Take Me Now

By Patrick Thomas

Published on Jun 29, 2022



This is a fictional story in which sexual activity between consenting adult males is depicted; it is no way based on true events or the sexuality of any of the persons mentioned. If you are underage or it is otherwise illegal to read this story where you live, please stop reading now.

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-------------------------------------------------------------------- "Take Me Now" Starring Jesse Williams and Jacob Elordi --------------------------------------------------------------------

Author's Note: This story is set in very early May 2022 in California, before the leaked photos from Jesse Williams' Broadway play.


Jacob Elordi rang the door bell again, curious about the delay. The black and grey gadget beeped and lit up as a voice rang out. "Be right there!" A few moments later, he heard hurried footsteps from inside, followed by the door swinging open. Swallowing, he willed his eyes to stay forward...which was really difficult at the moment. Standing just a couple of feet away was Jesse Williams, his muscular torso bare and sweaty, a pair of shorts riding low on his hips. "Sorry about that - the signal out back is kinda weak, so it took a bit for this..." Jesse lifted his phone and pointed it towards the doorbell. "...to connect to that. Smart system...right."

"No worries - mine is a pain in the ass too." Jacob's insides fluttered as Jesse grinned at him, unable to resist those charming brilliant blue eyes as his own mouth stretched into a wide smile.

A brief pause hung in the air before Jesse blinked, as if coming back to the present. "You're here to pick up the stuff for Kristen's party?"

"Yes sir - I'm lil' Miss Connolly's errand boy for the day. This is my last stop."

"Hope she's paying you well." Winking, Jesse turned and walked back into the house, waving his hand to indicate that Jacob should follow. "It's all right over here."

Jacob took the moment to appreciate the broad backside, tapering down Jacob took the moment to appreciate the broad backside, tapering down to a narrow waist, right above a pair of muscular globes that flexed under nylon fabric with each step. They arrived at a pile of tote bags, stuffed to the brim with props.

"Tell her I said thank you for letting me borrow her photo booth stuff. You want a hand carrying all this?"

"Uh, yeah...if you're sure you don't mind."

Jesse tilted his head, reacting to the awkward sound in Jacob's voice. "Why would I mind?"

"Well, it looks like you're...busy?" He glanced down Jesse's body, covered in sweat and some dark grey streaks of some sort. His eyes darted back up to find Jesse's.

"Ahh - yeah, I don't mind the break." He nodded towards the back of the house. "Been working on replacing the motor on the boat. It's, uh, proving to be a handful."

"What some help?" The words popped out of Jacob's mouth before he thought too much about it. His errands were done for the day and he wasn't in any hurry to stop looking at Jesse's body.

Williams' eyebrows went up, surprised. "You know something about boat motors?"

"Yeah. 'Pirates' was just a gig as an extra but stuck around to make some contacts, hung out with some of the crew, and wound up learning a little bit about boats here and there."

Jacob's mind flashed with memories of orgies on the beach - damn, that'd been a fun set to work on. He'd also learned how to snort coke off a guy's dick but he wasn't about to advertise that.

"Well damn, okay - boat's this way." Jesse cocked his thumb towards the back door. Smiling at the idea of having help, he grabbed a couple more bottles of water and led the way. Crossing the sloped yard, they made their way down to the boathouse.

"Pretty nice. No neighbors?"

"Thanks. There are, but the way that the trees and bushes are grown, it makes a natural fence. Other side of the lake is waaaay over there, so it's nice and secluded. Get away from everything, you know?"

"Yeah. Looks relaxing. Or like something from a scary movie. No one around to hear you scream." Jacob grinned at Jesse, eyebrows wagging with faked menace.

"Or to see you skinny-dip." Jesse's wink turned into a loud laugh at Jacob's reaction. The Australian looked cute with his mouth hanging open, blinking in surprise. He hadn't expected that kind of comment...and now he couldn't get the mental image out of his mind.

The pair worked on installing the new motor. Jacob's shirt disappeared pretty quickly so that he could take hold of the equipment without getting his clothes too dirty. An hour or so later and the job was done, the two men tapping their water bottles as they began making their way back up to the house.

Jesse gently clapped Jacob on the shoulder. "Damn - thanks. That saved a lot of time."

"Ehh, it was fun. Good to work with your hands on occasion, you know?" The corner of Jesse's mouth lifted up as he imagined Jacob's hands working something else. "I could use a beer after that - you want one?"

"I would...but it's a long drive back into the city."

Yeah, it is." Jesse smacked his forehead with his hand, looking down at Jacob's sweaty and grimy torso and legs. "Man, are you sure you want to get back in your car like that?"

"Um - it'll be fine." Jacob's voice had a hint of uncertainty - he was a little worried about getting the car dirty but was also curious what Jesse was up to. He thought he'd caught the other man checking him out while they were working on the boat...and Jesse's tone of voice sounded forced, the sound of someone who was trying to act nonchalant while cooking up a plan. "I think I've got a towel that I can put down."

"Seriously? I saw your ride through the window. I wouldn't get into an expensive sports car like that, looking like that."

Jacob blushed, a little embarrassed at the comment about the car's cost. He was still getting used to people pointing out stuff like that. "I mean...it's not a big deal, I don't think."

"Almost two hours stinking up your car? I'd feel bad. I can wash those for you, grab you some shorts to wear, chill out in the lake while we're waiting on your stuff to get cleaned up."

Jesse's eyes lingered on Jacob's shorts for just a second longer than he'd meant to. Sweat was making them stick to the other man's legs and crotch, putting everything on display. Noticing the brief lingering of those brilliant blue eyes, Jacob decided to check his instincts and see where things went. Pulling down the zipper, he tugged off his shorts and underwear, holding them out along with his shirt. "Alright - you had me at chilling in the lake."

Jesse's eyes widened a little, surprised at the sudden display of flesh. Clearing his throat, he took Jacob's clothes, trying to look nonplussed. "Not shy, are you?"

"Oh shit - I always forget that Americans are a little more prudish about nudity. Sorry."

Jesse's mouth pulled to the side, trying not to laugh. He'd been hoping that the other man would say yes to sticking around - shucking off his clothes was a level of eagerness he hadn't expected. "Not all Americans..." Hooking a thumb into the waistband of his shorts, he pushed down, allowing them to fall to the ground. Picking them up, he turned to make his way to the laundry room. Jesse looked back over his shoulder to find one of Jacob's eyebrows lifting up, looking adorable. "My mom's Swedish." Winking, he sauntered down the hall and disappeared.

When the other man returned, Jacob couldn't help but glance down. The hefty cock swinging between Williams' legs was substantial and it took a lot of willpower not to lick his lips.


Jacob looked back up, caught in the act of oggling the other man's meat. "Yeah, uh, that'd be great."

"You looked thirsty. The sun will do that to you out here." Jesse grinned, letting the pun hang in the air. Coming back from the kitchen, he led the way out of the house and back towards the lake. During the brief walk, he swore he could feel Jacob's eyes peeled to his backside...and the thought caused him to let out a little whistle as he made his way across the lawn.

Handing a beer to Jacob, Jesse opened his own can and took a drink before setting it down on a nearby rock, and then ran down the short pier, diving into the lake. Coming up air, he heard the splash of Jacob following him into the water.

The pair splashed around, taking turns diving into the water and fetching more beer and water. Enjoying the sun, the water, and each other's company, they (mostly) ignored being nude and chatted away. Jacob was surprised to learn that Jesse had watched all of his show 'Euphoria'...and then laughing when Williams replied that he felt he needed to, in order to keep up with all of the memes online. Jacob let out another laugh, louder and longer this time, when he asked what Jesse's favorite part of the show was.

"Oh, it's totally the plot." Jesse winked as he took another drink of water. "Although it helps explain why you're so comfortable walking around naked." He laughed as he ducked getting splashed by Jacob.

Waiting, Jesse's mouth curled up in a little bit of a devilish grin again - the one that sent a tingle down Jacob's spine and straight down to his crotch. "What was your favorite part of the play?" Jacob had mentioned seeing 'Take Me Out' earlier in their conversation. Jesse bobbed up and down in the water, curious how the younger man might respond.

"Oh, totally the plot." Now it was his turn to laugh as Jesse pretended to glower. The show of irritation would have been more convincing if he weren't visibly trying not to laugh. "No, seriously though, the plot was awesome. The writing for the story and the characters is great. The acting was great." He took another sip, one eyebrow cocked up. "The special effects weren't bad either."

Jesse's eyebrows furrowed with confusion. "What special effects?" He tilted his head, scanning the sky as his mind pictured the set and the production, trying to figure out what the HBO actor was referring to.

"Your, um...prosthetic." Jacob nodded down, indicating the parts of Jesse's body that were below the water.

The other man puffed up his chest a little. "That wasn't a prosthetic."

"Oh." Jacob shrugged, looking nonchalant. "I figured it was. I mean, you're not little...at all. But it looked pretty big from where we were sitting."

"Uh uh. That was all me."

"Ah...I see." Jacob winked, shrugging again. "I thought maybe it was like an optical illusion or something."

"I mean...it kinda is..." Jesse let the words trail off, baiting Jacob.

"An optical illusion?" Now Jacob looked like he really was a bit confused by Jesse's words.

'Hook,' Jesse thought. Grinning, he began speaking as he slowly backed up towards the edge of the lake. "Yeah, an optical illusion. Kinda."

Jacob followed, wading closer. "Kinda?" The corner of his mouth curled up, both curious and flirting.

"Mmhmm." Reaching back, Jesse took hold of the large rocks lining this part of the lake and lifted himself up. 'Line...,' the word came to his mind. He knew fully that the movement would put his body on excellent display, the muscles working to lift himself up, water rolling down his skin.

Sitting on the rocks, he spread his legs a little. "It looks big from far away but it actually looks even bigger the closer you get."

"Oh, it does, really?" Teeth flashed as Jacob smiled ear to ear. Wading forward, he was almost to Jesse's knees. "You're right, actually. It does look even bigger from here..." He looked up into those bright blue eyes. "...compared to earlier. Standing up." He tried to shrug as if being a foot away from Jesse's naked body was no big deal.

"Yeah, eye level you get a better view."

Jacob's eyes drifted back down and hung there, gazing at Jesse's crotch. "You do get a better view from eye level, yeah." The tip of his tongue darted out, licking his lips.

"But remember what I said..."

Jacob looked up, waiting for Jesse's next comment.

"It looks bigger the closer you get."

"Oh - I'm not close enough?" Jacob felt his heart beating in his chest.


Jacob moved forward a few inches. "Now?"


The Australian actor's shoulders were touching Jesse's knees. He watched as the slab of meat pulsed, slowly beginning to thicken and rise up. "Damn..." HIs words came out in a hushed husky tone. "...it looks really big."

"It gets bigger..."

"Yeah?" Jacob looked up for a moment before fixing his gaze back on the lengthening rod of flesh.

"Mmmhmm. Especially if you..." Jesse's hand lightly palmed the top of Jacob's head. The mop of brown hair dove down, mouth opening to swallow half of Jesse's cock in one gulp. Hazel eyes looked up as Jacob's throat and mouth worked, massaging the tool and feeling it begin to fill out even faster.

"Yeah, that's it." Jesse closed his eyes and let his head roll back, enjoying the feeling of the sun on his skin and a hot mouth sucking on his dick, toes curling slightly as his new friend let out a soft moan of delight.

Jesse moaned, his fingers running through the long locks of Jacob's hair. The HBO actor had been slurping away on his cock for awhile, happy little purrs rolling out of his throat as he bobbed his head up and down. He wasn't able to take the entire length - few men could. When asked, Jesse would say he was nine and a half inches long...but that was rounding down. He was actually closer to ten inches but not quite there. Tell a guy "nine something" and their eyes would light up; tell them "ten" and they'd more likely run away out of fear of wrecking their ass or throat. The substantial girth also made it difficult for most guys to take the whole piece of meat.

Jacob, however, was doing his damn best. At first he'd only made it about 2/3 down the shaft and now his lips were sliding down all but the last couple of inches. His fingers were wrapped around and pumping the bit that he couldn't reach with his mouth.

"Fuck...I'm getting...ooof, let's take this inside." He had to nearly pry the younger man off of his cock. Standing up, he reached out a hand and helped Jacob out of the water. A nice looking uncut cock bounced up and down in the air as his new friend followed him up the lawn, the head still covered by foreskin that Jesse couldn't way to tease with his tongue.

Opening the sliding backdoor, he waved Jacob in and went to shut it.

"Bedroom is thaaaaaaa - " His voice caught, the last word dragged out before descending into a groan. Jacob had taken one step inside before dropping to his knees and devouring Jesse's dick again. Those sexy hazel eyes looked up, lit up with hunger, as noisy wet slurping sounds filled the room.

"You just couldn't wait?" He chuckled as Elordi shook his head side to side, unwilling to release the big rod of flesh from his mouth again. "Did you skip lunch or somethiiiii....mmmmmmm." Fingertips dug into his thighs as Jacob pulled his face down and finally got that last bit of length in, his lips making it to the base of Jesse's member. His face shown with an expression of triumph...which quickly faded to disappointment as the lengthy tool was pulled out of his mouth.

"Who's hungry?" Jesse grinned as he wiggled his hips, causing his cock to wave, dodging Jacob's mouth as it darted around in a futile attempt to latch back on. Placing one hand on the top of Jacob's head, Jesse held him in place. The other hand gripped the base of his own dick.

smack smack smack

The thick sound of skin-on-skin as he smacked his cock against the side of Jacob's face. Still pinning Elordi in place, Jesse tapped his cock against the other man's cheeks, his forehead, and his nose. A tongue lashed out, trying to at least taste Williams' hot flesh...with little success. The tip of his cock trailed down the bridge of Jacob's nose, the manly scent of cock and precum filling the other man's senses and driving him wild, his fingers digging harder into Jesse's thighs.

"Stay still..." Jesse traced Jacob's lips with his dick head, squeezing the shaft to leave drops of precum along the dark pink flesh. His cock moved around the upper and lower lip faster, gliding along now that Jacob's lips were lubed up.

His hand slid down to the back of Jacob's head as the tip of his rod pushed into Elordi's mouth once more. Jacob dove down, devouring the meat once more, his toes curling with delight. Tempted to hold the other man's head and drill his mouth, Jesse let out a long sigh of pleasure and let Jacob do his thing. The hungry slurping sounds were music to his ears, along with the vibration on his shaft from Jacob's moaning. It wasn't long until his chest began to rise and fall quickly, his breath hitching.

"I'm...I'm...fuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkk!" Jacob pulled back, nine inches of spit-covered shaft glistening, his lips using the prominent ridge around Jesse's cockhead to latch onto. Jesse's tool swelled and throbbed as he began shooting. Jacob's eyes closed halfway as the thick load splashed against his tongue, quickly disappearing as he swallowed. He kept moaning throughout Jesse's orgasm, his throat working as he greedily devoured every drop of man-nectar.

Growing sensitive to the touch, Jesse groaned and pulled out from between Jacob's lips. Looking down, he saw streaks of shiny fluid on the floor.

"Did you...?"

Jacob looked down, his eyebrows rising up with surprise and his cheeks darkening as he blushed. "Sorry. I don't usually..."

"Just sometimes?"

Jesse's cocky grin made Jacob feel better about blowing his load on the floor. "Just sometimes. If the cock is really good."

Jesse knelt down, his tongue sliding around the edge of Jacob's ear before whispering. "If you think it's really good in your throat, just wait." He squeezed Jacob's ass to make his point, earning a little purr. Standing, he lifted Jacob at the same time. His hand slid down Elordi's arm, fingers intertwining as Jesse took his hand and led him to the bedroom.

Entering, Jacob crawled up onto the bed and rested on all fours, ready to see if Jesse could deliver on the promise of a good fuck as he looked back over his shoulder with a big crooked grin.

Jesse laughed as he petted the perky set of buns. "Damn - you're going to have to give me a moment. I just came."

"I remember." Jacob licked his lips, making a show of his tongue, as if he were trying to scrape off any remaining semblance of cum.

The goofy grin on his face quickly disappeared as a tongue, wide and flat, raked across his hole.

"OHHHHHH!!!!!!" Jesse chuckled as he watched the long sexy back arch, the slim hips pushing up and back. Jacob's voice got higher and began hitching as he continued his efforts, exploring and then lavishly eating away at Elordi's ass. Jacob moaned as he felt spit sliding down his crack and onto his balls. Looking down, he saw it falling off of the low-hanging nuts, landing on the sheets below.

Jesse stood up, his cock at full mast once more. He tapped it against the other man's hole, surrounded by sprase spit-slicked hair. Jacob scrambled away, landing on his back and lifting his legs.

""Since you answered the door."

"Oh, really?" Jesse crawled onto the mattress, quickly reaching into the nightstand drawer for lube. Resting on his knees at Jacob's rear, he smeared the clear liquid along the eager bottom's crack, working one finger inside briefly, causing Jacob to coo for a moment.

"Yeah. Answering the door shirtless like that? Not fair."

"Aww, I'm sorry." Jacob saw a big smile and those sexy blue eyes as he felt something hard nudge his entrance.

"Maybe you can find a way to make up for it."

The side of Jesse's mouth pulled up, teeth gleaming in the lamp light. "I think I can think of something." He winked as his hips pushed forward, driving a little bit of dick into Jacob's guts.

The younger man's jaw dropped as the hard rod continued pushing further and further, a long groan rolling out as his ass was stretched wide. Jesse pulled back and rested for a brief second before rolling forward again, slowly working back and forth. Jacob's eyes fluttered as he felt the stud's crotch push up against his rear, fully buried inside. Fingers raked down Jesse's biceps as the lengthy member pulled almost all the way back out and then dove back in. Gasping, Jacob's eyes popped open, groaning.

"Too much?"

"Mmmm." The shaking of his head was unconvincing with his squinting shut and biting into his lower lip.

"I'll go slower."

"Okay..." Jacob's head shook up and down slightly, agreeing that slower might be better. "Do you have...?" His hazel eyes opened and then closed again, groaning as Jesse's hefty tool shifted inside his guts. His mouth worked but he could only muster a lusty groan. He sniffed instead.

"Poppers?" Jesse watched as Jacob's head nodded again. Reaching over, his cock still buried inside, he rummaged in the table drawer again, fingers closing on a small bottle. Holding it to Jacob's nose, he watched as the Euphoria star took a deep whiff, his body visibly relaxing.

Jesse did a test thrust, gently rolling his hips. "Better?"

Jacob's lips stretched in a big happy smile. "Much. Thank you."

"Don't thank me just yet." Jesse pulled back and pressed forward again, more firmly this time. Jacob purred rather than groaned, happily taking the huge cock inside.

Looking up, he noticed the mirror mounted to the ceiling. He began to chuckle at the sight until that big dick rolled through his insides once more, turning the light laugh into a deep moan. His hands slid up the beefy arms again, taking hold of the hunk's shoulders as the thrusts began picking up steam.

Jesse felt Jacob's legs wrap around his waist, pulling him in. He settled lower on the bed, the pair making out as he began drilling Jacob's hole, their tongues playing at one another.

Jacob pulled away first, letting out another loud moan. Jesse shifted his mouth, nuzzling Elordi's neck...and feeling those long legs tug at his body even harder in response.

Jacob looked up, watching the muscular backside flex as Jesse fucked his brains out. His gaze drifted lower, taking in the sight of those hips working their magic, the taut glutes driving back and forth, deep dimples in each firm globe appearing as they tensed to drive the thick cock home. He watched as his fingers drug down Jesse's back...which hunched as Jesse pulled their bodies closer together so that he could drill in even deeper.

"Fuuuuuck..." Jacob used his arms and legs to pull at Jesse's body, encouraging him with his limbs and words to go faster, harder, deeper, his mouth working against the stubble along Jesse's jawline.

Jesse pulled up a little, those amazing blue eyes staring into Jacob's. He'd lost track of time but knew they'd been going at it for awhile - they were both drenched in sweat again, drops falling from Jesse's forehead and chin onto Jacob's face and neck.

"Keep that up...and I'm going to...mmmmmm." He resisted cumming as Jacob's ankles dug against his hips.

"Going to what?"

"I'm..." Jesse closed his eyes, swallowing as he fought the boiling urges in his loins. "...going to..."

"Cum?" Jacob watched as Jesse nodded. "Good. Flood my guts."

Jesse's eyes went wide, almost shooting as he heard the words.

"Yeah, that's what you want?"

"Fuck yeah. Shoot me up with your babies."

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuuuck."

Jesse's eyebrows burrowed down, his jaw clenching as he went for broke, his hips slamming against Jacob's rear, long-dicking the hunk, determined to make his hole earn being bred.

Jacob's fingers raked Jesse's arms, leaving faint marks as they drug downward. One last slam home, a loud grunt...he swore he could feel the giant cock swell up even bigger as it began painting his insides with Jesse's juices. His legs pulled in, pinning the stud in place, ensuring that every drop of seed was going as deep as possible. Jesse kept groaning, his hips shaking with the intensity of his orgasm.

Breath hitching and body shaking, he reared up, keeping his dick planted inside Jacob's tunnel. Reaching down, he took hold of Elordi's rod and began stroking it fervently. A minute later, it was Jacob's turn to gasp as he began shooting, streaks of jizz rapidly splashing against his neck and chest.

The two men let out deep contented sighs at the same time, the muscles of their body beginning to relax.

Bringing his hand up, Jesse slowly licked his cream-covered fingers clean. Finished, he slowly lowered his body down, curling up against Jacob, rolling them onto their sides as they kissed deeply in post-coital bliss.

"You're going to have to wash the sheets next." Jacob chuckled at his own joke, the sound causing his chest to vibrate against Jesse's.

"Well..." Jesse rocked his forehead against Jacob's, licking the other man's lips. "We'll just have to make it worth the effort of washing them then." His fingers brushed a damp length of hair from Jacob's forehead. "When do you need to head home?"

"Mmmm...party isn't for a couple of days. So...tomorrow...ish."

"-ish?" That mouth curled up into another sexy grin, making Jacob's pummeled guts feel fluttery again.

"Yeah. Tomorrow...ish. Could be the day after, if I have a good reason to stick around."

"I think I can come up with a few good reasons." Jesse took Jacob's finger in between his lips, suckling it.

"Just a few?"

"A few dozen."

"Now we're talking."

"I've got better uses for your mouth than talking."


"Mmmhmm." Grinning, Jesse leaned in for another kiss, feeling Jacob's hand clutch at his back, appearing to be eager for round three already.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jesse lay on the bed, arms wrapped behind his head with a big grin on his face, recounting the last couple of days. He was nearly exhausted, wondering how he was going to drag himself to Kristen's party tomorrow. Jacob had wound up staying overnight...twice. Forty-eight hours of fucking and sucking - his balls were drained, his cock and jaw wonderfully sore, his muscles aching with the effort of nearly non-stop sex.

His favorite was when Jacob had ridden him, both of them staring up into each other's eyes through the mirror on the ceiling. He fucking loved that - able to watch not only a guy's eyes as he took in the thick almost-ten inches of dick...but their entire body as well, moving against each other.

He'd taken Jacob by surprise later, pulling him close behind in the shower and guiding the younger man's dick into Jesse's hole. The feel of hot water and steam around their bodies, wet skin smacking against wet skin, the tiles under his hands and feet as he stood, allowing Jacob to saw in and out of his ass.

Later, he'd pounded Jacob from behind, standing while Jacob knelt to look out the window, watching for their food delivery. The guy was cute - Jesse had opened the window so that Jacob could say thank-you after the guy left the bag of food on the porch. He chuckled at the memory of the guy waving...and his hand pausing in the air as he realized what was going on inside.

"You good?"

"Never been better." He'd been able to hear the grin in Jacob's voice as he responded to the delivery guy's question.

A hand had reached down to grope a khaki-covered bulge. "Need any...other services?" Jacob looked over his shoulder at Jesse as the two contemplated the question for a moment before shaking their heads.

"Not today. Maybe next time thoug....ohhhhhhh." Jacob moaned as Jesse rabbit-humped his ass, rapidly tapping the head of his cock on the other guy's prostate on purpose.

Later, they'd gone for a boat ride out on the lake. With a mischevious look, Jacob had slid close, facing each other as he unzipped Jesse's pants and jerked him off out in the middle of the lake. A little bit of his load had splattered onto the bottom of the boat - the rest landed in Jacob's hand, which the pair had licked clean before making out for a long while.

Hell, the kid hadn't even made it out of the house today. Jesse's grin grew wider - that's what he got for fucking with someone almost half his age. Forty wasn't old but it was something else to keep up with the energetic 24-year old Australian.

They'd had moved the bags of photo props to the front door, preparing to carry them out to Jacob's car. A kiss good-bye had quickly turned into a deep make-out session with their hands squeezing each other's bodies. Jacob had dropped to his knees, lapping his tongue on Jesse's sac, massaging the balls with his mouth until his rod had risen up again.

Now they were back in the bed, wearing some of the photo props as a little amusing bit of kink. Jacob had a blue feather boa, a cowboy hat, and sunglasses. Jesse wore a masquerade mask and a baseball hat, almost laughing as he imagined their current lustful act winding up as a scene in his current play.

A trickle of sweat ran over Jacob's chest and down his stomach. It'd been an hour of fucking - they were almost unable to cum since their nuts had been milked for two days straight.

Reaching into the nightstand, Jesse felt for a specific object - his fingers tapped into something soft and long. Smirking, he took hold of it and closed the drawer, thumbing a switch as he brought the vibrator towards Jacob's crotch. He planted the throbbing rod against Jacob's cock, watching as the twink's mouth opened up with a loud groan.

"Cum for me, babe."

"I'm...mmmmm...trying. Oh FUCK!" Jacob squealed with delight as the vibrator nestled under his balls, sending waves of pleasure etween his legs and up his crotch. Jesse's other hand stroked the end of his dick, the thumb playing with the slit at the tip of his member.

He leaned back, placing his hands behind his head and putting his body on display as he picked up the pace, riding Jesse's meat stick like it might be his last. A few minutes later, he cried out once again as he went over the edge, small splatters of cum falling across Jesse's stomach. He was normally able to hit as far as the neck but there was almost nothing left to shoot.

He was pulled down, making out as Jesse rammed up into his ass from below. The vibrator was wedged between the older stud's legs now, servicing his cock and balls in order to spur on his orgasm. Jacob groaned as his guts got rearranged for the...fuck, he'd lost track.

He figured it had to be double-digits that Jesse had pummeled his insides by now. A series of grunts punctuated the hard little thrusts as Jesse began cumming in his hole.

Jacob rolled off, collapsing on the bed next to Jesse, who wrapped an arm under the Euphoria star's shoulders, snuggling close.

"We need a shower."


"I'm sending you a bill for all the water we've used."

"Not my fault you're a dirty pervert who keeps - hey!" Jacob squealed and giggled as Jesse plucked at his nipple, his fingers then dancing along the other man's ribs, tickling him.

"Not my fault that you're an insatiable little - ah!" Jacob had squirmed out of Jesse's grip, flipping over and latching his mouth to the beefy stud's nipple, sucking hard. "Fuuuuuck," he cried as he writhed.

"Again?" Jacob looked up, amused.

"A-what? Again??"

"I'm kidding. Mostl-yeeeeeee!" Jacob descended into a laughing fit as Jesse quickly slid out from underneath his body and then picked Jacob up in his arms.

"Aren't we supposed to get married before we do this?" He giggled as Jesse rolled his eyes, carrying Jacob towards the bathroom. Settling the Aussie into the tub, he reached over and turned the faucet handle, starting the water. Dropping a small ball into the water, he climbed in and settled down behind Jacob, stretching his legs alongside his new friend, both watching as the tub filled with water and bubbles.

"See you at the party. I should be able to walk normally again by then." Jesse ran his nose along Jacob's jaw, planting a small kiss. They smelled like peaches and lavender, a mix of the bubble bath and the bar of soap that they'd scrubbed each other down with.

"You're not the one that rode a baseball bat for the last couple of days."


Jacob grinned, looking into those blazing blue eyes. A big smile stretched across his face. "Not." He tilted his chin, planting a little kiss on Jesse's lips. "At." Another kiss, longer this time. "All."

Jesse growled playfully. "Quit that - you're trying to start something again."

"Moi? Neeevvvvverrrrr." Grinning, Jacob took hold of some of the bags as Jesse got some as well. Finally the party supplies made their much-delayed way to the back of his car. "Oh - thanks again for washing my clothes. I really appreciate it."

"I noticed." Laughing, Jesse swatted Jacob on the ass. One more long kiss, the close of a door, and he watched as the red sportscar took off down a country road.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Fuck...fuck...mmmpph." Jacob moaned against the hand pressed against his mouth, an attempt to quiet the sounds of ecstasy.

"Shhhh - we don't need everyone in the house to know..."

"How good your dick is?"

Jesse shook his head, chuckling. "How good your ass is."

They were upstairs in some guest room at Kristen's house. Jacob was already at the party when Jesse arrived, having helped setup. They'd made casual small talk, both men feeling a tug in the air between them but trying to act normal. Separating to mingle with other guests, they kept bumping into each other...literally, as they found any excuse to make body contact. Under the pretense of giving Jesse a tour of the house, so that Kristen could tend to her guests, Jacob was now giving Jesse a tour of his favorite position - pressed up against a wall, getting drilled from behind, an intense sex session while standing up.


"Yeah - haven't...mmmm...gotten off...since you left..."

"Oh fuck - yeah, give me that load."

"Greedy little...fucker..."


Jesse pulled out and spun Jacob around, pushing the tall twunk down to his knees. His fingers slid into the long wavy brown locks of hair, using his grip to hold Jacob's head in place. The thumb of his other hand pulled at Jacob's lower lip, opening his mouth before moving to stroke his thick cock.

"Not...at..." He gasped and shuddered as his dick exploded, ropes of cum shooting into Jacob's mouth which was open and ready to receive his nectar. As the last shot fired, he let out a deep breath. Jacob's mouth closed, throat working as he swallowed, suckling the tip of Jesse's rod for the last few drops.

Jesse pushed Jacob onto his back, three fingers sliding into the tight hole as he began hoovering the 7.5-inch rod of flesh, hot and firm in his mouth. He sucked for all he was worth, both eager to taste Jacob and feeling a sense of urgency to return to the party before anyone noticed that they'd been gone for awhile. Soon, the salty and sweet taste of Jacob's seed blasted into his mouth, the rigid cock pulsing in between his lips.

They pulled their clothes back on, stealing little kisses in between buttons and zippers.

"We really need to stop meeting like this."

"Meeting...or meating?"

"Ugh." Jacob laughed as Jesse shook his head.

What are you doing this weekend?" Jacob watched as Jesse frowned slightly.

I'm in New York this next couple of weeks - the show."

"Oh." The pair stood quietly, fastening the last buttons.

Jacob broke the silence. "You know..." He trailed off on purpose, watching for Jesse's reaction. "I didn't really get that good idea of the play. I was distracted."

"Distracted...or dick-stracted?" It was Jesse's turn to laugh as Jacob's nose wrinkled up at the bad pun.

"Both. Maybe I should...like, go see it again."

"This week?"

Jacob shrugged, trying to look nonchalant. "Yeah. The tv show already wrapped filming for the new season. Not doing press yet...so have like, some free time. If you're inter..." Jacob's words were cut off as Jesse moved in for a kiss, long and lingering, his fingertips playing in the locks of hair again - this time with tenderness instead of lust.

He broke the kiss but not the space between their bodies. "I'd like that. I'll save you a seat."

"I'll have to find a hotel..."

Jesse laughed again, loudly before catching himself and quieting down. "Yeah, right. You're staying with me."

"Oh really? Thanks!" He laughed again as Jesse rolled his eyes at Jacob's pretense of being surprised. Still laughing the pair made their way downstairs.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"You should probably be a little more careful if you don't want to get caught." Jesse and Jacob looked up as James Wolk took a sip of his drink, giving the pair a knowing glance.

"I was giving Jesse a tour of - "

"The house. I'm sure. For..." Jacob looked at his watch. "Fifteen minutes?" One eyebrow rose up as he grinned. "Look, I'm not judging. If anything, I'm jealous." His eyes went up and down the bodies of the two hunks that stood before him.

"Oh!" Jacob and Jesse said the word at the same time, both relieved...and curious.

"Jealous?" Jacob tilted his head, letting his eyes drift down to take in James' body through the shirt and shorts he was wearing. He looked over to Jesse to gauge a sense of what the other man was thinking.

Jesse's blue eyes caught his, curious...and then sparkling with mischief.

"Well, that's not good."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

""So you'll take care of him whenever I'm in New York?"

"Hell yeah." James reached down and smacked Jacob's ass before squeezing it approvingly. "I'll take real good care of him. Keep him out of trouble."

Jacob moaned, resting on his hands and knees as the two studs drilled him from both ends. James had almost gotten off just watching him swallow down all of Jesse's massive meat. Now James was on the other end, pounding his ass while Jesse pushed his meat stick down Jacob's throat again and again.

James leaned down, his furry chest brushing Jacob's back as he continued sawing in and out, watching as the twink inhaled Jesse's cock. He looked up into the stud's eyes. "Do I get to play with that later too?"

Jesse grinned, imagining James on his back, legs in the air and taking his cock. "It's all yours." He patted Jacob's head, seeing those puppy dog hazel eyes look up as well. "And yours." His attention returned to their new buddy. "If I get to play with that too." He nodded towards the nice piece of meat that he'd noticed between James' legs.

"Hell yes. It's all yours." He reached around and patted Jacob's chest, mirroring Jesse's actions. "And yours too." He heard Jacob chuckle, the sound muffled by a mouthful of dick.

The End

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed the story, have feedback or want to share ideas, would love to hear from you. red.cheshire.writer@gmail.com

You can find all my stories at redcheshire.weebly.com

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