Tabula Colton

By Emri S.

Published on May 5, 2023


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Story Recap: Julian's brother Jackson was rescued from Hong Kong by Mr. Takada and Tate Chan, a celebrity action star. Julian goes with Jackson to have his mind restored from the brain wipe and Eizo Kimura has them hooked up into chairs so Julian's natural state can be copied in to his twin's brain. Let's find out how it went!

{Tabula Colton}

[Ch.12- The Boys We Became]

~By Emri~

+++ Julian's Perspective +++

"Jax?" I whispered as I woke up in a dark room. I felt a body behind me, spooning me. I reached back and felt a firm ass in silky briefs which must have been my twin brother's. I felt groggy, weak, and my skin felt warm like a sunburn. I sat up in the pitch black room and rubbed my eyes. I couldn't see a thing.

"Yeah, Jules?" Jackson said in a sleepy fog.

"Where are we? What happened?" I asked. The last thing I remembered was falling asleep in Eizo's lab. He was using my brain to fix my brother's mental wipe. Jackson had been under its effects for too long so Eizo couldn't fix him without using me. I sat up and realized I was in a giant bed under a thick down comforter. My asshole felt weird; twitchy but happy like it needed to be played with. I'd never felt that before.

"We're good. Everything's good. Daddy'll be home soon," Jackson said.

"Daddy? Oh, Mr. Chan?" I asked. Tate Chan, the celebrity action star we'd both grown up watching, was taking care of us and protecting us from the agency.

"Yup. Daddy's coming. He said to take a nap and keep an eye on you. You were out for so long," Jackson said. He tried to pull me back down into his arms. We'd been sleeping curled up together like we used to do when we were little kids.

"I dunno, Jax. This doesn't seem right," I said. I pushed his hands off of me and started to sit up, but then felt a cable hooked into my arm.

"What the fuck?" I said and felt my arm. My upper bicep had this circular bandage with a cable coming out of it. It must have been hooked into my skin. I started to panic and pulled at it.

"No, Jules! Stop! Don't do that! Just wait for daddy!" Jackson pulled my hand off of my arm and pulled me back down to the bed.

"What the fuck? I'm hooked up to something? What happened?" I was freaking out.

"Stop, bro! Seriously. It'll hurt. It was feeding and monitoring you while you were out. Don't fuck with it, dude!" Jackson warned. I hadn't heard that tone from him in a long time. He was just a few minutes older than me and he'd always been the stronger one, at least until he'd gotten brain wiped and sold to a man in Hong Kong. He sounded like his old self and it gave me hope.

"Oh Jax! You're back! Turn on the light" I said excitedly and turned to him. He was a shadowy figure in the dark room, but I could hear in his voice he was my old brother. I felt my heart jump in excitement. Jackson moved away from me and I heard his footsteps across the room.

"Ready for this? You're going to cream when you see this!" Jackson said excitedly. He pulled open the drapes and walked them across the room as a massive wall of windows opened and bright sunlight blinded me.

"Oh shit!" I covered my eyes. "It's so bright!"

"Malibu, Jules! Ma-li-fuckin-boo! Daddy has a beach house for the weekends! Look at those waves!" Jackson was way too excited. I shifted to the side to escape the blinding sun and felt a strange object in my asshole. I grabbed for it and screamed.

"No! Jules! That's your comfort plug. Daddy put it in your pussy before he left so you'd stop whining in your sleep! Don't pull it out or you'll be sad again!" Jackson lunged for the bed as I wiggled the strange squishy rubber out of my asshole.

"Aww hell man, what did he do to me?" I gasped as it came loose. I instantly felt empty inside and my body gave a cold shiver. Instinctively, I pushed the lubed rubber plug back inside me with a pop and a wave of peaceful zen swept over me.

"We fixed you! You were all sad and like conspiracy theory shit. You didn't know what you were missing. Doesn't it feel great? I love my plug! It's a replica of the first two inches of daddy's dick from the base so you can get stretched for him. You are going to freak when he gets inside you, Jules. It's like. Wow! Old daddy barely fucked me and he never let me plug my hole. I felt so sad all the time," Jackson gushed like this was the greatest gift we'd ever received.

"You guys fucked me over, man! I trusted them! They were supposed to fix you!" I whined, but I couldn't stop turning the plug inside my hole. It made me feel incredible.

"They did fix me! I'm released from old daddy and bonded to much better daddy! He bonded us together too! We'll be a package from now on. Oh Julian, it's going to be so much fun! He's taking us on his film shoots with him! We're going to get to see Race or Die 3 before it even finishes filming! I can't wait!" Jackson bounced excitedly next to me.

"Babies?!" A booming voice called from somewhere outside the room. I heard heavy footsteps come pounding up stairs and then the door opened and Tate Chan stood there wearing a tight tank top, shorts, and heavy work boots.

Every inch of the muscle-god called out to me. I felt this uncontrollable desire to bounce in his lap. He had that perfect V-shaped torso and rugged pecs with bulging biceps and a healthy bulge that made me lick my lips.

"Julian's awake. Oh my boy! You look so much better. I'll have the chef make lunch. Are you hungry, little one? You haven't had real food in almost two days," he said in a concerned, fatherly tone. He sat on the edge of the bed next to me and took off his boots. I felt anger rising inside me. He'd done this. He'd colluded with Eizo to trick me. I was so pissed off and then...

"Baby boy. How are you feeling?" Tate turned to me with that square jawed handsome face and kind, daddy eyes. He put his hand to my cheek and I melted at his touch. My skin still felt like a sunburn, but his touch soothed it and made my stomach fill with butterflies.

"I'm... Hi," I said dumbfounded and starstruck. The hero of every movie of my childhood had me in his bed and an intense warmth radiated from his touch and made my skin tingle.

"You're pretty loopy from the medicine. Let me take the monitor feeder from your arm. Come here, little one," Tate said and patted his lap. I crawled towards him and he pulled me onto his thighs. He held me and rubbed my back while he painlessly took the bandage from my arm and carefully slipped the needle from my skin.

"Get me the kit, Jackson," he said. My twin scrambled to the bathroom and came back with a small white box. Tate opened it and took out a cleansing wipe. He rubbed my arm when the needle had been and then put a fresh bandage on it.

"There we go, all better, little one. You won't need that. The doctor is coming soon to check you over, but you woke up right on schedule," Tate bounced me playfully in his lap and I couldn't help but smile like a simple kid. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. Jackson weaseled in next to me and got a kiss of his own. I felt a hint of jealousy, but then Jackson put his lips to the bandage and it made me feel better.

"He tried to take his plug out! I stopped him," Jackson said proudly. Being in the tight cocoon of warmth and love with Tate and my twin lit this fire inside me of feelings

"Good boy. You two have to look out for each other. Let's get your plugs out and head down for lunch," Tate said. He pushed us off his lap and towards the bathroom.

"Can we go to the beach?" Jackson asked as he went into the bathroom and leaned chest-first against the counter. He stuck out his ass out and Tate pulled at his briefs. I watched him wiggle out a thick almond-colored plug that was modeled after his cock but only stuck out two inches.

"I think we can. I'll have them set up the umbrella for Julian and we can eat lunch. He can't be in the water or sun though for another week," Tate said. Jackson let out a painful gasp as he lost his plug. He looked at it with sadness until Tate shoved it in his mouth.

"Come, boy," Tate said to me. I hesitated and he reached for me, bringing me into his chest. He looked at me strangely. "You don't want to lose it. I understand, little one. You can't wear it all the time though. Your hole needs to know my width but also have time without it."

"It's not that... What did you do to me?" I asked and felt myself tremble in his hold. I wasn't used to feeling so weak and helpless, plus the medicine in me clouded my brain. He just nodded, but said nothing.

He pushed me down gently towards the counter and pulled at my briefs. He wiggled the plug out of me but didn't feed it to me. He handed it to Jackson who cleaned both plugs under the faucet. Tate put his hand on my shoulder and guided me back to the bedroom. He had us put on matching green swimsuits and long-sleeved white t-shirts. He changed into a short pair of swim trunks and we headed downstairs.

The back door led right out onto a little pathway and then the open sand and crashing blue waves of the Pacific. The sun pounded down on us and he covered me with a large sun hat. We went down closer to the water where a man was setting up a cabana tent. Tate laid out a sand blanket and sat me down next to him while Jackson tore off into the waves.

"I know you're feeling very conflicted right now. You're torn between screaming at me and begging for my cock, right?" Tate laughed. He pulled me over between his legs and I laid back against his chest as we stared out over the water. He slid his arms around my stomach and put his lips on my shoulder. His touch softened my anger that seemed to wash in and out like the waves at the sand. He took off my sun hat since the cabana shaded us.

"I... feel so good right now, but... why?" I asked. He was supposed to save us. I trusted him.

"I had to, Julian. Not just because you're the perfect twins I've been looking for since Eizo and Jason showed me what the technology could do. I had to do it to save you. Once the agency realizes that Eizo didn't give them the right technology, they'll come after you and your brother. If we'd fixed Jackson, you two would have been taken for study. They'd slice you both up just to see the comparison of before and after with you and Jax. They're all over the world. There was nowhere to hide you," Tate whispered against my ear as his lips tickled the edge.

"But why did you have to turn me too?" I asked, feeling a shiver of pleasure slide over me as he kissed behind my ear. My cock sprang up in the swimsuit as his hands rubbed my tummy.

"You were getting in way over your head. You couldn't stop poking around and causing trouble with very dangerous elements. If I'd left you, you think you would have stopped fighting? You were perilously close to causing an international scene. You're too smart for your own good. Eizo knew a pair of perfect, jockboy twins would fetch a record high bid and be secure with a buyer who could pay for top security. You boys will need round the clock monitoring and a team of agents. Placing you with me ensured there would always be eyes on you," Tate said. He slid his hand down between my thighs and touched my ass.

"So we're prisoners here," I sighed. "Fuck that feels good," I added as his fingers rubbed my hole. I turned my face and lipped at his bicep.

"Prisoners? No, little one. You're my boys now. Don't you want to be my boy?" Tate asked.

"Uh huhhhh, yes... sir... fuck," I hissed as he slid a finger up the leg of my swimtrunks and rubbed my hole. I felt a buzz of electric heat pulse through me.

"Oh! Fuck no!" Tate said and took his hand back. I thought I'd done something wrong. He stood up and yelled for a security guard. Jackson was coming back towards us and Tate took off towards a rock in the cliff. I spotted a man with a giant camera jump out from behind the rock and take off running.

"Fucking paparazzi! I thought you'd cleared the perimeter!" Tate fumed as a security guard chased after the poor camera guy. They disappeared up a stone staircase

"Don't worry, little ones. Just a tabloid. They're actually more resourceful than any agents," he laughed as he came back towards us. Jackson came to kneel in front of me. He was dripping and sandy. He had a wide grin on his face.

"We're famous!" he glowed and put his hands on my shoulders. Tate came back to sit behind me and spread his legs and arms around me.

"Yeah, my publicist is already on it. We leaked a story about me finding my long lost twin boys from an affair I had on a movie shoot in China. They'll eat it up, but now they're desperate to get pictures of you two," Tate shrugged.

"Won't that let the agency know where we are?" I asked.

"I'm sure they already knew when we picked up Jackson at the airport. They had a micro-tracker behind his ear. Eizo caught it and removed it, but I know they already put two and two together," Tate sighed. He went back to rubbing between my thighs.

"Just remember, Jules. If anyone approaches you, all you say is `No speak English,' and giggle like a scared tourist," Jackson laughed.

We ate lunch on the blanket under the cabana covering. He pulled down the drapes on the sides so we could only see out to the waves. Tate was more focused on teasing my hole. He slid off my swim trunks and rubbed it while he fed me. There was a bowl of strawberries and Tate shoved each one inside me before popping it in my mouth. I was so excited by his touch that my hard cock leaked each time he poked at my hole.

We were building up to something until one of Tate's men appeared and said the doctor was here to see me. He pulled my swim trunks back up and we headed inside. There was a handsome younger white guy in a suit waiting in the living room. He introduced himself as Dr. Tom and had me take off my swim trunks and sit naked on the table in the breakfast nook.

"This has really healed nicely since I saw him yesterday morning. There's no more peeling, just fresh, perfect skin. Eizo is a true artist, isn't he. The twins are identical without their little scars and bumps of adolescence." He put weird glasses over his eyes and looked over every inch of me. Tate came up behind me and rubbed my back to keep me quiet for the doctor.

"The other one too. Every inch perfection. I can't even tell them apart except by their personalities. This one is still foggy from his two days out, the other one is a bundle of energy," Tate commented like we were his puppies in for a check-up. Jackson, though no one had asked him, slipped off his swim trunks and sat naked with me on the table.

"We look so hot! Julian used to have acne scars on his cheeks and I had a few from when I fell off my bike and rolled down a hill. I think he made us a shade lighter too," Jackson laughed. He leaned over and put his head on my shoulder.

"Yes, perfection," Dr. Tom commented. He pushed up on my knees until I brought them up into my chest and put my feet on the table. It was an awkward squat, but I leaned back against Tate's chest and felt his heartbeat against my shoulder.

"Now you be careful with his hole. It's new to the stretching. Looks good though. I'd just keep going with the plug for another day or two. He'll whine like a bitch when he has to watch you fucking Jackson, but that boy's pussy is used to being toyed with," Dr. Tom squatted down and looked between my legs. He pushed his dry finger into my hole and I whined. It didn't feel too bad, just a little irritated.

"Too dry for you? Get it wet, whiny girl," he laughed. He pushed his finger up to my lips and I sucked it in. I'd never wanted to suck on a guy's finger before, but now I couldn't resist. I slurped it and he pushed back against my gag reflex then took it out and put it back against my hole.

"I'll get at it soon enough. My boys' health comes first. How does it look down there?" Tate asked. He slid his arms around my chest to hold me. Jackson started to play with my nipples. My cock was at full attention and dripping a line of precum down where the doctor was looking. He was a handsome but thin guy, toned in the right places. He wasn't my daddy though.

"It's ok, Jules. I'll keep daddy satisfied until you're ready. I've been practicing while you were recovering," Jackson said as if to comfort me. I shook my head and shuddered.

"This is all so weird. Are you even a doctor? Seriously, guys. I'm not even g... ahhh fuck!" I screamed when the doctor hit this spot inside my hole that made the room spin. I felt this intense wave crash over me and I pushed back against Tate's muscled chest.

"You're not what, baby girl?" Dr. Tom stopped moving his finger and just rubbed back and forth over that spot that made my eyes twitch and had me gasping like a rabid dog.

"Fuck, don't stop," I begged. "Please don't stop. Please. Ohhh." But he did. A fat glob of precum leaked out of my cock and dripped down onto his face as he looked inside me.

"Oh that's not nice at all. I'm a professional doctor. I went to Berkeley!" Dr. Tom looked at me with fake anger. He took his finger from my hole and stood up.

"Julian. You clean that up right now! I apologize for my boy's behavior. He's a true pussy boy and can't help himself," Tate said. Dr. Tom shoved his finger back into my mouth and I slurped it clean.

"I am not! You made me like this! I couldn't help it. That's how you programmed me. You did this!" I protested. Tate grabbed my neck gently and pushed me towards Dr. Tom's face.

"Lick your boy juice off of him now! How embarrassing," Tate said with mock outrage and a wide grin. I stuck my tongue out and cleaned the doctor's face then swallowed my seed.

"Now apologize to him. After all I did to save you from becoming a lab rat for the agency and this is how you behave," Tate sounded angry, but he laughed.

"I'm sorry, Doctor Tom," I said knowing I couldn't disobey Tate. Something inside me deeply craved his approval. Dr. Tom kissed me and shrugged. He took out a stethoscope from his bag and gave me a regular check up then did the same to Jackson.

"Perfectly healthy boys. You made a very smart investment," he said when he'd finished.

He had us get dressed then, even though Jackson begged to have playtime with Dr. Tom. The doctor looked interested, but Tate shook his head. I stuffed my leaky hardon back into my swim trunks and Tate sent us upstairs to get dressed.

"I'm so fucking horny, Jax," I whined when we got to the bedroom. Tate followed us up and picked out a pair of matching jeans, matching blue see-through briefs, and the same blue long-sleeved button up shirt with a black bow tie and silver suspenders. We had new matching white converse shoes. We got dressed and went into the bathroom to wash up. It was my first glimpse in the mirror. Next to Jackson, I was identical, like completely.

"Where are we going, daddy?" Jackson asked as Tate came in behind us and buttoned up a red shirt. He kissed the back of Jackson's neck and rubbed his bottom.

"We have a party tonight. I was going to cancel it if Julian was still resting, but I think he'll be alright. We'll spend tonight at home in the city." Tate worked some gel into his hair and started to spike it up like he had it in License to Feel, his hybrid action romance movie that wasn't half bad.

"A Hollywood party? Seriously? Oh! My! God!" Jackson bounced excitedly. He'd always been obsessed with celebrity culture.

"The crew will bring your things and do the laundry," Tate said when he saw me gathering my clothes from around the room. He watched me in the bathroom mirror and ignored Jackson's over excitement. "And remember. Neither of you speak any English. You look to me if someone addresses you. Stay within arm's length at all times."

I nodded and went to fix my hair like Jackson was doing. Jax grabbed the comb from me and gooped on more gel then got to work on me until we were mirror images. He kissed my cheek when I was perfect then he went back into the bedroom and squealed in excitement.

"Tate, sir. Can I just go to the house?" I asked. The thought of a crowded party sounded awful.

"Daddy. That's what you call me," he snapped. He turned towards me and set down his comb. He put his hands around me and brought me into his chest.

"Yes, sir... daddy," I said and felt his warmth flow through me.

"Listen, Julian. I know this is a lot to take in for one day, but I'm here for you. You want me to be your daddy?" he whispered. He rubbed his chest against mine and his bulge bumped my quickly rising cock. I looked up into his warm, kind eyes and felt every inch of me yearn for him.

"Yes, daddy," I felt myself say without thought. My body ached for his touch, his approval.

"That's my boy. You have nothing to worry about anymore. All you need to think about is being happy and pleasing your daddy. I promise I'll take care of the rest," he assured and kissed me. His tongue pushed through my eager lips and I sucked on him, tasting his sweet breath and saliva that lit me up like a drug.

"Do we have time for play? I'm so hard. I'll be hard all night," I whimpered when he let go.

"Fraid not, kid. I can put you in a more restrictive pair of briefs if you need it. It'll just be a few hours at the party for the new project I'm working on," Tate explained. I laid my head against his shoulder. He held me against him as he sprayed a light cologne over us.

A huge SUV was waiting in front of the beach house. It had blacked out windows and a security guard in a nice suit. He looked at us with disinterest then scanned the property before opening the back door for us. The back seat was like a limo with a little bar and a basket of snacks. Tate pulled me into his lap while Jackson happily searched the contents of the backseat and named everything inside with a loud shriek. Tate laughed at him and then pulled him down beside us.

"You can't freak over everything now," Tate laughed. "You're with me, and this will soon be commonplace. Didn't you have nice things in Hong Kong? Mr. Wan is pretty wealthy."

"He was so cheap! He made me beg every time I wanted to spend any money. We only went to old rich people parties like the symphony and boring stuff," Jackson whined. He reached for a bottle of champagne. "Can we?"

"Of course not. My boys will never touch alcohol or any drugs other than what's medically needed. Break the rules and you'll find a type of discipline you will not enjoy," Tate warned.

"Ok, daddy," Jackson said with a frown. He reached for a bag of cheetos, but Tate told him those were off-limits too.

"I will give you the food you are to eat. Never ask for anything. Come here, boy," Tate said gruffly. He pulled Jackson in beside us and he rubbed our chests and filled us in on the party details. It was a bunch of executives and other actors hoping to make it into the project. A model, Dina Huang, would meet up with us. She was Tate's official girlfriend. I'd seen them together in pictures the last few years. She knew all about us and would pretend to be a mother figure for us in public events.

"Don't be afraid to ask anything of Dina. She knows more about me than anyone else. She's my best friend. She's built her career off hanging on my arm in public, but she's the best person I know. You will treat her with the highest respect and obedience," Tate said.

We got stuck in traffic going through Santa Monica and I dozed off in Tate's hold while Jackson played a game on Tate's phone. My cock never settled down, and Tate woke me up when we picked up Dina. We stopped in front of a swanky high rise off Sunset.

She stepped in and gave Tate a kiss then greeted us. Tate never moved me from his lap and it felt weird being there with a tent in my pants in front of this gorgeous lady I'd fantasized about on more than one occasion. She had an expensive and tight black dress that pushed her breasts up and made me lick my lips. She regarded me as a kid though, and Tate's property.

"Do you think I could get a little extra this month? There's a Chinese fashion week in Monaco I want to attend. It's right after the HRC charity ball so I won't miss that with you," She asked as the car whisked us away from her condo building.

"Yeah, course, babe! You know you never need to ask. Monty should clear it all. That sponsor deal went through from Nakaida Corp so we're set this year," Tate said as he rubbed my chest. They talked like an old married couple. It was fascinating. She popped open the champagne Jackson had been denied and poured a glass for herself and one for Tate.

"Look at all those cameras!" Jackson screamed in Chinese when we pulled up to the party.

"Fuck. This was supposed to be quiet. I bet my publicist leaked it to get shots of the boys. Remember, do NOT speak. Just look scared and stay with us. Dina, you take Jackson. I'll get Julian," Tate said and hugged me.

"I should say something about being a mother to them. I need a few minutes of air time," she urged. Tate nodded and sent them out first. He slid me off his lap before the car door opened. He held my hand and led me out behind Dina and Jax. There were a million flashes as we stepped out and cameras shoved close to our faces as Dina paused to give interviews.

"Oh they're lovely boys! They aren't used to the spotlight though... How old are they? They just turned 15... Their mother wanted them to spend time getting to know him... Yes it was a complete surprise... Tate had some wild times earlier in his career... Oh he's an amazing father! They just adore him... Julian's the shy one. Jackson is the playful one... Yes, we're asking for privacy at this time. It's hard enough to meet your father after 15 years, let alone find out he's a huge action star in a foreign country... Oh yes I am considering the new project. Davis Wong is directing so how could I say no?"

Dina expertly navigated their questions while Jackson beamed proudly at her side. He ignored the instructions to look frightened and quiet. He chirped some comments in Chinese when an interviewer from ChinaBeat TV tried to pull him away. Tate quickly pulled him back and whispered something in his ear. Jackson went silent. I noted that Dina lied about our ages. I guess we could pass for 15.

I turned my face into Tate's shoulder and he hugged me close. I was hiding my erection against his thigh while the din of flashes and reporter questions swirled around us.

"They'll be with me for as long as their mother allows. I'm hurt she kept them from me for so long, but I'm grateful to have this time with them." Tate put an end to the interviews and nudged us forward towards the club. We headed into another raucous environment as people shouted for Tate and mobbed him with hugs and handshakes. He kept me at his side and held my hand.

I shuffled along beside him as he greeted important people. Jackson squealed every time he saw someone else he recognized. He was in heaven and could care less that Tate was holding onto me and not him. He did keep his mouth shut though and just bowed respectfully every time Dina worked her socialite charms on another celebrity. Except for Tate holding me, I hated this. I wanted to find a quiet corner and chill for awhile, but he pressed on through the crowd.

He let go of my hand when a famous director wanted a minute of his time. He handed me off to Jackson and told him to watch me. He sensed I wasn't happy here.

"Isn't this so fucking incredible?" Jackson whispered to me.

"If one more person gropes my ass while they hug him, I'm going to punch them," I growled in Jackson's ear.

"Chill, they love us." Jackson scowled at me.

"Damn, Tate must have some good genes to breed out two boys like that," A man near us openly leered. He was an older, tub of a man who looked like he'd had too many drinks.

"And they don't speak a word of English. Pretty much perfect," his friend laughed.

"If Tate wasn't their dad, I'd be sliding into some fried rice tonight," the tub claimed.

"Some premium chink twink," his friend nodded and looked me over.

Jackson instinctively pulled me away. He knew I was ready to swing at them, but we weren't supposed to know English and definitely weren't supposed to fight older rich assholes. Jackson pushed me towards Tate as I fumed.

"I'm done! Stupid fat Fuckers!" I growled at him.

"Jules, don't," Jackson hugged me tightly and walked me towards Tate.

"What's wrong?" Tate asked and I felt his warm muscled chest press behind me. Jackson pushed me into his arms and shook his head.

"I want to go home." I told Tate not caring who heard me speak.

"We will soon, little one." Tate turned me to face him and pressed me into him.

"I want my home. I'm done with this," I growled and pushed off of him. I started to walk off, but he grabbed my hand and led me through the crowd. Jackson followed. Tate went to some guy and said something. The guy nodded and took us up a stairway to a hallway and then into a private room with music and a table full of food and drinks. The guy came in behind us and locked the door. Tate went for the corner couch and pulled me down onto his lap.

"This is not ok, none of this is ok!" I protested. I slid off his lap and he let me.

Jackson filled them in on the guys and their racial slurs.

"I'm not 15 and I'm not your son and I'm not even gay! I'm not going to spend the rest of my life being some stupid fuck toy for your friends to be shitty to." I felt my cheeks flush with anger. Jackson looked at me wide-eyed and for once he kept his mouth closed.

"That's not what you are, little one. Point the men out to me and I'll kick their asses," Tate said. He was furious.

"That's not the point! I could have kicked their asses myself!" I spat.

"Julian. I know this isn't easy for you. I feel terrible. But we have no choice. There are some really bad dudes who would love to have you and Jackson silenced for good. This was the only way to keep you both safe and together. It sucks, it does. If there was a way I could give you your life back and keep you safe, I'd do it in a heartbeat. You boys are my priority," Tate assured.

"I know... this just... this sucks," I stood and punched the wall. I paced around like there was some simple solution to this I'd missed. I knew the agency well. They had every bit of information on me. They knew my brother, my parents, my school, my friends, everything. There was no place to hide from them.

"Jackson, go down with Aaron and point out the men. He'll know their names!," Tate barked. The guy sitting on the couch must have been Aaron. He stood and offered Jackson his hand. Jax was eager to get back down to the party so he nodded happily and followed the man.

We were alone.

"This is so fucked up! How could you do this to me?" I fumed.

"Do what?" Tate asked like he had no idea why I could be upset.

"You turned me into this weak, whiny little guy who just lusts over you cock." I felt my weakened, programmed mind on the edge of tears. I wasn't a crybaby.

"I did this to protect you from the agency!" Tate looked at me like I should thank him.

"Did you have to make me so weak? I could have kicked their asses and I let Jax walk me away to find daddy like a scared little boy. That's not me!" I screamed.

"I needed the agency to think I'd eliminated you as a threat. Trust me, you're still the hot jock boy you were before. You're still the kick-ass spy boy who I fell for. And look, now you have your brother by your side," Tate said.

"This isn't me! This isn't how I handle things," I fumed.

"I wish I could let you scream at them and punch them, but the agency needs to think you're threat has been eliminated. The best way to do that is to keep them thinking you're a simple, wiped, docile boytoy." Tate said. He stood and came up behind me. He put his arms around me and pulled me back against his calming chest. He pressed me against the wall and I felt his thick bulge press in between my cheeks.

"That feels good," I gasped. My body calmed and I closed my eyes as his lips nibbled on my neck. He rubbed my chest and kissed up my neck.

"You like that, boy? Safe in daddy's arms? Nothing else matters?" he asked.

"Yes, sir... yes, daddy. Please," I whimpered. His hands opened a few buttons on my chest and slid into my shirt to find my nipples. He twisted them. They were so much more sensitive now. They perked up and I moaned as he pinched them and rubbed his fingers over them. My cock was hard again.

"I should have just kept you at home. I'm sorry they were mean to my boy. I'll make sure they get what's coming to them. You needed some time with daddy to settle you before you went into something like this. It's ok, little one. Daddy's here," Tate growled in my ear and rubbed his thickening bulge between my cheeks.

"Thank you, daddy," I whined. I gasped as his hands slid down to my bulge. He unbuttoned my jeans and reached inside and down between my thighs. His finger found my hole and he rubbed it forcefully sending shivers through me.

"You know when I fell in love with you, little one?" he asked. His teeth bit into my neck playfully.

"No sir," I whimpered. He pushed his finger into my thin, stretchy briefs and forced into my hole.

"The first night. You went over to Jason's house to help Colton with his studies. Jason thought you were adorable. He sent me a video of you he shot from his phone while you tutored Colton. You kept looking at him and flirting when Colton had his head down. He sent me pictures that weekend you spent in the desert at the daddy/son weekend too. Once I heard you had a twin, I had to have you both. A fantasy times two was irresistible. I put you on special order with Eizo." Tate confessed in a deep daddy growl.

"What?" I gasped, unable to fully understand.

"I had an agent follow you all weekend and send videos. He protected you from any real damage, even when you got involved with the agency to kidnap Colton. You were my hot little jockboy spy. It was so adorable watching you pretend to be gay, pretending to be interested in that pathetic dope, Peter. I let you play with him, but my man was under orders to stop him if he got near that boy hole. I wanted it for myself," Tate continued.

I should have felt pissed, angered, scared, violated... But my body was now helpless at his touch. Any thoughts I had turned only to pleasing him. It made every nerve inside me cheer when he pushed into my hole, made it his personal boypussy. I couldn't fight it. I didn't want to. It felt too good to be his boy. An intense wave of pleasure shot through me as his finger touched my spot, the spot programmed to beg for him.

"You were supposed to fix my brother," I gasped as he touched me just right.

"I did, little one. Jackson is almost pure. I had to add a touch of obedience and I needed to bond him to you. As tough at you think you are, you still needed someone besides me to look out for you. You did all this for your brother's love. He didn't return even half of it. He needed a little help to be the brother you need. He may seem like a star-struck sub boy, but he's just as strong as you in his own way. You're welcome," Tate said.

"But he's so into you," I protested. It's weird to try and have a conversation with a man who is working your hole so good. I was panting and whimpering in heat.

"Of course he is. Hell, even straight boys want me to fuck them!" Tate laughed.

"Fuck your little pussy feels so good. I'll be the first to conquer it. You want that, boy?" he growled. He worked me into a frenzy and I felt like my cock was going to shoot in my briefs.

"Yes, fuck! Yes! Daddy! Fuck me!" I whined. I pushed back on his finger, wanting him deeper inside me. My cock was hard and leaking in my pants. I was his.

"I can't, little one. I would hurt you. You're not ready Jackson has the experience here. He knows how to be taken without damage. Even a cock this big, he can do it. Soon though, baby boy. Soon you'll take my seed; the only seed you'll ever know. Once it's inside you, you'll finally feel the extreme pleasure your brain was programmed for. It's better than any drug on earth, the seed of the one you're made for," Tate assured.

"I don't care of it hurts. Please daddy!!" I was whimpering like a bitch on his finger. I'd forgotten all about the men downstairs or the fact we were in a club on a dirty backstreet in Hollywood.

I struggled out of his hold. His finger slipped from my hole. He looked at me with surprise.

"I want it! Please!" I pawed at his pants and nearly ripped the zipper to free his cock.

"No, Julian!" he growled. He wasn't used to a boy with fight in him.

"You did this to me. You can't say no," I begged with wide boy eyes on the verge of tears.

"Baby, baby settle," he looked pained by my desperation. He pushed me off of him and held me by my shoulders. I felt his disappointment. I slumped down to the couch.

"Holy shit, Julian!" Jackson said as he burst back into the room with Aaron. "Stelan Chandler is down there! He is so hot! Dina introduced me! He is going to play Tate's son in the next film!"

"You found the men I asked for?" Tate said with a sigh. He sat next to me and put his arm around me, pulling me into his chest.

"Look, Daddy! We got swag bags! I don't even know what's in them! They feel heavy!" Jackson was in ecstasy as he held up three black shopping bags.

"That's great, sweetie." Tate laughed. He looked at Jackson with patronizing amusement.

"Yes, sir. David Hurley and Matthew Wright. The usual suspects," Aaron said and locked the door behind him. He put his hand on Jackson's back and led him to the couch.

"Text Dina. She'll take care of them," Tate said and kissed my hair. "Tell her to make my apologies, my boys need to get to bed. We're heading home."

I looked up at him. He stood and offered me his hand. The fingers that had just worked my hole to the edge interlaced with my own. He offered the other to Jackson who gave a pouty frown. He wasn't ready to leave. He reluctantly took Tate's hand but clutched his prize bags in the other.

Tate led us out the back where the SUV was waiting in an alley. We piled into the back and it whisked us off through the gritty, overly lit street scenes of a Hollywood evening.

Tate's house was an old industrial-looking building on a nondescript dead end side street off Melrose behind a towering black steel gate. It was just behind an empty church and up against a hillside. The gate slid open and the SUV pulled up to a giant steel door. Tate hopped out and we followed.

"They filmed here in the 50's. I doubt you'd know any of the films. Used to be part of the Belpre Studios before the moved over the hill in the 80's. Then it was a carpet warehouse until I bought her for cheap and fixed her up." Tate punched some numbers on the keypad and the door opened to an expansive open living area with a large round kitchen. It was industrial chic; a real man's cave.

"Fucking awesome!" Jackson shrieked as he clutched his prize bags and spun round on the black stained concrete floor.

"It's your home, at least in LA. The place in NY is small, but I'm not there much," Tate shrugged.

"We live here, Jules!" Jackson set the swag bags on top of a giant steel dining table that had rows of little bolts and rivets.

"It's nice," I said. It was good to see Jackson happy and here with me. I kept hold of Tate's hand.

"You can explore it tomorrow. You boys do not leave the gates. You can play in the front and there's a pool out back, but you don't leave the gates. Got it?" Tate asked as he pulled me towards the kitchen and got a water bottle out of the pantry.

"Why would we want to?" Jackson said.

"Upstairs, bedtime," Tate said. Jackson grabbed his swag bags and followed us across the living room to a staircase made of old wood planks fixed into the side of a concrete wall. Tate pulled me up with him and into a large, open bedroom.

The walls were brick and there was a sprawling bed backing up to a half-wall in the center of the room. Jackson set the bags on it and we followed Tate around the wall to find an open bathroom with a small side room that held a toilet. There was a big walk-in shower and then a huge silver tub that could easily fit all three of us.

Jackson ran from one thing to another checking everything out. Tate watched him and chuckled while he got us matching t-shirts and pajama pants to sleep in. He stripped down to his boxer briefs while we changed then we brushed our teeth and back out to the bedroom. Tate turned the lights low and put on soft music. I yawned, but my cock was still hard. If I didn't cum soon, I'd make a mess in my sleep.

Tate got into the middle of the bed against the pillows. He pulled me over between his legs and started to massage my shoulders while telling Jackson to open the swag bags. Jackson sat up with alarm realizing he'd forgotten about them.

"Ooh the new Marai men's cologne! Full-sized bottle!" Jackson gasped as he pulled a black box from the bag. I pushed back into Tate's crotch and felt his thick cock perk up against my ass.

"Oh! My! Fuck! The new Wraith watch 3! This connects all your devices and even does walky-talky with nearby wraiths!! We can sync them up with each other's! This doesn't even come out in stores for another month!" Jackson was overjoyed.

"Good. You can set ours up tomorrow." Tate worked my shoulders roughly and I felt my tension drain. He kissed the back of my neck and urged Jackson to keep digging.

"Holy Shit! A new pair of AJ Sphynx bluetooth headphones! The guy is the hottest DJ and designed these to use at his shows! These are gold!" Jackson jumped off the bed and tore the box open to try them on. He danced around with them as Tate laughed, but then he realized he didn't have anything hook them up to.

"I don't have a phone to sync them with!" Jackson frowned.

"Oh you don't need phones. If you need me, you'll either be with me or with a member of my crew who can access me." Tate said. He rubbed his hands down my back to work on those muscles. I closed my eyes and laid back against him. I was blissed out.

"Oh... ok daddy." Jackson sounded dejected, but wasn't going to argue with him. He took the swag bags and carried them over to a side table then came back to the bed.

"Thank you for taking us," Jackson said and started to crawl towards us on his hands and knees. "It was the best night of my life!"

"Yes... yeah...Thanks, daddy," I mumbled as his hands worked down to my lower back.

"That was nothing. Wait til awards season hits. You boys did ok tonight. Just remember, only Chinese when we're out. It's for your safety," Tate said as Jackson crawled up to join us. He straddled my lap and reached his lips past me to offer Tate a kiss. I heard a slurp and smack of lips as Jackson tried to get past me.

It was good to feel my twin happy and close. I reached my arms out and hugged his chest. He flopped an arm around me and rubbed my back as he made out with Tate. I felt his cock poking through his pajama pants and it rubbed against my stomach.

"My boys, sit in daddy's lap," Tate said. He put his hands on my ass and lifted me up to his right thigh then Jackson settled in on his left. He pushed his face between ours and nudged us together in a weird, three-way kiss. I sucked on Tate's tongue but then felt Jackson's slide in and wrestle me for it. It should have felt weird and wrong kissing with my brother, but we were both desperate to please Tate, our daddy.

"Mmm, that's it, babies. Kiss for daddy," Tate said as he removed his lips and pushed us together. Jackson went all in on it. His lips wrestled mine and he pushed his tongue into me as Tate rubbed his fingers through our hair and pushed us together. I was so hard lost in the moment.

"There we go, see how nice it is to have your brother back? I know you two missed each other, but daddy will make sure you're never apart again," Tate said. He let go of us and crawled away to get something. Jackson rubbed his hands over my back as I put mine on his chest and squeezed his pecs. We kept kissing as instructed. Jax made a move then and pushed me over onto my back against the bed. He pinned me down and slid between my legs.

"Oh fuck yeah. Put that ass in the air for daddy. I just need to wiggle this inside you," Tate said. I broke our kiss and looked behind Jackson who propped his ass up for Tate. Daddy pulled down his pajama pants and slid them off his legs with his underwear. He had a bottle of lube and what looked like an ass plug.

"What's that do, daddy? It goes inside me?" Jackson asked in an overly innocent voice.

"Daddy wants to fuck you. You want that boy? This is an electro spreader. It starts off small but slowly and gently wiggles and grows to open your hole. In a few minutes you'll be ready for daddy's thick cock without it hurting your boy pussy. You want it, baby?" Tate asked.

"Yes sir! Please daddy!" Jackson wiggled his ass as Tate lubed up the small plug.

"I want it to," I whispered and looked at Tate with desperation. My hole felt so empty since he'd played with it earlier. I needed it more than Jackson did.

"No, Jules. You're not ready yet. It'll hurt too bad. I'll take it til you're ready then you can have it as much as you want," Jackson said and looked at me with genuine concern. Tate was right, they had made Jackson a lot nicer to me. Growing up he'd always been kind of a dick, and then he'd left for China with the old man and never wanted anything to do with me. I'd never really seen him look at me like he really cared.

"He's right, little one. That jockboy hole isn't ready for more than my fingers. But soon, baby. Be patient," Tate said. He leaned over Jackson and kissed me then slid the plug into my twin's hole.

"Oh fuck. That feels ok, but it's so small," Jackson whined.

"I know, my love. But give it a few seconds to figure you out. It's the first plug with artificial intelligence. It will learn your hole and ding when it's ready to be seeded," Tate assured.

"Oh... uh... OH! There it goes! Oh fuck, daddy. It's moving around. Oh it feels good," Jackson moaned and rolled over beside me on his back with his legs in the air.

"And for you, sweet boy..." Tate winked. He pulled off my pajama pants and briefs. He set them beside me on the bed then grabbed my feet and pushed my legs up until my knees rested against my chest. He spread my legs and went between them.

"Daddy's hungry," he growled then dove in tongue first to my asshole.

"Ohhhhhhh huhhhh!" My lips gaped open and my eyes screwed up as his tongue touched a spot in me that made my cock dance around of its own volition.

"Open for him, Jules! Doesn't it feel so good?" Jackson turned his face to me and grinned.

"Yuh... yup... yuhhhhh," I nodded eagerly as stars circled above my face. My eyes rolled back and fluttered as my abs contracted in short, violent jerks. I can't even describe how good it feels to have an experienced daddy lick around inside you with expert touch. If you haven't experienced it, run to your nearest daddy and demand it today.

"Fuhhhh," I mumbled nonsense as my cock danced around. He controlled it remotely from my hole and I looked down between my legs to see his eyes focus on me with the most intense and loving stare. His hands reached up and rubbed my sensitive boy stomach as my cock leaked precum down the shaft.

"He's not going to last long," Jax laughed. Tate mumbled agreement as his tongue worked overtime on my pulsing pussy and throbbing hole. He gripped my cock and gave it a slow, solid pump that made a thick dollop of precum gush out of the tip. My body jerked and twisted on the bed. I turned my face into Jackson's shoulder and sucked at his skin.

"Oh fuck this plug is working like crazy, daddyyyy!" Jackson moaned. He turned to look at me and kissed my forehead as I bit hungrily at his skin.

"I'm... so... close, daddy," I whimpered and looked down at him with panicked eyes.

"My two whiny babies," Tate laughed as he took his tongue out of me. He quickly replaced it with two thick fingers sliding into my spit-soaked hole.

"Fuck... so fucking.... Fuck," I felt my stomach muscles jerk tenseley as he fingered me.

"This pussy is locked and loaded," Tate said and rubbed over the spot that made my cock dance and flop around. His other hand went to check the plug in Jackson. "This one looks just about ready to breed." Tate pushed us right up beside each other. Jackson hooked his arm around me.

"Yes sir, please daddy!" Jackson whined.

He moved his attention back and forth between out holes like a scientist in his lab. He gave Jackson's cock a pump and then moved back to mine as his fingers slid in and out of my hole. He teased me until I was right on the edge and begging for release then moved back to Jackson to work him into a frenzy.

"Look at my twin jock boys with their legs in the air and asses spread for daddy. Both so eager and begging for daddy's attention. Hottest fucking fantasy ever," Tate said in approval.

"Fuck us!" Jackson demanded. "You fuck now! Stop looking and fuck!" The thing in his ass made a dinging noise right on cue. Tate nodded and slipped it out of him with a little smirk.

"It's your job, dude!" I chimed in and laughed. Tate leaned down and bit my nipple.

"Demanding little pussies," he laughed. "All right! I have heard your cries. I will do my job."

I heard Jackson inhale sharply as Tate lined up the tip of his cock and push into his hole. I felt this burning jealousy inside me watching that thick monster disappear inside my twin. Even though I wasn't sure I could even handle him, and it did look pretty painful, I still wished it was me. I rolled over onto my side and rubbed Jackson's chest.

"It hurts?" I whispered to him. Jackson nodded.

"It's good though. Oh fuck it's good!" Jackson assured as his rigid cock bounced against his tummy. Tate was shoving into him. He leaned down over us and kissed Jax then me.

"My boy feels so good, so tight for daddy. You want it, baby?" Tate asked.

"Yes, daddy. Please!" Jackson whimpered.

"Help him, baby. Show daddy his twins are there for each other," Tate said and pushed my head down to Jackson's nipples. I bit and sucked at them as my brother flailed and moaned.

"There we go, daddy's good boys, always working together. That's my boys," Tate praised. He shoved fingers back inside my hole and my cock thumped against Jackson's thigh.

"Uhhhh, So fucking good, daddy," Jackson begged for more. I felt his lips kiss the top of my head while I milked his boy nips. They pointed up when I played with them.

"Fuck my boys feel so good on my cock and fingers. My little twins, so fucking hot," Tate gasped. He was pumping Jax pretty good and his chest was sweaty and heaving as he growled and drilled my brother. He was ramming his fingers up against that spot inside me that made my body feel dizzy and on the edge of shooting.

"Yeah, daddy! Fuck us!" I whimpered. I cringed as I heard myself. He'd turned me into a needy little cockhound. I never thought I'd ever say things like this or mean them so deeply. My body was on fire and little sparks were running through my nerves. I looked at Jackson and our eyes met, he was a begging, whiny little mess like I was. He nodded at me.

"Feels so good! Right, Jules? He's so fucking awesome!" Jackson howled.

"I'm so close, Jax. I'm gonna shoot," I gasped. I felt the cum rising up in my shaft, felt my skin on the edge of something incredible. I felt this hit of anticipation like Christmas. His fingers felt so good. I knew my cock was going to rocket at any second.

"Cum for me, baby," Tate said as he slowed down on Jackson's hole. He leaned down and kissed me, watched my eyes, fingered my hole.

"I'm gonna shoot, daddy," I whined like a bitch. Jackson turned to watch me as my cock began to throb on its own. I held my breath and then growled forcefully as thick white globs shot out of my cock and over my brother's chest.

"There's my good boy. So good, baby," Tate praised as my body shook in sharp jabs against Jackson's chest. I fired off several rounds and let out a loud groan as my nuts emptied their load through my cock and onto my brother. I shot him in the chest, the cheek, the ear, almost to his eye.

"Fuck, daddy!" I screamed and buried my lips against Jackson's chest.

"Woah, Jules!" Jackson laughed.

"I'm almost there too," Tate said and began to slam into Jackson again. I collapsed into my brother's side and reached down to stroke his cock. He nodded and whimpered as I gripped it.

"Me too," Jackson whined. I felt his cock tense up and it started to throb in rhythm to Tate's fucking. It tensed up and then started to unload over his abs, his chest, his face. Instinctively, I began to lap at the white puddles on his chest. Our cums mixed together in salty pools of cream.

"Fuck, baby!" Tate growled and slammed into Jackson's ass. He had that red-faced look as he filled my brother with his daddy juice. He doubled over and fell against Jackson as he buried his cock deep and seeded my twin's hole. Jackson's eyes rolled back in his head. He whimpered in ecstasy. Tate gave a few deep pumps then collapsed on top of us in a sweaty heap of flesh.

We stayed there together until the cum dried and stuck us together. Tate kissed us and told us what good boys we were for him. I felt so warm snuggled in against Jackson's heartbeat.

We showered and put our pajamas back on except for Tate who was happy to crawl into bed naked with a boy under each arm. I fell asleep against his chest with my brother's face inches from mine. I felt a weird mix of peace in his arms and anger at what had happened to us.

Would I have changed it though? I wasn't sure. Things felt too good. I finally understood the desperation Colton felt at letting down Mr. Takada or the dumb pleasure Dawson took in being a good boy for Mr. Massoud. I knew we would be safe here from the agency, even if it isn't the safety I'd intended for us. I had my brother back and we were basking in the warmth of one of the world's biggest action stars. I wanted to see where this would go.

-- My Stories:

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Next: Chapter 13

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