Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Oct 8, 2023


Tales of Jones Lab #81 Molly and Phillip - Under cover

Bi-SexualHigh School stories

Molly and Phillip Under Cover


Larry Marian


The PA of Jones Lab School, Middle/High Divison broke the active silence of the classrooms with a strange, sudden announcement:"Would the teachers of Molly Adams and Phillip Nelson please send those students to the main office at once.Thank you."

Molly Maguire Adams, looked around made sure there wasn't a double of her somewhere as her classmates all turned to look at the thirteen year old honor student and girl rugby/ tae kwon do athlete. Bewildered, she stuffed the materials on her desk into her fanny pack and stood up."Is it okay, Ms. Simpson?" She asked.

"Certainly, Molly.I'll send you an e-mail about the assignment.With that Molly was out the door and down the hall to meet up with her beddie, Phillip Nolan on his way to the main office.

"Any idea what's going on?" He asked.

"No idea. None."They entered together.

" Go right into the conference room, kids," Ms. Williams said, pointing to the open door with the principal's secretary holding the door open for the two eighth graders.

The two grasped hands for a second before walking in and seeing not only their own parents, but Molly saw the six foot imposing figure of her "uncle" Francoise M'urk and her aunt, Aunt Monique, equally imposing with her ebony skin and dreadlocks.She turned towards Phillip, to see him looking at two adults who had to be his parents. In addition she saw both deans and the guidance counselor for both Phillip and herself. There were also three strangers in business clothes, two men and a woman.

The principal, Ms. Callahan smiled at them."Since your parents and other relatives are here dressed, should we ask the nurse to bring the two of you robes?"

"I'm fine, Ms. Smith.Mom and Dad are used to seeing me this way," Phillip said.

"For sure," Molly said. "But what our parents here for?And my aunt and uncle?"

"Well, Molly, I'm going to let your mom speak to that.Represenative Adams?"

"Molly - and Phillip, you know the history of my medal, right?"

"Yes, Mom. There's an assembly every year now that gives a presentation for Jones grads that have done something.Uncle Francoise is one and you are another."

"I've heard of that.Well, I've been told, as have your dad and Phillip's parents that a new kiddy porn ring has set up shop somewhere near here.We're here as your parents to hear the full details of a plan to find and arrest the members of this organization.

"In truth I was approached for two reasons. One, when I was your age, I was the bait and your father was the computer expert once they got inside. The second is they like the kids to look young. Both you and Phillip can be made to look a bit younger than thirteen.The fact that you are going to test for black belt very soon is a plus for you.

"I'm your mother.I'm scared to death you will accept what the agents say.But I've talked to them as fellow agent to agent. They are confidant that you - and Phillip - will be safe as long as you listen to their briefings and follow their instructions. Next, your aunt and uncle.Francoise has agreed to take leave to act as a protector while you are the bait. He will be able to follow you.Aunt Monique will do the same in a different capacity.They will both be deputized for the operation.

"So, Molly McGuire Adams, you can say no,' yes,' or `let me think about it.'Which will it be?"

"Mom, you did it.And Dad helped. If you can, then I think I must.But when will this be?"

"As it stands right now, young lady, during your winter break if the operation is still necessary.There are other operations trying to stop this organization before then. We want them closed NOW.BUT we can't take you two out of school now.We have to prep you first, if nothing else.

"The first thing is to show you a very short cut, five minutes long, from some of the videos these scum have made. These are graphic, but what you face if it's not stopped before it's too late for too many of the victims.

"So.Let us begin."The lights dimmed and a large screen monitor slid down and began the film. There were some comments from the audience. "Damn.""Bastards.""Poor little girl.She doesn't even have her boobs." (This from Molly.) "Killing him would be justifiable homicide."(From Major Uncle Francoise ) "Mon Dieu." And then something in an unknown language. (From Aunt Monique) The film ended. "So, would you be willing to try to prevent this, despite the possibility of being on one of those beds?"

"Damn straight. One of those girls looked very much like Molly last year." Phillip looked furious as he squeezed Molly's hand.

"Mom did it. I'll do it.But what happens to my 14/1 if they..." Molly trailed off. "I guess that's selfish of me."

"Molly, if something happens to you, the school will still honor your V," Ms Callahan said."That goes for Phillip, too."

"Thank you.Now I'd like to ask everybody except Ms. Adams, Mr. Nelson,Reserve Officer First Class Adams,Major M'urk and Ms. Monique M'urk to stay behind and let me get into details.For everybody leaving, everything said so far is close hold. Ms. Callahan has vouched for all of you."

As if expecting this, Molly watched all of the adults except the three agents, her mom,her aunt and uncle, and Phillip leave the room.She had a sudden desire to hug, not her mom, but her beddie Phillip. Why endanger him, she thought.She took a deep breath.What had Granddad Jefferson told her?"There's not to reason why/There's but to do or die...".To save a poor ten year old girl from being raped by a guy who could be her father....

"Well Agent Adams, if you would shut the door to this room?Thank you.Major M'urk, I know the oath you've sworn, but this is a bit different. This is for one mission, state your name and add whatever you wish to help you.So, all present, repeat after me, I, do solemnly swear or affirm that I will endeavor to faithfully fulfill the duties assigned to me, that I will hold secret all knowledge I am given, and will endeavor to save all the innocents I possibly can, so help me...".

"Thank you. Agent Adams, I know when you were thirteen you were given state of the art commo .Temp agents Adams and Nelson will be fitted with devices that make what you used smoke signals. We will fit in the next few days both hearing and sending devices that we will implant under your skin.You will get a local anasthetic, then a laser incisionwhich will leave a scar so small as to be almost invisible. In addition, the devices will go in the area of your arm pit.Agent Adams, you will be fitted with glasses which will contain a micro GPS.Agent Nelson, we are still working on yours - perhaps a big belt buckle.

"There back up, Temp Agents M'urks will be in the lobby for Major M'urk and a car for Ms. M'urk. They will provide close in security and direct security to the location of these two very brave kids.

"Any questions so far?"The head agent looked around. "Good.We've gone as far as we can go. Let me remind you that you are under oath.And adults, remember, we are counting on two thirteen year olds to help us destroy a possible fifty person porn ring.I will be in contact as necessary."

This was a Friday whenever so often both Molly and Fish would bring home a friend to spend the weekend.This was such a week end. Of course Molly and Phillip came, but for the now third time Fish brought Sissy.Of course in late autumn clothes were necessary, especially as both the brisket and the ribs needed another hour or two.

Molly and Fish acted more as husband and wife than brother and sister as they entertained Phillip and Sissy.At one point, as the girls peeled potatoes for the broiled potatoes while Fish and Phillip helped load the last charcoal and wet oak wood into the smoker,Sissy turned to Molly and said, "You have a wonderful brother.A great family."

"Thanks.I think you had a lot to do with what he has done."Molly paused."Are you and Fish going to do it tonight?"

Molly saw Sissy didn't even blink."Yes.I love him.But Molly, that 14/1 can stretch to 15/1 or more.You know what your brother and I did the first time wemade love?"

"Uh, as the sex ed teacher said...".

"Nope.We explored each other.Hands, fingers, tongue, nibbles, you name it.We waited that night.You wait, too."The two girls kissed.

"Thanks, older sister," Molly said.

"Thanks, younger sister, " Sissy said.

Later that night Molly lay in her own bed with Phillip by her side, cuddled up with him.They kissed, they touched and then they listened to Fish and Sissy, obviously making love.The wall blanked out most of what went on but the two young teens heard an occasional"Yes!"and "close" and "love."

"Phillip.We've never done it in my butt.Would you like to try?"

"Yes.But talk to your sister about a butt plug.They say that makes it easier and nicer.In the meantime," Phillip pulled back the covers to lower his face to Molly's legs, kissing her thighs until they came apart allowing Phillip's tongue to reach the road of joy from her love tunnel entrance to her clit.Molly choked back most of her moans and cries as Phillip brought her to several cums.

"Thanks," she said."Now my turn," as she took this hard cock into her mouth and began to bob on it.She wasn't acting fancy, just wanting the taste of Phillip's cum in her mouth. He quickly satisfied her.Then the two feel asleep, snuggled together.

Molly and Phillip sat side by side wearing surgical gowns looking at the surgical team plus the head agent with a mask ready to be donned."The first step is to give both of you a local anesthetic in the area of the implant.A laser will make a small incision, the subminiature commo device will be implanted, it will be tested and then the incision will be closed."

"Uh, Mom told me that her device got placed inside her vagina," Molly said.

"That was then.Don't worry. Both of you will have the implant in the sameplace - your arm pit.They may search you, but the chances of their seeing any evidence of a scar are in the million to one category.That's why this is done now, a full month away.It will not be active until we go in, so nobody is going to hear anything that you or Phillip say until contact is made.So any secrets between boy friend and girl friend will remain secret.However, don't you two get into a fight and break up.

"Also, we're going to measure both of you now to find suitable clothes, both for you to wear and what would naturally be in your backpacks. Okay?"

"Okay, Agent Smith, we're ready," the chief surgeon said.

"You two ready?"Molly and Phillip both nodded their heads. "Let's go."

Late in the afternoon a Greyhound buspulled into the bus station as two apparent tweens or young teens got off the bus and headed into the station building. Both looked somewhat scruffy and not properly prepared for the outside temperature. The boy had a windbreaker that looked maybe a size to small for him, faded jeans and old tennis shoes. The girl's hair was unkempt, she had on a sweater that was too big for her and like the boy, faded jeans and old tennis shoes.Out of her backpack stuck the face of an old stuffed blue rabbit.The two held hands and went to sit down.They reached into his pocket and pulled out some coins and a couple of bills. They looked around to see it mostly deserted except for a tall black man, his hair in corn rows, sitting across the room from him.The two kids could see the gold chain around his neck, what had to be an expensive shirt and wrist watch.

"Go ask him, Mark.I'm really hungry. I know you are, too."

"Okay Alice.But I don't like to beg."

"I don't either."As they talked quietly another man, this one white, also dressed well, at least his coat looked fine. When he turned to face the two kids they saw the clerical collar on his black shirt as he sat down."I'll go see, Alice. I guess I can always ask him if....you know."His low voice dropped even lower as he got up and crossed the room.

Alice heard, "Excuse me, mister..." and then his voice faded.The black man and the young teen talked for a few minutes, then the black guy, appearing gigantic standing, got up and headed for the men's room.Then the boy got up and headed in the same way.

She saw the other man approach her."Hello young lady.How are you today?"She looked at him.

"Mister, I was taught to not talk with strangers," Alice said.

He smiled."Always a good lesson.But here's my card.As it says, I'm the Reverend Doctor Mulligan and I'm part of an organization to help youngsters who may be in trouble.Like for instance, the young man you were with.I'm afraid I know what's going on in that men's room right now.He's a bit older than you, correct?"

"Yes.I'm twelve.He's fourteen.My step dad.He...he made me do things.... Mark and I ra.... We're trying to get someplace safe."

"So you are?"

"I'm Alice.He's Mark."

"Okay Alice.I'm going to go sit down back there and when Mark comes out, I'm going to come back and talk to you two, okay?"

"Sure," Alice said."As the man with the clerical collar walked away she heard a voice in her ear.

"So far so good.Act like you're scared."

She whispered very low."Whose acting?I'm about to pee my pants."

"Mark is coming out. Frank is leaving but will be right outside. Monnie is to a bit further away.Two more behind.Stay cool."

Mark came up to her and sat down."That guy says he's a minister.Says he wants to talk to us."

"Cool."He dropped his voice."Got twenty from Frank, just in case.If that guy offers us dinner, we take it. "

Both watched as the man walked back over."Hi.I'm Reverend Doctor Mulligan, butmost folks call me Reverend Bob.Here, both of you take one of my cards.You can call me any time."

"Reverend Bob, we hocked our phones two and three weeks ago," Mark said sadly."

"Are you two hungry?"

The two looked at each other."We bought a box of crackers and some marked down cheese three days ago.We finished that last night on the bus that got us here," Mark said, putting his arm around Alice.

"Look, kids, my car is right around the block.What do you say to a burger or two and some fries or something.Maybe milk instead of soda.Okay?My treat."

The two looked at each other."Will you bring us back here, Reverend Bob," Alice asked.

"Of course.Unless you want to see what my organization can provide for you."

Again the two looked at each other."Accept," came the faint voice in her ear.

"Youseem like a nice man, Reverend Bob. Not like my step dad."Alice turned her head away.

"Oh, Alice.If you want help, we can give it.But that requires honesty."What did your step dad do?"

"Can we talk about that later?I'm really hungry."

"So am I," Mark said.

"Then let's go.You want a double with bacon?No problem.Come with me."

Ten minutes later the three walked into a fast food where Rev Bob, as he asked to be called now that they were friends, took to them to a corner booth."I thinkwant hungry teens want. You just wait here and I'll be back with food."The two watched asRev Bob went to stand in line.Right behind him,Monnie swayed in, looking like she'd just come from the Congo for water for her village.She wore large gold hoop earrings and a western version of a bonbon, very colorful and loose.Loose enough, in fact for an Uzi to be under it."Just stay cool, kids. Tonto is here."Mark andAlice looked at each other.

Rev Bob returned with two double burgers with cheese and bacon along with fries and the advertised special desert.Rev Bob had a large coffee and a simple hamburger."Well, I see you two were hungry. Keep eating.Let me just ramble a bit. What we try to do is find talent we can show to other producers.So, if you want, we go to the studio we have near here. We get you ready for the shoot and you meet your co-stars, who are quite experienced.We do a shoot, maybe two.Since it'll be a bit late, there is a dorm with space for both of you.

"Tomorrow we discuss contract and agree on payment for your shoots this evening.You may get as much as five hundred dollars each.After that, it may be in the thousands.How does that sound?"Rev Bob took a long sip of his coffee.

The two looked at the door as an Asian walked in. Alice heard in her ear, "The Wu Dong Clan has arrived.Stay cool," Mark nodded."That sounds awful good, Rev Bob.Now what?"

"Well, you two finish your dinner - by the way there will be more food at the shoot.Then we go to the studio and get ready.What do you say?"

"Yes," came the voice in Molly's ear and a nod to and from Phillip.

Then she heard even in Phillip's voice, "England expects every man to do his duty."Then , "and women, too."

"I trust you, Rev Bob," Alice said.

"Me, too," Mark agreed.

"Let's go,"

Soon the two sat in the back seat of the Mercedes, holding hands, their back packs on either side of them.Soon they looked at each other.A whisper from Alice."Driving in circles."

"Just passed my old elementary school."

"Report street names or road numbers.Chatter down.Got you covered."

Some ten or fifteen minutes later,the Mercedes pulled onto a long drive way or lane towards what looked like a big old farm house with a few lights on.Rev Bob stopped, and another man came out."Charlie, take this to the barn and I'll take the kids to the studio."

"Okay, Rev Bob."

"Alright kids, get your backpacks, and follow me into the house and then down to then studio. "Mark and Alice shouldered their backpacks to follow Rev Bob into the house.As they entered they both saw two kids of about their ages, a boy and a girl, both wearing a swim suit, the girl in a two piece, almost bikini, both smiling. "Two kids, our age, swim suits, " Mark transmitted.

"Roger," came to Alice's ear. "Going downstairs with two in swim suits."

Once downstairs the two came into a basement studio with an assortment of video lights, mirrors, a staged bed, and other evidence of a video shoot. Rev Bob led them over to a couple of chairs and what looked like an elementary school cubby for kid's stuff.

"Well, here we are.You two get undressed, you first Alice, then Mark.Put your back pack and what you are wearing in in as many cubbies as you need.They will be safe. Okay?"

"Get undressed?You mean naked?" Alice demanded.

"Well, you have an option.It's 2030 now.Dark and getting cold.We take you back to the car. We drive someplace out in the country and drop you off. Good luck.What is it?Left on the side of the road or getting five hundred dollars.Your choice."

The two looked at each other. "Do it.Assault team ready," came to both ears.Both shrugged their shoulders, then began to undress.

"Good.When you both arenaked, as I said, put your clothes in the cubbies.Then you two go sit on that love seat.You co-stars will be right out."

"Our co-stars?" Mark demanded?"

"Yeah.We'll call them Al and Zeke.The two guys you two will suck off for the first video."At that two middle aged men, both nude and hard came out a side door.

"Hi, kids," they both said. One continued."Hope you like this as much as we like what you do." They laughed."Sit on the couch side bye side. Wait for the cameras to say `roll' and then go for it."

"Okay kids. Rubber hits the road.Agree. Wait for `BITE' and do just that.Hit if possible and then dive for cover."

"Okay.Sorry, Alice.We've had to do this before."

"Yeah.Okay. Maybe I'll be a star."Mark and Alice sat on the low couch, side by side.The three cameras began to record.The two men stepped forward, their hard cocks aimed towards their teen mouths.

"Open," said the one in front of Alice, and she did.

"Alice has his inside.I' m about to."

"GOOD.BITE DOWN HARD!" Both Molly and Phillip did at about the same time.Both men screamed in pain as they tried to withdraw. The two teens heard the sound of the door opener.


"Fucking bitch," the one facing Molly screamed as he slapped her.Molly pulled her face and legs back, then drove them forward, straight towards his crotch. He howled.

But over his howl, Molly heard, "That's my daughter, you bastard!Hit her again and I'll shoot your nuts off." Go,Mom! she whispered, broadcasting to all in the loop.

ThenMolly heard, "You son of a bitch. You touch my daughter's boy friend and some lion is going to have a great lunch.Right, Blood Brother?"

"This scum is not worthy of a lion.Staked out three days and let the vultures and hyenas finish them off," Blood brother.That was Dad, she thought.

As a rule - a rigid rule - Jones studentswore the school uniform, as they joked - flesh. But at the beginning of the new school year, three weeks into the year, for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, students were reminded, whether dormies or days, to wear clothes- the standard Jones school uniform, their athletic uniform for organized teams, or the Army JROTC uniform.Also came the warning that there would be a few distinguished visitors.Behavior had best be beyond good.

So teachers brought their classes down into the auditorium, starting with the seniors and going all the way to first grade, probably with a class on being still and quiet.All students started looking after taking seats as a number of unknown adults also entered, many in a uniform.

Ms. Callahan, the principal came out in what the students did not recognize as academic regalia. "Ladies and gentlemen,we are here to do an honor to some we know and some we do not know.

"There are all kinds of rumors that still float around not onlyJones, the Mother School, but the other lab schools as well. So be it.

"Recently several of our alumni and current students helped break up a child pornography ring. As of now, fourteen out of sixteen kids have been reunited with their parents.The remaining two are in foster homes of good standing.

"So, let me turn this over to the JROTCinstructor, LTC Eric Wilson."

"Thank you.But I'll help, but I'm turning this over to a man I just spent an hour with and thought he is the one who should do this, Major (Promotable), Francoise David M'urk, currently S-3, 2nd of the 2nd Field Artillery"

Molly sat stunned.Even worse, Phillip was nowhere near her.

"Thanks.I've got two of my favorite teens now totally ticked at me. So. Cadets Private First Class Molly McGuire and Phillip Nelson, front and center."

The two looked at each other again but got up to climb to the stage.The two knew enough to salute the tall back man in uniform, with a chest full of ribbons.

"I'm not going to read the entire citation.I'll say this, if one of my people did what they did,my recommendation would have been for a Silver Star.But these two thirteen year olds brought down a ring that now has seventy-seven arrests, and, more important, twenty-five family reunions, all of them with family counseling to help both the kids and the adults.

"This said, I am authorized to presentthe JROTC Medal for Heroism toMolly McGuire and Phillip Nelson.May I have the two moms come up and pin the medal on their daughter or son?

The audience rose in applause.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


If you liked this part of "Tales of Jones Lab School " or any of the other Paige-Mason-Jenna stories, please consider a donation to Nifty. Comments, pro or con to the author are always appreciated.

Molly and Phillip Under Cover


Larry Marian


The PA of Jones Lab School, Middle/High Divison broke the active silence of the classrooms with a strange, sudden announcement:"Would the teachers of Molly Adams and Phillip Nelson please send those students to the main office at once.Thank you."

Molly Maguire Adams, looked around made sure there wasn't a double of her somewhere as her classmates all turned to look at the thirteen year old honor student and girl rugby/ tae kwon do athlete. Bewildered, she stuffed the materials on her desk into her fanny pack and stood up."Is it okay, Ms. Simpson?" She asked.

"Certainly, Molly.I'll send you an e-mail about the assignment.With that Molly was out the door and down the hall to meet up with her beddie, Phillip Nolan on his way to the main office.

"Any idea what's going on?" He asked.

"No idea. None."They entered together.

" Go right into the conference room, kids," Ms. Williams said, pointing to the open door with the principal's secretary holding the door open for the two eighth graders.

The two grasped hands for a second before walking in and seeing not only their own parents, but Molly saw the six foot imposing figure of her "uncle" Francoise M'urk and her aunt, Aunt Monique, equally imposing with her ebony skin and dreadlocks.She turned towards Phillip, to see him looking at two adults who had to be his parents. In addition she saw both deans and the guidance counselor for both Phillip and herself. There were also three strangers in business clothes, two men and a woman.

The principal, Ms. Callahan smiled at them."Since your parents and other relatives are here dressed, should we ask the nurse to bring the two of you robes?"

"I'm fine, Ms. Smith.Mom and Dad are used to seeing me this way," Phillip said.

"For sure," Molly said. "But what our parents here for?And my aunt and uncle?"

"Well, Molly, I'm going to let your mom speak to that.Represenative Adams?"

"Molly - and Phillip, you know the history of my medal, right?"

"Yes, Mom. There's an assembly every year now that gives a presentation for Jones grads that have done something.Uncle Francoise is one and you are another."

"I've heard of that.Well, I've been told, as have your dad and Phillip's parents that a new kiddy porn ring has set up shop somewhere near here.We're here as your parents to hear the full details of a plan to find and arrest the members of this organization.

"In truth I was approached for two reasons. One, when I was your age, I was the bait and your father was the computer expert once they got inside. The second is they like the kids to look young. Both you and Phillip can be made to look a bit younger than thirteen.The fact that you are going to test for black belt very soon is a plus for you.

"I'm your mother.I'm scared to death you will accept what the agents say.But I've talked to them as fellow agent to agent. They are confidant that you - and Phillip - will be safe as long as you listen to their briefings and follow their instructions. Next, your aunt and uncle.Francoise has agreed to take leave to act as a protector while you are the bait. He will be able to follow you.Aunt Monique will do the same in a different capacity.They will both be deputized for the operation.

"So, Molly McGuire Adams, you can say no,' yes,' or `let me think about it.'Which will it be?"

"Mom, you did it.And Dad helped. If you can, then I think I must.But when will this be?"

"As it stands right now, young lady, during your winter break if the operation is still necessary.There are other operations trying to stop this organization before then. We want them closed NOW.BUT we can't take you two out of school now.We have to prep you first, if nothing else.

"The first thing is to show you a very short cut, five minutes long, from some of the videos these scum have made. These are graphic, but what you face if it's not stopped before it's too late for too many of the victims.

"So.Let us begin."The lights dimmed and a large screen monitor slid down and began the film. There were some comments from the audience. "Damn.""Bastards.""Poor little girl.She doesn't even have her boobs." (This from Molly.) "Killing him would be justifiable homicide."(From Major Uncle Francoise ) "Mon Dieu." And then something in an unknown language. (From Aunt Monique) The film ended. "So, would you be willing to try to prevent this, despite the possibility of being on one of those beds?"

"Damn straight. One of those girls looked very much like Molly last year." Phillip looked furious as he squeezed Molly's hand.

"Mom did it. I'll do it.But what happens to my 14/1 if they..." Molly trailed off. "I guess that's selfish of me."

"Molly, if something happens to you, the school will still honor your V," Ms Callahan said."That goes for Phillip, too."

"Thank you.Now I'd like to ask everybody except Ms. Adams, Mr. Nelson,Reserve Officer First Class Adams,Major M'urk and Ms. Monique M'urk to stay behind and let me get into details.For everybody leaving, everything said so far is close hold. Ms. Callahan has vouched for all of you."

As if expecting this, Molly watched all of the adults except the three agents, her mom,her aunt and uncle, and Phillip leave the room.She had a sudden desire to hug, not her mom, but her beddie Phillip. Why endanger him, she thought.She took a deep breath.What had Granddad Jefferson told her?"There's not to reason why/There's but to do or die...".To save a poor ten year old girl from being raped by a guy who could be her father....

"Well Agent Adams, if you would shut the door to this room?Thank you.Major M'urk, I know the oath you've sworn, but this is a bit different. This is for one mission, state your name and add whatever you wish to help you.So, all present, repeat after me, I, do solemnly swear or affirm that I will endeavor to faithfully fulfill the duties assigned to me, that I will hold secret all knowledge I am given, and will endeavor to save all the innocents I possibly can, so help me...".

"Thank you. Agent Adams, I know when you were thirteen you were given state of the art commo .Temp agents Adams and Nelson will be fitted with devices that make what you used smoke signals. We will fit in the next few days both hearing and sending devices that we will implant under your skin.You will get a local anasthetic, then a laser incisionwhich will leave a scar so small as to be almost invisible. In addition, the devices will go in the area of your arm pit.Agent Adams, you will be fitted with glasses which will contain a micro GPS.Agent Nelson, we are still working on yours - perhaps a big belt buckle.

"There back up, Temp Agents M'urks will be in the lobby for Major M'urk and a car for Ms. M'urk. They will provide close in security and direct security to the location of these two very brave kids.

"Any questions so far?"The head agent looked around. "Good.We've gone as far as we can go. Let me remind you that you are under oath.And adults, remember, we are counting on two thirteen year olds to help us destroy a possible fifty person porn ring.I will be in contact as necessary."

This was a Friday whenever so often both Molly and Fish would bring home a friend to spend the weekend.This was such a week end. Of course Molly and Phillip came, but for the now third time Fish brought Sissy.Of course in late autumn clothes were necessary, especially as both the brisket and the ribs needed another hour or two.

Molly and Fish acted more as husband and wife than brother and sister as they entertained Phillip and Sissy.At one point, as the girls peeled potatoes for the broiled potatoes while Fish and Phillip helped load the last charcoal and wet oak wood into the smoker,Sissy turned to Molly and said, "You have a wonderful brother.A great family."

"Thanks.I think you had a lot to do with what he has done."Molly paused."Are you and Fish going to do it tonight?"

Molly saw Sissy didn't even blink."Yes.I love him.But Molly, that 14/1 can stretch to 15/1 or more.You know what your brother and I did the first time wemade love?"

"Uh, as the sex ed teacher said...".

"Nope.We explored each other.Hands, fingers, tongue, nibbles, you name it.We waited that night.You wait, too."The two girls kissed.

"Thanks, older sister," Molly said.

"Thanks, younger sister, " Sissy said.

Later that night Molly lay in her own bed with Phillip by her side, cuddled up with him.They kissed, they touched and then they listened to Fish and Sissy, obviously making love.The wall blanked out most of what went on but the two young teens heard an occasional"Yes!"and "close" and "love."

"Phillip.We've never done it in my butt.Would you like to try?"

"Yes.But talk to your sister about a butt plug.They say that makes it easier and nicer.In the meantime," Phillip pulled back the covers to lower his face to Molly's legs, kissing her thighs until they came apart allowing Phillip's tongue to reach the road of joy from her love tunnel entrance to her clit.Molly choked back most of her moans and cries as Phillip brought her to several cums.

"Thanks," she said."Now my turn," as she took this hard cock into her mouth and began to bob on it.She wasn't acting fancy, just wanting the taste of Phillip's cum in her mouth. He quickly satisfied her.Then the two feel asleep, snuggled together.

Molly and Phillip sat side by side wearing surgical gowns looking at the surgical team plus the head agent with a mask ready to be donned."The first step is to give both of you a local anesthetic in the area of the implant.A laser will make a small incision, the subminiature commo device will be implanted, it will be tested and then the incision will be closed."

"Uh, Mom told me that her device got placed inside her vagina," Molly said.

"That was then.Don't worry. Both of you will have the implant in the sameplace - your arm pit.They may search you, but the chances of their seeing any evidence of a scar are in the million to one category.That's why this is done now, a full month away.It will not be active until we go in, so nobody is going to hear anything that you or Phillip say until contact is made.So any secrets between boy friend and girl friend will remain secret.However, don't you two get into a fight and break up.

"Also, we're going to measure both of you now to find suitable clothes, both for you to wear and what would naturally be in your backpacks. Okay?"

"Okay, Agent Smith, we're ready," the chief surgeon said.

"You two ready?"Molly and Phillip both nodded their heads. "Let's go."

Late in the afternoon a Greyhound buspulled into the bus station as two apparent tweens or young teens got off the bus and headed into the station building. Both looked somewhat scruffy and not properly prepared for the outside temperature. The boy had a windbreaker that looked maybe a size to small for him, faded jeans and old tennis shoes. The girl's hair was unkempt, she had on a sweater that was too big for her and like the boy, faded jeans and old tennis shoes.Out of her backpack stuck the face of an old stuffed blue rabbit.The two held hands and went to sit down.They reached into his pocket and pulled out some coins and a couple of bills. They looked around to see it mostly deserted except for a tall black man, his hair in corn rows, sitting across the room from him.The two kids could see the gold chain around his neck, what had to be an expensive shirt and wrist watch.

"Go ask him, Mark.I'm really hungry. I know you are, too."

"Okay Alice.But I don't like to beg."

"I don't either."As they talked quietly another man, this one white, also dressed well, at least his coat looked fine. When he turned to face the two kids they saw the clerical collar on his black shirt as he sat down."I'll go see, Alice. I guess I can always ask him if....you know."His low voice dropped even lower as he got up and crossed the room.

Alice heard, "Excuse me, mister..." and then his voice faded.The black man and the young teen talked for a few minutes, then the black guy, appearing gigantic standing, got up and headed for the men's room.Then the boy got up and headed in the same way.

She saw the other man approach her."Hello young lady.How are you today?"She looked at him.

"Mister, I was taught to not talk with strangers," Alice said.

He smiled."Always a good lesson.But here's my card.As it says, I'm the Reverend Doctor Mulligan and I'm part of an organization to help youngsters who may be in trouble.Like for instance, the young man you were with.I'm afraid I know what's going on in that men's room right now.He's a bit older than you, correct?"

"Yes.I'm twelve.He's fourteen.My step dad.He...he made me do things.... Mark and I ra.... We're trying to get someplace safe."

"So you are?"

"I'm Alice.He's Mark."

"Okay Alice.I'm going to go sit down back there and when Mark comes out, I'm going to come back and talk to you two, okay?"

"Sure," Alice said."As the man with the clerical collar walked away she heard a voice in her ear.

"So far so good.Act like you're scared."

She whispered very low."Whose acting?I'm about to pee my pants."

"Mark is coming out. Frank is leaving but will be right outside. Monnie is to a bit further away.Two more behind.Stay cool."

Mark came up to her and sat down."That guy says he's a minister.Says he wants to talk to us."

"Cool."He dropped his voice."Got twenty from Frank, just in case.If that guy offers us dinner, we take it. "

Both watched as the man walked back over."Hi.I'm Reverend Doctor Mulligan, butmost folks call me Reverend Bob.Here, both of you take one of my cards.You can call me any time."

"Reverend Bob, we hocked our phones two and three weeks ago," Mark said sadly."

"Are you two hungry?"

The two looked at each other."We bought a box of crackers and some marked down cheese three days ago.We finished that last night on the bus that got us here," Mark said, putting his arm around Alice.

"Look, kids, my car is right around the block.What do you say to a burger or two and some fries or something.Maybe milk instead of soda.Okay?My treat."

The two looked at each other."Will you bring us back here, Reverend Bob," Alice asked.

"Of course.Unless you want to see what my organization can provide for you."

Again the two looked at each other."Accept," came the faint voice in her ear.

"Youseem like a nice man, Reverend Bob. Not like my step dad."Alice turned her head away.

"Oh, Alice.If you want help, we can give it.But that requires honesty."What did your step dad do?"

"Can we talk about that later?I'm really hungry."

"So am I," Mark said.

"Then let's go.You want a double with bacon?No problem.Come with me."

Ten minutes later the three walked into a fast food where Rev Bob, as he asked to be called now that they were friends, took to them to a corner booth."I thinkwant hungry teens want. You just wait here and I'll be back with food."The two watched asRev Bob went to stand in line.Right behind him,Monnie swayed in, looking like she'd just come from the Congo for water for her village.She wore large gold hoop earrings and a western version of a bonbon, very colorful and loose.Loose enough, in fact for an Uzi to be under it."Just stay cool, kids. Tonto is here."Mark andAlice looked at each other.

Rev Bob returned with two double burgers with cheese and bacon along with fries and the advertised special desert.Rev Bob had a large coffee and a simple hamburger."Well, I see you two were hungry. Keep eating.Let me just ramble a bit. What we try to do is find talent we can show to other producers.So, if you want, we go to the studio we have near here. We get you ready for the shoot and you meet your co-stars, who are quite experienced.We do a shoot, maybe two.Since it'll be a bit late, there is a dorm with space for both of you.

"Tomorrow we discuss contract and agree on payment for your shoots this evening.You may get as much as five hundred dollars each.After that, it may be in the thousands.How does that sound?"Rev Bob took a long sip of his coffee.

The two looked at the door as an Asian walked in. Alice heard in her ear, "The Wu Dong Clan has arrived.Stay cool," Mark nodded."That sounds awful good, Rev Bob.Now what?"

"Well, you two finish your dinner - by the way there will be more food at the shoot.Then we go to the studio and get ready.What do you say?"

"Yes," came the voice in Molly's ear and a nod to and from Phillip.

Then she heard even in Phillip's voice, "England expects every man to do his duty."Then , "and women, too."

"I trust you, Rev Bob," Alice said.

"Me, too," Mark agreed.

"Let's go,"

Soon the two sat in the back seat of the Mercedes, holding hands, their back packs on either side of them.Soon they looked at each other.A whisper from Alice."Driving in circles."

"Just passed my old elementary school."

"Report street names or road numbers.Chatter down.Got you covered."

Some ten or fifteen minutes later,the Mercedes pulled onto a long drive way or lane towards what looked like a big old farm house with a few lights on.Rev Bob stopped, and another man came out."Charlie, take this to the barn and I'll take the kids to the studio."

"Okay, Rev Bob."

"Alright kids, get your backpacks, and follow me into the house and then down to then studio. "Mark and Alice shouldered their backpacks to follow Rev Bob into the house.As they entered they both saw two kids of about their ages, a boy and a girl, both wearing a swim suit, the girl in a two piece, almost bikini, both smiling. "Two kids, our age, swim suits, " Mark transmitted.

"Roger," came to Alice's ear. "Going downstairs with two in swim suits."

Once downstairs the two came into a basement studio with an assortment of video lights, mirrors, a staged bed, and other evidence of a video shoot. Rev Bob led them over to a couple of chairs and what looked like an elementary school cubby for kid's stuff.

"Well, here we are.You two get undressed, you first Alice, then Mark.Put your back pack and what you are wearing in in as many cubbies as you need.They will be safe. Okay?"

"Get undressed?You mean naked?" Alice demanded.

"Well, you have an option.It's 2030 now.Dark and getting cold.We take you back to the car. We drive someplace out in the country and drop you off. Good luck.What is it?Left on the side of the road or getting five hundred dollars.Your choice."

The two looked at each other. "Do it.Assault team ready," came to both ears.Both shrugged their shoulders, then began to undress.

"Good.When you both arenaked, as I said, put your clothes in the cubbies.Then you two go sit on that love seat.You co-stars will be right out."

"Our co-stars?" Mark demanded?"

"Yeah.We'll call them Al and Zeke.The two guys you two will suck off for the first video."At that two middle aged men, both nude and hard came out a side door.

"Hi, kids," they both said. One continued."Hope you like this as much as we like what you do." They laughed."Sit on the couch side bye side. Wait for the cameras to say `roll' and then go for it."

"Okay kids. Rubber hits the road.Agree. Wait for `BITE' and do just that.Hit if possible and then dive for cover."

"Okay.Sorry, Alice.We've had to do this before."

"Yeah.Okay. Maybe I'll be a star."Mark and Alice sat on the low couch, side by side.The three cameras began to record.The two men stepped forward, their hard cocks aimed towards their teen mouths.

"Open," said the one in front of Alice, and she did.

"Alice has his inside.I' m about to."

"GOOD.BITE DOWN HARD!" Both Molly and Phillip did at about the same time.Both men screamed in pain as they tried to withdraw. The two teens heard the sound of the door opener.


"Fucking bitch," the one facing Molly screamed as he slapped her.Molly pulled her face and legs back, then drove them forward, straight towards his crotch. He howled.

But over his howl, Molly heard, "That's my daughter, you bastard!Hit her again and I'll shoot your nuts off." Go,Mom! she whispered, broadcasting to all in the loop.

ThenMolly heard, "You son of a bitch. You touch my daughter's boy friend and some lion is going to have a great lunch.Right, Blood Brother?"

"This scum is not worthy of a lion.Staked out three days and let the vultures and hyenas finish them off," Blood brother.That was Dad, she thought.

As a rule - a rigid rule - Jones studentswore the school uniform, as they joked - flesh. But at the beginning of the new school year, three weeks into the year, for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, students were reminded, whether dormies or days, to wear clothes- the standard Jones school uniform, their athletic uniform for organized teams, or the Army JROTC uniform.Also came the warning that there would be a few distinguished visitors.Behavior had best be beyond good.

So teachers brought their classes down into the auditorium, starting with the seniors and going all the way to first grade, probably with a class on being still and quiet.All students started looking after taking seats as a number of unknown adults also entered, many in a uniform.

Ms. Callahan, the principal came out in what the students did not recognize as academic regalia. "Ladies and gentlemen,we are here to do an honor to some we know and some we do not know.

"There are all kinds of rumors that still float around not onlyJones, the Mother School, but the other lab schools as well. So be it.

"Recently several of our alumni and current students helped break up a child pornography ring. As of now, fourteen out of sixteen kids have been reunited with their parents.The remaining two are in foster homes of good standing.

"So, let me turn this over to the JROTCinstructor, LTC Eric Wilson."

"Thank you.But I'll help, but I'm turning this over to a man I just spent an hour with and thought he is the one who should do this, Major (Promotable), Francoise David M'urk, currently S-3, 2nd of the 2nd Field Artillery"

Molly sat stunned.Even worse, Phillip was nowhere near her.

"Thanks.I've got two of my favorite teens now totally ticked at me. So. Cadets Private First Class Molly McGuire and Phillip Nelson, front and center."

The two looked at each other again but got up to climb to the stage.The two knew enough to salute the tall back man in uniform, with a chest full of ribbons.

"I'm not going to read the entire citation.I'll say this, if one of my people did what they did,my recommendation would have been for a Silver Star.But these two thirteen year olds brought down a ring that now has seventy-seven arrests, and, more important, twenty-five family reunions, all of them with family counseling to help both the kids and the adults.

"This said, I am authorized to presentthe JROTC Medal for Heroism toMolly McGuire and Phillip Nelson.May I have the two moms come up and pin the medal on their daughter or son?

The audience rose in applause.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 82

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