Tale of Two Boys

By Garnet Frog

Published on Nov 28, 1998


"A Tale of Two Boys II" by: Garnet Frog e-mail: garnetfrog@alloymail.com ======================================================== (a double dose)

Chapter Two

Evan and Matt grabbed some Coke and a plate full of hamburger casserole, and went back to sit on the couch, both flaunting semi-hard cocks through their boxers.

The thoughts racing through Evan's mind were wonderful. He was so happy he got to experiment with Matt, and he hoped to continue the exploration of not only his sexuality, but also of Matt's body. He loved these new sensations he was feeling, and was fairly sure that he was not sure of his own sexuality. He was gay. Although he had never done anything with a girl before, he was pretty sure of his sexuality, because right now, the thought of having sex with girls made him shiver with disgust. It may be a temporary feeling due to the newly found sex, or it may be something that with continue. He wasn't sure.

"Matt," Evan began, "I was wondering if I could ask you a question."

"Yeah?" Matt replied, stuffing a large portion of the casserole into his mouth. He had now put back on his robe, and left Evan sitting in his boxers -- a sight.

"Well, I was curious to know when you finally knew you were gay."

Matt finished chewing the mouthful of food he had before he answered. "I was about ten when I had my first experience--"


"Yeah. A friend, who moved away a few years ago, and I took a shower together--we were kids, and we didn't care--and, well, we ended up sucking each others cocks. I think I enjoyed it more than he did."

"Well, that sucks."

"Yeah. But, at about twelve, when I found out it was possible to fall in love with a person of your own sex, I knew that I was gay."

"Have you ever done anything with a girl before?"

Matt made a fake choking noise and threw his head back and played dead. A second later he straightened up. "Hell no! I'd need a flashlight and a damn roadmap to find out where to stick it--and I think that would kind of spoil the moment -- like there ever was one!"

"So you're saying that you don't find girls the least bit attractive?"

"Not in the very least."

"That's cool."

pause "What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Well, how do you feel about girls and you and, gasp, sex!"

Evan laughed. Matt had a way of making serious conversations easy and actually kind of fun. "Well, I don't know. Right now, the thought makes me want to barf--"

"Good man!"

"--But, before tonight, I only thought about girls--"

"What about your dreams?"

"Okay, besides the dreams, as well. Most of my life I have only thought of girls and sex--" Matt let out a soft, light retch noise "--shh!" Evan laughed.

"When did the dreams start?"

"About a week or so after--"


"You came out to me."

"So, maybe me coming out to you opened your eyes to your own sexual identity?"

"... I guess. I don't know. I never felt these feelings before. And now that I feel them, I don't want them to escape me. I'm happier now than I've been in a while."

"And that's a good thing, right?"

"I suppose."

"Being happy, no matter what it is, is a good thing."

"But--but why does being with--" Evan blushed at what he was going to say next, "--you make me so happy?" He quickly noticed how mean the question sounded. "No offense or anything!" he added.

"None taken. Well, I guess maybe it's the fact that we've been friends for so long, or that maybe, just maybe, your feelings are making you happy."

Evan smiled and moved to the floor and stretched out in front of the fire. He shivered from the cold still lingering in the room. Tucker moved his body ever so slightly so that he had a direct line from his snout to Evan's plate of casserole and began licking madly at the sauce still on the plate.

Matt forgot about everything else except this piece of beauty lying on his floor. He got up and sat at the head end of Evan and began stroking his hair. Continuing this loving ges-ture, Matt bent over and softly whispered into Evan's ear, "I love you."

Evan, who had fallen into the state between asleep and awake opened his eyes slowly and turned his head to rest in the V formation Matt's legs made. Matt bent over and kissed Evan lightly on the lips. "I love you, too," Evan replied and smiled. For once in his life, Evan felt alive, safe, and happier than he has ever been.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Three

The two new-found lovers stayed in the same position for an hour, and Evan had fallen asleep. Matt had never seen a more beautiful sight than Evan asleep in his lap. He seemed so angelic, precious -- innocent. Matt again bent over and kissed Evan on the forehead and then slowly lifted Evan's head off his lap and set it carefully on the floor, so not to disturb his sleep.

After this task was successfully completed, he got up and took the dishes to the kitchen, filled the sink with soapy water and plunked the dishes into the water to let them soak - they'd be easier to clean this way. After he cleaned up, he let Tucker outside to do his business.

He put in Sarah McLachlan, and turned it down some, so you could just barely hear it, and added some more wood to the fire. He turned off all the lights except for the warm glow of the fire, and lit some perfumed candles to give a more romantic feel to the room. He stretched out on the couch and thought about life in general: what had happened to him before, what will possibly happen to him in the future, and everything in between. He also thought about Evan, and watched him from his spot on the couch: his blonde hair laying every-which-way on the carpeted floor, mouth partly open, his smooth, defined chest moving up and down with each breath he took. Sleep overcame him, and against his will, he closed his eyes and drifted off into the Land of Nod.

About forty minutes later, he felt a pair of soft lips on his own. He opened his eyes and saw Evan.

"Hi," Evan said, softly.

"Hi," Matt replied, and drew Evan in for another kiss.

"Looks like we wore each other out." Evan said and giggled.

"Yep, looks like it." Matt said, smiling. Evan's sapphire blue eyes penetrated every de-fense mechanism in him, and a single tear rolled down his cheek.

"Wh-what's wrong, Matt?"

Matt shook his head and gave a faint laugh, "Nothing. I'm just so happy." Again, they drew together and kissed, this one longer and for the first time, Matt slightly opened his mouth and allowed Evan's soft, sweet tongue to enter his mouth. It was a feeling Matt nor Evan would ever forget. It actually gave a feeling of security. The broke their kiss and stared at each other for what seemed like a long while, but was no more than a few seconds. Matt sat up embraced Evan, kissing his neck.

"Matt, I was wondering..." Evan said, backing away from Matt.

"Yeah?" Matt asked.

"Would you let me undress you?"

Matt stood up and gave his robe a little shake. "There's nothing for me to have taken off," Matt said, but should have known better. The instant Matt stood up, Evan grabbed Matt's boxers at the sides and pulled them down revealing Matt's 5" soft, cut, completely smooth cock.

"Holy God, there's not a lick of hair on it!" Evan said.

Matt laughed, stepped out of his boxers and removed his robe. Now he was completely naked, and somehow, continued to remain soft. He showed Evan his underarm. "None under there, either. I don't like hair 'down there,' and 'up there.' So, I shaved it off."

"That's really sexy," Evan said, staring at the bare skin right about Matt's dick where there should be hair, but there wasn't.

"Thank you," Matt said. Evan looked up at Matt from his kneeling position in front of him. Evan got up on his knees and his head was now level with Matt's now hardening dick.

"Are you sure?" Matt asked. Evan nodded.

Matt sat back down on the couch and spread his legs to allow access to the curious Evan. Evan crawled in between Matt's legs and slowly wrapped his long fingers around Matt's now fully hard shaft. Matt gasped at the cold touch of Evan's hand, causing Evan to quickly release Matt's dick and look at Matt.

"Did I hurt you?" Evan asked, afraid he did something wrong.

"No, Ev. You're hands are bloody cold!"

"Oh," Evan said, and laughed. He vigorously rubbed his hands together, hoping the fric-tion would warm his hands up. Again, he wrapped his hand around Matt's cock, and looked at Matt. He nodded, letting Evan know everything was okay. Evan slowly began pumping Matt's cock up and down. With his free hand, he cupped Matt's loose ballsack, which was also bare of any hair.

Matt was extremely close to cumming. "Evan -- I'm gonna come soon ... I mean, like, really soon--" Matt said.

Evan continued to pump at Matt's cock, speeding up his tempo. After a few moments, Evan got up some courage and licked the small upward arrow portion of Matt's head, causing a wave of pleasure to zoom through Matt's body. Matt grunted, thrusting his hips up and down and began to moan deeply, and then reached orgasm. The cum launched out of Matt's cock and landed on his chest, stomach, and Evan's face and hands.

Matt grabbed his robe which was laying on the couch next to him and went to wipe the cum off of him when Evan stopped him. In one fluid sweeping motion of his tongue across Matt's stomach and chest, lapped up all of the cum and swallowed it all hungrily. Evan got up on his knees laying over Matt's soft, bare cock and rubbed his hands over Matt's chest and nipples. Matt took his index finger, scooped his cum off of Evan's cheek and sucked his finger dry.

======================================================= Mymymy! What a place to end! Evan hasn't gotten to full pleasure experience, yet! But don't worry, he will in the next chapter. I hope you enjoyed the two chapters you just read, and comments, suggestions, etc. are welcome! Send them to me, Garnet Frog, at: garnetfrog@alloymail.com! And, as always, flames will be happily deleted, so don't even bother sending them! 'Til next time! (A tale of two boys III)

Next: Chapter 3

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