Tales from Kingswood

By Matterotica

Published on Aug 27, 2021


Author's Note: Hi all. Thanks for all the love and support so far. Time is moving on in the Kingswood world and we've finally reached 2020, which we all know was a somewhat eventful year! Let's see what it holds for the Kingswood boys! If you have any feedback, comments or questions, you can contact me at matterotica@hotmail.co.uk I genuinely welcome all feedback and love to talk to you all.

If you would like to support my literary endeavours (i.e. writing more stuff for you all to read one-handed) consider supporting me on patreon. My stories will always be posted here as Nifty is the home of my writing, but I share extra content, behind-the-scenes details and deleted chapters/scenes, so to see more, visit https://www.patreon.com/matterotica

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As an ensemble story, it can occasionally be hard to keep track of characters, so below is a brief summary to help remind you who they are.

Daniel `Danny' Davies – 12 – Year 7 – Dorm 1.01 - Danny is a popular and well-liked boy amongst dorm 1.01. Best friend to Chris. Recently decided he's not interested in dating and just starting to explore other options. Found out before the Christmas break that Josh was guilty of a crime against the dorm... (unlocked)

Christopher `Chris' Smith – 12 – Year 7 – Dorm 1.01 – Chris is a loving, affectionate Irish boy with a large family. Recently started a relationship with Kyle Scott. (unlocked)

Nicholas `Nicky' Jones – 12 – Year 7 – Dorm 1.01 – Nicky was an early bloomer, already taller and more developed than anyone in his year. Started a relationship at the start of the year with his mentor, Will. (unlocked)

Michael `Mikey' Corbyn – 12 – Year 7 – Dorm 1.01 – Mikey is a volatile, often angry boy who has only just started to make friends with Danny. Having always felt unwanted by his own family, Mikey has many issues that his mentor, Andy, is helping him to work through. (unlocked)

Robert `Rob' Wilson – 11 – Year 7 – Dorm 1.01 – Rob is an intelligent boy and often spokesperson for the dorm, usually doing the thinking for them too. He is best friend to Josh. Before the Christmas break, he was forced to confess to his involvement in some rule-breaking and now must face a punishment. (locked in chastity)

Joshua `Josh' Williams – 11 – Year 7 – Dorm 1.01 – A cheeky and playful boy, best friend to Rob. Has two older brothers at the school, Ryan in Year 12 and Mark in Year 13. Recently confessed to Danny that he was the one who got Rob and David in trouble for hacking the school's secure network. (locked in chastity)

David Brown – 11 – Year 7 – Dorm 1.01 –Intelligent but naïve and sensitive, David is the little brother of the group. An expert on computers, he recently gained access to the school's network to assist Rob in his search for who pranked them. He was forced to confess his crimes to save the whole dorm from punishment. (locked in chastity)

Andrew `Andy' Jenkins – 15 – Year 10 – Dorm 2.01 – Andy is mentor to Mikey. A kind and considerate boy, he saw Mikey's issues the moment he met him but chose to be his mentor anyway. He works hard to help Mikey understand his own feelings and to tackle his problems head-on.

Tales from Kingswood

Chapter 22

Sunday 5 January 2020

David was sobbing helplessly, and Rob didn't look too far behind him. The group had just got back to the dorm after Rob and David had been summoned to the Headmaster's office, the rest following along for moral support. Before the Christmas break, David had owned up to hacking into the school's secure network and Rob had admitted he was the one who had pushed David to do it. The confessions had only come out after the entire dorm had been accused of accessing the files.

Mr Everett, the Headmaster, explained to the two boys that IT had verified their story to the best of their ability and confirmed that, while they had indeed accessed the network, they had not opened any confidential files. Apparently that was the reason the boys were seeing Mr Everett to receive their punishment rather than being straight-up expelled.

For playing the primary role in the illicit activity and breaching the privacy of his peers, David had been sentenced to removal of much of his own privacy, being stripped immediately and instructed he would remain that way for a period of two weeks.

Rob, whose role had been somewhat less but had still been determined as encouraging unacceptable behaviour' had received a lesser sentence. He had been directed to carry out thirty hours of school Community Service', on this occasion to be served within the laundry department.

While not everyone from dorm 1.01 was back yet, the ones who were present had waited for them outside the office and been comforting them since, particularly David who had been in tears as he venture out of the headmaster's office, fully exposed, though his chastity device at least offered a modicum of modesty.

"I'm gonna fucking kill him!" Danny said angrily as the group gathered back in the dorm, comforting the distraught David. The him' in question was Josh, one of the two missing members of the dorm and, according to Danny, the cause of the whole situation. Danny already had reason to suspect Josh, which he had voiced to the rest of the dorm but just before leaving for Christmas break, Josh had actually admitted to it. As much as Danny wanted to believe there was more to it than there seemed, seeing David so upset was just making him increasingly angry. David was off-limits, to everyone! While the whole dorm was close and very protective of each other, David had slipped so perfectly into the little brother' role for all of them which meant he was to be protected at all costs.

"We don't KNOW it was him! Not really!" Rob said, defending his best friend.

"Rob, I asked him `did you do it?' and he said yes! How much more do you need to know?" Danny asked, feeling his anger starting to spread towards Rob. Despite being one of the victims, Rob was still staunchly defending Josh.

"There's... there's something going on with him!" Rob insisted.

"Yeah, he's a dick!" Mikey said sharply.

"No, I mean it. I know you all think I'm just defending him because we're mates, but seriously. There's... there's too much that doesn't add up. Not just about this. Something's wrong with him!" Rob explained. "I've been saying it for ages and nobody'll believe me, but I'm right!"

Throughout their first term together, Rob and Josh had developed a strange relationship. They were undeniably best mates and at times they had gotten almost as close to each other as Chris and Danny were, but there still remained a strange distance between them. On top of that, Josh often went missing for hours at a time and, when asked about, always gave vague non-committal answers.

The others all looked back at Rob. It was clear for the most-part that they wanted to believe him, but the facts before them seemed undeniable. Josh was due back later in the afternoon, as was James, and hopefully that would allow them all to finally get some answers. For now, they had a distraught friend to comfort.

"So how was Christmas?" Andy asked as he sat facing Mikey. He knew he was likely to get a very animated response from his young mentee. Even after just one term together he knew all too well just how much Mikey disliked going home and spending time with his family.

"It was... okay," Mikey answered, surprisingly calmly. He smirked a little at the obvious look of shock on his mentor's face. "I mean, I didn't love it and being around my parents was as annoying as ever, but it was nice to have a break from classes and clubs and stuff I suppose."

Andy smiled. "I'm glad to hear that. And did you stay in touch with your mates much while you were home?"

Mikey's face screwed up instantly at the comment as he shook his head. "That's not home, this is home. That's just where I visit six times a year now! But yeah, we all messaged loads. Well, not all of us. Josh didn't. Things are... awkward there."

Andy sighed. He knew the situation all to well. One of his dormmates was Josh's mentor and he had received the same silent treatment as the other 1.01 boys over the Christmas break. Seeing Mikey was in an unusually good mood, he decided to try and keep the conversation on the positive side. "Well it's good you stayed in contact. It seems to have helped!"

"Yeah, they're great," Mikey said, smiling as he thought about most of the others.

"You ever tell them that?" Andy asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No!" Mikey scowled immediately. It had taken him the best part of four months to finally feel comfortable enough to start sharing his feelings with his mentor. There was no way he could walk round the dorm just telling people he liked them.

"Maybe some time you should. They clearly mean a lot to you. What are you so scared of?" Andy asked, sounding a little more accusatory than he intended.

"I'm not scared!" Mikey pouted.

"Okay, maybe not the right word," Andy conceded. "But it does seem like you're..." he paused, trying to think of a different way to put it. "Maybe a bit uncomfortable at the thought of actually being close to them."

"I'm close to Danny," Mikey said defensively. "Chris and Nicky too... a bit!"

"Good," Andy said, nodding as he smiled sincerely, but it slowly dropped as he asked cautiously, "So does that mean you've told any of them about... you-know-who?"

Mikey glanced over to the other side of the room for a moment, then back to Andy who had clearly noticed. "No, not yet. They won't understand!"

"If you tell them, they might. If you don't, they definitely won't!" Andy stated. It was a rephrasing of something his own mentor had taught him over the years. It felt strangely rewarding to be able to pass it on.

Mikey sighed heavily. "I know. It's just... what if..."

"Nope!" Andy blurted out.

Mikey tried again. "But what if..."



"Nope. Don't wanna hear it. I understand being careful, but I reckon you could come up with a `what if' to get you out of anything you don't want to do!" Andy said bluntly to a slightly frustrated-looking Mikey. "I'm not saying you have to talk to them about it, but either you do it or you don't do it. Just decide. I don't wanna hear you talking yourself out of it!"

"Fine," Mikey pouted. Annoyed as he was about being cut off, he knew the older boy was right.

"So how about... the OTHER issue?" Andy asked, raising an eyebrow.

Mikey's pout dropped away as he blushed, folding his arms in front of himself as he looked down at the floor. "What other issue?" he asked, playing dumb exceptionally badly.

"Oh come on," Andy said, shaking his head. It went like this every time he brought up the subject of sexual activity.

Mikey had been so excited to earn his freedom from chastity back at the end of October. While he was locked, they had talked a lot about the things Mikey wanted to do when he was free. He had seen a couple of his dormmates and a lot of the older students enjoying the environment of sexual openness prevalent in the school and he had been excited to get involved, but then he had been unlocked and... nothing. Well, not nothing. He was masturbating about three or four times a day and loving it, but that was as far as it went.

"Did you do what I asked and take some time to think about what you actually want?" Andy asked. He was always careful not to set any expectations for Mikey when it came to sex. That was another thing he had picked up from his mentor. A single phrase he had stated over and over, `Just because we CAN have sex, that doesn't mean we HAVE TO!' It was a saying lost on a majority of the students, for many of whom desire and action were the same thing, but for some, like Andy and apparently Mikey, it was an important thing to remember.

Mikey shrugged. "I guess," he said non-committally. He actually had thought about it. A lot. In fact, it was on his mind almost constantly.

"And?" Andy urged him on.

"I dunno," Mikey said with a shrug. "Sure, I'd like to... ya know... do stuff, but..." He didn't finish, he just rolled his eyes and shook his head.

Andy smiled encouragingly. "That's good, that's progress. So when you think about doing `stuff', do you see yourself doing it just casually with... anyone or do you imagine being with, like, a set person?" he asked, but quickly added, "Or people!" Like most of the mentors, he had already started teaching his young mentee about things like monogamy and polyamory.

Mikey shrugged again. "Mostly I just think about the dicks, not who they're attached to!"

Andy chuckled, but quickly said, "Sorry, not laughing at you, but that IS kinda funny!"

Mikey cracked a slight smile.

"But it kinda sounds like you're not too interested in the romantic side of things, more just... the physical," Andy surmised. "Does that sound about right?"

Another shrug, but this time accompanied by a nod.

"Hmm, casual sexual activity with someone you're close to but don't want a relationship with," Andy mused sarcastically. "If only I could think of someone who fits that!"

Mikey scowled. "You're not funny!" he said moodily. He knew exactly who Andy was talking about – Danny. He was probably the person Mikey spoke about the most and Andy knew about the other boy's free-spirited approach to sexual activity.

"Well come on. He's right there!" Andy said, returning a shrug. They both fell silent for a moment until Andy went on. "Look, it's like the other thing. I'm not saying you need to do it, but it's definitely something you should consider, okay? I think it could be really good for you! As much as I like playing with you, it'd be nice to see you doing the things you want to do!"

"Do you?" Mikey asked, not intending to sound as accusatory as it came out. "Like playing with me, I mean?" He softened his tone for the follow-up question, sounding genuinely curious.

"Course I do!" Andy said, shaking his head at the ridiculousness of the question.

"I mean... you're kinda stuck with me, so do you just do it cos you have to?" Mikey asked.

"You sweet little idiot!" Andy said, moving round the table and casually placing his arms around the younger boy. "Your parents really did a number on you didn't they?"

Mikey flinched a little at the mention of his parents.

"Yes I like playing with you, no I don't do it because I have to and yes I'm stuck with you but that's by choice!" Andy explained. "Remember, I chose you. You're here at Kingswood because you're wanted. Never forget that!"

Mikey sniffed a little but coughed to try and cover it up. He smiled up at his mentor for a moment, then leaned in to rest his head against the older student's shoulder.

"That said," Andy quickly added, "I don't want to be responsible for ALL of your orgasms over the next four years, so hurry up and find someone else to lend a hand!" He grinned as Mikey looked up at him. "Or foot, or whatever body part you happen to be into! I won't judge!"

Mikey chuckled at the comment then grinned and said, "How about you be responsible for my next one at least?"

"Oh, so we're past the talking section of this meeting, are we?" Andy asked as he let go of Mikey and took a step back. When he got a cheery nod from Mikey he asked, "What can I get you today? Hand or mouth?"

Mikey shook his head. "Who needs romance when I've got offers like that?" Andy gave an over-exaggerated bow but stayed silent until Mikey said, "Actually, I was kinda thinking maybe... a finger?" He looked thoroughly sheepish at the nervous request.

"Hmm," Andy hummed. "Whose finger and where's it going?" he asked playfully.

"Nothing, forget it," Mikey said, blushing as he turned away.

"Hey, come on," Andy encouraged him. "Don't go getting shy on me now! Whatever it is you wanna ask for, I can pretty much guarantee the answer is gonna be a yes!"

Mikey turned back, cheeks still red and avoiding eye contact. "Well... over Christmas break I... had a bit more privacy so I kinda... started experimenting a bit and one day I... kinda played with my butt a bit and it felt... kinda nice!"

"Oh!" Andy said knowingly with a nod. "You, my little friend, are in luck. That happens to be one of my specialties!"

"Really?" Mikey asked, eyes wide.

Andy raised his finger. "This finger right here, it's fucking magic! I've made guys cum using just this finger!"

"Do it to me!" Mikey insisted urgently, then shrank back a little blushing more and said, "Please!"

Andy laughed at his protégé's eagerness for a moment then instructed, "Okay, clothes off and get on the sofa."

Mikey needed no more instruction than that. His clothes were tossed aside in seconds and he virtually jumped onto the small sofa.

"Okay," Andy said, sitting beside him. "If you're new to butt stuff, then you may feel a little pain. It'll pass but if it hurts too much or you're just straight up not enjoying it, you just have to say so, okay?" He got a nod. "And it definitely helps if you're relaxed too, so try and stay chill, `kay?"

"D'you need a better angle?" Mikey asked. Without waiting for an answer, he swivelled round a little then lifted his legs, pulling them back so they were hooked behind his upper arms, exposing his hole to Andy and virtually folding himself in half.

"Jesus, you're flexible!" Andy said, impressed by the position. "And hey, look at that," he added, pointing to Mikey's small erection which hung quite close to his face. "A few inches or some good stretching exercises and you'll be able to suck your own dick!"

"Wait, that's possible?" Mikey asked, eyes flitting back and forth between his own cock and Andy's face.

"Okay, one thing at a time!" Andy sniggered. He glanced at Mikey's butt, cheeks parted, his hole perfectly hairless and virginally tight. His bare thighs spreading away either side were just as smooth and milky white. "Mind if I play a bit before we start?" he asked casually.

"Sure!" Mikey said happily.

Andy grabbed one of Mikey's legs and let his fingers slide down the soft, supple skin while his mouth moved to the other leg, licking a snaking trail down from his knee all the way to his perineum. Both touches at once made the younger boy moan dreamily. Andy repeated it a few times, touching and licking slightly different parts each time. Normally their sexual interactions were a lot more direct, the intention of them both solely to cause an orgasm. This time, with a request that felt a lot more intimate, it felt appropriate for the build-up to match.

After a few minutes, Andy paused and looked down into Mikey's face. His eyes had been closed as he enjoyed the teasing sensations but shot open at the sudden pause. Andy loved these moments with Mikey. Mikey was usually so conflicted or angry or broken, but in the rare moments of connection like that, he could see past all of it. He was just a vision of innocence and beauty, with his sparkling blue eyes and cute freckles.

"Let's see how you like this!" Andy growled, then slid his tongue across the boy's hole.

"FUCK!" Mikey yelled out excitedly.

Andy was laughing so much at the reaction that he could barely manage to lick again, but as he slid his tongue back and forth, round and round he felt Mikey writhing against him in sheer delight. When he finally pulled away, he heard a disappointed little whimper. He knew the disappointment wouldn't last long as he raised his finger and put it in his mouth, ensuring it left with a liberal coating of saliva. He placed his fingertip on Mikey's hole.

"Yes, do it, do it!" Mikey panted, half ordering, half begging. "Mmmnnnhhh!" he moaned as he felt Andy's finger push in just a little.

"Just try to relax a little," Andy encouraged him, his free hand reaching down to take hold of Mikey's. He felt a squeeze on his hand and the hole loosened just a little. He slid his finger in a little further. "So how is it?" he asked.

"Can't talk... busy!" Mikey said with a slightly breathless grin.

The older boy giggled. "Okay, I'm gonna go a bit further," Andy warned him, then slowly allowed his finger to slide in. He grinned, knowing what was coming next. "Okay, hold on tight!"

"Wh... why?" Mikey asked, unsure whether to be excited or scared. He suddenly felt a finger press against his prostate for the first time. "Andy!" he whimpered, almost overwhelmed by the feeling.

"It's okay, bud," Andy reassured him, giving his hand a quick squeeze. "Want me to stop?"

Mikey gulped as he stared up at the older boy, then shook his head.

"Good boy," Andy said proudly. He gave the gland another gentle touch and felt Mikey's hole clench around his finger.

"I... I feel like..." Mikey panted. "I think... you're gonna make me cum!"

Andy's own cock was throbbing as he heard the gasped comment. He pulled his finger out a little, then slid back in and pressed the boy's prostate again. He repeated it a couple more times, each touch getting a higher pitched whimper from Mikey.

"Oh God I'm cumming!" Mikey gasped suddenly.

Andy couldn't resist the obvious move now. As he gave the boy's g-spot the final touch needed to push him over the edge, he let go of his hand, grabbed his cock and aimed at his face. By the time Mikey realised, it was too late to object and his few meagre spurts of spunk shot out, smearing across his reddened, freckled face.

"Mmmmfff," Mikey moaned, trying desperately to take heavy breaths through his nose as his mouth clamped shut to avoid catching any of his own spunk in it.

Satisfied that he had milked every drop from the boy, Andy lay back and immediately felt Mikey's legs collapse down onto his lap.

Still catching his breath, Mikey reached up and wiped the cum from his mouth with the back of his hand then glared at Andy. "You dick!" he grumbled.

Andy just laughed as he looked at the cum-covered panting boy. As angry as Mikey looked, Andy knew there were no hard feelings when he felt the boy's hand grasping his own again.

Things had mostly calmed down in the dorm by late afternoon. David remained upset over his enforced nudity. He had begun to get used to it, feeling safe in the dorm surrounded by his friends, but the moment he had to leave the dorm to use the toilet he had been right back to distraught. Many of the boys had come and gone, either meeting up with their mentors or just catching up with friends from other dorms but had all ended up together again back in 1.01.

Two of the boys remained absent. James was not due back until the following morning, his family's flight having been delayed returning from their Christmas vacation. The other absentee was Josh who was due back at any moment.

"Look, when he gets here, just... give him a chance, okay?" Rob pleaded. His continued excuse-making for his best friend had initially only irritated Danny but was gradually beginning to annoy the rest of the dorm too.

"Okay," Danny said, scowling as he nodded. "One chance to explain why he betrayed every one of us and got David and you in deep shit and if it's not good enough, we kick the crap out of him. Sound okay?"

"Hey," Chris said softly from beside his best mate. He reached down and stroked Danny's arm comfortingly. He had never seen the other boy so angry, or really angry at all, so it was quite concerning to witness.

Danny took a deep breath and sat back in his seat, leaning against Chris a little. It made sense that Danny was the angriest in a way. He had known what Josh had done, for certain, for over two weeks but had chosen not to tell the others until after they returned from Christmas break so as not to sour their time off.

"Nobody's kicking the crap out of anyone!" Nicky said firmly, always the first to oppose confrontation.

"Yeah, what happened to never hurting anyone?" Mikey asked from Danny's other side. "Or does that only apply to me?"

Danny looked at the other boy sheepishly. A couple of months earlier, after a jealous outburst had almost broken another boy's nose, Danny had forced Mikey to agree that violence was never acceptable. To his credit, Mikey had stuck to that completely so Danny felt momentarily awkward for being called out on it by him. "You're right," he said softly, giving Mikey a meek smile.

"Mikey's right about something?" a voice suddenly called out from the other end of the dorm. "Bit late for a Christmas miracle, isn't it?" It was Josh. He dropped his bags down by his bunk then headed down towards the others. "Woah," he said, seeing five angry faces and Rob staring back at him. "What... did I miss?" His eyes fell on David, who was sitting curled up to conceal his body from view as much as possible. "Ah fuck, is that the punishment you got?"

"Yeah, because of you!" Danny snapped furiously.

"Me? What did I do?" Josh asked defensively. He raised a hand to his chest as he asked the question, making the sleeve of his coat ride up a bit to reveal a cast on his arm.

"What's that?" Rob asked, pointing to Josh's arm.

"Oh this?" Josh said with a casual shrug. He shucked his coat and raised his arm to show the cast went from his hand up to just short of his elbow. "Rugby game with the old mates got a bit... erm... rough!" He chuckled, then frowned as he repeated, "So what did I supposedly do?"

"Don't play dumb!" Danny snapped.

"I don't think he's playing," Mikey added with a snigger.

Josh nodded and smirked, "He ain't wrong, mate!"

"Stop pretending! You dobbed us in for the computer thing. You got David and Rob in trouble!" Danny said, his anger almost palpable. He stood as he said it, which prompted most of the others to follow.

Josh's brow furrowed heavily as he shook his head. "What? Why the fuck would I do that? We could've all got in deep shit for that!" Josh quickly refuted the allegations, then added an almost offended, "And they're my mates! Why would I ever get them in trouble?"

"You... confessed it!" Danny said, absolutely bewildered by even the possibility of denial. "You told me you did it!"

Josh chuckled and shook his head dismissively. "Yeah, I... don't think I did!" he said as he smirked. "Is this some kind of joke or something?"

Danny looked an entirely new level of furious while the rest just looked a little confused, unsure who to believe. Neither boy had ever really proven themselves to be untrustworthy.

"Okay, then where were you on the last day before we broke up? You just... disappeared!" Mikey asked accusingly. It was clear he was very much on Danny's side.

"I don't wanna say," Josh said, his eyes lowering to the ground.

"Well you have to, otherwise we believe Danny and let him kick the crap out of you!" Mikey threatened. He had agreed not to be violent, but figured threats were still okay.

Josh let out a hearty sigh. "Fine, you'll think I'm stupid but if it stops Danny from trying to kick my butt... and failing, FYI, even with one hand I'd take any of ya... but... I was upset, okay! We were about to go home and I wouldn't see any of you for two weeks and it kinda hit me how much I was gonna miss you all. I'm just not used to having mates I care about so much and I didn't wanna look like a pussy and cry in front of you or any shit like that, so I hid. Okay, happy now? I'm a pussy. Gonna kick my butt for that, are you?" He was blushing heavily by the end of his explanation. "Happy now?"

"Aww!" Chris said sympathetically. "That's so sweet!"

"Yeah, just a shame it's all bollocks!" Danny said, eyes narrowed angrily. "He hid from us because he knew what he'd done and he knew I was onto him!" Danny pointed at Josh accusingly.

Josh flinched a little at the angry tone and recoiled a little, holding his cast with his uninjured hand. "I don't know why you're saying this stuff!" he said, looking visibly scared of the other boy's uncharacteristic vitriol.

"Come with me!" Danny demanded. He grabbed Josh by the arm and as the others quickly moved to intervene, he snapped, "We're just gonna talk. Back off!" As the others stood down, Josh allowed himself to be dragged out of the dorm and into the hallway outside. "Why are you doing this?" Danny demanded.

Josh remained silent for several seconds, his jaw trembling just a little before he replied, "Doing what?"

Danny huffed, infuriated by the blatant lying but part of him was still looking for a reasonable explanation. "Josh, if there's something going on... something bad..." His eyes dropped to the injured hand for a moment, the implication obvious, "Just... say something and I can help! Like... just literally the word help and... and I'll help, I promise!"

Josh paused again, then sniggered and said, "I don't know what you're talking about!"

Danny's momentary flicker of patience was immediately smothered by the denial. "You know what you told me!" he said, scowling wildly.

"I... didn't tell you anything," Josh said meekly. "Now, are we done? I'd like to unpack and catch up with everyone!" He looked at Danny for a moment and after getting no response, just walked back into the dorm. "So come on then, tell me about your Christmas breaks. Who got the best presents?"

Danny peered into the dorm and found himself utterly incensed by the way the others seemed willing to just take Josh's word and chat to him like nothing had happened. Letting out a frustrated sigh, he turned and headed away from the dorm.

Chris let out a gentle moan of contentment as he closed his eyes, letting the spray of the shower wash down over his head. "What am I supposed to do?" he asked, mostly just thinking aloud. "I mean, Danny's my best friend and I trust him completely, so I know I should just, like, believe him but Josh is my friend too and if I say I believe Danny, then that's just the same as saying Josh is lying, right?"

He got a muffled noise in response.

"So I'm trying to think of why. It's like pretty much every murder mystery book I've ever read. If you can figure out the motivation, then you can figure out who did it, but I keep coming up blank," Chris continued to muse.

Another muffled grunt.

"Like, what would Danny have to gain from pinning the blame on Josh? I suppose if it was him that had done it he might be trying to set someone else up to take the fall, but I find it even harder to believe Danny turning us in than I do Josh. Aside from that, I can't think of any reason he'd be making this up!" Chris continued.

"Mmm-huh," he heard vaguely from below.

"But then what about Josh? He's totally got the motivation to lie if what Danny's saying is true, but then what's the motivation for turning us in? I mean, aside from dropping his best friend in it and David, who we all love, he would have also been putting himself at risk of getting in trouble too and that makes zero sense!" Chris continued thinking aloud. "So we've got two trustworthy guys, saying opposite things and neither with any real motivation to lie. How the hell are we meant to know who to side with?"

"Ugh!" Kyle grunted from below. He pulled Chris' cock from his mouth and snapped, "If I tell you what to think will you shut up and enjoy what I'm doing?" he demanded.

Chris grinned and nodded.

"If you don't know, don't guess. Why pick a side at all? Tell them you trust them both and taking sides will only hurt someone's feelings. Stay neutral, support them both. Now shut up and let me suck your dick. It's been two weeks and I've really missed it!" Kyle said sharply before taking Chris' erection back into his mouth.

"Hey," Chris said, reaching down to cup Kyle's face in his hand, prompting the other boy to look up. He leaned down and planted a delicate kiss on his lips. "I love you!"

Kyle stared up at his boyfriend, a little shocked by the sudden statement. "Y... y..." he stuttered nervously. He suddenly jumped to his feet. "You love me? You... said it. You said you love me and... and we've not, erm... we haven't said that... before!"

Chris smiled. Kyle's nervousness was always there, lingering in the background, but their lives and their routines were so comfortable and familiar that it rarely emerged.

"You love me," Kyle said with a nervous snigger. He reached back and grabbed his towel then said, "That's... really cool, thanks!" He unlocked the cubicle door. "I'll... I'll... see you later, I guess!" With that, he vanished towards the exit.

Chris just stared at the open cubicle door for a moment. "Well... fuck!" he mumbled as he shut the door. He had thought it was a nice thing to say, and he meant it too. He had been thinking it long before the Christmas break, but being away from him for two weeks had made him feel it all the more.

Figuring he would sort that out later, Kyle's sudden departure had left Chris with another problem... a much harder problem! His dick remained rigid. He had very deliberately not jerked off for the last couple of days, `saving it up', as he put it, for Kyle. He grinned as an idea occurred to him. "Hey, I'm in the end cubicle, door open," he called out loudly over the sounds of the showers. "Anyone feels like giving a blow job, come on over!"

He heard a number of door locks open and a Year 8 boy he had heard referred to as `Harry' appeared, naked with his towel slung over his shoulder. "Ha, beat you to it!" he declared, looking to the side at some unseen person. "Bold move," he grinned as he moved into Chris' cubicle. "I'll do you if you do me!" he offered.

"Sure," Chris said with a shrug. Mutual blowjobs with a stranger were probably not the most sensible way to handle having your boyfriend run out after being told, `I love you' but needs must!

Harry seemed perfectly happy to go first, dropping to his knees to take Chris' cock into his mouth. Between the stimulation Kyle had given him and the intoxicating excitement of hooking up with a relative stranger, Chris was quickly ready to shoot.

"I'm gonna cum," Chris warned, unsure if the older boy would want it in his mouth.

He immediately got his answer as Harry reached round to grip tightly onto Chris' buttocks, holding him tight as he shot his load into the eager mouth. "Hmmm, tasty," Harry chuckled as he finally released Chris and stood up. "Your turn!"

Chris dropped to his knees, happy to see that while Harry was certainly bigger than Chris himself, he wasn't huge so he would likely be able to take all of it. He took it into his mouth and began sucking eagerly. As he felt Harry's hands rest on his head, he was worried the older boy might be about to get a bit rougher than he was used to, but they just rested there, holding on gently.

Chris enjoyed the happy moans coming from above, smiling to himself as he got different noises based on how he changed his speed or where he focused his tongue or roaming hands. Just as he was getting used to what Harry liked, he felt the cock spasm and spurt into his mouth. For a split second he felt offended the older boy hadn't warned him, but as he fully intended to swallow anyway, he soon got over it.

Harry let out a final happy growl as Chris released him, then grinned and said, "Thanks mate, that was fun!" then disappeared out of the cubicle.

Chris certainly did feel a little better after his release, but his mind quickly wandered back to Kyle.

Danny had been wandering the Home Building since storming away from his conversation with Josh. His first instinct had been to head outside and find a quiet spot in the school grounds to hide out while he cooled off, but he had not taken a coat and looking at the wintery conditions outside, he was worried going out without one would be less cooling off' and more probable hypothermia' so he had been stayed indoors.

He was unsure whether anyone in the dorm would even be looking for him, but if they were he really wasn't in the mood to be found. He didn't even really want to talk about it anymore, he just wanted to be alone. He had ended up on the ground floor and after realising there really wasn't much to do or many places currently open to him that he could hide he had secreted himself away in the toilets.

Locked in one of the cubicles, he sat just looking at stuff mindlessly on his phone. Annoyingly, the Kingswood app blocked access to anything of an adult nature but Danny still found his mind wandering onto his cock. Reluctantly, he opened up the messenger and went to his chat with Brian – Chris' mentor. As a `Christmas present' the older boy had sent him a picture of him in his Halloween costume, though there was very little costume to speak of and a lot of skin on show.

Danny's hand slipped to his crotch, playing with himself a little as he did his best to focus on the body. It wasn't that Brian was unattractive. Quite the opposite, he was exceptionally cute, Danny just found himself repelled by the idea of being attracted to him, though in his hormonal mind, just being aroused by his body was somehow more acceptable.

He was just on the verge of pulling his cock out when he heard someone else come in. He paused, not really wanting to be overheard masturbating as the person approached the cubicles. Annoyingly, they went into one directly at Danny's side. That meant they would definitely overhear any `activity' so he would have to wait until they were gone to continue.

After a minute of silence from both cubicles, Danny heard something from his neighbour. It sounded like he slid something along the cubicle wall and there was a slight click. Danny was at a loss as to what the sound had been and continued to sit patiently waiting for the other person to leave. After a few more moments, another slide and another click before silence returned. It happened two more times.

Danny was beginning to get impatient and was considering leaving when he heard a voice from the other cubicle. "You not looking for fun?" the voice asked.

"Wh... what?" Danny asked nervously.

"Oh, you sound young. You a Year 7?" the stranger asked.

"Yeah," Danny replied nervously.

"If you wanna learn a little secret, open your door," the voice said. There was immediately another sliding sound, then the door unlocked and footsteps moved round to stand in front of Danny's door.

Danny could see the other guy's feet as he stood there. Cautiously, he reached forward and unlocked his door. As it swung open he found himself looking at an older boy he had never spoken to before, though he looked to be maybe a Year 11.

"Ha, you're that kid from Halloween!" the older boy said with a grin as he saw Danny.

"Yeah," Danny said shyly, blushing heavily. It was still a constant source of embarrassment for him that most of the school had seen him virtually naked, with a semi-erection yet didn't even know his name.

"Cute," the older boy said with a smirk. He stepped into the cubicle and shut it behind him, making Danny look more than a little nervous. "Hey relax, I'm not gonna hurt you or anything! I'm guessing your mentor hasn't let you in on the... erm... little secret about toilets here yet?"

Danny shook his head, curious as to what secrets exactly a toilet cubicle could hold.

"Makes sense. We're not really s'posed to tell you until you're a bit older but I never really agreed with that. Just... don't tell anyone I told ya, okay?" the boy said. "Oh yeah, I'm Liam, by the way. Liam Harris. Year 11." He offered his hand and gave a warm smile that put Danny substantially more at ease.

Danny took the hand and shook it. "Danny Davies. Year 7," he introduced himself.

"Not in one-oh-four, are ya?" Liam asked wearily.

Danny shook his head and asked, "No, why?"

"Just my little brother, Steven's in that dorm and I reckon it'd be a bit weird to mess around with one of his besties!" Liam explained.

"I know him," Danny said, "But just from shared classes and stuff!"

"Great," Liam said happily. "So, you ever heard of glory holes?" When Danny shook his head, Liam explained, "Well they're kinda ways for guys to hook up or fool around anonymously. You ever go into a public toilet and find a hole in the wall, it's probably a glory hole and it likely means guys use that place for hook-ups!"

"Oh," Danny said, surprised and excited in equal measure. "Wait, so are there glory holes at Kingswood?"

"It's Kingswood! What do you think?" Liam asked rhetorically.

Danny chuckled then looked round, trying to spot one.

"Look all you want, you won't spot it, not without... the secret!" Liam said dramatically, then smirked as he got a giggle from the younger boy. "And the secret... is this!" Liam said, pointing to the toilet roll dispenser on one side of the cubicle. As Danny frowned with confusion, Liam slipped a finger onto the underside of it and pressed a small button, then pushed the whole thing a few inches to the side. It clicked into place and he let go.

"Oh!" Danny said, recognising the sound he had heard earlier. "So does that, like, open a hole up?" he asked, looking to the space the dispenser had vacated.

"Nah, that'd be waaay to easy... and low-tech. That's just an indicator of what you're looking for. Push it towards the door if you're looking to suck or jerk someone else off," Liam explained, then slid the dispenser back the opposite way. "Towards the wall if you're looking to get blown or something." He moved it back to the middle and then up. "Up if you're just wanting to watch." Finally he slid it down. "And down if you want to BE watched!"

Danny had already been entranced by the whole concept, but the words `if you want to be watched' made his stomach lurch with excitement.

"If what you're looking for matches up with someone in a cubicle either side of you, one of the panels slides down and there's your hole!" Liam went on. "When you're done, just slide the panel back up and stick the loo roll back in place, otherwise the door won't unlock, ya know, to make sure it doesn't get discovered accidentally by some horny Year 7 or snooping teacher!"

"Damn, that's frickin' mental. And these are in all the toilets?" Danny asked excitedly.

"Only here in this building and over in the Sports Complex. They don't have them in the School Building. No idea why!" Liam explained.

"So if I was... just wanting to be watched, I slide it down and if anyone wants to just watch, they can?" Danny asked, not even being subtle about the option that appealed the most, although all of them certainly drew his interest.

"Yup," Liam confirmed. "Oh, and just as a kind of... glory hole etiquette thing, it's considered good manners for the person either doing the sucking or showing off to wait for the other guy to leave before they do, ya know, to avoid any awkward encounters."

"Oh my God, this is... crazy!" Danny said, amazed and eager to try it out.

"Nah, this is Kingswood!" Liam said, sliding the dispenser back into place. "Now I'm gonna go," he said, unlocking the door. "Oh yeah, slight spoiler alert, I intend to slide my dispenser towards the wall... if you're interested! See ya around, Danny!" He gave a quick grin then returned to his original cubicle.

As Danny re-locked the door, he heard Liam do the same, then there was a slide and a click. Danny immediately reached down for the button and slid the dispenser toward the door. With Liam choosing the want to get blown' option and Danny choosing the I wanna suck' option, there was a click and quiet thud as panels on both sides dropped down to reveal the hole.

Liam wasted no time in poking his rapidly stiffening cock through the hole towards the eager boy.

Danny dropped to his knees, giving the older boy's dick a few strokes before taking it into his mouth. Unlike the fairly hairless cocks he was used to sucking, this one was nestled in a messy thatch of dark hair which tickled Danny's nose as slid the rigid tool all the way into his mouth. It was a little longer than he had anticipated, and he gagged a little, pulling back before taking most of it in again.

As he knelt sucking on the eager cock, he reached down to release his own, pulling it free before raising one hand to play with Liam's balls, the other remaining on his own cock, stroking it rapidly. This was so different from Danny's other encounters. Even though he wasn't `with' any of the others he often played with – Joseph, Chris, Kyle, Nicky – he at least had some kind of relationship with them. Despite knowing who was on the other side of this particular glory hole, the entire situation felt entirely impersonal. There were no feelings to it, there was no attachment, there would be no interaction after. Danny found himself feeling a little used, nothing more than an anonymous mouth for the person on the other side to use to get off... and he liked it! Forget being watched, this was what appealed now!

Sucking and stroking as fast as he could, he could feel his own orgasm approaching and suspected Liam was in the same position, his cock positively throbbing. As Danny felt the first spurts of sixteen-year-old cum hit the back of his throat, his own cock erupted, spurting the wall of the cubicle at first and then just onto the floor, some shooting off onto Liam's side of the partition.

As Danny sucked the last few drops, the cock pulled back through the hole and he saw the panel on the other side slide up to cover it. He reached down and lifted his own side, the panel sliding up easily and clicking back into place before he grabbed some toilet paper to wipe up the mess he had made.

"You don't have to wait for me to leave!" Liam called out as he exited his cubicle.

Danny chuckled and called back, "Okay!" as he flushed the tissue away and zipped himself back up. He unlocked the door and stepped out, feeling his cheeks flush a little at the sight of the older boy he had just blown. He moved to the sink and started washing his hands as Liam stood drying his own.

"You're pretty good at that. Great job kiddo!" Liam said cheerfully. "Hope you enjoy the glory holes. Stay safe!" He gave Danny a playful kiss on the cheek, winked at him in the mirror and then headed for the exit.

Danny grinned as the older boy walked away. Joseph and some of the older students had often teased or hinted at the many secrets of the school the newest students were yet to discover. If this was what most of them were like, he couldn't wait to find out more!

Dinner that evening had been exceptionally awkward for the 1.01 boys. They had gone to the Dining Hall as a group, as was normal, then sat together but the tension between Danny and Josh was more than a little obvious. It was only made worse by the presence of the still-very-upset David who had initially insisted he didn't want to eat and would rather stay in the dorm. The others had eventually managed to convince him to join them, after pointing out he couldn't exactly avoid eating for his whole two-week punishment and that the sooner he got used to being seen, the easier it would become.

The reaction to the naked boy was somewhat lessened by the presence of two other nude students – one in Year 9 and one Year 12 – each undergoing their own punishments for various misdeeds.

David had been clearly upset since leaving the dorm, attempting to hide behind the others as much as possible to conceal his nudity, but as they stood in the single-file line for food, he was undeniably on show to the room, attracting a lot of looks and sniggers.

"I hate this," David whimpered, keeping his arms folded in front of him, though he quickly dropped them away when he looked down and realised the position, paired with his chubbiness, just gave him cleavage that was drawing even more comments and attention.

With the usual clubs not resumed yet, after dinner most boys headed for their respective Common Rooms but the 1.01 boys decided to keep David company in the dorm. It was also a rare opportunity for them all to spend a substantive amount of time together as a group, though the Danny/Josh issue had soured that slightly. Whereas they might have usually done something together, they instead just all hung out in the dorm doing their own things.

They had been in the dorm for about half an hour when Josh got a message asking him to visit Dr Arkwright's office, apparently to discuss his injury and assess if any adjustments were needed to his daily routine to support him with it. The moment he was gone, Danny seized his opportunity.

"Okay, everyone down here!" he called out as he leaned on the back of one of the sofas, looking over at the boys who were hanging out on the bunks.

There was a slight groan as most of them seemed to know what was coming, but they gathered anyway.

With the five boys all looking at him expectantly, Danny started with a simple, "Well?"

"Well, what?" Rob asked somewhat abruptly.

"What are we gonna do about Josh snitching to the teachers and doing this to David?" Danny asked, gesturing to the naked boy amongst them.

"He says he didn't do it!" Rob said matter-of-factly.

"If I punched you in the face then said I didn't do it, that wouldn't mean I didn't do it!" Danny snapped.

"True, but we also don't convict someone of a crime without evidence!" Rob argued back.

The other four were watching the discussion bouncing back and forth like a tennis match, happy to stay out of it for now.

"We have evidence and a confession. He confessed TO ME!" Danny said, getting increasingly irate. "Just cos he's chickened out and started denying it, that doesn't change what he told me!"

"You must have misunderstood!" Rob said, getting equally annoyed. He was refusing to let Danny besmirch his best friend's reputation.

"I asked did you do it' and he said yes'. There's not really much to misunderstand, is there?" Danny said, shaking his head angrily.

Rob frowned. That was hard to refute. "He must have meant something else then. I mean `did you do it' isn't exactly very clear, is it?"

"Oh come on, I get that you're mates and you wanna defend him, but you're just starting to sound crazy!" Danny snarled.

"You think I'm the one that sounds crazy?" Rob asked, standing up to face Danny. "Try listening to yourself!"

"Hey, come on guys, don't do anything silly," Chris urged them, standing up ready to keep the other two apart if needed.

"Oh, okay. So whadda you guys say then?" Danny asked, looking to Chris and then the others.

Silence hung heavily for several moments.

"I think all your crazy is scaring them out of saying how wrong they think you are!" Rob said with a smirk.

"Hey, don't go speaking for us!" Nicky quickly interjected.

"Okay, then speak yourself!" Rob invited the other boy.

Danny and Rob both stared at the other four who sat exchanging nervous looks.

"Danny, let me ask you something," Nicky requested softly. "Let's say we all agree with you, or better yet, Josh comes in and says you're right. What then? What are we supposed to do with that?"

"I don't know!" Danny said back, shrugging wildly. "But if we've got a fucking traitor living with us, I wanna know. I trust all of you and that matters to me a lot and I thought I could trust Josh too, but apparently I can't!"

All eyes returned to Nicky. Normally it fell to Rob to be the voice of reason in the dorm, but he was too involved in this. Sometimes David stepped up, but his enforced nudity had basically silenced him so it seemingly fell to Nicky instead.

Nicky nodded, taking a thoughtful breath then said, "Okay, well... this afternoon's been shit. It shouldn't have been. Most of us are back, it's a new term, this should have been a really nice day but it wasn't because of all that stuff. We don't know for certain which one of you is telling the truth, we have no reason to doubt either of you and asking us to choose is just asking for more days like today and, well... fuck that! So don't trust Josh, if that's what you need to do. Personally, I'll be pretty careful round him myself, just to be safe, but I think lingering on all this stuff is just gonna make us miserable. Do you wanna be miserable?" He looked to Danny.

"No!" Danny replied with a dismissive shrug.

"And do you wanna be miserable?" Nicky asked, looking to Rob.

"Obviously not!" Rob said, shaking his head.

"Okay, so let's just drop it. Danny, when Josh gets back you talk to him, say what you need to say and then let it go and then maybe we can actually have a fun evening!" Nicky instructed. "Now can I go back to being the quiet, brooding one or do I have to talk you ladies through any other issues?"

Rob and Danny both nodded their agreement, smiling a little at the comment. As the others began chatting again, Nicky's intervention seemingly releasing them from their silence, the two standing boys moved closer together.

"Sorry for calling you crazy," Rob said softly.

"Yeah, me too," Danny agreed. "Look, I'm not trying to start anything, but I'm... really not lying. He admitted to doing it. I know he's your friend, but he literally confessed to me!"

"I know. I do believe you!" Rob insisted.

"How can you believe me but still be on his side?" Danny asked, genuinely confused.

Rob glanced round at the others. "Imagine it was Chris. Imagine he was the one who'd confessed to me. What would you do?"

Danny glanced round at his best friend then back to Rob a sighed a little. "Yeah, good point. But still... I don't get it!"

"I do!" Rob said bluntly. "Something's wrong with Josh. Like, very, very wrong. I've thought so for almost as long as I've known him but... I can't find it, I can't... figure it out. It's so annoying because all I wanna do is help him and I don't know how!" He was visibly upset by the issue.

Danny sighed heavily and then nodded. "Okay then!"

"Okay what?" Rob asked, grimacing.

"I'll drop it... for now! I may have issues with Josh but... we're mates and I trust you, like... a lot. If you say something's wrong then I believe you." Danny reassured him. "And if I can ever help figuring it out, you just have to ask, okay!"

"Thanks Danny," Rob said, looking almost tearful.

Chris mewed happily as he nuzzled against Danny.

"Hell of a first day back!" Danny mumbled quietly as they lay together in the dark.

"Mmm-huh," Chris hummed in response.

"Hope the rest of the term's a better than this!" Danny added.

"Mmmyeah," Chris said absently.

Danny frowned and the bland, lifeless responses. "I think music and books should be banned. Don't you agree?" Danny asked, holding back a smirk.

"Sure," Chris agreed quietly, then a moment later shook his head and said, "Wait... what?"

Danny sniggered and said softly, "I knew you weren't listening. You've been somewhere else all night!"

"Sorry," Chris apologised meekly.

"What's up?" Danny asked. "Missing your family again?"

"Nah," Chris said, shaking his head. "Two weeks was plenty," he joked.

"Then what's up?" Danny asked, shuffling down a little and rolling onto his side to face Chris more directly. It was too dark to really see each other anyway, but he still liked to be in that position when they were talking properly.

Chris took a deep breath. He was considering just denying anything was wrong, but he knew Danny would see right through him. "I think I did something stupid!" he confessed.

"Phew, good to know some things haven't changed this term!" Danny joked. When Chris just moaned his frustration, Danny asked, "What stupid thing did you do?"

"I told Kyle I love him!" Chris said, then sighed heavily.

"Oh!" Danny exclaimed. While he had undoubtedly gotten used to the fact that Chris was with someone, and that he himself had no real desire to be anything more than best friends, the statement still hit him hard. He realised he needed to give a better reaction and quickly asked, "So if TV has taught me anything, the problem is either you didn't mean to say it and it's some horrible misunderstanding you can't get out of, or you said it and he didn't say it back! So which is it?"

Chris sniggered. "TV isn't always right, ya know!" he admonished his friend.

"Oh, okay," Danny said, willing to be proven wrong. "So what happened?"

Chris paused for a few seconds, sighed once more and said, "Fine! I said it and he didn't say it back!"

"Score one for TV!" Danny said with a grin.

"It's not funny," Chris moaned. "What do I do?"

"Well... nothing!" Danny said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I mean, it's Kyle. He gets nervous picking what flavour crisps to have at lunch. Did you really think he'd handle something that big so easily?"

Chris sniggered at the comment, then said, "I guess not. So I just... what, leave it and pretend it never happened?"

It was Danny's turn to sigh. "Once again... it's Kyle. You try talking to him about it now and what happens?"

"He stutters awkwardly for a couple of minutes, makes a terrible excuse then runs away!" Chris said. They both knew it was true.

"Yup, so give him space. He'll be saying it back to you in no time!" Danny explained.

Chris leaned in and gave his best friend a brief hug. "I missed you, ya know!" he said softly.

"Missed you too," Danny replied, nuzzling his head against Chris'.

"And I missed you both!" Nicky called out.

"Ugh, not this again," Danny grumbled, realising once again that their private conversation had not been so private after all.

"And I missed Nicky!" Mikey called out with a snigger.

"And I missed Boxing Day because I was in a turkey coma!" Rob called out.

"This whole thing wasn't funny the first time you did it!" Danny insisted, sounding as amused he did annoyed.

"You know, one day they're gonna figure out you're in a bunk bed in a small room, not a soundproof booth!" Nicky teased.

"You know, I was actually looking forward to getting back here!" Danny replied through the chuckling. "Right now, I completely forget why!"

"Aww, don't be mean!" Chris said, grinning. "I love you all!"

"Hey, nobody say it back to him!" Mikey called out.

"Oooooooh!" the rest of the boys responded to the brutal burn.

"Ah, maaaaaate!" Rob called out. "That's savage!"

"Sorry Danny, you're gonna have to sleep alone tonight!" Chris said surprisingly calmly. "I'm going to go and sleep on top of Mikey and hope he suffocates in the night!"

"Fine by me," Danny chuckled. "If he does, I'm claiming his black-market stash!"

"No chance. And Chris, you try laying on me and you get a kick in the balls!" Mikey threatened as he heard Chris land beside his bunk.

"Fine, I'll just subject you to a night of Chris cuddles!" Chris said, lifting the covers on Mikey's bed.

"Such brutal vigilante justice!" David sniggered from his bunk across the room, getting a laugh from the others.

"Danny, if you're free, you're welcome to come down and join me instead!" Nicky called upwards.

"Hey, don't have to ask me twice!" Danny said, eager to climb down and get in bed with the other boy.

"Ugh, get your ear plugs in!" Mikey called out.

"We're just sleeping!" Danny insisted.

"Oh no we're not!" Nicky quickly interjected.

"Oh!" Danny said happily. "Then yeah, ear plugs in. Might wanna put up your splash guards too. The first two rows WILL get wet!"

"Ewwww!" the other boys chorused.

As the other boys continued chattering quietly, Rob glanced over at Josh's bunk where the other boy lay silently and let out a quiet sigh.

If you enjoy my writing, please let me know at matterotica@hotmail.co.uk, I love to hear readers' thoughts.

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For my other stories, please see links below:

The Benny Saga (in reading order)

Benny Takes Control - https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/benny-takes-control/

The Dangers of Desire - https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-dangers-of-desire/

Benny's House - https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/bennys-house/

The Kingswood Saga

Tales from Kingswood – https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/tales-from-kingswood/

Half-Term at Kingswood - https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/half-term-at-kingswood/

Other Series

Possession - https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/sf-fantasy/possession-series/

Jack Hamilton - https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/jack-hamilton/

Phil's Naked Adventures - https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/phils-naked-adventures/


The Art of Seduction - https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/adult-youth/the-art-of-seduction

Jake's Exposure - https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/jakes-exposure

Becoming an Internet Master - https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/becoming-an-internet-master

Brian's Big Mistake - http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/brians-big-mistake

And Then It Got Worse - https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/masturbation/and-then-it-got-worse

Missed Opportunity - https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/young-friends/missed-opportunity

Next: Chapter 23

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