Tamed Jock Goes Crazy

Published on Oct 31, 2023


Tamed Jock Goes Crazy - Chapter Twelve - Reynolds

Tamed Jock Goes Crazy - Chapter Twelve - Reynolds


* This story is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or living persons is coincidental. Personal experiences – images, events, memories, words – flavor my writing, and while elements of this story may be based in fact, the characters are entirely fictional.

* This story depicts unprotected sex. In real life, be safe! Don't gamble.

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By Colton Aalto


Our Saturday night baseball game was low-scoring and finished early. We were done by 8:00 p.m. The game was quick mainly due to the pitcher we faced, Jason Palmer. The stud fireballer was hands down the best in the state. In two different innings, he struck out the side on the minimum number of pitches – nine. We barely reached our dugout when we had to get back on the field. I had a miserable game at bat, but so did the rest of our team.

The game was a turnaround from the spring, when our high school team had beaten Palmer on the way to winning the state baseball title. I had a career day against him that day, going 4 for 4 and hitting for the cycle, not to mention stealing home for the winning run. After the game our team broke baseball tradition – shattered it, actually – by pulling off our jerseys like soccer players do and then piling on top of each other on the field. It was my idea, and to my surprise Tony picked up on it and pushed it too. Back then we were rivals and it wasn't like him to support anything I suggested or vice-versa. However, my idea gave him a stage to show off his big guns. For me it was an excuse to expose my abs. The rest of the team went along reluctantly, probably puzzled that Tony and I had agreed on something. We made the front page of the sports section of the local newspaper.

Our shirtless celebration didn't sit well with our coach, who was pissed as hell, or for that matter the other team. It particularly didn't sit well with Jason Palmer. The tall, lanky dude with the long hair and the punishing fastball glared at us from the dugout after the game, which should have given me a hint of how ticked off he was. I got a more concrete demonstration in our first rematch, earlier in the summer. He beaned me with the first pitch of the game, firing a fastball that was on top of me so quickly I couldn't react. I took it square in the ass and as soon as it nailed me I knew that I'd be sore as hell the next day, not to mention sporting a nasty bruise. Sitting down might not be pleasant. Sure enough, by the end of the game I had a swollen glute that looked like I was carrying an oversized grapefruit in my pants. A couple of the guys on my team could barely stifle guffaws.

Things in that game improved only slightly after the first pitch. After Palmer hit me I scored, stealing second base and racing home on a two-base error by Palmer's shortstop. You could steal on Palmer's catcher all day long, not that Palmer allowed many baserunners, and his shortstop wasn't very good either. The was the extent of our team's success, however. I went 0 for 4, striking out twice while flailing at several wicked pitches. The rest of our team fared no better.

We didn't improve in the second rematch, although at least Palmer didn't bean me again. He tried, aiming a couple of balls at me, but I was on guard and scrambled out of the way. He obviously held grudges. He shut us out, coming close to a no-hitter. I had one of our hits, but it was a feeble slow-roller that was little more than a bunt. I was fast so I beat the throw, but barely.

The silver lining of Palmer's pitching gem was that I was freed early to head to the skatepark, where I'd hook up with the hot skater who'd hit me up yesterday after he watched Lang breed me in the john. Assuming he showed. He'd been cocky and confident when we'd met, and I wanted to see if his demeanor carried over into sex.

The gym Tony and I used was next to the baseball fields, so I showered after the game and hitched a ride to the park. After my wild day on Friday I shouldn't have been horny, but I was. Horny as hell. I'd gotten butt-banged by Tony as usual at the gym first thing Saturday morning and Lang had taken advantage of the break between our two baseball games to seed me twice. Most dudes would have been satiated after three rounds of sex, but not me. In my newly-embraced role as a cock whore, I really wanted another stuff cock in my hole. Tyhcinn was out of town, so he wouldn't be drilling me.

It was twilight when I got to the skatepark, which was only a few years old and had lights that stayed on until 10:00 p.m. The place was crowded and I didn't immediately spot the skater. It wasn't like I knew his name so I could ask if he was here.

In the late July heat, virtually every kid there was bare-chested. I was too, a consequence of the habits I'd fallen into during my shirtless summer. I'd worn only the pair of red running shorts that I used when I ran to the gym early in the morning. I was barefoot, too. The park wasn't far from my house and I figured I didn't need shoes for the short walk home.

I settled into the bleachers to scope out the skaters. The eye candy wasn't bad if you ignored the skinny high school and middle school kids. Some of the older dudes were built pretty good and a couple were hot. Maybe if the skater blew me off I'd get lucky with another horny dude.

I watched a guy doing some impressive flips, including some 360s, and realized it was the tatted skater who'd hit me up yesterday. I didn't recognize him at first because he'd tied his long hair into a ponytail. He stayed on his board for a long spell and I began to wonder if he'd ignore me. Maybe he'd approached me yesterday only to see if I would show but wasn't going to follow through, although his attitude then left no doubt about what he wanted: my ass.

I was debating whether to split when he rode his board over, popped it up and gazed down at me with a little sneer. "Didn't think you'd show."

I shrugged, standing up from where I'd been sitting. "I said I would."

The dude had a ripped body, with a narrow waist and hunky chest. He sported a barely-visible treasure trail that snaked into his compression shorts. He was even hotter than I remembered. Maybe his muscles being pumped up from skating and his skin being covered with a sheen of sweat helped. Yesterday I'd only gotten a quick look at his tattoos, but up close they were spectacular. One arm was almost completely black with ink and the other had a colorful blue and green design that wrapped around his biceps and shoulder. His chest sported a big dragon whose tail tantalizingly snaked between his abs and into his compression shorts.

He undid his ponytail, letting his damp brown hair hang down over his ears and forehead. He had beautiful, light-green eyes that seemed to laugh at me. He gave me a challenging look. "You suck cock or only take it in the ass?"

Well, so much for a polite introductory conversation as we got to know one another. It was down and dirty at the beginning. Of course, given that when he'd seen me yesterday I had my shorts at my ankles and Lang's long dong buried in my ass, I suppose there wasn't much reason to ignore the obvious. That plus I hadn't exactly played hard to get yesterday, instead telling him I wanted a ride on what was in his pants.

"Yeah, I suck." Cock whores have only one answer to that question.

The dude gave me a broad smile. "Good. We're gonna have some fun." He licked his lips and blatantly scoped out my body, although I suppose I was doing to same to him. "Nice abs."

"Um, thanks." I always got a little thrill when a dude complimented me on my abs, and this time was no different.

"Your ass looks even better in these jogging shorts than it did in your swim trunks. Maybe not as good as it looked out of those shorts." He gave me a lewd grin.

Yesterday he'd made no secret that he wanted my ass, and knowing he liked it gave me a warm glow. He stepped next to me and grabbed one of my ass cheeks, smirking and giving me a look that dared me to stop him. "Fucking nice bubble butt. It looked great when you were in the john taking it up the ass from that redhead. Looks great now and feels great too." I wondered if anyone in the park would notice the skater grabbing my ass, but a quick glance around didn't reveal anyone who was nearby and paying attention to us.

"Uhh, I'm glad you like it." I gave him a faint smile and licked my lips.

"No, I don't just like it. I love it. It's awesome. Fucking awesome. Thought about your sweet ass all last night and today. I'm fucking hornier than sin."

"I can help with that problem."

He grinned. Reaching for his skateboard he said, "Let's get the fuck out of here."

He was silent as we took a path leading into the park, away from the lights shining on the skateboarders. Feeling awkward that I didn't even know his name, I said, "Um, I'm Tyler."

For a couple of long seconds he was silent, not looking at me or slowing down. I almost thought he wasn't going to say anything, but he grunted, "Reynolds." I didn't ask whether that was his first or last name. He didn't seem to want to strike up a conversation, so I kept quiet.

Even though it was hot and muggy, a handful of people were walking their dogs through the park or getting some fresh air. Reynolds angled off the main pathway and stopped between two big spruce trees. He gave me a jaunty smile, groped himself and said, "So, you suck? Suck me."

I glanced around, concluding we weren't likely to be seen, and said, "Give it to me." Reynolds pulled a nice-looking, semi-hard prick from his compression shorts and squeezed it with a happy smile. My mouth was watering.

I got on my knees, pulling his shorts to his ankles, and took his tool into my hands. It was hot and sweaty and as I stroked it a couple of times, a bead of pre-cum appeared in his piss slit. I licked it off and Reynolds grinned. "You like my taste?"

"Uh huh."

"Enough to let me shoot in your mouth? Enough to swallow? Enough to eat my cum?"


"Fuck, yeah." He grabbed the back of my head and pressed my head into his crotch. "Get those pretty lips on my cock. I wanna see you with dick in your mouth. My dick."

I licked his shaft, twirled my tongue around the swollen head and slid his rod into my mouth. Reynolds closed his eyes and moaned. "Fuck yeah! Suck that cock!"

I soon I had my nose buried in his trimmed pubes and was bobbing back and forth on his hard pole. He slipped easily down my throat. Reynolds wasn't small, but he didn't have Lang's length or Tony's width. Needless to say, he lacked Tyhcinn's combination of the two. But his cock was great and I soon was concentrating on sucking as I let his cock partially withdraw from my mouth before sinking back in. I squeezed his hot, moist balls. His ball sac hung low, giving me plenty of room to play with them.

"Oh fuck yeah! Suck that cock!"

I worked the skater's manhood, expecting him to take control and face fuck me, but he did little more than lightly put his hands on my head. I kneaded his balls with one hand while clamping the other around the base of his rock-hard fuck tool, guiding it down my throat. Yeah, I was pressuring it too, making it hard as iron.

Reynolds must have been horny, because I swear I only deep-throated him for five or six minutes before he grunted and let out a moaning groan. "UHHH, FUCK! Eat my cum!" A split second later I had a mouthful of hot, sweet boi juice. The skater had taken me by surprise. He might have taken himself by surprise, too. I gulped down a jizz fountain that I thought would never stop. He gasped as his balls emptied into my hungry mouth.

I was so into sucking Reynolds' cock that it took me a couple of seconds to react after I heard a deep voice ask, "Good blow job?" I looked up in surprise, but that soon turned to shock when I saw the voice belonged to Mr. Graves, my high school chemistry teacher. A distant streetlight illuminated his thin face, graced by a trim beard. His dog, a Greyhound, stood nearby, wagging his tail. I wondered how long he'd been watching me give Reynolds head.

"Um... yeah," Reynolds gulped, panting. "Incredible." He was as surprised as I was. In the throes of his orgasm, he apparently hadn't detected the fact that we had company either. His cock, still hard, slipped out of my mouth.

"Great night for one. Maybe your buddy wants another cock to work on?"

He didn't wait for either Reynolds or me to answer, instead assuming I was happy to suck anyone. I guess I was. He quickly unzipped his shorts and pulled out his semi-hard piece and pressed it to my lips. Instinctively, I opened my mouth, letting the shaft slide inside. I began to suck and it didn't take long for Graves' rod to thicken and harden.

It hardened so fast partly because he was wearing a tight cock ring that hugged the base of his tool. He unbuttoned his shirt to reveal a hairy chest in a leather harness and two pierced nipples that looked like they'd been stretched so far that they were almost mini-cocks. Fuck! My nerdy chemistry teacher was a leather daddy.

Graves sighed, twisting his nipple piercings and pumping his cock in and out of my mouth. He gave no indication that he recognized me, although I thought he had to. As I thought about it, however, I was in the shadows of the big spruce trees and backlit by the only nearby streetlight. My hair was much longer than it was in high school, so maybe he didn't realize who was sucking his prick. Maybe he thought I was one of Reynold's long-haired skater buddies.

Unlike Reynolds, Graves ramped up in no time until he was delivering a brutal face-fuck. He dropped his dog's leash, grabbed my head and pounded my face, ramming his cock down my throat. My nose was periodically buried in his bush and my forehead crushed by his hard, hairy stomach. Two bony legs stood in front of me, his thighs flexing as he thrust his tool down my throat. I fondled his furry ball sac with one hand while running the other across his ass cheeks, which were covered with a forest of thick, silky hair.

I was intrigued by Graves' hairy ass and slipped a couple fingers into his crack. Fuck! Something hard was stuffed in his hole. A butt plug. A big one, too, with a little hook on the end.

Graves knew I'd found it. He hissed, "Work that plug. Torture my ass with it!" He seemed to be trying to push the plug out with his ass muscles, so I dutifully shoved it back in, using the hook to twist and rotate it. I was halfway fucking his ass with the plug. He let out an incoherent, high pitched moan. I continued to manipulate the plug as the leather daddy plugged my mouth.

"Oh yeah, that's good," he growled. "Good fucking head. Cocksucker knows how to suck dick. Suck that cock!"

Worried that Graves would recognize me, I kept my head down and sucked for all I was worth. It was hot blowing my former teacher and playing with his ass toy. Nobody would believe that I'd sucked him off. He was married and had a little baby. Maybe his wife wasn't putting out. Maybe he was a closet case. Maybe he swung both ways. Whatever the answer, I was getting into servicing the man, recalling how he'd paced at the front of my chemistry class and stared down at me. He was still staring down at me. Fucking the face of his former student and not realizing it.

I wondered if during class Graves fantasized about shoving his cock down my throat. Or keeping me after class and bending me over one of the chemistry work tables before ramming his manhood into my ass, breeding me and seeding me. I'd done okay in chemistry, but maybe if I'd asked for extra help he'd have helped himself to my holes.

Fuck! I wondered if he'd worn the cock ring and butt plug in chemistry class. It was a good thing I was done taking his classes, because I'd never be able to concentrate after discovering my former teacher liked sex toys.

Graves wrapped one hand around Reynolds' softening tool, milking it slowly, and kept his other hand on the back of my head, guiding me forward so that I deep-throated his cock. All the while squeezing his ass muscles around the butt plug as I worked it.

Reynolds watched passively, although his dick began to respond to Graves' stroking. Maybe he was getting turned on by the leather daddy face-fucking me relentlessly. From where he was standing, I don't think he saw the butt plug.

"Fuck yeah," Graves growled.

A rustling noise nearby startled me, but it was only Graves' dog. Graves ignored the animal, continuing to slam fuck my face. He was in the home stretch. Sure enough, he hissed, "Fuck yeah, I'm cumming. Swallow my ball juice!" He clamped both hands on the back of my head, squeezed his ass muscles tight around the butt plug, and rammed his dick into my mouth. His cock sent rockets of hot cum down my throat.

I swallowed as fast as I could, trying to keep up with the flood. I couldn't help but compare the two loads of spunk I'd swallowed. Reynolds' was sweet; Graves' was tangy and spicy. I loved both.

After controlling my head and mouth, Graves let me milk the last couple of drops of jizz from his cock. I continued to nurse it, nibbling slightly on his dickhead and twisting the butt plug. The leather daddy's head was bent back, looking up into the dark sky. I couldn't tell if his eyes were closed.

I wondered if Graves would grab me and pull my head back so he could see who'd just blown him. But at that point his dog lopped off after some squirrel or cat, and he muttered, "Fucking dog!" He pulled his cock from my mouth and wiped it on my face before putting on his shorts and stalking off after the dog. He didn't brother to button his shirt, leaving it open and displaying his furry chest, leather harness and pierced nipples.

Reynolds exhaled as Graves disappeared. "Fuck, that was hot!" His cock was still semi-hard and I was ready for another round, but he pulled his compression shorts up and said, "I'm not done with you, in case you're wondering. I'm using your ass. Let's split."

We headed into the parking lot, where Reynolds stopped at a big motorcycle. He strapped his skateboard on the back and started it up, saying, "Hop on." I didn't ask where he was taking me. I was going with the flow. Barefoot, wearing only jogging shorts and with no ID, I was totally at his mercy.

I wrapped my hands around his tight stomach and we pulled out of the parking lot. Riding through the night with the wind blowing through my hair while my chest was close enough to Reynolds' bare back to feel his heat was all it took for my cock to wake and start to thicken. It didn't hurt that my mouth was cum-coated and I loved the taste.

We stopped at a traffic light and Reynolds grabbed one of my hands and guided it into his compression shorts. The dude's dick was hard and moist. Sweat mixed with my spit. "Skating gets me horny, riding gets me hard, and that scene in the park got me insanely hot. Work my cock!"

I worried about someone spotting us, but I was only too happy to oblige. His pubes were shaved, his big balls were smooth, and his cut tool was leaking pre-cum. The stoplight changed and as he guided the motorcycle forward, I clung to his taunt abs with one hand while fondling his junk with the other.

A car filled with high school girls passed us, laughing, waving and honking. The weird thing is that they didn't notice where my hand was. Instead they were focused on how to attract two shirtless, long-haired boys, alone on a motorcycle on a Saturday night. Reynolds kept pace with them long enough that they had every opportunity to notice I was feeling him up, but they never did.

At the next stop, Reynolds went a step further. He pulled the waistband of his compression shorts beneath his cock and balls, exposing himself. "Nothing like the wind blowing on your junk."

Damn. It was obvious that my skater took risks and didn't give a shit. If our expedition into the park wasn't enough of a confirmation of how he lived dangerously when it came to public sex, his move to expose himself was. He wasn't bothered that someone might see what we were doing. Maybe he got off on it. I sorta did. I suppose my hand covering his erection would somewhat obscure the fact that his dick and nuts were out of his shorts, unless a car was right next to us. It was dark enough that it was a hard to see unless we were near some lights.

I continued to slowly squeeze his rod and stroke it as he headed out of town. His dick stayed rock hard and oozed pre-cum. We'd reached the woods outside of the city and I was almost ready to ask where we were going when he turned down a dirt road. Cars were parked on both sides and a small parking lot at the end of the road was packed. He maneuvered his bike to the side of the lot, into a space too small for cars that already held two motorcycles.

Rather than shutting off his bike, he grabbed my legs and put them on top of his, pulling me forward until my chest was pressed against his bare back. My boner was tenting in my shorts and wedged against his ass crack. He threw his head back against my shoulder and moaned, "Yeah, stroke it baby. Get it good and ready to fuck your sweet ass."

Having my arms around him as I jacked his fuck pole while his bike was still running was erotic. "Fuck, yeah," he moaned, thrusting upward a little to meet the action of my fist. "You want it inside you? You want my big dick in your ass? You wanna get fucked like a bitch boi?"


He rotated his head toward me and pulled me into a deep kiss. We didn't suck face for long before he sat up and shut off his bike, announcing, "I'm fucking your ass right here and right now." I wondered about people going to or from their cars seeing us, but it was dark and once again Reynolds didn't seem concerned about the risk of being caught. With the tall trees surrounding the parking lot there wasn't much light, and the loud sounds of the summer cicadas meant nobody would hear us until they were on top of us.

My new-found exhibitionist streak meant I wasn't objecting. The thought of having a stiff shaft inside my ass was delicious.

He hopped off the bike and dropped his compression shorts, pulling my jogging shorts down at the same time. I put my hand back on his warm, rigid tool, massaging it slowly. "You like that hard cock, don't you?"

"Uh, huh."

"You want it bad, don't you?"

"Yeah. Bad."

He reached for my stiff cock and stroked it a couple of times, but dropped it, giving me a wicked grin. "On your knees, boy. Open that pretty mouth and suck my cock. Get it good and hard, `cuz I'm gonna fuck you in the ass."

He was rock hard already, but I was more than happy to mouth his cock for the second time. I was on his pole in seconds, working it down my throat and enjoying the taste of his thick, syrupy pre-cum. Maybe some leftover cum, too. He wrapped his fingers in my long hair and began to guide my head back and forth, moaning, "Fuck, yeah. Suck that cock!"

He didn't let me give him head for long before pulling me to my feet and planting a big kiss on my lips. As we sucked face he dropped his hands to my ass cheeks and gripped them hard, kneading them and stretching them wide to expose my crack. "It was fucking hot seeing you facing the wall in the john while that red-headed dude plowed your ass. When I hit you up I didn't think you'd go for it. I figured you two were boyfriends or something."

"We're not boyfriends, just, uh... fuck buddies I guess."

"So you let him dick your ass whenever he wants?"

I'd never turned Lang down. Of course, in my new role as a dedicated cock whore, I wouldn't turn any man down. That realization sent a little shudder through me.

"Whenever he wants."

"You're gonna let me dick you whenever I want too."

It was a statement rather than a question, but that didn't matter because Tyhcinn wouldn't have been happy if I'd objected. The tatted skater/biker was hot enough that I wouldn't complain about putting out for him.

Fuck, a cock whore doesn't object to putting out for any man. I'd already eaten a load of his spunk and the thought of getting another one deep in my ass made my cock rock hard.

He fished some lube from a compartment on his bike, tossing it to me. He got back on the bike, his rod pointing straight up and growled, "You came looking for it tonight and you're gonna get it. Grease it up, sit on it and ride me. Fuck yourself on my big dick."

I lubed his pole and my hole. His ripped body and the intricate tats on his chest, arms and shoulders looked awesome as he leaned back. He had a damn nice six pack. I was oozing pre-cum from just scoping him out and anticipating his manhood being inside me.

I climbed on top of him and, balancing myself by holding onto his shoulders, I eased my ass down on his tool. We both moaned as I worked him completely inside me. I started to bob up and down and he grabbed my ass and guided it onto his fuck pole, skewering me. My own hard-on flopped between my abs and his chest, leaving slimy trails of pre-cum on his tight skin.

Keeping the motorcycle balanced wasn't easy, so after a while Reynolds pulled me off his dick and climbed off his bike. He bent me over it and got behind me, rubbing the head of his cock against my ass and preparing fuck me doggy style. "You want this hard cock, slut?"

"Yeah, ram it in me!"

"Arch your back and lift your ass up, bitch. Wriggle that bubble butt! Show me how hungry you are for cock. Fuck yeah, you've got a nice puckered hole, just waiting to be filled by my big dick!"

I arched my back, pushing my butt up so it was a target begging to get punctured. He shoved his ramrod inside me with a growl and soon was fucking me with abandon. My dick painted his bike seat with strands of pre-cum. "Fuck yeah! Your ass was made for my cock. Fucking tight pussy."

I was thrilled to have a dick inside me again. It felt amazing. I missed the feeling of a dude's manhood occupying my hole, opening me up and drilling me, even though Lang juiced me only six hours ago. I heard myself begging, "Harder! Fuck my ass harder." Reynolds responded by thrusting into my boi pussy rougher and faster.

In the hot, still night we were both sweating buckets. Reynolds' cock made smacking sounds that echoed into the woods as he split my ass. He grabbed my long hair and pulled my head back. My back arched and somehow his tool slipped deeper into my fuck chute, causing me to moan.

"That big cock feel good inside you?"

"Uh huh."

"As good as your redheaded fuck buddy's?"

What was it with dudes wanting to know how they stacked up with each other? Every cock I'd taken in my hole felt good. I loved getting dicked from my first time, when Tyhcinn took my cherry by ramming his huge black python into my virgin hole over Memorial Day. If I wasn't opened up slowly, big cocks sometimes hurt a little until I relaxed, but I'd never gotten fucked and not loved it.

Well... nothing like loving the one you're with. "Better!" I gushed. I didn't really believe that, but a little white lie wouldn't hurt. Not that I was complaining about how Reynolds was manhandling my ass. The hot boarder was doing a number on it, sliding his greased pole into me and torturing my fuck chute. His dick was like a steel shaft. It wasn't as long and thick as Tyhcinn's, but few were.

Oblivious to the fact that I was getting balled on a motorcycle seat in a public parking lot filled with cars, I begged, "Ram your big dick in me! Fuck that hole like you own it!" Maybe the risk of being caught was adding to the excitement for both of us.

"You want me to own your tight ass?

"Yes!" I panted.

"Doesn't matter what you want, your boi pussy is mine. It was made to be fucked. Raise your ass up some more. Lift it so I can fuck you right! I wanna go so deep in you that you'll feel like my dick is part of you!"

I was up for the challenge. I arched my back even more and lifted my butt so that the stud had a direct shot at my hole. He began grunting as he pounded me, his dick raking my prostate and causing my hard-on to lurch every time he thrust inside me. I grabbed my boner and stroked it, but he wrenched my hand off, snarling, "I say when you can cum, slut. I want you horny for dick all night long!" He didn't know that I'd be horny and ready for cock regardless of how many times I got off. I groaned, wanting to nut but also kinda getting off on being controlled by the tatted skater boy.

He plowed into me for a good five or ten minutes and I sensed that he was getting close to nutting. "Fucking tight ass!" he panted. "You want my cum?

"Shoot it in me!"

"Yeah, you took that redhead's jizz, now you're gonna take mine!"

I thought he was close but it was another two or three minutes before Reynolds gasped, "FUCK!" and his nut fired. I counted at least nine or ten blasts before his cock stopped shooting. He apparently shot as much the second time as he did the first.

Once the cum flood stopped, Reynolds grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up, his sweaty chest pressed against my bare back. He gasped. "Fuck, I was thinking about how good your ass would feel all day long, but it's better than I imagined." He squeezed my leaky boner and added, "I see you liked getting butt fucked. That's good because I'm not done with your ass tonight. Not by a long shot." Music to my ears.

Reynolds stayed inside me for a spell, feeling up my abs, playing with my tits and nuzzling my neck. Once or twice he gripped my leaky tool and stroked it, keeping me totally boned up. I loved the feeling of his manhood being inside me, even if it had softened.

He slipped out of me, slapping my ass several times until I was sure it would be bright red. Spinning me around, he shoved my head into his crotch. "Suck it, jock boy!" I dutifully cleaned his cummy cock, enjoying the taste of his ball juice. I wondered if my work on his tool would make him hard and he'd fuck me again, but he pulled me off. "Your hole is too good not to use again tonight, but for now, let's party!"


Hope you enjoyed this latest chapter in Tyler's summer of fun – send me a note if you did. I'm always interested in what parts of the story and which characters readers like. ColtonAalto@gmail.com.

My plan is to post new chapters every two weeks (generally the middle of the week). The story does have an ending and won't go on endlessly – eight more chapters to come! (I know at the end of the last chapter I said there were eight more to come, but I decided this chapter had gotten too long, so I split it into two pieces. The second part will be the next chapter.)

My other Nifty stories are listed in the author index under `Colton,' or search for "Colton Aalto" using the Nifty Archive Search button: https://search.niftyarchives.org/?keywords=colton+aalto&sort=Relevance
I jump around in different Nifty categories, so you'll find a bit of everything. Enjoy!

© Copyright Colton Aalto 2018

Next: Chapter 13

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