Tabula Rasa ch.1

By Saudade Survivor

Published on May 2, 2023


This story, depicting sex between a consenting seventeen-year-old male and other consenting males, if this subject offends you or is illegal in your area please do not read. This story will also deal with sexual assault, child neglect ( emotional), Anti-LGBT Bigotry, Racism, Ableism, Discrimination and other possibly sensitive topics.this story is fiction and completely a product of my imagination. The author retains all rights to this work. If you enjoy it, or wish to contact me, or tell me what you think, questions etc please tell me so at im always happy to hear what you guys think! i havent heard any feedback yet and i'd love to hear from you guys if you like the story! Hearing from you guys, what you think, really is one of the big reasons we post here! that said I do apologise for the late post of this chapter, Between having soem writer's block issues, and a Death in the family i was not able to get it to flow as much.

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Ch. 4 You are now.

I simply froze, staring at the eyes of my tormentor. If I hadn't been completely scared out of my skin I would have said he was handsome, hot even.

My heart was beating so fast I could feel it in my feet. He merely stared at me with that devilish smirk as he nonchalantly dried his hands and went to leave. He turned back to me as he reached the door with that predatory smirk.

"I always know where you are my little rabbit, and you won't have those dogs to guard you forever" he practically spat the word "dogs" as his head gestured towards the door.

He gave me a wink before turning back and leaving. I realized that I had been holding my breath as I took in a deep breath after he was gone.

I forgot I had the sink on as I slumped to the floor, slowly crawling backwards under the counter, hugging my legs to my chest. I tried to control my hyperventilating as I shook, simply staring at the door. I could feel unshed tears at my eyelids. How does he keep finding me? I thought to myself, partially expecting him to come running back in here.

I'm not sure how long it took me but as I finally got my breathing under control I saw the door open and Izz walked into the bathroom.

" Alex, are you still here? "

He looked around the small room before he spotted me under the sink, my fingers were white from my clenched fingers around my legs.

" Jesus Alex are you ok? What happened? Your shaking like a leaf my little guy"

He had this look of concern on his face as he reached down and pulled me out from under the counter, tightly hugging his arms around me as he pulled me in. His chocolate brown eyebrows scrunched together as he looked down at me.

"H-he f-found me again..." Was all I could reply as I hid my face between his pecs. I could feel the tears finally fall, staining his shirt.

He pulled me away from his chest as he started sternly into my eyes.

" Who! Who found you? Did someone hurt you?!" He started looking around the room in concern.

I simply shook my head.

" I-i can't talk here, please ..please take me home?" I looked up into those dark eyes as I begged for him to take me away from here.

He looked back into my eyes for a few moments before giving a stern nod.

" Ok, wash your face a little, your liner is running, the cold water may help calm you down, I'll go tell the guys you're not feeling good and come back " he explained sternly. I nodded in response before he pulled me back in for a tight hug.

He left the room as I went to the sink, taking a few deep breaths I started rubbing the cold water against my face, and to be honest it did feel good. I made sure to wash my cheeks of the mascara that had run down in streaks, making sure I looked somewhat presentable. Izz walked back into the bathroom as I was finishing up.

"Are you ready to go?"

I simply nodded in response, looking down at the floor in embarrassment. I felt him slide his hand over my back as he opened the door, ushering me through the door. I noticed our table was empty.

"W-where did everyone go?" I asked, hoping they hadn't left because of me.

" They decided to go on to the ferris wheel after I told them I'm taking you home. Moss and Sandy."

I gave a light sigh as I nodded. Izz slid his arm back around my shoulders, pulling me up against his side once again. The walk back to his truck was in total silence.

As we came up to his truck he opened the side door for me, closing it after I got in before jogging over to his side. After he had gotten the keys into the ignition he paused, He looked over at me on the Other side of the bench.

He gestured for me to scoot closer, so I did, a bit shy as I looked at the dashboard In Front of us. He gave a bit of a gruff grunt as he looked me over.

"What happened Alex? What happened in that bathroom?"

He sounded so stern. I felt like a guilty kid who had done something they shouldn't have.

" Please, speak to me Alex... I know I haven't known you for very long but, I care about you.." his voice softened.

I gave a slow and deliberate exhale trying to give myself time to think before I spoke.

" ...sunday I was under the boardwalk, I was meeting a guy who was a no show and, I was assaulted"

As I explained I could see his fingers clench the already tight jeans on his thighs.

"Did you see the fucker?"

I shook my head no.

" I've had dreams about it...awful dreams I remember his eyes, and his hands..but I hadn't seen anything else." I went on.

" After I was attacked after school in the bathroom I wen-"

His hand reached up and squeezed my shoulder tightly with inhuman speed, stopping me mid sentence.

" Was it Chet?" He asked coldly.

"Y-how did you?"

"Was it Chet, Alex?" His hand tightened slightly. I felt the strength in that hand and found myself terrified, I imagined what it was capable of. Almost as if feeling my fear his hand softened.

" Yes, it was Chet .." I looked at my lap in shame.

Izz slowly nodded,

" I told that punk to leave you alone."

I shook my head in disagreement.

" Izz it was my fault I shouldn't have said those things about him." I quickly retorted, my words almost running together as I did.

" I-It's nothing I didn't deserve" I said dejectedly.

Izz's hand slid up and grasped my chin gently, pulling my face up to look into his. His deep dark eyes nearly swallowed me whole as he looked at me with such care and affection.

" Alex,... No one. No. One. Deserves to be beaten for the words they say. Don't ever think that you deserve such cruelty for merely speaking your mind and trying to stand up for yourself".

I could feel my eyes water as he spoke. No one had ever said anything like that to me before. No one had ever looked at me like that before.

I felt myself slowly leaning closer to his face as I stared into those deep eyes. I felt the heat between us as I leaned up and placed my lips against his. His lips were so soft, so supple and yet radiated heat as warm as the rest of him.

I gave out a light moan as I felt him press his lips firmly against mine, his arms sliding back around my shoulder, his other not leaving my chin as he pressed forward. I felt his tongue prod along my lips seeking entry and I was more than willing to oblige.

The thick wet oral muscle quickly invaded my mouth as I parted my lips, sensually rubbing along my own. I unintentionally let out another girlish moan from my throat as I felt his grip pull me even closer into his chest. My hand slid up along his pecs to help keep me stable as I simply closed my eyes and gave myself to his oral prowess.

He finally pulled away with an animalistic growl, his heavy breath washing over my face.

" Are...Are you seeing anyone?" He asked huskily, his hand sliding from my chin to lightly play with a strand of my orange curls.

" N-no" I stammered, my other hands sliding up as both lithe hands ran along his wide shoulders.

" Well you are now" he stated with an assertive tone, as he leaned towards me once more to take another needy kiss from my lips.

Izz had been lazily driving down towards my aunt's house, one hand on the wheel, the other on my thigh as I leaned into him.

" So what happened after Chet signed his death warrant? It seems we got a little distracted back there"

He gave me a quick glance with his sideways smirk as he spoke, trying to keep most of his attention on the road.

" Please don't do anything to Chet, I don't want to be the cause of someone getting hurt" I pleaded , leaning my head further against his shoulder.

" I'll just have a small talk with him when I can get him alone, I promise, but if he gets his ass kicked it's no one's fault but his, now, please, go on"

I gave a light nod.

" I didn't want to go home and deal with my aunt, and I didn't feel safe at the boardwalk, I just wanted to be alone, so I went to the conservation grounds."

I continued my story as I started to watch the road In Front of us, my arms wrapping around his as it squeezed my thigh.

" I wasn't there long before I realized I was being watched... I tried to lose them in the woods but to no avail, and suddenly before he could do anything to me I was saved by my wolf, by this big chestnut colored wolf."

I felt his hand squeeze my thigh as I spoke about the creature that saved me. The thick squeezing hand caused a shiver to go down my spine. I heard him give a deep chuckle.

" By your wolf eh?"

I simply nodded against his shoulder.

" I know it sounds stupid but, it felt like I belonged to him, and him to me,..he even nipped me afterwards"

"... Did it hurt?" He asked in a very serious tone. His whole body seemed to stiffen. I shook my head once more.

"No...I mean there was a little pain as his teeth broke my skin but not really any true pain, in fact I felt safe, protected, it almost felt like he was claiming me or something but I'm sure he was just being playful heh" I realized at this point that I had started tracing a finger along his forearm. Gave a light exhale.

" But he was just a wolf, just an animal. I'm just glad it didn't tear my face off hehe."

I felt his hand start to lightly slide up and down my thigh.

" Sounds like he liked you, and he wanted to protect you, l.." he trailed off as he drove.

" Yeah I guess so, well, when I was in the bathroom I saw this surfer dude, he seemed homeless but he had the same eyes as the person below the peer, a deep emerald color. " I found myself shivering from the memory.

" In the woods he called me his little rabbit. And the guy in the bathroom said the same thing, that he would always find me." I gave another shiver.

" I'll protect you Alex" his hand squeezed my thigh once more. " I promise that if I'm not able to be there, that at least Moss or Lu will be."

" How can you promise that? Especially on their behalf?"

" They have my back, just like how I have theirs, they won't let me down." He said this with such conviction in his tone.

"I can't even imagine having friends , fuck even having family who you can depend on like that" shaking my head.

He squeezed around me tighter.

"You don't have to imagine Alex"

I simply closed my eyes as I leaned into his side. How long would this last?

I don't know how long we drove for.

" Hey, wake up, we're here little guy" Izz lightly shook my shoulder as he whispered into my ear. I opened my eyes to see that he had parked in front of my aunt's house. I looked up at the big warm guy holding me in his arms. He had a calm smile on his face which slowly morphed to this look of concern.

".... Alex, let me stay here with you, I don't think you should be alone tonight."

I shook my head. God did I want him to stay here tonight, but would this simply turn into another guy getting what he wants and then dropping me? Just another jock wanting to get his kicks.

" I don't think that's a good idea Izz... I don't even know if my aunt would be ok with me letting a guy stay the night, especially one she doesn't know" I respond, hoping it's enough without needing to say why I really didn't want him to.

He gave a sad nod " well, alright but, here give me your phone, let me at least put my number in so you can call or text me whenever you need to ok?"

I nodded, taking the device out and handing it to him. He quickly entered his information into it and gave it back. Without a word after he hopped out of the truck, jogged over and opened the truck door on my side as he held out his hand for me with that smirk of his.

I shyly placed my hand in his own, the large mit-like hand grasping around my smaller one as I hopped down. He didn't let go of my hand after I got down and began walking me to the door.

I turned to smile at him as we got to the door, looking down at the wooden patio below my feet.

" Thank you for taking me home Izz, and looking after me, I greatly appreciate it, not many guys would."

He took my chin between his fingers as he pulled my face up to look into those dark caring eyes. His thumb was lightly tracing circles along the side of my chin.

" You never have to thank me for spending time with you gorgeous, it's always a pleasure, I should be thankful I get to spend time with you" he said with that smirk. I felt that caring look he had morph back into the other, the one that made me feel like a deer looking into the eyes of a wolf.

He quickly leaned down, catching my lips with his own as he pulled me close, a deep growl escaping his throat. I instinctively kissed back as I leaned up into him.

I felt a slight moan escape my throat as he roughly pulled me tightly against his frame. I could feel a throbbing against my tummy as he did so from behind his denim. The thought of being taken advantage of again came flashing through my mind, my heart started racing,

Izz immediately pulled away, both of us breathing heavily. His hand slid up to palm along my chest.

" Your heart is beating so fast... you're afraid." He stated it as fact and not a question.

" Alex I will never hurt you, I promise you I could never do such a thing. " he had such conviction in his voice as he spoke. He leaned down, placing one more kiss on my cheek before pulling back.

He had such sincerity in his voice.

" I... I trust you Izzy, it's just hard, " I admit, looking down once more before looking back up at him as he starts walking backwards towards his truck.

" I'll see you tomorrow ok? At school?"

That sly smirk of his widening as he spoke. I gave a small nod as I quietly responded.

" Of course, I'll, see you tomorrow Izz"

I gave a slow smile with a wave before he turned and jogged to his car. I heard the engine start up just as I was closing the front door. leaning against the thick wooden frame I gave a happy sigh.

The day started playing back over and over again in my mind as I went downstairs to my room. So much had happened today. So much in such a short period of time. I seriously hope not every day would be like today.

I walked into my bathroom, chucking my clothes as I went. I looked at my bare frame in the mirror as I turned on the hot water in the sink. looking into my eyes, still caked with tear-blotched mascara. My eyes traveled down my still bruised frame with a frown.

I would have to start wearing my less revealing clothes until my stomach healed. My hands started washing the rest of my face with warm water with a groan. The bruising on my cheek showed up with the removal of the concealer.

I needed to just relax. Slipping on one of the speedos I kept for swimming, I grabbed a towel and headed out to the backyard. One of the nice things about L.A. this time of year was that even at night with the cool air, the water stayed relatively warm.

The moon was so bright . The cool air felt so great on my skin. I turned my phone to a light jazz station, tossing it onto my towel on the nearest lounge chair before slowly walking into the cool water of the small pool.

I loved nights like this, no clouds, cool air, but not cold, not too warm. I could hear the crickets playing their serenade as they looked for a mate. Slowly I started to glide to the center of the water, closing my eyes, letting my body float along the surface of the pool.

My thoughts went back to Izz as I floated. I've never had a guy able to tell what I was feeling so easily before. He was so quick to back off when he felt I wasn't comfortable.

He was so concerned for me when he found me in the bathroom. I have never honestly had someone care for me other than Genevieve my old Governess.

I never even got to say goodbye to her before I was sent to my aunt's. I wonder what she is even doing now. She did get her severance after my parents passed away. I know how much my parents were worth in such a situation, and seeing as she was my Governess since I can even remember, she certainly doesn't need to work for a couple years if she didn't wish to.

As I lightly ran my fingers through the waters around me, the soft jazz playing aside the chirping crickets, my mind went back to the various people in my life. Those who, even though they were paid to take care of me, seemed so much like family.

A very specific memory came to my mind. It was the only time Genevieve had been physically reprimanded. I was nine years old; my parents had some important people over for some fancy dinner. Most seemed to be from Europe. I remember Genevieve telling me not to bother the party guests. I didn't care, I merely scoffed at her orders. Those days I thought of her as just the help after all .

At around ten to midnight I snuck down into the hall just outside the formal dining room. I remember thinking to myself how these were some of the palest people I'd ever seen. My parents seemed to be the oldest ones there in their late thirties, everyone else seemed like they weren't a day over 21.

My young brain thought I was so slick I didn't realize I was basically standing there in the doorway barely out of sight at all. A few of these Rich European men and women had noticed me. Some sneer, others seem to gawk or giggle at my presence.

One man I remember simply smiled at me. He stood and walked over, leaning down to meet my gaze. He smelt of peppermint and dried fruit. His wide smile was plastered on a lithe face with a thin button nose below two eyes the color of rich caramel. The most striking feature about him though was the white-blonde streak of hair on the right side of his otherwise raven black shiney mane, combed back tightly.

" Hello Alexi, my little zarechnyy, look how you have grown!" His European accent was as thick as marmalade.

I couldn't speak, I merely stared blushing my cheeks off into his eyes before looking at all the others looking at me as well. They spoke in hushed tones between each other in their pressed suits and glistening gem covered gowns.

The man had brushed my hair, which was at the time just down to my eyes, out of my face. His cold pale hand caressing my head and cheek. His middle finger was adorned with an ornate gold ring, some sort of strange A on its front.

At this time my Governess had found me. She looked down with a scowl on her face, clearly angry at me for disobeying her.

"Alexi I told you to stay in bed and leave the party guests be!" her voice had been so stern, more stern than I had ever heard it actually. She grabbed my shoulder, pulling me back as she apologized to the crowd for my interrupting them.

The man In front of me stood and frowned. Out of nowhere my mother appeared and backhanded Genevieve. It had shook me so much, I felt that it was my fault for not listening to her. I had never seen my mother, in what little I did see of her that is, be violent towards another person.

She had scolded Genevieve for speaking in front of royalty and seemed to bow to the man with the streak in his hair before telling her to leave, and put me to bed.

I never did see any other parties at my parents house after that, or the handsome man with the streak in his hair, although, for some reason after that incident my parents demanded I have a professional picture taken each year. I always wondered why, I never saw the final prints, and my parents never framed them either.

Shaking my head of old memories, I finally opened my eyes taking in the fresh air as I swam over to the edge of the pool and hoisted myself out on the side. As I was drying myself off near the lounge I noticed a rather large set of wet paw prints on the cement going from one end of the pool's edge to the other before ending up in the bushes near the fence. I merely gave a shrug and walked back inside, someone's mastiff must've gotten loose.

The next morning I had decided to get ready a bit earlier than I was used to. I decided to simply throw on some black skinny jeans, one of my white button ups from one of the past private schools I had gone to, rolling the sleeves to my elbows, and mascara on fleek, as always.

As I parked out front, being the first student to arrive I didn't have to bother with the crowd of jocks and cheerleaders as I did the other day.

My shoes slapped against the linoleum of the hallway loudly as I walked to my first class, Orchestra. I flipped the lights on as I entered the large room. my fingers lightly slid along the shiny black key key cover as I walked along the front of the piano.

The bench gave a slight creak as I sat down, flipping the cover open to show those ivory white keys. My fingers slowly slid into place against the cold keys smooth surface as I looked down at my hands with a small grin. I loved the piano so much.

I started to play my favorite song. The sounds echoing through the room as I pressed the melody out of the large instrument. The dulcet sounds strung from the strings made me so happy in the moment.

I found myself playing through the tune a couple times as I swayed with the calming music. I was a little sad my aunt did not own a piano, the one at our estate had been too large to take with me on the move.

After the fourth playthrough I brought my playing to an end, looking down at the keys as the final notes rang out into the room.

"You play beautifully Alex"

I looked up from the piano, startled, unaware anyone had been listening. Izz smiled back at me from his position leaning against the closed door frame.

" Oh, Izz you startled me... I didn't know you were there" I admit with a sheepish grin.

"Heh sorry I didn't want to disturb you, you looked so content,....what song was that?"

"As time goes by, by Louis Armstrong. It's one of my favorites, I actually enjoy a lot of older pieces from that Era, they make me feel like everything will be ok, you know?"

He gave a few nods as he slowly walked closer, his arms folding together.

" My grandfather used to play the Piano for me when I was younger, hearing it being played always brings back cozy memories" he says as he sits next to me on the bench with another audible creak, as if to protest us sitting atop it.

" Did you spend a lot of time with him?"

He gave a small shake of his head.

"No he died when I was pretty young, but he was a great man. I'm proud to have inherited his name... not that many call me by it...too many people think it sounds too foreign " he shook his head.

I scooted a little closer, sliding my hand along his broad shoulder.

" I don't mind calling you by your full name Mu' clearly love him a lot."

" He was a very strong man... he cared for his family." I slowly rubbed his shoulder as he spoke.

" He, his wife and his friends, Lo and Moss' grandparents were the only survivors of their community during a conflict..they came here for sanctuary and built a whole new life for their kids" he went on to explain.

"Wow, that is awful. To lose your family and friends and move to a new country...I couldn't imagine how hard that must of been"

" He was a very strong and loving man, and I am honored to have his name" He looked over at me with a warm smile. I smiled back as I gave him a light squeeze around his waist.

" You seem to have a lot in common with him then" I leaned down to place a small kiss on his cheek. He gave me a big sideways grin before leaning forward to place his lips against mine. His sheer warmth never ceases to amaze me.

Izz and I spent a few more minutes just enjoying each other's company at the piano as I played a few more times before others started to pour in the classroom.

" I've got to go, I'll see you later, ok cute stuff?" He squeezed me in a close hug, his hands on my hips as I nodded in return.

" Ok I can't wait till then" I could feel my cheeks warm from blushing as others looked at this display of public affection.

Not long after he had left the bell rang to signal students had five minutes to get to class. Mrs. Nemik patiently waited as the rest of the class filled in before going over which music we would be practicing today.

I had thought that having Izz as a partner in A. Bio. Would be too distracting, like it was yesterday. I have to admit that having him so close has the butterflies in my stomach doing somersaults but it was all in all quite nice.

The teacher had us going through a few sheets based on the first chapters of the advanced biology book. We worked well as a team and even finished early which let us talk a bit more.

He went on to tell me about how he loved team sports, he excelled at football the most and that he loved being outdoors. His family owns the camping lodges out near the conservation parks and even housed the rangers free of charge off and on duty.

" I'd love to get you out there, me and my dad live in the main lodge since he looks after the place all year long."

I twiddled my pencil between my fingers, a bit apprehensive at the thought.

" Like "camping" camping?"

Izz gave a light laugh.

" No no, it's a lodge, so it's basically just a house just out in the country,....I wouldn't mind taking you "camping" camping sometime though too... I bet you'd be just as beautiful under the stars."

My face immediately went red with such a compliment.

" I've never been camping before to be honest heh"

His deep eyes went wide.

"Well that settles it then, we've gotta go camping, maybe in a weekend or two?" He gave me a nudge with his shoulder.

" I don't know..." I was apprehensive about being in the wilderness, even with Izz there I feel like it would be asking for trouble.

"Just think about it ok, Lex?"

I felt a smile creeping out from the edges of my lips, no one had ever called me Lex before, it's kind of cute.

"Ok,I'll think about it.." I relent. I let out a small giggle as he did a "jackpot" motion with his arm as he looked at me with this expression I can only describe as a "happy puppy" grin.

It was hard to concentrate on calculus, knowing Izz was right behind me, but I was finally able to really focus after a few minutes, out of sight out of mind I suppose. I never really was one for math, but I understood its importance nonetheless.

I think that Mr. Colgrade was ok, I've had teachers that could put kids with HDD to sleep. He wasn't very interesting though either. Just bland. To be honest I liked bland.

Bland is much better than boring or over-stimulating, or god forbid one of those teachers who needs to be part of the drama that is highschool like many other teachers I've seen. Bland is nice. Bland means " I have a life and it's not my job".

I never really liked those people who have a make or break attitude where they need their life to be their job and vice versa. Sometimes you can just have a job to make a paycheck and make your life something else.

We have such little time in this world for us to be simply making our meaning some nine to five nonsense and just go home and sit, eager for the next shift to begin. What a boring life.

My daydreaming had been cut short as I was blankly staring at the dry erase board when I suddenly noticed that someone had drawn a small rabbit in the right hand corner of the board in blue marker.

That had to be a coincidence, there's no way he would know I was in this class...when would he have even had time to draw it?!

I tried to put it in the back of my mind but green eyes kept flashing through my memory every so often. I was so relieved when the bell rang, signifying lunch.

I gave a light smile to the others at the table as I sat down beside Gabbs, Xander and Mark sat opposite with Carlotta to his left.

" Hey Alex, you feelin better?"

Gabbs had a sympathetic smile as she looked over at me.

" Yeah I'm feeling better Gabbs, thanks"

" Mm if Izz took me home all by my lonesome I'd feel better too"

Carlotta gave a joking grin as she spoke up. I simply rolled my eyes as I gave her an equally cheeky smirk.

" So... anything happen after you two left huh?" Asked Xander. Carlotta grinned knowingly.

" Oh please I'm sure Izz was a complete gentleman"

" He really was.." I hadn't noticed the happy sigh escape my mouth until it was too late

" You've totally fallen for him haven't you...did you two kiss last night?!" Mark pointed at me with his spork accusingly.

" We .. I... Ok yes we kissed, he took me to my front door and he kissed me goodnight ok?" I was hoping a half truth would satisfy these jackals. Carlotta literally squealed.

" Oooh I KNEW IT! I knew you'd be the one for him after how he couldn't stop staring at you yesterday." Her gist frame bouncing up and down.

"Come on guys let's not pester him too much" Gabbs to the rescue. I gave her a sympathetic smile before looking down at the meal if you could call it that on my tray.

" He's actually very sweet, honestly I've met a lot of jocks in the different schools I've been to but none like him." I admit.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear" Xander practically whispered. Izz strode over, tossing his tray down onto the table as he sat next to me.

"Hey little thing, long time no see" his dark voice said huskily as he wrapped an arm around my waist, tugging me closer as he placed a kiss on my cheek. His arm stayed wrapped around my waist as he began eating his lunch.

The entire table was dead silent. A loud commotion , that was Lo and Moss, joined the table as they sat next to Izz, talking about some game on TV they watched before they too became quiet.

" Why is everyone so quiet ?" Moss asked as he looked over the table.

" They're all shocked that Izz and Alex are a thing" Carlotta stated bluntly

" Oh really, that's all?"

Moss looked at Lu and they both laughed.

" How is that even news? We've known since Izz wouldn't stop staring at him that it was inevitable"

Izz gave a frown as he nudged him in the side.

" Ow! hey what? It's true" Moss snickered.

"He bite you yet?"

"What?!" I leaned over to look at Lu in the eyes, my own wide as saucers. Lu stopped smiling as he looked at the grave stern face of Izz.

"F-figure of speech hehe" he gave a shrug.

Did he bite me yet? Why would he ask that? Had to be a coincidence with being bit by my wolf.

As it just started getting awkward I heard a rather high pitched throat being cleared. I turned to see a rather tall cheerleader with brown hair, blonde highlights grinning down at me, her hands clasped behind her back. Her brown eyes kept going back and forth between meeting my own and Izz's hand around my waist before they landed firmly on mine as she spoke. It was at this point that I realized that this was the cheerleader that Chet kept on his arm.

" Hello my name is Tiffany Buckley, you're Alexi Aronovich right?" She said, leaning forward slightly.

" Um yeah hello,though I prefer to go by just Alex" I gave a tentative smile.

" Well, Alex I have totally been hearing about you and, like, your family around school, and like, you know you can sit over there with the rest of us right?"

"The rest of ..US?" I ask quizzically, looking at the table she was pointing at. A group of rather well dressed preppy students, mostly jocks and cheerleaders and some of the honor roll sat eating and talking. Chet's table.

" Yeah we need to stick together... Izz can come too if you want," Izz didn't even respond, simply acted as if she wasn't there.

"There's no reason someone of your stature should have to eat with this middle Class trash" she flung her fingers forward towards the others on the table as if disgusted with even gesturing towards them. This bitch was already starting to piss me off.

" Uh, listen, Tiffany was it?" She gave a smile and nod.

" If we were going off of status and numbers in our bank accounts here then my parents would be embarrassed to even have heard of me hanging around you and your nouveau riche trash you call a posse, unlike you and my parents I don't give worth and value to people based on their bank accounts or who their family is so you can fuck right off," I stated bluntly as I waved her off.

Her mouth dropped as did the others at the table. Tiffany turned on her heel muttering under her breath as she left.

" Thanks I get for trying to be nice to the queer kid..."

Xander was the first to speak up.

" So those rumors ARE true about your family?"

I gave an irritated sigh which Izz responded with a light squeeze of his hand.

" Why does it matter?" Gabbs spoke up.

" No I'm not saying it does but...damn Alex."

I shook my head as I looked at him.

" I don't like talking about that stuff, everyone starts acting weird around me after they know, you know?"

"Like I said to privileged Polly back there, I don't like taking others' wealth and heritage into account when making friends or getting to know someone, and I just want others to do the same for me."

Max gave a couple nods.

" I can see why, it seems hard to make friends if your that well off, never knowing if they're your friends or your monies friend"

"Exactly...I hate it." I nodded sternly in response.

Izz squeezed my waist once more as he placed a kiss against my cheek.

" Hey don't get mad little cutie, no one here cares about that shit" the rest of the table nodded along.

" I'm kind of glad you're not like them to be honest" Gabbs stated. " I'm probably the poorest girl on the cheer team and if my mother wasn't the coach I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be on the team... the rest of the girls are all upper class or some level of high money and they just ignore me for the most part." Gabss looked down past her tray as she spoke. I reached out to squeeze her hand.

"Gabbs fuck them, elitelist entitled snobs like them always end up alone. Whether they admit it to themselves or not'' She looked at my hand around hers, before looking up into my eyes with a sad yet hopeful smile.

" Thanks Alex I'm glad I can call you friend." She gave a light giggle as I nudged her side.

"I'm glad you're my friend too Gabbs, Hell I'm glad all of you guys are in that category to be honest" i mused out loudly looking over at the others in the group.

"Here here!" Xander practically yelled as he took a chug of his soda.

The rest of lunch went by pretty quickly,but quietly, with idle chatter and jokes, I rather enjoyed simply being able to lean into Izz and listening to everyone just chill and chat with each other until the end of the period.

As Students started filling the halls between fourth and fifth period I went to my locker among all the others just like it in the hall in a rather happy daze pouring over from lunch the period before last. I pulled out my book for History, placing it into my satchel before closing the lockers , only to be shoved back against it. The loud clang being muffled by the amount of students.

I turned around only to be faced by Chet pretending to help me from losing my footing. "sorry dude!" he said loudly for others around to hear, before leaning in a bit closer to whisper into my ear.

"Don't be late after school, bitch." a dark sneer on his face as he walked back into the crowd of other students.

That feeling of fear and being cornered came flooding back as I watched him leave. I tried my hardest to shake it from my mind as I walked over to history class. I took a seat near the back of the class, not really paying attention to those around me.

What should I do about what Chet wants? If I go, he'll most definitely want me to do something sexual for him, and he'll definitely hurt me. If I don't go, he'll still definitely hurt me, and possibly even more so for not showing than if I did. A lot of the time in my past if I wanted to feel wanted I could easily find a guy to have some fun with. Now however, I don't know, I don't really feel the need, Izz even in the short time we've been together makes me feel wanted. I don't want to cheat on him.

I could tell him what's going on, but, then would Izz really even want me if I can't deal with my own problems? I can't just go and grab Izz whenever I have a problem. What sort of person would I be if I couldn't deal with my own problems, or rely on someone else all the time? I need to be able to fight my own battles damnit.


"Hm?' I looked up from the bare desk I was staring at and out of my thoughts. The teacher, Mr. Honley was looking at me expectantly, arms crossed. There was a silence in the room before he sighed.

"I asked, if you were paying attention Mr. Aronovich; Who was Marat to the French revolutionaries, and why was his death significant?"

I shook my head in response, honestly not knowing the question, I hadn't even noticed we had been talking about the French Revolution.

" You must be a carpenter with how utterly fascinated with your desk you seem compared to my lectures, but I expect you to pay attention to me more so than the wood grain in front of you" he quipped sternly, eliciting a Chortled laugh from the rest of the Class.

" Now as I was saying, Marat, as seen in Jacques-Louis David's Painting La Mort de Marat, Was Killed for his radical, for the time ideologies of a free France from Aristocracy, inevitably making him a Martyr in the eyes of..." Mr Honley continued to Babble on as I inevitably zoned out once more as I continued to think of what I would do after school.

It felt as if time sped up as the countless throngs of other students went by me in the Hallways. I had one last class to attend today; Physical Education. I was dreading the entire thing. Not only would I have to See Mr. Nemik, and that awkwardness of our past hangs in the air between us. But I also would be around both Izz and Chet and I still did not know what I was going to do after class with Chet.

Suddenly a thought occurred to me! If I hurried, perhaps I could at least change before Chet got to his locker, and I could skip seeing him in the locker room all together at the least. I quickly began to march my skinny ass towards the Locker rooms, running through the throngs of students all moving at different speeds to lockers, classes, and friend groups before the bell rang for the five minute warning.

The door to the men's locker room made a loud creak Echoing through the room as I practically ran through it. The room had already begun filling with the other male students in the class. I didn't see Chet anywhere much to my joy, And Next to my locker, just like yesterday, A big, six foot tall mu'Izz was leaning into his locker, and halfway through changing. I quickly walked over to my locker on his other side.

" Hey!" I quietly yipped out as I opened my locker to his side, trying not to stare at his bare chested Frame, not before seeing a small smile slowly creep onto his face as he looked down at me.

" Hey Cutie... your day going ok?" his big hand grasped my shoulder, lightly pulling me back and forth a little before letting me go.

I gave a sharp wince as his hand grasped around the still tender bite marks from the wolf.

"Ah sorry, still tender there?" I looked up at him a bit confused, I didn't remember telling him that was where my wolf had bit me. Admittedly my questioning look quickly dropped as my eyes glazed over his large torso.

I'zz' broad chest, with its deep tan skin, was covered in dark, curly hair, from his broad pectorals, all the way down his eight pack and the v of his Adonis Belt. his chest hair was that same color of his perfectly quaffed chestnut pompadour.

My sleuth gaze was interrupted as he turned his wide chest in my direction. My gaze went from what I thought was sly, to blatant ogling, my mouth literally dropping open as he flexed his entire torso, his hands on his hips.

" You're not very good at being sly with your staring, cute stuff" I bit my lower lip as my eyes trailed up to his wide grinning mug.

I gave a coy laugh as I looked back down at my locker as I simply responded nonchalantly.

" You must of been watching me too to of noticed"

I practically heard his smile drop to a dumbfounded expression before he laughed out loudly, shucking his pants as he did.

My god he was only wearing a jockstrap. I had to quickly pull my gym shorts and shirt on to let the two fabrics hide my immediate arousal. The thick hairy apple shaped ass of his was perfectly hugged by the straps of his jock, the pouch nearly stretched to capacity in the front. This entire show of thick manliness on display atop two thick hairy muscular thighs. He cleared his throat which brought my view back up to a grinning Izz looking down at me.

" It bodes well that you like the view"

I gave an embarrassed laugh as I tried to push him, he didn't budge an inch.

" You did that on purpose hah"

He wiggled his ass at me, pulling his shorts up. I gave a loud laugh at the gesture as I closed my locker and moved to walk around him. I didn't get far before I saw Chet looking over at the entire interaction with a heated and what I could be mistaken as a jealous look.

I quickly just headed out onto the gym and began the class warm up jog around the edge. It wasn't long before I was quickly walking next to Xander and Gabbs.

" You ok Alex ? You look stressed"

I looked over at Xander as he asked the question. He had this face of concern.

" Aha yeah just a little, it's just my aunt" I tried to fib.

" Oh is everything ok with her?" Gabbs asked.

That honestly had me thinking. What I said started as a means to not have to speak about what was really bothering me; Chet. We're things ok with my aunt? She never really cared where I was, or where I've been. She didn't even bat an eye when I told her about Chet's assaulting me.

" It's just, I...honestly I feel like she's only housing me out of obligation , I don't know how to feel about that" I state honestly.

" Oh..." Gabbs looked over at me sadly.

" That's rough... Makes me wonder how many adults that have kids who don't actually want to look after them ..." Xander responded.

" Wow I'm sorry guys this got so dark hah" I tried to laugh it off.

I looked at the other two and realized something.

" Where's Mark?" I asked the other two.

" Oh! He had to go home, something about his dad."

" What's wrong with his dad?"

Xander shook his head as Gabbs looked over at me.

" Oh gosh, Alex I forgot you're still new here I just assumed you knew but I guess you wouldn't..."


" Mark's dad has brain cancer, he's being put on hospice." Gabbs said with a frown.

" Oh fuck, poor Mark"

Made me wonder how selfish I was being. I honestly didn't know what it would feel like to have a parent in that situation, especially one that loved you back. I tried to think how it would feel if Either of my parents had cancer and felt...nothing. I felt nothing.

What is wrong with me? Was it because there was something fundamentally broken with me, or just that my parents were never really my parents? They were never there. You're supposed to love your parents unconditionally, and them you as well...

Izz came walking up to us with a smile that was quickly turning upside down.

" Hey,... What's with all the sad faces?" He asked the group as he slowed down beside me.

"Mark's dad," Xander said.

" Oh...right"

" I feel for Mark, but, even more so for his mom, they were true soul mates you know" everyone seemed to nod. It was so subtle I almost missed it but it seemed as though Izz's gaze shifted to look at me as Xander said the words " soul mates" It lasted less than half a second but I know I saw it.

The rest of the period Coach Nemik had us practicing stretches. He went through quite a few, teaching us proper technique and how stretching before any other physical activity was important for safety and health.

It wasn't long before class was over and all the students were rushing to either change or shower. I had decided to quickly change, and lock myself into one of the bathroom stalls for a bit until the rest of the students had finished and left.

I needed to prepare myself for what I had to say to Chet and the subsequent beating to follow. I had this little voice in my head practically screaming at me to just drive home and not even go to the bathroom to meet him. I had to stand up to him though, I had to deal with this and not just run away. I took one last final deep breath before walking out of the locker room, bag in hand, and walked to the bathroom down the hall.

As I opened the door a tall, muscular Chet glared with a dark smirk from where he leaned against the brick and cement walls opposite the doorway.

" Took your sweet ass time bitch, I expect you to keep my time in mind next time fag" he threw this word across the empty room as he pushed himself off the wall, sauntering closer to me.

"C-Chet look I can't do what you're wanting me to, Izz and I are together and I can't chea-" My carefully planned speech was cut short by a back hand to my cheek, the force slamming me into the stall partition to my side, a loud clang echoing through the room before I slid to the ground.

" I don't give a fuck who you think you're dating. I never asked did I, fag? " He said these callous words with a tone akin to trying to explain something to a toddler. He grabbed a hold of the collar of my shirt dragging me into the middle stall, propping my back and neck against the front of the toilet as he stood over my small frame.

" I don't care if you have the hots for a second Gen spawn of some foreigner. " His words overflowed with venom.

" In fact I don't even want to hear your faggot mouth speak, there's only one thing that that mouth of yours is good for and I intend to use it for just that" he sneered as he spoke, his hand rubbing over the rather large mound in the front of his jeans. He quickly unzipped his pants, pulling a rather hefty thick member from within it's confines, the cut thick head seemed red and angry as he slapped it against the side of my cheek.

"Come on Lexi, open up and say hello, He wants to meet you!" He jeered at me as he looked down. I tried to scoot back but found no room between my back and the toilet. He slowly inched further until his thighs were on each side of my head. Chet smacked my face two,three, four times roughly. I screamed with each one from the pain, yelping in fear as his hand squeezed around my face forcing my jaw to open.

" C'mon faggot open up, and if I feel teeth I'll pull them out one by one myself you hear me bitch?!" His well combed hair fell forward In front of his eyes, exasperating his psychotic look. He slowly started to press his thick member between my lips with the hand that wasn't forcing my jaw open. I tried to plead with him as I felt the spongy head slide across my tongue and as he started to press more inward he suddenly withdrew. I looked through my teary bleared eyes to see him being yanked backwards and thrown to the floor near the sinks. I looked up to see a very angry looking Moss standing between us.

Moss gave a stern kick to Chet's stomach before looking down at me with sympathetic eyes. He leaned down holding his hand out to me. I only now realized I had been sobbing like a child as I took his offered hand, the strong young man yanking me to my feet before giving me a warm hug.

" Are you ok Alex?" He placed both hands on the side of my face as he looked at me over, I tried to nod to stop my blubbering as quickly as I could.

" Your face is a little red but aside from that you seem ok" he gave me one last hug before turning to Chet who was just now getting to his feet.

"What the fuck Moss?! You have no business here what do you think you're fucking doin ?" Chet looked positively furious as his fists bawled tightly at his sides.

" I never pinned you as a rapist Chey... but that fucked up shit aside Alex is off limits, go get head from that cheerleader girlfriend of yours if you need it so badly." He stated matter of fact as he stood In front of me like some large human shaped shield.

" Who the fuck do you think you are to tell me who I can and can't fuck? You know the rules Moss, you can't interfere." Moss shook his head slowly.

" Actually I have been ordered to do just that. Alex has been marked by Izz and you know what that means. You know the Accord as well as I do he's off limits... or your leech can explain to you what the punishment for starting a war is." He sounded amused yet very threatening.

"Fucking bullshit show me !"

Moss lightly stood to the side and hesitantly addressed me quietly.

" Alex I know this sounds strange but just please humor me, show Chet where that wolf bit you." I looked at him like he was crazy but he merely nodded in response. I pulled the collar of my shirt to the side far enough to expose the Teeth marks scabbing over near where my neck met my collar bone.

"Fucking figures..shit, Shit!" Chet shook his head looking over at me as I buttoned my shirt back up.

" You lucky fucking fag" Chet slammed his fist into the stall door on his way out of the bathroom, causing the plastic slab to slam into the wall with a loud thud.

"Fucking mutt marked fag." Chet muttered as he left through the bathroom door slamming it in the process. It was just me and Moss in the bathroom alone now.

Next: Chapter 5

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