Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on May 30, 2023


Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with these stories" Bi-sexual High School:

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with these stories

Engineer Bonnie


Larry Marian

Jill and Bonnie lay on two large wooden chairs away from splashing water from the water polo game in the indoor pool of Jones Lab School watching their brothers play."They are paying a lot of attention to those two juniors.Watch their hands, not their boobs," Bonnie remarked.

"Yeah.Well, boys will be boys, after all. "The two giggled.

"Yeah.Now that we don't have their attention, come clean on that necklace you have now, the "T" and what it means."

Jill looked at Bonnie very carefully."Well, I told Jack about it, cause he's my brother, so I'm sure that Clyde knows.You know Charlie Bates, the tall boy with the black, wavy hair?"Bonnienodded."So first part of October Charlie came up to me and asked if I were interested in having some fun.Turns out Charlie and some of his buddies wanted to have me pull a train with them - other girls did.That's what the T stands for - I've pulled a train."

Bonnie gave Jill her "I can't believe you're shitting me" look."So what does that mean?"

"It means I've had sex with two or more boys, one after the other.We meet in a PR and do it."

"How many. boys?"Bonnie asked.

"First time, five.Charlie and four others."

"First time? How many times?How many boys?"

"So far three trains. First, like I said, five.Second time, only three.Day before yesterday,four. "Jill laughed."You have ay idea how many times a girl can cum when she's had a variety of sex with five boys?First time I lost count after 20."

"And all you do is screw."

"Well.No.It's often a two way, suck and fuck.I've even done it with three guys. You know, pussy, mouth and butt.I've heard there is a senior girl whose done it with four - she gives a hand job to the fourth.I got told that the most guys and girl has done it with was seven and she put her beddie off for three days after that."She grinned. "Of course the size of the guy can make a difference.

"Didn't you feel - used or abused?"

"Not really.It really is fun and the guys are nice and pleasant."

"So when do you do it next?"

"Next Saturday at ten.Four, maybe five guys.Interested?"

"Well, I know it sounds kinky - but maybe.How do I sign up?"

"Charlie approached me.Hey, when you see Charlie, tell him something like you like to blow awhistle.Or even be direct Okay?"

"Got it.Okay, our boys are really checking those two freshmen out."

"Yeah.I think they're playing grab ass.Let's go get in the water."With that the two girls were in the water and swimming to the two beddies with wandering eye

Three days later, early Saturday afternoon, Bonnie wet over to Jill's room.She lay on their bed, humming something."Hey, Jill.How was it?"

"It was fun.Four guys again.Pretty tame.I did cum a lot after the first guy who was fast.One who is seriouslybi ate me out.I think he got a mouthful of mixed cum since that was the last thing that happened.I had all four of them both ways, but I was double teamed only once.So what are your plans?I think our beddies are chasing those two hot eighth grade swimmers so I'm not feeling guilty.What about you?"

"I"m going to find Charlie and ask him about whistles."Bonnie bent over to kissJill on open lips.She stood up."Your mouth tastes like cum."

"I'll gargle."

With that Bonnie headed towards 9/10 Commons.The room was about half full but she spotted Charlie at once, with Lee from Korea and two ninth graders, one namedPete and a shy guy named Jesus.She walked over to them, bolstering her courageas she walked."Hay Charlie.Jill says you like girls who like trains.Her brother Jack has a model train in his bedroom.He's even let me blow it's whistle."

"Interesting.Hey these guys all like girls who like trains.Want to go see if there is a vacant PR that would fit five?Say 7,8, 11 or 12?Sound like a Saturday afternoon fun time?Right guys?"

"Hey, guys," Bonnie said. She smiled as the other three boys got up and gave greetings.The group, with Bonnie beside Charlie walked out of the Commons, towards the ym and most of the larger PRs.

"Well, Seven's booked til nine tonight, Eight to eight-thirty.Ah, Eleven is empty now for the next forty minutes.Maybe a bit of a rush.Okay, guys let's go in and explain the game to MissTrain Enthusiast.Let's see if she really wants to blow some whistles and have her firebox filled.Charlie opened the door, they filed in and Charlie closed the door, locked it, and set the outside sign to "occupied."

"Now, Miss Bonnie engineer, jump up on the middle couch and cross your ankles with your knees parted, okay?"

Bonnie followed instructions, knowing she was giving four boys she hardly knew a clear view of her snatch."This okay?"She felt the moisture between her legs.

"Great.Now, Bonnie, this is like a secret society.In factJones teachers and staff think it is and has no idea of what it is.You are not about to be raped.I make sure of that.When you say it's over, it's over.The only deal is that if you call quits before all the guys you've come in have, stoked the firebox once, you never have a second chance.Agreed?"

"Yeah, "

"Okay, we will draw for who goes first with you and so on.We really don't have a lot of time as we know you may need a minute or two before the next guy.Each guy will request either a screw or a blow job first.You okay with that?"


"Next, you don't wear a V.We assume that you and Jack screw.Any other boys, screw or suck?"

"A few."

"Okay.Obviously a screw is on the middle couch.The blow job is between the boy and yourself.Okay?"Bonnie nodded her head and grinned."Fine."Charlie took out a pack of cards from his fanny pack."Okay, Bonnie, there are four of us here.Notice we are all getting hard.You are a good looking girl, after all.Pick four cards out of the deck.None can be a duplicate. So a king of spades and hearts doesn't work.You have to bury one king and pull another card. Then, face down, give each of us one card.We turn them over and go in order of card rank.Notice, we have just over 30 minutes left."Charlie gave the deck to Bonnie, who rapidly pulled four cards out, put the rest of the deck on the couch and shuffled quickly the four cards face down.. She gave a card to each boy."May the odds be always in your favor," she said."What do you have?"

"Turn them," Charlie said and displayed a trey.

"Ah," Lee said, as he turned over a seven.

"Carumba," Jesus said loudly as he displayed the king of spades..

Pete smiled with his ten visible.

"Okay, moving right along,Jesus, Pete, Lee, me.Make sure you tell Bonnie what you want."

"Suck me, please, Bonnie. I'll sit on the edge and you do it.I won't be long," he ended and blushed.

"Sure " Bonnie said. "I hope you like it,"as he hopped up on the couch and she stood before him, looking at his four inch maybe cock bleeding precum. She bent over, gave a lick, then took it into her mouth.As she slid down the short pole, he moaned..Short, she thought.She was right.Less than a minute, buta fair amount of cum, and tasty, to swallow.

"Thanks,"Jesus said."I'll be better next."

Nice," Bonnie said."Pete?"


"Me on bottom?"


"Okay," as Bonnie climbed back on the couch, lay on her back. Raised and spread her knees, and waved a greeting to Pete. "As he placed himself between her knees she saw maybe five inches, but a mushroom tip on a fat shaft.He slid forward, down, and into her vagina to begin to pump.Half way through , or so she thought, the pressure of the last hour,her lust, and her wondering aboutJack and the eighth grade swimmer brought her first orgasm.Not a big one, but an orgasm.

Two minutes later, Pete began to pump faster as he kissed her and played with a boob. "Oh, yeah.Yeah. Christ! " as she felt his cum enter her pussy, causing another cum on her part.They lay quiet for a moment.

"Sorry Bonnie.Pete.Time creeps. "Pete rolled off and Lee got on the couch between Bonnie's parted legs.His entry was fast, but his stroke slow. He was not fast.But he brought her to cum again.

"Bonnie, turn your head towards the side." Charlie said, his hard cock pointed towards her face. "Okay?" Her response was to move her head closest to him and take the pecker in her mouth and begin to slide back and forth. "Yeah. Bet you've cum already."Bonnie modded her head as she began to work her mouth even as her hips began to move. "Lee. Speed it up a bit if you can.We're running out of time. "He patted Bonnie on her shoulder. "Think we are going to have to end with this one.Give you credit, but maybe finish next week.Okay?'

Bonnie nodded.

"Yes," Lee called.Bonnie felt his climax.And Charlie's present to her mouth.She care again, twice in rapid succession.

The five of them got themselves together, put on their footgear and fanny packs and opened the door to leave.Bonnie saw Jack with the eighth grade swimmer waiting, holding hands.She gasped."Hi, Jack."

"Hi, Bonnie, our turn now.See you later."

"Yeah.Have fun."Bonnie saw the "V" lying between the other 13 year old's larger conical breasts topped by large, dark aureoles and nipples.She walked away from the PR width the boys she'd just fucked and sucked."Well.Wonder how this turns out?"

"Let's go back to our Commons and talk a bit," Charlie suggested.

"Sure," Bonnie said."But I may still have to dig out my Tommy gun."

"Let's hope that won't be necessary. "

Back in the Commons the four boys and the girl sat in a tight circle. "Sorry this didn't work out as planned,"Charlie said. He reached into his fanny pack."The guys all contribute for this," and handed her the simple necklace with a "T" suspended from it. "Bonnie took it and put it on. "You sure don't have to wear it.Some girls do.Some don't.

"Look.I took a look.Your beddie signed up for half an hour.Not much might happen in a half hour."

"Yeah.Like I had sex with four guys, two fucks and two sucks in 45 minutes. "

"True.Any way.Despite this being secret, most kids know about this.Now if you were a virgin, no guy here would try to seduce you.What Jack is doing right now may well be just some making out; maybe some heavy making out. "

"My beddie Nancy knows about this.She cums fast.She's said, Hey Lee,can you hurry it up.I've had my limit today."

"Look.Nobody here looks down on a train from time to time.So we hope this does not screw it up with you and your beddie,"Pete said.

"Jack," Bonnie said.


"Well, thanks for the necklace.Not sure my folks are going to see it.But it looks like the train hasn't gotten to the station yet.When shall we finish this up?"

"I'll check on tomorrow.Right after breakfast is always slow," Charlie said.

"Sounds good."

"I'll let you know at breakfast. "

"Okay, guys.We'll blow some whistles tomorrow morning. With that she got up waved, and left the Commons for their tenth grade room.She wrote in her diary for awhile, sitting at her desk until the door opened and Jack walked in.

"Hi, Bonnie.You okay?"

"Yeah.So what's her name?"


"She still have her `V'?"

"Yeah.And she wants to keep it, too. He went and sat on their bed.She swiveled her chair around to face him."Okay.I played with her.She gave me a blow job - sorta.She said it was her second.She said maybe the butt,but she's still virgin and wants to stay that way until she's a sophomore."

"So is she going to be your girl friend?"

"Not a chance. You remember I was on the swim team for a few years.That was about it.You going to pull a train again?"

Bonnie took a deep breath."We didn't have enough time.Probably tomorrow after breakfast we'll do it right.Look, you know your sister told me about this, don't you?"

"What did she say?"

"Look, Jack.Don't go all mean on Jill, okay?She's your sister.I'm just your girl friend.Okay?"She looked at him closely.Was there some fear in his eyes?"She leaned over and patted his hand.

"Sure.Give it to me straight.She's done this, right?"

"Yeah.Okay, Jack. She's pulled a train three times now.The first was with five, the second with three and three days ago four. Now, to be honest, me, first time, four boys - but you saw that."She stood up."Anything else?"

"Just screwing? "

"Everything.Now I haven't all of this, but screwing, sucking, butt, beating off.I'll have to see.Now, be nice with Jill.Okay?And Arlene.I'm good with her.I'm good with you.Are you good with me?"

Jack stood up as Bonnie saw his cock rise.He took the three needed steps to her chair, knelt down,and gently parted her knees before beginning to kiss her neatly trimmed lips.

"Oh, Jack!" Bonnie sighed and took his head in her hands. "Nice tongue.Nice."He raised his head and looked at her.

"Want to finish this on our bed?"

"Please."He actually picked her up out of the chair to lay her on their bed.They made love twice that day.

The next morning Bonnie and Jack showered together and paid careful attention to backs, fronts, and crotches, before going to breakfast. On the way Bonnie saw Jesus.The black haired boy walked up slowly."Bonnie, should I come back another time?"

She gave a laugh. "It's okay, Jesus.Any news?"

"Yes.Nine thirty.Same.We have an hour and a half."

"I'll be there.Let's eat, Love," she said with her hand in Jack's.Bonnie waved as they walked into the caf.

After breakfast the two parted company after a quick trip back to their room.There they could kiss in private and safety.She felt between her legs.She was already slightly damp and in her fanny pack her small container of K-Y Jelly, just case. She left their room whistling softly "I've Been Working on the Railroad," remembered from grade school.She arrived at 9:20 forNumber 11, went in, took off her fanny pack and shoes, then jumped up on the middle couch.Two minutes later Pete walked in as his flacid cock began to rise."Good morning, Pete.You look ready to go. "

"Yeah.You, too.," he said as he took off his fanny pack and flops.

He walked over to her.She leaned over and gave him a friendly peck on the lips."So.What do you want?"

He looked a bit embarrassed."Uh, you know, the usual. Maybe with another guy..."

"Sounds good.Who does what is up to you guys."

The door opened to Jesus, Charlie, and Lee, laughing as they entered. Charlie closed, locked, turned the sign and joined the other three of shoes and fanny packs. "Okay, Bonnie, you are, as always, welcome to veto any request or suggestion from us perverts.We have an hour and a half.Okay to keep the same order as yesterday?Jesus, Pete, Lee, and me. Jesus got sucked, Pete got fucked, then Lee fucked while I got sucked.Bonnie, if it's okay, any time after the first two, a two way is fine.Yes, no?"

"I liked the two way. I sure creamed with that one.In fact, I might even try a three way."

"Good.Okay, Jesus. Your call. "

"Well, I know I won't last, but screw."With that he walked towards the middle couch asBonnie turned to lie down and plant her spread feet on the couch.The dark haired teen slid between her legs. "Mother of God, you are beautiful," he whispered as he slid in.He was right.In less than a minute she felt his orgasm."I'm sorry," he wailed.

"That's okay, Jesus.The next'll be better."With that she rolled her tongue over her lips.

Jesus hopped off as Pete hopped on, his five inch mushroom tipped cock straight and hard. Pete slid into her pussy easily and quickly, lubed by her flowing juices and the load Jesus gave her.They hugged and giggled as they rocked the couch. She had a good cum as his first blast sloshed into her. "Oh, God," he moaned. Then they unclenched and he rolled up as she sat up.

"Hey Jesus. Get her a couple of towels please.You want Bonnie to suck you?" Lee said, his thin dick hard and poiinted.

"Si!"He said as he rubbed towels grinning.

"And I get Lee's forever screw," Bonnie said.

"How about getting on hands and knees.I'll enter from behind."

"Not my butt this time," Bonnie squealed.

"Nope. "

"Okay then."With that Bonnie got on her hands and knees close to the edge of the couch while Jesus, hard again faced her and Lee got up between her spread legs.She really noticed that while Jesus shot fast, he really did have a delicious looking cock, thick, with a bulb head. She took it into her mouth as Lee got behind and between her legs to slide into her waiting pussy.Soon the two teen boys were using Bonnie as a strange teeter-totter, going back and forth to the force of the cocks of Jesus and Lee.Moans came from Bonnie's full mouth.After several minutes Jesus came and then Lee followed.

"Finally," Charlie said as he eased himself between Bonnie's thighs, not giving her a chance to suggest a different position.She saw Pete position his hard again cock in front of her mouth.She accepted it readily.Again Bonnie became a human teeter-totter to the two boys she was between. They too lasted a long time until she had cum several times.As the last shot of Charlie's cum entered her, Charlie said, "Hey, let's take a break in the easy chairs," to which all agreed as they grabbed towels and then sat down.

"So what does this do to yours boy count, Bonnie?"

She smiled."Counting Jack, more than doubled.Was three, four more from you guys today, so now seven. Just in case, yesterday wasthe first time I've taken on two at once. It's fun. "

"What about a three way, Bonnie?" Lee suggested."We have about 15 minutes.I'll get on the bottom on my back.You lie on top of meand I enter you.The next guy gets between your legs and enters your butt very slowly - like Jesus. The third stands next to your face and and you take him in your mouth. Okay? "

"Sure. But what about poor number four?"

What ever he wants to do!"Everybody laughed at that.

As suggested, Lee got on his back on the couch.Bonnie climbed on top of him and got him inside where he began to move slowly at once.Jesus got behind her and slowly be a to enter her rosebud while Bonnie's mouth found Pete's pecker.Afxfter five minutes the boys began to separatePete shot first, then Jesus and finally Lee.A group hug followed then Charlie said, "Okay, Bonnie, bend down and grab your ankles."She did as Charlie came behind her. "They both look so nice. But," and he bean to ease his cock through her rosebud."It's stretched a bit.Still comfortable ?"

"Yeah.Neat.Keep at it."Soon Bonnie's breath came faster and harder."Yes. Yes.Oh Yes. YESSSS!!! YOU'RE CUMMING. I'M CUMMING. "

"Yeah," Charlie remarked, quieter.

Five minutes later after kisses, the five were gone,Bonnie to the room and a shower.Jack joined her in one of the walled showers in the rear.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 41

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