Taken by the Moors

By Deinour

Published on Aug 14, 2024


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(I'd like to acknowledge the kind help of a reader in both editing and giving useful suggestions for this story! Much appreciated!)

The slave hold of the corsair galley was a hot, stinking nightmare. The twenty or so naked Irish lads had been dragged up the gangplank, some roaring in protest, some tearful, some stoically accepting of their fate, but all hurried along by the flails of their captors. They were shoved into the cargo hold, the chains remaining around their hands and feet, but otherwise free.

Not that there was much room for anything. They stood, or squatted together, bare arse to arse. Some quickly abandoned all previous inhibitions and began to jack themselves off or even to find comfort in each others' proffered arses. Tadgh manoeuvred himself up to Seamus. He had to, even in this hellish situation, satisfy his unnerving desire to investigate that alluring strawberry blonde treasure trail and the tight butt and ripping man tackle it surrounded.

"Hey, Seamus. It's me, Tadgh. Are you hurt, man?" whispered Tadgh as he pressed himself up against his fellow captive. Both their dongs were achingly hard. Both knew that consummation and relief were there for the taking.

"Yeah, Tadgh boy. I'm not bad. Took a bloody whipping off these heathens on the march, but I'm good. You and me should stick together if we can. You know what's gonna happen don't you?"

"What ?" Tadgh hadn't really thought that far ahead.

"These devils are bringing us to their lands. It's far south, near the deserts. They aren't allowed enslave their own kind. They come north to take us white Christians instead. They bring us back to their kingdom. We are used like beasts of burden by the Arabs and Africans. Sometimes they use our arses when they tire of their women"

Seamus made the threat of sodomy sound ever so slightly desirable. Something quivered in his voice. A tone hinting in it's sultriness of a desire for intimacy. Tadgh picked up on it. He knew that Seamus had not been averse to granting favours to several men of their village on occasion. One of Tadgh's hands movex5d uncontrollably to cup Seamus's pert arse-cheek while with the other he explored the crack with it's enthralling lining of reddish hair. Seamus breathed harder as Tadgh's finger located his rosebud pucker. The other hand pulled aside the butt cheek.

"You mean, like this?" Tadgh pressed his meat up into Seamus's crack, drilling into the lad's pucker. It was tight, warm and moist. The built up tension of the general situation in this corner of the slave hold suddenly exploded. Nothing more was necessary. They could talk again like friends once this sweaty business was done.

"Awhh!!" moaned Seamus "thats it boy! C'mon Tadgh lad, give it to me"

Seamus pushed his arse back to receive Tadgh's frantic thrusts. Their perspiration soaked skin slapped and squelched, groin to cheek, as Tadgh hammered his gaelic warrior home into Seamus's tight boyhole. Most of those standing around them paid no attention, busy as some were in their own despair or carnal relief.

Glancing to his side in between his frantic pounding, Tadgh saw young Colm, a thin pale but very pretty boy of 18 who was a neighbour's son back home, standing working away on his own boyo as he watched the pair of older lads giving it to each other. Behind him, Brendan, a big tough farmer of 38 was similarly beating his meat while desperately fondling young Colm's arse, (though Colm was more interested in watching the lads) Brendan's huge, raging red schlong slapped against Colm's white cheeks. All of a sudden, Brendan gripped the boy, pulling him back onto his cock. Colm briefly squealed, but did not further resist, continuing to jack himself while gazing at Tadgh and Seamus energetically rocking back and forth. They all seemed to be approaching the exquisite moment together. Their moans and grunts filled the air. When ...

Upon an instant, the hatch of the slave hold was thrown open and a huge, dark skinned Moorish pirate clattered down the stairs and grabbed Brendan.

"Nawhhhh!!" roared Brendan as the hunky farmer was gripped and dragged by the pirate around the shoulders. He was still desperately wanking. "please!! No!!" he pleaded, but to no avail. Colm too was still jacking himself but also wailed, terror in his eyes.

"What are you doing with me?!!" screamed Brendan as the moor yanked him backwards, gripping hold of the chain around Brendan's hands and denying him access to his own aching manhood. They all watched as the pirate dragged the screeching farmer up the stairs onto deck, but even so did not stop their ferocious efforts towards gratification.

"Awwhhhh!!" Tadgh, Seamus and Colm all came together in blissful harmony, moaning over Brendan's shrieks as he was pulled up, still unsatisfied, and driven with cracks of the cruel pirate's flail across his fine, muscular Irish arse to the side of the ship.

"What??!! No...no, please....nooo!!!" he roared, as he was unceremoniously cast overboard into the sea, still shackled, still hard

That was the last of Brendan.

Why had they done this? Why cast valuable property into the sea? The Irishmen below in the slave pen were horrified and bewildered at this. They would eventually learn that the more youthful of them were the prize goods and since Brendan was already approaching middle age, his value had significantly decreased. It was to be a long voyage and to keep the expensive goods in top condition, a few less valuable pieces were to be sacrificed.

Such was the fate of many a white European slave past their prime selling age on these treacherous voyages.

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