Tabula Rasa ch.1

By Saudade Survivor

Published on May 28, 2023


This story, depicting sex between a consenting seventeen-year-old male and other consenting males, if this subject offends you or is illegal in your area please do not read. This story will also deal with sexual assault, child neglect (emotional), Anti-LGBT Bigotry, Racism, Ableism, Discrimination and other possibly sensitive topics.this story is fiction and completely a product of my imagination. The author retains all rights to this work. If you enjoy it, or wish to contact me, or tell me what you think, questions etc please tell me so at Im always happy to hear what you guys think! I love to hear from you guys if you like the story! Hearing from you guys, what you think, really is one of the big reasons we post here!

I know this chapter, like the last one, is a little shorter, but it just felt like the right place to stop again. I promise the next will be a bit lnoger though!

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Ch. 7

Dinner For Five.

The drive only took about thirty minutes, our destination wasn't exactly Hollywood over in L.A. however, it was still what I expected; a gated community. The House we ended up at was also gated, which in my opinion seemed a bit too much since the community itself was already gated. The entire drive over Loren would not shut his sassy mouth. I merely just tried to ignore him and think of how I could talk to Izz at school. I Mean we did have classes together. What did get my attention was the Gates of the large mini-mansion in front of us.

"I know you'll feel just so much more at home at her house than you did at that sorry excuse of an aunt down there in Middle-class Hell." Loren rolled his eyes as he said those last words with a face that seemed as if the topic exhausted him.

"Sorry, who?" I hadn't even paid attention to who he was taking me to live with. He gave me a pursed irritated look.

" You really need to work on listening, Alex. As I said, I will be entrusting you into the care of my don't let her looks fool you, although she may look older than me I assure you we are...well WERE before our separate Embraces into this new life, Identical twins. I suppose I simply lucked out at being embraced in my twenties instead of my fifties ahaha!"

The thought of living for countless lifetimes in a body that was in its fifties, or heaven forbid even older was a bit stark. I didn't understand why Loren thought it was something to laugh at.

The car pulled to a halt as he rolled the window down and entered the code into the gate's passcode screen. The gate had a single large letter on each, spelling out the initials A.V. in stylized Cursive. I looked out to see a large fountain in the center of the wrap-around driveway as we rode up towards the front, the moving truck close behind us. The sides of the front lawn were immaculately maintained with countless bushes, topiaries and flowers.

The building in front of us was a rather large three story, well kept, Mediterranean style house. The entire second floor seemed to be overflowing with floor to wall windows, and Balconies.

Loren quickly got out of the driver side of his car, motioning for me to follow. He went to the front doors and went straight in. The foyer was not what I expected. Although like most houses in the price range it went in a few directions with open archways to adjoining rooms, the prominent wrapping staircase was the first feature you see when entering. The decor was somewhat cozy yet minimalist. Something I would expect someone who didn't enjoy gloating about their wealth to design. I was sure by how this place was decorated that Loren did not in fact live here with his sister. Loren had the opposite of the personality and fashion design of what a typical old money family member would be. He was flashy, and this was anything but flashy.

Peeking their head through the archway as they were making their way from one of the side rooms came a woman I could only describe as Loren, if he was thirty years older and female. Though unlike Loren this woman was modestly dressed in a pair of work slacks, a light blue blouse and a green apron with dirt smeared along the front. She pushed her graying-blonde hair out of her face after whipping her hands on a towel she had with her.

Loren walked up and gave the woman a hug as he spoke, making sure to lean backwards at the hips hoping it seemed to avoid the dirt on her apron.

" Angelique, Darling it's wonderful to see you!"

" hello Loren dearest, it's great to see you after such a long time apart.'' She had a bit of a smoker's voice. I noticed the smile lines and crow's feet were etched in the features of her face as she looked over towards me.

"And is this the young man that our dear Alex has grown into?"

Loren pointed behind himself at me with a limp wristed attitude as he gave a wide grin at the woman, stepping back from the hug.

"It certainly is, though I doubt he would remember either of us, He wasn't even five at the time." He was right, I had no recollection of meeting her before this, or of Loren before earlier tonight. Her smile seemed sincere but from the fact that I knew what she was, and being related to a piece of work like Loren I doubted I could trust her. So far the only Vampires I have met so far, took my boyfriend away and stalked me.

" He doesn't talk much does he?" She looked a little curious though amused.

" Well with the words he was spewing before we left his aunt's house I'm fine if the little guy keeps his mouth shut, though honestly you'd expect one of those schools those parents of his sent him to would've taught him manners." He scowled over at me as he spoke.

"Oh I'm sure he's just still processing things, he has gone through alot tonight Lore."

I was beginning to see similarities in the three vampires. I noticed small give-aways of what they were when you knew what to look for. Their skin, although all pale, were not the exact same shade, however they did have a waxy, almost fake-looking quality to it. Their eyes had a predatory sheen to them that made you feel like you were being looked at by, well, a predator. Their movements were also off. I realized I couldn't see their chests moving like you do with a normal person when they breathe.

Their movements seemed a little forced, like they were making sure to not move too quickly. They also didn't fidget, didn't twitch. If they weren't using a specific muscle there was no involuntary movement. The human body naturally does subtle movements, or twitches to relay feeling, and mimicry to associate a connection. The most commonly known one is yawning. That is why people say it is infectious, it's a way for our bodies to involuntarily connect to each other. I got the feeling that these two had never yawned in response to someone else's since their hearts stopped beating.

"I trust you'll have things in order Angie?" she gave a nod in response to Loen as she looked over at me with a smile before watching Loren begin to turn towards the doorway.

"Don't worry lore, I got it from here, I'll keep in touch alright? " She turned to look at me as Loren agreed and left.

"Alex, why don't you go to the kitchen while I deal with the movers? I Had the Chef make you a grilled cheese before he left for the day."

I didn't know what she would do if I spoke back, or defied her request so I simply nodded and went through the archway she was pointing at. The kitchen was similarly styled like the rest of the house, however, the size and priceyness of the appliances in here definitely gave away her wealth. It seemed odd to me that a vampire would have such a large, well built kitchen, let alone have a chef on staff.

I sat on the bench that was adjacent to the kitchen's island where a plate with a cover had been placed for me. I took the cover off to see a simple grilled cheese, neatly cut into two triangles on either end of a bowl of tomato Bisque, and a sliced pickle on the side with a small glass of apple juice. I gave a slight scoff as I took it all in. Did she think I was some toddler? I was close to just throwing it in the trash but a quick growl from my stomach botched that notion. I took a triangle in hand, dipped it into the soup and took a bite. My mouth immediately started to water, wanting more.

It wasn't long before I had quickly eaten both parts of the literally mouth watering delicious sandwich and was eating the pickle, followed by the rest of the soup with the provided spoon. Halfway through the soup Angelique came walking in, taking off her apron and placing it on the other side of the counter.

"I'm glad you seem to be enjoying the meal, I always thought a nice simple staple meal was good for the soul after hard or troubling times." She chirped with a warm smile as she opened the fridge, taking out what could not be mistaken as anything but a medical grade baggie of blood, and emptied it into a glass, slowly walking over to where I sat. She leaned over the other side of the counter before taking a sip.

"Loren said There was no need to hide what we are from you, that your Boyfriend had already filled you in on our condition." There seemed to be no malice in her voice or facial expression when she mentioned Izz. I'm sure Loren had told her what he was the second he had a chance. Maybe she wasn't as bad as I first thought. But I was still suspicious.

"Why do you have such a well stocked kitchen? If you don't eat?" I asked cautiously. She took another sip before she spoke, that warm smile never leaving her face.

"Unlike many of our kind, I keep a close bond to my Familiars and their family, I enjoy hosting them for dinners often... Speaking of which, since I've been informed that tomorrow you do not have school I have invited them over for dinner tomorrow so that you can get to meet them." she paused for a bit before speaking up once more.

" I'm not like my brother, I know he can be a bit... much but I promise you Alex that we're still just people deep down too. We're not the monsters I'm sure you've come to believe we are." she looked at me with an earnest expression as she sipped from her glass.

" Do you employ many humans?" I asked her as I finished off my soup.

"Some, but no more than I need. Just a chef, A house maid to help with the rooms every couple of weeks and a Driver. Aside from my Familiars who help with other tasks, such as, well, nutrition." She said with a bit of shyness that I was not used to seeing someone her age, however old she actually was, I had no clue though to be honest.

" You don't have a gardener? Your property is very well maintained, and quite beautiful." I admitted as I looked down into the now empty bowl. She took the dishes from in front of me, placing them inside an otherwise empty dishwasher near the sink.

"Oh no, I do All the gardening myself, it's my hobby actually, I love gardening" she looked out the window above the sink into her backyard as she spoke. I wasn't expecting that. A vampire who gardens? I know Izz said vampires could walk around during the day, I couldn't picture anyone gardening at night, but, didn't he say they were uncomfortable in the daylight?

" isn't that uncomfortable? Being outside all day?" I was a bit curious myself as to what she would say. Before she could answer one of the movers peeked his head in through the doorway.

"Everything has been finished and put into place where you specified Ms. Vanderbelt."

She walked over to the man taking out a check from her pocket and handed it to him with body language that seemed like she saw this man as an equal and not simply hired help.

"Thank you so much, you guys know the way out?" The man responded that they did and left with a polite smile. She turned back to me to answer.

" you get used to it after a while, and besides it's not all day, just in the morning and evening. I doubt even I could really stand the uncomfortable feeling of being outside at noon!" she admitted with a chuckle.

"Now the house is yours to explore, I converted the basement into my master Suite, so that's the only room really off limits." she stated as she walked over to the archway leading to the stairs "Your room is on the third floor, the entire floor is practically one big room so it's not hard to find. I hope you feel at home here Aelx, I'm sorry things didn't work out with your Aunt." again she seemed sincere which was throwing me off. I gave her a short nod as I stood up, following her into the foyer.

" It's alright I suppose, she didn't really seem to even care that I had been assaulted at school." I said with a shrug. She turned to look at me with genuine shock on her face.

"Someone Accosted you at school?! Well, when I introduce you to my Familiars tomorrow I'll see if their son can keep an eye on you at school. He's a really sweet boy. I'm sure you two will get along nicely, I actually plan on seeing if he'll accompany you to the Club after tomorrow as well, So you'll know more than just me there."

" uh, club? Like, country club?" I asked.

" Oh yes my apologies, you'll be given access to the Local Country Club, loren insists that you sign up for it and attend some of the events there." she said with a shrug.

" I uh, I'm not really into that sort of crowd Ms. Vanderbelt.'' I admit, a bit apprehensive at the thought of having to be around a bunch of snobbish pricks who think their exclusivity makes them better than everyone else.

"Oh please hon, call me Angie, and it's quite a nice place, I'm sure you'll love it! Now, I'm going to go rest, there's a present on your nightstand by the way from someone we'll discuss more about later. Sleep tight dear!" And with that she had gone off to wherever the basement steps were and I was left alone, in the quiet, now dimly lit foyer.

I decided to go upstairs. The third floor was easy to find. There were two doors at the top of the second staircase. One led to a rather spacious bathroom. The thing even had a jacuzzi tub in the corner. I went through the other door and was quite surprised. The entire room was rather large. All my furniture which had been cramped around in my aunt's basement fit pretty well within the space. I looked over at the Double doors that lead out to a balcony which wrapped around the entire third floor.

The walls were the same cream tan as the rest of the house, the floor was a nice cold wood. I went over to the mirror above the art deco style dresser that was placed firmly against the wall on the opposite side of my queen bed. I pulled my shirt up and over, tossing it onto the top of the dresser nonchalantly as I peeled back the dressing on my wound. Surprisingly the wound was nearly healed. The skin was only a slight pink around each of the teeth marks that were now fully scabbed over.

I ran my fingers across the bumpy scabbed-over skin. The look of those dark deep eyes of Izz's werewolf flashed within my memory as he ravaged me in that tent. I gave a light smile wondering what it would be like to have sex with Izz in that form in a more controlled state. I walked over and sat down on the edge of my bed, beginning to take my pants off. I stopped as I noticed a small red velvet jewelry box on the night stand.

I picked up the small box to find two notes, one sealed with wax and another on top that was clearly ripped out of a notepad. I read the notepad one first.

"I was entrusted to give this to you when we finally met, please be sure to wear it at all times to keep you safe and let others know who you are.

Angelique V."

Placing her note to the side and quite curious I opened the box to find a small pin. The pin had to be a pretty high grade of gold with how it felt. The pin was that of a stylized D with a small bat embracing it from behind, wings wrapped around the side. I placed the open box on the side table as I broke the seal with the same design as the pin of the parchment note.

"To my little zaruchenyy, Wear this pin with pride.

I hope to meet you soon,


I shook my head as I tossed the note onto the other. I walked over to fully close the door, and turn off the light before laying down under the covers of my bed. I stared up at the deep brown beams of the ceiling, the soft glow from moonlight outside causing strange shapes to appear between the beams.

I wonder who this "S.D." is, and why Angie wanted me to wear the pin. "keep me safe and let others know who I was". Who was I? I don't even know if I truly knew who I was anymore. Finally after a few hours of silence, I fell asleep to a dreamless slumber.

The every brightening God-rays that shone through the windows of my room slowly woke me from a sleepless night. I was somewhat glad I hadn't dreamt considering the majority of my dreams had been filled with a monotony of vicious monsters eager to taste my flesh lately.I didn't want to get out of bed. I just wanted to crawl under the covers and stay there all day, Izz kept coming into my mind and how long I may have to wait to see him again. I gave an irritated sigh and leaned up in the large bed, maybe if I got up and played nice I could convince Angelique to let me see him, she didn't seem as bad as Loren.

Getting up from the soft queen size bed, slowly, still waking up, I walked over to the dresser. I started rummaging through The drawers. It seemed all of my preppy sort of clothes had been put near the top, and all of what I'm sure the majority of the crowd I'd have to be around for the time being would be considered "alt" had been placed in the bottom most drawers.

I took out some simple black slacks, underwear and socks. The matching Wardrobe seemed to have all of the "nice" shirts I was required to own. The few times my father had spoken to me when I did ask him why I couldn't simply own the clothes I wanted and not the shit I was given he had said " Those in our station must dress as such to show others where you belong." What a load of horseshit. I decided for now though that considering Angie has been nice to me, and those were the sort of people I'd be meeting today it would only cause more problems if I wore what I had wanted to instead of this preppy shit.

I quickly took a shower, did my normal grooming routine. Though I still wore a small amount of eye makeup I decided to go minimalist around the eyes instead of my normal over the top look.

I attached the A pin on the collar of my white shirt as I started heading downstairs. Halfway down the main staircase I ended up rolling my sleeves up to the elbows. I still wasn't used to wearing long sleeve shirts, the fabric still felt foreign on my lower arms. The smell of fresh bacon and eggs had me practically floating into the kitchen.

A rather handsome man in his late thirties was making scrambled eggs at the stove as I walked in. He looked over and gave a million dollar smile at me before gesturing to the seat I had sat on last night. I thought he may be samoan with his complexion.

" Hey good morning little man, have a seat, I'm almost done making your breakfast."

" Thanks, it smells really good, I'm Alex by the way." I stated as I sat where he gestured at the island.

"yeah Miss. Vanderbelt said that was your name, I go by Mose, short for Mosaih. It's great to meet you, to be honest I'm kind of glad you've come here, means I get to actually cook for more than just dinner guests." Mose snickered as he finished with the eggs, placing the plate in front of me with a grin. I took a sip of orange juice before digging in.

" God this is so good!" I emphasize as I swallow a mouth full. " Don't you enjoy only having to work a few nights?" I asked him as I worked on shoveling more of the hot eggs into my mouth as well as some of the crispy bacon.

Mose leaned his head to side as he kept both hands on the counter, arms outstretched.

" Ahah I mean I guess but Ms. Vanderbelt can't really eat my food now can she? And she keeps me on retainer so I have to be ready at a moment's notice, so this way I get to actually cook more often, though from the look of you I'll have to make food for two, get some meat on those bones!"

Giving an awkward laugh I looked down at myself with a grin.

" Sadly that's just genetics, fast metabolism." I shrug.

" Though I'm sure if it wasn't that way I could easily get fat on your food if the rest is as good as this!" I grinned as I grabbed the plate and started to take it to the dishwasher.

" Ah hand that here little guy I'll put those away, part of the job really." He gave a warm grin as he practically yanked the plate out of my hands.

" You go on and do whatever it is you do, I'll give you a Holler when it's time for lunch." He gave a gesture of shooing me away. I gave a nod as I looked back at the curious man. I could hear him start to sing a tune in a language I didn't know as I walked out of the kitchen.

Going out the back door I found myself looking out into a large, lush garden. I walked over to one of the pillars of the backyard veranda and looked out into the lush backyard with surprise.

I couldn't believe Angelique had done all of this. A small pond with a small waterfall flowing into a slightly larger pond was at its center. The green lily pads were in contrast with the bright sunlight shining off the water's surface. One side of the pond was surrounded by reeds as the other side had small bushes that filled the space between the pond and the gravel path on its other side. A large gazebo sat near the upper pond, thick lush green creep vines covering the trellised sides. The entire garden was practically a catalog of different flowers.

Though the entire sight was beautiful I couldn't stop frowning. All the plants reminded me of the woods, which just reminded me of Izz. That half sided smile of his. Those deep dark eyes, chestnut hair. Taking out a cigarette I slowly lit it, taking a deep inhale. God it felt great, it had been a few days since I had a cigarette. I could feel the hit of nicotine rush through with each inhale. Ugh what a rush. Looking out into the Gardened backyard I noticed movement from the corner of my eye.

Angelique was walking out of the shed to the side of the place, pulling off a pair of gardening gloves. She stopped as her sunglass-covered eyes peered over at me from below her large yellow sunhat. I watched as her thin frame slowly made her way over to where I was leaning under the shade of the veranda.

She grasped the pack of cigarettes from my pants pocket faster than my eyes could track. I looked over at her as she went and Perched on one of the outdoor Garden chairs next to the glass table to the side.

"Hey those are mine!" I scowled, walking over to where she was. She took one out, lighting it up as she tossed the pack on the glass table, pointing to the side at the other chair as she took an inhale, taking off her hat and glasses on the same table as she smiled, taking the dart between her fingers with an exhale.

"Park a seat, I shouldn't even be letting you smoke these." she stated bluntly with a shake of her head. I took the pack back, placing it in my front pants pocket as I sat down, continuing to enjoy the one I was currently inhaling. I gave a smirk as she spoke.

"Not even my father, who saw me smoking these when I first started, said a single word. I don't why you should even care..."

"Well I was appointed to look after you, Believe me I know firsthand how bad these little things are for you." she took one more inhale before appraising the small thing between her fingers. She gave a small grin before placing it back to her lips. "I haven't had one of these since I was turned." she said with a shake of her head, leaning back into her chair.

"why not? Do they even Affect Vampires like they do humans?"I looked over at her as she spoke before looking down at the one between my own fingers. She gave a shake of her head as she looked over at me.

"No, our bodies regenerate faster than even someone who smokes like a chimney could do any damage to their lungs." she explained to me, I looked back at Mose as I heard the door open, bringing out two glasses on a Tray with a cigarette dish between them. He placed the tray on the table between us. The glass nearest to me was a thin tall glass of lemonade, the one next to Angie was metalic and thin. I could assume what was inside that cup.

"Thank you Mose." I gave him a polite smile as Angie thanked him as he walked back inside. "I should actually be thankful for my old smoking Habits." she admitted to herself out loud. "If it wasn't for contracting lung cancer I doubt Loren would have turned me." she gave a light chuckle before taking another inhale. I found it rather curious that Loren ended up turning his own sister, and for such an interesting reason.

" Why didn't he embrace you sooner? Do you hold any resentment for him waiting until you were dying? Let alone older than him?" I was legitimately curious, and she seemed like she would answer my questions, so far she seemed pretty cool, not at all like her full-of-himself brother.

"Aha well no I'm not, Besides being this age means I don't have to try as hard. I actually did not know he was even alive, when we were both twenty he ended up disappearing. After about a year me and my parents assumed he was dead, I guess in a way he was.." she went on as she looked over out into her garden. The sound from the small pond falling into the larger was the only other sound around us.

"He wasn't even planning on doing it to me, he told me he had wanted me to live a full normal life... He felt too guilty about having to stay out of my life after he was turned, only being able to look in at my life, but never again be a part of it." She took one more inhale of the dart before putting out the butt on the dish.

" So he made you into a vampire out of Guilt?" I thought for a few moments "If I had a sibling, I don't think I could just sit back and watch them die of old age." I admitted solemnly.

"He actually got into a lot of trouble for doing it, He wasn't supposed to. Embracing has to go through a process, to be approved, otherwise Vampires would be embracing humans left and right out of emotional connection, or other more sordid reasons." she admitted before downing her drink and standing up. "Don't stay out here too long Alex, Wouldn't want to ruin that naturally pale complexion of yours, and don't let Loren catch you smoking, He'll have my head if he knew I was letting it happen." she laughed as she left.

I gave a sigh as I thought over the things she had told me. Clearly not all vampires could be that bad, it sounded as though they had rules and laws to keep humans safe, or at least as safe as they could be. After finishing my glass of lemonade I brought the tray into the kitchen, placing it down near the sink I decided to go exploring through the house.

The majority of the second floor was guest rooms, I think I counted five in total. There was also an art studio that looked out to the back gardens. She even had a small library on the first floor that opened up to the living room, which was connected to the dining room; each of these larger rooms on the bottom floor were doorless, Instead having archways that led from one to the other, or to the hallway. I found my car had been placed next to a black Mercedes with deeply tinted windows.

After I had finished exploring,Mose had made me lunch, a simple BLT with salad,and a side of chips. I decided to take a short nap after lunch. By the time I woke up it was already about five thirty. I heard Angie call my name from the dining room which had been set up for five. I didn't expect to see a placement for Angie, but there was at the head of the table, silver cup and all. Angie was fidgeting with the napkins as I entered.

"Alex, would you please put a tie on for dinner? As you know my Familiars are going to be joining us tonight and I want you to give a good first impression." I unintentionally gave a bit of a frown and a scoff as I heard the Request.

" honestly I'd rather not if that's ok angelique, I mean I don't even enjoy wearing this sort of stuff." I gestured to the black khakis and white dress shirt I was still wearing. "I can't stand how ties make me feel, It's like a noose around my neck, I hated having to wear them at the Boarding schools." I didn't know why I was being so honest with her. Maybe our talk from earlier had made me think I could trust her more with how I felt. She gave a dejected sigh as she came over straightening the shirt I had on, making sure it was well tucked into my pants.

" oh alright, I won't make you feel any more uncomfortable than you already do, I suppose." She gave a bit of a sad smile. "I bet you'd look absolutely adorable in a full suite though." I made a fake gagging sound as I turned to leave. That got a small shout of my name from her.

I decided to go upstairs and freshen up a little. Make sure my hair looks nice and all that. My hair had started to grow past my shoulders. I gave a strand a small twirl between my fingers as I looked at the gangly person looking back at me. I really needed to get a trim. I hated when my hair fully covered my neck, It made the back feel too hot in this L.A. heat.

I heard the Doorbell ring as I was heading down the top of the main staircase. I blinked and Angie was at the door. I had no idea she could move that fast. She gave me a wide grin as she opened the door for a couple of what I could only describe as the epitome of W.A.S.P. . The man had a finely pressed blue suit, light blue shirt, red tie. The woman wore a thin pencil skirt with a matching blouse, holding onto his arm. I had to admit the man looked familiar to me.

Angie gestured the two inside and I froze halfway down the stairs as it hit me why he did look so familiar. "Alex I want you to meet my Familiars, Drew and dotty Brensen." She spoke with pride. What had made me freeze in my spot soon walked in from behind them. " And this is their son, Chet Brensen, I think you two are in the same school right?"

Next: Chapter 8

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