the humans were finally able to defeat Serin and force him to retreat to the North, along with all his followers, and Army. That was over three centuries ago, and since that time, there has only been peace," I finished.

"And what of the first king of Aendil?" Dinendal asked.

"I don't know. There was very little mentioned about him, only to say that he ruled the kingdom in peace with the rest of the races."

"It is as I feared. I have much to tell you then Taey. Not all of it pleasant, but it is necessary for you to hear it," Dinendal sighed.

"You are correct when you mention the Great War, as it has come to be known, precipitated the events which I am to tell you about now. Before the Great War, mankind flourished with abandon, and filled these lands, though they looked markedly different. But man was not the only inhabitant on this world. It was shared, although secretly, by the elves, who have always been here. They lived in the forests, their very presence hidden from the eyes of mankind by the innate magic inherent to the race.

"While the elves hid safely within their forests, man multiplied. Their achievements grew, until soon they were covering the landscape in vast cities built of steel and rock. As a consequence, the forests dwindled, and the elves were forced to delve deeper into the forests than they had before.

"Man was always feuding amongst themselves. Fighting for lands and riches. The more land they acquired, the more they desired, until whole countries encroached upon each other, competing for the same stretch of land. Wars broke out, the reasons were petty and selfish. They did not fight to protect their loved ones from a threatening force, nor did they fight to wrong an injustice, but rather they fought for greed. Their need for more lands outweighed all other considerations, and in the end, it nearly cost them their existence.

"Through their knowledge, man had amassed a significant capability to inflict greater and greater damage upon their enemies, eventually creating great weapons that were capable of decimating entire countries, without ever having seen the faces of those they slaughtered. The Great War that that almost wiped out all life on this world, took less than a few minutes."

I gasped in shock, for what he was telling us, I had never heard before. Never in my life could I have imagined mankind being capable of such atrocities. It was inconceivable, and I could see that Weiss also was having difficulties with what we had been told. And yet, I knew that the druid histories were the most complete of all, dating back before the Kingdom had formed, and now, it seemed, long before mankind's own recorded history began.

"That's not possible," Weiss said, suddenly finding his voice. "Nothing could do that kind of damage in such a short amount of time. Not even magic."

"Do not underestimate the power of magic young Weiss," Dinendal cautioned. "It's power has not been measured fully, and, I fear for the day when someone taps into it's full potential, for I can see the consequences if such a person uses it for greed and power. But you are right, it was not magic that destroyed the lands, it was science."

"Science? I have heard of this, but I do not see how it could cause as much destruction as it did. It would take something massive and heavy to do what you said it did."

"Science, is unlike magic however. It is not a force that can be tapped into. It is knowledge gained through experimentation. Man's preoccupation with science did not occur in a short period of time, rather it took centuries for mankind to gain the knowledge necessary to create such destructive means. And what they used to do such damage was no bigger than you or I," Dinendal said.

"Impossible. There is nothing that size that can do that kind of damage," Weiss objected.

"No? Tell me, have you played with fireworks in your life Weiss?" Dinendal asked, smiling.

"Yes, of course I have. During the festivities celebrating the birth of the kingdom, and during the King's birthday," he replied.

"And what happens if you light a firecracker in your hand?"

"You get burned of course, but I don't see what your point is."

"My point Weiss, is that if you take that same firecracker, and light it while your hand is wrapped firmly around it, you will surely lose your hand as a result," Dinendal told him impatiently. "The force of the firecracker would do all it can to escape your hand, and you hand would not be able to contain it, but rather be blown apart. The weapons that man had devised many thousands of years ago were infinitely more powerful than a single firecracker. Just one of these explosions could level an entire city that would encompass this whole countryside. There were hundreds of these weapons used in the Great War, and it reshaped the land completely."

All I could do is stare at him in shock. It was almost unbelievable, and yet, I believed him. I had never before met a druid, but I knew enough to know they do not lie.

"If this happened as you say it did, how did mankind survive, and what happened to the elves?" I asked him.

"Good questions both. Man survived because along with the knowledge that allowed them to create these weapons, they had also devised ways in which to survive such an apocalypse. The most popular of which was to build small underground caves lined with a metal designed to protect them from the effects of the weapons. They had to stay underground for many years, and wait for it to be safe to return to the surface.

"It is believed that dwarves are decedents of men and woman who chose to remain underground. Over time they evolved, becoming shorter, and bigger boned. Their eyesight in the dark became almost as acute as that of a cat's, and their hearing almost as sharp. Their toils in the caves below the mountains mining for metals helped them develop a musculature which gives them the strength of two grown men.

"As for your other question, elves by our very nature are magical creatures. We were always here. Long before man even existed. We hid, and on the rare occasion we were seen by a human, they were quickly branded as insane by others of their kind if they talked about what they saw. The forests were, and still are our home, though at the time our domain was shrinking rapidly as man expanded his territory. Our numbers had also grown too few to fight back the humans, who multiplied swiftly. Elves live exponentially longer than humans and do not have children as often. So our numbers declined. There was a time where we could have influenced the development of man, lived with him, and taught him. But our leaders had chosen a path of seclusion, and that seclusion is what allowed humans to grow as they did, and become a power against which we were helpless to overcome.

"Before long, humans had driven themselves almost to extinction in their quest for knowledge and power. It was mostly power that was their undoing. We elves are a selfless race, giving back to the land that we take from. We live in harmony with it. Over the centuries, humans proved that their greed, and thirst for power consumed everything in their path. Even today, we see signs of this, as men continue to squabble about lands and property.

"It was only due to the efforts of a single elf, by the name of Aerandir Nólatári who brought together the many races to form the first Druid council. The druid keep, Adreanor, was built a short time later by the dwarves, it's construction overseen by Aerandir himself. Elves, and even some dwarves came to Adreanor to become druids. But man did not.

"Man was wary of the council, and resisted Aerandir's efforts to have them join the council. That is until a boy, who at the time was nothing more than the son of a simple farmer, came to Adreanor. He was a lad no older than yourself, tall, and well developed. To the rest he looked no different than any other man they had encountered, and yet, little did they realize that this boy was soon to play a pivotal role in the future of the land.

"He studied with the druids for many years, learning the history of man, of elves, and of all the other races in the land. Always studying alone, always quiet. Only his teachers would talk with him. He never did again return to his family.

"For the better part of fourteen years he spent studying in the halls of Adreanor. By this time he had become one of the most learned druids in the council, thought highly of by Aerandir himself and entrusted with the keeping of the druid library where he continued to study. When Serin broke from the order, he alone saw the danger that Serin posed, and forsaw the threat that was to come.

"And come it did. Serin spent the next five years studying the arcane arts, learning it's secrets, something he was forbidden to do at Adreanor. At the same time, his followers had spread out across the land, gathering all the marginalized races such as the trolls and the orcs into a vast army, with plans to take over Adreanor for himself, and then to conquer Aendil itself.

"It was only through the determination of the young druid, that Serin's plans were found out, and brought to the attention of Aerandir. He convinced Aerandir to send a delegation to the elves, the dwarves, and the humans in order to build an army large enough to counter Serin's goals. Aerandir agreed, but only reluctantly with regards to humans. Aerandir could trust only one druid to approach the humans for this cause, and he sent the young druid to meet with the leaders. He was successful, and returned to Adreanor with an army of men.

"Together with the elves and the dwarves they met Serin's forces on the plains that surrounded Adreanor. It was a long fought war, lasting many days and nights. Serin refused to give up easily, the combined strength of the elves, dwarves, and humans was too much for Serin's army, and they were able to defeat Serin in the battle you rightly called the Battle of Adreanor, and he was driven north, exiled from the land.

"The young druid proved a master tactician, his years of study not only giving him tremendous knowledge, but also the ability to see things in a way that no one else could. During the battle, he liased with the commanders of the human army and the druids, co-ordinating their attacks, and helping plot their strategy. His efforts were so successful that the commanders regularly sought him out before engaging the enemy. Using his tactics on the enemy, the humans battled on and when it was over suffered the least amount of casualties of the races.

"The commanders of the human army were so impressed with his prowess in battle, and his ability to grasp any circumstance, and make it work to their advantage, that they invited him to return to the human city of Aendil. You should understand, that at this time, no race had a name for the land they lived upon. All anyone knew was that the continent was vast and stretched many miles in all directions. There were those who tried to traverse it's distance, but were never heard from again.

"The young druid agreed to return with the commanders, with the blessing of Aerandir. Before he left, Aerandir told him that this would be the last time he would see the halls of Adreanor as a druid, though he would not elaborate on how he knew this, or why it was to be so.

"Aerandir bid him farewell, and for the last time the young druid left Adreanor, tranvelling with the humans to Aendil. What awaited him there would change his life forever, and that of the land as well.

"Upon entering the city, he and the army were greeted by the people of Aendil. Reports of his deeds reaching the city long before they had arrived. The people were filled with gratitude and elation, for it was through his efforts that more of their loved ones were able to return home to them. There were some who had lost their husbands, or sons, or brothers in battle, but they too were greatful, for they new that without his leadership, many more would have been lost, and they thanked him.

"All this attention disoriented him, and he did not see himself as the savior that they proclaimed him to be. To him, he was merely a druid, and used his knowledge in the best way that he could, to help people.

"Eventually he was brought before the city Governor and the council. The Governor was a wizened old man, who had for a long time kept the peace within the city walls. He was popular amongst the citizens of Aendil, and governed with a strong, but fair will. Now before him stood the young druid, and while he did not throw praise upon him as did the citizens, he did formally thank him for all he was able to accomplish.

"The young druid attempted to protest, saying that he did only what was necessary, and that he did not deserve the attention nor praise that he was receiving.

"The governor then told him something which he was unable to dismiss. 'A leader leads, a follower follows. Those of us who lead do so not because we desire to, but rather because we must, because it is necessary. You have shown your worth as a leader. You did not ask for it to be thrust upon you, but a leader nonetheless you became. And you did so, using all the knowledge at your disposal to wage a war against the enemy. You have done this city, and it's people a great service, and we owe you a debt of gratitude.'

"He stood there, before the governor and the city's council, overwhelmed, until the governor informed him of the council's decision regarding his reward. Without giving the druid an opportunity to protest, he informed the druid that the people had overwhelmingly elected him their king, the first king of Aendil.

"The druid's name was Teiren Elanessë, the first king of Aendil.

"What?" I exclaimed loudly. "But that's not possible. That would mean that he and I are related!"

"Oh it is more than just possible my young Taey, it is recorded history. Over three hundred years ago, Teiren Elanessë became the first king of Aendil, where he ruled reluctantly. It was through his rule that the kingdom of Aendil grew until it is as you know it today.

"Over the years, he was able to forge alliances with the elves and the dwarves. He attempted to do the same with the orcs and trolls, but that endeavor only resulted in a truce being called, a treaty of armistice which exists to this day. Since then, Aendil has been ruled in peace by his descendants. You are only one of many of his descendants that have lived throughout the land.

"Oh wow Taey," Weiss said. "You're related to the royal family! Who would have thought."

"Yeah, but it's still a little hard to believe," I told him.

"That's not all however, and unfortunately, What I have to tell you next is not good news, and it directly relates to what you saw tonight. For many days I had been hearing rumors about a strange creature, much like the one you described for me earlier, throughout the land. I have used all my knowledge and powers to track this creature, and have discovered that there are in fact five of them. All of which come to Aendil in search of something before flying off to the north," Dinendal said.

"Five of them?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes. An odd number indeed for it coincides exactly the number of druids that left with Serin all those years ago. I fear that the magic they sought has subverted them, changed them, and are now slaves to it's power, and to Serin."

"But that's not possible. It's been three hundred years. Not even an elf lives that long!" I said.

"It's true that the average life expectancy for an elf is about two hundred or some odd years, but you must not forget what I told you. Serin and his followers left the order in search of magic. It is highly probable that Serin found what he was looking for, but I also suspect that he was not prepared for the consequences. Magic is a powerful force, and for those who seek it, there is a never ending risk of being subverted. We each inside of us carry a darker side, a side that, for the most part, we keep hidden, and in most cases deny.

"This power can corrupt us, as I fear it has corrupted Serin. I do not even believe that Serin resembles an elf anymore. The longer one is exposed to such power, the stronger it takes a hold of us. From what I have sensed from these creatures it is certain that they have been changed, twisted and corrupted from their original forms. All the druids who left with Serin were elves, and If these creatures are indeed those same druids, then I can only imagine the effects this magic has had on Serin himself."

"You said that these creatures are looking for me, but you still haven't told me why," I told him.

"Ever since the first appearance of these creatures, I have tracked their movements, and I have found something disturbing. At each sighting, a person has been murdered, shredded beyond recognition, as if a great beast had torn them asunder with claws and teeth. I was able learn the identities of each of the people who were slaughtered, and it alarmed me, for I had never conceived such a thing could happen. But it has. There is one thing all these victims have in common, Taey, they are all descendants of Teiren Elanessë, and of his descendants, you are the only one left alive."

"By the Gods!" Weiss exclaimed.

"You mean to tell me that these creatures have been hunting down all the relatives of the first king of Aendil, and that I am the only one left alive? What about the royal family? Surely they were able to escape."

"None are left alive Taey, you are all that is left. These creatures search for you now. They will not rest until they have found you, and killed you."

"And what happens if they do?" I asked him, now suddenly afraid.

"Then I fear that if Serin is indeed still alive, he will move to take over the lands as he attempted over three hundred years ago, and this time, as strong as he is, I fear that there will be none who will be able to stop him."

"But what do I have to do with all of this? Why does he hunt me? Why can't he do what he plans now?" I asked.

"As a descendant of Teiren, you alone have the power to defeat him."

"Me? That's impossible! I'm just the son of a farmer!"

"If that's what you think, then that is all you shall ever be Taey, and you will be found, slaughtered like the rest, and these lands will forever be under the power of Serin. No, you are all that stands in his way now."

"I don't understand though."

"You will soon enough Taey, but for now, we must get you out of here. You can not stay here any longer. You, and anyone else around you will now be in danger from these creatures until a way can be found to stop Serin. And that is why young Weiss, it is not wise for you to remain. You must leave, and forget the name Taey Elanessë.

"I cannot do that Druid. I do not leave my friends, especially not when they may be in trouble. What you have said scares me greatly, but I will do what I must and stay with Taey. He would do the same for me, I know."

"You are a good friend Weiss. Just so long as you know the risks you are facing."

"I may not know them all Druid, for I think there are things that you are not telling us. I know that druids do not lie, but I also know that they do not always reveal everything they know, and that makes you just as dangerous to Taey as anything else."

Dinendal laughed. "There may be hope for you yet young Weiss. Very well. I cannot decide your fate for you. Only you have that right. But be warned, that the future ahead will be fraught with dangers, some of which may be greater than you are ready for."

"Dinendal, I cannot just pick up and leave here. What about my parents? They need me too," I said.

"Have you heard nothing I have told you, boy?" Dinendal asked. "If you stay here, they will not live past the night. You have to leave now."

"But where am I to go?" I asked.

"We will pack as much as you can carry for a three day journey. We will head East to the dwarf outpost Pelianor. It is the least likely place for the winged wraiths to search for you. From there, we can head into the Dunadeid mountains where I will attempt to discover the means with which to defeat Serin."

"And if you can't?" I asked him.

"Then all of Aendil, and possibly the entire world will soon fall to Serin's evil."

"Then let us hope you don't fail," Weiss said.

"That is my hope as well. But if I do discover what we need, it will still be up to Taey to defeat Serin once and for all."

"I just hope I will be up to the challenge," I said.

"When the time is right young Taey, you will do what needs to be done. The journey will be long and hard, and you will need all the help you can get, and that is what we shall seek upon arriving at Pelianor. Now quickly gather your things, and let us be off," Dinendal said.

Running up the stairs, I headed for my room. The door to my parents' room was closed, and although I could not hear them, I knew they were in there. With all the noise I was making, there couldn't have been any doubt in their minds that I had come up stairs, but still they made no attempt to see me. I gathered as much clothing as I could and put it into a small pack that I kept for when my father and I went on a journey to some of the other towns. This was the first time I would be leaving home, other than to go to the market, without my father.

Satisfied that I had everything I needed, I left my room, and knocked on my parents' door. There was no answer from within. Deciding that they must have fallen asleep, I bid them a good night, then ran back down the stairs where I could see that Weiss had already gathered his things and the druid Dinendal was standing by the door, his hand on the handle, ready to open it.

"Ready?" Dinendal asked.

"No, but we might as well get on with it," I replied.

"It is for the best," Dinendal said, then opened the door and motioned us outside. Before leaving, I took one last look at the house I grew up in. I promised myself then and there that I would return one day soon, and that I would be with my parents again with Weiss by my side, as he had always been, these past two years.

Closing the door, I left the house, catching up with Dinendal and Weiss who were waiting for me on the road that would take us to Pelianor, and me to my destiny.

Editor's Notes: That was quite an exciting chapter. Now we know who that huge person was. I hope Taey and Weiss will be able to succeed. It seems that Jason has crafted another wonderfully exciting story. Thank you Jason for a great story. Please hurry and bring us more.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher

Next: Chapter 3

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