Tales of a Thunder God

By Tony Justiss

Published on Jun 9, 2004


Hello, everybody. I want to say this is not my first story and that I do have experience prior to this at writing. I am however new to this universe and its challenging and ingenious setting. It's been a while since I've read a Thor comic or seen anything with him starring in it, but I'm doing research and trying to portray the character correctly as I remember him. There will be changes to his personality because he's not the same person, yet is... You'll see.

I do not own or know any of the following:

Nsync, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Pink, Christina Aguilera, Jessica Simpson, Tom Cruise, 98 Degrees or any other celebrities. I also know nothing of their sexual orientations.

Marvel Comics, DC Comics, and all related characters.

The Anita Blake Vampire Hunter book series or the Merry Gentry series by Laurell K. Hamilton.

The Vampire Chronicles, Tales of the New Vampires, The Mayfair Witches, all series written by Anne Rice.

Power Rangers series.

SM: Alternate Reality series is copyright Strike Fiss.

Dune series is by Frank Herbert

Harry Potter book series is by J.K. Rowling.

Star Wars is copyright by George Lucas.

Buffy & Angel television series.

Star Wars Star Trek, Star Trek TNG, Star Trek DS9, Star Trek Voyager, Star Trek the New Frontier, Enterprise television series, movies, and novels.

I enjoy hearing feedback from people. If you have any to offer such as comments or any thoughts toward the story you may reach me at Mighthammer@yahoo.com

Chapter 6

The shop sat on the corner of a busy street. The building was a large, two-story with a sign hanging above the door proclaiming the shop:

The Magic Nook

The inside of this shop appeared bigger than the outside when one first walked in. Books were everywhere in the shop. Some were old and some were new. Most lined the far back wall near spiral staircase that led up to a second floor with even more books. All around inside of clear, glass display cases were different talismans and other assorted magical objects. Golden oblongs of sunshine that passed through the windows lay heavy on a clean tiled floor.

The Magic Nook was a magic shop that appealed to practicing magic users, such as Witches, Warlocks, and Sorcerers. The shop sold ancient texts, magical ailments, talismans, and all varieties of magical supplies. It was run and owned by Jared who took great pride in his business. Among all of this seated around a wooden, round table was Jared and Adam, the civilian personas of Dr. Fate and Thor. The shop was empty except for the two of them. The two men had been meeting at the Magic Nook for the past and a half weeks since their initial first meeting in the Boardwalk.

"It's been almost a month," said Adam, frustration clear in his voice. "Why hasn't the Jude or Dahok made their move for another key?"

Jared, whom sat across from him, nursed a cup of steaming coffee. "I don't know. Maybe they don't know where the rest are, I don't know. Its only a matter of time before they do find the locations."

Adam could only sigh. The whole situation made him so tense. It has been almost a month and still nothing had happened. It was like the Judge had simply vanished. But they knew he and his master were still around. This was just the calm.

Jared sat a hand size crystal quartz on the tabletop. "I finished weaving the last of the spells into the crystal just last night. It will now be able to detect anywhere on earth the use of negative-charged dark energy. The crystal will pick up the specific energy emissions then heat up and give off a warning light."

Adam raised his eyebrow. His classic 'please simplify' look.

Jared grinned. "Basically, if the Judge uses his powers the crystal will detect it. Since, I can't actually track the Keys because of their modulating frequencies and resistance to scans this is the only option we got. When he uses his power anywhere on earth we show up then boom nail his ass!"

"Good," replied Adam with a sigh. "At least now we are semi-prepared. We can't let him get anymore keys. I'm not up for dying anytime soon."

The bell above the shop jingled as the door opened. They turned toward the sign looking at the person who stepped through the door. It was a young woman with raven black hair and slightly upturned eyes. Exotically beautiful was the phrase to describe her. Held in her arms was a sleeping child. A small baby clothed in blue that couldn't have been more than a few weeks old. Jared didn't know her but Adam sure did. It was the same woman he had rescued from a flock of vampires the same night the Judge stole the Book of Eternity.

"Hello," said Timberly, giving them a polite smile. Her eyes scanned the shop taking in everything.

Jared stood up a smile coming onto his face instantly. It was bright and professional. He was in his element. Adam recognized the shift in personality as Jared went into professional mode. In the two and a half weeks they had got to know each other reasonably well becoming fast friends.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" asked Jared. His all business smile was still in place.

Timberly shifted the sleeping baby in her arms. Adam smiled at the image from his seat at the table. Timberly had obviously given birth because last time he had seen her she was clearly pregnant.

"Yes, my friend is a Wiccan and I wanted to give her birthday gift... A friend suggested that I try here."

Jared's smile broadened. "You've come to the right place then. And might I add that your baby is very beautiful." His smile turned charming as he gave her a flirtatious wink. "Almost as beautiful as his mother."

Timberly laughed, her cheeks turning pink at the compliment. "Thank you..."

"Jared Stevens," he clarified.

She smiled a bright smile, clearly not turned off by the come-on.

"Timberly Waters."

Out of her peripheral vision she saw Adam move to place a book back on a shelf. "Oh, and who is your friend?"

Adam walked to them flashing her a warm smile. "I'm Adam Justiss."

"Timblerly Waters. Its nice to meet you."

"Likewise," said Adam politely. He felt uneasy around her. He knew that she didn't know he was Thor, but apart of him was still unsure. It was illogically to think so but a really intelligent person could put two and two together and get four.

The ringing of his cell phone stopped Adam from continuing the conversation. He gave them an apologetic look and walked to a corner for privacy before pulling out his phone to answer it.


"Hey, Adam." Brian's clear voice came through the receiver.

"Hi, Bri. What's going on?"

"Nothing much. Are we still going to Cowboys tonight?"

Adam found himself smiling at Brian's anxious tone.

"You know it. I'll pick up at nine and we'll take my car there. It's going to be really jumping tonight."

"I'll see you then. Bye, Adam."


Adam closed his phone stuffing the thing back into his pocket. Adam leaned against the wall turning his gaze to Jared and Timberly. Those two were shamelessly flirting with one another. Adam rolled up the sleeves of his long sleeve shirt, feeling sweat cling to the back of his neck. Another Texas heat wave had come from nowhere today. A startling change from this weeks cold front that had everyone reaching for their warmer clothes.

"Yes, that crystal ball will be perfect."

Adam heard this from Timberly as he walked back over to the two. A glittering, crystal ball was held in the hands of Jared.

"What is your sons name?" asked Adam as they moved to the register. Jared went behind the counter quickly punching in numbers on the cash register, tallying up the price of purchase.

Timberly smiled down fondly at her newborn son. "His name is Kyle."

She handed Jared cash and he gave her the crystal ball contained within a wrapped box.

Jared took her hand just as she turned to go. "Call me sometime, alright."

"We'll see. Maybe." Then she was gone. The door above the jingled signaling her exit.

Adam smirked. "You are so easy."

Jared pretending to be affronted, feigning shock. "Thou hurts me with thy's words of cruelty- he turned his frown into a grin- but she was hot right?"

Adam rolled his eyes. "Hello, can we say gay guy."

Jared glanced at his watch. "Don't you got errands to run."

Adam looked at his own watch and nodded. He did have to go run errands all across town today. "You're right. I got to get going."

"Wait," said Jared. He reached into his pocket pulling out a small medallion attached to a long, thin chain. It was a circular piece made of white gold that was decorated at the four outer cardinal points by, respectively, an emerald, ruby, sapphire, and topaz. In the inside rim of the medallion was a crescent moon, a diamond set atop it, the inner edge decorated by tinier siblings of the outer four stones. It looked priceless. Probably was. "Here take this. It's a communication device. It will allow you to contact me and I you in case of an emergency. Just press your finger against the crescent moon and we well be able to talk to each other."

"Thanks, Jared. This was really nice of you," he said astounded by the gift. He took the offered medallion, placing it around his neck and tucking it inside of his shirt. He waved goodbye leaving the shop.

"The place is really jumping tonight!" said Brian to Ritchie who stood behind the bar.

Adam sat on a barstool next to him bobbing his head in time with the fast rhythmic music. The lyrics of the song fell softly from his lips as he sang along. Cowboys was truly packed tonight. Even for it being a Sunday night it was crowded. One last night of partying before the slum drum of workweek started its cycle anew. Mostly it was college kids and those slightly older, the working day to day crowd.

"Yeah! Its really live in here tonight!" replied Ritchie, raising his voice to be heard over the loud music. Adam glimpsed a young woman with bright blond hair come up on his left side directly between him and Brian. Flashing Ritchie a bright smile she ordered her drinks.

"Can I get a Sex on a Beach, Virgin Margarita, and shot of Jack Daniel's with a beer chaser."

Ritchie went to work at the same time Brain turned to the young woman. "Wow, you putting all that away."

"Goodness no," said the woman her Texas drawl coming out. "This is for my friends. I'm driving tonight so I'm ordering the virgin."

A friend of hers came up behind her and took the drinks paying Ritchie. The friend, a young male, gave her a 'go for it' look as he walked away with the drinks.

"I'm Tammy. Do you want to dance?"

Brain shrugged still smiling. "Sure." She took his hand and dragged him to the floor.

Adam laughed at the face Brian made as he was dragged to the dance floor. The minutes passed and Brian was still dancing with the blond vixen. Adam found himself alone at the bar. Ritchie was making drinks for customers like they were going out of style and Brian was dancing it up on the dance floor. Adam sighed nursing the drink in front of him.

"Well, isn't this just the fun time," he said to himself sarcastically.

He spun around in his stool eyes scanning the floor. He found Brian and Tammy pretty quickly. What he saw was not what he expected. Tammy had her ass pressed against Brian's crotch gyrating in a not so PG 13 manner. Brian was moving his hips and upper body matching the beat of the song and the pace that Tammy set. Suddenly, Tammy spun around throwing her leg around Brian's waist rolling her body from shoulders to pelvis like snake. A very naughty snake.

Adam found himself glaring at the two without even realizing it. His hands were clenched tightly balled into fists. His eyes were narrowed into tiny slits and they were glowing. Lightning crackled in each eye from edge to edge. A low growl left his lips as he stared at the dancing duo that were practically fucking on the floor.

'Fucking bitch, don't touch him! He's MINE!' Adam stopped in mid thought, mentally slapping himself. 'Since when is Brian mine? He doesn't belong to me.'

That thought that didn't help matters much either. His mood went into a downward spiral. He was right. Brian wasn't his and would never be. Brian liked woman. Adam liked men. Brian still didn't know that Adam liked him and that he was gay. Another obstacle in their path. Adam had been meaning to tell him, but the overwhelming fear of being looked at with disgust took over his heart even thinking of it.

Adam reached over the bar not even caring what bottle he picked. He poured himself a glass. The sadness in his heart was too much. He just wanted to forget. At least for a little while. What better way to forget something than get drunk off one's ass? Adam spared a glance to his left and right making sure that no one was watching him. With a slight wave of his hand the contents of the bottle and the liquid in his glass changed. Earthling substances had no lasting effect on an Asgardian. If he wanted to get drunk he needed real stuff. It didn't take anything but a thought to turn the simple alcohol into pure Asgardian mead. Mead was the beer of the Aesir, the high gods Asgard.

Adam looked over his shoulder and his heart thudded in his throat at the sight of the smile that covered Brian's face. Tammy shared his smile, all the while rubbing her hands over his chest.

Adam spun back around feeling like a knife had stabbed him in his chest. A part of him knew that nothing was wrong with what he was seeing, but the large part of him... was heartbroken.

"Bottom's up," he muttered, grabbing the glass of mead and downing it in one swallow. Without a second thought he reached for the bottle pouring another glass.

I'm not a perfect person

There's many things I wish I didn't do

But I continue learning

I never meant to do those things to you

And so I have to say before I go

That I just want you to know

The song changed slowing down to play Hoobastank's the Reason. The out of breath dancers on the floor was grateful for the change of pace. Without words they grabbed their partners in loose grips and slowly swayed to the music. Tammy cuddled into Brian's chest burying her head in the place where his neck and shoulder met.

"What are you doing after this?" asked Tammy silkily.

Brian shrugged. "I'm going home. We've been dancing for at least two hours. I'm beat."

Tammy laughed. "I know. I haven't had this much fun in a long time. You're a really good dancer."

"Thank you," said Brian.

I've found a reason for me

To change who I used to be

A reason to start over new

and the reason is you

"So, do you want to go back to my place?"

Brian allowed a smile to slip onto his face. "Tammy, your nice and all but..." The music continued playing softly pumping from the speakers. Couples swayed side to side not even caring about the rhythm, just enjoying the feel of their partner close.

"Did I come on too strong?" she asked with a groan.

Brain chuckled. "No, you didn't. It's just that you're not my type."

Tammy leaned back to look up into Brian's eyes. She stared into his eyes not blinking then after a moment of staring she blinked. A sheepish smile blossomed on her tanned face.

She shook her head. "I sure know how to pick'em."

Brian smiled. "... What? I'm not the first gay guy you've picked up?"

I'm sorry that I hurt you

It's something I must live with everyday

And all the pain I put you through

I wish that I could take it all away

And be the one who catches all your tears

That's why I need you to hear

After telling Brian goodbye, Tammy went to rejoin her friends that she had ignored for the last few hours. Brian realized that he had to rejoin his own friend whom he had been neglecting while he got caught up in his dancing. He pushed past the people crowding around the bar. Adam was sitting with his back to him, so Brian placed his hand on his shoulder to get his attention.

"Hey, Adam."

He gasped as Adam looked at him. The other man's eyes were red rimmed and the expression on his face was misery. He looked like someone had stomped all over his heart and put it back.

"Adam, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

Adam smiled drunkenly up at Brian. "Hey, Briiiiiiaaann."

Brian's eyes found the empty bottle and the glass sitting in front of Adam. He shook his head. He signaled at Ryan, a bartender, that worked the bar with Ritchie.

"Hey, where is Ritchie?" he asked frowning.

Ryan shrugged. "He had an emergency and left about an hour ago."

"Shit! Alright then. Tell him when he comes back that Adam and me said goodnight." He grabbed Adam's arm slinging it around his own shoulder. "Come on, Adam."

"Brian have I ever told you that you have really great hair," mumbled Adam his speech slurred, as Brian helped him out the bar and into the street. "I mean its really, really nice."

Brian couldn't help the tiny smile that tugged at his lips. "Oh?" He moved past walking pedestrians and found the parking lot where they parked easily.

"Adam, where are your keys?"

"In my pocket, baby," slurred Adam.

Brian raised an eyebrow at the use of 'baby' but let it go. He reached into his pocket and found Adam's keys. He used the button to unlock Adam's car doors. The annoying beep beep accompanied the action.

"Hair is soooo nice!" yelled Adam as Brian helped him into the passenger seat.

"Thanks," replied Brian placidity, cranking up the car and pulling out the parking lot.

Their neighborhood wasn't far. A quick twenty minute drive up 635N then get off the freeway and go down Harrington for two lights. After that it was a quick jaunt up the street and you were there. Brian parked the car in Adam's driveway and using the borrowed keys he got them inside the house, all the while Adam was leaning on him mumbling, drunken nonsense.

"Here you are," said Brian laying Adam on his bed. He took off Adam's shoes and socks leaving him in his shirt and pants. Adam's eyes were closed the whole time giving him the illusion that he was sleeping. In reality he was awake just still very, very, out of it.

Slowly, Adam's eyes opened. Brian smiled down at him all the while thinking, 'What made you do that, Adam.'

"Brian, do you like me?"

The man in question gasped eyes widening to the size of saucers. He ran his hand down Adam's face cupping his cheek in his palm. Adam smiled cuddling into the hand.

"Of course I like you, Adam."

Brian chuckled at Adam's expression. He looked so childlike with his eyes big and lip stuck out in a cute pout. His blond hair was mussed and out of its carefully combed style.

"No, do you really like me?" asked Adam pouting. "I really like you. I mean... I like you, like you."

'Can it be true?' Brian thought feeling like time had stopped in that one instant. 'Does he feel the same way that I do?'

Adam crossed his arms over his chest. "Do you?" he asked childishly.

Brian swallowed feeling his heart beating in overtime. He cleared his dry throat suddenly feeling quenched. "Yes, I do." came out more raspy then he would have liked.

Adam grinned widely, his smile bright and sunny. "Good." His smile disappeared suddenly as it appeared. "But today at Cowboys you were dancing with that girl... you like her better than me."

Brian sat down on the edge of the bed taking Adam's hand in his. "I was just dancing. Hello, boy band member. We're all about the dancing." He smiled down at Adam who was still pouting. "But I do like you." He grinned "A lot."

Adam sighed then looked up hopefully. His dimples coming out. "Kiss?"

Brian paused not knowing what to do. He couldn't kiss Adam. It would be immoral. Adam was drunk and kissing him would be taking advantage of him since he was obviously not in his right mind.


Brian cried sharply. Adam's grip had tightened on his hand to the point where his bones grind together. Where he got such strength from was mind-boggling since he looked barely together to put four and four together.

Adam relaxed his grip but still kept a hold on the hand. "Sorry -he paused for moment then continued- kiss?"

Brian couldn't hold back anymore. He gave in. Bending down he planted a chaste kiss against Adam's lips. Brian pulled back to look at Adam... Who was dead asleep. A low snore left Adam's mouth.

"You've got to be kidding me," muttered Brian. He stood up then pulled his hand from Adam's. Well, tried to pull his hand from Adam's. The sleeping man held Brian's hand in a death grip. 'Does he have super strength?' he thought flabbergasted that his hand was for all intents and purposes stuck in Adam's.

He tried for over ten minutes but still his hand wouldn't come loose. In the end, Brian had no option but to lay in bed with Adam. Brian couldn't help but smile as Adam moved around in his sleep till he was spooning him from behind. Brian hoped that in the morning things wouldn't go to hell from this one night.

In his sleep, Adam pulled Brian even closer nestling his nose in the shorter man's hair. A deep sigh of contentment left his lips at that moment.

To Be Continued...

************************************************* That's all for this part. Sorry about the cliffhanger. It called for it. This part was mainly Brian and Adam as you can see and less plot moving. The next part will some action so don't worry.

I enjoy hearing feedback from people. If you have any to offer such as comments or any thoughts toward the story you may email me at Mighthammer@yahoo.com

Other stories you can read in the Tales universe:

"Tales of a Real Dark Knight" "Tales of a Superhero Band" "Tales of the New Phoenix" "Tales of a Young Mutant" "Tales of a Human Spider" "Marvel Knights"

Next: Chapter 7

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