Takehiro the Shared Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 11, 2022


Tok had been caught doing something he wasn't supposed to. He took a risk and now... now he was lying hogtied on his side on the palette that served as his bed. Naked, hogtied, with a HUGE penis gag in his mouth. Master Jase was a much bigger fan of gags than Sir Roberto had been: "if a sub's not deep throating, he should be gagged" was what he told tok, the first time he shoved a gag in tok's mouth. tok's dick was stiff and pointing from his crotch. It was that hard dick that had gotten him in trouble. He could hear Master Jase walking toward the room, and he made some inarticulate sounds. He had been with Master Jase for less than two months, and he was about to receive major punishment for the second time. The first time had left welts on his back that still ached. He knew that the punishment this time was going to be different. What had happened? Usually, tok was the last guy Master Jase trained. Master would use the sauna while tok showered (tok was NOT allowed to use the sauna: "too much distraction for a sub" was Master Jase's decision), and then tok would wait for Master Jase to finish up his shower. While he waited, tok had to collect Master Jase's gym wear for the day (he changed three times because he sweated so much during his sessions and his workout), get it sorted for the laundry he'd do that weekend, and then go over the list that Master had prepared for what tok needed to do that night. Sometimes, it was boot cleaning, sometimes, it was cleaning the kitchen, sometimes it was both. There were always instructions for what form of sex Master Jase wanted that night: sometimes it was as simple as a blow job, and other times, there would be a prisoner of war scenario, or a spy being tortured - whatever came in his mind. tok hadn't been given the list that day, so he didn't know what to expect. He certainly didn't expect Master Jase to tell him that while it sucked, two clients were coming in after tok was done, so he was going to be late. tok looked eagerly at the sauna and Master Jase laughed. "Not happening, boy. You're going home and getting started on the list. HEY." He looked tok over. "Do I see hair growing back on your pubes?" tok looked down. He had forgotten to tell Master Jase. "Yes sir. Not a lot but some." "There needs to be none. I'll take care of that tonight. Get the dirty clothes that are ready together, and shower at home. Make sure you pay attention to what's at the end of the list." "yes sir. I understand." There WAS a scene at the end of the list: "rich guy kidnapped, and fucked while waiting for ransom." THAT was when it started. tok popped a boner. While Master Jase didn't have him wear a chastity cage, cumming without permission was forbidden. PERIOD. Again, Master Jase had been firm in his instruction: "subs don't even DESERVE to have orgasms. When they do, it's because their Master wants to be entertained." To a large extent, tok agreed with this: the ONE time Master Jase had let him jerk off, Master had watched him from the first stroke and when tok was done, Master Jase had smiled, and even cuddled him, calling him his big Asian puppy, before he ejaculated INSIDE of tok. But tok had only cum once in the month together. And now... the idea of that scene. When he got home, he looked at what else was on the list: there was enough to keep him busy for a while, and tok got to work: he knew that Master was a stickler for cleanliness, especially for tok, and if he showered, then cleaned and got dirty, there would be trouble. As he cleaned out the refrigerator, then polished Master Jase's boots, soiled from their night out at a leather club the week before, and then began picking out the clothes for the roleplay, tok just got more and more aroused. Showering, he lathered up his pubes and.. when he washed, he realized: he NEEDED to cum. Desperately. If he didn't, he'd shoot in the middle of the scene and... well, that was another of Master Jase's rules: subs didn't cum during sex. tok managed to abstain during his shower. That was his big mistake because, when he began drying himself off with one of the rough towels Master Jase had (all of his towels were from the gym), the texture pushed him too far over the edge. Master Jase wasn't around and... he could get everything cleaned up and then tell Master that he had been working on his control so... "OH SHIT" tok was in the middle of shooting into the toilet when he heard the door slam. "TOK. WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU? YOU'RE NOT STILL IN THE SHOWER ARE YOU?" Master Jase literally caught him red handed. "WHAT THE FUCK? DIDN'T I SPECIFICALLY TELL YOU NO JERKING OFF?" "yes sir," tok tried to look away. Master Jase was not having it. "LOOK ME IN THE EYE, FUCKHEAD." tok sighed, and took the submissive position. He knew Master Jase was mad. He had a tattoo on his chest: a dragon. When he was angry, the muscle under one of the dragon's wings quivered, and it made the dragon look like it was getting ready to fly. That's what was happening. "You know tok.... I wanna know. How often have you jerked off without my permission?" tok's voice was almost a whisper. "This was the first time, Sir." He could see Master Jase's hands forming fists. He knew his Master had a temper but... he wouldn't hurt him would he? "YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE THAT YOU FUCKING CUNT?" "it's the truth Sir" tok whispered even lower. "HO HO. Now you're being insolent. Well, we're gonna have to fix this. I didn't WANT to do this. I thought that cages were only necessary for boys and I had a man sub , but... GET TO YOUR ROOM. GET ON THE PALETTE FACE DOWN." "yes sir," tok lowered his head and went to the small bedroom. Master Jase followed with the wrist to ankle restraints. It didn't take them long to lock his sub into them. "OPEN YOUR LYING MOUTH FUCK" The penis gag went in next. Master Jase looked at his handwork and tok could tell: he was hard. REALLY hard. "I have to go and get something. I'll be back. " Before he left, he rolled tok on his side. He was gone for longer than tok thought he would be, and the position was not comfortable. tok tried to think of something that would make him forget his discomfort, and he thought about the best fucks he had ever had. One of them was with Master Jase: it had been the night they had gone to the leather bar. Master Jase had dressed tok in a tight black t shirt and VERY short cut-off denims. He had on one of his collars, and the arm band. The shorts were so tight that his ball stretcher pushed up against them: no thong or underwear or anything else that night. Master Jase made him keep his hands behind his back all the while. So many of Master Jase's friends wanted to "inspect" his new boy, that tok lost count of how many nip squeezes he had gotten, and how many ass gropes. "Special friends" even got to feel how, as Master Jase put it "if I'm not careful, he's gonna go top on me," by crushing tok's balls. Both of them were really aroused and really hard when they got home. Master Jase was so hard that he couldn't even wait for tok to roll on his belly: the way he preferred to fuck him. He just grabbed tok's legs, spread them, and did the ass equivalent of a deep throat. After he was in, he kept his cock still while he told tok what a hot, studly piece of submissive ass he was, and how his Master was gonna turn him into an even better sub "just in case I decide to swap you for someone else." Master Jase would smile, and pull his cock out just a little bit, before shoving it back in. The fucking went on for nearly 45 minutes and tok was moaning, begging for Master Jase to fill him. Finally, with one PUSH, the rush of Master Jase's orgasm filled tok's ass. GOD. It had been WONDERFUL. tok was sore the next morning when he was doing the laundry and had to bend to use the dryer, or to pick things up, but every time he felt a pain, he smiled. He liked this Master. He wanted to please him.

And now... "OPEN YOUR EYES FUCKTOI" Master Jase was there in front of him. "Now, we're gonna have some fun. You just came didn't you?" "mmmmph." tok shook his head. He was scared. "Well, you're gonna have to do it again. Right now. And I'm just gonna keep on edging you until you do. Maybe these will help." He pulled out a pair of nipple clamps. tok knew the type. They were small and nasty. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" he screamed as they went on his tits. Then, Master Jase held the chain taut with one hand, while he began stroking tok's dick with the other. "tick/tock/tok's cock. tick/tock/tok's cock" Master Jase was teasing. He reached under tok's balls, and ran his thumb around tok's asshole. The stimulation began to get to tok, and even though it hurt, his cock began to grow. "THERE we go. Like raising a penis plant. You've got a little flower and I've... got a fucking redwood woodie." Master Jase was naked and his dick was fully engorged. tok wished the gag weren't in his mouth so he could beg to suck it, although he knew, he wouldn't get that satisfaction tonight. Bit by bit, his dick began to come back to life and he began to moan. How long had Master Jase been playing him, an hour? More. Soon... it was getting to the point where it would be impossible for tok to hold back an orgasm. Then Master Jase stopped. Instead, he pulled off the nipple clamps and squeezed tok's nipples. "You gonna do something that stupid again, pretty boy?" tok, truly repentant, shook his head. "No, you're not. Because now I realize: for all his crazy ideas, Sir Roberto had a good one when he locked you up. When we get finished... heh heh. Back in the cage. tok whimpered. He tried to prevent himself from shaking his head no, begging "plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" but he couldn't, and he got a smack across his balls for it. "You're fucking lucky I don't chain your balls to the floor, fucking cocksucker. " Master Jase went back to stroking. tok moaned for a while more, and then he got very very quiet. As he got harder, Master Jase provided less friction. It was frustrating. tok was trying and trying and.. he was getting no help. He closed his eyes and thought back to that night after the leather bar again. He didn't know why his mind went there, but he remembered someone talking about a brothel. The guy worked there. He talked about having sex with five or six guys a night. "God that sounds hot," tok had thought, and he thought about it now. He didn't know if he could take six Master Jases in a night, or six Sir Roberto's but... a challenge. Different guys every night. It was like work some days. "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGG" what came out was small in volume, but tok's penile nerves were firing big time. Master Jase smiled. "THERE WE GO. Now, a few more things to do. First..." He got a cloth and cleaned up tok's pubes. "And of course, let's kill two birds with one stone." He had his straight edge, and the gel he used on tok's pubes. It didn't take long: the hairs weren't that long. And then, he pulled out the cage: it was similar to the one Sir Roberto used. "If I could trust you, this wouldn't be necessary, but it clearly is. " "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" tok was trying to beg Master Jase not to do it, but... CLICK. Locked on. "GOOD. Now roll over onto your belly, BITCH. " tok was glad that the clamps were gone. He wasn't lying on them. Master Jase released enough of the restraints so that he could push tok's legs apart. tok hoped for a slam fuck the way he got the night after the leather bar. He didn't get it. Instead, Master Jase moved in slowly, a little at a time. And he stopped each time, to move his cock around and to reach underneath his bitch, to play with nipples, or to lean over and whisper something like "worthless CUNT" into tok's ear before he chewed it. When his whole cock was in, tok moaned. He was exhausted. He was beaten, ashamed, embarrassed. And he couldn't get the thought of the brothel out of his head. He did think, however, that he would never be able to take more than one fuck like he was getting in a night. None of that worried Master Jase. He was glad he caught tok the way he had. He had been thinking about whether or not a cock cage was a good idea, and tok had given him the excuse to use one. "FUCKING HOT ASS on a well used bitch. " "Well used" pissed off tok, so he squeezed his glutes. He was gonna bring off Master Jase as fast as he could. What other punishment could he dole out that night? He tried something new: tok rubbed his cheeks back and forth when he tightened the glutes and then.. he could feel Master Jase filling him, and the jizz dripping down his legs. tok LOVED bringing men off. He used to joke that if there were an Olympics, he'd be a medal contender. Whether he would or not, he brought off Master Jase that night. When Master was done, he undid the gag. Before he could speak, tok gasped out "Thank you Sir." Master Jase grabbed tok's thick hair. "You get your chores done?" "Yes sir . All of them." "ALL of them? " "ALL of them Sir." "Well good. I think we can have some dinner then." "SHIT. tok had forgotten to get things warmed up. "We'll add that to weekend punishment, bitch. For now, I'll go and get the food prepared. You clean up. AGAIN. Admire your new jewelry."

Master Jase did NOT invite tok to his bed that night. He chained tok's ankle and looked at the man, whom he had kneeling on the floor. "You learn your lesson, tok?" "yes sir. I'm sorry Sir." A smile flitted across Master Jase's face. THIS conquest was a real prize. tok had a reputation for being someone who could conceal whether he was broken or not. Jase wasn't sure, but he thought he was on the way to breaking him. "Tomorrow I want us at the gym early. Make sure you're up and ready. Chores too. Maybe we'll be visiting with some friends tomorrow, I don't know. " "yes sir." Master Jase couldn't know that tok was fantasizing about being a call boy in a brothel: he wondered how well he would do. The fantasy sustained him through a particularly difficult work out that Master Jase had developed for Saturday morning, followed by the housework, which he had to do buck naked. He had gotten used to it, but when tok saw the cage on his dick, he couldn't help but think back to his former Sirs and Masters, who had used them. Master Jase, he thought, wouldn't. Maybe he could persuade him to take it off? He had to figure that out. "tok. I just got news. We WILL have company tonight. My bud Ryan is coming over. He has... Master snickered "a 'date'. eric is his favorite whore. You may have met him. They were at the leather club the night we went." "I think I do, Sir. If I can ask, does your friend prefer Sir or Master." Master Jase smiled. It was a fair question. "Tell ya what? You guess. If you're wrong, he gets to squeeze your balls." Master was laughing and tok accepted his fate. "Yes sir. Does he have a preferred beverage?" "Ha ha. He sure does. Beer. And he drinks a fair amount of it. Then eric wears it. You're gonna be so glad I'm not into that." tok thought about it. No, he did NOT want anyone to piss on him. Now, if he were in a pit and people were jerking off on him, that was different, but urine? No, not his thing. As he learned from eric that night, eric didn't like it either. But he was paid for his "company." That meant he accepted it. At the end of that night (which you'll read more about next time around), tok had second thoughts about his brothel fantasy.

Next: Chapter 10

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