Tales of the New Phoenix

By Joshua B Weston

Published on Nov 7, 2002


This is not my first story, but I think this is going to be where I flourish. I've never had as many Ideas running around my head as with Tales Of The New Phoenix. I don't know exactly how fast I will be able to get chapters out, so please don't kill me. And, as you can see by my title, I am going to have a character based on The Phoenix from Marvel Comics. I am going to go a bit of my own way with the Char. so any die hard fans, please refrain from hurting me, ok? My experience with the Phoenix is limited to the cartoon, and the Dark Phoenix comic book saga. I do hope to hold true to the heart of the character, but will be making some changes just as was made with The Bat Man. Now, on to the boring stuff.

I do not own any of the following:

Nsync, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Pink, Christina Aguilera, The Wallflowers, and any other celebrities. I also know nothing of their sexual orientations.

Marvel Comics, DC Comics, and all related characters.

The Anita Blake Vampire Hunter book series by Laurell K. Hamilton.

The Vampire Chronicles, Tales Of The New Vampires, The Mayfair Witches, all series written by Anne Rice.

Buffy & Angel television series.

Star Wars

Star Trek, Star Trek TNG, Star Trek DS9, Star Trek Voyager, Star Trek The New Frontier, Enterprise television series, movies, and novels.

I am restating; I do not own any of the above mentioned, although I wish I did. Those make tons of money. I do not know the sexual orientation of anyone mentioned for certain. Everything I write is purely fiction from my mind. Please don't sue me, I am a poor college student and have nothing. If you are under aged, go away. This site is for adults. Warning to the closed minded, gay fiction is about to start.

(Special Note From Author: In this chapter I do something a bit weird. To set the mood for JC I start out from his point of view. The story will not be staying from his point of view though. It will be going to my main character's view towards the middle of the chapter, and will most likely be staying there for a long while. Please don't hate me for being confusing, I can't help it.)

Chapter 1

"Alone I cry to the heavens above I say why

What have I done?

Tomorrow comes and I cry

And I want to die

Feelings don't lie

"Tomorrows here and no answers appear

What have I done?

Too narrow a road I travel along

And the feelings come

Feelings don't lie

"God you said that love is free

God you said that we would all be free

You promised us happiness

When will it come?

I look to you and I say why?

What have I done?

"Tomorrow is now yesterday

Looking back it always ends that way.

I look in my soul and that feeling is there

And I know

It will always be there

"God you said that love is free

God you said that we would all be free

You promised us happiness

When will it come?

I look to you and I say why?

What have I done?

"All I wanted was happiness

And I say why?

What have I done?

What have I done?"

I looked down upon the lyrics I had just written. I cam to San Francisco hoping to escape these feelings, yet whenever I turn around they are there, haunting me. I stood from the table in the den of my hotel room, and headed out to the balcony. The moon was high over the Golden Gate Bridge. The air was salty, and wet. "I would love to just fly over the ocean." I said to myself. "Let all my troubles stay on shore. Forget it all, and live for nothing but the sky. Pipe dream."

I walked back in and sat on the couch. I picked up the clip board I had been using to plan my birthday party. Since I had been the one to decide to up and leave right before my birthday, I got stuck with setting the party up. I had decided to rent out the dining hall of The Rain Forest Café for the night. Expensive as all hell, but the guys said they would slit the cost, so I went for it. I decided not to go for a DJ. I just want to have a nice meal surrounded by my friends and family. I worked out the final details. I needed to gather them all at the airport, get them into the hotel, etc. After about a half hour I decided to get some rest.

Almost as soon as my head hit the pillow the tears started. The tears that I had been crying ever since Justin and Lance came out. Tears of guilt, tears of fear, tears of jealousy. I sobbed until I couldn't cry anymore. Then, before falling asleep, I whispered into the night. "Why can't I tell them I'm gay?"

Just beyond the Ort Cloud, the sphere of asteroids orbiting our solar system at its very limit, a wormhole opens. Out of it fly's a flaming being. With a wing span the size of a city block the Phoenix moves towards the planet Earth. She is without a host as she was the first time she visited this planet. This time she moves much more slowly. It would take her a full day to reach her destination. But it is a day she would need.

Even at such a great distance her great power was scanning the planet for an appropriate being to serve her purposes. She finds him, and pushed herself a little bit harder. Moving slowly, and steadily, she makes her way to her final destination.

"Ring, ring, ring." I roll over in my sleep, and my first thought is about whether or not I can use my mind to cause the evil device to explode by pure will alone. I decide it's worth a shot and focus my mind. "Ring, ring, ring." It was worth a shot.

"Hello?" I say burying my head under the blankets with the cell phone.

"JC, its Chris. Did I wake you up? Wait, this is you, of course I did. Anyways, we have a problem." Chris sounded way too hyper. Someone must have given him sugar this morning. God help them.

"What's wrong Chris?" I pull the blankets down to my waste letting the cool air onto my chest.

"It's Johnny. He wants to know if we are going to be breaking up or not. He says he needs to know now. I don't know what to do. He is refusing to wait until Lance gets back from his Honeymoon." I did not need this right now.

"Chris, just tell him he is going to have to wait. There is no way we are going to make a decision until everyone is in the same room." I finally sat up and removed the charging cord from my cell phone. I stood and headed into the main room.

"But he won't listen. He says that we should know if we are splitting the band up or not. He said that we shouldn't need to wait for Lance. I don't think..."

That's when I lost it. "Tell Johnny that we are going to fucking wait! If he doesn't like it he can fly his ass to San Francisco and kiss my fucking ass! I don't care what the fuck management wants, they can suck my cock! We will not make this decision without the entire fucking band, got it!" I pulled a bottle of orange juice out of the mini bar and slammed the door.

"Yeah." Chris replied meekly.

"Good." And I hung up. I sat down on the couch wearing nothing but my boxers and looked out the window. I couldn't remember ever talking to any of the guys like that before. The stress is really starting to get to me. So, to relax, I decided that I would just veg out for the rest of the morning, and then go out for lunch. My plans, of course, were interrupted fifteen minutes later when my cell phone rang... again. I considered throwing it out the window, but just decided to answer it.


"JC! What the fuck is your problem? You just freaked the hell out of Chris!"

"Justin, leave me the fuck alone ok? I thought that everyone would realize I need some space when I left for San Francisco with a whole eight hours warning! Just... let me be me. I'll explain everything at my birthday." My voice was laced with anger. Unjustified as it was, I was angry for some reason.

"About that." Justin, wisely, decided to change the subject. "I just talked to your dad. Your mom has come down with Bronchitis so she and your dad are not gonna make it. The doctors say she'll be fine in a week or two, but that she shouldn't travel. I'm sorry." I went from angry to depressed in 1.5 seconds. I wonder if that's a record.

"I can't believe it. This is going to be my first birthday without them."

"Your brother is still coming though." I didn't really pay attention. I was trying to figure out if I should come out to everyone without my parents there. "Listen; just... try not to blow up at us anymore, ok? I wish you'd tell me what's wrong. We're best friends."

Now I was starting to feel really guilty. He sounded hurt. "Justin, I'll tell you everything when you get here for the party. "

"OK, you take care, ok Jayce?"

"Yeah Jus, bye." With that I hung up. I was really messing up. How could I do this to my friends? I need to get my act together. I decided it would clear my head to just get out for a while. I go get ready, it only takes about fifteen minutes, and head out for the day.

Everything that day was perfect. I spent a good portion of it just walking around Fisherman's Whorf, went on a tour of Guradelli, and checked out the local the Embarcadero. (It's a mall) Then decided to just go walking. I actually hit the Castro. Now one recognized me, which was a small blessing. Then as I started walking back towards down town, putting off hailing a cab, a group of guys started following me.

I sat down and picked up the book I was reading which was on the other side of the room. I opened it and levitated it to me. Oh... an introduction would be good, wouldn't it? My name is Blake Alexander, and I'm a mutant. My powers are pretty cool, if I do say so myself, even if they are pretty common amongst the Homo-Superior community. I have Telekinetic-Telepathic abilities. I've been working out with them on the beach at night, and have been able to master using my powers to fly. Although, I do usually end up scaring the fuck out of the homeless drunks, but that's ok since they most likely forget about me within five minutes and a quart of Vodka anyways.

So, anyways, I brought my book over to me which was a hard back copy of Laurell K. Hamilton's "Narcissus In Chains" and picked back up where I left off. Right when it was starting to get good I heard someone yelling for help outside. I ran to the window and saw this guy running down the street away from a gang. `Great, and Anita was about to go rescue Damian. It was just getting good.' I opened the window, scanned the area, and flew out.

Flying is the most incredible feeling. It's completely freeing. I sometimes wish I could just stay up here, but after a while I start feeling drained. At most I've found I can fly about fifty miles an hour for about 3 hours. Man, I had a blast when I zipped down to Santa Cruz. Met up with a group of Morlocks that live there, they were so friendly.

Anyways, I spotted the guy about a block away, running for an alley. I flew to the rooftop beside the alley and thanked God I was wearing all black that night. I was pretty much invisible. I could hear the guys mind screaming for help, though he was too frightened to actually follow through. Then one sentence stood out in his mind. "God, please don't let them turn me into a Vampire." Vampire? Ok... this guy is nuts. The gang ran around the corner and slowed, walking towards the man who was pressed up against the wall that ended the alley, crying.

"That would be my cue." I jumped over the side of the wall, and quickly flew to the pavement. "Hello boys, here to pick a fight? It seems pretty unfair. Why not let him go? Huh. You all against me now that seems a bit fairer." With that, I held my hand out and flung one of the gang members against the side of the alley, he promptly fell to the ground. I was about to go after another when he stepped under a lamp on the side of a building.

"This fight will be over shortly small one. We're hungry, and it looks like this is a two for one breakfast special." His forehead looked like something you would see in a museum. It was distended and reminiscent of a Cro-Magnon Man. His other friends stepped under the light, and they all looked the same. Their eyes were all yellow, and they barred their teeth exposing pointy canines.

"Hmm... nasty over bites. Mind if I help y'all with that?" I used my powers to pull on the closest guys fangs, and pulled. They promptly flew out of his mouth, and he fell to his knees screaming in pain and rage. I guess that pissed off the other gang members because they all darted towards me. "And I think that would be our cue to leave." I turned to the guy they had been chasing, and we both levitated out of the alley to the rooftop.

"Thank you so much. You saved my life." He pulled me into a hug.

"No prob. Just... why did they want you? I've never seen so many mutants with the same physical mutation." I turned back to the edge of the building to check and see if they had left yet.

As I neared it, two hands took hold of the ledge, and the guy whose teeth I had removed pulled himself onto the roof quickly enough that he lifted into the air for a moment before landing on his feet.

"We're not mutants, but we do like the way that their blood tastes." The other members of his gang pulled them selves onto the roof in short order. They all came at us, and I saw the guy I was with start running to the other side of the building. I began hitting the guys from the gang with telekinetic punches, and lifted some of them up to fling at each other.

"I didn't think you guys would want more. And, come one, vampires? You have got to be kidding." I turned to check on the guy I had rescued, just to see him thrust a piece of broken two-by-four into one of the gang members chest. He turned to so much dust, and fell with his painful scream echoing into the night. "Right, you are vampires. Gotcha."

While I was distracted, one of the gang members... correction, vampires grabbed me from behind and I felt a sharp pinch on my neck as he bit me.

The first thing that flashed in my mind was `I thought that they were supposed to swoon me first. Damn you Laurell K. Hamilton for making vampires seem so hot.' Then I started to feel weak. I pulled together as much mental strength as I could and blasted outwards. I felt the vampire pulled off me, his teeth raking through the skin he had just punctured, creating duel gashes along my neck. I turned and watched as he flew over the edge of the building and hit the trash cans bellow.

"That is fucking it, no more mister nice mutant!" I pulled together all my strength and lifted off the ground a foot or so. I let my arms hang loosely at my sides and turned to the last three vampires that had surrounded the guy I was protecting. He was on the ground, scrambling towards the corner of the building like a crab. "Freeze you fucks from hell!" They spun to look at me. "It's not nice to rough house. Someone always gets hurt." I lifted my hands to them and as I did they were flung straight into the air. I turned towards the street, and as I did they were moved into position above the street. I turned to they guy and asked, "Wood in the heart, right?"

"Yeah." His face was pale.

"Ok." I spotted the broken board he had been using and moved one of my hands to lift it and move it towards the floating vampires.

"You haven't got the stones you mutant freak!" Yelled the vampire whose teeth I had pulled.

"Try me." I broke the board into three pointy pieces, and aimed for the hearts of the vampires. "Don't fuck with mutants who are TRYING TO ENJOY A BOOK!" With that, the stakes flew into the hearts of the vampires, turning them all to dust which fell in a cloud to the street bellow.

I lowered to the ground and they guy came over and grabbed me just before I fell to my knees. "Are you ok?" He asked. "I looked down at my shirt which was soaked in blood. "I'll live, I think. Will them biting me turn me into a vampire?"

"I don't know. I know someone who I can call to find out though." He was about to help me stand when I started stuttering.

"You, you, your, your, oh my god, you're JC Chasez!"

He chuckled. "Yeah, and you just saved my life. Call me Josh. Now, let's go get you some help." We were about to move to the fire escape ladder on the front of the building when we heard the frightfully loud screech of a bird. We both looked up to see a giant flaming bird. "What the hell is that!?!" We both yelled at the same time. Before we could do anything it flew at us enveloping us in its flames. It was surprising but it didn't burn us. It then lifted us off the ground, and the next thing I knew we were flying straight up into the star filled night.

To be continued.

Now, if you haven't read the other stories in the "Tails Universe" go do that now. Just copy the addy's I have bellow the story titles, and past them in your browser address bar thingy. (Such technical jargen I have at my disposal.)

Tales Of A Real Dark Night (The series that started it all.) /nifty/gay/celebrity/boy-bands/tales-of-a-real-dark-knight/

Marvel Knights /nifty/gay/celebrity/marvel-knights/

Tales Of A Super Hero Band /nifty/gay/celebrity/boy-bands/tales-of-a-superhero-band/

Tales Of A Young Mutant /nifty/gay/celebrity/tales-of-a-young-mutant/

You can E-Mail me at WriteMeAStory@Juno.com

Next: Chapter 2

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