Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Jun 29, 2023


Tales of Jones Lab #66. Pictures Make Problems.(Bisexual High School

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with these stories

Pictures Make Problems


Larry Marian

Tony Giavonni opened his eyes to the dawning of a new day and a new school year.He rolled to his side to reach out his hand to the shoulder of Gwen M'urk who was still asleep.He gently shook her shoulder, which didn't seem to bother her. He kissed her neck, then slid his hand to cup the 32A boob he liked to touch so much.He heard a soft moan slip from her lips then her hand covered his. "Fanya mapenzi mpenzi wangu. Wewe ni mpenzi wa ajabu," she said softly.

Tony gave a light laugh."Lasciami mentire tra le tue belle gambe in modo che la mia carne possa essere dentro la tua carne."He laughed again."And you said?"

"Make love to me darling.You are a wonderful lover.And you said?"

"Let me lie between your beautiful legs so my flesh can be inside your flesh."With that the two teen lovers did in fact begin to touch one another and kiss, lips, nipples, then a slow downward move by Tony, away from her hard nipples, a lick at the belly button, a kiss of the nice dark small thatch on her mons venus and the new hair along her outer lips as she sighed.

"Tony, this is wonderful, but Reveille is coming soon.My chatte awaits your érection du pénis.With that the covers came off both of them, Gwen's knees rose and spread as Tony eased himself onto her.Gently he slid into her eager pussy.

"Adeben sure has got us talking all kinds of languages."

"Oh, yes. Yours always feels the best," she murmured.

"Even Adeben's 18 centimeters?"

"Even that.You are so loving, so gentle.Hold me tight, Tony."

"Tony has his weiner in Gwen's pussy," they heard a young girl's voice say.

"Jeff said Gwen and Tony fuck," came from a young boy.

Tony rolled off Gwen."Jack, Patty.Weren't you told to knock before entering any bedroom with a closed door. "

"Jack, I'm going to tell Mom you used a bad word.I might even tell Dad."

"But we turned on the computer in my bedroom and me and Patty saw something that looked like you guys,"Jack said.

Tony kissed Gwen."We can continue later," he said."Let me turn on ours and maybe see what Jack and Patty mean."

"My tablet did the same.And some man's voice said some real mean things about black people," Patty put in.

Tony and Gwen got out of their bed, headed for the computers desk. Both sat down and woke them up.Both blinked when they saw a different screen saver. There was a distant aerial shot of what had to be the refuge and then coming closer, a circle of five dome tents and in center a tall ebony black male, his back to the camera and in front of him a smaller white girl with blond hair on her knees, her face concealed by the guy's thigh, but her head bobbing back and forth.Then they listened spell bound as a man's voice came."Wake up white, European America.See how the nigger savages attack and rape even our poor, innocent white girls.The time has come for us to destroy the racially impure and rapers of white women, young and old!"

Gwen shook her head."Let's get Dad!" she cried.

"Jack, you and Patty go back to your room and turn off any computer or tablet or anything.Understand?If you don't I'll make sure that Mom Simone won't let you near a computer and Patty, she'll call your mom and dad."With that Tony took Gwen's hand and the two raced down the upstairs hall to the closed door of the master bedroom.Tony knocked loudly.

"Whoever it is, come back in five minutes," they heard Gwen's father's deep voice.

"Major M'urk, sir.Sorry to bother you but this is important.Please."

"Dad.Jack and Patty just barged in because of what they saw.Please let us come in."

"This had better be important, but come in."The two entered to see the covers thrown back, maybe covering their knees.Both could see Gwen's dad's large, very black erection, and beside her, Simone, or Mom Simone to Tony.Both saw the hard, erect nipples jutting out of her small aureoles.

"I thought this was Mom Monique's turn last night, Mom," Gwen said.

"It was.But George was very fussy, remember.They swapped to make sure George could feel better today.But what is the problem?"

"Sir, turn on your computer, please."

"Yes, Dad.Turn it on.Please."

Six foot three Major M'urk went to his desk and switched on the computer.The two teens watched, dreading what they were about to hear and see what else was on.Simone came over and took his hand, putting her arm around his waist.They both began to mutter, but in their tribal language.The moving screens came to an end and then began again.The two teens stood almost in shock.

"How did this happen?" Major M'urk said, in his quiet before the storm voice."Close ups of five teen girls, whoever they are, and one tall teen boy.Two shots each.One shot of a girl going down on the boy and one shot of the boy having intercourse with the girl.That blond in the beginning maybe was forced to do annal."One shot close up.One from an UAV with a camera.

"Simone, my love, do you wish to see this trash again?"

"No, Francoise.And the children.I will go tell the other moms to tell our kids to not turn on a computer or any other internet device."

"Okay, Gwen and Tony, sorry about the bed, but go sit on it and tell me what you know.Was that your camping trip?Did somebody have a UAV with camera?Was this a joke that has backfired?"

"Dad.First, nobody brought a UAV, but the first day, Friday afternoon we saw a small head of longhorns and there was a UAV.It seemed to come back Saturday and Sunday, but sort of far off, like it was searching for that herd, or some bison, or something.Yes, we took some pictures with either our phone or John had a SLR, but it wasn't a Nikon or something.Most of the pictures were group shots.There were a few sexy pictures taken, but not like these and they all got deleted unless somebody is lying."

"That's right, Sir.And Becky's 13.She so wants to have her 14/1.We guys all promised that we would honor her request and we all left her eligible."

"Okay, maybe an embarrassing question.Gwen, can you point out which girl is doing what?Ah, it seems the wives have arrived.My loves, I need you all to watch this unless you already have.I will warn your sister Paige, but perhaps this is a local thing.She's in the Senate Building by this time, I'm sure.

"Okay, Tony, turn the computer back on.Gwen, name each girl and if you have time, how you can tell.Sorry if this embarrasses you."

"Dad.How can I be embarrassed?I see nude people every day at school.Only time is anybody embarrassed - other than new boys the first couple of days, is a kid getting the paddle.Okay, the first girl from the sky is Becky.She's the smallest and has hardly any pubic hair.The next girl is Gloria who is having sex lying down.See the red pubic hair? She's the only red head.Uh, the next is me from the unmanned. You can see my pubic hair.Not much, but it's color is light. Next is Susan, and they're doing it doggie.You can clearly see. Not much and very dark.Finally, Juliet, also from above.Her hair is a little thinner than mine, but she's six months younger.With the others, I think you can see which of us is which.

"Obviously the boy is Adeban."The Major came over and gave his daughter a big hug.

"Thanks, Gwen M'urk. You know your Aunt Paige has a medal for bravery.You might get one too.For my wives, can you pick out which girl is which, do you think?"

Mom Cindy said, "We will discuss and let you know.I will say that Simone's daughter Gwendolyn did a great job."

"Okay.Let's get with breakfast and hurry.First day of school and it may be bedlam. "

An hour and a half later the small bus left with Veronica driving and Jeff riding shotgun, with Tony and Gwen in the middled seat."Okay, Gwen, what's going on.Dad looks like he wants to go to war."

"Older Sister, Dad told both of us to not say a thing until we see the office. That's what I'm going to do.I tell you and Dad finds out, you're going to have to get me a fake ID that I'm 18 cause I'm going to have to remake the Oreo Cookie Sisters at the Split Trail Tavern and see how much money I can make in tips."

"I'll tell Dad you even mentioned the Split Trail Tavern."

"Hey, seems like we're in deep shit right now, sibs and Tony.I'm not going against Dad right now.And we're here anyway.Little Sis, good luck to you and Tony.See you in the hall or after school."

The four got out of the bus and headed into the school, where the hall noise was much louder than usual."Meet you at the office door, Sweetie," Tony said.

"You too, Handsome," Gwen responded.

Five minutes later they entered the office, with their waist belt pocket and their book bag over their shoulders.They walked up to the counter."Trying to get out of the bedlam?What do you need?"

"Uh, I'm Gwen M'urk.My Dad is Major Francoise M'urk.He told Tony and me to see the principal at once.We know something about the stuff on the computer."

"I will notify Mr. Ellinson at once." She picked up the phone and a minute later the principal opened the door to his office.

"If you are the two students who know something, come into the office, take off your book bag, and sit down. " The two did as instructed. "Now, you are Gwen M'urk, obviously.And you..." "Tony Giovanni, sir."

"Your dad is the chef/owner of La Scala on Gore?"

"Yes sir.If my grades are good first quarter, I'll start working part time and Gwen can be a hostess."

"Good.So tell me, what do you two know about this awful thing.You know all the computers are now off except one that our techies are working on right now."

"Sir, Tony and I were with eight others camping in the Reservation.We sort of made like it was one big natural PR.All of us were 14 or over and all of us had made our 14/1 except Betty who is 13.She asked the boys not to try to get her to do anything that would spoil her 14/1."

"So who are the other eight?I'm going to write down their names and we will send for all of them.So let me have the names, slowly if necessary. "

"Well sir, obviouslyGwen M'urk and me, Tony Giavonni, Betsy Jones and her cousin, John Jones, Hank Brown, Mike Simpson, Adeban Smith.."

"Spell that Abedan, please."

"A d e b a n, Gloria O'Reilley, Susan Wong, and my sister Juliet Giovanni."

Seconds late the PA came on calling the other eight to the office and to bring their stuff.It wasn't moments but Betsy walked in, her lip trembling, fear in her eyes, looking like she was about to burst into tears.

"You Betsy?"

"Y y y yes, S I. R r, I'm ...s o r r,.."

"Betsy,I think there is a boy here who can give you a hug.Exceptions can be made.Ah.You must be John.I bet you're cousins.For the next ten minutes it's okay to hug your cousin when she's scared, okay?"Betsy gave him a look of salvation as she and John sat down in the back, his arm around her.

The rest came in, faces in confusion, but seemingly prepared for the execution.

"I count noses.Ten.Good. Ah, Senior Class President, Hank.And his First Lady, Ms. O'Reilley, with the Gaelic spelling.So I understand that all five females have portraits of themselves with one male, and the same male. Is that correct?"

"Yes sir, Professor Ellinson. I am in all ten pictures."

"I'm Mr. Ellinson.I understand that your country can still be quite British.Ladies, I assume that you are the ones in the photos?And that each of you appears twice and that each of you is doing the same thing, with the exception of the one who desires to make her 14/1.Is that correct?Please identify yourself and agree or object.

"Since I know who Gwen is, you may start."

"Yes sir, I'm Gwen M'urk, the boy is Abeban, and I'm engaging in voluntary oral and vaginal sex."

"I'm Gloria O'Reilley, my partner then is Abeban and I'm doing the same as Gwen."

"I'm Sue Wong, my partner is Abeban and I'm doing the same as Gwen."

"I'm Juliet Giovanni, my boy friend is Abeban, and I'm doing the same as Gwen."

"I'm Becky Jones, my partner is Abeban and I'm doing voluntary oral sex and masturbation of a male. "

"I see a few maybe, as your grandmother would say, blushing faces.It's okay.We do feel that voluntary sex is good as long as both partners agree.If any of you feel forced, raise your hand?"Mr. Ellinson smiled."Okay. Now.Any idea of how these pictures got out?"

"The yearbook advisor seems to know about photography, sir. Maybe she can help out.We did not take those pictures, sir. As the oldest guy in the group, I can only be angry at the pervert who took these pictures. "

"Great idea, Hank. Office?"

"Yes, sir?"

"Send Ms. Kodak to the office please. Get a planning teacher to cover for her."

The intercom came on in the office. "Sir, we have great news.We located the worm and have isolated and removed it.We're trying to work on the author."

"So we can turn all computers back on?"

"We think so.We may get a ghost for fifteen seconds or so."

"Okay.Make it so. "

The students, still looking worried, jumped when a knock came and Ms. Kodak came in with her Nikon."You sent for me, sir?"

"Yes.Have you seen this mornings announcements before the computer went dead?"

"I have. I think I have a couple of my students here, or the boy friend or two of some others.Everything I hear is that they did nothing wrong."

"What I want to know, Ms. Kodak, is it remotely possible that one of these ten here could have taken these pictures?"

"Can I see them again?"

"Ms Symington, can we still see this garbage on my TV?Good. Let's see them ASAP. "

"Please freeze frame when I tell you too."

"Got it. Roll when ready."

And it started.As the camera on the UAV approached poor Becky, Ms. Kodak called, "Freeze frame" and the picture froze."Not taken on the ground, obviously. An aircraft camera, might even be military. None of these kids could do this. Roll."Freeze frame."This time it was Susan, butt up, head down, with the camera view between the parted legs of the two."That hill to the north.Long telle - 500 or 1000 mm.Funny thing about those lenses, each has a little chip that identifies where it was purchased - and by whom.Now that I've said this, forget I said this, but blow up the bottom left hand corner for the URL and the serial number.And you'll get your bad guy.

"By the way, kids. I think you have done well." With that she waved and left.

Mr. Ellinson smiled. "I want to thank all of you.I think you helped solve this very quickly.At least from the outset we knew the location of the pictures.

"There is one small problem."

"What is that, Sir," Hank asked.

"You guys passed out some information on the `Canon Lab School End of Vacation Camp Out.'This, by law, puts us, the school, responsible for your actions.We need to insure that nothing like this happens again.The discipline board will convene this afternoon and all of you will receive your notification before school begins tomorrow.I suspect that the greatest punishment might be two swats.I will argue for no more.

"In truth, I'm not sure what grounds they will have to administer such punishment."

Gwen raised her hand. "Yes, Gwen?"

"Sir, I don't want to bend over that table for all my friends to see what they have just already seen, but I think my dad, and my mom would tell me to take it like a M'urk.May I suggest that your board consider what Dad calls, `failure to perform as an officer and a gentleman.'?"

"An excellent idea Gwen.Not sure what the others think." Becky raised her hand."Yes, Becky?"

"I've been at Canon since sixth grade.I've never felt the paddle.But, I think Gwen is right. I didn't have to come.John didn't have to come.Abad guy took advantage of us.But it was our fault for being so public.It could have been done in a tent, or at night.I just hope I don't cry too much."

"Okay, kids, get to the end of your first block. Good luck. "

That evening as study hall came to a halt, Gwen's and Tony's computer both let out a beep.They looked at each other. "You are officially notified to report tomorrow at five minutes prior to your lunch period to receive the physical punishment of one swat, administered by the Dean of Boys and observed by the Dean of Girls.A school Registered Nurse will insure no lasting physical harm.You may avoid this by submitting a request for expulsion prior to the administration of aforesaid punishment."They got up and hugged each other, then got up to go down to the bedtime ritual.

When Gwen got to her mom, she said, "One, Mom. Tomorrow at lunch."

"Be brave, my gallant daughter. "

She got to her dad and he hugged her. "I am with you," and kissed her.Then he hugged Tony/.

Upstairs back in what had been her and Jeff's room, now with a full size bed for the two to sleep in, they kissed and hugged."You said this morning we could continue later," Gwen murmured. "Something in my hand feels awful stiff."

Tony kissed her."Something in my hand feels awful damp."

It took a few more minutes until the lay there, the moon shining in their window as they expressed their love for each other.

Five minutes before her lunch, she, Adeban, Becky, and Susan sat in chairs facing the Punishment Table.To the side sat one of the nurses, in her full school uniform, stethoscope around her neck, as she thought, Go to the DoG first and then go back to her before going to her friends. She heard Becky's name called "Rebecca Anne Jones," then watched her go up to the DoG, say something, then march to the table, spread her legs, and bend forward.In slow motion she watched the DoB raise the paddle then watched it fall."One and final. See the DoG."

She waited for her turn, it seemed like ten thousand years and a half of a nano second.She made out "Gwendolyn E.. M'urk" so walked to the DoG.She got handed a piece of something."Put this in your mouth.Return it to me if you are able.Now go and be brave."

Gwen gave a wan smile, put the mouth piece in and marched to the table, spread her legs, bent over resting her head on the pillow. "ONE!" And it hurt.More than Mom's hand, or Mom Cindy's, or Dad's.She stood up, blinked her eyes, then walked back to the DoG, turned to head for the table with her friends,only to be intercepted by Jeff. She actually saw tears in his eyes.

"You okay Roomie?" he asked.

"Yes, Big Brother," as they hugged and the DoB said loudly.

"I know nothink."

That night as the bed time ritual began, Gwen said, as Jeff was right in front of her, "Before this starts, I want my family and my beddie know, that thebest Big Brother in the world is Jeff M'urk."She threw her arms around him and kissed him full on the lips. There was quiet applause as the two year olds, Michelle and Billy were asleep and Becky was headed that way.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 67

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