Tales from the Ranch

By Tulsadriller

Published on Oct 22, 2002


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. If you are offended by descriptions of homosexual acts or man/man relations, please exit this page.

TALES FROM THE RANCH Copyrightc 2002 by Tulsa Driller 7. All rights reserved.

This is a story of men who have two common interests. You will see that they love the land where they live and work, but it is also the story of young men who love other men and their coming of age in a culture of prejudice and misunderstanding. It is a story, which deals with difficult and often disturbing issues but, nonetheless, issues which must be confronted in today's world.

This is a work of fiction and in no way draws on the lives of any specific person or persons. Any similarity to actual persons or events is entirely coincidental. This work is copyrightedc by the author and may not be reproduced in any form without the specific written permission of the author. It is assigned to the Nifty Archives under the terms of their submission agreement but it may not be copied or archived on any other site without the written permission of the author.

PLEASE: In a perfect world AIDS doesn't exist. My characters have unprotected sex. I hope you use proper precautions because I'd like you to be around the read the last chapter of this story.

Tales from the Ranch Chapter 18: Tuesday evening

Marty and Chris had a function to attend this evening. It was the quarterly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and involved a cocktail party and dinner at the "Cattlemen's Hotel" which was a really posh place. Marty's great grandfather, Senator Philbrook S. Williamson, had built the hotel about 1905. It had been in operation ever since that time and had been completely renovated just 10 years ago. At the time, the building was gutted and completely rebuilt from the outside walls in. New wiring, air-conditioning, plumbing and bathrooms had been put in. The old Victorian furniture had been refinished and repaired so the rooms looked much like they did when the hotel was new. The family corporation owned the hotel and it was a property they were very proud of.

Mrs. Wood had taken one of her rare days off, so Jason and Kevin were to eat at their grandparent's house that evening. They were excited about this because they seldom were at their house unless there were a lot of other people there. Tonight Martin and Jeanine would belong to them with nobody else to vie for their attention.

Marty and Chris were ready to leave when Jason and Kevin got back to their house. They told the boys goodbye, giving each a kiss and a hug before departing with the reminder that their grandparents were expecting them in about 15 minutes, so they needed to hurry up and change clothes. "You can be casual tonight," Chris told them. "Just put on clean t-shirts or something like that."

"Don't forget to lock the kitchen door when you leave and make sure it's locked when you come back here afterward. We should be home about 10 o'clock," Marty told them.

Jason and Kevin agreed and ran up the stairs to get ready to go to their grandparent's house.

While they were changing their shirts, Jason said, "Tell me more about Dale and Craig and what you saw this evening."

"As I told you, I had gathered the eggs and was taking them to the cooler. I went to the door to go inside the cooler room and saw them standing there with their arms wrapped around each other, rubbing all over their backs and their butts. Then I realized they were kissing each other. It looked like they were trying to grind their dicks together, too! It was awesome. I've never seen anything like it."

"Are you sure they didn't see you?" Jason asked.

"No way. When I saw what was going on, I ducked back around the corner where I could see them, but they couldn't see me. It made my cock hard, too!" he announced.

"How long did they do that?" Jason asked, extremely interested.

"I don't know. It wasn't very long. They left through the office when the other guys that work in the field drove up in the pickup. I put the eggs away and left."

"Wow. That made my cock get hard just hearing you tell about it," Jason replied.

"I know. Mine is, too. It's kinda neat, isn't it?"

"Yes, but we can't tell anybody you saw them. It could get them in trouble and us, too, if the wrong people found out about it. So, please promise me that you won't talk about it with anybody except me."

Kevin agreed. "Yeah. If somebody as mean as the Riley twins found this out, it could be really bad, couldn't it?"

"You've got that right," Jason said. "Remember, it's our secret."

"Okay." Then, "Jason?"


"Do you think they suck each other like we do?"

"Probably they do." he trailed off, thinking about wishing he'd seen them, too.

"How are my boys?" Martin said as he greeted Jason and Kevin, giving them each a hug.

"We're great, grandpa. How are you this evening?"

"For an old fellow, I'm doing pretty good," he said as he ruffled their hair. "Come on in, grand mom is in the kitchen. We'll be ready to eat in about 15 minutes.

As they entered the kitchen, Martin said, "Look mom, our two young men are here."

Jeanine came toward them, gathering them in her arms and kissing each on their cheek and giving them a big squeeze. "I'm glad to see you. It seems like we never see each other except for Sunday dinner - and we only live about 300 feet apart."

"I know. You seem to travel a lot and we have schoolwork and things to go to. It seems like we aren't around that much either," Jason answered.

"Hey, Jason, I hear you are going on your first campout with the scouts this Friday night," Martin said.

"Yeah, I just finished my Cub Scout stuff two weeks ago and they just took me into the Boy Scout troop last night. I joined Wolf Patrol and Scott Maxwell is our Patrol Leader. He's 16 and a real neat guy. I'm assigned to his tent along with Dustin Fields."

Martin grinned his approval. "It just seems like a short time ago when your father became a Boy Scout and went on his first campout. You're going the same place, too. The scouts have used that campsite ever since I was in Boy Scouts and my father allowed them to camp there."

"I didn't know that," Jason told him.

"Oh yeah. And they also campout up in the canyon about 5 miles from here, too. It's pretty rough in that area, so generally it's just the older boys that go up there. One of them got hurt several years ago, fell over a rock cliff when it gave way. He was lucky because he just had a broken arm and was banged up. pretty bruised, but lucky. It scared him to death because we couldn't get him out right away.

"Thought we were going to have a problem getting him out, but they were able to get a litter down there and we used two horses to pull it up with a rope. His parents were really mad and threatened to sue the Scout Troop and us and anybody else they thought was involved. They went to see an attorney and he just laughed at them. Said it was part of growing up. They pulled him out of the Boy Scout Troop and that was the last anybody heard of it.

"The boy was really upset with his parents and nobody was able to convince them that accidents happen and there is nothing anyone can do about it. At least it happened of a morning so we didn't have to worry about working in the dark."

Kevin and Jason were impressed. They didn't know about the other campsite and hadn't heard the story about the boy falling.

"At least now we have cell phones for the leaders to use and if anything like that ever happens again, it will be easier to get help. We always insist they take at least one horse with them, too, and park a vehicle as close as they can get to the site, but that's still about a mile away from the ravine," Martin continued.

"Do you mean that they have to hike in to that place?" Jason asked.

"Yes, it's pretty rough country after you get up the river about 3 miles."

Kevin was impressed. He had seen stuff like that on television when he watched shows like "Rescue" and "Emergency" but didn't think it could happen near Williamsport.

"We went out to the river on horses with Dale and Craig last Saturday," Jason said. "Dale said that there wasn't much of a trail on up the river from where the springs feed the river."

"I know where you mean. Actually you can ride and hike about another mile and a half, but from that point on you actually have to walk in the river. The bed is rock and fairly smooth, but just beyond the campsite, there are some pretty rough rapids for such a small stream."

"Wow, I hope I get to go there sometime. It sounds awesome!" Jason said.

Kevin was listening to the conversation and wishing he could go, too.

About that time Jeanine announced that dinner was ready and had a dish for each to carry to the dining table. They sat down and joined hands. Martin asked Jason if he would like to ask the blessing and he thanked God for their blessings, the bounty of the table and for their family.

Dinner was pork chops that had been stuffed and baked, served with macaroni and cheese, fresh sliced tomatoes and a green salad. Everything was delicious and the boys had small amounts of everything for seconds. Dessert was banana sour cream pie, a favorite of all the men.

After the meal was over, Jeanine had the boys clear the table while she put things away in the kitchen and started the dishwasher. They retired to the den to play a game of Monopoly, with Kevin winning. He was good at that game and it was a real battle between he and Jeanine to beat the others.

The boys went back to their house about 8 o'clock and did their homework. Jason listened to Kevin recite his math tables and then explained some things, which might help him remember some of the numbers. They finally got all the way through the addition tables, up to the 9's.

They were getting ready to go to bed when Marty and Chris arrived home. They knocked on their door to let them know they were home. Marty suggested that Kevin spend some time with Chris, as he wanted to talk to Jason.

Jason was a little concerned that Marty wanted to talk to him without Kevin being there. He couldn't think of anything he had done wrong, but didn't think Marty just wanted to chat about his day, either. "Kevin, this won't take us very long. After we're through why don't we all go downstairs and have some ice cream? I'll bet your mother would fix Sundaes for you fellows."

Chris agreed and Kevin followed her to his parent's rooms.

Marty shut the door and sat down in an easy chair close to Jason's bed (which they were going to sleep in that night). Jason had a look of dread on his face, wondering what was up.

"Jason, I need to talk to you about growing up." Jason was somewhat relieved, this was probably going to be THE TALK that some of his friends had gotten.

"Yeah, Dad?"

"I want you to know that we need to be comfortable talking about things that may be happening to you right now and things that are going to happen. You are now a Boy Scout and you are going to be exposed to some things that older boys talk about and do. Some boys are not lucky enough to be able to talk to their parents and even some that do have a lot of bad information about what is going on with their bodies.

Jason sat quietly, listening carefully. He was pleased that his father might be able to answer some of his questions. He'd always been able to talk to him, but sometimes it was a little scary for him, too.

"You are eleven and a half years old and if you haven't already done so, you are going to be starting puberty. That means simply that you are growing up and will become a man, but there are going to be a lot of changes in your body in the next few years. For instance you may have noticed, or maybe it hasn't started yet, but your penis may be getting larger and you may soon discover that you have some hair growing around it. This may have already happened and it may not happen for a little while longer.

"I was your age when my body started changing. My penis grew, I started sprouting hair around it, the hair started growing in my armpits and my voice started changing. Sometimes I'd start to talk and my voice would be normal, then the next sentence might come out with a deeper voice. Unfortunately, not everyone grows up at the same rate. Since you are in gym class that is shared by 6th graders, some of those boys may be fairly well along in their growing up. Others may not until they are in the 8th, 9th or even 10th grades.

"I was one of the younger boys to have hair growing on my chest. I remember that even though I'm blond, I had a fairly respectable showing when I was in the 9th grade. It was more than almost any of the boys who were seniors and on the football team had. I honestly think some were jealous of me."

They both laughed.

"Anyway you are going to be exposed to some 'grown up' stuff before too long. Actually, it will probably happen on this campout. A lot of boys learn about sex from older boys. Some of it is true and a lot of it isn't. They tease each other about things they should keep quiet about and brag about things they've done, which they really haven't.

"I want you to know that you can come to me or your mother - or even Dale if you have questions and need answers. We won't laugh at you because we don't want you hurt - just that you have the right information available to you.

"You are probably, if it's like when I was in Scouts - and I'm sure it hasn't changed - going to be exposed to masturbation. You know what that is, don't you?"

"Yes," Jason answered.

"Well, there are several schools of thought about that. Some people think boys shouldn't do it and that it's harmful. Others say its part of growing up. Everyone does it, even adults like me."

Jason's thoughts were about his father and what he looked like without clothing. He turned red and Marty thought it was because of the subject they were discussing.

"Anyway, Jason, sometimes boys do it alone, you may find that you and Kevin will do it together, the guys in your Patrol may all do it together. Some of you may help the other boys. That's called being curious and it's probably not going to hurt you, but don't do anything or make anyone do anything that they are uncomfortable doing. You'll find plenty of guys to play around with if that's what you want to do.

"I'm sure that you've already been exposed to names that other guys call each other - like queer, cocksucker, faggot, pansy, fairy. It's nothing new and it's not going to go away. Boys called each other names like that when I was in school and if you have children, they'll probably be doing the same thing 20 years from now. Some boys can be extremely cruel to each other and even force them to do something they shouldn't.

"Just remember that we are here for you and if you have problems like this and can't work it out, come to us, your parents, or one of your adult friends, like Dale. We're here to see that you don't get hurt and that you have the answers to the questions you want to ask.

"Okay, bud?" Marty asked.

"Yeah, Dad." Jason was pleased with what he had learned.

"Do you have any questions you want to ask me tonight?" he queried.

"Well, I think maybe I've started." Jason said.

"Puberty?" Marty prompted.

"Yes, I think I'm growing. down there. you know. and I discovered I've got a few hairs, too."

"Congratulations," Marty said. "You really are growing up. You are probably going to be an 'early bloomer' like I was. Hopefully you won't have any problems with acne. I didn't. I had to start shaving when I was in the 8th grade. By the time I had hair on my chest, I had a thick beard and then I grew my mustache at the end of my senior year in high school. Seems like blond fellows like me have darker body hair and sometimes it's pretty thick."

Jason wished he could see, but didn't dare ask.

"Okay, Jase, any other questions?"

He thought about it, but hesitated to ask, then decided that this was the best chance he had.

"Umm. Dad. Is it okay for guys to love each other? I mean like Kev and I. We're pretty tight with each other and I love him and watch out for him so I can protect him."

Marty thought he knew where this was going. He and Chris had been concerned for several years about the fact that the two boys slept together every night. But he really didn't see that it hurt anything. They had bonded and got along extremely well with each other. He didn't think he or Chris had ever heard a cross word between them. He would have to be careful about this answer.

"Well, there are different kinds of love. There is brotherly love, like between you and Kevin. You and he would do about anything for each other. There is love like your mother and I have for each other and then there is the love that you have for friends and relatives. It's not as intense as the first two, but more like being good friends."

Jason wasn't sure that answered his question, but decided to pursue the discussion.

"I think what I mean is that Kev and I love each other. You told us Sunday that Dale and Craig are going to share their lives with each other. Does that mean they are gay? Kevin and I share our lives together, too."

Marty thought to himself. 'He is certainly perceptive and I can't lie to him.'

"Yes, Jason, it means they are gay. They love each other the way a man and a woman love each other, like your mother and me. They probably do sexual things with each other, but that part is private. It's something we don't talk about because it's between them. It's my belief that it's okay as long as they don't make a public spectacle of themselves or harm anyone else. But, this isn't something for you to discuss with your friends. There are those who think it is wrong and would make trouble for them. So, if you respect them - and I know you do - you won't make this a topic of discussion except in this family. Please remember that.

"Do you remember Steve and Mitchell that come to visit us every once in awhile?"

"Yes, they were here a couple of months ago."

"Well, they are gay. Steve and I were friends when we were in college. I knew that he was gay, but it didn't hurt our friendship. There were even times that they double dated with your mother and I. We were all good friends and it didn't bother them that we were straight any more than it bothered us that they were gay. They are good people we enjoy being around and whom they sleep with or what they do is not our business.

"As for you and Kevin, I think maybe you are a little young to be concerned about this. You are starting some changes in your body and Kevin is probably a couple of years away from that. I'll be glad to talk to you about it later, but just be careful with each other. Don't force each other into doing something you are not comfortable with. Okay?"

"Okay, Dad." Jason was happy. All of his questions weren't answered, but he didn't know what questions to ask, either.

"If you don't have any more questions, let's go see about that ice cream. Go tell your mother and Kevin we're going to the kitchen."

Jason went down the hall. The door was open, so he knocked twice and stuck his head inside the room. "We're going for ice cream. Come on!"

Marty and Chris were in their room getting ready for bed. Chris had already gotten comfortable after they arrived home, but Marty still had his suit on, although he'd left his coat downstairs. He went into their closet to hang up his suit and get ready for bed. He was wearing only his boxer shorts when he came out and Chris had changed, wearing only a short gown, although he could see through it.

"How about some wine?" Marty asked.

"Sure, but you don't have to get me drunk to go to bed with you," she teased.

"That's a possibility. No, I wanted to talk to you about my discussion with Jason."

"I wondered how that went. There aren't any problems are there?" she asked.

"No I don't think so."

Marty poured two glasses of Port wine and they settled on the love seat, cuddling against each other.

"Jason is very mature in his outlook on life. He asked me if Dale and Craig were gay."

"Ouch, that's a tough one to explain," Chris said.

"Not really. I answered him truthfully and told he that they loved each other the way a man and woman loved each other, but the way they expressed their love for each other was private and between them. I told him that we shouldn't make a judgment as long as they weren't overt and didn't flaunt it."

"I'm glad you were the one to explain it. I'm not sure I could have given them a good answer like that," Chris said, looking into Marty's eyes.

"I also told him about Steve and Mitchell and that we respected them for who they were, not what they did in private."

Chris was playing with the hair on Marty's chest and getting his usual reaction - a hardon crawling out of the fly of his boxers.

"He told me that he and Kevin loved each other and I think maybe he was wanting to know if that made them gay. I just told him that they were too young to worry about that, but told him that they shouldn't do anything to each other where either could get hurt."

They sat there for a minute, sipping their wine.

"Do you think they are gay?" Chris asked.

"I don't know. They've always been tighter than most brothers, but they also watch out for each other. Jason was almost a better parent to Kevin than we were," he laughed.

"Yes, he made it clear from the very beginning that he was going to watch out for him. Between he and the dog, Kevin never lacked for anything. When Jason decided that Kevin was too old to wet the bed, he would get him up in the middle of the night to take him to the bathroom."

"I remember that," Marty laughed. "He did a super job, too. He always sees to it that Kevin's homework is done and there is never any argument about doing chores. I think we've got two very mature young adults here."

By this time Marty and Chris were rubbing each other and neither thought the conversation was going to last much longer.

"I'm not going to worry about what is going on with our boys. They are young and are at the age where they are discovering themselves and other people, too. I would be disappointed if they were both gay, but it's not the end of the world," Chris said.

Marty agreed.

They were both getting hot from stimulating each other. Marty stood up after draining his wineglass and Chris held her hand for Marty to grab. They shed the little amount of clothing they were wearing and headed toward their bed.

Their lovemaking was hot and slow and heavy. It probably was the most intense session of making love they'd had for quite a while.

Michael and Pat had gone to bed earlier than usual. Although they hadn't done much physical work during the day, riding around on the tractors cutting hay, the day had been warm and it was boring just to sit and ride. The three men, including John, had gone to the A&W for burgers and the trimmings that night. They watched a little bit of TV in Michael and Pat's room when Michael announced that he was sleepy and it was time to go to bed. John went back to his room, disappointed that it didn't look like they could have any sexual activity that night.

Michael had told John not to say anything to Pat about their weekend activities until he had a chance to talk to him. He wasn't sure what Pat's reaction would be to the fact that Michael had found another guy who liked to play around. After all he and John and done a lot more to each other than he and Pat had.

Pat hadn't been willing to do more than kiss and engage in mutual masturbation. John and Michael had pushed the limit a lot further, sucking each other and playing around and had even brought each other off at almost the same time while 69-ing.

John didn't understand Michael's reluctance to talk to Pat, but decided that it would be better if he kept quiet and allowed things to happen without him pushing the guys.

As they crawled in bed, Pat said, "I didn't think he would ever leave. I haven't gotten off since the last night before I went to San Angelo. I stayed at my parent's house and my cousin slept in the same room on the other bed. I was afraid to jackoff because I thought he might hear me."

He continued. "At least you were able to jackoff while I was gone."

Michael thought, 'Well, since he brought the subject up this is as good of a time as any to talk about what John and I did.'

"That's right," Michael said, "and I did some other things, too."

"What are you talking about?" Pat asked.

"I found another guy who likes to play around and he taught me a bunch of new things we can do to each other."

Pat was shocked. "You mean you found another guy that likes to jackoff?"

"Yeah, and some other things, too."

"What?" Pat was still dubious.

"He taught me how to suck cock. He sucked me and then I sucked him off and then later we sucked each other at the same time."

"Wow! That's hard to believe. Where did you meet him? How did it happen?" Pat demanded.

"You know him," Michael said simply.

"No." then he thought about it a minute. "You don't mean John, do you.?"

"Yep, he's the one," Michael laughed, wishing he could have a picture of the expression on Pat's face.

"He doesn't look like a cocksucker or a queer to me," Pat said, shocked.

"Who actually knows what a queer or cocksucker is supposed to look like?" Michael said.

Pat just sat there digesting this new information.

"According to John there is no way we are the only guys in the world who like to do what you and I and he and I have been doing. He told me that there are bars in Austin that are full of guys like you and me who like other guys. He also told me that they don't like to be called queers. The proper term is either homosexual or gay - but not like 'gay as in happy'."

Pat thought for a minute. "I've heard that expression, but never knew what they meant when they used the word, gay."

"Well, I guess we know it now. John thought maybe we might go to Austin some evening and visit the bars so we can see what it's all about."

But, you're the only one of us that's 21," Pat said.

"I think that John has a fake ID, but they might not even ask us. Besides I think one of the bars is just a beer bar anyway."

Pat got a big smile on his face. "So tell me what you and John did."

Michael told him the complete story, starting with them going out to eat on Thursday night, then going to the movie and out for burgers on Friday night, ending up at the lake. He told him about them spending Saturday and a good part of Sunday in John's room at the Starlight.

By this time both of them were hard and oozing some precum.

"So, do I get a demonstration of your new skills?" Pat teased.

"Only if you agree to do to me what I do to you."

Pat thought about it for a minute before deciding to tease Michael a little bit.

"I go out of town and you find somebody else to take my place and if I don't agree to do what you want to do, then I'm out. Is that it?" Pat asked.

"Well. not quite like that. I'll still play around with you, but John made me feel so good and I think you'll like it when you try it, too."

"Okay, big stud, show me what I need to learn."

"Lay back and enjoy it then," Michael said with a leer. "I'll be glad to demonstrate."

Pat lay on his back and Michael snuggled up, crawling on top of him so all of their parts matched. He started out by exchanging kisses with Pat and rubbing his hands up and down his body. Then he licked around to Pat's ear. When he stuck his tongue in, Pat bucked against him and he could feel some precum wetting his groin. Pat liked the feel of Michael's hairy chest rubbing up and down his. It was almost like sparks came from the end of each hair.

Michael started down Pat's face, ending up licking him under the chin and on his neck. About that time, he had both hands in place where he could pinch Pat's nipples. He bucked again.

Time to move on. Pat had his fingers entwined in Michael's hair. The feeling was unlike anything he'd felt before. He thought kissing and jerking off was fun, but it didn't begin to compare with the feelings he was experiencing now.

Michael licked his way to Pat's right nipple, chewing lightly, then moved to the other, all the while rubbing Pat's ears and face.

He could feel Pat getting stiffer and wondered if he was going to last for the grand finale. Only one way to find out.

The next part of the tongue journey was down the trail of light fur to Pat's navel. He stuck his tongue in there and pinched his nipples at the same time.

"Uunngh." Pat went, bouncing on the bed again.

Michael decided to move in for the kill. He backed himself to where Pat's legs were free, then pushed them apart so he could get to his nut sack. Although Pat had fine hair over his chest, groin and legs, his balls were pretty much hairless. Michael stuck his nose under Pat's sack and used it to lift gently, then started applying light kisses and laving them with his tongue. Pat bucked again and he heard, "Aannhh, Mmnnn, Oonngh" and could tell he was breathing heavier. His cock was also bouncing.

He washed Pat's balls, then on up to the base of his cock. It was wet with precum and he lapped that up, working his way to the end of Pat's 6-inch cock. Using the point of his tongue, he opened the foreskin and licked around the glans. Pat almost lost it right there. His dick spit out a large amount of cock-honey and Michael used this along with his own saliva to help him engulf Pat's cock.

"Aarrgghh, Ongh, Enngg," Michael heard and this made him work all the harder for the prize. He buried his nose in Pat's pubic bush and ran his tongue around the shaft, biting lightly at the base while tickling his balls with one hand and pinching his nipples with the other.

Pat was almost in full motion. He'd never felt anything like it and while he wanted the feelings to end, he also wanted them to continue forever.

He bucked around on the bed to the point that Michael almost didn't have to move up and down on Pat's shaft. He was doing it for him. Michael allowed Pat to control the motion of his cock and he just ran his tongue around and stimulated him with his fingers.

It didn't take long for Pat to stiffen and Michael could tell he was going to shoot pretty quickly. More noise from Pat. "Gghrr, Umnngh. Arrrgh!!! His cock went really rigid and he could feel the cum move up the tube on the underside of Pat's dick. He pushed his mouth down, and Pat's dick moved on into his throat. He wiggled his tongue.

"AAARRRGGGHH." Pat yelled and almost bounced them both off the bed. Michael was wondering if you needed seatbelts for sex.

Pat's breathing turned to panting as the cum was being pumped down Michael's throat. After about the third pulse, he moved back up so Pat was about halfway in his mouth. Two more wads followed quickly. Michael could taste Pat at that point. It tasted good, a little salty but still different than John. He ran his tongue over the glans again, and then moved back down to where he completely engulfed Pat's cock again.

He didn't realize it, but Pat had his hands on Michael's head and was trying to pull his dick out of his throat. Michael finally realized what Pat was doing and slowly licked his way back up to the end, draining a few more drops of cum from the end of the shaft.

"Oh God, I've never felt anything like it," when he could finally talk again.

Michael crawled back up to where he could kiss Pat, whose mouth welcomed his. Pat was surprised that Michael still had some of his cum in his mouth and he had no choice but to take what was offered. He was surprised because he had never tasted himself. Hadn't even thought about it.

They mixed Pat's cum with their saliva moving it back and forth from one mouth to the other, then finally each swallowed what they had. The kissing continued as they turned on their sides rubbing their bodies against each other.

Pat finally calmed down to where he could think again. "That was the most fantastic thing I've ever experienced."

Michael giggled. "You mean you like it better than kissing and jacking each other off?"

"With no contest." They continued to share kisses, then Pat realized that he was going to have to see to it that Michael got off. His first thought was that he didn't want to suck him off, the idea somewhat repulsed him, but then Michael had pleasured him and it wouldn't be fair to expect just to beat him off after the experience he'd just had.

Michael thought he was harder than he'd ever been. He couldn't decide if he liked doing Pat better than John, or if it was a tie. Either way, he needed to get off himself and if he had to jackoff to do it, he would.

He was pleasantly surprised when Pat started around his face with his tongue, repeating what he had done to Pat. He was either a quick study or Michael was a good teacher. He tried to relax and concentrate on the feelings Pat was giving him.

Pat went for Michael's throat first and was rubbing his stiff nipples with his hands. Then he licked back up to his ears, putting each in his mouth and running his tongue both inside and outside each. John hadn't done this to Michael before and he couldn't believe the feelings it was generating. Pat was enjoying this. It was a lot more fun than just kissing and masturbating Michael. He could tell that Michael was really enjoying this and he knew from his own experience just a few minutes before what it felt like to him.

Back down and around to his throat again, then licking down to Michael's nipples, pinching one while lightly biting the other. Michael had been pumping out a lot of precum and his pubic bush was wet as well as most of his groin. Pat reached down to run his fingers around in that area and was surprised how sticky Michael was. He moved on down to Michael's belly button and was surprised to find out it was almost full of precum that had leaked. Michael was just a little longer than Pat at 6«- inches, and was also uncut so the oral experience that was about to happen was the only thing new for Pat, except for the fact that Michael had thicker body hair and maybe that was because Pat was blond and it just looked that way.

He stuck his tongue in Michael's navel and was surprised that it was so slick, but didn't have much taste to it. He liked it and swabbed out the recessed area.

It was Michael's turn to bounce on the bed, although he didn't think he was moving around as much as Pat had.

'Well, here goes,' thought Pat as he continued his journey. He decided to concentrate on Michael's cock and giving him pleasure instead of licking around his balls. He wanted to please his friend and make him feel good, too, but he wasn't sure just how far he wanted to go right now.

Using his left hand, he shucked the foreskin back and ran his tongue around the glans. Michael had an immediate reaction and caught Pat off guard as he tried to push his cock into Pat's throat. Not being ready, it glanced off his chin and he scraped it with his cheek. This was a great feeling for Michael as he could feel Pat's stubble against his cock. That combined with the slickness of the precum felt good to him.

Pat was determined that he was going to cap Michael this time, so worked up a mouthful of saliva and holding the foreskin back, took Michael into his mouth. He managed to get all but about and inch in before he felt he was going to gag.

"Don't try to take it all the first time," Michael told him, "just relax your throat and breathe deeply. Don't force it and you will be able to swallow it all."

Pat did as Michael coached and it worked. He had his nose buried in Michael's sticky pubes.

Michael bounced on the bed a little. Since John had done this to him several times, he didn't seem to be as sensitive as the first time. He was better able to control his reactions.

Using his mouth and tongue to his advantage, he started slowly working his way up and down Michael's pole, pulling the foreskin along with his mouth and running his tongue around both inside and outside the skin.

It was Michael's turn to make noise and he did. "Uumnn, Eeagh, Aaaahhrr," he started. Pat was starting to enjoy this. He felt good that he could pleasure someone else by using his mouth and fingers, which he was using to rub Michael's nipples as well as his sticky balls.

Michael could feel the first stirrings of an orgasm, but knew it was going to take a little more time. He tried to relax and let the good feelings overwhelm him. It worked. Pat was turning out to be a natural and seemed to be really getting into the act of giving pleasure. He was making long strokes up and down Michael's shaft and using his tongue to his advantage, too.

More movement from Michael. Pat was causing him feelings that John hadn't shown him. His hands went to Pat's head, not to control his strokes, but to let him know he was doing it right. "Eemmmrr. Rrnngh. Aarghh. was what Pat heard. This was fun! He stepped up his efforts some more. More noises from Michael, who was starting to realize that he probably wasn't going to last much longer.

"I'm. gonna. cum. in a. minute." he started to say, to warn Pat that if he didn't want a mouthful of splooge, he'd better pull off. Pat was determined to follow this through to the end. After all, Michael didn't wimp out, why should he?

Pat could feel Michael stiffen even more and then felt his dick pulsing. He could even feel the cum moving up the tube - rapidly - and the next thing he knew, it was blowing down his throat. He pulled back slightly as Michael pumped more and more cum into this mouth. He had no choice but to swallow. It was either that or have it all over everywhere and he didn't want Michael to think he couldn't handle what seemed like at least a half-cup of cum.

He stayed with it, running his tongue around and around, sucking gently. Michael was bouncing on the bed, holding on to Pat's head, but not forcing him. This was absolutely the best blowjob he'd had. This couldn't have been Pat's first time, he thought.

Finally, he sensed that Michael was starting to soften. He licked up what little cum was on the end of his dick, then moved up to share a kiss with Michael. He didn't have much of his cum to share, but Michael accepted it gratefully and they mixed it back and forth. He thought that Michael swallowed more than he had, but it didn't make any difference.

They basked in the afterglow of their feelings, each silently thinking that they had taken their friendship to a new level. Michael knew that John was going to want to share in their activities and he would have to talk to Pat about it to see if he wanted to, also, or if their pleasuring each other would stay just between the two of them.

Jason and Kevin were in bed together within five minutes of going back upstairs after their ice cream treats. It had been a big day for each of them and they were already an hour past their usual bedtime. Neither was really sleepy and they wanted to talk to each other about the events of the day and evening.

They were lying on their sides, facing each other and had been sharing kisses.


"Umm hmm?" he replied, his mouth and tongue was giving Jason's cheek a bath.

"Show me what Dale and Craig were doing today."

"Well they were standing there facing each other, sharing a kiss which probably had a lot of tongue in it." They both giggled. "They were running their hands up and down each other's sides, their backs and their butts. It looked like they were pushing their cocks together, too."

"You mean like this?" Jason asked, trying to imitate what Kevin had just told him.

He kissed Kevin again and they rubbed their hands around as much as they could since they were lying down. They pushed their groins together and moaned at the good feeling they were causing each other.

"Like that?" he asked.

"Yeah, except they were standing up."

"Could you tell if they had hardons like we do now?" Jason was extremely interested in this.

"No, because when they broke apart, they went out the other door to the office and all I could see was their backs."

Jason was disappointed, but he thought surely they had to be hard because he and Kevin were.



"Let's do that again. It felt good."

"Okay." They did it again, but this time Kevin reached between them and stroked Jason's cock, then his own. Jason soon joined him and they enjoyed the feeling it was causing. They didn't try to bring each other to orgasm. This was still something to new to them and they didn't realize how often they could actually do that and that there were many different ways to pleasure the other.

Finally they broke apart.



"What did Dad want this evening? We're not in trouble are we?"

"No, it was THE TALK about growing up and how our bodies change when we start through puberty and other things that might happen as we grow up."

"Oh, did you learn anything new?"

"Well. that it's okay for boys to play around with each other. but only if everyone is willing. We're not to force somebody to do something they don't want to."

"We don't force each other. do we?" Kevin asked.

"No, but Dad said to be extremely careful about who we tell about what we do because it could cause trouble. He said that boys could be cruel to each other and say things that aren't true, but also because they are ignorant. He said we can talk to him and mom anytime we want to, and that it's okay to ask Dale questions, too."

"You think it's okay with Dale to ask him questions?"

"I talked to him a little bit the other night after he showed us the gym stuff. He answered my questions, but suggested that I talk to Dad about it, too."

"That's good. I like Dale. He's a neat guy.

"And so is Craig," Jason said without thinking.

"Do you think they do stuff together. like we do?" Kevin questioned.

"Probably. I asked Dad about it and he told me they were gay. probably like us. but that it wasn't any of our business what they did in private as long as they didn't flaunt it. I'm not sure what they means, but it think it means to show off."

Jason was on the right track with what he understood, but wasn't sure exactly what Marty had meant. He did know they weren't supposed to talk about it with others.

"We're supposed to keep quiet and not talk to anybody else because it could get all of us in trouble. So, I had to promise not to talk about it unless it's with you or Dad and Mom. And you have to promise the same because he didn't tell me I could talk about it with you. But you know I tell you everything, right?" he questioned.

"Yeah. I won't say anything, Jase," Kevin said.

"Good, let's go to sleep and we can talk about this more tomorrow."

With that, they settled down and were asleep within two minutes.

Dale and Craig made up for lost time after they got home from the evening at Tom and Eddie's house. In the short time of a week, they had learned where to push the other's buttons. Sex just kept getting better and better.

After an incredible session of love making, they were sitting against the headboard talking about the day and what needed to be accomplished during the next week before they went to Ft. Worth and Dallas.

"I'm going to call my parents in the morning to find out when we can go to their house. I'd like to take them out to eat, but I'm sure my mother will insist on having us at their house and probably want to invite both of my sisters and their boyfriends, too."

"I'm kind of nervous about this, you know."

"They won't bite you. My father can be a little stiff when you first meet him, but after he has a couple of martinis, he can be a lot of fun. They are going to love you and think I'm lucky - certainly Mom will. I think my older sister and her boyfriend are going to announce their engagement at Christmastime. At least she's expecting to get a ring then. My younger sister goes to S.M.U. and has a new boyfriend, something that happens to her on a regular basis." He giggled. "I think she sets a pretty high standard for them, but never picks one who can actually make that standard."

Dale laughed. He leaned over to give Craig a kiss. "And what are your standards?"

"Hhmmm. let me think. he has to be tall, dark and handsome, hairy, have a big dick that hasn't been mutilated, beautiful eyes, smart, a hunk. and rich." he added, laughing. "Those are pretty high standards, but I think I found him - and he rides a horse, too!"

They both laughed until their sides ached. Dale actually had tears in his eyes.

"Wow, where did you find him? I want to go look there, too," his eyes twinkling. He reached over and pinched Craig on his right tit, then gave him another kiss. "Thanks."

"I love you. I didn't know how much I hated living alone until you came along. and I don't know how I lucked out, but I really got a jewel when I found you."

They looked at each other, both with tears in their eyes and locked lips, ending up sinking down in the bed, winding their arms and legs around each other.

"You aren't the only one who had the luck. I think I got a pretty good deal, too." They kissed again.

"Hey, fella, you're making me hard again," Craig said.

"You don't have a monopoly on that, you know." Dale said.

Craig moved his hand downward and was rewarded with the feel of a big, hot cock.

Dale massaged Craig's hardon, too.

"I didn't think I could get it up again," he snickered.

"You did and it is," Craig teased.

"You made me that way," Dale said. "And. I think I made you that way, too."

They lay in each other's arms, enjoying the closeness of being with each other.

Finally Craig sat up and scooted back against the headboard and Dale did the same.

"Can we talk a little bit more?" Craig asked.

"Sure, a hardon doesn't keep me from having an intelligent conversation - I'm just distracted." They loved to tease each other.

"Well, we have the trip to the "Builder's Show" in the planning stage. Is there anywhere you want to go or see while we are there?" Craig questioned.

"No, I've never been there and I don't know that much about either city. I'll leave it up to you."

"Okay. I have a list at the office of several things I've thought of. I'll do some checking as to things that are happening and see about tickets, but I'll talk to you about it first."

"Whatever you think will be fun will be fine with me."

"I just realized that we don't know when each other's birthdays are."

"Mine is March 14th and I turned 24 on the last one."

Craig smiled. "Mine is September 23rd and I'll be 27."

Dale thought for a minute. "That's when we'll be in Ft. Worth and Dallas." He smiled. "We'll have to do something pretty special for you, won't we?"

"Just getting to be with you is plenty for me," Craig answered.

"Seriously, we need to do something that will make this memorable for you and me, too."

"You are so sweet. I'll think about it."

Another kiss.

"Okay, next item. I was looking in our closet earlier today and except for two pair of dress slacks and a nice sport coat, you don't have any good clothes."

Dale started to say something. "I ha."

Craig indicated he wasn't through talking. "I know you haven't needed anything dressy up to now, but I think you and I are going to be doing some traveling, both together and you with the people from the Bar-W. I don't want to spend your money, but I think you could use a suit, another sports coat, slacks outfit and some shirts and ties. You look great when you dress up, but you really need more than one outfit."

Dale was happy that Craig cared how he looked. He'd never had much need for anything other than Levis and chinos of some kind. and a few polo shirts.

"That's fine, but only if you will go with me to pick things out and approve of them."

Craig was pleased to be included and that Dale didn't balk at the idea. "I'll be glad to go with you, but we need to do it before the weekend so they can get them altered and we can make sure they are okay before we leave for Ft. Worth."

"Not a problem. I really appreciate you doing this because I don't know what to buy. I had to rely on the salesman when I bought the outfit I have to wear to the awards dinner. When we went to church on Sunday was only the second time I'd worn it."

"Let's plan to take care of that tomorrow," Craig said. "I think I want to take you to the Gentry Shop. Their things are a little more expensive, but they fit better and they will alter them later if you lose or gain weight."

"I've always heard that only the rich people shop there," Dale started to say.

"Well. I think that with our combined salaries that we can afford to shop there. The clothes will fit better and are made of better cloth. They actually last longer."

"I'm for it. As I said, I don't have any idea how to go about this. I'm glad I have you to show me the way."

Another kiss.

Craig wasn't a snob about things. He simply had learned a long time ago that extra money spent on clothes more than paid for the difference when it came to durability and style.

"Why don't you at least take a pair of chinos, a long sleeve shirt and dress shoes with you tomorrow and it will make it easier to try on suits and pants?" Craig asked.

"Sure. I realize that the pants would be too long if I had boots on when they marked them."

"That's right and it will be easier to fit a coat if you have a shirt that's similar to a dress shirt. The coat will hang better on your hunky body," he teased.

"Gottcha." Dale was so pleased with Craig's ideas and was willing to help him.

"Okay, rolling along."

Dale leaned over for another kiss. He just couldn't resist this blond hunk that belonged to him. At that point in time if Craig had told him to go play in traffic, he would have happily complied.

"There's more?" he teased.

"Yes. I'll call the women about having a sale for you tomorrow morning."

"Good, I guess we need to get that started, don't we?"

"Yes, you should get a contract fof the sale tomorrow. Let me look it over before you sign it though. Okay?"

"Sure, I'm not sure I understand all the legalese. I trust the realtor, but I've never done anything like this before."

"I'll be glad to look it over. I don't know everything, but Don wouldn't try to pull anything on you. There shouldn't be any problem."

"Okay, do you know how much he's offering?" Dale asked.

"No, I really don't but I think it will be fair. Don needs to buy it at a reasonable price, which will allow him to remodel it for either rental or resale. Properties like that house are in demand and others are doing the same he is."

"I know. Some other places in the neighborhood have become rentals and the people who bought them to live in have improved them. The area looks better than it used to."

We'll look the contract over when you get it."

Another kiss.

"Next item." Craig burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Dale asked innocently.

"Nothing. It's just that we are sitting here in bed after great sex and talking about such mundane things that we're discussing right now."

"Are you really interested in taking the cooking course that Eddie and Tom took?"

"Very definitely. I enjoy eating out, but I know we can do better in our own kitchen."

"My thoughts, exactly. I'll call in the morning. I recall seeing an ad in the paper, but I wasn't interested a couple of weeks ago."

"Go for it. I just hope they aren't on a weekend."

"No, I seem to remember that they met of an evening. I'll call in the morning."

Another kiss.

"Last item," Craig said as he pretended to mark a pad of paper.

"Whew." Dale said.

Two kisses.

"How many kisses do I get after we're all through?" he teased.

"Try me and see."

"Let me hurry through this one then."

Another kiss. "Hurry up," Dale leered.

"Did you have a good time with Tom and Eddie this evening?"

"Yes, they seem like really nice guys and I think they will be good people to have as friends. They might give us some pointers on love," Dale teased.

"I couldn't stand it if you were a better lover," Craig said. It was his turn to get a kiss.

Dale and he traded several more kisses.

"Would you have any interest in inviting them to go on a picnic with us? I was thinking about having LeGourmet fix a picnic basket for us and taking the horses and riding up to where we went the other day. They might enjoy it and I know I would."

"How about we plan to do that even if they can't go? Jason will be on a campout and Kevin has some friends who are going to stay with him on Friday and Saturday night. We won't have the problem of either of them wanting to tag along," Dale stated.

"That would be fun. I'll call them tomorrow, too. I'll have to leave a message on their answering machine because they will both be at school, but we should know tomorrow night if they are interested."

"Sound like a plan to me," Dale said. "Now, are we through?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"That's everything on the list," Craig said, reaching for the lamp on his nightstand.

Dale turned his light off. They got comfortable in the bed, then wrapped up in each other's arms. They started kissing each other, but sleep won out.

(to be continued)

          • Author's Note: This is my first attempt at gay fiction, and the only way I can learn whether or not I should continue is from my readers' feedback. I would appreciate your comments, criticism, suggestions, and anything else that you would care to say. All Email will be answered. If you wish to receive e-mail notification of subsequent posting, please let me know by sending your request to the e-mail address below. Contact me at: tulsadriller7@aol.com

Thanks for the overwhelming response to previous chapters. I received positive replies from all over the world. My special thanks to RW, whom I've known for many years and value his suggestions. Also for the proofreading help of Paul Daventon, author of "Turning the Page" found in the "Adult-Friends" section of Nifty. Please read it.

Next: Chapter 19

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