Takehiro the Shared Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 11, 2021


So, tok moved in with SIr Hans as his sub. tok had learned that every DOM top was different, and Sir Hans was no exception. Hans was very organized, almost brutally so. That organization carried over to his plans and rules for his sub. tok got a schedule every day: where Sir Hans expected him, what he expected him to do, and he also had a list of what the penalties were for not doing what he was ordered to do. Sir Hans had a very voracious sexual appetite. tok was used to sucking DOMS in the morning, after they woke up. Hans took his ass. Every morning. No foreplay, just Hans saying "on your back" or "on your stomach," before he shoved his piece into tok. Usually, there was either a blow job or another butt fucking session later in the day, mostly right before dinner. Hans thought that full nudity was "a bit classless" as he put it; however, he detested tok wearing shirts around the house, so unless there were company and tok was serving, his chest was always on view. Depending on Hans' mood, tok either got to wear tight jeans, or a very tight, very short, pair of black leather shorts. Both articles showed the cage that Hans kept on tok: after a week, he had gotten the key for tok's last cage, and got rid of it. tok remembered how he had smiled with relief when he was released: it had been a week. He also remembered how he then screamed from the back of ice Hans had put around his cock to shrink it. That's when he locked his own cage on tok. He added something that never went off tok's cock: the ball stretcher: the one that was automated so that, when Hans felt like it, he could send a shock to tok's junk. Then there was the bondage: Hans would be home when tok got home and every day, he'd be waiting: this was the only chance tok had to wear a shirt around the house. He'd get home from work, Hans would point to the play chair, and then he'd tie tok to it. If tok didn't suck in his gut and point out his nipples, the paddle came out, and Hans got to work on tok's gut. tok's legs had to be spread, and then Hans would tease his locked up dick before getting up, stepping behind tok and diving into his shirt, taking his nipples, and chewing on tok's ears, one at a time, whispering "what are you tok?" There was an expected answer "I'M A MANCUNT SIR" "Anything else?" "YES SIR. I'M YOUR SLAVE SIR. YOU OWN ME."

Hans was also much more social than any of his prior Masters. he and Hans went to clubs a lot: Hans kept tok's wrists tied behind him at the clubs, he frequently gagged him because, in Sir Hans' words "no one is interested in a slave's mouth except as a place for his cock," and he always put the band around tok's right arm: the one that had written onto the metal "Hans' bitch", and the leather collar. For some reason, the leather collar always got tok even more aroused than he was. And he was aroused a lot. Hans felt that two weeks was a good place to start for the cock cage, and he was planning on extending it. Eventually, he had it up to six weeks, and there's a story there we'll get to.

"How do you keep him in line?" was a question Hans got a lot when they went out. It was a fair question: tok was four inches taller than Hans was, and much more muscular: Hans had him scheduled for two workouts every day, with a trainer who was much more rigorous than the one tok had used before. tok could have crushed Hans without any trouble, but... this wasn't physical domination: Hans had gotten into tok's head, and while tok showed streaks of resistance every now and then, Sir Hans always got his way. tok knew his place: he was a sub, he was a slave. And of course, tok would smile to himself when he was alone: Hans had an amazing cock. He was sore every time Hans fucked him and he always wanted more.

Hans also had quite the imagination. It came out during the poker games which DID continue, but without Darren. When someone else hosted, Hans would bring tok with him, and put him into what they call the "slave mosh": all the slaves would be in the same large room. They could read, watch tv, play video games, etc, until one of the Masters took a break. Then, he'd go into the room and let whichever of the slaves he wanted that they were going private. tok learned that there were SOME members of the poker gang that were REALLY interested in him. One guy named Stefan told him that he was going to offer to buy tok from Hans. tok didn't know whether he did and Hans declined, or if it never happened. There were other guys who were just more interested in smaller, less muscular guys. At first, when his Master Hans came into the room, tok was supercharged, ready to serve however Sir Hans wanted. Sir Hans' philosophy about these games, though, was that it was like going out to eat: why order what you could get at home? He'd always pick someone different. Everyone knew when Hans' break involved tickling because, as tok could have told them, Sir Hans was a ruthless and superb tickler. He also knew more ways to tie a knot than anyone else tok knew. tok had studied so much math that he could figure out what the knot was, and how to loosen it while the DOM was tying him up. That was NOT the case with Master Hans. tok had tried: very conscientiously - to figure out how to get out of Hans' ropes, and he never did. Struggling against them just made him hornier. It also gave tok an even stronger sense that SIr Hans owned him.

Hans' sense of imagination came out very strongly when it was HIS turn to host the poker games. He'd pick a theme, and get tok a costume. Once it was a police uniform, another it was a well known superhero, and so forth. See, Hans had a different approach to the poker games. He always called for "strip poker," except it was tok who stripped. At each hand, the winner would choose an article of clothing for tok to remove. When his clothes were completely removed, Hans would tie the naked tok to a chair: he didn't trust anyone else to do a good enough job. After that, each hand winner would be able to go to the "toy chest" of all of Hans' sex toys and use ONE of them on tok. There were clamps, vibrators, feathers, collars, etc. You name it, Hans had it , in at least three different sizes. Tonight's game featured a captured business executive, forced to serve the people who used to work for him. That meant tok hurried from work, where everything was business casual, to get into the tight white button down shirt, the silk tie, the custom made navy blue suit, the black silk socks and the lace up shoes that he'd be wearing ... until he wasn't.

"Champagne Sir?" tok kept his head bowed as he served drinks to the DOMS as they came in. Occasionally, he'd catch a quick glimpse of one of them checking him out. Hans' sharp eyes were watching: "SLAVE TOK. HEAD DOWN. SLAVES DON'T LOOK AT MASTERS." he yelled across the room, and tok blushed at being caught out. "Yes sir. Sorry Sir". Other slaves were there as well, but Hans had the game centering... on tok. It may have been the most successful game so far. First tok's jacket went. Then his tie. The DOM who won the next hand smiled. "No, don't take off your shirt yet. Just roll up those sleeves. Let me see those muscles. And open a couple buttons. Let me imagine what's down that shirt." Hans smiled . "EXCELLENT IDEA." It was fine until the next hand, when tok's shirt went. "Hmmm. Your boy is looking like he needs a shave, Hans" one of the other Doms said and Hans agreed. "Yes, this weekend. Next weekend for his bush, when the cage goes off, but for now...." One of the Doms got up. He stepped behind tok and took the liberty of dropping his fingers to tok's nipples. "These HAVE to be the most luscious nips in all of the city. " tok couldn't help it. He knew that this man was NOT his Master, but... his tits were a sensitive spot, and he began to moan. Hans smiled. "Shall we get back to the game?" In short order, tok was naked. The next step, before Hans tied him to the chair, was the butt plug. "Four inches should be fine." Hans handed it to the man who had won the hand. "Please enjoy yourself." He did. He twisted as he put the plug up tok's ass. Hans used the plug from time to time and tok knew what to expect. It didn't mean he liked it. He wore it as he sat in the chair and he felt the loops of Hans' ropes going around his wrists. He tried to follow the pattern in his mind, and failed. Then his ankles, spreading his legs wide. "Shall we continue gents? Let's see how far we get in the next hour." "Open your mouth." "Yes sir," as the first hand finished. Gavin, one of the newer members of the group, was using a penis gag on tok. He won the next hand too, and chose a pair of very nasty tit clamps. An "inverted" collar followed with another DOM. This was something Hans had delighted in finding: you've all seen spiked collars. This was a collar where the spikes were much smaller, and not as dangerous, but they still stimulated: and they were on the inside of the collar. The game went on. The final item that was used was the hitachi. Sir Benjamin, who REALLY wanted tok for his own slave, used the velcro straps and attached it to the space right underneath tok's balls. "Now, you want to see something really, REALLY fun, gents?" tok knew what was coming and he shook his head 'no', even thought it would do no good. "The ball spreader is charged. Let's see how long it takes before this big stud moans really, REALLY loud." Hans started sending charges through the cuff. There were 15 levels on it. When he used it on tok, without the hitachi, tok usually got to 10 or 11 before he begged for mercy. With the hitachi... he was moaning at 7. Hans got up, smiling. He took a handful of tok's hair, and pulled his head up. "You want me to stop?" tok shook his head yes. "You going to be a better sub? More obedient?" A more vigorous pump of the head. "I'm going to FUCK you tonight. You understand that?" Another yes." Hans smiled as he turned back to the players. "I think we may be done for the evening. Would anyone like pictures?" Anton, who worked where tok did, was one of the guys who took some. "Always good to be able to have a means to get a 'quick meeting' with the biggest stud at the firm."

When the card game was over, Hans stood in front of toq. toq could see that Sir Hans' bulge was HUGE. He had clearly enjoyed what his friends had done to toq. So had toq: he was particularly grateful that Sir Hans did NOT allow any other subs to "get a chance to be a DOM" the way Darren had. toq understood his role: if there were a DOM around and Sir Hans wasn't, he obeyed the DOM (unless he ordered something Sir Hans had prohibited). If Sir Hans were around, he looked to HIM for instruction. But he was NOT a sub to other subs. Yes, there were Masters who had more than one sub and referred to them as alphas, betas, etc. Sir Hans and toq had not had that discussion and they probably wouldn't. As far as toq knew, while Sir Hans had absolute privilege to bring home any other sub he wanted, he had never done so. The only sub he dominated was toq, and he was going to dominate him now.

"Can't suck me because you're gagged. Can't let me fuck you because you're plugged, huh slave boi?" Sir Hans put one of his long fingers under toq's chin and raised his head. It was one of the subtle ways he let toq know who was in charge. toq tried to answer, and it came out as a squeek. Sir Hans played with the clamps that were on his nipples. Sir had a way of manipulating them that drove toq wild, and he was doing it now. Even if he hadn't been caged for as long as he were, toq would have been dying for dick at this point. "Know what I'm gonna do, studbitch? I'm gonna take off that gag. Then, you're gonna get me good and wet because tonight, you better hope the plug got you juicy cause you're not getting any lube." toq nodded his head up and down. "Tomorrow, we'll consider taking the cage off during your shave. We have something else to 'discuss' too." toq smiled weakly behind the gag: whenever Sir Hans said they would "discuss" something, it meant he had decided to do it and toq was just being told. toq winced as the tape got ripped away, but he took a deep breath and said "thank you Sir. Please. May I have your cock." Sir Hans smiled and opened his zipper. For all of the play that night, no one had fucked toq's face or ass: that was forbidden by Sir Hans. As stimulated as he was, toq fell on Sir Hans' cock. He had sucked it enough to know what his Master liked, and his tongue moved around Sir Hans' cockhead, until he heard a moan come out of Sir. That meant it was time to start sliding up and down his shaft: getting him even harder for what would follow. During the blow job, the hitachi ran out of power and Sir Hans knocked it away. He pulled off the nipple clamps and toq howled as the blood rushed back to his tits. He howled even more when Sir Hans started twisting them. "Such perfect nipples. I oughtta find a way to make you wear clamps all day." "Yes sir," toq answered. He felt the ropes getting loosened around his wrists. He had made absolutely no progress on the intricate bonds that Sir Hans had provided. "Untie your ankles. Then get into the bedroom. "Yes sir. Right away Sir." toq wasn't permitted to pull a plug out of his own ass: that was a pleasure Sir Hans took to himself, so when he had finished untying his legs, toq went into the bedroom, placed his hands behind his back and pushed out his tits, and spread his legs. "What does my Master desire?" "I want you on your belly. Spread your legs. I want that humpy ass of yours. " "Yes sir." toq preferred to be taken face up, but his desires did not matter. In any event, he was getting dick: he'd be happy with that. He winced and moaned as Sir Hans twisted the plug a little before he pulled it out with a satisfying "pop." "You're getting much better at these, boy. We may go to six inches next time." toq gulped. In fact, the four incher was shorter than any cock he had taken, but it just didn't move. It was difficult. And now, six? Actually, right now, closer to nine as he felt Sir Hans still wet cock begin to penetrate him. "I should reach underneath and make those nips even more sore than they are, sweetstuff." toq felt Sir Hans' short beard brush against his ear. He shuddered. He LOVED that feeling, especially when a rod like Sir Hans' was in his ass. He began to moan in pleasure. Sir Hans grabbed his hair and pulled his head back. "I expect you to enjoy it, but not more than me, fucktoi." "YES SIR. SORRY SIR. AGGGGGGGGGGGG" toq felt Sir Hans' cock growing even bigger inside of him. It happened a lot: Sir told his friends that toq was such a good bottom, his dick always swelled when he was inside him. Now, toq moved just a bit because he knew that the change in position would make Sir Hans happy. It did. "FUCK YES" he yelled and pounded toq harder. Now, the style of the fucking changed. It got faster. And faster. "He's close to cumming. " toq thought. "Countdown." Again, he knew what his Master liked, and when the thrusts became "just the right speed," he started counting to himself "five four..." At zero, he'd tighten his glutes and that would cause Sir Hans to shove one last time and breed him. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK." As he climaxed, Sir Hans grabbed toq's hair again. He pulled toq's head back and got in even further. "OH SHIT I GOTTA WATCH GUYS PLAY WITH YOU MORE " toq grinned. It meant that Master was pleased with him. He had been thinking earlier that day: this was the longest he had ever been with any single Master since he had become a sub. toq had been surprised when Sir Hans proposed the bet that took him from Sir Darren: he knew Sir Hans had eyeballed him, and he had played with Toq occasionally, but he didn't have any idea this man wanted him enough to take him on as a sub. For their first year together, toq lived with a sense of dread: was he going back to Darren? Was he going to someone else? When that didn't happen, the nervous feeling began to ebb. Now it was five years. Sir Hans had never let anyone take his ass or mouth but him. He let toq have his own bank account, and allowed him to work out of home. toq didn't discuss these things with other subs, because he knew that most of them didn't have that much "freedom." toq's thoughts got thrown into disarray when Sir Hans whispered "roll over bottom, we got something to discuss." "Yes sir," toq answered, wondering what he had done wrong. Sir Hans lay next to him the way he often did. He leaned most of his body on toq's left arm, and used one of his hands to pin down toq's right wrist. His second hand went to the VERY sore nipple, and teased it. "You have any doubt who owns you toq?" "No Sir. That's you. " "Damn right it's me." toq was getting more aroused as Sir Hans played with his nip. He wanted to shoot: desperately. "Everyone sees that when you put on your band: "Hans' bitch." "Sir, it should say "SIR Hans' bitch." His Master laughed. "Always got to get in the smart remark." He dug a finger into toq's pit until he laughed. "You LIKE being in trouble." toq just smiled. "So, people see it when we're out and you have the band on. I have been thinking.... we'll get matching tattoos. You, one around your right arm, saying.. Hans bitch. EXCUSE ME. SIR Hans' bitch. And I'll get one on my left arm, saying 'Toq's DOM.' Sounds better than 'Toq's Top'." "DOM is better Sir. Can I express an opinion?" "Hmmmm. Sure. Express it." "I prefer DOM." Hans laughed. "You prefer COCK" "yes sir." "You're gonna get lots of it tomorrow. I think you got enough tonight. Roll over." "Yes sir. " Toq and Sir Hans slept in "spoon" position as they did now.

Next: Chapter 4

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