Tales of a Night Walker

By moc.loa@KcMtreB

Published on Feb 17, 2011


Tales of a Night Walker By Bert McKenzie Copyright 2010

Chapter 20

The curtain rose for our bows. The audience was almost full, in part because the show had turned out to be very popular and had word of mouth publicity spread rapidly and in part because of the scandal of the murders that had apparently surrounded the theatre. Harriet seemed oblivious to it, but I was aware that some of the people attending were gawkers, only coming because they read about the murders in the newspaper. Instead of catching another gruesome death on stage, they actually saw a really good production of Hamlet. Maybe they would come back for another performance of something else in the future.

This might have been one of the happiest times for us had it not been for the shadow of death that hung about, the loss of friends and coworkers. And then there were my landlords. I received an eviction notice. The company who managed the apartment complex was upset that they had to replace the door from when the police kicked it in. They cited a few clauses in my lease about such disturbances and decided I had to move out. Well it wasn't as if this was the absolute best place to live in the world, but it had been my little corner for the past two years and I was really disappointed. But I supposed it was time to move on. "You will stay in my house," Jeff said firmly. "It is in Auburn so you will be close to your place of employment. There is plenty of room, well at least more than at your apartment."

"I don't know," I replied hesitantly. "Moving in, that's kind of a big step in a relationship."

"I had not thought of it that way," Jeff said. "After all, I've been at your apartment almost every night since we started keeping company."

"Keeping company? Is that what we are doing?"

"What would you call it?" He looked at me curiously. I swear sometimes he sounded like he came from another time. Oh, but I guess he did.

"So, do we have a relationship or not?" I pressed.

He just laughed and took me in his arms. "Well of course we have a relationship. I just don't know what kind of a relationship we can have. We are both men."

"Jefferson Smythe, you come from another era. We can have the same kind of relationship anyone else can have. We're dating, we're in love, we can be living together."

"We can't get married."

"We might not be able to get a piece of paper that says so, but we can still make a commitment to each other that is just as binding as any marriage."

He sighed. "But we're both men."

"There are places where that doesn't matter so much. The arts community has always been very accepting," I told him, but he just looked at me and then turned away.

"So you really want me to move in?"

"Yes of course...if you want to. I know with my condition it will not be like living with any other lover..."

"Will you stop with the guilty vampire routine?" I demanded. "I love you and that's the end of that."

"If you truly love me, then that is only the beginning," he replied.

I had my few measly possessions ready to go in no time. The next night after the performance, Jeff helped me load up a little trailer I had rented, and we left the apartment for the last time. The next day, I would drive back to drop off keys and make arrangements for change of address at the post office and that sort of thing. But Jeff kept me up most of the night arranging his house to accommodate me. His bedroom contained a small closet which was pretty full of his clothes, so I took over the closet space in the second bedroom. I assured him I did not mind stepping across the hall to dress. He just laughed and grabbed me, throwing me onto his bed. "There won't be many times you'll be wearing clothes here anyway," he said, and immediately began to pull my jeans off. I tried to protest, but it was all a sham. I wanted to be naked with him as much as he wanted me. I could easily spend the rest of my life with this creature. "I love you, Jeff," I said cuddling up to him as we settled into bed beside each other.

"I wish I could give you more," he replied.

"More what? I can't keep up with you sexually as it is. You don't need any time to recharge between orgasms."

"It's not just the sex," he said. "I truly wish I wasn't what I am, so I could live a long life with you as your companion, maybe even be a husband to you. I just am not sure how a human and a vampire can live and love as two human..."

"Don't worry about it. I love you, despite your vampire limitations. You'll just have to love me despite my human ones."

"My friend May told me a story of a magical land," he said, thinking back on his friend in the Ozarks. "She said it was a story from her Celtic, Irish heritage. There is a magical land where night walkers become human."

"I never knew the Irish had vampires," I said as I listened to his soft voice, telling me the perfect bedtime story.

"Every culture has vampires. We are part of the human myth, the darkness, the monsters of the night."

"Yeah, yeah, big scary monster. Tell me about her magical land."

Jeff smiled at me and continued his story. "May said it was the fairy land. Every culture has its stories of fairies too. And the fairy world at magical times can intersect with the human world. May said that in the fairy world night walkers turn human. When we cross that threshold we become human, able to eat and drink normal food. Our hearts begin to beat again and we can be out in the sunlight, but only in the fairy world. I told May it was just a myth, but she insisted that such a land existed, hidden in magic. She wished she knew the spells so she could send me there, where I would be a real boy."

I laughed sleepily. "Well Pinocchio, until the blue fairy comes I guess you'll just have to stay a vampire."

"I guess so, but at times like this, I wish it was true. I'd give almost anything to be human with you."

I got up the next day and drove back to Topeka to take care of all the stuff I needed to do. I changed my address with the post office and turned in a forwarding request. I dropped off keys and left other information with my former apartment managers. And I picked up some groceries because the human had to eat real food. Then I returned to Jeff's house. We spent the afternoon arranging things and making plans for a vacation. We decided I would take Jeff to New York. I wasn't sure how I was going to pay for everything, since I have not been the most conservative when it comes to disposable income. If I have money, I usually spend it. But Jeff assured me I should not worry. He pulled out a couple of credit cards from his wallet, something I never realized he had. This part of the 20th century he seemed happy to embrace. He said that he had managed to amass quite a bit over the past twenty years or so, and anything I wanted, we could afford. I phoned the local travel agent and had her book a flight to New York and hotel accommodations. I made sure it was a red eye flight, leaving Kansas City at 10:00 p.m. and arriving in New York at 3:30 a.m. I wanted to make sure there wouldn't be a problem with our traveling in the sunlight. The hotel allowed twenty four hour check in so we were set.

As dusk hit, we left for the theatre and our final performance of Hamlet. After the show the cast and crew all banded together to strike the set. We divided into crews and took the set apart, cleaning the stage and making the theatre ready to start rehearsals for the next play. I spent the greater part of strike in the office completing reports on the show, attendance, box office numbers, and so on. Later I found that Jeff spent strike on the light crew. Since he seemed so familiar with the light gallery, he was assigned to taking down the lights that where hanging high over the house. Not very many people liked to perform that job as it seemed a bit precarious, but nothing seemed to faze my vampire lover.

Once strike was over and the theatre was clean and empty, we all headed into town for an impromptu cast party at Harry's. We were sitting at our regular table when Jake, the man who had played Horatio came over and clapped a hand on Jeff's back. It was obvious that he already had a bit too much to drink. "Jeff, old buddy, I'd like to buy you a beer," he said, "but I see you still have a full glass sitting in front of you."

Jeff smiled and replied, "Thanks, Jake, but I do. Perhaps next round."

"There won't be a next round," Jake said loudly. "I've watched you and you never drink your beer. You always get a glass along with the rest of us, and you sometimes even put it to your lips, but it never goes down, so you must just be pretending to drink it."

Jeff just laughed self consciously. "I drink," he said. "You just don't notice."

"Oh no," Jake continued, now catching the eye of several people at our table. "One night I even saw you exchange glasses with Frank so it looked like you drank yours, but actually Frank drank it for you. Are you just too good to drink our beer or what?"

Everyone was staring now, and I was really worried about how Jeff was going to get out of that one. "The truth is," Kelly started to say, and then stopped.

"The truth is, I'm an alcoholic and I can't drink or it would be a problem," Jeff said. "I just get the beer to be one of the gang." Several people quickly offered Jeff their support and congratulations on his being so brave about his condition. A couple even admonished Jake for pointing it out and being such an asshole to put Jeff on the spot. But ever the gracious performer, Jeff defended Jake and even paid for the next round of drinks.

"That was close," I whispered when we had a chance to talk semi-privately. My lover just smiled and nodded.

Once we got home, we immediately started packing for our vacation. We wanted everything to be ready the next evening for our trip. I was excited about returning to New York. I hadn't been there in about three years and was hoping to show Jeff all the sights, as well as introducing him to a few of my old friends. They would be so jealous. Vampire glamour or not, he was still an incredibly good looking man.

We slept late and then spent some time in bed, making love. Finally, we got up and got ready for our trip. At dusk I drove us to the airport in Kansas City. We had a 10:00 flight to LaGuardia in New York. We arrived around 2:00 a.m. and took a cab into the city. I had already made all the arrangements, so we had a room at the Hotel Edison guaranteed and waiting for us not far from Times Square. After a very early morning check in, we went to bed. But it was our first night in New York, so of course we had to make love. Jeff insisted on opening the drapes and having sex with the beautiful view of downtown Manhattan in the background.

The dawn woke us early and I had to jump out of bed to draw the drapes. While it was exciting to sleep with the view of Manhattan out our bedroom window, one had to remember to close that view off before the early morning sun burned my lover to a crisp. I got up and dressed, kissing my lover and then promising Jeff I would find a butcher shop that morning and see if I could stock our in room fridge for his appetite. The concierge was very helpful. He pointed me in the right direction to find the nearest butcher shop. I was able to pick up a small plastic cooler and several plastic containers of pig's blood for my lover. We then made plans for the evening. I called some of my old friends who were still living in Manhattan. They were actors that I knew from the time I lived here. Of course they were all living as waiters, but that was pretty typical. An afternoon nap seemed in order, and then once it was sundown, Jeff insisted we take a trip into the business district. He surprised me by taking me to an office building and up in an elevator to a non-descript office. He had a piece of paper and was following directions from it. Once at the door to the office, I was surprised to see, painted on the glass door, Smythe, Inc. We went inside and Jeff stepped up to the desk where an attractive older woman sat. She looked up at him for a moment, then her eyes widened. "Mr. Smythe, we had no idea you were coming!" she said and pushed a button on an intercom. A few minutes later we were sitting in a comfortable office chatting with an older man. He was the senior accountant who ran the corporation of which Jeff appeared to be the head or owner or whatever you might call it. These were "his people" as he put it, and they were the ones who were responsible for helping out when he had been arrested back in Kansas. Apparently he did have holdings and a very capable staff to manage things for him.

After a brief visit at his office, we spent the evening taking in the sights, visiting all the touristy places that were still open. I met with Vinny, Sal and Rita at a little restaurant and introduced them to Jeff. We all seemed to get along well. They spent quite a bit of time catching me up on the New York scene, and kept Jeff laughing at stories of some of my earlier misadventures when we all roomed together in the East Village. Part way through the evening, Jeff excused himself, saying he had forgotten his wallet at the hotel and would be right back. I thought that very odd, since Jeff never seemed to forget anything, but then perhaps he was feeling the urge and had to nip back to the hotel for a quick drink. He soon returned and we visited for a bit more, but then eventually went our separate ways.

Jeff and I stopped by the half price ticket booth in Times Square to pick up some cheaper tickets to a couple of shows. We got tickets for two musicals and a play on succeeding nights. We saw Neil Simon's "California Suite," "Pippin" and "Chicago" with Gwen Verdon. I loved the musicals while Jeff preferred the play. All in all it was a wonderful vacation.

On our last night in the Big Apple, we took a ride around Central Park in a horse drawn carriage. "You see, this is how I used to live," Jeff whispered to me. "The world seemed more civilized before the introduction of motor cars, and certainly cleaner and less crowded."

We decided to take the subway back to the stop closest to our hotel. In the subway before we even boarded a train a scruffy looking man, actually more a boy than a man, stopped us and asked for money. I was familiar with these pan handlers and started to move on when he drew a switchblade and again insisted that we hand over our money. "You really don't want to do this," Jeff warned him.

"Shut the fuck up and give me your wallet or I'll cut you, man," the kid said swinging his knife close to Jeff.

My lover stood his ground and emitted a deep growl from his chest, more animal than human. The kid suddenly froze, not quite sure what to do. But his moment of indecision was brief. He lunged toward Jeff with his knife. Before he had even moved a few inches, Jeff reached out with his lightning quick reactions and grabbed the boy's wrist. He easily twisted it until the boy dropped his knife and cried out in pain. Jeff pulled him close, and growled again in the boy's face. The kid seemed surprised as he looked up into Jeff's glow in the dark eyes. "Hey, man, what are you?" he screamed in fear.

"Your worst nightmare," Jeff replied with an evil grin. He gave the boy a push who fell on the concrete at our feet. The boy sat there for a moment and Jeff growled again. The kid got up and ran as quickly as he could, up the stairs and off into the street.

We boarded the subway train and rode back in silence to our stop, and then returned to the hotel. The whole time I kept replaying the scene of the almost mugging in my head. "I guess you are good to have around in a crisis," I said. But Jeff didn't reply. For a minute I thought perhaps I had somehow offended him. As we rode up in the elevator to our floor, Jeff suddenly asked me how quickly I could be ready to travel. "Why?" I wanted to know.

"While you took a nap this afternoon I made some further arrangements for the next phase of our trip," he replied.

"Oh? What are we doing next?" I asked.

"That is my surprise," he said as we walked down the hall to our room. "Now quickly check the room to make sure everything is packed and ready. We leave in just a few minutes."

We paid for another night since the check out time was noon, but we were checking out in the evening. This was a surprise that Jeff had designed for me. He had rented a car and had it delivered to the hotel. At 10 p.m. we loaded our bags into the rental and drove off into the night. I had no idea where we were going, but once we were off of Manhattan Island he headed north, then east. We were soon driving along the ocean. Although Jeff literally was keeping me in the dark, it was a pleasant drive. He had apparently obtained explicit directions on how to get where we were going with the help of the hotel concierge and the folks at his office, so there was nothing for me to do but lean back in the car and enjoyed the trip. We chatted and I drifting in and out of sleep as he drove through the dark night.

"Where are we going?" I asked for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"It is a vacation. Can't you just enjoy it? Part of the fun is the journey."

"I'm sure whatever you have planned will be fun," I assured him.

"Were you serious about wanting to spend your entire life with me?" Jeff asked.

That question coming out of the blue threw me for a minute. "Where did that come from?" I asked him.

"Then it isn't true?"

"Well, yes, it is true. I'd love to spend the rest of my life with you," I said. "I just thought we had covered that and you seemed kind of reluctant to make a commitment."

There was another long pause. "I have been reluctant to make a commitment," he agreed. "I always thought that because of my condition I could never be close to anyone, let alone build a life with someone I cared about. In truth, I didn't think I would ever care about another person again."

I reached over and took his hand. It was cold to the touch, but I kept it between my hands. "I'm glad I proved you wrong there. Jeff, I have fallen in love with you. I never thought I'd make a commitment either. And now I'm in love with an immortal."

"Not necessarily," he laughed. "I can be killed you know."

"Oh, so when I'm done with you, I should just stake you and move on?" I laughed.

"I'm serious, Frank. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with me?"

I could tell he was thinking some deep thoughts. "Yes I do."

"If we make a commitment to each other, would you be serious about changing to be like me?"

"Become a vampire, like you? I never thought about it," I said slowly.

"I only ask because I just don't think I could stand to see you grow old and die," Jeff said. "But we don't have to do anything right away. You could still enjoy your life for several more years."

"The sooner, the better," I finally told him, making a snap decision. "What about tonight?"

"No, I think we need to think this through and prepare for it. But only if you really are serious about an eternal commitment."

"Okay, what more do you want me to do?" I said, being a bit flip. After that Jeff lapsed into silence. Again I drifted off as he drove on into the night.

It was about 4:30 in the morning when we finally pulled to a stop in front of an old colonial style home. "This is the place," Jeff said as he stopped the car and roused me. I looked up at the big house. Jeff opened the door and then pulled out our bags from the trunk. "Come on," he said as I slowly climbed out of the car into the chill air of the morning.

"Where the hell are we?" I asked.

"Provincetown, Massachusetts."

"Provincetown? What are we doing here?"

Jeff just laughed. "We're on vacation. Now come on. I told the innkeeper that we would be arriving early in the morning, around 4:00 a.m. He said he would be up to let us in."

We hefted out bags out of the car and walked up the steps and then along the winding sidewalk to a wide veranda. Stepping up onto the porch, we stopped at the front door and Jeff rang the doorbell. In just a few moments an attractive young man opened the door. "Welcome," he said as he held the door for us. "You must be Mr. Smythe. I'm Tom. We spoke on the phone."

We all shook hands as he welcomed us to his bed and breakfast inn and I apologized for our early morning arrival. He didn't seem to mind at all and grabbing a couple of our suitcases, led us upstairs to the guest rooms. We spoke in whispers so as not to disturb the other lodgers, and he showed us to a lovely old bedroom furnished in antiques. "Make yourselves at home," our innkeeper said, and told us that breakfast was available from 7:00 am to 10:00. Jeff told him that because of our late arrival, we would probably sleep in today and he doubted we would be up before evening. He just smiled and told us whatever our schedule would be was entirely up to us. He gave us some information on mealtimes, and things to see and do in the area and told us if we had any questions or needed anything at all, to just ask and he'd be more than happy to help.

After he had gone, Jeff locked the door and turned to me. "Isn't this a much nicer place to stay?" he asked. "I feel more at home, surrounded by the trappings of my own time, a more civilized era."

"Yes it does look like a room right out of the 1800s, except for the phone on the desk, and what do you think is in this cabinet?" I opened the doors on a tall antique looking cabinet. "Why, it's a color TV."

"You just can't give up your 20th century, can you?" my lover asked with a crooked smile on his face.

"I'm just teasing you," I said. "It is very nice."

"You know how you said you were willing to make a commitment and spend your life with me?" Jeff asked.


He dropped to one knee and took my hand. "Frank Williams, will you marry me?"

I was at a loss for words. At first I thought he was joking, but I could see the seriousness in those green eyes. This was totally unexpected. I thought he wanted us to live together and possibly to make me a vampire as well, but to marry him, that was nothing I ever thought. "I ... I don't know what to say."

Jeff reached in his pocket and pulled out a blue velvet covered ring box. "You could say yes." He opened it and held it out to me. Inside was a beautiful gold band, plain and elegant.

"When did you get this? Where?"

"When you were chatting with your friends at that restaurant. Remember how I went back to the hotel because I thought I had forgotten my wallet? Actually I slipped down the street to a jewelry store." He smiled at me. "In my time, two men would probably be hanged if they were found having sex. But in this time, we can at least commit to each other. It may not be a legal marriage, but we can have everything but that piece of paper. You just have to say yes." What else could I do? I nodded as I blinked back the tears. "I'll accept that," Jeff said and stood up, grabbing me in a bone crushing hug. He slipped the ring on my finger and kissed me firmly, and then said, "There is one other big difference in our marriage from what I might have expected in my time."

"What's that?" I asked.

"In my time, I would not be expected to have sexual relations with my fianc‚ until after we were wed. In this time, it seems that two people most likely would not think of marriage until after they have had sexual relations."

"Well, we want to make sure we are sexually compatible."

Jeff laughed again. "I am pretty sure you and I are sexually compatible."

"I'm not so sure. Perhaps we ought to test it out just to make sure."

Jeff laughed and replied, "You already said yes. You are mine now. We will just have to begin our honeymoon."

As we held each other we chatted about our plans. "Did you just get the ring for me? I don't have one for you," I said.

"No, I picked up a matching pair," Jeff told me. "What about our names. Do you wish to be Francis Smythe, or shall I become Jefferson Wesley Williams?"

"A lot of married couples today retain their own names," I told him. "I think it might be a lot less confusing to stay with who we are. Unless you think changing your name would help avoid detection by your father."

"No." Sadness crept into his eyes. "I'm sure he will find me no matter what name I may use."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring that up."

"We shall put it behind us for now," Jeff said as he pulled me closer to him. "Where else would you like to go on your honeymoon?" he asked me.

"I'll go anywhere in the world as long as you're there."

"Well," Jeff thought a minute. "I've often thought it might be interesting to see Chicago."

"Then Chicago it is. I'll book us a night flight and we'll spend some time examining the windy city."

We spent the next few days shopping and seeing the sights. It was a quaint town and lots of fun, plus very gay friendly. We never managed to have breakfast at our bed and breakfast, but the dinners were exquisite even if I was the only one eating. We got to be on a very friendly basis with the owner and his lover. They congratulated us on our commitment to each other and wished us the best in life. After a few days of enjoying all that Provincetown had to offer, the two of us headed for the airport in Boston. It was just a two and a half hour drive, but I couldn't help but feel the excitement. I was part of a committed relationship. I had a permanent lover. I knew it didn't really change anything, but it meant something special to him and to me, and that was all that mattered.

We arrived at Logan in record time and went to check in. Jeff and I were seated in the waiting area for our late night flight to Chicago. I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek and told him I would be right back. I had to use the restroom. He smiled and leaned back in his chair while I stood and headed down the corridor to the men's room. I had thought how convenient it was for him, never having to go to the bathroom, or at least not on the same schedule as humans did. I stepped into the stall and relieved myself, then walked over to the counter of sinks and washed my hands. I looked up into the mirror and saw an odd older man staring at me. He was tall and thick set with long bushy grey hair that stuck out as if he hadn't bothered to comb it in some time. He was watching me intently. My first thought was that he was some old letch trying to pick up a trick in the bathroom. But as I turned he stepped closer to me with an ominous look on his face. "Oh no," I thought, "He's going to try and rob me." I wondered if I could dart past him or yell loud enough to draw attention to us. But before I could even make a move he swung his fist faster than I would have believed humanly possible. I felt the intense pain in my jaw and fell back, my head crashing into the tile wall and then everything went black.

Next: Chapter 21

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