Tales of a Thunder God

By Tony Justiss

Published on Jun 15, 2004


Hello, everybody. I want to say this is not my first story and that I do have experience prior to this at writing. I am however new to this universe and its challenging and ingenious setting. It's been a while since I've read a Thor comic or seen anything with him starring in it, but I'm doing research and trying to portray the character correctly as I remember him. There will be changes to his personality because he's not the same person, yet is... You'll see.

I do not own or know any of the following:

Nsync, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Pink, Christina Aguilera, Jessica Simpson, Tom Cruise, 98 Degrees or any other celebrities. I also know nothing of their sexual orientations.

Marvel Comics, DC Comics, and all related characters.

Star Wars Star Trek, Star Trek TNG, Star Trek DS9, Star Trek Voyager, Star Trek the New Frontier, Enterprise television series, movies, and novels.

The Anita Blake Vampire Hunter book series or the Merry Gentry series by Laurell K. Hamilton.

The Vampire Chronicles, Tales of the New Vampires, The Mayfair Witches, all series written by Anne Rice.

Power Rangers series.

SM: Alternate Reality series is copyright Strike Fiss.

Dune series is by Frank Herbert

Harry Potter book series is by J.K. Rowling.

Star Wars is copyright George Lucas.

Buffy & Angel television series.

Slayers Copyright is copyright Hajime Kanzaka/Rui Araizumi/Kadokawa Shoten/TV TOKYO / SOFTX / Marubeni

I enjoy hearing feedback from people. If you have any to offer such as comments or any thoughts toward the story you may reach me at Mighthammer@yahoo.com

Chapter 7

Rays of sunlight sailed through the window, bathing the white furnished room in warm morning light. Adam stirred in his sleep, as a beam landed directly on his face. Stirring slightly, he moved to swat the light. Only he found his hand attached to another. Adam's eyes snapped open. Green eyes stared into light, brown hair. Adam did a mental inventory of his situation.

'Okay, so there is a someone next to me,' he thought frantically. 'The last thing I remember is Brian talking to me. And that's hazy as it is. What the hell happened? Did I pick somebody up?!'

The body nestled in Adam's arms moved, turning over in their sleep. Adam blinked as the face came into view.

'What the fuck! Brian?'

Sure enough, it was Brian held in his embrace. Adam's eyes drifted lower and he breathed a sigh, seeing that they were both fully clothed. They obviously didn't sleep together, so why were they in the same bed. Then like a freight train hitting him, Adam remembered. Memories swam through his head, once he regained his awareness. Everything suddenly became so clear to him. The conversation last night stood out, like a neon light, in his brain. Adam gulped, heart thudding in his throat. He had confessed his true feelings last night to Brian. He closed his eyes, racking his brain for anything else.

He jolted, eyes opening in shock. 'We kissed! By Ghea, I kissed him! He kissed me back! What in the Nine Worlds is going on here?'

He had to find out what was happening. This was too much. He and Brian kissed, and Brian had confessed to liking him, too. The way Adam liked him. The light hit Brian's face at an angle, and Adam felt his breath catch in his throat. Brian looked like a sleeping angel, with his hair spilling over his forehead. Adam sat up, holding his head with one arm. He took his free hand, and carefully ran it down Brian's sleeping face.

"So beautiful," he whispered softly, aloud.

Brian's eyes cracked up. The words having woken him. Adam drew back as if burned. A blush rose up from his neck, coloring his cheeks a deep cheery red.

Brian looked into his eyes, a slight smile on his face. "Hi."

The smile was like a wave of soothing calm. It washed over Adam reassuring him. He offered a smile in return, seeing Brian's smile as a good sign.

"Hi," he replied. His voice came out equally quiet, matching Brian's tone perfectly.

They smiled at each other and Adam was the first to look away. Awkward silence fell over them. Both knew what to talk about, but neither knew how to broach the subject. What were they supposed to say, 'Hey, remember when you got really drunk last night? Well, we told each other we like the other and we kissed a little.'

Yeah, right. Like that would happen.

"Your bed is really comfortable," said Brian suddenly, carefully meeting his eyes.

Adam smiled hesitantly. "Thanks. Umm..." He sighed. If they were going to talk about last night, they might as well do it right. "What went on last night, Brian? I can remember most of it... like the..."

"Kiss," said Brian helpfully. "I was wondering that, too." He smiled at Adam coyly, scooting closer to him. "So you like me, like me."

Adam blinked. "Uhhhh... I-I," he stuttered, not sure if he should tell the truth. Swallowing he nodded. "I do. I really like you, Brian."

Suddenly, Brian was in his face. Like really, really, close. All it would take is for Brian to inhale, and they would be touching lips. Adam swallowed, his heart beating fast. He licked his lips, looking into Brian's deep blue eyes. Up close, Brian's blue eyes were really amazing. Most people with blue eyes, usually have flecks of different colors mixed in, like yellow or green. Not Brian. His eyes were deep, penetrating blue. A true blue that looked like glowing sapphires.

Brian's breath ghosted across his lips. He smiled coyly as he leaned into Adam. "Guess what?"

"What?" barely came out a mere whisper, as it left Adam's lips.

Brian grinned in an inciting manner. A look that Adam had never seen from the usually shy man. "I really like you, too."

Then that was it. Brian leaned in, kissing Adam full on the lips. It wasn't a little peck. Adam found his eyes sliding closed, as Brian's tongue sought out the entrance to his mouth, asking for permission. Adam granted it, opening his lips, allowing Brian's tongue passage into his mouth. A low moan came from his throat, as their tongues massaged each other, sending erogenous sensations through his body.

Brian pulled back, smiling wide, eyes twinkling. "We should stop. I don't sleep with people after one kiss."

Adam couldn't help it. He started to laugh. This is all seemed so unreal. Like a dream. A really great dream. But a dream. He looked at Brian confused. "But you were married? Are you gay?"

Brian nodded. "I was married, but... the reason we divorced is because I'm gay. By marrying Leighanne, I was trying to deny who I was. Then there came point, where I couldn't hide it anymore. I've liked you the moment I laid eyes on you. I never knew you felt the same way. If I did, I would of have asked you out a long time ago."

"I thought you were straight," replied Adam, shaking his head. "All this time. If I had known... well, ditto."

Brian grinned. "Good. I think its safe to ask this then, will you be my boyfriend. We know each other too well and can skip the dating stage."

Adam laughed a loud, echoing laugh. It was true. They had been good friends this whole time. They knew each other's whole life story. Each other's dreams, hopes, past, and desires... they knew it all.

Adam could only nod his head, he was so happy. Leaning forward, he sealed the question with a kiss. His answering kiss was all that was needed to the question.

Adam and Brian spent the rest of the day together. After Adam made breakfast in bed for the two of them, they talked. Talked about everything. All the misconceptions and misunderstandings were cleared, with hugs and kisses. A perfect day. But throughout this day, a little voice nagged at Adam at the back of his mind. It urged him to tell Brian about his identity. Adam pushed the voice back, but it was insistent. It warned of him that keeping this secret to himself, would only later lead to doom for the newborn relationship. The setting sun cast a dim glow through the windows of the bedroom. The TV volume was lowered, keeping the room at a dull murmur. Brian laid in Adam's arm, his back pressed to Adam's chest. Adam's chin was resting on Brian's shoulder, as they stared at the TV. He wasn't paying attention to what was on. He was lost. Basking in the warmth of being near Brain.

'You must tell him,' the voice urged. 'Tell him.'

Adam frowned. He had never had internal conversations with himself. That was why he had the distinct impression that maybe the voice was external. It did have a slight tinge of Earth energy behind it. The only person who dealt in the powers of the Earth was the high goddess, Jord, or Ghea as most Earthlings know her by. Could his mother by trying to communicate with him, he wondered.

'Yes, son it is I,' said the voice.

Adam's eyes widened. He could really sense the power behind it now. It really was his mother. 'Mother?' he sent the thought out. A joy surged in his heart. While he had never spent a lot of time with Ghea, he did love her.

'Yes, son. I am talking to you, to give you a warning. Your mate is true of heart. You must tell him, who you really are.'

'But why? It will only put him in danger.'

'This secret will tear you apart down the road, if you do not tell him now. I sense that there will be troubling times in your future. To survive you will need him at your side.'

'If you think it wise, I see that I must then,' answered Adam.

He could almost sense a smile on her face through the telepathic link. 'You will see that it is for the best, son. I love you and remember that the power of the Earth is yours to command as well. Remember your training and keep the planet safe.'

'I will.'

The link was cut and Adam let out a breath. So she wanted him to tell Brian what he truly was. His true history. The past that only legends and myths speak of. Would Brian be overwhelmed? Would he still want to be with him? His mother had said yes, but Adam still had doubts. Summoning up the needed courage, he spoke.

"Brian, I have something to tell you."

Brian scooted around so that he could look Adam in the eyes. "What is it?"

Adam took Brian's hands in his own. "I don't know how to say this..." He paused to collect his thoughts. "How do you feel about Mutants?"

Brian looked him dead in the eyes, his face serious. "Mutants are people just like humans. They don't deserve the treatment they get. Baby, are you a mutant?"

Adam shook his head. "Bri, I am something much more than mutant. You know that with the Vampire War two years ago, the Earth went into chaos."

Brian nodded, still not understanding but keeping his thoughts to himself. "Yeah. Its 2003 but people are acting like we are in the 1700's. With the Wizard Hunts in Europe, the killing of Lycanthropes, and murdering of all Vampires even the ones with souls... It's wrong. No one should have to face that." He shook his head sadly, then turned his gaze back to Adam. "Where are you going with this, baby?"

Adam licked his dry lips. "What if I told you I was something not... normal. Something more than, Mutant, Lycanthrope, Wizard, Vampire-something not human at all."

Brian cupped Adam's cheek with his hand. "I would say, it doesn't matter, because I will still like the person inside and that's what matters."

"Brian, I'm a god. The god of thunder actually, Thor."

Raising his eyebrow, Brian gave him a look he couldn't recognize. "You think you're, Thor. Like the mythology one? The Norse god of thunder, Thor?"

Shaking his head, Adam sighed. Disbelief was a reaction he had been expecting. Many people would react the same way as Brian had. So it was no surprise that Brian didn't believe him. Adam got up from the bed, ignoring Brian's protest. Raising his ring-covered hand to the sky, Adam closed his eyes and concentrated. Willing the change to occur, the blue light of the transforming energy enveloped him. Unable to take the light, Brian raised his hand to his eyes, shielding them from the bright intensity. The light was far too bright to look at. It was almost like looking at the sun. Well, a bright, blue sun actually.

Brian opened his eyes, as the light died down, receding from the room. Thor stood before him, hands on his hips, chin tilted high. He looked regal, standing there with his long, blond hair and sweeping cape. Brian gripped the small gold cross, attached to the chain around his neck. It was true. Adam was an honest to goodness, god.

"Its true?" said Brian breathlessly.

Adam nodded his head, his now long hair brushing against his cheeks. "Yes, everything I said was true. I am Thor." He walked to kneel beside the bed, grabbing Brian's hand. "But I'm also, Adam, your boyfriend."

Brian shook his head. "How are you a god. There is only one God and that's the one who watches over us."

"Yaweh is not the only god in the universe, though he certainly aids in the fight against evil," Adam said, answering as carefully as he could, uncertain of how protective he was of his faith in the Christian sect. "Yehew is one of the Elder Gods of the universe. He's of the Powers even above me. I am High God but he is Elder God. He was here before the universe. The blood sacrifice of his only living son created an invaluable tool for the warriors who fight for the light."

Brian paused then asked, "There is a heaven and hell then?"

Adam nodded. "There is an afterlife for all soulbearing beings." He didn't add the fact that there were dimensions, where there was an absence of all hope, pure and utter hell. Of course to keep balance, there were dimensions where serenity and peace reigned, heaven. No, Brian didn't need to know everything just yet. Better keep it simple.

Brian took a breath, looking a lot less tense. "So you're still you, right?"

"Yeah, I'm still me."

Brian leaned down kissing him. Pulling back he looked Adam in the eyes. "Then you're still the same person. My feelings toward you haven't changed. In fact they've gone stronger since you're being so honest with me."

Adam smiled. It seemed that his mother was right. This had only made their new relationship all the more stable. "Thank you." And he meant it. He found someone who accepted him for him, and that was the best feeling in the world.

Suddenly, his chest began to grow warm. Adam looked down, untucking the medallion from underneath his suit. The item was indeed warm, as he held it in his hand. He pressed his finger against the center jewel and a voice sounded from the medallion itself.

"Adam can you hear me?" asked Jared, his voice coming across clearly. Brain gasped looking to Adam shocked. He relaxed when Adam winked at him. Personally, Adam was worried for Brian. The man had had enough shocks in one day. Things must be overwhelming him no matter what front he put on.

"Yes, I can hear you, Jared," spoke Adam into the medallion.

"Good, now get your butt down here. I'm on the beach in Galveston!"

Adam could detect the panic in Jared's voice. "Is it the Judge?"

"No, It's a demon. From what I can tell it entered through a tear in inter-dimensional space."

"I'm on my way," said Adam cutting off the transmission. He tucked the medallion back under his suit. He looked to Brian who was looking at him with a worried frown.

Brian sighed. "You have to go, don't you?"

"Yeah, I'll try and be back as soon I can."

"I'll wait for you."

Adam smiled kissing him deeply. Brian closed his eyes reveling in the kiss. His eyes were closed as he sunk completely into the feelings. When he opened his eyes, Adam was gone. The curtains of the window blew softly in the breeze of the open window. He raced to the window, and all he could see was the stars twinkling in the sky, and the moon peeking out behind a billow of dark clouds.

Adam's boot clad feet touched down on the sandy beach of Galveston. It was easy to spot Fate. The magic he was throwing out lit up the sky, clearly seen miles away. The demon before them was easily ten foot with massive tentacles that were unaccountable. Thick, green slim oozed and pulsed from its multiple eyes, located all over its blob like body.

Fate aimed back his arm and with all his strength, he threw a fireball at the creature. The fireball did nothing more than pissed it off, because its skin was made of some type of natural body armor.

"Glad you could make it," Fate grunted throwing up a hasty shield, reflecting the torrent of red energy that flew toward them.

"What is this thing!" said Adam, rolling out of the way from rays that erupted from the gray creature's multiple eyes. The rays hit the spot he once stood in, turning the sand into a smoking black hole.

Fate held up his hands and a bright blue half sphere of light covered them. The demon batted at the protective dome but Fate's shield was too strong for even, it. He turned to Adam and explained, while also keeping his magic on holding the shield together. With every attack it was slowly weakening however.

"As far as I can tell, it's an inter-dimensional demon of some kind. Because it exists in the place between dimensions is probably why our attacks aren't having much effect. Its very molecular structure is different. Its atoms and molecules are probably more compact making its skin more dense and tougher than anything in this universe."

All at once many tentacles hit the shield at once, and it broke, shattering like glass. Fate thrust his arms forward, and sweeping flames cut through the air. The oxygen made the flames stronger, feeding it. The body armor of the creature was strong, since the flames did nothing to it. They may have well thrown a rock, for all the good their attacks were doing.

"Ghea, help me in my aid," Thor prayed, raising his hammer to the sky.

The sky boomed as thunder sounded through the area. Suddenly, lightning rained down from the sky in a white column. It hit Mjolnir then by will alone Adam redirected the lightning. Like a redirected river, the lightning fell from the sky in a steady stream, hitting Mjolnir, then hitting the creature. The lightning splattered off the creature's skin, as if it was merely a jet of rushing water, not steady currents of deadly amplified electricity. Thor ground his teeth together, narrowing his eyes and the lightning grew brighter, becoming more focused. Finally, the creature roared and for the first time, they heard the sounds of pain leave its fanged filled mouth.

Singed flesh hit their noses, as flacks of skin began to burn and slowly break away, floating away free in the wind. Adam cut the wave of power, feeling the earth reach its limit. Not letting its weakened state go to waste, Adam powered up his hammer causing it to glow blue. Rearing back, he threw Mjolnir with all his strength. A whistle echoed around them as the hammer flew at the speed of sound. A sickening CRACK was heard as the hammer exploded through its chest cavity, spewing thick, green blood out like a geyser. The enchanted hammer shot out through its back, sailing in the air.

Adam raised his arm. Mjolnir did an about face and flew through the air, landing obediently in his hand. Magically, the hammer wasn't covered in bloody insides or entails. It was clean as if brand new. Impressive. A self-cleaning weapon beat that Home Shopping Channel.

Thor smirked, looking at the gory hole. He could see right through the creature's midsection. He gave Fate a superior look. "And that's how you do it."

"Ummm... One problem."


Fate pointed at the wound. "Someone forgot to give us the memo that this fucker has an rapid healing factor."

Before their eyes the creature's, should be fatal, wound healed. They could only stare, as muscles re-grew and armored skin appeared anew.

Adam swallowed. "Well, that was... impressive."

Without warning a metallic sphere, the size of a baseball, fell from the sky landing at their feet. The creature moved to attack them, but Thor summoned forth wind throwing the demon back a few meters. Fate picked up the sphere taking of a note attached. Engraved on the ball in tall letters was 'O.W.'

"What the hell?" began Fate, holding the sphere and the note. Suddenly the sphere exploded in a cloud of white powder. The only trace of its existence was the note held by Fate.

Thor raised his hammer summoning forth the ocean next to them. It obeyed surging forth forming a wall of rushing water, blocking the demon from them. "What does the note say?" he asked, trying to concentrate on his task.

"Its say's 'Use the Dragon Slave'."

Thor looked at Fate out of the corner of his eye, not taking his focus off the wall of water. Fate was shaking slighting, his hand holding the note tightly.

"What's wrong? What's the Dragon Slave."

Fate looked at Adam. His helmet-hidden face was unreadable except for his mouth. His mouth was set in a grim frown. "Fly into the sky cause things are about to get reeaal freaksome."

Adam nodded. He trusted Jared to do what he had to do. Breaking his hold on the water, the wall came crashing down throwing waves everywhere along the sand. Adam jumped, flying straight upward almost two miles up above the beach. Something inside told him that whatever, Fate was going to do was going to be, big.

The demon roared but Fate only looked upon it not moving an inch. It surged forward, charging with an unthinkable speed. Thor almost went to help but stopped, seeing that the demon was repelled suddenly by a sphere of glowing red light that surrounded Fate.

Fate's hands were clasped together, as he called on all the elements surrounding him. Power that was the word for it. Power and utter power swirled around him. But it wasn't the usual light color that accompanied his magic. Blackness, inky blackness, swirled around him like a swaying geyser. Holding the power and containing it within him, Fate began to chant.

"Darkness beyond twilight,"

"Crimson beyond blood that flows,"

"Buried in the steam of time,"

"Is where your great power grows."

Thor shuddered, feeling waves of power. This was not the pure, white magic that he usually used. Fate was calling on black magic at is blackest. The power was old, ancient, and most definitely evil. Seconds passed, and the power level steadily rose till it reached enormous proportions.

"In thy great name,"

"I pledge myself to conquer,"

"All the foes who stand,"

"Before the mighty gift,"

"Bestowed in my unworthy hands."

If Adam was on the ground he was sure that he would have faltered. The power that he was gathering was unreal. So much power. It seemed unconceivable. All this from a spell?

"Let the fools,"

"Who stand in our way,"

"Be destroyed by the power you and I posses."

The light it was so bright. Adam was sure that it could be seen from space. Even with his godhood, he couldn't see through the curtain of intense light. To a mortal it would have surely blinded them, but to him it was like looking directly into the sun. Where did Adam get so power, he wondered? He had never socialized with sorcerers, witches, or really any magic user, so this was all new territory to him. He never dreamed that Jared was this strong. But he was an Agent of Balance, maybe that had something to do with it. Fate raised his arms forward and shouted so loud, that his voice, which was filled with power, echoed a mile away.


Everything went white.

When Adam regrouped himself he could only stare around at the destruction. Where there once was a beach was now a crater, a smooth depression of smoking, black glass. At the center where there once stood the demon, 500 hundred meters of land was gone. The ocean water rushed forward, the tide rising. Water touched the hole and instantly evaporated. The loud singeing sound of frying could be heard, as the water lapped at the still hot crater.

Adam flew down spotting Fate through the mist that the detonation created.

"What was that?" he asked, standing beside him, staring at the crater in awe. "I have never met a user of mortal magic before, but I didn't know you humans had this kind of power."

Fate shook his head. "That's because we don't." He continued staring at the crater. "Honestly, that's a little blacker than I like my magic. I only used it because it seemed we had no choice. Black magic is really not my kick. Plus, tapping into the power of a dark lord of another universe, is something I would prefer not to do."

"Where did you learn it?" asked Adam, still astounded by the power. He was strong too, don't be fooled. But his wasn't infinite and being disconnected from his power sources for so long, still effected him. While he was close to full strength, he wasn't at maximum. Then add the fact, he had large gaps in his memory of his past life. He could only remember a third of what he could actually do with his power.

Fate shrugged at the question. "Once, while closing a temporal fold in space, I encountered a sorceress from another universe. One that is very different from our own. Magic is more common there, so people have used it in ways that we can never hope to. She taught me a few things. Lina was a real nut, but I miss her."

"Don't get all mopey," said Adam, playfully hitting his shoulder. "We have big things to worry about."

Fate nodded, agreeing. "Agreed. Like who sent the note."

"We have to find about who are what is 'O.W.'"

In a familiar circular white room was a team of people, wearing sweeping, white lab coats. Chad Sterling, the Director of the Omega Web, grinned at his team. Happy that for once in this crazy time, things had went they're way.

"Good going on that instant-orb," he congratulated the team. "We're lucky that Fate wasn't being stubborn and used the spell. We need these mojo's alive."

One aid turned to another mouthing 'mojo'. A shrug was his answer.

Chad turned to one aid, whom stood before a towering glass structure.

"What is the probability that the Judge will go after one of the keys located on Earth in the next week?"

The aid rattled off an answer, gazing at the data crystal in his hand. "Sir, there is a 91% probably that he will go after the Key of Justice within the next week."

Chad made a 'uh huh' noise. "Okay, I want the information we have on the Key of Justice sent to the Magic Nook. What we know, Fate and Thor need to know. Got it?"

"Yes, sir."

Chad turned looking at the screen fixed onto the wall. Numbers whirled down the pixilated screen. No human would ever hope to understand the information, but they all could. It was made them extraordinary. It was why they were, the Omega Web.

To Be Continued...

********************************* A little recap. Brian and Adam are now together. We've gotten a look at how powerful is Dr. Fate. And we know that the Omega Web is actively helping the duo. Next chapter, the duo will learn who is the Omega Web and what exactly makes them so special.

I enjoy hearing feedback from people. If you have any to offer such as comments or any thoughts toward the story you may email me at Mighthammer@yahoo.com

Other stories you can read in the Tales universe:

"Tales of a Real Dark Knight" "Tales of a Superhero Band" "Tales of the New Phoenix" "Tales of a Young Mutant" "Tales of a Human Spider" "Marvel Knights"

Next: Chapter 8

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