Tales of Sol

By Joseph Klimczak

Published on Dec 28, 2012


The Tales of Sol 13 By Joe at3unit3@yahoo.com

I dedicate the Tales of Sol to all of my brothers and sisters of the US armed forces past, present, and future. This is a fictional story it is not intended to imply that any of the celebrities mentioned are homosexuals. If you are not old enough to read these stories do yourself a favor don't get caught. The same goes for those people whose countries have these sites made illegal. And for everyone else enjoy

Captain Planet and related characters was created by R.E Turner and copyright by AOL Time Warner Company and Trademark by TBS Productions

Babylon 5 and all related characters and props were created by Michael Straczynski and copyright by Warner Bros.

Star Trek and all related characters created by Gene Roddenberry. Copyright Paramount

Transformers and all related characters, and props are trademarked by Hasbro inc. Copyright Rhino Home Videos and AOL Time Warner Entertainment CO

He-Man, She-Ra, related characters, and props are trademarked by Filmation 1980's

Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, Angel and all related characters created by Joss Whedon. Copyright 20th Century Fox.

Batman, and all related characters created by Bob Kane. Copyright DC Comics and Warner Bros.

X-MEN, and all related characters created by Stan Lee. Copyright Marvel Comics and 20th Century Fox.

Star Wars and all related concepts created by or based on the universe created by George Lucas. Copyright 20th Century Fox, LucasFilms Ltd. and Lucas Books/Ballantine Books.

Gargoyles and all related characters created by Greg Weisman and Copyright by Walt Disney

Here is the next chapter for Sol I hope you enjoy reading, please donate to Nifty.org so that they continue to offer this service.

The Tales of Sol 15 Earth's newest Champion

Viewing through the Crystal Chamber's Planetvision, Gaia watched over the person she had chosen to carry Captain Planet's essences.

She was more then impressed by his courage, and compassion, his ability to comfort those in pain and his tolerance for the small differences in people. The man had faith in his world and took her suggestions with out hesitation and it was that connection to the Earth that made him ideal for the task Gaia was about to impose on him. A closer look Gaia found that he already was carried a spark of Captain Planet which has been steadily growing within him for sometime now. How the Spirit of Earth had missed she wasn't sure. This just reassured her that the Earth had a plan all along, and who was she to not listen to her world.

"It is as I said, Gaia the Nexus has been here all along we've just been to wait for the right moment," Azna stated reappearing next to her.

"Yes, but he is he ready?" Gaia asked

"After all he's been through he finally made new friends with one of them in particularly he has strong feelings for," Gaia sighed watching as the two boys hugged each other. Gaia watched Mike Pennock as he saw his friends off waiting till he knew their plane had safely taken off before leaving the airport himself

"They are not meant to be," Azna stated

"I know," Gaia sighed

"It will be hard both they have their own destiny," Azna spoke

Gaia knew the future as well as the Mother Goddess did but it didn't make things any easier for her Nexus and his friend

"Life isn't easy Gaia but in the end it is its own reward," Azna stated

They both watched as the Nexus waved his friends goodbye waited for them to leave before he too left the airport and went back to fulfilling his destiny.

"We will be seeing you soon Michael Pennock," Gaia smiled

"Our Nexus," She said as she turned to look in on Captain Planet only to find that he had died this made Gaia weep, but she knew that hope wasn't so easy to kill.

A month had passed since I broke my arm while rescuing boy who happened to be a mutant from that crowd of bigots. I been going stir-crazy as I scrolled from monitor to monitor watching as crime was being committed or seeing a person in peril and unable to do a damn thing about it.

My friends from 98 Degrees were in the area at least five or six times thanks to their tour schedule and they've stayed at my home rather than at a hotel. From what Nick has told me, their management liked that they had a place to stay outside of a hotel. Besides saving them some money it had an added ability to protect the guys from crazed fans who are always on the look out to catch them out and about. To help maintain their privacy Nick had their management continue to informing their fans of hotels that 98 Degrees were staying at using them as diversion. They have made full uses of my Holo-Room whenever they needed to blow off steam or to just relax.

Even after the doctor removed the caste from my arm I was far from being able to go patrolling it took another month to regain muscle movement in the arm and I had to retrain myself in using my Fighting Pike with both hands as well as using it in my right arm again. All of my martial arts moves had to be reworked, it was necessary of course. But time had come for the Guardian Angel to work. I was looking forward to tonight's patrol standing in front of the main monitor watching as the data on the latest crime was relayed from the probes to the screen, I also paid attention to the auxiliary screens BEATTI had tapped into several security systems of local businesses for additional information.

"So are you looking forward to tonight?" The voice of my mentor broke my focus and I turned to see him coming into the command center I nodded

"You bet, I have been at rest too long Dave, and while I enjoyed my time off." I replied

"You are just as eager to make a difference," Dave smiled

"Yes," I smiled back

"Just one word of advice, stay away from the Sentinels this time," Dave smiled

"Believe me I have no intentions to run into those overgrown toy soldiers, not unless I have a 16 inch gun from a battleship," I replied as I pulled down my mask and headed for the Sea Dragon.

With snow still on the ground from the recent snowstorm it gave everything a white blanket. With the added moonlight it gave everything a soft glow it was one of the reasons that I've always loved about winter. "Warning sir I am picking up an gang making for a car lot," BEATTI reported "Let go for it," I said as went to the launch pad.

"Man this is going to the biggest heist our gang has every committed," A young man gleamed as he brushed some of the snow off the top of the Chevrolet Camero

"Yea?" Another was about to say but was cut off by the telltale sound of a helicopter doing a low level flyby followed by the sudden burst of wind as the down draft from the rotors.

"Oh shit!" they all yelled as snow was pushed into their faces.

Bringing the Sea Dragon to a hover and going to the wench BEATTI lowered me onto a Silverado 1500's pickup bed "Oh shit is right," I said lowed enough to be heard over the chopper's rotary blades as BEATTI hovered over us her rotor continued to stirred up the snow blowing it into the faces of my opponents temporally blinding them. BEATTI moved up a bit and as she did the amount of snow drift lessened and the would be thieves were able to move their frozen hands away from their faces. When they could see again I had my fighting pike in hand and ready for a fight, "Now we can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way it is your choice," I informed them

A couple made a run for it only to run right into the police who were now coming around the corner each officer had a gun trained on them.

"It's a good thing I called the police a head of time eh?" I chuckled with no way to win, the gang surrendered to the authorities. "Thanks again Guardian Angel we'll take it from here," The Senior Officer spoke up.

"All in a nights work," I replied hitting the back of my wrist BEATTI lowered a line and when I grabbed hold of it she lifted me off the ground and I stepped back on board, and we flew off into the night.

With the night still young I continued the patrol looking out at the star filled sky allowing myself to enjoy the splendor of man and nature with glow of the city's skylights and the stars above gave an almost artistic look.

"Sir I am picking up another gang entering abandoned building at fourth and Market." BEATTI reported bringing me back to reality "OK let's get them," I replied

Changing the Sea Dragon course taking me to the building BEATTI indicated.

Watching through her Planetvision Gaia watched as destiny was being playing out with the Nexus playing his part exquisitely.

Lowering myself down to the roof I walked over the skylight window below I saw a woman tied to a chair and five men circling her like a hungry predators expect these guys were far more cruel, I saw an guy in the corner had a phone in his hand,

"Yes, Mister Clark, we have a present for you a nice mutant girl, for you to do with as you please as long as we get the reward for her," I heard the leader reported

"You are right we have it," He corrected himself.

Having heard enough I knew I had to take action so I hooked a line to the side of the skylight and jump through the glass, Sailing to the floors below I struck one of the gang members in the back knocking him forward and into a pillar. Bouncing off of him I landed in a crouch using my cloak to cover my face as the glass rained around me I peered up at them pulling out my Fighting Pike it made and audible clicking noise as I readied it for battle.

"Well, well what do we have here?" the Leader smiled

"This young lady is coming with me you honorless PetaQ," I told him in a menacing voice

"And how do you plan on taking her we outnumber you?" The leader smirked

"Are you willing to take that chance?" I asked it was then I felt a ping from the Mother trouble was on it way and she means big trouble.

"BEATTI fly away!" I ordered

The helicopter flew off before a Sentinel came flying towards the building.

Without my means to escape I decided to go down fighting it was the only honorable thing to do. I rolled forward then swung my Fighting Pike catching the closest villain in the shins then brought the Pike around and upper cupping him in the chin. The fool was sent flying into his companion standing next to him. I fought the good fight until one young men grabbed me from behind shoving me to the deck, and held me there while the Sentinel landed.

"Now we should get double one Mutty and one Mutty lover," The Leader laughed

I felt so helpless as I watched giant hands move passed the window and then the whole front half of the building blew apart.

"NO!" I yelled, the whole room began to rumble and it wasn't from the Sentinel but from me, then the whole room fill with a blinding bright white light. Beginning in the center of my chest golden energy pushed itself out of me forcing the boy on top of me to fly into a support beam; and I was suddenly on my feet and my arms were now stretched out to the side. More surges of golden energy emanating from my chest ran down to my arms like electricity running through wiring and out my hands. Striking the Sentinel I am not even sure it knew what had hit it but it resisted at first, but even more energy was pouring out from my chest and down to my feet causing the whole warehouse to quake violently then it come apart at the seams. Imploding inward at first then exploding outwards catching the Sentinel by complete surprise. With no time to escape the Sentinel was torn to shreds by the debris. I wasn't sure of what was happening to me, I felt connected to the Mother as never before it was as if she had entered my body and took control, I could feel her love, her compassion, and her joy. Her strengths were now my strengths, her feelings were now my feelings, her destiny was now my destiny, we were now and forever one and the same, then as quickly as everything started it all ended with darkness falling over me like nightfall.

"And so it begins," Gaia stated

I had no idea where I was I could feel nothing, see nothing, nor could I hear anything not even the beating of my own heart. It felt like a void with the world around me being pitch black and it let nothing in not even my own body 'Is this death?' I thought to myself, a small globe of white light appeared before me and without the sense of depth I couldn't tell how far away it was. Slowly the globe began to spin then open wider and in a flash I was looking upon a lush and fertile field of brilliant green grass and beautiful flowers of every kind and forests of trees stretching as far as the eye can see. 'Now I must really be in heaven,' I thought as the sun was shining overhead giving everything a warm and healthy glow this was a close to paradise as I could have imaged.

"Many Eons ago this was how the Earth looked," A female voice spoke seemingly to come from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. Her voice was soft and gentle, carrying with it a love and almost motherly feeling to it. 'Is this the voice of the Earth' I thought to myself as it had sounded very familiar I am not sure where from though.

"A Planet of peace, love, joy, and all that was good made this planet." She told me

"For a time there were no such things as pain, or prejudice, or any of the suffering," The woman's voice commented "This is how the world was suppose to be,"

The view changed from the peaceful valley into a city in flames, the sky was a blood red with people and animals running in terror.

"Then the Dark Lord fell upon the Earth bring pain, and destruction, and suffering in his wake," the voice called out.

My scene changed again to show a being with scarlet skin with horns on his head and goat like legs I shivered knowing who it was.

"He did all he could to destroy what was once pure and good," the voice commented

The beast before me silently laughed which filled me with terror which meant if I could hear it I would be in trouble since I had no where to run. He sneered as the people below him cried out towards the heavens.

"The Father could not stand by and allow his people suffer, and so I was born to maintain the good in this world," the voice said

All around me I could see the world and the many battles waging on with a woman in a simple yet gorgeous flowing purple gown. She had an almost caramel color skin and jet black hair with a small streak of gray running down one side of her beautiful face it stopped around her lower back. Her hand was stretched out and glowing as she came to the aid to those in need. I knew her from somewhere before but I couldn't put a name to her face. In every battle she was victorious and the dark one began to lose his physical form.

"For Millenniums I did my best to help those who were caught in the dark one's grasp." The voice came

The seen changed again this time I could see I was in Israeli or at least Israeli at the time.

"I was only supposed to hold out until the arrival of the one who was suppose to bring the final end of the dark one." The voice said

The view showed me three men walking into a desert until the came upon an infant I knew who it was the moment I saw him it was Jesus.

"But once again the Dark Lord got there and did damage. He got the humans to question him and then killed," The voice told me. I saw my Lord nailed up to the cross and filling me with sorrow.

"But the Lord left human with the powers to counteract the Dark Lord and his minions, soon the Slayers," The Motherly voice said I saw young girls of all races combating the forces of darkness, "And they weren't the only ones," The voice told me and the scene changed again and this time I saw man with a white beard and a staff his hands aglow, next to him was another man covered within armor his sword held high. They fought side by side fighting all sorts of demons and monsters of all kind," "With humans taking on a more active role in defending our world from darkness it gave me the room to breathe, I scaled back my interventions by fighting him in a different way I added a new element into the planet the power of Heart with this added element I could use love as a weapon against evil." The Voice told me

I thought to myself 'what did this have to do with me,'

"Months ago you felt the death of Earth's greatest champion Captain Planet," the voice said as if reading my mind

'Captain Planet? The cartoon?' I thought

"If that where you know him from then yes that Captain Planet a producer had interviewed the Planeteers and had a cartoon made after them," The voice confirmed

'But what did this have to do with me?' I wondered again

"It was your connection to the Earth that allowed you to feel that death which lead to a part of Captain Planet's Soul to transfer into you," The voice said

'What?' I thought

"Now, it will take some time for that Soul to integrate itself into your body, but you now the powers of the Planet at your disposal that is you will," the voice said

This was so unreal how could this be happening to me I am just a nobody.

"You are not a nobody my Nexus, I need your help and continue the work that Captain Planet and the Planeteers have begun," The voice who I can now place a name to for it could only be one person Gaia the Spirit of the Earth herself "Yes that is who I am," Gaia confirmed "I have done what I can to help with the transition allowing your body to fully adjust to the powers that are within you," Gaia told me I was stunned as I couldn't believe this was happening "You also need to find the key it will be source to your full power, until then it will limited," Gaia informed me "For now your eyes will be able to see things only a few humans can see and your ears will be able hear things that most humans can't, and you'll have limited control over the five elements, Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, and Heart," The voice said

'So basically I was weak version of Captain Planet,' my mind put together

"That is about the size of it," Gaia again confirmed

"Now my nexus please continue the work I have begun, the Power is Yours" the voice pleaded

Gaia smiled as she finished talking to the young man he was just what she was looking for his heart was the type to do what was right. She had found her Nexus now she had to help him gain the strength to call on the Planet's Champion she watched as his spirit returned to his body.

"Are you alright?" I heard as I tried to reorient myself

"Aaugh," was my only responds my head was drumming as it tried to take in the new information it had just received

"Are you alive?" the female voice asked

I opened my eyes blinking a few times to clear my vision and when I did I saw all around me the building we were in was nothing but a pile of rubble. I saw smoldering remains of the Sentinel, I had a really splitting headache not from the gang who were all out cold, but from the information I just received in fact I think Gaia and the Late Captain Planet had downloaded his entire existence into my brain.

"That was amazing thank you," The Mutant said to me

I tried to move but I was majorly dizzy from the massive amount of energy and huge amount of sensory inputs as my brain tried to make sense of it all.

"Are you alright?" she asked again

"M' dizzy I used t. too much, much," I stuttered

"I'll say you used too much energy don't think that Sentinel even knew what hit it, and the gang that held us they are still unconscious." The mutant told me

"As much as I like to stay I need to get out of here," I said regaining some equilibrium returned so I tried get off the floor. I had enough strength in me to put my wrist up and have my Combadge so I could speak into it "Phantom please have BEATTI come back and call the police," I requested in a shaky, raspy voice "They are both on their way," I heard Phantom acknowledge.

"Hey I can't just let you leave you saved my life," The woman cried

"Find Professor Xavier he will be able to help you in ways that I can't," I told her. When my new hearing heard her approach I pulled out my grappling gun and fired it. Once on board I was still too disoriented to fly so I had BEATTI fly us home.

When we got back to the Lair my head had cleared up a bit but I was still feeling overwhelmed, I was just given the biggest responsibility known to man. Using mind focusing exercises I was able to gain some control over the now ever growing information that was still filling my head with knowledge, and experiences that weren't my own.

"Phantom," I called out when I finally made it to the Command Center.

"Guardian Angel are you all right?" He asked coming by my side helping me to the closest seat.

"I don't know," I confessed

"What do you mean?" Dave asked

"BEATTI, were you in scanning range of that building?" I pleaded

"Affirmative," my computer replied

"I need to see everything that happened during that battle," I told her

"Mike what wrong I mean I know you had another run in with the Sentinels?" Dave asked

"I think a soul just core dumped into me," I told him

He looked at me "I know it is crazy but it is true." I told him

When BEATTI displayed her information we watched as structure was ripped apart by a large white pulse and following that explosion the Sentinel being torn to shreds by the shrapnel and debris. "Mike what the hell?" Dave exclaimed

"Hold on," I held up my hand as I wanted to make sure I hadn't dreamed all of this.

Then something made BEATTI's infrared and RADAR go crazy "BEATTI, what is going on?" I demanded

"Unknown the amount of energy recorded exceeds the range of detection of both the infrared and radio waves," BEATTI reported

"Mike?" Dave asked

"Dave I thought I was dreaming but I wasn't, and now I have memories, experiences and more going through my head." I said

"I have final proof that the Earth is indeed alive," I smiled with the confirmation that only come when something big is revealed to you. I had to sit down as more stuff kept coming in it was starting to give me a major headache. Coming up by my side Dave again asked, "Are you alright?"

"I will be once my headache goes away." I told him every passing second new sensations were washing over me if this was a limited I didn't want to know what the full thing meant.

"While, while," I stuttered, taking a deep breath and starting again, "While, fighting that gang I thought I was done for especially when that mechanical reject was brought in." I said as everything in my head was readjusting to fit me.

"Yes I wasn't happy that you had another run in with those things," Dave cringed

When we looked back at the screen, "Dave those readings are from energy that has be slowly building since I first encountered it,"

This startled my mentor, "Energy? Mike why haven't you said anything?"

I smiled his confusion was understandable "I didn't know about it until this moment,"

"But?" Dave stammered

"I was preparing for Jeff and the rest of 98 Degrees when I felt a ping like no other from the Earth," I told him "Why is this the first time I am hearing of this?" Dave demanded

"I am tell you now," I answered He growled not happy but he let me continue "The ping was huge so much so that I had to run outside and place my hand into the ground," I said I saw the perplexed look in Dave's eyes it was quite amusing. "I needed to make a direct connection with the Mother and when I did I felt," I waved in thought "Felt what?" Dave asked prompting me continue "Death," I shivered.

Dave took in a breath as if he was prepared for my answer but still shocked by it "I felt the death of Captain Planet's," I told him "Wait, wait," Dave threw his hands up as it to ward off an attack "What?" I chuckled "Captain Planet as in Captain Planet and the Planeteers," Dave stated in disbelief

"The one and only," I smiled Dave just laughed to himself "Anyway, what I didn't know was before that Captain Planet had sent a small piece of himself hoping that if Gaia couldn't save him that his spark would endure in someone else," I went on

"And that spark just happened to find the one person who is already connected to the Earth," Dave chuckled but he was getting the bigger picture.

"Yes, and tonight while I was trapped that spark along with Gaia came forth," I told my mentor.

"So, do you have all of Captain Planet's powers?" Dave guessed

"No, Gaia didn't want to overwhelm me with that responsibility," I answered still with my hands holding my head up "She has allowed me gain a small amount to that power until I can fully control it better,"

"Mike, if you possess even a fraction of the powers Captain Planet held that is still huge," Dave gasped then a thought came over him "What about the Planeteers?"

This made me slump and I wasn't sure if it was me or Captain Planet's memories "Ambushed, dead," I sighed "How?" Dave asked

Squinting my eyes but I still couldn't see "I don't know," I answered

Changing the subject bless him "So what is this new battle we must fight?" Dave asked

"As funny as it sounds we proceed as usually with one change." I told him

"And that is?" Dave prompted

I worked the console "For one thing I must begin a new series of training one that gets me ready to face other evils in this world." I told him

"Well we already have the Holo-Room programmed for vampires we can add more if you can think of any," Dave told me

"But more importantly we continue the work that Captain Planet and the Planeteers started," I spoke as we watched an oil tanker leaked oil into the ocean.

"We will now go get some sleep you've had a rough day," Dave insisted

I knew he was right so I got up and left the Lair then I turned to my mentor "There is just one thing," "What that?" Dave asked

"Today the Sentinels finally have someone who can give them what coming to them," I told him

"I think that is something we'll have to talk about" Dave replied with a chuckle with that I left the Lair and drove home.

Please tell me what you think at3unit3@yahoo.com

I also recommend the following stories it was because of them I got into writing in the first place.

"Tales of a Real Dark Knight" by authorjames

"Marvel Knights" also by authorjames

"Tales of the New Phoenix" by Blake

"Tales of a Superhero Band" by Leo

"Tales of a Young Mutant" by Jeremi

"Tales of a Thunder God" by Tony Justiss

Next: Chapter 16

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