Tales of an Oxbridge College

By James Andrews

Published on May 17, 2007


Disclaimer: The following story is set in a fictional, undisclosed Oxbridge college and it is not taken literally. The characters in it are figments of my imagination and not based on real people. Please do not reproduce this work anywhere without asking my permission.

Feedback welcomed, both positive and negative - drop me a line at user_unknown@mail.com



It was yet another uneventful day at college. Matt sat in his room, stared out of the window at the dreary weather, and sighed. He looked at the time on his Armani watch. He was as bored as hell. 10:30am and he'd only just got up. He was slipping into bad habits, but he didn't really care. The heating wasn't working, as per usual, and suddenly he felt cold, the morning air seemed particularly chilly on his bare torso. He walked over to his wardrobe to find a shirt to put on, stopping to admire himself in the mirror on the inside of its door as he did so. Being a daddy's boy had its advantages; that was obvious - he had the gym memberships, the personal exercise equipment and generally the money to keep he looking good. He admired his reflection, casting his glance up and down, from his broad, muscled shoulders down over his nicely developed pecs and washboard abs. he picked out a checked ted baker shirt and threw it on, taking care to tidy his perfectly-groomed hair after he'd done so. He went and sat by his desk again, and logged onto his Mac. An instant messenger window popped up. He smiled. Freddie.

Freddie: hey mate

MATTY: heya

Freddie: what u up to?

MATTY: fuck all mate. bored as hell.

Freddie: me too. wanna come over? we can be bored together.

Matt smiled. He had a good feeling about this. He replied:

MATTY: sure, sounds like a plan.. see you in 5?

Freddie: OK :D

He closed the lid of his computer. This could be good.

Glancing around, Matt picked up his keys, phone and his wallet. He put out the light and closed the door. As he walked the short distance across college, matt couldn't help but smile. Suddenly the day seemed significantly better than it had ten minutes ago. He reached Freddie's staircase and climbed the stairs to the first floor. He paused outside the door for a second, then rapped smartly on it. Freddie opened the door within seconds and stood in the doorway, wearing a tight red t-shirt and a pair of three-quarter length Hawaiian shorts.

'Mate, you really dressed up, didn't you?' said Matt sarcastically.

'Yeah, cos i would bother to dress up, wouldn't i? There'd be a lot of point in that, wouldn't there?' Freddie replied.

Matt chuckled to himself at the double meaning that hadn't even occurred to Freddie himself.

'So, what's up?' Matt asked.

'Not much, really,' replied Freddie. 'I just wanted to ask you who you're gonna vote for today?'

'Bollocks.' Matt's reply stunned Freddie somewhat.

'What do you mean mate, bollocks?' he queried.

'We both know you didn't invite me here to talk about the college election,' Matt stated categorically.

'Mate, i dunno what you mean, i.' Freddie stammered.

'Oh come on, I've seen the way you check me out. You think I'm stupid?' Matt replied in an almost angry tone.

'Mate, i swear, i didn't...' poor Freddie was really at a loss for words now, Matt could see the fear starting to creep across his face. This was almost too cruel.

'Shut up. You did. You like me. You want me. Admit it.' Matt stated.

'Mate... I. I dunno what you want me to say...' Freddie was almost beside himself now.

'Ssssshhh. it's fine. Honestly. It's OK.' Matt smiled.

'What, you mean; you're cool with it? Oh mate, that is such a relief. I thought you were gonna be really homophobic...'

Matt smiled. 'Nah, of course not. And besides...' he moved a step closer to Freddie. '...just as you didn't think I'd noticed you checking me out, there's something you didn't notice yourself..'

Freddie gulped. 'Mate, you're confusing me... what do you mean?' Matt took another step closer. The two guys were almost touching.

'You didn't notice who I was checking out...' Freddie was almost going out of his mind.


Matt smiled triumphantly. 'You.'

Freddie stared, open-mouthed, shocked, speechless.

'Wha... you...?' was all he could manage. With that, Matt smiled wickedly once again and pushed Freddie backwards, against the door....

Next: Chapter 2

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