Takehiro the Shared Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 22, 2021


Twenty minutes after the visit to the tailor, Sir Roberto pulled into the parking lot of a shop that had a simple sign up: "Jewelry and Piercing." He got out, and then went to the passenger side. "Get out," he told tok. "Get your hands behind your back and make sure you make clear that you're a sub." "yes sir," tok answered. His cock was stirring but he was also nervous. He had no piercings. No DOM had ever wanted him pierced. That was about to change.

A man came out who could have been the larger version of Sir Roberto. "Massimo, you're looking well" Sir Roberto took Massimo in an embrace. "Ah, Bobbo, you're too kind. MUCH too kind." He pulled away gently and looked over tok. "OH, so YOU'RE his DOM now? " "I am. I had a small chat with Sir Hans and... here we are." Massimo looked at tok, who had his eyes down. "Are you grateful for Sir Roberto taking you from that mediocrity called Hans?" tok didn't know how to answer: he didn't even know if he COULD answer. "Look Sir Massimo in the eye and answer his question, tok." When he raised his head, tok realized that Massimo was taller than he was. He truly was "MASSIVE." "What I'd give for those triceps" he thought. Then his mind went to wondering whether Sir Roberto ever shared his subs. "Yes sir. Sir Roberto has made it clear that I'm his property."

Massimo laughed. "I see. You've got him on the way to accepting his place. He's an object to be owned. Traded. Sold. " He paused and smiled. "I assume you're having him pierced so that you can see him suffer?" "It's more complex than that Masso. Yes, he'll suffer, but he'll enjoy it. And I'll enjoy seeing him suffer too. It's hard: a true sub like tok enjoys being objectified. Dominated. You can't eliminate that enjoyment." "I take it you won't have his cock pierced, Bobbo?" "Ha ha. Yes, you are correct. The one who gets pierced gets the most enjoyment out of that. No, we will not be doing that Besides." He chuckled. "Getting a proper cage for a pierced cock is much more challenging than one that is not. " "All fair points, my friend. Shall we begin?" "Indeed. tok, take off your shirt." "Yes sir," tok answered and peeled it off. Massimo smiled. "My my my. I've never been to one of the games among you boys. Seems tradesmen aren't invited. But I've heard the rumors. They didn't do your boy justice. He IS.... stunning." Sir Roberto smiled but answered "he needs more work. MUCH more work. We begin that shortly. For now though." He stepped behind tok and yanked his arms behind his back. "Point out your chest. Sir Massimo has to take some measurements." Almost sandwiched between two large, muscular Italian DOMS, tok was finding it hard not to show his pleasure. When Massimo pulled out his pincers to take measurements on tok's right nipple, tok thought he felt a drop or two of pre-cum forming. "Massimo, I think you should come over outside of any poker games. I think tok would like to see more of you." tok blushed to his roots when he heard that. "You're not usually one to share your subs, Sir Roberto" "There is always a first time."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Massimo used a modified massage table. He had tok lie down and then he strapped him just across his pelvis, and up underneath his nipples "Like a captured detective about to be tortured. You'd love that scene wouldn't you tok?" tok forgot himself and murmured "yes sir." "Well, I will have to see if Sir Roberto and I can do something about that. I would enjoy it as well, and I'm sure he would." Sir Roberto was off at the men's room. He came into the "laboratory," and smiled. "AH. I believe I've seen this scene in a Flash Gordon episode. Shall we begin." He pulled up a seat next to tok. "Hold my hand, tok. You'll probably want some support when the incision happens. " "Yes sir. Thank you Sir." Sir Roberto's hand was firm, and warm. tok closed his eyes as the piercing clamp came down on his nipple. He kept as still as he could. "EXCELLENT. It's a very clean cut. Let me just wipe off the blood." tok couldn't look. Blood made him sick. He looked at Sir Roberto and said "thank you Sir." Sir Roberto just smiled. tok winced as Massimo wiped off his nipple. Then he handed Sir Roberto the gold ring. "The DOM should always insert it. And I know you have experience." Sir Roberto smiled. "Pierre hated his, c'est la vie." He leaned in and closed the ring on tok's nipple. "That, boy, is another way of people knowing you belong to another man. " "Bobbo? An ear piercing?" tok saw Sir Roberto think and then shake his head no. "Not at this time. I think they tend to feminize subs, and the last thing I want for tok is feminization. EMASCULATION is not feminization." He smiled. "Remember that tok, when you are caged, and have the spreader. "Yes sir. I understand." For tok, if he had ever been asked to "be femme," it would mean the end of a relationship with the DOM. He was submissive: completely, but he was a "butch" sub. Sir Roberto seemed to understand that. So did his prior DOM. The earlier ones did, but seemed to get bored having a sub who was butcher than they were. Internally, he smiled: he didn't think that was going to be a problem with Sir Roberto. "Thinking deep thoughts, tok?" tok felt Sir Roberto put his hand on his bicep. tok realized that while he was dressed and walking back to Sir Robeto's car, he hadn't put his hands behind his back. "Just thinking Sir. Sorry. I won't let that happen again." Sir Roberto laughed. "You're not going to stop thinking are you?" "No Sir. That's not what I meant. I meant I won't forget my place. " Sir Roberto squeezed his bicep. "I was waiting to see if you'd pick up what you had done. Rest assured, tok, should you forget your place, I will remind you. In no uncertain terms." For the second time, tok felt his cock get a little stiffer. He wondered what Sir Roberto had in store when they got home. Sir Massimo had been clear: no tit play for three days, more if there were still blood showing. tok already knew that Sir Roberto knew many different ways to dominate him, and of course, that cock... that MONSTER cock. Still, what would he choose?

Shortly after the ride home, tok found out. Sir Roberto hadn't taken him into the basement before that night. Now, tok was in a sling, his wrists and ankles secured, with his legs wide apart. Sir Roberto didn't seem like the type that fisted: his cock was wider than most fists. "Should I gag you, or should I fuck your mouth, bottom stud? " Sir Roberto was smiling. He had switched to full leather. "I think a gag. I can always use your mouth... later." He picked up a penis gag and walked up to tok. "Open your mouth. I know you're experienced at cocksucking, so I picked the biggest one I have. " It was long too. tok needed to adjust to take it in, as Sir Roberto secured it behind his head.

"Tonight, you'll start wearing these..." Sir Roberto showed tok a cock cage, and a ball spreader. "But before I put them on, I thought you deserved a small reward ." He took tok's balls and squeezed them until a moan came out of tok's gag. He didn't let go. "Massimo is VERY discriminating. He doesn't let most men turn his head, but you did. He is MORE than interested in playing with you." Sir Roberto smiled. "And I'm going to let him... with me there of course." He laughed as he saw tok's dick surge. "Ha ha. I guess that would have been reward enough, but.... I know you're not used to a cock like mine, so... we're going to use one tonight more like what you're used to. Except a little bigger." Sir picked up an 11 inch dildo. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!" came out of tok's mouth as his eyes got big. Had he ever taken something that big? Not close. "And to help: a little stimulation. I can't play with your nipple, so.... a vibrator will be fun. Right on these beautiful balls. Trust me, studmuffin, it will open you up for my big boy here." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmph." Sir Roberto had turned the vibrator on, underneath tok's balls, at a low speed. tok went rigid. Then, Sir began to slowly insert the dildo. He stopped at about 4 inches, to turn the vibrator up a little higher. tok began to squirt pre-cum. "AH. Nothing's too good for my manbitch. I can't wait until I get to play with that nipple again. And now I can lead you around, just like a collar." He slid two more inches into tok, who began to sweat. He saw how much more was destined for his ass, and he was getting nervous. "Are you wondering if you have to take it all? Yes, you do, tok. Every bit of it. And you will. However long it takes. " "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!" Sir Roberto turned up the vibrator again, and began moving it across tok's balls, and up the back of his dick. Two more inches went in. "I guess you're used to taking 8, bottom boy? Well... time for the big leagues. " Sir Roberto moved the vibrator to the tip of his sub's penis, and that set tok off. He tried to scream, but it came out as a long, high whimper as waves of jizz poured out. tok was so focused on cumming, he didn't realize that the other three inches had gone in: not until Sir Roberto began twisting the dildo. "We're gonna make three complete circles. Then, we're gonna clean you up, and lock you up. Better remember that orgasm, sweetcakes. You won't be having another one in a while." He turned the dildo slowly. tok didn't think he could take it, but he did. Three full turns. That's when Sir Roberto took off the gag and dropped his pants. "See how much you can catch, tok." "YES SIR. YES YES YES . PLEASE." Sir Roberto started jerking right over tok's face. He took his time, and tok began to swirl his tongue around in the air, begging for.... something. When the jizz came - thick and white - he swallowed as much as he could. "Such a waste. So much of it wound up on your face." "Sorry Sir. I'll do better next time." "You'll have to." He began opening the sling restraints. "Get up. There's a small bathroom over there. Clean up. Make it fast." "Yes sir." As tok motored to the bathroom, he saw a dorman fireplace and a branding iron at the side. "He's old school, that's for sure," tok thought. When he had begun his journey as a sub, he had met two subs who had been branded, but that was a while ago. He didn't think anyone else did it anymore. Dare he ask Sir Roberto?"

Certainly not tonight. He cleaned up and came back. He stood in front of Sir Roberto, hands clasped behind his head. "I thought about making you lock them on yourself, but I'd rather let you know again who's boss." tok felt the chastity cage go around his dick. He had worn one before, but this one was... tighter. Then he felt the ball spreader. "Every week, we'll have a little game where I'll put a weight on the spreader. Not only are you going to have a buff body, I'm gonna make sure you have a dick of steel. Even if you never use it." Sir Roberto thought that was very funny. tok thought it was too.

As he fell asleep, tok began to think about this new Master, and his new life. He knew that, as a sub and a slave, he shouldn't be enjoying it. But he was. He had never had a Master like Sir Roberto. As he drifted further into sleep, he began to dream about Sir Roberto wrestling him and pinning him down. The cage woke him up because he had a huge hard on from that. "GO TO SLEEP TOK. You go to work tomorrow." "yes sir."

Next: Chapter 6

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