Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Aug 17, 2018


Bisexual High School: Tales of Jones Lab School #9: Bev and Frank's First Christmas

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with his characters as individuals.

Bev and Frank's First Christmas


Larry Marion

Frank M'urk and Beverley Jane Wells were a bit tired when they got off the Amtrak for Winter Break, with the Alabama train station decorated for Christmas. They were met by Bev's mother, Miss Sarah Jane Wells with a station wagon. Both Frank and Beverley almost bit their lips as they saw her mother. They waved to attract Ms. Well's attention, hardly necessary as they were indeed an odd couple, tall, black Frank and short, "stacked," white Beverly, the two holding hands. Ms. Wells waved back and hurried to the two high school sophomores.

"Bev, ya'll looks tired," as she gave her daughter a hug, then turned to Frank. "Frank, proud to meet ya'll. Don't hold back" as she threw her arms around his waist to give him hug, too. "Ya'll knows Bev says nothing on e-mail except `Frank' and what ya'll's doing.

"Now. A bit of maybe bad news. Grammie just sent an e-mail. She'll be here tomorrow for Christmas." She looked at Frank. "I'll be honest. I'm still adjusting to Bev's the room mate of an African American boy."

"No disrespect, ma'am, but I'm African. Not African-American. I was actually born in Cameroon. Dad is an American citizen - in fact a major in the army. My mom is Cameroonian, but mostly European - Ma-Ma would say `colonial.' So I'm dual citizenship."

"Momma, now don't go getting the vapors Grammie talks about."

"I won't Beverley. You two have convinced me. I'll say this. That shotgun is loaded with buckshot just in case the Klan wants to come calling. Anyway, I told Ma today you were bringing a school friend a long way from home, from Africa. So the less we say, the better."

"Ma'am, if Bev and I need to have separate rooms..."

"No. I said you could and you can. We just won't broadcast it. Okay?"

"Thanks, Ms. Wells."

"Frank, Bev calls me Momma. Ya'll just heard her say that. So ya'll feel free to do so. Now round Grammie, maybe best `Ms. Wells' till we see which way the wind blows. Now just get ya'lls things in the wagon and we got us some pot roast for supper."

They did. Pot roast with potatoes, carrots and onions, mashed potatoes, and cucumber salad. "They don't feed ya'll now do they?" Momma said half way through the meal.

"Ms, er Momma, they feed us well. But there's something about home cooking. Bev and I went to a West African restaurant once with the Adams. They had okra and rice and goat and banana and all that, but it wasn't just right. In fact, Mom Paige said Ma-Ma would have the head of the cook to serve something like that. You might like Mom Paige."

"She's in congress now?"

"Yes ma, ere Momma. She is. Second term."

"They say she's going to run for Senate, Momma."

"Well good. We need good, strong women in the Senate. And the House,"

After dinner the two teens helped clean up and then put presents out under the tree. "We have nothing for Grammie," Bev said as they were about to head for bed."

"I have you both covered. You just have to sign the tag. "

In Bev's bedroom, with the door shut and the overhead off the two began to undress. Frank paused. "Bev, you want a nightgown or pjs? I can wear my shorts."

Bev, down to her panties and bra marched up to him, stopped inches from him with her hands on her hips. "Frank M'urk. When have I ever worn anything next to you in bed? Even before . uh, never mind that. "

"I just thought bad memories with your step dad and all."

"No. This helps sponge them away. No, Frank. I want to make love with you tonight. Grammie's coming - I don't know. This may be our only chance here this time. So how many times? How many ways?" With that she slipped her bra around, unhooked it, flung it away, pulled off her panties, then knelt down, pulled off his shorts. "Ha. You're hard. Damn spear," as she began to lick the purple head. Soon he groaned as her lips moved back and forth on the dark shaft.

The two fell asleep knowing that they had made love more than two times. They also knew that her full size bed was much nicer than their two twins pushed together, even with the adaptor they'd found. The two woke up almost at the same time - but then that was their standard at Jones. They managed to have thoughts of love again when there was a sharp knock on the door. "Sausage or bacon?" Momma called.

"BOTH, Momma," Bev replied.

"Just bacon is fine, Momma. Bev's being greedy."

"I'll come help cook, Momma. There a apron for me? I see my robe." With that she was out of bed, pulling on her robe, slipping her feet into her slippers to kiss Frank. "Put something on, dear," she said as she left the room. Frank nodded and got out of the warm, comfortable bed. He pulled out the robe he'd wisely packed, and the slippers, put them on to find his way to the kitchen.

"Smells good," he said. What can I do?"

"Bread, toaster, butter. Jelly and jams are in the fridge."

"Ewe, umphathi," Frank said.

"Bad boy," Bev said.

"Okay, Frank, what did you say? What language?"

"I said, `Yes, Boss.' It's in my tribal language. It gets to Bev. We joke a lot."

"Good couples always joke a lot. Ben's father and I joked a lot."

"Umm. Momma. Bev's never said a thing about her dad. I'm glad you had fun."

"We did. Bev was three months old when his National Guard unit got called up to Afganistan. He was a month from coming home when his unit got ambushed."

"Oh. I'm so sorry."

"If you want, there's some stuff of his on the wall. I've never wanted to know what it means." Frank turned and hugged Bev.

"You never told me."

"I,, I never knew Dad. But I think of him as being like you now. " Even with her mom looking on, Frank kissed Bev. "You're sort of an army kid. Maybe you know what they mean."

"Okay, kids. Let's eat. Bev, if you want to show Frank the town, why not after breakfast?"

"I'd like that, Bev," Frank said. "By the way, Momma, if you want, I'm really good at omelets. It's the French in me, too. We were a French colony."

"Oh. So do you speak French, too?"

Frank smiled. "Oui m'dame. Je parle français, ma langue tribale et l'anglais. Et à Bev, je parle d'amour."

Momma patted Frank on the shoulder. "Frank, souviens-toi, Beverley est ma fille. N'est-ce pas?"

Frank looked shocked. "You speak French?"

"Enough. That's okay. I notice Bev says nothing."

"Momma. I'm only first year. Frank helps me every day. C'est pourquoi j'aime Frank." With that the three laughed as Frank and Bev went to get dressed.

With all dressed, and Momma assured that Frank had a driver's license, not a learner's. the two set out in the old VW for the grand tour. They went by her elementary school, the hospital where her mother still worked as an RN, the middle school she'd briefly attended, the high school she had not, the cemetery where her father she didn't know lay buried, and finally the town square, the courthouse and the Confederate statue in the center. "That's where they tried my stepdad for rape and crimes against humanity," she said softly.

"Did you see the trial?"

Bev turned to him. "Frank. I had to testify. I was twelve. I had to describe what he did! Damn it. Everything he did to me, I've loved when you and I have loved that way. Stop the car!" With that he did. She flung her arms around him and cried. "Oh, FRANK. FRANK. I only hope Grammie understands! I mean she flies the Red Rag in front of her house!"

"The red rag?"

"My black friends in elementary school told me that 's what they call the Confederate flag."

Frank laughed. "Yeah. Wish we had a neat name for the French tricolor Let's get back to your house."

"Okay. After Christmas morning tomorrow, maybe some more spots. Let's go. Grammie'll be home soon."

As he drove back to Bev's house, her arm around his neck, he wondered what would happen with her grandmother. She sounded a bit like Ma-Ma. That could be tough. They pulled the old VW to the side, got out to go inside. Five minutes later as they held hands in the kitchen, they heard a horn blow so they dashed outside.

Frank saw an older version of both Beverley and Momma - short, bright eyes, big boobs. The only real difference was Bev's grandmother's hair shone white and bobbed in a pony tail. She had Bev's smile and bright eyes. "Bevvie," she called and held out her arms. Bev slipped from him to run to her grandmother to hug her.

"Grammie! So nice to have you here."
 "So nice to be here, Bevvie. This is Frank?"

"Yes, ma'am, my friend Frank from school."

"Beverley. I saw you look at this fine young man. He looks like a Nubian prince, to me. You didn't look at a friend. You looked at a soul mate, girl. If that be the case, say so."

"Ma'am, I am Frank M'urk. I'm proud to say my father is a major in the US Army, but we were both born in Cameroon. Yes, your granddaughter and I are more than friends."

"Grammie. You're right. Frank is more than a friend."

"Stop there, girl. Let me get inside. I think it's after five. Sarah Lee. Do you have some decent sherry?"

"I do, Momma."

"May I help you with your bags, ma'am?" Frank asked.

"Under other circumstances I'd say `sure.' Right now, Frank, hold the door and Bevvie and I will get them while Sarah Lee gets the sherry. We can cut it with some water for you and Bevvie."

Twenty minutes later the four sat in the family room, Grammie and Sarah Lee had a small glass of dry sherry while Bev and Frank had some ice tea and RC, respectively.

"So, Bev. You and Frank are in the same grade?"

"Yes, Grammie," Bev said.

"So, are your grades still okay?"

Bev and Frank exchanged glances. Frank nodded. "Grammie, Frank is in French V and I'm in I; we're both in AP Sophomore English. He has a 93 and I have a 94. Advanced Biology, we both have a 93.5. He's in Algebra II and I'm in Trig/Solid. We're both in advanced World History. I think I lead him by 0.5 at 96."

"That is something, children. Wow. "

"Bev has National Junior Honor Society."

"So does Frank."

Grammie took a sip of her sherry. Her eyes sparkled. "So, you study naked and are room mates," she said softly.

Bev and Frank looked at each other. Bev nodded.

"May I still address you as `Grammie'?"

"Please, Frank. There is much I do not understand."

"Most Jones boarding students have a room mate. There are a few rooms with four to the room. Mostly the room has one boy and one girl, same class. Not all, but most.

"So, with a normal beginning there is a boy and a girl, room mates. Most cases they are friendly and remain room mates. They take care of their room, help each other from time to time, that sort of thing. That's about 1/3 of the Jones dorm rooms overall."

"And ya'll and Bevvie?"

"Grammie, may I get to that?"


"Then many become roomies. This is a bond between two. Most roomies stay that way until graduation. A lot of them have a "friend" who is not their roomie. You don't understand it if you don't experience it. "

"Grammie, I don't want to butt in, but after that is the beddie. That's when roomies push their beds together . Some have their sheets and blankets so they are kept apart. Others overlap the covers."

"And yours, Bevvie and Frank? "

"Grammie, ours overlap. We put full size top sheet and blankets on our wish list," Bev said quietly. "Yes, some beddies just cuddle. Others... well, yeah.,"

"Beverley Jane, are you happy?"

"Yes, Grammie."

Frank M'urk, are you happy?"

"More than I have ever been in my life."

"Then, if it means anything to you, my blessings on both of you." The two of them exchanged looks. "Oh, does it mean I will stop raising Marse Robert's flag? Nope. But I will defend you two. I'm old enough. I sense true love. You have it."

She smiled. It's a bit after ten. I'm off to sleep. You two go to bed. Make love. "


"Bevvie, tell me you weren't."


"Make love." She smiled, "See you both Christmas morning."

The two fifteen year olds looked at each other. "That's Grammie," Bev said.

"That's Ma-Ma. I'd love to see them together."

"Frank. Can I see us together? I think Grammie has said she's not going to charge into our bedroom."

"I don't either, my dear. I'm still awake enough."

"I am too. Shower tomorrow morning."

They did make love of course, Twice that night and once in the morning, before the shower, Then with hot tea or coffee for the four of them, there was the tree, with lots of joy and play with the presents. Then Frank said, "I woke up at two. I guess I shouldn't say this but Bev was so sound asleep I thought she died. I raided the refrigerator. We have onion, mushrooms, peppers, cheese cut or shaved for omletes. I see we have eggs. If you can do bacon and sausage, I will cook omletes. Okay?"

So Christmas morning progressed. Frank's omletes to order were a hit with all three, grandmother, mother, daughter. Momma even kissed Frank before getting dressed to go to her shift at the hospital.

As the house settled down, Bev, Frank, and Grammie went to the family room, the two teens on a couch, holding hands, and Grammie in an easy chair facing them.

"So tell me about Jones Lab School,' Grammie said. "Like how did you meet?"

"Well, Jones, especially the boarders isn't that big, so we've seen each other for the third year now. But we didn't connect until we were at a rainy Saturday party back in October. One thing led to another. We became roomies at once. Actually, beddies at once. That's not a normal thing." Frank stopped talking. Had he told Bev's grandmother they had sex as soon as they became roomies?

"Uh. I guess I got sort of excited. I mean, Bev is a beautiful girl. Her boobs just... oh, crap, I shouldn't have said that."

Grammie laughed. "When I was Bev's age, the boys looked at me, too. Since I was twelve, really. Natural."

"Yeah, but you had clothes on... oh, again."

Children, I went skinny dipping with boys the first time when I was thirteen. Me, Mary Jane Baker and Lizze Mae Brown with the Jackson brothers and Tommy Rae. The boys got the biggest boners and we laughed. That first time wasn't the last. Sometimes it was just a boy and me.

"I read the news. I watch TV, I use the internet. Bev, I bet you've never had your bra popped."

"Oh, in sixth and seventh grade I did, before I came to Jones. Not since then."

"You two really do seem happy with each other."

"Thanks, Grammie. We are."

"I suppose you have an active, varied sex life."


"Well, kids. I'm not blind or dumb. You're in a school where everybody, even the adults are naked. There's even a class on how to do oral sex. Rooms are co-ed and kids can even sleep together. So aren't most active? "

"Well, Grammie. That depends. Uh, the school said that Bev wasn't a virgin, because of what her stepfather did. They assumed he'd done everything possible to her. But she kept her virginity through eighth and ninth grade and into tenth. "

"So you..."

"Yes, ma'am. "

"I guess you just do the normal stuff really, because of what her stepfather did. I was at the trial. I heard Beverley's testimony."

"Grammie, Frank and I do everything. Every time I suck him, that wipes out one bad memory of what Harold forced me to do. Every time I turn on my stomach, that wipes out one bad memory of what Harold forced me to endure.

"But Frank is gentle and kind and wants me to enjoy sex with him."

"That's wonderful Beverley. Enjoy. "

"Oh, we do."

Grammie chuckled. "You know, when I was growing up the last thing a girl would do is take a boy in her mouth. Now it seems like its the first thing."

Bev laughed. "You can be a virgin 'til fourteen and still have fun, Grammie. I think at least sixty per cent of sixth grade girls have .. blown a boy at least once. Boys don't start until they're in seventh or eighth. Obvious reasons. By the time a Jonesie is in the ninth grade, they've tried about anything. But there are still good looking guys and girls who are juniors who still wear a V necklace. Doesn't mean they don't do everything but..."

"The school doesn't like it much, but while both boys and girls wear a V, it just means, according to the school, `..penile penetration of the vagina has not occurred...' but anything else goes. They also have a strict PDA rule - holding hands in public and nothing more. As you said, there's even a class on oral sex starting at the sixth grade for girls. But as Bev said, girls give blow jobs and boys go down on girls a lot. Many if not most girls will do anal sex, at least with their boy friend," Frank said.

"You kids seem to have a lot of fun."

"But what about you, Grammie. This seems to be true confessions. Grampa's' been gone for years now," Bev said softly.

"Over six years now. Yes, I have a boy friend. He's a widower. We live 50 miles apart. We tend to spend weekends with each other, one weekend at my place, the next at his." She smiled. "Well, we haven't done anal. Maybe you'll have to give me a talk through, Bev. You seem to know something about it."

"So where is he now, Grammie?" Be asked.

"With his family for Christmas. We'll be together for New Year's. New Orleans. I may be the only granny with white beads." The two teens laughed at that.

Hours later the two went to Bev's room after dinner. Her mom had called saying she had to stay later, and would be back by eleven at the latest. As soon as the door closed, Frank pulled off his shirt. "Bev, I just want to get comfortable." She smiled and slipped out of her sweater.

"So do I." Minutes later the two lay on the bed, gently kissing at first, then more, then the first moan from Bev. Hands touched. Tongues touched. Lips touched. "Remember our first encounter?" Bev said during a breather while he played with her large, firm boobs.

"Yeah. He threw a hissy fit. Sweet little ya'll Beverley wanted a dick up her butt. Specifically, a big, black dick. I was almost surprised you used black'. "

She laughed. "I almost didn't. I was sort of having a flash back and wanted to shock. I guess I wanted to be pounded, but you were sweet and slow and gentle and I came. So, Frank, how'd you like to put that big fat black dick up my ass and love me gently again while I puzzle through Grammie's talk today. There's still a jar of vaseline in the top dresser drawer in the back. "

Frank kissed her, got off the bed and found the close to empty jar of vaseline. "It's almost empty."

"I know. But it hasn't been opened in three years. You know what to do, right?"

"Put some on me. lube."

"Yeah. Leave some on your finger and then put some in me. Gently."

"Oh. Okay." Frank prepped them, lay beside her with them on their sides, kissing her neck, squeezing her boobs, then whispering, "Ready, Bev?"

"Yes, my dark knight. Spear me. Gentle. Easy.' They both heard her intake of breath as he gently entered her. `Yes. Slow, Frank. Yes. Okay. You can go faster. Yes." She began to respond to his plunges by moving in the opposite direction.

"Oh, God, Bev. So tight. Yes."

"You make it feel good, Frank. Another memory, another evil memory gone, my love. I see a rainbow, not a storm cloud. Feels good. Feels friendly. Feels love."

"Bev. I don't deserve you. I really don't." He gasped. "Oh, God. I'm about to cum."

"Frank. So am I. YES!!"

"BEV - YES!!" He felt his nuts drain, then lay beside her, still buried in her while their breathing calmed. A knock on the door."

"Kids. May I come in?"

"Uh, Grammie, we're.. nude."

"Guess what? I thought you would be. All I have on is a robe."

"Give us a minute, Grammie."

"Okay. I'm taking off the robe while I wait. Don't bother to put on anything." The two looked at each other as they parted and then stood up.

"Interesting," Bev said as she went to the door and opened it. "Well, Grammie. You weren't lying. Grammie, you look spectacular!"

"Thanks. You know Harvey says the same thing. And I can tell he's not lying." She gave an evil laugh. "But you two. Wow. Fantastic. Frank. That's real, right?" She pointed.

"Yes, ma'am," he responded, somewhat flustered.

"Bev. Please. I don't need a demonstration, but this anal. What's best? How to do it?"

"Well, Grammie. For the girl. Don't tense up. Relax. Get comfortable. Maybe try different positions. There are several that work real well. For the guy. Take your time. Go easy. Start slow. There's a muscle. Ease through it. Once in you can pick up speed. For both. Lube. Vaseline works. It's best if there's some on the guy and in the gal. Use your finger. Okay?"

"I think so. Short stuff, slow and easy to start. Easy through the sphincter. Relax. Love your partner."

"That's it, Grammie."

"Now, I don't want some porn show, but could you two demonstrate some positions?" The two looked at each other. Frank nodded his head.

"Grammie, we've only done this twice with each other."

"Grammie, I've only done it three times. Twice with Bev, once with another girl last year when she was still thirteen. And the truth, it didn't go real well. I think we broke almost every rule. Funny thing, she went on to become beddie with her roomie and she told me after that it was much better now."

"Okay, kids. I'm sitting in the chair."

"Okay. Well, start like we just did," Bev said.

"Oh!" Grammie said as the two got onto the bed, Frank behind Bev.

"Raise your top leg, bottom of foot on the bed. Makes entrance easier. Take your time.

"Okay, Frank. Bark." Bev rolled on her chest, then got up on her knees. Frank knelt behind her. "Pretty easy here. But your face is buried in the bed or couch or whatever. He can kneel straight, or sort of straddle.

" You can do missionary with something under her hips - firm chair pillow to get entrance. This a start Grammie?"

"I think so. Harvey's excited."

The two looked at each other and grinned.

"So, Grammie. Do I did when the guy was too excited to last. Give him a quick blow job first," Bev said with a laugh.

"Well, Harvey likes that."

Frank started to laugh. "What's so funny, Frank?" Bev asked as they got off the bed.

"I...I...I just thought of that old rock and roll song. You know, "Blow, Granny Blow!"

Bev didn't hit Frank hard, but Grammie laughed hard.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


If you liked this part of "Tales of Jones Lab School " or any of the other Paige-Mason-Jenna stories, please consider a donation to Nifty. Comments, pro or con to the author are always appreciated.

Frank and Beverley - sophomores, high grades, Frank, African black, 7 inch dick, - Beverley - Southern white, 36 C + boobs

Next: Chapter 10

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