Tails of Rump Rangers

Published on Aug 16, 2010


Warning! This story is sexually explicit, if you are not of legal age to read such or are offended by this type of writing do not read any further. To contact the author hit reply or cut and paste making appropriate corrections and E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Tails of Rump Rangers

Tails of Rump Rangers

Chapter 2: Another Celebration

Chase McMaster took the elevator up to the suite he'd reserved at the Peppermill Casino and Hotel in Reno, Nevada. He'd just checked into the huge hotel casino for the week after driving almost two hundred miles on Friday afternoon from Stockton, California to Reno. Chase had finally arrived for the big party.

A year before Chase and his friend began putting the sexual soiree together. Chase had been able to book a truly special seven days deal from check-in on Friday July 30 through check-out Thursday August 5 for the Hot August Nights celebration, the special sexual rendezvous, but most of all a birthday celebration.

Hot August Nights is billed as one of the biggest events in Reno, celebrating 50s and 60s era rock n roll and cars. If one is a car buff and rock n roll enthusiast this is the place to be the first week in August. After a week in Reno the four friends would hit the highway for Sturgis, South Dakota where they would attend the last days of the 70th annual Blackhills Motorcycle Rally. Chase and Derrick Tolbert had been working on the big vacation that would run from the first of August through the fifteenth for over a year.

These once a year vacations had become the highpoint for the two former Army buddies. They celebrated their birthdays within two days of each other. The last time the two of them were together in a suite at the Peppermill was four years prior to celebrate birthdays, and a sexual marathon where they sucked and fucked each other senseless for a week. This time there would eventually be four of them meeting up in Reno for the big celebration as well as what should be an awesome foursome fuck fest. Chase was already becoming slightly aroused thinking about what was to come as he walked down the hallway towards the suite.

Chase put his key card in the slot, unlocking the door to the suite. Bingo, it worked on the first try. He stepped inside setting his bags down and taking the visual tour of the 550 square feet Tuscany double king suite with a mountain view that would serve as the command post for the operation. Then he walked to the spacious elegant marble bathroom, giving it a cursory look.

Once Chase had looked the suite over he concluded that it was everything it was advertised. He threw his laptop bag on the big bed; it bounced on the soft bed. He removed the computer setting it on the table and then connecting it. He opened the lid and sent a quick e-mail to the others that the advance party had landed at Peppermill drop zone. He closed out the small computer and decided a shower would be in order before dinner and then put on some fresh clothes.

Chase had decided to take advantage of the sea food extravaganza at the Island Buffet located on the main floor between the east and south entrance next to the Romanza world-class Italian fine dinning restaurant. Chase hadn't eaten since breakfast when he left Stockton hours earlier, so he was famished, ready to pig out at the buffet. He hated eating alone, but Friday night should be the last time he would be eating by himself for the next two weeks.

The one time Army Ranger expected his old Platoon Leader sometime later that night or early Saturday morning. Derrick Tolbert would fly in from Salt Lake City as soon as he got off work Friday afternoon. The other two might be there late Saturday or Sunday.

Chase and Derrick had each invited a friend to take part in the big two weeks party. For Chase it was his old neighbor and classmate from years back that he'd invited him to join the foursome. This was the neighbor kid that had taken his anal virginity so many years ago and wanted to tap Chase's lovely ass again. Chase had never met Derrick's friend and vice versa.

The former Airborne Ranger was glad Derrick was going to be there before the others. The two former Rangers hadn't engaged in sexual tryst with each other in almost a year. With the shower out of the way and dressed in fresh clothes Chase was off to the Island Buffet for dinner. Once dinner was finished he went to the parking area and untrailered his motorcycle for a tour around Reno before Derrick arrived.

As usual Reno was lit up like a circus at dusk. Vintage cars were beginning to arrive on trailers or were being driven into Reno and cursing the streets showing off. Many of the people walking the streets were dressed in50s and 60s era clothing as rock `n roll music was blaring from cars as well as casinos. Chase was enjoying riding his motorcycle around when suddenly his cell phone went off. He pulled over to the curb to answer. No luck he didn't get his bike parked in time.

Chase pulled the cell phone out of his pocket to retrieve the voicemail; it was Derrick letting him know that he'd landed at the airport and was taking a cab to the hotel. Chase fired up his bike and headed it back to the Peppermill to meet Derrick. Chase got back to the secure parking area where his truck was parked. He decided not to put the bike back in the trailer as he planned on riding it again.

Inside the hotel Chase began milling around the casino. He would put a few coins in first one and then another slot machine. He was not interest in any serious gambling, but more interest in what lay ahead that evening. He was however taking advantage of the free drinks offered by the roaming cocktail waitresses. Finally, his cell went off again; it was Derrick letting him know that he had arrived at the casino. Chase told Derrick what the room number was and that he'd meet him at the room.

Derrick managed to beat Chase to the room. As Chase got off the elevator there was Derrick standing in the hallway waiting for his fuck buddy. Chase dashed down the hall grabbing the taller man's hand engaging in a man hug before slipping the card in the door lock to open the door.

Chase pushed Derrick inside saying, "Glad to see you, baby."

"Same here."

Once in the room and greeting were over with the two were on each other stripping the other's clothes off. They couldn't wait to engage in sex.

"Oh man you don't know how hard my cock has been all day waiting on you," Chase gushed.

"It's been a chore for me all day trying to conceal mine."

"Oh, and it is hard now," Chase said as he pressed his half naked body against Derrick, "I don't know whether I'm going to be able to share you with the other guys."

"I've got a suggestion," Derrick said, "Why don't we order some wine or champagne, take a shower and get down to business."

"Do you want something to eat before we lager in for the night, baby? I've already eaten."

"Maybe a light manwich. I mean sandwich."

As Chase made the call for room service to place the order he couldn't wait to taste Derrick's scrumptious cock. In the meantime, the same was on Derrick's mind as he was drawing the bathwater. For the two of them bathing had become an inessential part of their sexual foreplay. Chase joined his partner in the bathroom saying, "Food and drink will be up in about thirty minutes, until then we'll have to be content with each other."

"I'm always comfortable with you in my arms, baby, "Derrick said to his lover.

The two men began soaping each other up rubbing their soap slick hands over the other's body. Both men had found bathing to be so very sexually stimulating. They'd discovered early in their relationship that bathing foreplay and sensuous touching were so important. So, for the next thirty minutes that's all the two did to each other.

Next: Chapter 3

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