Taking One for the Team

By Black Monk

Published on Jan 1, 2013



The crowd roared as Cameron sent the ball rocketing to the back of the net. With two minutes left in the third quarter, the boys of Rutherford Academy were on course to win the home game2-0, both goals courtesy of Cameron. St. Alban's Prep, so strong all season and expected to make for an exciting match-up, somehow couldn't get their game together. Their goalie was lethargic in the water today, and though the team's defense was generally effective, once Cameron had the ball and a clean shot, the sluggish goalie could do little to prevent Cameron's lightning-fast strikes from penetrating the goal line.

Jeff swam up beside Cameron. "Damn, buddy! You are an animal today!"

"Woo-hoo!! State championship, here we come!" Cameron grabbed Jeff's right hand in an arm-wrestle handshake.

"Seriously, you are on fire, Cam!" Jeff said intently, shaking the hand. "Everybody out there's wild for you right now." He caught Cameron's gaze and looked into his sharp blue eyes, set between sparse, blond eyebrows and impossibly strong cheekbones. Cameron peered back at the large brown eyes of his team captain, comprehending his admiration and appreciation. Since he had joined the team earlier that year, Jeff had been a sort of mentor to him and always supportive, even if Cameron's striking ability sometimes outshone the more veteran player in the pool.

"Thanks, man! All we gotta do is –"

The moment was broken by the referee's whistle; time for action again. Cameron snapped out of it and slapped Jeff's ass under the water. "Let's bring this thing home!" he announced. Jeff chuckled at his teammate's bravado. He always says that, Jeff thought.

As play resumed, Cameron realized he was being blocked aggressively now by one of the St. Alban's boys. Cameron quickly assessed the guy's physique and knew it was going to be tough to get past him. The kid was built compact and solid beyond his few years, more like a wrestler or a gymnast than someone who spent much time in the pool. He bobbed up and down in the water around Cameron, waving his arms, preventing anyone on the Rutherford team from passing to him. At one point, Cameron managed to sweep around the bulky guy, but he noticed the escape attempt and elbowed Cameron under the water smack in his side. He was effectively trapped on one side of the pool.

With less than a minute left on the clock before the third quarter ended, Cameron moved further back, hoping again to evade the St. Alban's player. At one point the hulk turned his back, and Cameron made his move, escaping into more open water. Once he made it to the middle of the pool, one of the Rutherford boys passed the ball to him, and Cameron immediately turned to eye the St. Alban's goal. In a split-second, he considered whether he had a clean shot at the goal, noticed that Jeff was open for a pass, and felt an excruciating pain in his balls, as if they were being squeezed in a vise.

As he dropped the ball, his mouth fell open to scream, but nothing came forth. As his nuts were released, an arm came around his right side and batted the ball out of his way, at which point it was picked up by one of the St. Alban's boys. Cameron doubled over in pain and listed to his right, to see the bulky guy that had been blocking him now looming over him. A menacing grin came over the hulk's face as he shoved Cameron's right shoulder, bringing him around to face him dead-on. Cameron barely had time to notice the guy's right arm backing up before it thrust under the water and plunged into his groin, like a torpedo to its target. A flash of pain ripped through his abdomen, and the natatorium glowed before his eyes.

Jeff knew something was wrong as he saw Cameron double over in agony. Why did water polo have to be such a rough sport? As team captain, he was responsible for looking after his players, and when Rutherford played an aggressive team, he had to be very alert. The game escaped his mind as he hustled over to his teammate, who appeared to be going under. He reached into the water and grabbed Cameron under his arms, supporting his broad shoulders. "Cam! Cam, can you hear me?" As he pulled him up, he saw Cameron's face screwed into a grimace. He put an arm around Cameron's waist and swam for the edge of the pool.

Coach Macleod noticed his team captain and star striker coming out of the pool. "Peterson! Crouse! Get in there!" he yelled to the boys waiting at the benches before rushing to where Jeff and Cameron were coming out of the pool. "What happened?!" he barked over the din from the stands.

Jeff was breathing heavily. "I dunno, Coach." He pushed Cameron up from the water, and the coach grabbed him by the armpits to lift him out of the pool. Cameron lay on his side, still crouched over in a fetal position, and his hands were grabbing the contents of his Speedo in a futile attempt to ease the pain. Coach Macleod saw it and immediately knew what happened.

"One of those damn St. Alban's boys hit him in the balls, that's what happened!" he said. "Cameron, son, are you alright?"

Cameron shook his head very slightly and began coughing up some water, but after a few spurts of water from his mouth, he started dry-heaving. Water dripped off Jeff's tanned, toned body as he climbed out of the pool. "Oh Cam, man!" Jeff cried.

Coach undid the strap around Cameron's skullcap. "Help me get this off. He might start vomiting." Jeff cradled his teammate's head as he pulled the cap off, releasing a head of fine, blond hair that swept back from his temples. The referee's whistle blew, ending the third quarter. "I gotta go," said the coach. "When he can move, get him to the locker room. I'll send Dr. Gill." Coach walked off to meet his team, now coming out of the pool. They were still 2-0, but with their star striker now out, St. Alban's might be in a position to change the game. "Listen, boys," Jeff heard him bark, "Cam's been knocked..."

Jeff turned back to his friend. "Cam? Cam, how bad is it? Can you talk?"

Cameron groaned through his tears. "Bad... I think it's bad, Jeff... Help me!" Jeff thought he sounded frightened.

"Can you move? We gotta get you to the locker room."

Cameron shook his head. "Don't wanna... go off like this... Please!"

Jeff understood. Rutherford's star striker couldn't leave the pool cradling his nuts in his hand after scoring two spectacular goals in the game; it would be humiliating for him and bad for team morale. "OK, man, OK." He grabbed an oversized towel from one of the benches and wrapped it around the agonized blond. "This OK? It'll cover you up. I'll help you."

Cameron could still barely open his eyes, but he nodded gently. Jeff helped him to his feet, taking care to wrap the towel around him so no one in the stands would see him gripping his balls. Slowly, they made their way to the exit, though Cameron was waddling more than walking. A burst of applause spread through the stands as people noticed the star of the game leaving the pool. "Cam, you gotta wave! Can you wave at them?" Jeff asked. Cameron stopped moving, and an arm emerged from within the towel. A few people cheered, and then the two made their way through the doors under the stands.

Supporting Cameron, Jeff led him into Coach Macleod's office in the locker room, where there was a small examining table and other facilities for medical emergencies. Cameron was now breathing more steadily, but he was still in a lot of pain. Jeff figured he could finally get an answer to the question, and he asked, "What happened?"

"Sonofabitch grabbed my nuts when I got the ball..." Cameron huffed, "and then he turned me around and punched my nuts again."

"Motherfucker! That big lug, Matt what's-his-name?" Cameron nodded. "Fuck, that is not cool!"

By now, some of the other Rutherford players were filing into the locker room. A few of them stuck their heads around the corner into Coach's office out of curiosity. "Hey man, you alright?" asked a young player named Chris.

Jeff turned to him. "Fuckin' Matthew Weitzel hit him twice in the nads."

"No way!" said Chris. "I saw him talking with his team after that last goal, like they were planning strategy or somethin'. They must've told him to take you out. That's bullshit!"

Jeff froze for a second, and anger welled up inside him. "Pummel him in the fourth!" he ordered in a grisly voice, suddenly sounding like the team captain again. He pointed a rigid finger at Chris. "Make him pay! No one does this to us!" The players at the door voiced their enthusiasm.

"Gentlemen, we will not sink to their level," said a strong, distinguished voice. It was Dr. Gill, the school's staff physician. "Boys from Rutherford Academy do not render poor sportsmanship for poor sportsmanship, now do we?"

"No sir," some of the boys mumbled.

"Now go back to the pool. You have a game to win, and I have a patient to examine." Dr. Gill pushed the boys behind him out of the door frame and made his way into the office. "Now, young man, I hear you've had some trauma to the groin?" Cameron nodded, still not quite able to look up.

"He smashed him in the nuts twice," said Jeff as Dr. Gill closed the door. "He looked real bad. Coach thought he might even throw up."

"Hmm." Dr. Gill approached the examining table. "Do you feel nauseated, Cameron?" He shook his head. "Well that's good. Let's have a look at you." Dr. Gill pulled Cameron's hands away from his groin. He began feeling the inside of the boy's thighs. "Is this tender?"

"No," Cameron grunted.

"Good." Dr. Gill's hands moved further up to Cameron's groin, but it elicited no reaction. "Well, let's get you out of these," he said, teasingly tugging on the elastic. Cameron stood up weakly, but as he put his thumbs into his Speedo to take them down, he audibly grunted in pain and froze. "Jeff, will you help him please?"

Jeff hesitated. "Uh... OK. Here, let me." He slipped under Cameron's arm to support him and then put his thumbs into Cameron's suit.

"Easy, easy!" Cameron said faintly, and Jeff slowly pushed the briefs down Cameron's thighs, exposing his genitals. The swimsuit fell to the floor, and Jeff helped him step out of it and back onto the examination table.

Dr. Gill began to palpate Cameron's penis. It was small from being constricted in the swimsuit and the cold water of the pool, but as the doctor passed it between his fingers, it regained its length. "How does this feel?"

Cameron breathed heavily out of discomfort, but he said, "It's OK." Jeff realized Cameron's arm was still around his shoulders while he watched his teammate's penis being examined, and he started to feel a bit weird about it.

"Umm, Doctor? I think... maybe I should get back to the pool."

Dr. Gill didn't bother to look up. "No, Coach Macleod said you should stay here. I'm sure the team can handle it."

"Well..." Jeff began. Cameron looked at him, almost as if he wanted Jeff to stay. Jeff looked at him as he said, "This seems a bit... private."

"Oh, please," said Dr. Gill dismissively, still staring at Cameron's genitals. "You boys see each other in the shower all the time."

"Yeah, I guess so..."

Cameron looked at him pathetically and said weakly, "Dude, it's OK. Stay." Jeff looked down at his teammate and it occurred to him how vulnerable Cameron looked seated there completely naked, his fair-skinned body entirely on display, writhing slowly in discomfort as his genitals were poked and prodded. Dr. Gill had turned Cameron's penis up to examine the underside, pressing with his thumbs along the shaft and around the head. Jeff noticed how hairless Cameron's genitals were, and he remembered how they had shaved together in the shower just a week ago. They even helped shave each other's butts.

Dr. Gill proceeded to the scrotum. As he lifted the sac, Cameron squirmed and Jeff felt the grip of Cameron's arm tighten around his shoulders. "Aha, looks like we've found the sensitive spot," Dr. Gill noted. Jeff watched as the doctor carefully handled Cameron's low-hanging nuts, gently palpating each testicle, feeling the backside of each orb, then moving up the smooth pink sac checking for any damage to the cords. Each time Dr. Gill's hands changed position, Jeff noticed that Cameron winced slightly.

"How is he, Doctor?" Jeff asked.

"Well... there's definitely some swelling here, but it doesn't feel serious. Cameron, I'm going to have you get on your back now. Can you help him?" he asked Jeff.

Jeff wrapped his arm around Cameron and slowly lowered his back onto the inclined part of the table, putting him in a reclined position. The doctor bent Cameron's legs at the knee and put his feet at the edge of the table, giving him complete access to the boy's pelvis. He pressed his fingers beneath the scrotum, and Cameron immediately gasped. "Ungghhh!"

"Is this tender?" asked Dr. Gill. Cameron nodded. "I have to feel around here, so bear with me just a moment." Jeff still felt a bit weird about watching as Dr. Gill gently pressed around Cameron's perineum, but he was oddly captivated by the exam and couldn't bring himself to look away. "Mm hmm," the doctor grunted. "OK."

"What... what is it?" Cameron managed to say.

The door opened and Coach Macleod walked in. "Well, doctor? How is he?"

"Ah, Coach! Well, I was just about to tell Cameron here that there's a certain amount of testicular inflammation from the impact. That will go away with anti-inflammatories and time, but I'm more concerned about this." Dr. Gill gently pressed Cameron's perineum, and he gasped again. "That hurts a bit more, does it?"

"Yeah... It feels like... a cramp or something." Cameron looked up as Coach Macleod approached the examination table and stared at the young blond's balls and asshole, and he suddenly felt like some kind of lab exhibit. Coach had probably seen him naked before, but not up close like this.

"The impact has probably caused a build-up of fluid in your prostate, and it needs to be relieved to avoid permanent damage here in your plumbing," said Dr. Gill.

Cameron gulped. "You mean... surgery?"

Dr. Gill chuckled. "No no, nothing so serious. We need to induce an ejaculation, with internal compression of the prostate."

"Wait... uhh, what?" Cameron asked.

"You mean..." Jeff began.

"You need to ejaculate," Dr. Gill said simply. "The sooner the better, really, to relieve pressure in the area." He picked up his bag, looking for something. "Er, Jeff, will you assist me please?"

Cameron wiggled on the table and suddenly regained his ability to speak. "Wait a minute! You mean you're gonna... whack me off?"

Jeff took a step back from the table. "Wait a minute, doc, I'm not gonna, um..."

Coach Macleod put a hand on Cameron's shoulder. "Son, let the doctor treat you, it's for your own good. Jeff, you're the captain of the team. Help your teammate."

Cameron looked at Jeff, who was nearly as naked as he was apart from the tight gray Speedo around his hips. One of Jeff's hands scratched his head through his spiky brown hair and the other rested on his waist as he considered the situation. He was standing as he often did, with his weight shifted to one foot, which angled his body like some sort of Greek sculpture and brought the young, developing muscles of his torso into relief through his golden skin. Cameron had seen Jeff in his Speedo enough to know well these contours of his body, as well as what was inside Jeff's Speedo, and Jeff had often seen him naked in the shower too. But was Dr. Gill really going to make him have an orgasm in front of him? And the coach? This was absolutely humiliating. Fuck you, Matt Weitzel, he thought.

"Yes, Coach," Jeff said a bit hesitantly. "Um... what do I do?"

"What do you do?!" asked Dr. Gill sarcastically. "You jack him off, that's what you do! You know how to masturbate, don't you?"

Jeff couldn't believe what he was being asked to do, but he took one look at Coach Macleod's stern expression and satisfied himself with the thought that he was doing it for the good of the team. Then he looked at Cameron's face, which still conveyed the pain he was in, and realized that he wanted to help his teammate and his buddy feel better. He slowly reached for Cameron's dick. His mind turned as he touched it; he and Cameron had a lot of physical contact training in the pool, slapping each other on the ass, even touching each other's butts when they had helped shave each other last week. But he had never touched Cameron here, and never expected to. He gently stroked the penis, not really knowing how to handle it. Should he touch Cameron the same way he pleasured himself? He wondered if that would be revealing something very private. "Uhh... is that... OK?"

Cameron looked away, feeling completely embarrassed at the situation. "Yeah dude, it's OK."

Dr. Gill maneuvered his right hand into a latex glove that he retrieved from his bag and drizzled a clear gel on the gloved fingers. Cameron winced slightly from the cold gel as the doctor massaged it around his anal opening, but as it warmed up, he began to relax. He had never felt these sensations before, but they were curiously pleasant. Was this supposed to feel good? He wasn't sure, but his mind was distracted from the pain as he focused on the new feeling of having his hole primed for penetration. He instinctively wanted the finger to enter him. He had no idea why, but he knew it would feel good.

The cock was slowly becoming longer and firmer in Jeff's hand as he stroked it. He thought it wasn't very big, but he remembered that Cameron was a few years younger than him and imagined he was probably still developing. It was light and even in tone, rather like the rest of Cameron's body; even the circumcision scar blended subtly into the surrounding skin. The member tapered gently to its narrow head, only slightly darker in hue than the rest of the shaft. As Jeff slid down the cock, he felt its width expand in his hand a little as it met the rest of his teammate's body. Over and over, he felt the minute fluctuations in girth as he moved up and down Cameron's manhood. Gaining confidence, he started to pick up the pace, but Cameron shuddered at a few clumsy strokes.

"That's too rough!" barked Coach Macleod, who was watching intently. "Come on, son, you'll never get him off like that." The coach brushed Jeff's hand aside, and the member slapped back down onto Cameron's abs. The coach lightly ran two fingers along the underside of the dick, from base to tip. A gasp escaped Cameron's lips, and his cock twitched in response.

"You OK?" Jeff asked. Cameron smiled sheepishly and nodded. Should he be enjoying this so much? Jeff turned back to the coach.

"Boys your age jack off so fast. You gotta tease it a bit, son."

Jeff tried Coach's move on Cameron, and it elicited another gasp. He did it again, with the same response. He's liking this! Jeff thought. Jeff looked at his buddy with a mischievous grin, and he was suddenly aware of how tight his own Speedo now felt. He thought with some unease that he might be getting turned on by this. Cameron smiled back faintly, also unsure if he should be deriving pleasure from any of this.

The doctor's finger entered the boy, and Cameron sighed at the arrival of his body's guest. Dr. Gill moved his finger in and out a few times, stimulating the orifice. It was about how Cameron hoped it would feel: friction and excitement as the finger pushed in, the sensation of expelling something as it pulled out. He didn't know if it was possible, but he tried to open his hole further to allow the finger to penetrate deeper into him. Combined with Jeff's improving ministrations to his organ, he was beginning to feel much better. He adjusted himself on the examining table and closed his eyes.

Jeff was lightly rubbing the head of Cameron's cock, which had now grown to its full length and disproven Jeff's earlier thought that Cameron might still be developing. It wasn't quite as thick as Jeff's, but what little it lacked in girth it seemed to make up for in length. He couldn't explain it, but he didn't want to take his eyes off his teammate's tool, and he was fixated on the different reactions he could get out of Cameron. Slow strokes down the shaft made Cameron look lost in ecstasy, but when he applied friction under the corona of his delicate head, Cameron got very excited. "Unngghhh... yeah," Cameron whispered, closing his eyes and apparently losing any apprehension over whether he should be enjoying his treatment.

"You might want some of this," said Dr. Gill as he squeezed some of the lubricant onto Cameron's rod. It coated Jeff's palm as he smeared it into the cock, twisting his hand around it while stroking up and down slowly, trying to envelope as much of the organ with his hand as possible. Cameron sighed again with pleasure. Jeff gazed at the prick, now slick and glistening in the fluorescent light of the coach's office, and realized he was definitely getting turned on, knowing he could control what Cameron felt by how he touched the most sensitive, intimate part of his body. His own cock stirred inside his Speedo, and he adjusted it innocuously with his free hand to make the erection he knew was growing inside it more comfortable.

By contrast, Dr. Gill proceeded dispassionately about his task. He was treating a patient, and apart from a medical concern for Cameron's discomfort, he was apathetic about any pleasure he might be experiencing. The doctor's finger found its goal, Cameron's prostate, and tapped it lightly. The boy jerked and whimpered softly. Jeff, who had paid attention to the blond's sighs and moans, knew this was not a sound of pleasure.

"Hmm... Yes, just as I thought," muttered Dr. Gill. "This will be tender, Cameron. You feel this?" The doctor tapped it again, and Cameron groaned. "It's swollen with fluid right now, but we're going to compress it out."

"To... relieve the pressure?" Cameron panted.

"Exactly. You should begin to feel a difference in a minute or two," said Dr. Gill. He continued to caress the gland inside him, tracing long strokes along it.

Jeff studied Cameron's face intently as his prostate was massaged. He wondered what sensations Cameron was feeling, given his complex facial expressions, but not enough to want to trade places with him. Jeff preferred the power of his position, touching and manipulating his naked teammate, and he knew there was no denying that he was turned on by the situation. His own stiff manhood was pressed to the left against his body inside the tight Speedo. It must have been protruding obscenely, but he didn't dare look down for fear of drawing the attention of Dr. Gill or Coach Macleod to it. And yet, for some reason, Jeff needed Cameron to know it was there and acknowledge it. Instinctively, he stepped up against the examining table. He felt the cold under his bare feet as he stepped onto a fresh patch of floor, but he pressed his warm bulge against Cameron's arm where it lay. He studied Cameron's face, but there was no sign that he had noticed. Jeff slowly rubbed his bulge back and forth into Cameron's arm. Come on, man, he thought. I want you to see this. Don't you know you've made me hard?

Cameron's attention was elsewhere. It had only taken several seconds for him to adjust to the feeling of having his prostate rubbed, much quicker than he thought Dr. Gill had said it would take. Once the sensation that his prostate might burst had subsided, Cameron realized how sensitive a place Dr. Gill was touching. He thought he could feel each individual stroke the doctor made on the gland. As the finger increased the pressure of its strokes, Cameron thought of the deep tissue massages he occasionally got as an athlete, except this massage was happening someplace deep inside his body, accessible only through his butt. He yearned for the doctor to knead it harder, to treat it like a stubborn knot in a muscle, and he deliriously anticipated each stroke while the doctor patiently prolonged the crescendo of pressure on the gland. Each caress sent a ripple of electricity from inside Cameron that traveled along his cock and ended at Jeff's hand. Waves of pleasure coasted through his body, overpowering him. The only reality was prostate and dick, an axis of pleasure with Dr. Gill's finger at one end and the team captain's hand at the other.

He suddenly became aware of the rest of his body again when he realized Jeff was playing with one of his nipples. He was alternating between pinching it lightly and rubbing the nub with his finger. Jeff had gone for broke. If Cameron had noticed his erection pressing against his arm and reacted badly, Jeff could have passed it off as accidental contact. But playing with his nipple couldn't be passed off as an accident. He looked at his naked teammate, whose meat he was stroking with one hand and whose nipple he was pinching with the other. Your move, Cameron.

Cameron looked up at his captain, glanced at his chest, and grinned vaguely. "Ohh... yeah..." he whispered. Jeff smiled in relief, and he rubbed his bulge into Cameron's arm again. Again, there was no reaction, but Jeff didn't care. His hands were all over his teammate's body, and Cameron loved it. That was enough.

"Now then, how are you doing?" asked Dr. Gill. Cameron nodded at the doctor and smiled – he didn't really need to say he was enjoying himself. "I'm going to increase pressure on your prostate with another finger, alright? Try to relax."

Jeff watched in fascination as another of Dr. Gill's digits disappeared into Cameron's slick hole. He wondered what it would feel like to get in there, at first with his fingers, but then with his cock. My dick is pretty thick, he mused. Could Cameron handle it? The naked blond sighed as he adjusted to the new feeling, but as Dr. Gill began stroking the gland with both fingers, the sighs quickly turned to groans of pleasure.

"Oh God! Ungghhh..."

I wonder if I could make you feel as good with my dick, Jeff thought. Cameron's meat seemed to pulsate in Jeff's hand as he stroked it, and it suddenly felt slicker. Jeff looked at the member and realized it was leaking precum. His other hand left Cameron's nipple and began playing with the precum, drawing long, gooey strings from the slit of Cameron's head. "Dude... this is wild!" Cameron smiled back through his delirium.

"Good," said Dr. Gill approvingly, staring down his nose detachedly at the oozing cockhead. "That's what we want to see." His eyes returned to Cameron's butthole.

The cockhead leaked so profusely that fluid was dribbling down all sides of Cameron's prick. Jeff began rubbing it into the cockhead, lubricating his fingers with Cameron's juice. He was now using both his hands to pleasure Cameron's manhood, one stroking the shaft and the other rubbing his slit. Cameron started grunting at the friction on his head. He stared at Jeff with an expression that betrayed the physical intensity he was feeling, and Jeff knew he wanted more. He began to press harder with his finger, opening Cameron's pee slit further and almost putting his finger inside the head. It was driving Cameron wild, and he started moving his hips for the first time, slowly fucking Jeff's hands in an attempt to increase the friction on his prick. Yeah, you little stud, Jeff thought. Thrust it, man.

Dr. Gill observed this with a discrete amusement. He continued pressing on Cameron's prostate, sending further eruptions of fluid out the top of his cock, where they were being spread all over by Jeff's manipulations. It was making a mess, collecting in a small pool on Cameron's abs and dribbling down the crevices on either side of Cameron's nutsac. He knew there would be fluid trapped inside the gland, but he was surprised at just how much he was milking out of the boy. He began pressing into the prostate directly to push the last of it out.

"Oh GOD!!" Cameron gasped. He stopped thrusting into Jeff's hands and his butt slapped down on the examining table with a thud. He bolted up from his reclining position, sitting on Dr. Gill's hand and trapping it under his butt. The doctor gasped in surprise that Cameron had suddenly sprung to life. He tried to move his hand but found it immobilized, and his fingers were stuck pressing firmly into the boy's prostate. He felt the gland becoming hard inside the boy's rectum and knew he was close to coming. "Aauunngghhh..." Cameron's eyes rolled back in his head.

Jeff knew Cameron was coming too, and he handled the cock roughly to make him come harder. He stroked his buddy's prick with both hands, twisting one hand around the head, slipping his hands over the cock through a thick mess of lube and precum.

"Aww shit! AWW SHIT!!!" Cameron screamed. A geyser of cream erupted out of Cameron's cock and landed on his chest, right in the valley between his broad pecs. Jeff kept stroking him furiously. "FUCK!! FUCK!!" Another spurt shot as far as his left shoulder, but the next one spattered against the palm of Jeff's hand just as it came done for another stroke. The next several contractions were less intense, but each one forced more of his juices out from deep inside his body through his cock. Cameron was shaking, experiencing the most powerful orgasm he'd ever had. He had no idea his body could feel like this, but it felt completely natural and right.

Dr. Gill waited until Cameron's shuddering subsided before he carefully withdrew his fingers from the boy's ass. Regaining his air of dignity, he pulled the glove off his hand and said, "Well, I don't think we need to ask how you're feeling now."

"I'm good... I'm..." Cameron panted.

The doctor turned to Coach Macleod. "He should be fine. There's no more swelling in there for now." He turned back to Cameron and gently caressed the blond's ballsac. "But you should take some anti-inflammatories for your testicles, and put some ice on them if you want. And if you start to feel any internal swelling again, come see me at once, alright? We may need to do this again."

Coach Macleod put a hand on Cameron's shoulder. "You did good, son. You too, Jeff."

"Yes," added Dr. Gill, zipping up his bag. "Thank-you for your help, Jeff."

"Yeah, uh... don't mention it," Jeff said. He had let go of Cameron's dick, but both it and his hands were covered in a thick, sticky goo of lube and sperm. He looked around for a towel.

"You boys better get to the showers," said Coach Macleod. "Fourth quarter's almost over. I need to be getting back out to the game."

The coach and the doctor marched out of the office, leaving the two boys alone. His mind-blowing orgasm over, Cameron suddenly felt vulnerable again as he realized he was lying naked in front of his team captain covered in spooge and lube. He laughed awkwardly to cover his embarrassment.

"Dude, uhm... I can't believe I just nutted all over myself like that in front of you!"

Jeff looked away shyly. "Uh, yeah. I mean, like Coach said, it was for your own good."

"Yeah, but..." Cameron grabbed Jeff's arm, and Jeff looked him in the eye. "I'm kind of glad it was in front of you, and not anyone else on the team. Thanks, man."

Jeff smiled. "Hey! You got it, buddy!" He slapped Cameron on the shoulder, but instantly realized he had covered it with the sticky goo. "Oh shit! Where's a towel...?"

Cameron laughed nervously at the situation. Then Jeff laughed too, which seemed to break the ice, and they both started laughing at themselves. Jeff found a towel hanging over the back of a chair in the office, wiped his hands on it, and threw it in Cameron's face. The naked blond was still laughing as he wiped himself off. "We better get to the showers."

"Uh, man," said Jeff. "About what Dr. Gill said..."


"Well, if you, like... need help again with that, lemme know." He looked at Cameron, to make sure he understood. "Since I've seen how it's done, you know..."

Cameron smiled. "Thanks, dude," he said softly. "I –"

At that moment, they both heard the locker room door fly open, and a team of rowdy boys came running in hooting and hollering. Jeff and Cameron came to the door of Coach Macleod's office to see the commotion.

"What happened?" Jeff asked no one in particular. "Did we win?"

Chris ran up to them. "Aw yeah, baby! We won all right, 2-0! You're a hero, Cameron!" Cameron beamed at Jeff. "Hey, dude! You're naked!" Chris playfully bent down to peer at Cameron's genitals. "How're your boys doin'?"

"Yeah yeah yeah, knock it off!" Jeff pushed Chris away from Cameron. He wondered if Chris had any idea how much he had been staring at Cameron's cock for the last ten minutes, and he now felt oddly protective of the most intimate parts of Cameron's body. Chris laughed as he walked away, but Jeff called after him. "Hey! You guys get Weitzel?"

Chris turned back and said softly, "Well yeah. Don't say anything to Coach, but we kicked him from behind in the nads a few times, and right before the final whistle, I grabbed him hard and didn't let go. I think we got him good!"

Jeff nodded approvingly. "Good work."

"Hey, you're the captain! Orders are orders!" Chris said as he headed to the shower.

The team had wandered away, leaving Jeff and Cameron in the door of the office. An awkward silence fell on them for a moment, but Cameron broke it. "So yeah, like I was saying, if I need your help again..."

Jeff smiled at him. "Cool. You can count on me. And this is just between us."

But Cameron wasn't about to leave it at that. "But uh, dude, if you help me, I don't want you to use your hands like Dr. Gill did."

"Whadya mean?"

"You got something else that can help me... that could really relieve the pressure."

What did he mean? "Oh yeah? You think I got something?"

"When we were in there," Cameron said looking at the examining table in the office, "I felt it on my arm."

Jeff grinned from ear to ear. Yeah, you noticed my hard-on, he thought. "What do you want me to do with it?" he asked with a glint in his eye.

"Well, you know what I always say in the pool?"

"What?" Jeff watched with surprise as Cameron stepped toward him, pressing his body against Jeff's. He felt Cameron's breath on his neck, Cameron's chest against his chest, and even Cameron's bare dick against his thigh. Then he felt Cameron's hand grab him through his Speedo.

"Let's bring this thing home," Cameron whispered into his ear.

Jeff's Speedo started to feel tight again.

Next: Chapter 2

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