Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Aug 29, 2023


Tales of Jones Lab #77 . Hot Tubs and Facials . Bi-SexualHigh School

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with these stories

Hot Tubs and Facials


Larry Marian

Ernie and Helen Davis, along with their teens, Clyde, going on 16, and Bonnie, going on 15, stood on the expansion of their deck and their new ten person hot tub.The four wore casual clothes as they watched their neighbors, Buck and Sissy Adams, with their teens, Jack 16, and Jill, hard on 14 came through the gate in the fence dividing the two homes.Friendly greetings followed, especially since Jack and Bonnie were a couple as were Clyde and Jill.

Ernie called peace in the middle."We're hosts, but Buck and Sissy are the reason for this I see.Seems drowning in a swimming pool is more likely than in a hot tub.Come into the family room and I'll go over the first part of this family event."With that Buck led the remaining seven, all of whom knew the drill, into the family room, with both teens and adults sitting in a regular sitting of husband/wife and boy/girl friend.

"So, in just a few minutes we are going to strip and head for the hot tub.Here's how we start . You may have seen fours metal flags marked N,S,E,W on the edge of the hot tube.So Sissy and I will be north with Helen and Ernie south.Davis teens will be east and Adams the west.

"Some fifteen minutes later, adults will swap, as will the teens.After that the teens will pair up with theirspecial adult.That will be another fifteen or so minutes. Figure out what comes next,

"Now, there aretwo upstairs bedrooms with the doors open.If a couple wants to go up to them, just shut the door behind you and open it when you leave. Straighten the bed, please.

"So.Look on the back wall and we now have hooks for ten adults and teens and six for tweens and younger.Grab a hook for your clothes, strip, hit the quick shower, and then find your spot in the hot tub.

"Ready? Go! "There followed a rush to get nude.The teens won the race by a few seconds to the consternation of their mothers.

Both cried, "The girls cheated!"

"How so?" Buck said, looking at both his daughter and his girl friend,

"Buck, neither Jill or Bonnie wore a bra.Helen and I did."

"Geeze, Dad, you know Bonnie and I hardly ever wear one.I mean my boobs grew two sizes in the last year.It's just what happens with girls."

"Yeah.It's not like there was a prize or something," Bonnie added, taking Buck's hand and squeezing it while Jill kissed Sissy.With that the two girls took their place in the tub which brought the others in.

The eight sat in the tub for about five minutes, chatting when Sissy, her arm around Buck, said, "I know.Let's play `True Confessions.'Let's each couple tell the story of how they first came to have sex with each other.It can be graphic, or it can be toned down.How does that sound?"

"It might shock parents," Jack said.

"It might shock children," Helen laughed.

"So we going to do this?" Sissy asked.The response came quick and positive."Okay.Whose first?We should have four interesting stories."

"Three, Mom,"Jack said.The two sets of parents began to look at the teens.

"Mom, all ofus, Jack, Clyde,Bonnie and me all had sex for the first time at the same place and time.We didn't realize how important that really is, but we gave each other our virginity then."

"So how old were you, Jill?I can figure the other ages from your base," Sissy said,

"I was still twelve, but two months from thirteen."

"Sissy, you record this story.Ernie and I are hitting the stairs to roll play it," Helen said.With that the two got out of the tub, dried off and headed up the stairs, holding hands.

"Not often a guy gets to watch his parents leave the party to go screw," Clyde remarked.

" Be nice, Bro.Those are your folks. They're going to have sex or make love," Bonnie said. "So boys, you start.But, oh, we'll need to tell our folks, but, Buck and Sissy, all of us are bi-sexual, but all prefer the opposite sex."

"We figured that some time ago," Buck said."On with the story."

Jack & Jill and Clyde & Bonnie

"I'll start since I'm the oldest," Jack said."As Jill said, she was 12, Bonnie 13, Clyde 14, and me 15.You guys were going to a party and they had us all stay at our house with the girls in Jill's room and Clyde in my room.Clyde and Bonnie were going to spend the night.So everything was smooth but the girls popped up early and said they were going to bed and we were not to bother them.

"So they headed up to Jill's room.A bit later, Clyde said, Hey, let's go up and have some sexy fun' to which I agreed.Well, Bonnie said, but the sexy fun was exchanging blow jobs.So I get to thinking, and I say to Clyde.Hey, let's put our shorts back on and go crash the girls' room.We can tickle `em or something. Shoot, maybe grab a feel.'Clyde agreed and we snuck down to Jill's room.I tried the door knob and it wasn't locked. I opened it and we charged in, wearing nothing but undershorts and both of us hard again.So, which girl is going to continue?"

"I will, Big Brother," Jill said."The show we watched was more boy oriented than girl so Bonnie and I agreed that we could go to my room and play Jack and Clyde.'So we go up to my room, shut the door and strip naked.Since it was my room, Bonnie lay down on the bed and I got next to her.We started kissing both her lips and her boobs, with me calling her Bonnie' and her calling me `Jack.'Finally I got on top of her and we pussy fucked each other.Then we switched over and I was Jill and she was Clyde.Just as she was eating me out,our brothers burst in.Clyde wore baggy boxers and his dick stuck out.This was before Jones, so neither of us had seen a boner.

"As they burst in, I said to Bonnie, Clyde, fuck me now.Give me your boner.'In my hand I had a rubber bone I'd bought in the pet section of a store.We sometimes used it on each other.But then I screamed as I could see both boys and all Bonnie could see was my small amount of pubes.Get out of my room!' I yelled.

"The boys started pointing at us.Not a chance,' Clyde said.By this time both of us had our legs up to keep them from seeing much of us. Then take off your underpants and show us your cocks,' Bonnie said. Clyde?"

"To make a long story short, we stripped off our underpants and ten minutes later I had my arm around Jill and Jack had his around Bonnie.Then we started making out.So finally, I stayed with Jill in her bedroom and Jack took Bonnie to his.

"So later Jill and I had sex for the first time.Thank goodness we weren't checked on as we had sex again before going to sleep and again when we woke up. "

"Same thing for Bonnie and me, except I explained to Bonnie how to give me a blow job and she explained eating her out.Neither girl bled - maybe a drop or two for Jill, but they're both athletic and probably lost their hymen much younger.""

"True.Well, an amazing story," Buck said."I bet if it hadn't been for first the weekend and now our changed relationship as parent to two teens and lover to a different teen, we'd never heard this story before.

"Well, here come Ernie and Helen.You get Jack and Jill to tell the story, or ask your own.Great story. Well, dear, shall we tell our story next?"

"Sure. It's a bit unusual, but let's let Ernie and Helen in."Sissy looked at the other couple as they got back in.`You guys have fun?"

"Oh, yeah....yeah," Helen said.

"Well, we've sort of heard this story - the censored version, " Clyde said.

"Yeah, something about a milk shake after a football game," Bonnie said.

Buck and Sissy

"Well, sort of.It was my senior year in college and I was on both the yearbook and the paper staff as a photographer.Normally I had an underclass as my assistant, but he had a big assignment due. So I was walking around in the student center when I saw this super cute sophomore chick named Samantha-Samantha Jones.I was in a 201 class that I had put off until now.I'd chatted with her a few times, but that was about it.But I thought maybe she'd like to see a game from the sidelines.All she needed was my spare sideline pass.

"So I walked over to her and reminded her about the class we were in together.We'd actually talked in the student center coffee shop once or twice, but I'd never taken her on a date. I asked her if she'd like to see the game up close and she could move around.So Samantha said it sounded like fun and she'd be glad to helpme out.We agreed to meet back here at 1730 so we could be at the stadium at 1830.I'd drive, park in the officials parking area - right next to the stadium and walk in with our press passes.Sissy?"

"What Buck didn't know then was I had been dating another sophomore and he was just not working out.I finally told him I needed space and we parted.Turned out that three days later he was with a freshman chick.Anyway, I just happened to notice the only male senior in the class, who also happened to look pretty good.So when he asked for his help, I jumped for it.Then his car turned out to be a nicely restored MGCB sports car with the fall weather nice enough for the top to be down.

"We ate, got to the game and at least I didn't get in his way and he was appreciative when I held lenses as he changed one from time to time.It was fun being on the sidelines."

All four teens quietly got up, grabbed towels and headed for the stairs.Buck and Sissy waved to them.

"Fun watching your kids and their best friends go to make the two backed monster. Anyway, after the game he said he had a small apartment actually severalmiles from the campus, nice and quiet.Would I like to come to it?He had soft drinks and beer.I said sure.All the while I was becoming more and more impressed with him.So we got there and it was small.The living room and bedroomwere the same with a dining room that was part of the hall, with a kitchen like a galley you see pictures in a train or small boat.But it was nice.He offered me a beer and I took it. BTW, we only had two beers; one for each of us. We talked and it just got nicer.He put his arm around me and we got closer on the old couch looking directly at a queen size bed.


"Yep.There we were, not only was this not our first date, it was hardly a date.But she was personal, friendly, courteous, kind, cheerful and really quite sexy. Nice looking breasts, not to big not to small, big blue eyes, cute pony tale, you name it.When I put my arm around her she turned and smiled a really nice, big smile.Sobig I couldn't help but kiss her.Then I realized - I hadn't asked permission. `Sorry, Samantha.I should have asked permission.Is it too late to get permission to put my armaround you and kiss you?'

"Samantha replied, "Yes to arm and kiss.I'll tell you when I'm uncomfortable, okay?And by the way, do I have permission to respond to your actions?'

"`Yes,Samantha, even if this isn't a date, much less the first one.'Then we kissed again, this one long, tonguey, and wet.I was hard as a rock.I can't remember if I put my hand on her breast or she put my hand on it."

"I did. I was already damp.I said to myself, I'm gonnawind up naked in that bed tonight.And that's where I want to be."

"So some ten minutes later I said, Sam, would the bed be more comfortable?'She said, Buck,' as she kicked off her shoes, it would be more comfortable if we either undressed ourselves or each other.Each other is more fun.'So we undressed each other.She turned around for me to unhook her bra. You know what you're doing, Buck.'I practiced with my mom's sewing dummy and a bra I borrowed from her'. She laughed.And how many girls?'

`I'll never tell.'

"When we were both standing in the scattered piles of clothes, he scooped me up, carried me to the bed and lay me down gently on it.I lay on my back and opened my legs.I could feel the moisture.I knew he was just going to get between them and stick his cock into me, and I was ready for it.

"Instead he continued to kiss me, caress me, and actually bring me to a small orgasm. I finally said, "Please, Buck, I need a fuck,' and I hardly ever use that word.Mason method' he said.What's that?' I asked.Some call it the cowgirl.' Oh, yeah.' And that was the first time we made love.

"We made love two more times and I came more that night than I ever did before. Buck had already gone down on me and I gave him a blow job.Two months later at the end of the semester I moved in with Buck.We got engaged at his graduation andmarried at mine. Buck?"

"She does a great job of making me look good.But we've two great kids and lots of memories of having our first sex on a not first date," Buck said to finish.

"So, Mom,do you still ask for a.... fuck?"

Both Buck and Sissy laughed."Jill, every year on October eighth your mother either says to me, Please, Buck, I need a fuck' or, if Ms. Grouchy happens to be there that day, and we don't, she says, Please, Buck, I need to suck.'"

"So, Mom, you didn't know about the Mason method?"

"Not by that name, Jack.Cowgirl or Backwards Cowgirl, but Mason method hadn't joined my vocabulary yet.

"Now I think it's time for Ernie and Helen. "The two looked at each other.

Ernie and Helen

"Dear, if you want to tell this story, you know I support you like I always have since that broken down car on a rainy street. "

"I know you will, dear.With our kids and their friends at least thinking of college down the road, they need to know. I hope the kids make this." Ernie and Helen stood up hugged, and kissed."I'll start, Ernie."

"Thanks, love." The others looked at parents and friends as they held hands for a moment then smiled as the teens returned, smiles on all four faces, arms around waists. "I came from a small town and went to one of the state colleges, some two hundred miles from home.I swear the college, though small, looked enormous to me.I was 17 starting my freshman college year.I had one or two outfits that looked college.The rest looked like I was an extra for an old western movie.

"Third or fourth day of class I got myself turned around going to a ten hundred class.I was confused and getting worried.Suddenly this older student, maybe a senior came up to me.You lost?' he asked, very concerned looking.I don't know,' I replied.I need to get to my History 101 class.'`That would be Wabash.Here, I'll take you.'So he did. I was so grateful, especially since he had to be back in the area in an hour.

"Long story short, he waited for me for the end of that class, had me skip the caf, go into town where he bought lunch for us, then took my schedule and made a map for me that made sense.I learned his name was Carter and he had an interesting apartment close to where he worked.

"The next night he took me to the art movie theater.Not sure what the movie was. It wasn't X rated, but for a country girl like me it was eye-opening.

"So the next night we went to one of the best restaurants in town.He showed his ID proving he was 21 or over.He managed to get me a glass of wine."

"MOM! That guy's gonna take advantage of you,"Clyde said.

"Did, Clyde.Did.After dinner he drove out to his apartment.We went in, he closed and locked the door. He turned on some soft lights and a few scented candles.We kissed. We hugged.We moved to the bed.He undressed me.He took off his clothes.He fondled me and showed me what to do for him.Some thirty minutes later or so, he finished taking my virginity.

"Before we got dressed and he took me back to my freshman dorm, he told me that sucking dicks was like eating strawberries and cream.So the last thing I did that night was have strawberries and cream.He made sure I swallowed his cream. "

"Oh, God, Mom.That's so wrong!"

"Yes, Bonnie.It is.Listen.There are predators on campus.They prey on young co-eds like I was. Most get over it real soon.I wasn't so lucky.I became Carter's sex slave, mistress, kept woman.Whatever.He made sure my grades stayed safe, but my study mustnot interfere with his playing around.And play around he did.

"This went on until the end of my junior year.I was on academic probation.When Carter wanted to screw my butt, I had to be there. When he wanted a b low job he'd say, `I have some strawberries and cream for you' and I got down on my knees and sucked him off, When we were to have a date, and he called and told me he couldn't make it, I knew what he was doing.And on our clean sheets.I'mnot sure how many times I pulled back the covers of our bed to see a small blood stain.

"Anyway.We were to go to a major play. Dress up. Maybe a chance to meet some of the cast.Pick me up at the dorm at six.So I get ready.Ten minutes of six. He calls.Changes.Sorry.Something's come up.'Then I hear, Carter, can we again?I have to get back to the frosh dorm in 45 minutes."

I left, got into my old car, got half way down a road, not a street, and my car breaks down. Of course I'm in tears. Half for me.Half cause she wants him to screw her one more time before curfew.

Then a car pulled in behind me.I'm worried. The guy with a jacket over his head is a guy I sort of know, I loweredthe window a bit. Helen - you need help?'I saw it was Ernie Davis who I knew, but not well. Look, leave your car, I'll take you back to Carter's.'

"Oh, please, not him. He's... no."I gulped. It's late. I can call my suite and tell them to check me out.Five minutes to do that. Ernie, do you have a couch I can sleep on?'Ernie said, I can take the couch.You may have the bed.'

"As it turned out, I slept in the bed for two nights. Each night we made out a little more on the couch. On the second night I gave Ernie a blow job. On the third night we got onto the bed, made love, and then slept together. Carter showed up the morning of my second night with Ernie.Carter was with a new, young girl.He gave me a paper bag and said, Here.This is stuff you left behind when you left me.' They walked away with Carter's hand onthe girl's ass.In the bag were some panties. a couple of bras, some tops, some shorts, my toilet stuff to include an open box of tampons.I handed them to Ernie, and he showed me where to put them.I managed to get out of my unused dorm room fees."As they say in the Disney movies - they lived happily ever after. "

Two teens went up and hugged."Mom, I know a guy with Mafia connections..."

"Forget it, Clyde.I'm not going to tell you about me and a Mafia party I went to with Carter."

"I'd like to commend the bravery of my wife. Let's get on," Ernie said.

"Yes, let's get to the anticipated part of this get together," Buck said."First of all, let's get out of this nice warm, bubbly water, dry off, and go to the family room and take a seat in the seats arranged in a semi-circle - sort of. Before we do that, let me remind all of you that I have personally spoken to each of you, with a parent if to a teen, about this project, and everybody has agreed to participate.There's no need to get dressed now. "

With that, Buck led the way into the family roomwhere there was a three person couch with an additional four comfortable chairs placed two and two on the sides of the couch.In the center sat a small stool, chair high sitting on heavy plastic.

Once everybody had a seat, the teens sitting as couples with Ernie in the middle and Helen and Sissy on either side, while Buck sat on the stool."Okay, I think everybody here knows that Bonnie and I had an accident which gave her a facial.We laughed it off but got to thinking it might be a good gag thing along with the hot tub and dinner. I asked Sissy what she thought and she laughed at the idea.So we tried it and she thought it rather funny and remembered some Adams family legends of Grandmother Adamsback at Jones with both her to be husband and her lover, now Dr. Adams and Colonel M'Urk giving her a double facial - at least twice.

"The way this works, each female will receive two, one from her husband or boyfriend and the other from her adult lover.So for the Adams family, Sissy would have myself and Clyde while Jill would have Clyde and Ernie.

"The ladies decide this, majority rules.If a tie, a coin toss. You can elect to havethe two facials one after the other or each have one and then repeat with the other male.

"Now, the way it works is this.The star sits on this stool.She can put glasses on, or googles, or just close her eyes at the last moment.The guy stands in front, to the side not looking at the guy's butt.She begins to suckhim off.As he is about to cum, he warns his partner.She backs off and either one beats the guy off until he does cum.

"She can do what she wants but the trick is to open her mouth and catch as much as possible.Either one can finish, but the guy can probably aim better.The cum stays on until all are finished.Then it can be removed in any way liked.

"So, ladies, one after the other or one by one and repeat? "

"Get it over with.In my case, husband and lover."

"Boy friend and lover."

"Lover and boy friend."

"Oh, well.I'd prefer the other."

"Okay, and since all said they'd be glad to go first, and I don't want to show any favoritism, Jill goes first.Jill your vote was `boy friend and lover,' so first Clyde and then Ernie."

"I know this is the delayed punishment for being so late coming in after a date."Jill grinned at that as she sat down and put on the reading glasses she'd held in her hand.Clyde stepped up to his beddie at Jones, bent down, kissed her. "Be brave.I love you, Jill."Then he stood up, moved forward as she leaned forward to take his cock into her mouth."Umm," he murmured.The audience watched, murmuring about the performance. Several minutes went by until Clyde almost shouted:"Jill.I'm about to. " Jill pulled back, grabbed Clyde's cock and began to stroke it. "Oh, God, Jill.Cumming! "

Cum he did, flying all over Jill's nude body from her forehead to her belly, with stops at nose, chin, her left breast, her belly, and even on her mons venus.

"Think I should have let Clyde do that.Ernie, dear, please take care of the end.Anybody have some tissue to clean these reading glasses?" Sissy, Jack, and Bonnie all managed to find some to give to Jill.She wiped them clean. "I'm ready, Ernie," she said as she put the glasses back on."At least I can see some of it coming. "

"Okay, Jill, I know you do well."At that Ernie's early middle aged cock met Jill's almost 14 year old mouth as she began to bobfast.Almost to soon, Ernie moaned,I'm about to, bed cuddly!" Her withdrawal was fast, his aim good.The first blast hit her just on her nose, the second on her chin and then next two into her open mouth.In between streams she swallowed.

"Done," Ernie said as the others watched his cock deflate.He picked Jill up and kissed her. "I'm glad to have you as a special kid."

"I'm glad to have you as my special dad," she said as both Clyde and Ernie cleaned her eyelids.

So it went:Helen faced Ernie and Jack. Ernie's spermscattered,missed her eyes, but mostly splattered her breasts.Jack got a bit in her mouth, but a lot on her cheeks. Helen got hugged and kissed by Jack and Ernie.Sissy went smoothly, wearing Jill's reading glasses. Buck having some idea - or maybe experience, managed to get some 70% of his cum into Sissy's welcoming mouth.Jack hit about 80%, but then a jar sent the rest of his gift onto her boob.

Finally came Bonnie. After some whispering withBuck,Bonnie put on a large scarf as they began.Bonnie had Buck's dick in her mouth for some ten or so seconds whenBuck signaled he was about to cum.She backed off, he came and most hit the scarf and shoulders.Then Jack returned.Bonnie's open mouth was a target which Jack hit most of the time.The two teens hugged and kissed with that.

The four lined up with their mates for pictures.That produced laughter as the four slipped into the hot tub shower by one or two to clean off the now drying cum.

Finally theywere all clean, with hugging to the two guys as well as hugging to the sisterhood and parenthood.

"I just checked on the crockpot.Another half hour. Who wants an otherhalf hour in the hot tub before dinner? I see all hands up.We'll need help then, but fun now."Sissy threw her bare arms around Buck as the others found a partner to at least hug. "Since Buck and I are the only ones who have not gone upstairs, we're going to do that now,"

As the tub occupants watched two bare butts ascend the stairs to the bedrooms with an open door, Jill called out, "Hey, Mom,it looks like you need a fuck."

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 78

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