Tales of Middle Earth


Published on Aug 10, 2004


Disclaimer: Lord of the Rings and Middle Earth are the property of JRR Tolkein and New Line Cinema, and I have no connection with either. None of the characters described here are meant to besmirch the original and much loved characters of Lord of the Rings, or imply anything about the actors who played them in the movie trilogy. If you are too young, or don't like gay stories, PLEASE GO ELSEWHERE, or I'll get in trouble. These stories contain scenes of gay sex without condoms or protection, because it doesn't seem likely that condoms would exist in Middle Earth, or STDs for that matter - don't try and copy these fictional characters - always wear a condom during sex, the experience isn't worth the risk.

Author's notes: This is the second part of 'Minas Tirith', as promised in the last chapter. This chapter, I think, had more dialogue than the rest of the chapters put together, but not much, and would like to point out that I don't think that men would speak like this in the third age of Middle Earth, and that I've used the type of language that I'm used to (21st Century British, for those who love trivia). I'd also like to add a WARNING that there is a slight element of brother-on-brother incest in this chapter that may be continued in a following chapter. If is not to your liking, please do read the story, just ignore that part.

Anyway, here we go again...

Tales of Middle Earth Part One, Chapter 6 Minas Tirith / 2

Minas Tirith was growing dark as the sun set in the west over the Anorien plain, turning the Ered Nimrais (White Mountains) orange and red. Lights were burning in the homes of the city, and the walls of the White Tower of Ecthelion shone almost as brightly as in daylight. Faramir stood at the end of the long, ship-like Spur court in front of the White Tree Court, looking, as Boromir had done a few hours earlier, over the Pelinor field towards Osgiliath, where lights were already shining like pin-pricks in the distance. The slopes of the Ephel Duath and the Morgul Vale were already dark and silent, the light of the sun having left them long since, making them no more than a jagged outline against the dark blue/black starry sky. He wasn't exactly thinking about anything, just looking as the bright lights of Osgiliath began to reflect of the Great River, which, like the tall tower behind him, seemed to glow with internal light. It was lonely and slightly cold on the spur court, with nothing to shelter him except the clothes on his back, but the loneliness seemed to outweigh the cold by far.

Boromir had been looking for Faramir for almost twenty minutes, but couldn't find him anywhere. He was beginning to get a bit anxious, thinking that if Faramir had done a runner and decided to go riding of just walking around the city, as he sometimes did, it would mean cancelling the 'party'. But he had looked in his brother's room, half hoping to see him beating off again but without luck, in the courtyards, and most of the palace, anywhere that Faramir might be, but finding nothing. Then, he happened to stop in the middle of the Court of the White Tree, and look once more over towards Ephel Duath, and saw a lone figure right at the end of the Spur-court. Boromir stared for a moment, and then recognised the way the figure held himself. He smiled sadly for a moment, and then headed towards him, giving a cocky wink the Court Guards as he passed, which they returned.

Faramir was barely aware of somebody approaching him from behind, but paid no attention, so engrossed within his own mind that he could hardly see what he was looking at. He then felt an arm on his shoulder as somebody stood next to him and looked around. His heart jumped as he realised it was Boromir, but he gave only a slight smile to his brother, who was looking at him curiously, before turning back to the mountains ahead.

"Are you alright?" Boromir asked softly.

Faramir sighed slightly and nodded automatically, the smile leaving his face. Boromir continued to look at him.

"Must be lonely here." He went on. "You know, you can always come to me if you want something to do."

Faramir smiled and felt his spirits lifting. He had always assumed that Boromir would rather not have his younger brother around when he was with his friends / drinking mates. The apparent revelation that this was not so meant a lot to him. But he wasn't going to let Boromir see this.

"I'm fine," he said, trying to keep his voice steady while lying through his teeth. "Really, fine."

Boromir was completely unconvinced. He was a little bit hurt at first, that his brother would rather be lonely out here than be with him, but then he saw Faramir's eyes lighten slightly, and smirked to himself. Faramir was trying to close off, and it wasn't going to work.

"Well, I'm not so sure." He countered, putting his large hand on Faramir's shoulder. "I think a drink and a night in the company of other men would do you good!"

Faramir was internally horrified at this. He turned to try and make excuses, but Boromir firmly put his thick arm around his shoulders and almost pulled him away from the wall and down the courtyard. Spend the night in the company of men. He suddenly found himself feeling very shy as he felt a surge of both lust and fear. It would be definitely be fun, but what would he do or say? What if they noticed that was getting turned on by them?

Boromir, however, was grinning inwardly as he tried to psychologically calm his brother as he practically frogmarched Faramir to the set of long stairs leading down into the city. The two went down to the city's seventh level, Faramir still trying to convince Boromir that he was fine, tired, ill, anything to get back to the palace and his room. But Boromir wasn't listening, apparently. Finally, Boromir pulled him into a small, deserted courtyard surrounded by dark houses and looked him straight in the eye. Faramir grew nervous and restless under his big brother's almost penetrating gaze, and tried to avert his eyes.

"I think I know what's wrong with you." Boromir said slowly, folding his arms across his broad chest. "You've been hiding."

Faramir's shot up. Boromir couldn't know, could he? Had he been too obvious? Boromir took a sadistic moment to enjoy the look of shock on his brother's face, but manage not to smile.

"You've been hiding from us, and yourself, because you're ashamed."

There was real panic in Faramir's eyes now.

"Wha...what do you mean?" he stammered, sounding positively terrified. Had Boromir led him here to 'sort him out'? Boromir's eyes suddenly softened. The slightly strained look on his face (from hiding his grin) vanished, and a friendly smile broke across it instead, enhancing his cheekbones and showing the striking dimples on either side of his mouth. Faramir visibly relaxed, some of the fear leaving his face, but his eyes still wore a look of frightened suspicion. Boromir then came closer, the smile still on his face. Faramir started to feel uncomfortable; his brother was less than two feet from him now, still smiling that smile.

"I know, Faramir." He said slowly. "I know everything."

Faramir felt the blood drain from his face and was sure he was about to be sick. He had tried to hide, and it hadn't worked. He'd been caught.

"Don't look so afraid!" Boromir said, surprised at the look of dismay that had crossed his brother's face. "I understand."

Faramir's fear faded and was replaced with surprise and confusion. Boromir laughed. This seemed so stupid.

"There's obviously things about me that you don't know!" he almost growled, moving closer still, standing at his full height about two inches taller than Faramir, looking down at him. He reached out his arm, bent very slightly, and grasped Faramir's crotch with his hand. Faramir gasped, as his cock began to swell, widening and growing heavy in his woollen underwear under his trousers. He suddenly felt very vulnerable, like when he'd broken or something of Boromir's when he was young, and was afraid of what would happen. But Boromir was here, almost middle aged, now grinning a sexy smile that made his furry face look more handsome than ever.

"I think you're about to get the lesson of your life tonight, little brother!" Boromir purred. He then pressed his lips very lightly onto Faramir's and then pulled away. Faramir looked stunned. His face had gone bright red and he was almost panting. Boromir took hold of Faramir's arm, and led him back out of the courtyard. Down the streets they went together, not talking or really even looking at each other. Faramir could smell the scent of Boromir, even if he was walking a few feet apart from him. It was so familiar, a childhood memory, but it now seemed completely different for some reason. Boromir glanced over at his little brother from time to time, the feeling of hornyness growing at each glance. He couldn't wait for this.

It wasn't until they reached the fifth level of the city that they stopped. Faramir looked surprised. Boromir had led him straight to the military garrison. The place was quiet, most of the soldiers either on duty, asleep, or at some tavern elsewhere in the city. Boromir grinned in answer to the silent question, and led him through the gates. The garrison barracks were so extensive, that Faramir was lost for directions after six turns. But Boromir seemed to know exactly where he was going. Through corridors and halls. It was almost ten minutes of silent walking before Boromir finally said; "We're here!" he looked at Faramir with a look of raging lust, his chest heaving, a slight bulge in his trousers that showed through the quarter-length shirt he was wearing. Faramir looked at it apprehensively, but felt his own manhood grow still harder at the sight. Boromir led him through a pair of solid oak doors, and then closed and barred them with a metal catch. Faramir looked around. They were in the garrison bathhouse, an area not well used if Faramir knew anything about Gondor soldiers! But there were soldiers here. Three of them in fact, just sitting around and talking, fully clothed Faramir was a little disappointed to see, but he instinctively squashed that feeling.

"Ah, at last!"

Faramir's stomach seemed to drop. It was the Othram sentry that he had fantasised about just this morning! His mouth fell open. He looked so different out of uniform, but he realised that his own vision of how the man would look wasn't far wrong. He was very well built and rugged, the huge muscles of his chest not nearly concealed by the tunic he had on. Faramir felt his heart beat faster and faster.

Boromir noticed the amazed look on his brother's face and chuckled. At the big man's words, the other two soldiers had looked up and noticed Boromir. They gave him friendly smiled, but when they noticed Faramir, the smiles faded slightly. They obviously hadn't been informed of exactly what was going on. Faramir noticed this, and his sprits sank.

Boromir walked up to the tall sentry, whose name was Halorn, and shook his hand.

"What's going on?" Halorn asked under his breath, curiosity in his voice. "What's he doing here?"

"My brother needs a lesson in non-repression." Boromir said with a sly wink.

Halorn frowned and looked over Boromir's shoulder at Faramir, who was still looking like a Hobbit in an eagle's nest. Then he looked back at Boromir, a similar grin showing now.

"I suppose we can manage!" he said with a slight leer. He turned and winked at his fellow soldiers, who both approached slowly. Faramir backed off slightly, and Boromir went over to him and whispered in his ear.

"These are really good guys. Just do whatever you like with them!"

Faramir felt hormones start pumping through his veins. His mouth went dry, but lust was already flooding him entirely. He felt the self-consciousness ebb away as the three tall, burly men approached him, cocky grins on their faces. He just watched, lust burning in his chest and groin. Halorn stopped a few feet in front of him, and looked down. There was an impressive bulge in Faramir's trousers, which showed through the red fabric of his tunic. Halorn grinned, and then grabbed the younger soldier on his right, who was named Hergon, around the shoulders and puller their faces together, thrusting his tongue down the young man's throat. The other soldier, Tarold, watched for a moment, and then wrapped his arms around Halorn's waist, licking his strapping shoulders.

Faramir had only ever fantasized about scenes like this, but never seen them. His brain reeled as he watched the three soldiers groping each other right in front of him, and his balls began to ache.

Halorn finally let go of Hergon's head and pulled away. Tarold stopped tending to Halorn's neck and stood back, as if waiting for orders. Without a word, the tall sentry looked into Faramir's eyes, and pushed Hergon to his knees, where he began to lick Halorn's bulging crotch with his tongue through the thick woollen trousers. Halorn groaned, licked his lips at Faramir, and then dove down onto Tarold's mouth, loosening the herringbone fastenings of the younger man's tunic, revealing the smooth muscles of his chest. Hergon meanwhile was doing the same to Halorn's trousers, unfastening the fly and pulling out the large slab of manhood inside. It wasn't much bigger than 7 inches and not hugely thick, not quite how Faramir had imagined, but the foreskin was pulled back to reveal the fleshy pink cock-head which was much thicker than the shaft, and Faramir felt himself almost drooling at the sight. When Hergon stuffed the whole thing into his mouth, sliding down his young throat, Faramir moaned and began to subconsciously stroke his manhood, which was growing slowly down his right trouser leg.

Boromir was still standing off to the side slightly watching the expression on Faramir's face. He had been very slightly worried that his brother wouldn't take to watching a threesome, but now it looked as though he might actually join in! He chuckled to himself. His plan had worked.

Halorn then pulled away from Tarold and pushed him to his knees as well. Both young soldiers then began to suck and lick at the older man's manhood, lapping up the trickle of precum that was dribbling from the head. Halorn, bit his lip, and looked into Faramir's eyes again. Just like in his fantasy earlier, Faramir could see the fire of pleasure beginning to burn in his eyes, his chest heaving slowly, his hands fondling the necks of Tarold and Hergon below, Tarold now licking and sucking at his balls, rolling them about in his mouth. Faramir began to move forwards towards Halorn. Boromir saw what was about to happen and his mouth fell open. His younger brother took hold of Halorn's right shoulder, and pushed his lips against the muscular sentry's mouth, who immediately opened his mouth and their tongues began to duel. Boromir felt a momentary pang of jealousy, but the scene was too hot for this to last, and he put his hand down his trousers, and began to stroke his thick shaft lovingly.

Tarold and Hergon moved away from Halorn's cock, allowing Faramir to push himself up against his fantasy man, their crotches rubbing together. Hergon put his hand between them, and unbuckled Faramir's trousers. They fell down around his ankles (they used to be a pair of Boromir's, making them too large), revealing his muscular hairy legs and bulging underwear, his luscious butt looking like white marble. These, too, were pulled down by Hergon, finally freeing Faramir's cock. Boromir smiled at the sight. His brother was even more aroused than when he had been beating off that morning, making him about 8.5 inches long and quite thick. It wasn't as big as his own, but it was quite impressive.

Faramir could feel his heavy cock rubbing up and down against Halorn's, the smells rising up between them almost intoxicating. Halorn, pulled his lips away, and looked down. He grinned, showing all his teeth, winked at Faramir, and then went down on his knees and gobbled it down in one go. Faramir opened his mouth to yell, but he couldn't. He seemed to have lost all control over his body; all he could feel was the sensations that Halorn was causing on his cock. His tunic was undone and slipped off his chest, leaving him naked except for his boots, but he didn't notice. He only remembered that there were other people in the room when Tarold pushed his face into his butt-crack, licking up and down over his hole. At his, he got his voice back, and started to yell and curse, the pleasure almost too great for coherent words.

"Oh Fuck! Yeah, suck me!"

Boromir started laughing. He had never heard his brother swear even once, he was so repressed, and the fact that getting his cock sucked by a beefy sentry and his butt eaten by a young soldier was the thing that got his foul mouth working struck him as extremely funny for some reason. Hergon looked over as he heard the laughter, and saw Boromir leaning against the wall with his hands down his trousers, shaking with laughter. Normally, he would have thought that this looked strange and slightly twisted. But in this situation, all he saw was an extremely attractive man who looked as though he needed attention in the trouser department. He crawled over on his hands and knees, pulled Boromir's trousers down to his knees and took the head of his cock into his mouth. Boromir stopped laughing almost at once, leaning over sharply with a grunt, as though he'd just been punched in the stomach. This pulled the head out of Hergon's mouth, and he took the long, thick shaft in his hands, and swallowed it. And then choked. Boromir was very well hung, his long shaft hanging 9 inches long, and at least two inches thick, making it a difficult mouthful even for a cocksucker as learned as Hergon. But he wasn't to be outdone. He grabbed the root of Boromir's shaft in his right hand, putting the rest in his mouth and swallowing. He knew this would make it feel like a full deep-throat, if a little less wet, while making it easier on himself. Boromir straightened up, panting slightly from the surprise, and looked down into Hergon's blue eyes. He groaned ruggedly, and ran his large hands through the young man's long hair.

Faramir, still in a haze from the pleasure of Halorn and Tarold's tongues, looked towards his brother when he grunted, and gasped when he saw the fair head of Hergon bobbing up and down on Boromir's cock. In his occupied mind, he thought it looked like fun, sucking on a long, thick slab of meat, especially if it was his brother's, but it passed as Tarold introduced two fingers to his butt. It wasn't a pleasant sensation, and he tried to pull his butt away, groaning and grunting, but Tarold followed him, and soon had both his fingers deep inside his butt, gently widening his hole and wriggling around, trying to find his prostate gland. When he hit it, he felt Faramir jerk and heard him let out a strange 'whoop!' sound of surprise. He grinned slyly as he began to massage the small hard nub sensuously. Faramir felt himself start to shoot bursts of precum into Halorn's mouth, and he began to make almost ridiculous gurgling sounds that he had no control over. The new sensations were taking over his mind, removing all logic and sense, the only motive being to be pleasured more and more until he died.

Boromir was getting tired of Hergon's blowjob, not that it didn't feel good, but he needed to be in total control, it was how he took care of his lust. He forcibly wrenched his cock out of Hergon's grasp, ignoring the look of surprise of the young man's face, turned him over onto his stomach, got on top of him and pushed his cock gently into his butt. Boromir had fucked Hergon before, and knew that he was, to put it mildly, a slut, so he wasn't bothered about hurting him, since he was loose enough already. Indeed Hergon was already getting into it at Boromir's nine-inch tackle glided into his bowels, slithering over his prostate. The moment Boromir felt him go limp; he immediately knew that, once again, he was in control, where he belonged.

Faramir didn't notice that his brother was fucking a young soldier. The groans and yelps from Hergon's throat were drowned by the feelings that Tarold was creating inside him. The soldier was now using three fingers to loosen him up, and it felt fantastic. But he knew it couldn't go on forever. Someone would want to do something else to him before he came, and he had a feeling it would be Halorn, who was still gulping down precum like a storm drain. Sure enough, less than four minutes later, Halorn gave Faramir's cock one last lick, and walked around behind him. He roughly pushed Tarold out of the way, who rolled over to Boromir and Hergon to join in the fun. Halorn took a firm hold of Faramir's arms, pulling them back so that he couldn't escape without hurting himself. Not that he thought the younger man would try and get away, it was just that, the first time, they always jerked around a lot. It also did the trick of stretching Faramir's chest, showing every muscle. He was REALLY looking forward to this! Tarold had opened Faramir's butt up very nicely; nice and loose so there wouldn't be any trouble, leaving a trail of saliva behind as lubricant. Halorn took a deep breath, told Faramir to brace himself, and pushed himself inside. Faramir howled in pain, and Halorn clapped a hand over his mouth as he bottomed out, his balls resting against Faramir's butt. He held still for a minute or two, as Faramir got used to the size of his cock, and then he began pumping gently, slowly pulling gout a short way, and then pushing back in. He was quite surprised at the ease of it. He assumed that this was Faramir's first time, but he didn't seem to be very tight, just tight enough to make it feel good, but looser than male virgins usually were. He was able to start fucking faster within a minute or so, with Faramir moaning and groaning under him.

Boromir was watching this. He normally concentrated on the guy he was fucking, but the sight of his brother's first fuck was too much to miss. Faramir was automatically bending over to allow more of Halorn's cock up inside him, and the burly sentry, who had a firm hold of Faramir's shoulders, was pounding into him like he was possessed. Underneath Boromir, Tarold had taken Hergon's cock into his mouth and was bobbing up and down on it, making his fellow soldier squeal in ecstasy. Boromir noticed this as he looked down, gave one last thump into Hergon's butt, and then pulled out. Hergon yelled in indignation, but Boromir bent down and patted Tarold on the shoulder. Tarold got the message, manoeuvred himself underneath Hergon and plunged his cock up his arse. Boromir, meanwhile, was getting on his knees in front of Faramir. His brother looked down at him with surprise and horniness, a small yelp issuing from his throat every time Halorn thrust. Boromir simply looked into Faramir's eyes, grinned, and gently started to suck his cock. It was too much for Faramir. The sight of his big brother sucking on his cock along with the increased rate of Halorn's pounding sent him over the edge. Boromir had hardly been sucking for 30 seconds when Faramir released a jet of cum into his mouth, yelling and squirming. Boromir moved off so that he could taste it, as another ribbon burst forth. He himself was very close, and started whacking his fist up and down his long shaft, squeezing the head on the upward stroke. Halorn was looking over Faramir's shoulder, watching the heir of the Steward sucking cock, the first submissive role he had ever seen Boromir take in years. He became so aroused that after less than five pumps of his cock, he was moaning like a whore, and shooting his thick load deep inside Faramir's butt.

It wasn't long before Tarold and Hergon were 'finished', and the little group broke up. Boromir knew that he would see Halorn again, since he was a regular 'customer'. He felt slightly guilty about taking the cock of his own brother into his mouth and sucking until he came, but he knew it had turned him on, so he had few regrets.

Faramir, on the other hand, was feeling very uncomfortable, and not just because of the pain in his butt. He knew that people were going to find out about this, and he almost dreaded the reactions of the troops in Osgiliath when they found out.

It was a few days before Faramir was needed to go to the river garrison again, and as he rode, he felt extremely apprehensive. The troops had been unresponsive to him until now, but now... He was sure they would have found out about the encounter he had had three nights previously, and had barely left the Citadel palace. But he couldn't escape his duties, and he had noticed some very close inspection coming his way from the sentry guards around the city. Halorn was as stiff and as unmoving as ever before when he rode through the gate onto Pelinor Field, but he noticed the other sentries watching him very closely, and closed his eyes in embarrassment. It had been too much to hope that Halorn, Tarold and Hergon had kept their mouths shut, and if the garrison at Minas Tirith knew, then it was almost indisputable that Osgiliath knew as well. But as he entered the city garrison near the Anduin banks in Osgiliath, he was greatly surprised. The passing soldiers all gave him winks and grinned, one even giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder. This continued as he went on towards the barracks, almost every man he met treating him like a familiar face, something he had never encountered before. When he entered the mess area, which was always completely full, all eyes turned in his direction, and several tables beckoned him over. He looked around, and saw none other than Boromir sitting at the largest table, where soldiers were raising their flagons of ale in his direction. Boromir was smiling innocently, his arms folded over his chest. Faramir smiled back, and headed towards him, getting friendly pats on the back, and even a couple on the butt. He sat down next to Boromir, who put his large arm around his shoulders, feeling that things might not be so bad after all...


Well, that's chapter 6; hope u enjoyed it! The next submission will probably be within a week, but I'm making no promises! Next time! JC

Next: Chapter 7

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