Tales of Middle Earth


Published on Jul 5, 2004


Disclaimer: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, as well as all its characters described in both the book and the movie, are the property of New Line Cinema and J.R.R. Tolkein and his heirs. Any events expressed in the following story are works of pure fantasy from the brain of the author, and he is not trying to dirty the reputation of the classic novel, its characters or any other aspect of the book or the film, and no copyright infringement is intended. Also, if homo-erotica is illegal in your country, you are too young, you do not like homo-erotic stories, or you happen to be a devoted fan of LOTR, who will be horribly and irreversibly traumatised by the twisted sexuality of the characters portrayed in The Lord of the Rings, DO NOT CONTINUE. You have been warned. Lastly, although the story is pretty much planned out in my head and on my computer, feel free to email me suggestions for the continuing storyline, like how I can improve it, or if you love it or hate it, and the storyline can be easily altered (but be kind - 'words are like weapons, they wound sometimes'!). My email is above, and I really would appreciate it if people would sent an message, however short, giving you're opinions, because if nobody reads this, there are other things I could be doing other than writing a story that no one is interested in.

Author's note: A couple of things. First, the events that take place in this story occur in the 'unseen' parts of the movie, and there is very little description of the main storyline, so I recommend that you watch the movies or read the books before reading this. And remember that I, as an amateur writer, reserve the right to change certain events from the movie to make my own story more appealing, so don't be too confused if something you read here doesn't correspond with what you've seen or read. Secondly, this is the first story I have ever written that I know will be read by other people, so bear this in mind if it sounds a bit 'amateur'!

And now, with that out of the way...

Middle Earth The Deep Breath Before the Plunge Chapter one

The Old Forest of Buckland was full of strange goings on, folk used to say in Hobbiton. Tall trees, and nesting animals, it just wasn't natural. But probably the most unnatural thing about the forest, they used to say, was Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took, who seemed besotted with the trees and animals, forever making their way into the undergrowth, not to be seen for hours. They loved the forest; they were both heard to say, because it was quiet and peaceful. But the real reason was because it was private, secluded and so completely mysterious that no Hobbits other than themselves dared venture into it, which was the whole point. Merry and Pippin had known each other all their lives - Merry knew everything about Pippin, and Pippin the same with Merry, meaning that they both knew that they were both, to put it lightly, horny little buttfuckers. It hadn't been difficult for either of them to figure out they were gay, since they had been pounding the shit out of each other for years before they finally found out what the word meant, and they both knew that they were both damn good at it. Nobody else knew anything about it, of course; at least, nobody ever talked about it conversationally. Both Merry and Pippin knew for a fact that very many young male Hobbits knew exactly what was going on, from first hand experience, but typically and predictably, it was never mentioned again, and both friends had never shagged one young male Hobbit more than once, and knew that the only people they could rely on to hang around afterwards was each other. "You know what I've been hearing recently?" Pippin said to Merry, kicking his bare feet through the leaves. "What's that then?" Merry replied, sensing a Pippin Took story approaching, that would inevitably lead to them both practicing their favourite hobby. "I've heard," Pippin went on slowly, grinning at Merry "That Elves are travelling through Buckland again." "Really, now?" Merry grinned back, his blue/grey eyes flashing with excitement. "Which Elves?" "Oh, all kinds." Pippin went on casually, looking around but still grinning. He knew that Merry had only ever seen five Elves in his life, and that he would dearly love to have a tall Elf man to himself for the evening, maybe even the whole night "Rivendell, Lorien, Woodland..." If the common tales about Middle Earth Elves were true, Merry had about as much chance of seducing one than there was of the River Anduin running dry overnight. But it was clear that the thought of it was exciting the young Hobbit greatly. He was almost panting at the thought of it. That was the great attraction with Elves, the same attraction that led men to believe they were superior. Attractions that were so unattainable. Merry looked back down at the grinning Pippin, pulled him close with his right arm and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You little bugger!" he laughed. "You just told me that to get me going, didn't you?" Pippin just grinned wider, pulled his friend close to him and kissed him full on the lips. Merry was so used to this that it was almost second nature to respond immediately, and soon neither was aware of anything other than themselves.

An hour or two later, a group of Mirkwood Elves entered the Old Forest. They had, of course, heard the talk of 'strange goings on' in these parts, magic, bewitchment and the like, but, coming from the depths of the biggest and most imposing forest in Middle Earth, there wasn't much here that could trouble them. The trees creaked reassuringly and leaves rustled, the only sounds to be heard as the Elves moved noiselessly along. At least, this was true for a while. As they began to near the Western edge of the Old Forest, several members of the group began to remark that they could hear a very unusual sound, like a low irregular buzzing from not very far away. It was Miras who heard it first, the youngest of the travellers, but he heard it long before the others, and he knew what it was instantly. It was a Hobbit snoring.

It was Pippin of course. Merry was sitting next to him, wide awake, both enjoying just looking at his best friend in the world, and trying not to laugh. The sound of Pippin snoring would have made even the Plains of Gorgoroth feel like home. The two friends had finished their little 'session' about half an hour ago, now completely worn out and apparently drained, but Merry knew Pippin far too well to think that this would last long. He knew that when Pippin woke up, it was almost certain that he would be ready for another round, so Merry was just lying with him in the leaves, in nothing but his underwear, trying to get his strength up before his insatiable friend woke up. Merry looked around the forest. It wasn't totally remarkable, trees and leaves, a typical forest. Every Hobbit for miles lived under the assumption that inside; the woods were just as dark and mysterious as the outside. But this was false, of course, because the trees of the Old forest were much more inviting that the cosiest of Hobbit-holes, except maybe Bag End. Especially if Pippin was there. Checking his thoughts, Merry laughed to himself. You would almost think he was in love with Pippin... Then a movement caught his eye, a long distance away among the thickly closed trees. A movement of white, moving swiftly but gracefully through the forest. Merry's eyes widened and his ears pricked for any sound. He couldn't hear anything, but whatever was up ahead was close enough to be heard. His heart began racing as he recalled the tales of Elves, how they moved lightly and soundlessly through any terrain, and freeze you with a single stare. He got up gently and quietly so as not to wake up Pippin, and snuck as quietly as it was possible for a mortal to go, through the trees, avoiding sticks and clumps of dry leaves. He didn't want to be seen, he just wanted to look. He smiled again. More and more like Pippin every day. Eventually, he reached the place where he had seen the movement, and his heart sank to see that the clearing was deserted. There were no leaves swept aside or footprints to show the passing of any being, human or not. He lowered himself to the ground and sat cross-legged on the leaves, leaning against the trunk of the tree right next to him. Then he heard the trees begin to creak somewhere in the distance, a sure sign that something was moving somewhere. He sat up quickly, uncrossed his legs and moved around the tree so that it hid him better. He waited a minute or two, but nothing came. The creaking had stopped ages before, and still nothing appeared from any direction. He was just about to get up again and go back to where he had left Pippin, when, in a last look around, he saw them. A group of ten tall, handsome male Elves, all looking directly ahead of them, dressed in green and brown felt-like clothing, some carrying spears, and some wearing what looked like armour around their shoulders, all with light green dappled cloaks on their backs. But each had a look of tranquillity and strength in his face, and instantly the words 'freeze with one look' flashed through Merry's mind. Looking down from the faces of the Elves, he felt his heart begin to beat even faster still at the sight of the slender, yet well built bodies as they walked past. A twisting feeling came over his stomach, and he felt his cock swelling slowly in his loins. He was suddenly very much aware that he was wearing nothing except his underwear. The thought of being within almost touching distance with ten male Elves and more than half naked normally would have made his seven inches so damn hard that just walking slowly would have felt as good as a long hard wank with Pippin and some other stranger. But now he was terrified. What if he was caught? He was sure that these stately, noble Elves wouldn't appreciate a small Hobbit sitting and watching them from behind a tree, with an almost painful hard-on in his pants. But he couldn't move, or they would be sure to see him, so he watched.

Pippin awoke at last, stretched, and stood up, pulling on his ankle-length brown trousers before moving. He looked around, but at first could not see Merry anywhere. He was disappointed at this, as he was now so accustomed to having his friend next to him when he woke up. But he then saw Merry's shirt and trousers lying on the ground where they had been chucked in the heat of passion earlier, and knew that he wouldn't have gone far in just his underwear. He looked around again, squinting into the dusk that constantly lingered in the Old Forest, and finally saw a splash of white against a tree that, after thinking for a few seconds, he recognised as Merry's white underwear, and then recognised the broad back of Merry's shoulders. He seemed to be trying to see something around the tree. Pippin started to move towards him, meaning to sneak up on his friend. But before he got within ten metres of the tree, he saw the same movement that Merry had seen, the white glimmer beyond the trees, only from where he was, he could instantly see what it was. Elves. He didn't try and hide, knowing from the stories 'uncle' Bilbo had told him that he had much less chance of being seen if he stood completely still, meaning to be mistaken for a stump or something. He stood where he was, staring at the unconcealed beauty of the male Elves in their armour and woodland attire, wondering idly how the hell they managed to move so fast across leaves and twigs, while, even when he crept slowly, he had to be careful not to make noise. The group eventually moved out of sight, but Pippin could see Merry looking after them, almost sadly. Pippin then felt sorry for him. His friend hadn't brought up the courage to talk to even one of them. Not that Pippin would have felt comfortable either announcing himself to a bunch of taller, stronger beings if he was naked except for a pair of rough cotton underwear that didn't even reach halfway down his thighs. Pippin looked back at Merry, and felt a grin come back to his face as his cock began to rise again. Merry looked absolutely edible, standing there, one leg stretched out so that his smooth bubble butt was pressed tauntingly against the white fabric, his back stretched and the muscles in his legs and arms flexed as they supported his weight. Pippin was about to move again to take direct advantage of this mouth-watering view, but stopped as he saw another movement to his right. There was a shape moving through the trees, moving up behind Merry, and towards him. Merry hadn't seen of course, as he was still transfixed by the retreating Elves. The figure was hooded, but moved very quickly and silently. It moved closer and closer, and Pippin felt the urge to run, but then he looked back at Merry, deaf and blind to anything but the Elves, now almost out of sight. He took a momentary deep breath to yell at Merry to run, and hoping that the shock would make him move faster than otherwise. But then the figure turned in his direction, seeming to have heard the deep breath, and it froze in his throat. The figure was tall and slim, but with such radiance in his chiselled face, surrounded by long dark hair, and centred around two startlingly blue eyes, that it felt as though he were spellbound.

The group of Elves finally vanished among the trees, but Merry kept his eyes riveted to the spot where they had disappeared, now cursing himself for being so cowardly. He had missed what might have been his only chance at getting his hands on a male Elf, and it would seem to pathetic to run after them and try now. Anyway, he had Pippin to take care of first. He turned around slowly, his eyes still looking towards the distant trees, when he looked up and saw Pippin himself standing behind him. His first thought was amused indignation; Pippin had meant to sneak up on him and scare him. But then he noticed the look of almost frozen shock on his friend's face, and the smile slipped from his face. "Pip?" he whispered. Pippin didn't even flinch. He just stared at a spot several feet to Merry's left. Slowly, Merry turned his face in that direction, dreading what he might see. He too froze, as the tall figure looked him in the face, his heart almost stopping in wonder, and the painful hardness in his underwear mounting.

Miras looked first at Pippin, and then at Merry. His heart too stopped. It had been a long time since he had seen Hobbits, but there was no doubt in his Elven mind that these were the two handsomest Hobbits for miles around. The one on his left, long curly dark hair surrounding his face and contrasting with his green eyes, was standing still in the middle of the clearing, his bare chest rising and falling rapidly and they stared each other out, his large, hairy feet seemingly fixed to the ground. He then looked back at the second, who was slightly taller than the first, his hair similar but lighter, and seemed to have more muscle, especially in his lower abdomen, where there was a light 'treasure trail' of dark hair leading into the white cotton underwear, that were tenting magnificently. The tented fabric looked as if it held a cock about seven inches long and quite thick, which was bigger than average for most full grown men he had seen, and on the small stature of a Hobbit looked like a monster.

It was a few minutes before any of them moved. It was Merry who first noticed the slight reddening in the Elf's cheeks, and the increased haste in his breathing. He recognised these signs as to someone who is rapidly becoming aroused, and his own breathing slowed slightly but only quickened again, as he realised that this Elven god was lusting after him and Pippin. The thought made his manhood strain agonisingly against its foreskin. Sweat began to break out on his forehead. But it was Pippin who moved first. He sidled slowly over to Merry's side, his hand reaching out to hold his friend's arm, as the tall Elf looked in rapture and hunger from one to the other. Then Merry, encouraged by the movement of Pippin, began to walk slowly and tentatively towards Miras, looking him up and down as he went. The Elf smiled, almost nervously as he approached, Pippin lagging behind, allowing Merry to go first. In a few moments, Merry was standing less than a foot away from Miras' body, somehow not daring to go closer. Then Miras got down on one knee, bringing himself to face height with the entranced Hobbit, and held out his hand. Merry smiled and took it in his own, the other hand engulfing his own. At the touch, Merry felt himself sigh in sheer bliss. He could almost feel the Elven light travelling up his arm. But this was going too slow for Miras. It was less noticeable, now that he was kneeling, but his big cock was also straining against his thin underwear and creating a large bulge in his crotch. Pippin noticed this, and his eyes widened. This Elf was HUNG! Miras reached up with his other hand and stroked Merry's face affectionately, and Merry grinned at him, but it was a lop-sided grin, suggestive and sexy. Unable to hold any longer, the Elf suddenly grabbed Merry's shoulder in one hand, placed the other on the back of Merry's head and pulled him in, crushing their lips and tongues together. Merry's hard dick was now rubbing against the rough fabric of Miras' tunic through his underpants, and he felt as though he would explode. His cock rubbing against the solid chest of an Elf was almost more than he could bear. Then Miras broke the kiss, moving his lips lightly across the Hobbit's smooth cheek, down to the cleft of his neck, and down further still to his collarbone, and to his flat chest. Merry was almost in convulsions at this time, a huge wet spot in his underwear now, a slimy drip forming at the tip. His balls were pulled up so close to his body that he wouldn't have been surprised if they were sucked up inside him. And still Miras moved lower, stopping on the way to pay attention to Merry's solid erect nipples, down to his abs and then his belly-button, moving his hands to the smaller guy's hips, feeling the smoothness of the rough fabric. None of them had spoken yet, but as Miras' magic lips found the skin below his belly button, just above the cord waist of his boxers, Merry yelled so loudly in ecstasy that the Elf almost fell backwards in surprise, leaving the Hobbit's legs close to buckling. He then went for the kill, sliding his smooth hands down Merry's hips so that the cotton underwear followed. The front snagged on his jutting cock obviously, but slipped over with a bit of force, making Merry growl in his throat. His cock was dripping pre-cum now, and the taut foreskin was pulled back halfway over the large head, releasing a musky smell into the surrounding air. And then Miras simply looked up into Merry's eyes, grinned, and went down on him, all in one go. Merry screamed and collapsed to his knees as the talented Elf began to suck hard almost before the whole thing was in his mouth, practically vacuuming the skin off the shaft by time his nose was buried in the soft pubes. Meanwhile, Pippin had been moving around the back of Miras, admiring the Elf's firm and encased butt, and, having removed the long dappled cloak, was now trying to find how to remove the light armour that rested on his shoulders. He finally found the criss-crossed strings that held the two separate plates together, and undid them quickly, lifting the metal over Miras' shoulders and then down off his chest, so that he could pull the armour out from between him and Merry. Then the Elf broke contact with Merry's manhood for a few seconds as he forcefully pulled the tunic and shirt off, leaving his chest bare, and then went back to work. Pippin looked with greed at the rippling muscles on Miras' back, the shoulder blades, ribs and the smooth delve of the spine all covered in tight gold skin, with hardly a hair in sight. Pippin almost began to dribble as the knelt down behind the Elf, moving his hands to the firm butt cheeks in front of him. To his delight, Miras lifted his hips so that he was now one his elbows and knees, his back arching downward, contracting and stretching the muscles there. Pippin but two of his fingers under the belt and pulled back. The sight of the Elf's butt-crack prompted a moan from the Hobbit's throat, and he pulled the belt down, bringing the deceptively loose trousers down with it, leaving just a layer of thin white material between Pippin and his first 'big-folk' butt. He thought for a moment, and then decided that, judging from the sounds coming from ahead of him, Merry wouldn't mind if he helped himself. So, with trembling hands, Pippin took hold of the stretchy waistband of the Elf's boxer shorts, and pulled them down, exposing the firm and smooth cheeks, also releasing a pair of pendulous balls from their prison. Pippin moaned in delight, feeling like a Hobbit kid at a Baggin's birthday party. He reached down and grasped a good hold of the twin globes, and squeezed, not hard but gently. He heard Merry yell again, and guessed that his actions must have caused the Elf to bite down on Merry's cock. Pippin continued to fondle the giant hairless balls for another minute or two, then grew bored, and turned his attention back to the fantastic butt in front of him, looking as though nobody had ever so much as touched it, let alone anything else, like what he knew he had to do now. Pippin gently used his hands to pry apart the twin globes of muscle that covered the Elf's butt, exposing his clean crack completely, the 'virgin' pucker like a bud in the centre. Pippin licked his lips, and dragged his rough tongue from the skin behind Miras' balls to the base of his spine. The response was immediate. Miras spat out Merry's cock and bellowed ruggedly at the sky in most un-Elf like manner, as his back arched involuntarily. Merry looked at him in surprise, and then he saw Pippin's brown head appear and grin at him over the mounds of Miras' butt, and he grinned back, not blaming the Elf for his reactions. Pippin was the best rimmer in the Shire. He then looked down between Miras' legs, and almost suffocated in shock. He knew that himself and Pippin were well hung for Hobbits, but the meat between this Elf's thighs, while looking quite normal in thickness, was twice as long as an Overhill sausage, probably just a bit longer than nine inches with a large head. Whenever he had fantasised about Elves, Merry had always naturally imagined their manhood to be about the same size as his own or Pippin's, being the biggest cocks he had ever seen, but this was bigger than he had thought possible! Miras caught Merry staring, a look of intense shock on his face, his mouth hanging open, he started to laugh, a laugh cut off abruptly into a moan as Pippin again dragged his tongue over his crack, concentrating on the area about three inches above and below his hole. Seeing this, Merry grinned too, reached out and took the monster cock in his hands, running his palm of the head and rolling down the foreskin, causing further moans from above and a proverbial river of pre-cum oozing out. But, once again, thing were going too slowly for the tall Elf, and he pushed Merry off slightly, grabbed him by the hip and rolled him over onto the ground. A surprised Merry spat out a mouthful of leaves and dirt, a bit taken aback by the controlling nature by which this Elf chose to fuck around. Normally, it was he and Pippin who took control, the Hobbit between them often inexperienced and naïve. But it was sort of nice to have someone else in charge for a change. And then all logic in his head evaporated, as, without hesitation, Miras locked lips on his butt-hole, and began to wriggle his long tongue inside. Merry started panting and whining so hard that sounded almost like a dog on a hot day. By now, Pippin had been eating Elven butt for about seven minutes, and had licked much of the taste and smell away. He decided that, now he had this Elf wet and loose, he would move onto higher activities. Pippin undid his woven leather belt, pushed his trousers down to his ankles and stepped out of them, revealing his smooth, slightly tanned body, almost like a young boy's in complexion and lack of body hair, but was as much man as any young Hobbit could hope to be. He spat on his hand, and lubed up his rock hard erection with it, then used the rest to make Miras' but as wet as it could be. Then, using his years of experience in provoking ecstasy from the male nether-regions, he placed the head of his cock firmly between the firm cheeks, and pushed, wiggling his hips from side to side. Then, when he felt the head penetrate Miras' sphincter, he simply pushed hard, and his soft shaft glided smoothly inside him. Merry, lost in the pleasures of rimming, was suddenly aware of muffled screams, and vibrations rippling through the inside of his butt, causing waves of bliss all along his spine and stomach. He twisted his head around as far as it would go, trying not to move his butt too much for fear the Elf would take it the wrong way and stop, and saw his best friend completely buck naked, holding tightly onto Miras' hips, and sliding his subtle cock in and out of him. The sight of this, combined with Miras' encouraged feasting, almost made him drop his load right there on the ground in front of him, and jerked violently to try and stop himself. Luckily Miras seemed to realise this, and gave Merry's crack one last lap before pulling away. Merry then felt a long, thick and flexible shaft of meat being rubbed between the crevice between his cheeks, tickling his hole torturously. It then centred on his hole, and began to push. Miras was eager and virile, and Merry felt so relaxed and so well-lubed, that, despite the size of the cock he was certain was about to fuck him, he probably wouldn't have been able to stop it going, in even if he had wanted to. Sure enough, a few moments saw Merry's face screw up in searing pain, as the monster cock head penetrated his insides gently. Miras' held this position for a minute or two, and then began to push forward. Merry whimpered. It felt like someone was shoving their whole arm up inside him, and it hurt like fuck. Then came reassuring glow of pleasure as the head and then the shaft began sliding against his prostate like a snake. But the Elf hadn't even put one quarter of his monstrous manhood in yet, and it got thicker towards the bottom, as Merry found out as he was fucked deeper and deeper. He screwed his eyes shut, bit his lip hard and tried to ignore the pain in his butt. Then he felt the pain begin to evaporate as the muscles stretched to fit, and felt a pair of smooth, kidney-sized balls bump against his own, and knew that he had taken it all. Miras looked down at the small twitching butt below him, his cock buried to the hilt and the hole stretched around it. No Hobbit had ever taken his whole rod before; even some men had trouble without screaming in pain. But here was this Hobbit-god, on his hands and knees, soundlessly engulfing his nine-inch cock with his white-hot butt. It was enough to drain the balls of Sauron. He then became aware of Pippin speeding up his assault, and straightened his back, which he knew would make it more intimate for both him and Pippin. Sure enough, Pippin let out a moan and wrapped his arms around Miras' lower body, caressing his defined abdominal muscles lovingly, and beginning to pound faster. Merry, still had his eyes tight shut, but not against pain anymore. He was savouring the full feeling before the Elf began to fuck him. When Miras straightened up and was embraced by Pippin, it shoved, if possible, even more of the hot Elf cock inside him, making him burn to be pounded, and hard. He leaned forward slowly, balancing himself on his knees, letting out a groan as the meat slipped halfway out of him, and then louder as he pushed back down on it, feeling it fill him once more. Then Miras took over, beginning to slide himself in and out slowly, both his hands exploring the smooth skin on Pippin's back, and moaning himself as this Hobbit started to lick and nibble just above the small of his back. Getting ore and more turned on by the second, he eventually pulled out about two thirds of his shaft from Merry's butt gradually and teasingly, and then rammed it home, watching Merry's butt cheeks ripple from the force, and relishing in the sound of Merry screaming "FUCK!!!" Pleased by this response, he once again pulled out and slammed in, again, and then again, until he built up a rhythm, keeping his arms on Pippin's back to give himself a clear view of the arousing sight of the rippling cheeks below, allowing Merry to come back down on his cock in correspondence to his pounding, which Merry did most willingly. It was ten minutes before Merry shot. The head of the Elf's cock was so far up inside him, it felt as though it was right in his guts, but there was no pain, just burning pleasure. And then he felt the pleasure give way to a throbbing feeling in his balls, and then the unstoppable sensation of cum racing through his body to his cock. He let out a wavering moan, which rose to a scream as he came, shot after shot, onto the leaves. Merry expected his cumming, like with the contractions in his butt and everything, would immediately set Miras off, which was what normally happened to Pippin when he was fucking Merry. But the Elf apparently had more control than Pippin, because he carried on at the same pace. He was waiting for Pippin to go first. After a while, Merry pulled himself off of the giant, as it was starting to feel more uncomfortable now, lay down on his back with his head almost underneath the Elf's manhood, and stretched his head back, so that his throat was like a straight line, and took the head into his mouth. Miras got the idea, and pushed his cock further down Merry's throat, until his massive balls were resting on the bridge of Merry's nose, the fresh scent of Elf sweat filling his nostrils. Pippin watched this over Miras' shoulder, and grinned in anticipation. He knew what Miras was doing, waiting for he, Pippin, to get off first. But Merry could do things to a cock with his throat while in the position he was now in that Pippin had never seen or felt anyone else do. Last time Merry had done it to him, he had lasted less than a minute. He doubted this Elf would last much longer. Miras' eyes, which had been, only half open due to the pleasure he was receiving from behind, flew open as Merry began to go to work on his meat, swallowing so that the muscles in his throat contracted and massaged the shaft and head. It wasn't the best blowjob he'd ever had, but it felt fantastic. But he could hold out longer than the other Hobbit on his back could. He knew he could. But it became quickly obvious to him that this was untrue. It was less than five minutes before Merry actually began to swallow something more than just cock. Pippin had stopped pounding into him like a steam engine, and had started to occasionally buck his hips sharply at random, eliciting a spasm of pleasure from his Elf fuck-buddy. Feeling this, and realising what Pippin was doing, Merry began to turn his head from side to side as well as sucking and swallowing, making Miras' cock feel as though it was inside a wet velvet sheath that was constantly contracting and relaxing, and then being turned around, like a luxury wank. It hit him so suddenly that he had no time to stop or even get control of the speed before he blasted his load down Merry's throat. He was so shocked and paralysed by bliss that he just sat there with his mouth wide open like a fish. And then Pippin went for broke. He gave up the occasional thrusts, designed to give pleasure but prevent himself from cumming, and started to pound the smooth butt like a smithy to a smelted sword. And then Miras came again, much to the surprise and shock of Merry, who had just started pulling off the Elf again, and had the cockhead in his mouth. The unexpectedness of the second orgasm almost choked him, and he felt for days as though at least a small amount of spunk had gone backwards up his nose, as it probably had. Much of it dribbled out down his chin and around his lips. The sight of this proved too much for Pippin, and, screaming and moaning, gave one last thrust, and he felt the pulsations in his cock as he shot, and then the warmth as his cock was surrounded by his own cum. His cock began to soften almost immediately, causing some cum to leak out, but Pippin didn't care. Miras, in the afterglow of a good fucking, made sure Merry was not in his way, and then fell onto his front, waited for Pippin to climb off him, and then rolled over onto his back, where the two eager Hobbits climbed on top of him, and gave him a last, passionate kiss, sweetened by Miras' own cum from Merry's mouth.

Another fifteen minutes, and the tall, dark Elf walked calmly and serenely out of the Old Forest, to find that the group had waited for him on the outskirts. And he found he didn't need to explain. The others had all seen the Hobbits, and all were smiling secretly, but nobody said a word, as they continued on to Grey Havens. It was a while before Miras realised that he never found out the names of the two young Hobbits, but, he concluded, it wasn't really important now.

Merry and Pippin, now worn out, went home of course, ate a quick afternoon tea, and then slept in each other's arms. And then they fucked again when they woke up. But, unknown to them, they were not the only inhabitants of Middle Earth in that 'situation' at that time. But that's another story...

To be continued... Well, that's part one! A little note here just to say that, if Dominic Monaghan or Billy Boyd (Merry and Pippin) aren't exactly in you're opinion the best sexual characters for a Nifty story, then I suggest you keep reading (and find out what is wrong with your brain!) - this story isn't just about the sexual escapades of two 'obscure' Hobbits, there are other useful male characters in Lord of the Rings, lots of them! J.C. xxx

Next: Chapter 2

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