Sylvania Park Summer


Published on Dec 7, 2020


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Sylvania Park Summer: Part 5

My name is Everett Pettygrove. I am a fifty-five year old single gay man. Sylvania Park Summer is a series of sex stories that are pure fiction. They are concocted from my perverted imagination, but derived from my surrounding neighborhood of Sylvania Park. All of the participants are at least 18 years of age.

While you are reading the various stories I will be posting, you may notice that the neighborhood of Sylvania Park has a high proportion of young men who are either gay, or bi, or bi-curious. You might find that hard to swallow.

All I ask is that you suspend your disbelief for a brief moment and just go along with it. This is my fantasy and I choose to populate Sylvania Park with as many non-straight young men as I desire.

If it helps, you can pretend there is something unique in the air, or in the water, or in the underlying basaltic bedrock, that causes, at least temporarily, a certain degree of homosexuality to the young residents of this fine neighborhood.

Sylvania Park is a housing development situated on the southwestern city limits of Portland, Oregon. It is built on the sloping west side of an extinct shield volcano known as Mount Sylvania. The first home was built in this development in the year 1969.

Mount Sylvania really isn't a mountain, it's more like a large hill. The summit is just under 1000 feet. There is a small park at the summit. There are a number of trails and paths that wind through Sylvania Park, connecting the summit with several natural habitats and parks.

I like to make up stories about the young men who live in Sylvania Park. I fantasize about what they might be doing to each other in its backyards and on its trails and in its parks and behind its closed doors.

So, from my depraved imagination, I present, Sylvania Park Summer, a series of gay sex stories that happen in the neighborhood known as Sylvania Park during the summer of 2020.

Thanks, Everett Pettygrove

I got the idea for this fifth story while I was taking an early morning walk and saw two young men come out of the bushes in the park at the summit. I wondered what the circumstances were that led up to that moment. Here is what I imagined:

Alec's Story

My neighbor's Pomeranians start barking their heads off. It doesn't matter, I was already awake. I check the time. 6:12. My bedroom is dimly lit by the early morning predawn and it's a little chilly inside. I left my window open all night. I lie in bed, thinking about getting up. Then I hear what probably started the dogs on their barking rampage in the first place. A skateboard rolling down the street. Those little Poms absolutely hate skateboards.

Their barking gets furious.

The skateboard stops right out front. I hear a guy laugh. "Hey little doggies."

The dogs get quiet. Now I'm curious. I slowly rise out of bed in the dim light and walk over to the window. I am naked and I have morning wood. I fondle my erection as I look onto the street. I have to hunch down a little to hide my dick from view.

The streetlight is still on and it's illuminating this guy who is reaching through the neighbor's fence, petting both dogs. "Aren't you a couple of cuties." He picks up his skateboard and stands. He walks past my Subaru and crosses the street towards the park.

I recognize him. It's Cooper from my school. He graduated last year. He must be home from college for the summer. He had gotten into Yale. I was surprised when I heard that. I never really thought he was a serious student. The rumor is he has a massive trust fund. I bet his parents bought his way in.

I wonder what has gotten Cooper out of bed so early on a Wednesday morning. I watch him walk across the park. His lanky body becomes silhouetted against the parks vegetation as he gets farther away. It appears he is going into the secret "room" inside the grove of rhododendrons.

I have been playing in that park all of my life. I discovered that secret spot with some of my friends when I was eight. The rhodies are at least 50 years old. There is probably a dozen of them. They are massive and their branches are thick. You have to bend over as you push your way inside, but once in, you can stand up. It's actually quite roomy and very private. You can see fragments of the park from inside, but it's impossible to see into it from the outside because it's in deep shade and the shiny, dark green leaves reflect the sun, so your eyes never have a chance to adjust.

I tasted my first beer and kissed my first boy inside those rhododendrons. I've had a number of beers since then, but I've yet to kiss anybody again. It's also where I learned to smoke weed.

Now I get it. I bet Cooper is going there to light up a joint. I wonder if he would sell me some. My friend, who usually gets me weed, is down in Sunriver for the summer. I watch Cooper. He goes directly to the rhododendron grove, then bends over and pushes his way inside.

I better hurry if I want to catch him before he's done smoking his joint. I head into my bathroom. I have to pee bad, but I still have morning wood. I usually jack-off really quick before I get out of bed. That's going to have to wait until later. I turn on my shower and stand just out of reach of the spray. I try to relax. Finally, my piss starts to flow. It splashes against the marble tile on the far side of the shower. My cock begins to get soft. I finish and shake out the last drops, then I turn the water off.

I put on a clean pair of bikini briefs. They are red with a black, low-rise waistband. I like wearing them, they make me feel sexy. I put on a black tee-shirt with the image of Colin Kaepernick kneeling. Then I put on a pair of gray Champion shorts and slip on my Nike Air Jordan's without tying the laces. I quietly go downstairs and out the front door.

I run across the street and into the park. The grass is wet with dew and it smells like it's been recently mowed. Pieces of grass stick to my shoes.

The light is getting a little bit brighter and I begin to see some details in the park. I try to look inside the rhodies as I approach them, but of course I can't see shit. I bend over and push my way in. I stand.

Cooper is face-timing on his phone and is illuminated by the screen. "Hold up Jade, I just got caught." He looks at me with a big smile on his face. "Hey there."

I cannot believe what I am seeing. Cooper is totally naked, sitting on his skateboard with his legs spread open and his hard dick sticking straight up.

I female voice comes from the phone. "Let me see, hon."

Cooper turns the phone around. I see a woman on the screen, Jade I presume, who looks to be about 40 years old. She is naked and her breasts are colossal. She waves at me. "Hi there, stud."

"Um, hi Jade." I foolishly return the naked woman's wave.

Cooper points the phone back around to himself.

Jade says, "Who's the big adorable kid, Coop?"

Cooper glances my way, "That's Alec, from my old high school. He is adorable and quite the stud too."

I'm not sure what surprises me more, that Cooper knows my name, or that he thinks I'm an adorable stud.

He says to Jade. "You'll have to forgive me, but I've got a live bod to play with now."

"I don't blame you, dear. You know how to reach me the next time you're feeling lonely. Bye sweetie."

Cooper turns off his phone and sets it down. "Jade likes it when I'm outside. I like it too. The possibility of getting caught makes it more exciting." He grabs his cock and points the head right at me. "Don't you think?"

"I um..."

"Are you going to take off your clothes, or what?" Cooper gets off of his skateboard and stands in front of me.

I look down into his eyes. I'm six foot five and not as thin as Cooper, who is probably around six one. I look over my shoulder. I can just see the light from my bedroom window all the way across the park through the branches of the rhododendrons. I look back at Cooper, but I can't meet his eyes. I look down at his hard cock. "I wanted to buy some weed." I don't know why I said that. I'm not really thinking at the moment.

"Sorry, don't have any." Cooper grabs my tee-shirt. "Here, let me help you with that."

I look into his eyes again.

He smiles as he pulls off the shirt.

I automatically raise my arms to help him.

"Whoa, Alec. You've been working out." He puts his hands on my pecs.

It feels good. My dick starts to rise.

He flicks his fingers across both of my nipples.

"Mmmm." My dick is fully hard now, but it's feeling a bit constricted in my red bikini briefs.

Cooper cups my bulge. "We need to set that free." He squats on his haunches in front of me and pulls my gray shorts down to my ankles. He looks up. "Very sexy panties, Alec."

I'm embarrassed. Nobody was ever supposed to see me in these bikini briefs. Although, I realize I shouldn't be embarrassed, I just caught Cooper jacking-off in the park and he doesn't seem to give a rat's ass about that. I move my foot a little bit and almost lose my balance. My legs are bound together by the shorts around my ankles.

"Hold still." Cooper pulls off my shoes, then holds down my shorts as I step out of them. He tosses them aside "Wow, your feet are huge." He picks one up.

I have to set my hand on his shoulder in order not to fall on my face.

He places my big toe in his mouth and starts sucking. He massages my foot at the same time.

It's a little weird, but it feels good. I put my hand into my briefs and play with my cock.

Cooper stops sucking my toe and puts my foot back down. He stands. "Wait, take your hand out. I want to look at you in that sexy underwear first."

I push my hard cock down under the waistband and take out my hand. I self-consciously stand there, wearing nothing but my skimpy bikini briefs, and let him look at me.

Cooper steps back about three feet. He stands naked in front of me, leisurely stroking his cock. His eyes move up my body, then stop when they meet my eyes. "Wow Alec, you sure have grown since the last time I saw you."

I don't remember Cooper ever seeing me before. I always saw him, but from a distance and while he was hanging out with his friends.

"Turn around."

I turn around.

"Holy fucking shit! That is one fine ass."

While I have my back to Cooper, he comes up and wraps his arms around me. He puts his lips on the side of my neck and presses his hard, naked dick against my butt. I feel it through my briefs.

His lips on my neck gives me goose bumps all over my body, but his cock pushing on my ass scares me a little bit.

Then Cooper lets go of me. He puts his hands on my shoulders and turns me around to face him. He smiles and winks.

He is very handsome. I've always thought so. His face is lean. His cheek bones are prominent. His nose is on the large side with a bump at the bridge, it makes him look really masculine. He obviously didn't shave this morning, because there is stubble on his chin and upper lip. His eyes are green, his hair is a reddish brown. It is neatly trimmed and cut short at the sides, but longer and a little messy at the top. His body is both lanky and fit.

He squats back down on his haunches. He grabs my briefs. "Alright, let's see what you got." He pulls them down to my thighs.

My dick pops up and he has to jerk his head back before it pokes out an eye. "Mmmm, nice cock there, stud." He continues to pull my briefs down until they stop at my feet. I step out of them as Cooper grabs my cock. He leans forward, opens his mouth and then slides his lips down my shaft.

I'm astounded. "Ugh!" I grab his head. I involuntarily push it further down my shaft. I can't help it.

Cooper gags, but his head keeps going until my cock is all the way inside his hot, moist mouth.

Holy shit, it feels so fucking good. I moan loudly. "Emmmm."

Cooper glances up, then back at my cock. He starts moving his mouth deliberately up and down my dick.

"Oh fuck." I still have my hands on his head.

He lets go of my cock. He gets off of his haunches and onto his knees while continuing to suck me. Then he grabs my ass with both of his hands. His fingers go deep between my butt cheeks and he starts rubbing them against my hole.

I'm surprised at how good it feels. "Ummmm."

He keeps sucking my cock while playing with my hole.

I move my hips a little.

Then he takes his hands from my ass.

I'm disappointed.

He finds my foot and picks it up while he continues to suck me.

I have to put a hand on his shoulder, along with half my weight, in order to keep my balance.

He pushes my size 15 foot against his cock. He rubs it on his balls and up his shaft.

I wiggle my toes.

Cooper moans. He stops sucking. He lies back on the hard-packed dirt inside the grove of rhododendrons. "Rub my cock with your foot."

"Okay." It's getting a little bit brighter under the canopy of branches crisscrossing above me. I stand over Cooper and look down at his beautiful naked body.

He puts his hands behind his head. His rib cage shows through his skin. His tight six-pack is stretched out. His hard dick is mostly white, except for the head, which is a pretty shade of pink. I watch as it pulsates against the pale white skin of his abdomen.

I grab a thick branch above my shoulders and put my foot on top of Cooper's rigid pink dick. I move it back and forth.

"Fuck, that feels good."

I take my free hand and grab my cock. It is slick with Cooper's saliva. I squeeze my fist over it. At the same time, I wedge the head of his cock between my first two toes and jack him that way.

"Fuck yeah." Cooper raises his head and watches, then he holds onto my ankle with both hands and helps guide my foot.

I put a little more weight on him.

"Oh shit."

He obviously likes it. I press on his dick with my foot a little bit harder and move it over his shaft faster.

"Fuck yeah!"

He hangs onto my ankle as I move my foot down and caress his big hairy nuts with my toes, then I hear a car door slam shut and an engine start. I look up through the branches and see the lights of my neighbor's Volvo maneuver out of their driveway and head down the street. I forget what I'm doing and accidentally put too much weight onto Cooper's nuts.

"Umph." He sets my foot down and stands. He grabs my cock and strokes it.

I grab his cock too. I firmly wrap my fingers around it. I move my hand back and forth, jacking him. It's the first time I've touched someone's dick. It feels amazing. I want to make him cum right now. I jack faster.

Cooper moans. He stops stroking me and just squeezes my dick.

I stroke him super-fast.

He bends forward slightly. "Uh!"

I move my hand at lightning speed.

"Wait." Cooper grabs my wrist and pulls my hand off of his cock. "Suck me now." He puts one hand behind my head and not-so-gently brings it towards his hard dick.

I have no choice but to get on my knees right in front of him. I grab his cock again. I can't wait to put it in my mouth, but now that it's in my face, I have to look at it. I pause and squeeze the shaft. His cock is long and thin. It's lanky just like Cooper. I watch as it pulsates in my hand. A pool of precum forms at the tip then stretches into a long strand that finally breaks away and lands on the ground.

I feel Cooper's hand press on the back of my head, so I just lean forward and wrap my lips around his dick. I cannot believe I am sucking Cooper. I cannot believe I am actually tasting his precum. I'm getting excited. I enthusiastically speed up.

Cooper moans, then says, "Ouch." He backs away and his dick comes out of my mouth.

I look up at his face.

He smiles. "Try not to use your teeth."

"Sorry." I grab Cooper's balls and walk him forward until his cock is in front of me again. I put his dick back in my mouth and slow down my sucking. I concentrate on keeping my teeth covered by my lips.

"Fuck yeah, Alec. That's how you suck dick." He puts both his hands on the back of my head, then starts thrusting his cock into my mouth.

I really like Cooper fucking my face. He could do this to me all day if he wanted. I grab his ass. His full, round ass-cheeks feel incredible in my hands. I help him move his hips. I sense he is getting close and I'm kind of surprised at how much I want him to cum into my mouth.

Then Cooper suddenly stops. "Stand up." He finds his shorts on the ground and pulls a small bottle of lube out of the pocket. "I'm going to fuck you now."

I'm thinking I'm not actually ready to be fucked. "Um...Cooper?"

He flips open the lid. He looks up. "What?"

"I um...I'm a virgin." I pause. "It's...this isn't really how I pictured I'd lose my virginity."

"Shit, sorry Alec. I just assumed..." He laughs. "You mean you didn't imagine getting fucked for the first time by a semi-stranger in the middle of a public park with dead leaves stuck to your ass and twigs embedded in your knees and insects caught in your hair?"

I laugh too. "Not exactly."

"Yeah, getting fucked for the first time requires patience and privacy and a nice soft bed. It also helps if the top loves you."

I am smiling. Cooper exactly expressed what I was feeling. I know he doesn't love me, but I think I might actually love him. "Well, maybe it'd be okay."

"Nope, can't do it now. However, the only thing required for fucking an old pro like me for the first time, is you just need to be super horny." He looks at my throbbing cock. "And you pass that test at the head of your class." Cooper looks me directly in the eyes.

I look right back.

"What do you say Alec, care to have a go at my not-so-tight asshole?"

I can't believe this is happening. When I came to these rhodies hoping to score some weed, I never dreamed Cooper would ask me to fuck him. "You sure?"

Cooper turns around and bends over. He pulls apart his ass cheeks with both hands. He looks back at me. "Fucking positive."

A robin lands on the highest branch of the rhododendron and starts singing.

The light inside the grove of rhodies has gotten noticeably brighter since I caught Cooper naked. His hole is clearly visible. I quietly say "Shit," as I stare at it, then watch as Cooper spreads lube onto it with his fingers.

He gives me the lube. "Here, put this on your cock."

I squeeze some lube on my cock as Cooper slides his finger in and out of his hole. I toss the bottle on the ground.

"Okay Alec, this part is easy, you just do what comes naturally and don't worry about me. I like it rough, so I'll be fine."

"Um hmm." I hardly heard what Cooper just said, I'm too interested in getting to fuck him. I feel like I could cum just thinking about it. I move up to his ass. I put my cock-head right on his hole.

Cooper reaches behind himself and holds onto my dick. "Push."

I grab Cooper by the shoulders and push forward. My dick starts to penetrate him. "Oh my god." It slides in all the way. "Oh my fucking god!" I moan uncontrollably. "Uuummm-ahmmm."

Cooper grunts.

I slide my dick back. "Damn, that feels fucking amazing!" It accidentally come all the way out. "Shit, sorry."

"Just put it back in."

"Right." I grab my cock and force it back inside Cooper. "Oh fuck."

"Yeah, that's the way to do it. Now fuck my ass."

I move my cock back and almost come out a second time. I push it back in. "Holy shit." I pull it back. I push it in a little faster. "Holy fucking shit!"

"Yeah Alec, you like fucking my hole, don't you?"

I speed up my stroke. I'm starting to breathe hard. "I do, Cooper" I grunt. I fuck him faster. "I love your hole." I grunt again. "I fucking love fucking your fucking hole." I'm swearing a lot. I don't fucking care. I moan some more. "Mahhhmmmn."

Cooper laughs. "Yeah, fuck me. Fuck me hard."

"I'm getting close. Shit. I'm already going to cum." I keep moaning. "Mmnnoohhhaahh." I get higher in pitch. "Uhh. UHHUHHH" I'm almost screaming. "Uuhhhh. Oohhhhhhh." My entire body convulses. "I'm cumming! Oh FUCK, I'm cumming!" I grab Cooper by the hips and ram him hard. "Uhhhggg."

I pull my cock back and ram it into him a second time, forcing the cum out of my cock and into his hole." Uhhgg." I ram my cock into Cooper a final time, then collapse forward onto his back as my cock spasm out the last bits of my load. My hard-muscular body feels gigantic against Cooper's tight lanky body. I wrap my arms around his torso and my hands discover his throbbing cock.

I kiss his neck without even thinking about it. I turn my head to the side and rest it on his back while I absently fondle him. I look out at the park through the mingled branches of the rhododendrons as my heartbeat returns to normal.

There is a flock of starlings on the park's lawn. I watch as the little speckled blackbirds slowly move towards the rhodies while looking under blades of grass for insects, occasionally trapping them in their yellow beaks.

Cooper stands up straight and I am forced to stand with him. Some of my load dribbles out of him and onto the ground as my spent dick slides out of his hole.

He turns and faces me. He is jacking his cock. "That was hot."

I smile. "Thanks for letting me fuck you."

"You are fucking welcome. Can I kiss you, Alec?"

I nod.

Cooper lets go of his cock and wraps his arms around me.

I envelope him in my arms and we join in an intimate embrace.

He gives me a warm, passionate kiss. I feel his hard cock against my thigh. He moves his hands up my naked body and rubs them through my hair.

I get shivers and my whole body is covered in goose bumps.

We stop kissing. Cooper steps back. He is smiling broadly and looking me directly in the eyes. He resumes stroking his cock.

I look right back at him. I almost tell him I love him, but I stop myself before I foolishly say it.

Cooper strokes his dick faster. He bends forward slightly. "Just stand there and let me look at you until I cum."

He seems really close. "Wait. You know, you could still fuck my mouth if you want. You don't owe me any favors, but I'd really like that." I get on my knees.

Cooper stops stroking his cock. "That works for me." He moves up and sticks his hard dick in front of my face.

I can't help smiling. I look up into his eyes. Cooper is smiling too. I put his cock in my mouth.

Cooper gets on his toes and grabs the back of my head. He slowly pushes his rock-hard dick all the way in.

It hits the back of my throat and I involuntarily pull my head away as I gag.

Cooper forces my head back down the length of his cock.

I grab his ass with one hand and hold his big hairy balls with my other hand.

Cooper speeds up. He fucks my face. "Fuck yeah. That feels so fucking good."

I move my head over his shaft, timing it with his strokes.

"Oh fuck!" Cooper pulls on my hair, but I barely feel it.

I squeeze his balls as he face-fucks me.

He is breathing hard. His cock speeds up fucking my mouth. He pulls my hair harder. "Fuck Alec. Shit fuck." Cooper starts screaming. "Ahhhhh! Aahhhhhhh!" His cock keeps fucking my mouth as it shoots its hot load into it.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, as my mouth fills with Cooper's semen, I worry he is being too loud. I try to swallow. There is too much and it squirts out the sides.

Cooper slows down his thrusts until his cock is just barely moving.

The secret room inside the rhododendrons suddenly gets bright. I look up, Cooper's face is covered in dappled sunlight. His eyes are closed. He is grinning blissfully.

I rub my tongue on his cock-head.

Cooper's whole-body spasms. Then relaxes.

I love the taste of his cum and the feel of his dick in my mouth. I suck on it. I swallow the rest of his load. I try to get out the last drops of his jizz.

Cooper lets me do it. His breathing returns to normal. He gently rubs my hair.

I am finally done cleaning his cock with my tongue. I stand and kiss Cooper. I close my eyes. His naked body feels good against my naked body. His lips feel good pressed against my lips.

I hear the starlings take flight. I open my eyes and see this old dude walking through the park. I let go of Cooper. He is about to say something, but I put a finger to my lips. "Shhhss." I whisper, "There's someone out there."

Cooper sees him too. We both quickly get dressed.

I put my gray shorts on over my briefs and slide my feet into my Nikes, then I throw on my Kaepernick tee. Cooper puts on a pair of red plaid board shorts and a black, Black Lives Matter, tee-shirt, then steps into a pair of black Vans.

I look through the branches. It's all clear. Cooper picks up his phone and skateboard and he follows me from our secret room inside the rhododendrons and out into the bright morning sun.

Cooper bumps into me as I stop short. That old dude is standing on the far side of the park and looking directly at us. Cooper waves. "Hey there."

The old dude turns around and we watch him walk out of the park and head down the street.

We sit on a bench, side by side. Cooper holds his phone in front of him. "What's your number?"

I take the phone from his hands and type it in. I give it back.

"Thanks. Can I buy you breakfast?"

"That'd be great. I kind of worked up an appetite."

Cooper laughs. "Tell me about it. How about the Original Pancake House on Barbur."

"I love that place, it's so retro."

"Me too! I don't think it's been remodeled in the last sixty years."

"Yeah, it really is `Original'." I look into Cooper's eyes. "You ready?"


"Okay. I'll drive." I point across the park at my Subaru. "My car is right there."


We stand at the same time. We walk towards my car. Cooper casually holds my hand.

I get goosebumps all over my body.

The End.

Everett Pettygrove Sylvania Park Summer 2020

H.T. Bruhaus. Portland, Oregon December 7th, 2020

Sylvania Park Summer is a story about a fifty-five year old man writing about stories he imagines happening in his neighborhood. The man is a fiction of my imagination. The neighborhood of Sylvania Park is also fictitious, but is actually based on a real neighborhood called Mountain Park.

Most of the features of Sylvania Park are true about Mountain Park. I expanded the neighborhood to give me more room and freedom to develop the stories.

You could actually go to Google Maps and search Mountain Park Oregon. It would take you directly to that neighborhood. You could go on street view and take a tour if you wanted.

Okay, it's been eight months since I posted my last Sylvania Park Summer story. And as we all know, quite a lot has happened during that time. The riots. The fires. The supreme court. The election. And the god damned, mother fucking pandemic.

I was allowed to stay home and still get paid during the lock down. I was one of the lucky ones. I thought I would use that time to knock out a few stories for Nifty, but I suffered from Writer's Block. I was unable to write shit.

I also suffered from Energy Block also known as Idle Dude Syndrome. I did as little as possible around the house and spent most of my time in the horizontal position, binge watching Netflix.

I might have had a few beers as well.

I have been back to working full time since around June. And I have just now managed to clear my Writer's Block, although my Idle Dude Syndrome isn't any better.

So it appears Sylvania Park Summer happens during a pandemic. I'm not going to go back and rewrite everything just so it would fit in with actual events from the Summer of 2020. I guess as far as this series is concerned, we are all going to have to pretend the pandemic never happened.

That suits me just fine.

I am sorry if you have a loved one who was amongst the nearly 1.5 million people worldwide, who have died so far from Covid 19.

Hopefully reading this story has made you feel a little bit better.

I am optimistic about 2021. I can't help it. I have a positive attitude.

This story mentions The Original Pancake House. It is real. They have over 100 franchises across the U.S., but the one in southwest Portland on Barbur Boulevard, is the original, Original Pancake House.

As a kid, I really wanted my parents to take us there. However, there was always a line out the door on the weekends and my parents didn't do lines.

Now, as a senior adult, I live only five blocks from it. On my 50th birthday, on a Wednesday morning, I walked over to it and ate there for the very first time. I am an extremely nostalgic person by nature and I fell in love with its décor, which has to be original to the time they opened in 1953.

Look them up on line.

I'm sorry for all the onomatopoeia in the sex scene. Once I started, I couldn't stop. It makes me laugh.

Here is the link to my directory on Nifty, just in case you would like to read some of my other stories.

You could also search "bruhaus" on Nifty's home page to reach my directory.

I like to get feedback about my stories. Email me at if you want to tell me how brilliant I am. If you want to tell me how awful I am, then please send your emails to dontreallycare@turdswallow.sht Just kidding. I'm always open to constructive criticism.

Finally, I had promised to answer all emails in the past and to let you know the next time I posted a story. Well, as you know, I am a victim of I.D.S., so I have been unable to keep that promise. I apologize for my sorry state of email answering. I do not make any further promises, but from this point forward, I will try to write back to you if you actually make the effort to write to me.

And finally, finally. Please send Nifty some money, if you haven't already. They deserve our support. They may even inspire young people to read more. That can't be a bad thing.

Thanks, Dave

Next: Chapter 6

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