Tale of Two Boys

By Garnet Frog

Published on Nov 26, 1998


"A Tale of Two Boys" by: Garnet Frog e-mail: garnetfrog@alloymail.com =================================

Chapter One

Thunder rolled quietly in the distance. Matt didn't care; he had all he needed and was content. He had a fire going in the fire place, Tori Amos playing in the CD player, a collection of XY Magazine's, and Tucker, his loyal and faithful dog lying beside him, snuggling against him to keep warm.

The weather outside was bleak, dreary, and downright poopy. It was about thirty-six degrees outside, and the rain was either: a) going to make it colder, b) turn into snow, or c) both. He didn't want either, but was sure one of the three was going to happen. Tucker was yipping softly in his sleep as he dreamt -- he was probably chasing rabbits, or something. Matt looked at his sleeping dog and smiled. He picked up one of his XY Magazines and flipped through it, admiring the pictures, first.

Matt, who is currently 15, has known he was gay since he was 12 -- when he saw his first naked boy: his cousin, Thomas, who was 14 at the time. Then and there he knew he was more attracted to his own sex than he was to the other -- yucky! icky! girls!!!! Now, he was secure with it. He knew, for a fact, that he was gay.

He had been told by a lot of girls that he was "So cute!," and "Hot!," and "Adorable!," but none of that mattered. He wanted to hear it from a guy. He didn't think he was all that bad looking: blonde hair to his ears, emerald green eyes, 6'2", 184 lbs., very thin, and built (a defined chest and a six pack), and tight, fit legs. He also had an impressive 7", un-cut cock, which he was fairly proud of.

He was fairly popular at school: he wore the brand name clothes, he was up on the latest trends...he was a pretty cool guy! But deep down inside, he wanted to be himself. This image he gave off at school was burdensome. It was like, when he got to school he took on a whole new life. He went from Matthew Thompson, gay teenager to Matthew Thompson, I'm 100% straight! And he hated it. But, it was his own fault. He never acted like his true self at school, and if he had, things might be different now.

But, he did manage to come out to one of his best friends. It took a long time, a lot of thought, and when they were face to face, Matt shook, and nearly burst into tears. But he controlled himself, surprisingly to himself, and told his best friend his biggest, deepest secret: he was gay. Evan just smiled and said, "Duh! Like I didn't see the XY magazines in your room!"

Matt got a very dumbfound look on his face.

"Matt, if you didn't want me to know until now, you should've kept thos gay magazines out of people's sight in your room. You had 'em layin' around like they were nothing more than your homework!"

Matt could do nothing but produce a thoroughly "caught-off-guard" laugh and, for once, he felt lighter -- as if a great weight was lifted from his chest. He locked eyes with Evan and said, "So, you're okay with it?"

"Hell, yeah! Oh, goodness, he likes guys -- let's burn 'im at the stake!" Matt and Evan both laughed.

Matt glanced at the floor and then back up at Evan and said softly, "Thank you."

"No prob, man! Besides, I think it's kinda neat."


"Yeah. If I'm ever in need to a good screw, I'll just knock on your door!"

Matt playfully puched Evan in the arm. "Whatever! You won't get any from me, buddy boy!"

So Evan had taken it well -- he was all ready joking about it. Evan's taking the news so well made Matt realize that he did have true friends, and that Evan was one of them.

And now, sitting on the couch wearing a pair of loose-fitting boxers, and a robe, his nipples erect from the cold, he realized how much he truly loved Evan -- not sexually, but as a friend.

The thunder clapped closer, and the power gave a flicker. The phone rang, and Evan let out a faint groan. He expected it to be his parent's checking up on him from Barbados where they were going on a second honey-moon. But it wasn't. It was Evan.

"Hello?" Matt said into the phone, dreading who the person on the other end would be.

"Matt? Hey, it's Evan." A relief!

"Hey, Ev, wassup?"

"Oh, nothin' much. Say, I was wondering...do you think maybe I could come over? My parent's are away, and I don't really like thunderstorms..."

"Yeah, man, that'd be cool! Just to warn you, I'm not changing clothes."

"Um...okay...as long as you're not naked."

"I'm not...totally."

"Oh, good grief. Oh, well, you take what you got. I'll be over in a jiff."

And "in a jiff" was right, considering the fact that they lived next door to each other. Matt didn't even bother hiding his magazines; Evan knew, and he was cool with it.

The doorbell rang almost two minutes later. Matt walked to the door, his 5" soft cock swaying back and forth in his boxers, to the door, letting in a cold Evan, carrying a duffle bag.

"Hey, I hope you dont mind me inviting myself to sleep over..." Evan said, sheepishly.

"Naw, Mom and Dad are gone 'til next Thursday, so it's all good."

"Cool. Thanks, man."

"No prob."

Evan sat his bag down on the kitchen table and went to sit next to the fire place to warm up. Matt resumed his seat next to Tucker, who was still asleep...some watch dog.

"Man, you were right about almost naked!" Evan said, seeing Matt's choice of clothing.

"Well, when I'm home alone, I don't care. And I don't care around you either, because I know you don't care...or something."

"Yeah. You're right." Evan said, warming his hands. Matt took another XY and flipped through the pages, once again admiring all the cute boys. "What're you reading?" Evan asked.


"What's that?"

"A magazine made for gay teenagers. It's really cool."

"Does it have naked men in it?" Evan asked, curiously.

"Almost...bare butt's is about it...but there are some hot guys in here, let me tell you!"

"Lemme look at one."

"Don't get grossed out, now."

"Whatever." Matt tossed Evan a magazine. He looked through the pages and saw a picture of two teenage boys kissing. His crotch stirred. This took him by surprise.

Evan had a secret too -- lately, he had been dreaming of guys, Matt especially. And in those dreams, he would be kissing the other guy, or feeling them, or something like that. He never exactly felt attracted to a member of his same sex, but his crotch got tingly when he saw Matt in a stage of undress, like he was now.

"Matt..." he began.

"Yeah?" Matt said, looking up from his magazine. Evan finally noticed how beautiful Matt was -- his cheekbones were prefectly defined, his lips full and pink, and then there were his eyes. They were big eyes, and deep green. If you stared at them, it was like you got lost in them.

"...well...I've been wonderin'."

"About what?"

"Well...I was wondering...if...well..." Evan noticed he was getting nowhere pretty fast. He decided to just say it, "I was wondering what it's like to kiss another guy."

"What it's like?" Matt repeated. Evan nodded. "Well, it's like kissing a girl, I guess...only, for me, it's more sexual. I enjoy it more."

"Would you...kiss me?"

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that...well, I want to know what it's like to kiss another guy, and I was kind of hoping that you would show me."

"Are you sure?" Again, Evan nodded. "C'mere." Matt said, patting the floor next to him as he eased himself to the ground. Evan walked over and sat down next to him. "Okay, I'll show you, but if you get weirded out, or want to stop, you just say so, okay?" Evan nodded.

Matt leaned in and Evan followed the lead. Their lips were puckered, and their eyes were closed, and in a burst, their lips met. They stayed that way for a good five seconds before Evan pulled away.

"Wow," Evan said. His cheeks were red and he was rather flustered.

"...And that's what it's like." Matt started to get back up on the couch, but Evan placed his hand on Matt's thigh.

"Can we do it again?"

"Evan, is there something you'd like to tell me?" Matt said.

"Matt...I don't know. Lately, I've been having feelings for you. I had a dream about you..." Evan's voice trailed off.

"A dream?" Matt asked, hinting for Evan to continue with the sentence, and describe the dream.

"Yes -- and in it, we kissed."

"Do you think you're gay?"

"I-I don't know. I mean, I've never had these feelings before."

"What feelings are those?"

"Sexual feelings...towards another guy."

"What else happened in these dreams?"

"Well, you...felt my dick, and I felt yours...and we were both naked..."

"Aww, I feel special." Matt said, and smiled.

"Matt, I want to know what it's like."

"What what's like? I all ready kissed you..."

"I know. I want to know what it's like to have sex with another man. I want to know, and I want to find out with you." Evan sighed deeply, and then became overcome with a feeling that wouldn't allow himself to look at any part of Matt. Embarassment.

Matt placed his hand on Evan's leg. "Are you sure?"

Evan slowly looked at Matt and nodded.

"Okay. And if you want to stop at any time, let me know, okay? And we will." Evan nodded, again.

"How do we start?" Evan asked.

"Well..." Matt said, and leaned in a planted his lips on Evan's. Matt's hands went to Evan's sides and held them softly. Evan, new to this, placed his hand's on Matt's shoulder's. Matt's hands slid up and down Evan's back, and then slowly grabbes the base of Evan's shirt and slowly pulled it up over Evan's head and then tossed it aside. There were no complaints from Evan, except that he grunted when they broke their kiss. Matt pulled away and looked at his friend's body. It was an almost exact replica of his own: defined chest, 6-pack (only his was a developing 8-pack), smooth body...Matt's dick instantly became hard.

"You're body is fantastic," Matt said.

Evan scooted closer into Matt and pushed the robe off of his shoulders. "Your's is, too."

Matt smiled, and ran his hands over Evan's hard, smooth body. Evan quivered, and Matt stopped, afraid he had done something wrong.

"No! Don't stop!" Evan said. Matt slowly laid Evan down and lowered himself on top of Evan. They kissed again, and Evan ran his hands along Matt's back and then, although he was nervous, he placed his hands on Matt's ass, and massaged them. The boxers that Matt was wearing didn't keep Evan from exploring every inch of Matt's backside.

Matt broke their kiss again, and slowly kissed his way down Evan's chest to his stomach. He stopped at Evan's belly-button and licked it, and then unbuttoned and unzipped Evan's pants, and pulled them down, exposing bright red boxers. Matt began to laugh at the intense color of the boxers, and the laughter caused Evan to sit up.

"What? What is it?"

"Nuh-Nothing!" Matt said, laughing. "It's just that your boxers caught me off guard! I didn't expect to see these extremely bright boxers to appear!"

"Oh, that's a relief. I thought you were laughing at my, well, you know..."

Matt boldly placed his hand on Evan's bulge and gave a slight squeeze. "Nope, there's no way anyone can laugh at that!" Matt said, and smiled.

Evan grinned. Hey, I hate to spoil the mood, but could we get something to eat? I'm starved.

"Sure!" Matt said, and they walked to the kitchen to find some of the left over hamburger casserole Matt's mom made for dinner the night before.

--to be continued in "a tale of two boys II."

===================================== Thanks for reading my story! I hope you enjoyed it; I'm leaving you hangin' until the sequel. You can e-mail me at: garnetfrog@alloymail.com, and let me know what you think -- maybe even give me some new things to happen to the two boys. To let you know, the two boys are not based on anyone I know personally, although I wish they were J This story is complete fiction. Oh, and all flames will be happily deleted.

Next: Chapter 2

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