Taking a Stand

Published on Dec 15, 2022


Taking a Stand Chapter 10

Taking a Stand

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find this material offensive, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I keep all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2018 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at MaWriterBoy@yahoo.com.

This is a sequel to my original story on Nifty.org, Jeffery Comes Home. I have tried to make this a standalone story. I look forward to hearing from you.


Ryan pulled Remington in for a hug. He had one last thing to say when the hug ended. "I thought you were an asshole when I first met you. Now, I think I'm beginning to actually like you."

"I'll try not to pull my asshole routine," Remington added.

I hugged Remington. "Life will get better, Remington. Trust me. Shit happened to me, but I found my dads. Shit happened to you, but you're getting another chance."

"I won't forget this, Trevor," Remington replied. "Take good care of him, Ryan."

"I will, Remington," Ryan said as he put his hand in mine. "I will."

Remington headed to the bus stop, and Ryan and I began our walk home.

"He's a nice guy, Tre," Ryan said as he squeezed my hand. "Do you regret dropping him as your boyfriend?"

I stopped dead in my tracks and stood looked into Ryan's eyes.

"Ryan," I began. "No, I don't regret dropping Remington as my boyfriend. You're my boyfriend now, Ryan. I will never look back and say, `what if'. I love you, and my feelings for you will never waiver. Never. Understand?"

Ryan smiled and leaned in to kiss me. "I understand, Tre. And just for the record. I'll always love you, too."

"Good," I said as we resumed our walk to the dorm.

"Tre," Ryan added after a moment of silence. "Will you stay the night with me?"

"What about Rupert?" I asked.

"I'm not planning on plowing your ass tonight, Tre," Ryan said with a huge grin. "I just want to be close to you."

"Okay," I replied. "I'd like to be close to you, too."

Chapter 10: Returning to the Fold

Ryan and I strode into the lobby of the gym and saw Remington sitting on a bench.

"Remington!" Ryan called out. Remington started towards us. "How was your weekend?"

"I discovered I could do other things than to worry about being homeless or getting kicked out of school," Remington replied. "Thank you for what you did... whatever you did."

"It's what friends are for, Remington," I added.

I saw Grayson and Wyatt walk through the door of the gym lobby. They had another guy with them. He was a seriously good-looking guy with a body and a tan to put even Ryan to shame.

"Hey, guys," a smiling Wyatt said as the joined the three of us. "We invited a friend we recently met to workout with us. This is Francisco Santiago. Francisco, these three are Ryan, Remington, and Trevor. They serve as the leaders of our gang of thieves."

"It's nice to meet you Francisco," I said as we shook hands. "Welcome to our group."

Ryan and Francisco also exchanged glances. Remington stood staring at Francisco with his mouth slightly ajar.

"Remington," I said as I put my hand on Remington's shoulder.

"Oh! Sorry! I just zoned out for a moment," Remington said. "It's nice to meet you Francisco."

Their handshake lasted a little longer than ours.

"Francisco is a physics major," Grayson added. "We ran into him by accident. Literally. Fortunately, we had no casualties."

Jefferson, Henry, Rupert, Robbie, and Makato joined us. We changed and headed to the workout room to do our thing.

"Remington certainly has an eye on Francisco," Ryan whispered to me.

"I believe it is a mutual adoration," I added before I started working on the bench press.

Our workout continued without glitches. Afterward, as was our tradition, we settled into the pasta place to enjoy our lunch.

"Where are you from, Francisco? Local?" Robbie asked.

"Chicago," Francisco replied. "My mother and father were from San Juan. They went to medical school at Northwestern and never went back."

"Do you have siblings?" Makato asked.

"Two older brothers," Francisco replied. "Two and four years older than me."

"You look familiar, Francisco," Ryan added. "My family lives in Lakeview. Hawthorn."

"My family lives just over the Chicago line in Evanston," Francisco added. "My parents wanted me to go to Northwestern, but I couldn't bear to be as close as I would be if I did. So, here I am. What about you, Remington?"

All eyes turned to Remington.

"I... uhm... I used to live in the Upper East Side in New York," Remington said with deliberation. "But after the feds arrested my mother and father a few months ago for, among other things, money laundering and bilking innocent people out of billions, the feds charged them with a host of indiscretions, as my mother now refers to it. The feds also swooped up all my parents' assets, including my car and condo. So, here I am. Just another broke college student."

"I'm sorry, Remington," Francisco added. "I didn't mean to pry. It must be hard to talk about your parents."

"At first, I wanted to hide under a rock," Remington explained. "Then, I met two friends I knew before the crash and burn. They helped me understand this might not be the end of life but rather the beginning."

"Every day of life is a new beginning, Remington," Jefferson said. "Didn't your mama teach you nothing?"

"No," Remington said with a straight face. "She was too busy laundering money."

"I hope you missed those lessons," Jefferson added with a smile lighting up his face. "You wouldn't look good in orange."

"Have you, Jefferson and Henry, ever thought of doing standup comedy?" Makato asked.

"The thought had crossed our minds," Henry began. "But we don't want the success of being rich, powerful, and well-known comics to get in the way of pursuing our academic goals. On the other hand, we've thought about the lives we could touch. Just look at what's going on now in DC. The politicians sound like comics, and the comics sound like politicians. One of us could be President someday. The other could be first lady."

"I believe it's time to head to class," I announced. "We don't want to be knee deep in the shit coming out of Henry's mouth."


"I wouldn't be surprised if Francisco and Remington hit it off," I announced as Ryan and I walked back to his dorm.

"They flirted with each other, for certain!" Ryan replied as he took my hand.

We didn't speak for a few moments.

"Ryan," I began. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure," Ryan replied. "You know you can ask me anything you want."

"Do you ever feel as though you're missing something by jumping into a relationship with me?" I asked. "You haven't experienced any other relationship with a guy. Not even a casual one. Do you think you'll look back one day and say to yourself, `What did I miss?'"

Ryan stopped walking. He stood in front of me and he held both my hands in his.

"No, Trevor," Ryan began. "I don't think I'm missing something, and, no, I won't look back and ask, `What did I miss?' Don't forget, Trev, we went into this relationship as sex-only boyfriends. Now, we are serious about each other as in love boyfriends. Understand, Trev. I want to spend my life with you."

"You've pretty well cleared the air about how you feel," I replied with a smile and a bear hug.

"What brought this on, by the way?" Ryan asked.

"I don't want to feel guilty about taking you out of circulation," I replied. "I'm a very jealous person. I don't share well."

"Trevor!" a voice from behind us yelled out.

I turned to see Christina quickly closing in on us. Tina's hair turned from red, green, and purple to pink, purple, and some form of orange.

"Hello, Christina," I said as she finally stopped in front of us. "I haven't seen you in a while. Where have you been?"

"Sometimes I have no idea," Christina replied. "This whole semester seems to have slipped by without me noticing. Who's this gorgeous creature?"

"Christina, this is my boyfriend Ryan," I said. "Ryan, this is my friend Christina."

"How do you do!" Christina cooed to Ryan. She proceeded to feel Ryan's bicep. "Workout much?"

"Trevor and I work out every Tuesday and Thursday morning with some friends of ours," Ryan explained. "I'm on the wrestling team, so I workout with the team Monday, Wednesday, and Friday."

"Do you and Trevor wrestle?" Christina asked.

"No, but it might be fun, right, Trev?" Ryan asked with a smile.

"I suspect I'd always be on the bottom of the pile," I replied. "But I've had terrific times on the bottom of the pile with you on top."

"We should have coffee sometime soon," Christina suggested. "I want to know all about stud muffin here."

"Tomorrow afternoon around 4?" I asked.

"Sure," Christina replied. "Bring pictures, Ryan. Maybe you have a photo of you in your wrestling garb."

"I'll see what I have," Ryan replied with a smile as Christina turned to leave.

"She seems taken with you, Ry," I said as we watched Christina disappear into the throngs of students.

"Is she always this forward?" Ryan asked.

"Yup," I replied. "Not a lot of filtering. Just openness and free flowing."


Ryan and I sauntered into Starbucks promptly at 4. Christina, to my surprise, had found a seat in a booth near the window. We joined her.

"Don't be too shocked, Trevor," Christina said. "I'm on time occasionally. I had to drop off my dry cleaning across the street."

"What's happening in your life, Christina?" I asked.

"Well, Trevor," Christina began her tail. "Life has become a blur. I met this really, really wonderful man. He's third generation Vietnamese-American. We've been dating pretty steadily since we met two months ago. He's a six-two Asian who looks like he's a linebacker for the NFL. Pure muscle. He's kind, generous, and loveable... His wife and I have become almost as close as Tim and me..."

"Hold it Christina," I interrupted. "He's married? And the three of you...?"

"Yup," Christina replied she smiled back. "Do I hear some `tragic flaw' vibes emanating from your otherwise perfect body, Trevor?"

"Nope," I replied. "You had this description of a wonderful guy, and you two seem to have become awfully close. And, then, you drop the wife into the conversation. I wasn't expecting this particular wrinkle."

"So, you're not judging me?" Christina asked.

"Nope," I replied. "This idea seems unique. If it works for the three of you, then go for it!"

"Ryan?" Christina asked.

"I agree with Trevor," Ryan replied. "Only you can decide what's right for you. No one else."

"Thank you for your support, guys," Christina said. "I only wish everyone would be so accepting as you two."

"Is someone giving you a tough time?" I asked.

"Not yet. I haven't told anyone else," Christina replied. "The tough time will come when I explain this to my parents. They are not the most liberal thinking people in the world. They were a long time ago, apparently, because they engaged in the revival of free love. This was before they married, had a kid, and found Jesus. I'm not expecting miracles."

"Is this something you think will happen soon, or do you think you might have an opportunity to slowly move them into your thought process?" Ryan asked.

"I had hoped for a gradual build up to the final climax," Christina added. "Excuse the pun. But my boyfriend and girlfriend asked me to move in with them. I need to explain to my parents why I'm moving. This won't be easy."

"I can see your problem," I finally said after I thought of my answer. "Can't you just say your moving in with a husband and wife team you met recently? It's not untrue."

"I have another issue to deal with as well," Christina continued. "Ben's family, as you know, are Vietnamese. Jenna is black. My parents have racist tendencies. Enough about me. Tell me about the two of you."

"I'll summarize, if I may," I began. "Rupert, he's my ex, and Ryan live together in the dorm."

"One day I walked in on Rupert banging Trevor," Ryan added. "I had been going through the `Am I straight or gay?' phase. I had decided I was gay when I walked in to see these two naked in bed and Rupert's dick still filled Trevor's ass. I know it sounds strange, but it's the way my mind works sometime."

"Are you okay with Trevor going into the ministry if he decides he wants to?" Christina asked.

"I'll support Trevor in anything he wants to do," Ryan replied.

"And I'll support Ryan in the same way," I added.

"When's the wedding?" Christina asked with a smile.

"You're moving a little fast, Christina," Ryan replied. "We haven't decided who's the top and who's the bottom."

"We haven't?" I asked. In my mind, we had settled it.

"I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds, Trevor," Ryan began. "I hope we'll share roles equally."

"Oh!" I added. "I guess we have settled it."

"You two are cute together," Christina said. "You make a good team."

"When will we meet the lucky couple?" I asked.

"They're meeting us in about ten minutes," Christina replied. "I hope you don't think I'm being pushy even though I am being pushy, but I asked them to join us."

"Terrific!" I replied. "Other than a love triangle, how's your life going?"

"Going well, thank you," Christina replied. "I'm flying through my classes, all the while thinking I must be missing something, and all hell will break loose once I figure out what I missed. I'm also trying to score a summer internship somewhere. I'm hoping for state government."

"My dad offered Ryan and me an internship as a research assistant for a project he and Congressman Monroe will work on during the next session. I'd be happy to mention you're looking for something," I explained. "Perhaps he knows someone who's also looking for an intern."

"Thanks, Trevor," Christina replied. "I'll take all the help I can get at this point."

"Hey, Christina," a deep male voice said from beside the table where we sat. I looked up and saw an incredibly handsome Asian man and an equally attractive African American woman. "Thanks for asking us to meet your friends. I'm Ben Taco and this is my wife Jena."

Both Ryan and I stood to greet our guests. "I'm Trevor Harris-LeBlanc and this is my boyfriend Ryan Dobson.

"Nice to meet you both," Ben paused for a moment. "Are you related to Congressman Harris-LeBlanc?"

"My Dad."

"Terrific!" Ben pulled a chair out from the table and offered it to Jena.

"Thank you, Ben," Jena said as she settled into the seat. "Your father has become one of our political heroes. He's a breath of fresh air in Congress. All of the smog seems to have stifled the entire country. I understand your father and the Congressman from Massachusetts have become pals."

"They have," I explained. "They have common goals and have worked toward one day achieving them. It's a slow process, though. It drives my dad batshit crazy. Once he knows what's wrong, he wants to fix it like yesterday."

"Your father seems to be a little young to have a college student as a son," Ben said as he looked at me.

"Yes, he's a little young to have a college student son. He and my other dad, Philip Harris-LeBlanc, were my rescue dads. Three years ago, we didn't even know one another. I thank God every day someone suggested I talk to my dad Jeffery. Otherwise, I'd probably have become a casualty of Conversion Therapy."

"Your birth father wouldn't happen to be the former Congressman Franklin, would it?" Jena asked.

"Yes. The ex-Congressman Franklin is my ex-father. He's the reason I call my dads rescue dads. They rescued me one night after my ex-father beat the shit out of me for being gay."

"He's a bastard," Jenna added.

"Yup," I replied.

"When are you guys moving in together?" Ben asked as he looked at Ryan and me.

"Ah...," I stammered.

"Next fall," Ryan added. "What made you ask?"

"The way you two look at one another and the way you react to one another," Jenna explained.

I looked at Ryan. Ryan looked at me. I wanted to lean in and kiss him. I refrained until he leaned in and kissed me.

"See!" Christina exclaimed. "Love birds."

Ben's phone chirped with an incoming text.

"Sorry, guys," Ben said after he retrieved the text from his phone. "I need to meet my professor in twenty minutes. I need to run."

"We should go, too, Christina," Jenn looked at Christina. "You and I have some business we need to take care of before Ben gets back."

Christina's smile could light up Starbucks.

We said good bye to everyone and sat down again at our table. "So, Trevor. I'm glad I finally met Christina. She's nice. Ben and Jenna are..."

"Fucking gorgeous!" I finished Ryan's statement.


"I don't think I can do this anymore, Ryan," the thought just popped out of my mind and into my mouth before I even knew what I had just said. I looked at Ryan whose mouth was stuck opened, and his eyes were wide. "No, Ryan! Not us! I can't take this math class anymore. I hate math."

A smile finally came across Ryan's face. "For a moment, Tre, I thought you were trying to break up with me. And, in case you ever decide you want to break up with me, I need to warn you. If you tell me you're leaving, I'm coming with you."

"Thank you, Ry," I replied. "Are you any good with math?"

"What kind?"

"Abstract fucking algebra."

"No," Ryan added with definite finality in his voice. "I do know someone who might help you. He's in one of my media classes. Dale used to be a math major until he found peace with the digital media group. I'll speak with him tomorrow."

"If he can help me make sense of this shit, I'll gladly pay him for his time and energy."

"I'll talk to him tomorrow... Now that we have your problem solved, I need to ask you something, Tre."

"Ask away."

"How would you feel if I told you I might have a free, seven-day vacation in Florida over spring break for the two of us?"

"I'd say `great'! Where?"

"Fort Lauderdale."

"Sounds like fun. I only have one question, Ry. How did you come across this free vacation in Florida?"

"It's really a very funny story."

"Make me laugh, Ry."

"Okay. I met this guy in my sociology course whose brother owns the guest house along with two other guys. It's upscale, expensive, and popular with younger gay men." Ryan paused and looked into my eyes.

"Sounds good so far, Ry."

"It's a clothing optional guest house, but we wouldn't have the option of wearing clothing while we're within the confines of the resort."

"Where is this fairy tale headed, Ry?"

"We would be the models for the new brochure, video, and website."


"Ah... Yes. Mostly ass shots. We each get one thousand dollars in cash."

Ryan's eyes returned to mine. I could see Ryan's confidence draining from his body by the expression on his face.

After a long silence, I finally answered, "Sounds like fun."

"Really?" Ryan looked totally caught off guard. "You'd be willing to do this?"

"Yes. I'm totally in, Ry!"

"What about your dads?"

"I'll call them this weekend when Dad J's home. I'll explain what we're planning on doing this spring break."

"Wait! You're telling your dads about being naked on a brochure for a gay guest house?"

"Of course."

"You're really telling your dads?"

"Yes, Ry. I'm really telling my dads. Aren't you telling your parents?"

"I had planned on telling them everything... except the naked part."

"Won't they get pissed when they find out their son posed naked as a model for marketing purposes?"

"Why would they find out? It's a gay guest house in Florida. How could they find out?"

"What if your dad Googled `Fort Lauderdale guesthouse for gay men?'"

"Why would he do that? He's not gay."

"No, Ry, your dad is not gay. However, when you tell him our plans, he'll want to know where you are staying for a week. Then what, Ry?"

"I, um, never really, um, thought about my dad Googling gay guest houses."


Ryan and I sat in my dorm room. Well, we weren't sitting. We were laying naked on my bed after an uninhibited romp. We finally recovered enough to talk.

"I forgot to tell you," I began as I rolled over on my side and looked into his eyes, "I talked with my Dads about the Florida trip."

"And, pray tell me, they said what about the planned trip?" Ryan rolled onto is side and kissed me before I continued.

"They thought it would be a great trip. They cautioned me we need to have some control over the process. No live sex scenes. No frontal nude shots. Nothing earth shattering!"

"Do you want to talk to my parents about the trip? You've done an excellent job so far."

"Just tell them my dad the minister thought it would be a hoot."

"Maybe your dad could call my parents!" Ryan exclaimed.

"I could ask, but his usual response to a suggestion like that would be to take ownership of the situation yourself." I kissed him again.

"He's no fun."

I leaned in to kiss him again.

"Are you trying to start something, Tre?" Ryan asked before he returned the kiss.

"Maybe...?" I kissed him again, but his time I pulled Ryan closer. "Grayson won't be back tonight. He and Wyatt have been getting really, really close."

"Maybe we should try getting really, really close." Ry cooed as he rolled us over so I was underneath his muscled body. "What'll make you happy, Tre?"

I looked up into Ryan's bight blue eyes. I saw only one thing. Lust.

"Fuck me, Ryan! Now, please!"

"Are you begging me to stick my big dick in your tight ass, Tre?"

"Ah huh." I moaned as I pulled Ryan's head closer to mine and kissed him. Ryan didn't resist. He kept pulling me closer and closer into his lust filled mindset.

My balls seemed ready to explode, and my throbbing dick seemed harder than it had ever been. The heat from Ryan's body seemed to transfer into mine. We were the same temperature. Hot!

"I've never wanted anyone more than I want you right now, Ry. Please fuck me. Please."

Ryan somehow managed to keep kissing me and rolled the condom on and added lube. I almost exploded as Ryan lifted my legs over his shoulders, and I caught sight of a sweat covered, muscular chest. I almost came at the sight. I wanted to lick him all over until I felt the tip of his so hard dick brush against my asshole.

He lowered himself to kiss me. He smiled when he pulled back. I saw the gleam in his eye.

"Oooooh! Fuck yes, Ryan!" I closed my eyes as Ryan slipped into me. Further and further until I felt his close-cropped pubic hair brush against my swollen balls.

"You look so beautiful like this, Tre," Ryan whispered.

"I love it when you say things like that to me, Ry, but could you stop talking and start fucking! I need to feel you, Ry." Ryan smiled at me and then started to pound my ass. "Oh! God!"

After what seemed to be seconds, but it was several minutes, we both went over the top. Finally, we both recovered. Ryan rested on top of me with his dick still inside me. My legs wrapped around Ryan's waist. My arms pulled Ryan as tightly to me as possible. I listened to Ryan's breathing begin to recover. I felt the beat of his heart.

"Wow!" Ryan whispered without moving. We'd stayed connected for who knew how long.

"Double wow!" I added as I licked his exposed ear lobe.

"I think I've just had a life changing experience," Ryan still didn't move. I held on tighter.

"And here I thought I'd gone to heaven and back!"



"I love you."

I smiled and tightened my hold on Ryan. "I love you, too, Ry!"

"What happens when Thanksgiving and Christmas roll around?" Ryan pulled himself up enough to look me in the eyes.

"I can tell you're already having separation anxiety, Ry..."

"How did you know?" Ryan asked as he flipped my hair off my forehead.

"You have a pensive look on your face," I explained. "Plus, your dick is still in my ass. And I'm not letting you go for a long time. What's our plan?"

I felt Ryan's dick start to regain its full length. "We could just let things happen," Ryan added as he began to slowly move his dick slowly back and forth. His smile broadened.

"You realize I won't be able to walk tomorrow if you do this again," I said to Ryan. My smile also broadened.

"It's Saturday tomorrow. We could just stay in bed while you recover, Tre."

"The feelings I have right now only cloud my thought process. Why don't we delay our discussion about Christmas until you finish fucking me for the third time tonight?"

"Good idea," Ryan lifted himself onto his forearms.


"What's everyone doing over winter break?" I asked as the gym group settled in to eat at the pasta place.

Henry spoke up first. "I'm spending my winter break roaming the streets of Chicago, dodging bullets from the enemy fire of gang members, and working downtown as an intern in a college professor's office helping him research a new book. I might even walk down to Oak Street Beach and take in the views of the frozen lake and breathe some fresh air. I'll walk home from my job once a week with the funds from my paycheck, hand half to my mother to help defray costs, put a fourth into a savings account, and spend the rest. How about you, farm boy?"

"Ah... uhm... spending time with my family over the holidays," I replied as I looked up at Henry and smiled.

"What about the trip to Florida?" Wyatt asked.

"Oh, yea! Ryan and I are spending a week in Fort Lauderdale working at a resort. We are spending a week in a resort working. We'll be having photos taken of our tanned, half-naked bodies by the pool and mingling with the paying guests." I felt like a shit of a person just then.

"You'll see them in next season's advertising for one of the hottest gay, clothing optional resorts in Fort Lauderdale," Grayson added.

"Stuff it, Grayson," Ryan responded. "What about you, Grayson? What will you be doing over your winter break?"

"Well, it's complicated. My family normally goes skiing in Telluride. But I'm not going with them this year. I'm volunteering at a homeless shelter in Chicago."

"Your parents must be proud of you. You're giving up a skiing vacation to help the homeless," Jackson suggested.

"They weren't proud. They were pissed! My father went apeshit since he wanted me to escort some of his clients' daughters to various social galas in the area. My mother worried about the optics of having her son working in a homeless shelter."

"You've got to be fucking shitting us!" Robbie exclaimed.

"Nope," Grayson explained. "I've decided my parents are batshit crazy and have developed ostrich tendencies. They stick their heads in the sand a lot these days."

"At least they haven't landed in jail," Remington added. "My parents will be pending the holidays in orange jump suits. My mother in Kansas and my father in Denver."

"Where will you be, Remington?" Wyatt asked.

"I'll be right here in the hub of the Universe, Champaign-Urbana. I'm pulling a shift on Christmas eve and Christmas day at the restaurant where I used to work," Remington explained. "The rest of my time will be spent working with the kids in a foster care facility here in town called HomeTown. The owner of the house where I live is the CEO of this group home. They take the difficult kids who are in the foster system. Some have mental or physical challenges. The others have power figure issues. I've been spending some of my weekends at the place as a volunteer. I've grown fond of the kids. Even the badass ones have a personality."

"Don't take this the wrong way, Remington," Jefferson began. "Do you think watching your parents get locked up made you a more sensitive person? I saw your eyes light up when you talked about the kids."

"Thank you for saying that, Jefferson. And, yes, watching my entire world go down in flames has certainly given me a new outlook on the way things should work. I do like working with the kids. Some of them experienced the same trauma I did. For a large number of these kids, they're in the foster system because one or both of their parents were incarcerated."

"How old are these kids?" Makato asked.

"The youngest is six. The oldest is fifteen. Most have spent all their lives in foster care. I'm also trying to provide the kids with a Christmas present. It's tough on my income, but I'm trying."

I looked at Ryan just as Ryan looked at me. I also saw Rupert out of the corner of my eye smiling like a cat sitting on a window ledge in the sun.

"Here's ten dollars to help out, Remington," Wyatt offered.

"Yea, I've got an extra ten," Robbie added.

"I don't have a ten, but here's a twenty," Grayson said.

In a few short minutes all of us handed a ten or twenty to Remington.

Remington stared at the pile of cash set in front of him. "Thank you, guys! I didn't mean to ask for donations."

"We didn't ask if you wanted it, so we're even!" Henry said with a huge grin plastered across his face.

"See, Remington," Francisco said. "I told you that you have some great friends here."

"Yea," Remington quietly added. "You guys are the best. I'll make certain all the kids know it's from you guys... If I get everyone something, will you guys visit the center before Christmas and give out the presents?"

"I'd like to," Henry said.

We all agreed to spend some time with the kids right before Christmas.


To be continued...

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I would enjoy hearing your comments about this story. You can write to me at steve@stevenwellswriter.com.

Links to all stories:

John's Journey Forward found in the Beginnings section

Together Forever found in the Beginnings Section (Sequel to John's Journey Forward)

Sam and Chris in the College section.

We're in This Together found in the Relationships section. (Sequel to Sam and Chris)

Jeffery Comes Home  in the Beginnings section.

Taking a Stand in the College section.

Other Stories by the Author


Please note, the following stories are not for everyone because there are several scenes depicting Master/slave and BDSM relationships. So, if you are not interested in this type of literature, please, please do not read this story.

Life With Tim in the Authoritarian section

Steven's Evolution in the Authoritarian section.

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