Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Aug 7, 2018


Subject:: Tales of Jones Lab School #1 :Molly, Fred, and Phillip

Tales of Jones Lab School #1 :Molly, Fred, and Phillip Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with his characters as individuals.

Molly, Fred, and Phillip


Larry Marian

Twelve year old Molly Maguire Adams sat in a large room, with chairs arranged in a semi- circle around a raised platform. She'd removed the white placard on the seat which had "Adams, Molly M. 7th, new, P Mason & Paige Adams, B, Mason F. Adams, 10th." She'd taken the white canvas sack with `CLOTHING' on it and put it in her lap. On her right hand side was an empty seat and another placard which said, Savage, Fred. A, 8th returnee. On her left was another student who had just plopped down, a boy.

He turned to her. "Hi. I see you have a vacant seat next to you. I'm Phillip."

"I'm Molly. That seat is for my room mate. My brother is a sophomore returnee here. He says that means he will help me get settled and stuff. How about you?"

"I'm Phillip Nelson. My folks say I'm the great great, many greats grandson of Lord Nelson. I don't know. I've been sea sick."

"My dad is a history nut. He said that Lord Nelson always got seasick being rowed to his ship,"

"Neat. So this is your first year? I was at the lab school in Montgomery, Alabama, but they only go up to sixth grade. So now I'm here,"

Molly nodded, but then an older black woman, looking quite regal mounted the stage and held up her hand. Nothing happened, and she gestured to another who came up on the stage. This guy was also black, but much younger, maybe early twenties. He took a mike and said, "There will be silence, NOW!" At that the audience began to quiet down. "Ms Anderson is our principal. She will once more raise her hand. When she does, you will be silent. Ms. Anderson?"

Once more she raised her hand and silence began to spread. "Thank you, Mr. M'urk. And say hello to your father the major when you speak with him next."

"Welcome. He's already told me to send you his warmest greetings and to report that Mom still wishes she'd been here."

Ms. Anderson turned to the students in their chairs. "This is not how we have done a welcome to Jones since the first year. But when we opened M&P Lab this fall, we had enough new students that our counselors could not handle them. So this is an introduction sort of like how we started some 35 years ago. This will be my final beginning.

"So. Some of you have a vacant seat - most of you do, really. This is for your room mate to begin with. This person has been at Jones for at least one year. Your roomie has already agreed to coach you on what we do and how we do it. But if things don't seem to work out, we have a process for room changes. That doesn't happen very often.

"However, your roomie is right now in your dorm waiting for you. If you haven't already noticed, for most of you the roomie is of the opposite sex. In a few instances the roomie is the same sex and almost always because you identified as being gay. There's a reason for this. We will address that later.

"Now, starting with 7/8, your counselors will call you up front and then lead to your common room, From there you will meet your roomie and get your things put away. So, 7/8, please stand up," Molly saw other kids, maybe 20 stand up. The same young black guy went to the exit.

"Okay, 7/8, with your clothing bag and anything else, including that sign from the vacant seat next to you come form two lines. You will see a young lady with a sign on a pole. Form there. Let's be quick. We have 9/10 right behind us. No welcome picnic before business is done! "

A clear soprano voice rang out. "You heard Mr. M'urk. Let's go, kids."

Molly put her hands to her face. "They're my aunt and uncle. Uncle Georges and Aunt Sissy." But she and Zach fell in with the rest and began to move out of the room, down the corridor and into the now "old" 7/8 resident dorm. They went down the hall, past the open doors, most of which had a student already standing or seated in the room. Then they filed into the Group One 7/8 Common Room which they found to be much more comfortable and less organized. Aunt Sissy held up her hand as the last ones entered as Molly remembered what Fish had told her and she called "Hand up," and raised her own. The twenty some 7/8s got quiet and the two in their 20s came to the center.

"I see that at least one has some experience here. I'm Georges M'urk. This is my wife Sissy. We are both teachers here and counselors for 7/8. We live in the first apartment and we will get into that later. Believe it or not the first counselors were sophomores when they began what was to be a two year job, and were still here some ten years later.

"Now. All of you, please stand up. " Looking to right and left the7/8s did so. "This is not as strange as it would have seemed before, but take that white bag you carried in and put your clothes, other than your foot gear in it. Before you do that, if you are a virgin, boy or girl, there is a necklace with a V on it. Put on the necklace. Then put the bag on the floor next to you. " As Georges said that, he began to undress, as did Sissy.

Molly shrugged and pulled off her top. She'd debated wearing a bra, knowing she'd be undressing. Easier to undress without one, but she did have breasts now - not big, but larger than the skeeter bites Fish called them when Mom and Dad weren't in hearing distance. She pushed off her sandals, then slid her jeans and panties off. She reached in to find the necklace which she put on, then quickly folded the clothes and stowed them in the bag, then put her sandals back on. She looked around to see her fellow 7/8s either nude like she was or almost undressed. She noticed that about half the boys had erections and a few girls had a hand in front of her crotch, though none tried to conceal her breasts, large or small. Almost every one had a V necklace.

"Okay, everybody take a seat. There will be another meeting in three hours after the picnic, Your roomie is waiting outside. As I call the name on your roomie's card, please stand up and hold up your hand, grab your bag and go to the person with that name. You two will walk to your room, introduce yourselves, you will put your bag on the bed you decide on, and then your roomie will take you to the Green where the welcoming picnic is starting. So, Michelle Andrews," and a tall boy with black hair stood up. Molly waited as Phillip left with Gwen Davidson. She was one of the last when Fred Savage's name was called.

He turned out to be about as short as she was, with curly red hair and freckles. He did not have a V necklace, He smiled pleasantly, said, "hi," and led her to their room. When they got in she started to close the door. "Woops. During the day the door is to be left open, at least a crack."

"Oh. I guess so no hanky-panky?"

"Yeah," he smiled again. "So, your choice of side and bed. Now if you go down the hall and look in the rooms, you will see a few of the beds are pushed together in the middle. Those rooms have room mates who are also a couple. That's fine with our counselors and the school. Our counselors are new - last year was their first, but the returning eighths say they're fine. Not the famous Mom Paige and Dad Mason of course. You'll hear about them I know." Molly swallowed her smile. After all, both Mom and Dad AND Fish had warned her not to say she was their daughter.

"So did they leap tall buildings at a single bound?" He laughed.

"No. But they say they had x-ray eyes and see if stuff was going on that shouldn't be. "

"Oh. Almost sounds like my parents." She laughed too. She looked at the room to see each side looking identical, a dresser with a short rod for some hanging clothes, a desk with a book shelf over it, computer and electrical jacks, a bed, almost like an army cot her grandfather had shown her once when they visited Washington and saw some museums, a pillow, a folded blanket at the foot. On the floor in front of the window were a couple of boxes, two small suitcases, and a wrapped present. "So, my choice of sides? Well, I'm standing here and you're standing there, so let's do it that way. What's next?"

"That's fine. So first, we take the pile of stuff under the window and sort it out. I put my stuff on my desk and dresser for now, except for my sheets and pillow cases. They go on the bed. You do the same. Then we go to the welcome picnic until the general meeting starts."

Holly took her first box, the thin one with her bed linen in it and put it on the bed. The two rapidly got the room in order and left for the picnic.

The large Green had a large number of older tweens and teens, with more flowing in. Almost the first person she saw was her older brother Fish. "I see my brother. Come meet Fish," she said as she waved.

"Fish? I'll come, just for the halibut," Fred said as he followed behind her. She had to weave a bit until she got to him standing next to a very attractive, very well built girl who she thought she'd seen with the 7/8s.

"Hey, Fish. I'm hear," she said.

Another passing guy said, "Flounder, you catch yourself another minnow?"

"She's my kid sister, Hyena! Hi, Molly - this your roomie?"

"Yes. Fred Savage. This is Fish Adams."

`Hi, Fred. Do you know Miranda?"

"I met her last year. Hi, Fred. So you are still in 7/8. Gotta tell you, Fish and I are working on a deal to swap now and let me move up to 9/10 dorm."

"Okay, I'll see you around, though."

"Sure." Fred turned to Molly. "So let's get something to eat. "

"Okay. See you later, Fish, Miranda." As she walked away she wondered if Mom and Dad knew that Fish didn't wear a V nor did Miranda, Nor did her roommate. Uh. She knew about "Virgin until at least fourteen." Well, Fish was 15 and maybe the others were at least 14. But would there be any pressure on her from Fred? She really wanted to stay a virgin until she was at least fourteen.

The two wandered around, Fred introducing her to friends of his. She saw Phillip with his room mate, Gwen Davidson and they talked for a bit, She noticed that both Phillip and Gwen wore a V. She also noticed that as they walked away their hands brushed and Gwen grasped his. As she and Fred walked away, his hand brushed hers. She moved it away but then his brushed hers again, so she allowed him to hold it. He smiled at her.

Following a few others they headed back to their room to find the door partially shut. She pushed it open to see that what had been on her bed was now on the floor and there was a couple lying on the bed. She couldn't see who they were, but the girl was on her back, knees raised, legs spread and the boy on top. Molly clearly saw his cock moving rapidly in and out. The girl's arms were around his neck and her feet were inside his legs. She moaned slowly, "Yes, yes, yes."

"Miranda. I'm about to cum," Molly heard her brother say.

"Me too, Fish. Keep fucking me. Yes!"

Molly felt her face get warm. She had never before actually seen sex taking place in real life. She'd heard her mom a few times, but not actually seen the act itself. Now she had. She felt a tug on her hand as Fred pulled her out of the room and let the door almost close, He pulled her back away from the door.

"Oh my God, " she said in a whisper. "That's my brother on my bed with his girl friend, They're..." and she fell silent.

"Screwing, or what she said. Uh, your brother does have something of a reputation. Let's go."

"No. He's... fucking that girl on my bed. I'll wait until they come out." Fred apparently elected to wait the four minutes before Fish and Miranda walked out dropping their arms to hold hands. Miranda's face didn't really change when she saw Molly, bur Fish's did. "Fish, that was my bed you were fucking on!"

"Molly. Such language."

"I learned it from the girl you were fucking," she responded. "What's wrong with your bed? God, I want to tell Mom and Dad!"

His face turned pale. "Molly, I'm sorry. Look. Every PR was taken. Miranda's room mate was in her room with his girl and my room mate had her guy. We went looking for an unoccupied room and saw this one, Swear to God I didn't know it was your room - or your bed. Look, we didn't mess it up. Your stuff is back on it. I'm sorry."

"I am too. And sorry about the language. I got carried away."

"Yeah. You've heard Mom a few times."

Uh. I don't think I ever heard Mom tell Dad to fuck her."

"Well, maybe not." Then she thought - there was that time when she was 11 and Uncle Francois and Aunt Cindy and their kids were visiting. Aunt Cindy had taken the kids to the park and she'd stayed home. Mom and Uncle Francois had come home and didn't know she was in her room with a bad headache. She heard them. She knew they were "doing it," so maybe she had heard her mom say "Fuck me, Francois, please!" She gave her older brother a half smile. "So now I know what it looks like."

"You've see missionary. There are more."


After that the rest of the day went smoothly, Molly found Fred very helpful. Dinner was quite good even though their counselors acted as shepherds to all of 7/8, vets and newbies alike. After dinner, with nothing to study most of the 7/8s drifted to the commons with the newbies getting acquainted and the vets trading summer vacation stories. Fred wandered away to a group of other vets and began to talk to them. She overheard one guy say loudly, "You did it with her how many times?" There was a combination of laughs and groans. She latched on to Phillip and Gwen and talked with them for a bit, then met a few more before Ms. M'urk came in and blew a whistle. One of the vets hollered "Coach M'urk's here!" and the talk ceased.

"Okay, everybody. Let's start getting ready for bed. Big day tomorrow. And - Joey - Bob - Caroline - Susie B - Sid - Percy - no water balloons - no squirt guns - no nuthin' except your bare butts in the showers. And nobody get any ideas. I catch you - you're on the mat tomorrow with me - in honor of Mom Paige. I can only throw you five feet, unlike her."

Molly stood next to an eighth grader she had not met. "I wonder how awesome this Mom Paige is," he said.

A girl next to him said, "So how often does a thirteen year old girl get her picture on the cover of TIME?" Molly turned around to hide her smile.

With that 7/8 began to head for their rooms first, then the showers which quickly filled with wet returning and entering students. Fred and Molly entered together and soon he offered to wash her back. She looked around and saw many couples/room mates doing just that, so she turned and soon felt his washcloth covered hand doing her back for her. She turned and returned the favor before he took the cloth and began in her butt area. She felt his hand slide down her crack.

"That's okay, Fred. I can get there and you can wash your own balls."

"Sure, Molly. Sure," Fred said. She looked to see he was half hard. Hmm, she thought. But they dried off each other's back as again she took control to take care of her vagina and left him to dry off his testicles. She noticed that among the eighth grade vets, and even a few sevens, there was some mutual drying of what Molly sometimes heard were called "privates."

They got back to their room and each finished making their bed. Molly pulled out her extra pillow that her mother had suggested.

"You like lots of pillows?" Fred asked.

"Well, Fish told Mom the pillows were sort of flat. He said like me, but that was two months ago. Been some changes." Molly suddenly thought that might not have been smart.

"I'm sure, Molly. You are a good looking girl, for sure. Look. No pressure, but what do you think of putting our beds together?"

"Uh, Fred. I think maybe you're a bit fast for me. Yeah, I've kissed a boy, but that's it. You seem pretty experienced. My mom and dad both know about the V and they both said they'd really like me to keep it until after I was 14. That's a year and a half or so from now.

"So, I'll sleep in my bed and you sleep in yours. You need me to get out for awhile, let me know. I see there's lots of stuff down in the common room."

"Lights out in five minutes. Bed check right after that. Newbies - a counselor will knock. call out `OK' or something similar."

"Well, let me be the gentleman and turn off the overhead. That desk lamp can be turned on again if needed. Oh, and if you need the bathroom in the middle of the night, you can get to there easily - the hall has dim footlights."

"Thanks. Fred. Good night. I am tired."

"First day always is. Good night."

The first two weeks slipped by rapidly. She felt she got into the grove easily, though she figured that between her parents, her older brother, some aunts and uncles, and now some friends both vets and newbies, she began to get the hang of Jones. But, while Fred was a nice guy, funny and helpful, she began to feel uneasy with him. His comments on her boobs and her pussy made her a bit nervous. Then she saw him a couple of times at a meal in the car with another girl. They were not breaking any PDA rule, but it seemed a bit strange that after such a view, he was late coming to the room for study hall.

In the meantime, she also noticed that he seemed to run into Gwen Davidson a lot. Of course, Phillip Nelson was in four of her classes and she sat beside, in front, or behind him in three of them. In the first two weeks there had been five times to pair up and they had done so in four of them. The other time the teacher did the pairing.

Phillip turned out to be quite smart and very interested in learning. As a result the two often finished the project quickly and had time for small talk. Just before the time to switch roommates Molly hitched up her courage after they'd made their conclusion and had almost 15 minutes left to report. "Phillip. How are you getting along with Gwen?"

He looked at her for a bit, licked his lips and said, "She's okay. But I think she's more Fred's speed than me. Why?"

"Because, if I were the guy and you the girl, I'd ask you if you'd like to switch and room with me."

He laughed. "Well, I'm the guy and you're the girl. So okay, Molly Maguire Adams, how would you like to room with me for the rest of the year?"

"How do we do this?"

"We go to Fred and Gwen first. Then if that doesn't work, we go to our counselors."

Molly put her hand in his and squeezed it. "It will work."

He laughed. "So how did you get that name?"

She laughed. "My mom's a bit of a revolutionary and feels a lot about human rights and equality. So we're going to room together so I will tell you a secret, okay?"

"Sure Molly. As long as the secret isn't that you're wearing a mask and you really look like the Wicked Witch of the West."

Molly laughed and pointed at him. "I'll get you, my pretty! You and your little dog, too. Now, where is that dog?" She paused. "Your public or private swimming pool allow nude swimming?"

"Of course."

"Mom started the protest. She and Dad. But that's a secret."

He stared at her. "Uh,, Molly... your mom and dad,, they're... Mom Paige and Dad Mason?? And I'm going to room with you?"

"Uh huh. This afternoon, let's go find Fred and Gwen, okay?"

As they left the classroom the teacher stood almost in shock to see the two walk out, hand in hand. They had no problem with the switch and that evening Phillip and Molly lay in their separate beds and went to sleep after bed check.

Three weeks later, after classes but before study hall, the two pushed their beds together. "For right now, Phil," she said, "could we leave the top sheet and blanket on our own side? Maybe in a week or so, we can rearrange that. After all, I haven't slept in the same bed with a boy in eight years - and he was Fish."

"Sure, Molly. We want to be comfortable, right?"

"Right. "

Three days later Phillip walked into their room to find Molly spreading the sheet and blankets evenly across the top. He gently eased the door almost shut, put his arms around her, turned her around and they kissed. Three times.

Dear Reader,

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 2

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